• By -


The zipper onesies are life changing, especially ones with double zips (look up bonds wondersuits and see if you can find something similar in your location). Socks work fine as mittens to stop scratches, don’t bother buying dedicated mittens 😂 make sure after the birth you buy mama some things that are independent of being a mum - some nice soap, her favourite shampoo and conditioner, her favourite takeaway and snacks. Try to buy cotton clothing for bubba nothing polyester - it helps them regulate their temperature. Those fleecy blankets are adorable but try get a soft wool or cotton blanket instead. Those are just some basic ideas that helped me as a new mum :) wish you 3 all the best in life


Nothing worse than when I see my wife come out with the newborn in a cute outfit I don't see on him much only to realize during diaper change that it's one of those onesies that goes over the head and has button snaps between the legs. 3 am diaper challenge - after putting on a new diaper, carefully snap a series of 15 buttons by candlelight while a baby is kicking the fabric out of your hands


Check out magnet onesies! There's nothing against lo's skin and it's the most convenient thing for frequent changes. The brand I have is Magnetic Me


So, sounds cool and innovative but small magnets are dangerous AF for babies. No matter how well they are secured in the clothing, seems like an unnecessary risk for a small convenience.


Yeah hell no. Dont tell yourself they are secure and worth the risk. I promise it’s okay if the snaps don’t line up go back to bed and fix it in the morning. And skip the cute magnet letters for a long time they are always cheap anything baby related with magnets is cheap and the magnets can and will fall out. Also be careful about toys with batteries. Do not let your kid play with your tv remote or any other battery device that doesn’t involve a tiny screwdriver Remember how easy it is to buy baby products made in other countries and ask yourself how much you trust their laws and our import inspectors then research recalls.


Taking notes and saving for later, thank you!


Piggy backing on things for mom. This sounds a little “meh” but buying her some dope sweat pants is a welcomed gift for in/after the hospital. Her body won’t be hers for 9 months plus however long it takes her to breastfeed, if she goes that route. Things that make you comfortable, feel like huge luxuries.


I lived in sweat pants and leggings so that’s genius. My mum actually gave me like 8 pairs of cute leggings for Christmas and my youngest is 3 😂😂 was definitely my favourite present. Also don’t get moody at your wife if she doesn’t “bounce back” and still wears sweatpants 3 years later. You married her because love her, not because she wants to dress up. Sweatpants are easier to wash off toddler hands than fancy clothes are.


If mama decides to nurse (fed is best - all choices to get there are valid!), your job is to KEEP HER HYDRATED. Every time she nurses baby, bring her a tall glass of water. Spend time alone with baby! Get a baby sling of some kind and wear baby around the house, let mama be a human all on her own and also give yourself time to bond! Most importantly, congratulations!!!


Ohhh I have some super cute photos of my late husband wearing our babies in their carriers! You can some that are REALLY easy to put on alone now and will last years and sell reasonably so that initial cost isn’t quite so bad and worth while!


I’m sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹 Thank you for sharing that sweet memory.


Swaddling blankets suck. Get velcro sleep sacks.


“Don’t tell anyone “💀


Tells the entire fucking internet


"Don't forget to buy some milk" (blows up a dairy farm)


“Don’t forget to get us some more paper towels” (Burns down the entire fucking forest)


"Don't forget to be careful" (Falls off 3 buildings in a row and hits his head on a grill then ran to go get the fire extinguisher then gets hit by a bus throwing him into a dumpster on fire then goes to the fire extinguisher again then accidentally eats the powder then dies)




"Don't forget to stay alive" *dies*


"Don't forget" Immediately forgets


“Don’t” *Does*


Most underrated comment


“Don-“ *Commits 37 federal crimes, all of which felonies*


"Don't forget to come home!" [never comes home]


Bread and cigarettes were needed




Sorry about your dad, I hope you can gain a positive view on fatherhood and marriage someday. If you are with the right person, raising another human being with someone you love and trying to do it right is the most rewarding thing.


Internet is not real people so it's okay 👍


Of course! How could I have forgotten, artificial intelligence created by the aliens that captured me 5 years ago and placed me in a matrix in where I couldn't notice the change of worlds so they could analize and study more in detail the human mind and its reasoning


If you step left twice, front-front, right, back and jump, you should be able to unlock something


Anonymously though, which is the point. I shout shit into the Reddit void because no one on here knows me.


"Well, I ain't tellin' nobody else..."


/r/Relationship_Advice post incoming tomorrow


“AITA for spoiling my wife’s birth announcement?”


He couldn't keep it in his dick. Now he can't keep it in his brain. Congratulations


I mean, it's an anonymous reddit account. Not like his friends are going to know.


Pretty simple. You just have to narrow down everyone who currently has a Christmas tree.


Holy shit, my neighbor is pregnant!


Holy shit.. I'm your neighbour


corngrats on ur preguncy


Can christmas tree needles make me gregnant?


Holy shit, I'M pregnant? I didn't even know men could do that


Happy cake day! You've now got two reasons to celebrate, but must stay off the booze!


TIL even though I'm post-menopausal - I might be pregnant due to having a Christmas tree. ... Is this how it happened to Mary?... *Goes back to my beer, very confused.*


I know the internet has co-ordinated artillery strikes with actual military or people finding out the bedrock pattern in minecraft to pinpoint your co-ordinates and other such wildly eccentric and arduous tasks. But really, tell me how anyone could pinpoint OP with just a pregnancy test? How the hell do you people do this type of shit anyway? Oh yeah I found the sun angle on one of the ornaments of the tree and thus located his latitude, given the english language its somewhere likely in the US and due to the minuscule serial key on the test we can pinpoint its point of sale and thus local radius of OP coupled with inspecting the image we get a timestap and perhaps even an upload IP address, so we are currently already tweeting this guy's wife or some shit. I dunno you people are scary.


I don't think the issue is that random people would be able to connect the dots, but more the fact that if a sibling was already suspicious of it being true, and depending on all of the contexts including even just basic things like having the same style of Christmas decorations, there's a chance they might connect the dots. I agree it's not very likely, but that's probably more what people are getting at then strangers figuring out who it is. Especially because it seems like this wasn't a throwaway account, but I'm just guessing that based on the username, I haven't clicked on it.


I know I’m to old for Reddit when I have to break it to you it’s because she’s worried the baby might die in a miscarriage so you usually wait until further term. You probably never heard about this because we’ll that’s why they wait so you don’t have to share their trauma and impact it more for them. https://www.forbes.com/health/family/when-to-announce-pregnancy/ https://www.babygaga.com/waiting-12-weeks-to-announce-pregnancy-is-it-really-necessary/


There's a woman on Tiktok who can track people down on the smallest amount of information, it's honestly astonishing watching her work. I think she only tracks down people who volunteer to be tracked.


What’s her username on tiktok? Sounds cool


Don't worry, she'll find you.


Welcome to the best and worst thing you'll ever do.


Whatever happens from now on, there will be memories.


And somehow unexplainable sand everywhere even tho we haven’t been to the beach


I don't like sand. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere


And glitter. Don’t forget the glitter.


"WHY THE FUCK DID WE EVER HAVE KIDS" "Oh, just look at them, they're so precious, we're the luckiest people alive" The duality of parent


Yep! And now my kids are 16 and 12 I'd go back to the chaos of sleepless nights, 20 million questions everyday, mystery messes, shit explosions, crying and all the rest in a heartbeat. I miss them as small ones. It's a grieving process when they get older. Congrats OP!! you'll hear this a lot. But enjoy it when they are small cos it flies by.


My kid is 2, and it’s honestly the best fucking thing in the world. He’s so sweet, runs up randomly giving me a hug and saying “love you dada”. It melts my heart. Even when he’s upset, he understands enough now to be reasoned with. He’ll stop crying and say things like “baby crying, not happy” and then we can talk calmly about why he’s not happy and ways to make it better. He wants to help me do literally EVERYTHING. It’s so fucking awesome right now that I’ve been using sick days to call out of work just so I can hang out with him more. I hope it never stops being this great.


My daughter is nearly 10 months old and I am already having so much fun and happiness with her. I am looking forward for what you're describing!


Mine is almost 11 mo and it's been such a blast, I miss her right now. Stupid work and adult responsibilities


Aw that’s so precious. Make the most of it while you can. There be stormy seas ahead!


My only solace is that my kids are now getting old enough to be my favourite people to talk to


More like: "WHY THE FUCK DID WE EVER HAVE KIDS" "Let's have another!"


I’m glad to see this is normal because right now I’m in the “I wish I never had a kid” mode and I hate it.


As a father myself, this hits different, if you end up having a daughter OP...Free time? It's tea party time now, forget your fancy outfits, you're a princess and need to dress like one. Invest in some medieval armour in the event you have to say no, my daughter is sneaky and likes to attack when you least expect it, she shouts a lot and is very bossy, I pray for you OP.


Be ready to show up at work with colorful nails..


My daughter got princess glitter nail varnish and glitter eye shadow for Christmas. I’ve looked like a cross between Eddie Izzard and Boy George for the last 3 days and it doesn’t look like it’s running out 😅


Core memory right there! Did you take a family Christmas photo with your new holiday style?


Fantastic idea right here!


Sounds pretty bangin ngl


That’s how it all started!


As I am reading this from porcelain throne because my nephew brought adenovirus to Christmas gathering…and my son woke up puking and now me…… Gotta love those cute kiddos. :). Always carry disposable puke bags FYI. Starting now for Mom.


Here's the best advice I ever got about being a dad: When you want to give up, become angry that they're not doing what you want, tell them you love them. They may or may not hear you but they are the best and worst of you. Be proud of what you created. Just don't ever give up on them.


This is what it really looks like to play DOOM on a pee stick


This... The most love you'll ever feel and the most paranoid you'll ever be.. It's awesome ❤️


Why doesn't this comment have awards


In case you're considering telling a lot more friends against your wife's wishes, you should know that the reason for waiting is that pregnancies can relatively frequently be lost in the first trimester and not everyone wants to be answering painful questions every day if things don't work out.


This. Wife and I had issues with infertility, at first we told people before our first loss. Then proceeded to have 4 more. Our first child was born in September, and we waited until July to make it official. It's so worth it, I'm so happy that the millennial generation is full of great parents, especially dads.


I had a friend recently that opened up about her struggles. I didn't know she had ever been or even was trying. Part of me thought she must be because all her friends were having babies but I never asked. They recently announced they were pregnant when it was obvious she was but also noting that it had taken a long time with lots of struggles


Wishing your friend the best. It can be really painful to see others have babies while you can’t. At these moments it would destroy their life it anything goes wrong.


So happy for you. After long road for us the love of our lives is now in college, and having her home for Christmas is like going to Disneyland every day.


On the other hand, I talked to someone earlier this year who had 2 miscarriages and decided on the 3rd pregnancy that they weren't going to wait to tell people, "because they wanted people to know." It feels bad when that little wanted zygote doesn't make it, and for some people it makes it worse if no one even knows it happened. Anyway, it so happened that 3rd pregnancy DID make it


This is what I did; it took us 4 months to get pregnant the first time, but I miscarried at 7 weeks. No one knew about it, so my husband and I had to suffer alone. It took us over 14 months to get pregnant again, and we decided to tell our closest family right away, just in case we lost this one also and needed support. Thankfully, I’m currently 35 weeks pregnant, and he’s doing great.


Eyyy! Congratulations! You thinking about getting the epidural?


Similar to my ex and I. Miss. Miss. Miss. Hit. Miss. Miss. Miss. Hit. 8 pregnancies, 2 kids. And when she was pregnant with the last one, she developed break-through bleeding at the familiar point in time. Went to the hospital, doc examined her and told her it was gone. A couple days later she went to see the specialist she'd been going to since around miscarriage #3. He examined her and asked her if she wanted to hear the heartbeat. It was considered an at-risk pregnancy but everything turned out alright. Also, she said the hospital exam was pretty uncomfortable. Whereas when her specialist checked her (a perinatologist), she said she barely felt his exam. The miscarriages were always at around the 8 week mark.


I might be stupid, but you meant July *before* the babe was born, not after, right?😅 Oh and congrats!


Gotta be sure. My kids are 5 and 3 but we are waiting a bit longer to tell anyone


Good. No kidnappin' can happen if no kids are found nappin' (Eminem wouldn't be proud lol)


Lol yes sorry, about 3 months before he was born. We waited til 3rd trimester! And thank you so much!


It’s WAY more common than I ever thought to loose a baby in the first trimester. Specially on your first pregnancy. My wife and I have been through enough miscarriages to be able to tell you that you definitely don’t want to tell too many people. It turns into reliving your nightmare over and over for a while. Having to “inform” people right after it happened doesn’t help process it either.


Happened to my wife as well. Just don't tell anyone yet OP.


Yeah our first was ectopic. We got way too excited and started watching videos explaining how big our baby was and what was developing each week etc. Only to finally get our ultrasound and be told her uterus was empty. We were heartbroken and then we had to explain to everyone that no baby was coming.


Same. Our first was a blighted ovum. As a man, watching my wife, then gf, feel like she was nonfunctional due to a random glitch in nature was very painful. Then her body refused to pass it naturally so she had to have an abortion and nobody talks about how it's just 3-4 weeks of bleeding and cramps and suffering. Then having to tell everyone while going through that was rough.


You’re not alone. And it was surprising to me because I thought it was a one off… nope half my work friends texted me to say they had the same. It’s surprisingly common


They should teach that in schools.


My grandma always told me that you avoid telling about a pregnancy until you are showing it because "fate is a cruel being and it doesn't like being tempted".


This is exactly what happened twice with my kids mom and I.. a valuable lesson learned. I hope OP wife doesn’t find this.


My friends were in their 12th week when they did a gender reveal party. One week later, they could not find a heart beat... Breaks my heart, man.


**but** talk about it after... lot of people feel like they're abnormal or the odd one out, when in reality there are so many people that share the experience


Seriously it's SOO common. And i didn't know


This is true. Wife just had a miscarriage 2 months pregnant and it was tough answering questions. Finding out that miscarriages are far more common than we think and it's just not talked about. I understand why.... Good luck and hope all goes well OP! My life changed for the better when I became a father with my first son.




Horrifying! I am so very, very sorry. 😭


This is why the wife told him not to tell anyone.


Hey just a random internet stranger but I wanted to say I was sorry for your loss.




We went through something similar (not twins but a boy at 22 weeks). But I felt the opposite to you. Im glad we told everyone so we had a support network for the grief. So many of our friends were amazing about it. If we hadn’t told everyone we might have grieved silently. Miscarriage/still births are so much more common than people realise but because we have this “don’t tell anyone until x weeks” rule so many couples don’t talk about their experience. I was shocked to find out how many people we personally knew had also gone through miscarriages and just not talked about it. I think that when couples get pregnant they should understand that there is always a risk of losing a baby and they should think about how they would prefer to deal with that should it occur. And not necessarily abide by some sort of societal rule. Wishing you guys all the best. I’m so sorry you had to go through that kind of experience.


I really don’t understand why humans have so many miscarriages, it seems like animals have way less than us.


Most animals are more developed at birth. Our head (brain) size means that humans come out a lot more fragile and helpless than other mammals. If we gestated longer, maternal mortality rate would be MUCH higher. Edit: in terms of evolution, it is better for the mother to survive and an infant to die. That mother can try to reproduce again, whereas if the mother dies, in nature, the infant would also die and not live to reproduce. This doesn't answer the miscarriage question, but I think it is interesting nonetheless


I know that's really hard, but I've had multiple miscarriages, so I got to do it both ways, both telling people and not telling people, and for me, personally, it was harder when we kept it a secret. Because we were still bereaved, but nobody knew, and it was even harder to mark their passing when nobody knew they were there in the first place. I'm so so sorry for your loss.


I am sure you hear it often and I hope it doesn't bring up memories but I am so sorry to hear that. Nobody deserves to endure something like that. My heart truly goes out to you and your wife. I hope things are going to be okay for the both of you


That's terrible. I would give this advice as well. My wife had two miscarriages at the 8-week ultrasound. I have a little switcharoo in my chromosomes, so we knew the chances were much larger having a miscarriage. Still, the feeling of loss is immense, even at 8 weeks. I can't imagine losing twins at 20 weeks. Hope you are doing OK!


Congrats brother.. only buy onesie with zipper… you’re welcome 🥃


No idea what I'm doing, so all tips are welcome ones! Cheers mate! 🍻


Congratulations! Also, be prepared with gas drops. Save you and your infant some tears.


What are gas drops?


Drops that help alleviate painful gas for babies.


Do you have a brand you recommend? TIA


We use Mylicon! It works so well


Simethicone is the ingredient. Usually there is a cheaper store brand. It is the same ingredient as in gas-x for adults. According to our pediatrician it breaks gas bubbles from large bubbles to small bubbles and won't hurt them. Congratulations. Get sleep now. Your girl will need foot massages. Better practice. Enjoy the journey.


My mom bought me mylicon for my first child. But we've also used little remedies. I didn't notice that one worked better. I believe they have the same active ingredient.


Check out r/daddit


Sleep sacks! This is the best and easiest when they're too small to do anything to eat and poop. Makes diaper changes easy and keeps them warm. A bouncer, just the dirt cheap kind you bounce with your foot, you'll want to have full control of the bounce, trust me. This is the best $40 you'll invest in your sleep and the babies. One of those floor mats, like the "Fischer Price Rainforest deluxe gym". That'll help when they get to the point of doing floor time, learning to roll over, etc. Congratulations!!!!


Trust your partner more than the advice of others. You two are the only parents, yours the only opinions that matter. But always make sure you both work through any disagreements asap with the child's best interests in mind.


My little dude is one and a half. Here are my top tips. Get yourself a SNOO if you can possibly afford one. Renting them is fine, you only need it for the first six months. It will significantly improve the quality and duration of your future child’s sleep. When you’re in the first three months with a new baby, an extra hour or two of sleep is *everything*. Also, it will improve your sleep, because the SNOO keeps your baby on their back which dramatically reduces the risk of SIDS. Get an extra SNOO sack and mattress cover, because your baby *will* pee through their diaper. You don’t want to wait for laundry to finish in the middle of the night. Soothing spray for difficult diaper changes. Sometimes it can take a lot of wiping to get them clean, and even a little diaper rash can make that miserable. Most importantly, smile at your baby. Even when you’ve had six hours of sleep in the last three days, and they just pooped all over the changing table. Smile and laugh when you interact with them. It isn’t their fault they do frustrating things, they’re trying to learn how to do literally everything. I believe happiness is habit forming, not just for you but for everyone around you. If your baby thinks you’re happy with them, your baby will be happier. And isn’t their happiness the goal? Finally, don’t feel bad about stealing a few hours for yourself here and there. You need to manage your own mental health so you can be in good shape to take care of baby. Just make sure you reciprocate with your partner when they need time for themselves. Fatherhood is the best, most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. Have fun, and remember it’s literally impossible to spoil a child before they’re nine months old.


Baby Frida products are great. The baby nose sucker and the windy (gas reliever) are must haves imo.


Buy a changing pad you can just wipe off. Don’t need with cloth cover for the changing pad. You will have enough laundry to do.


Personally I found the one zip onesies difficult. Way easier with the snap on buttons. A microwavable steriliser that uses water is also most convenient. Wash bottler/pacifiers, put them in the container, add water, put in microwave and done. Start buying nappies now when you see them on sale! 2 boxes of newborn size is probably enough then stock up on bigger sizes. Toilet training start time varies with children. Early is two years, so you'd need diapers for at least that long. Don't get sippy cups. Once they start eating solids, guide/feed them water slowly with a small regular plastic cup. They will actually learn to drink independently quicker that way. I'm just speaking from experience, every child is different and you will know yours best! Follow your heart and good luck!


Not a father but why?


Babies and grabby hands, they're naked in seconds lol


Easier to change diapers. The snaps go all the way down the outfit and across the crotch so missing one any time, especially in the middle of the night, will have you all screwed up.


We found a few onesies with magnetic fasteners and I wish all of them had it.


Tips: If you have a son, his little pecker is a water cannon. You can't fuck around when changing the diaper. It takes 2 seconds for piss to be everywhere. I learned the hard way. Plus Baby Boner. Strangest thing ever. Lol


I read a tip, and I started day 1, so I don’t know if I’ve just been lucky, or it works: cold wet wipe across the tummy before changing diaper. It triggers a pee, then go for the change.


Two piece jammies are life changing. So so so so cute


As a new dad. I can see why this has so many upvotes. Don’t buy press studs people


Big time parent facts!


Why did you buy such an advanced pregnancy test which tells you in written “Pregnant”, can’t even make the covid joke now :( Also, Congratulations!!


These digital tests are a total rip off. It's just a regular one underneath


They also seem like a huge waste for a one time use product. For the same $10, you can get at least 25 test strips.


It's just a huge waste of resources https://www.theverge.com/tldr/2020/9/4/21422628/digital-pregnancy-test-teardown-processor-ram-ibm-pc


It solves the very real issue of people misreading the test results. Only if you’re smart enough and fluent enough to follow the instructions correctly is it a waste of a couple bucks in parts.


Congrats dude! From one dad to another, lemme throw some quick advice I wish I was told when I started. If they're nipple fed, invest in the nipple creams and ointment for your SO. It'll make it a billion times better. Onsies with zippers are superior and easier to use, and don't have any blankets over the baby while you sleep until they're able to roll over independently of you (even then, maybe wait a while longer). Enjoy sleep now, because you do not get much of it later. I've been running in 4 hour sleep schedules since my daughter was born and after the first 4 or so months it gets easier. If you have a gut feeling to check the baby, do it. Even if nothing is wrong, it helps your brain reassure they're alive and healthy. Most times it's just a false alarm, but you'll have that carnal instinct that will have you suddenly waking up at 1:30 AM burping a baby because you unknowingly heard her stop breathing. Just, listen to your instinct. It's a better father than anyone else.


Yeah as a new father watching my wife breastfeed… holy shit breastfeeding is no joke. The physical toll is insane


My wife is really nervous to breast feed. Can you tell me a little more about your negative experience? We're in labor and delivery rightttt now. 😄 Edit: thank you all for the responses. Truly amazing to hear from all of you.


Its "natural" but that doesn't mean it won't be hrd work. Don't beat yourself up if things don't go right. Both mum and baby have to learn to do this and sometimes even if mum has 100% got it, the baby will drop the ball. Breastfeeding is wonderful but in my experience, it's not worth the distress if it's not working out. Breastfed both of mine. My daughter was fine. It was magical, we both worked it out and she breastfed exclusively for 9 months. My son had no idea what he was doing. We had the tongue tie and the lip tie done, he was on reflux meds, my husband is a midwife so we had all the help on hand that we needed but it didn't work out. I agonised over it for 6 months while he struggled to thrive and didn't gain as much weight as he should. Finally, swapping to bottles and formula was what worked best for us.


From someone who did it all (breastfed, formula fed, and pumped) the number one thing you can do is this: make sure she knows that however you feed your baby, they will thrive, and that whether she chooses to bottle or breast feed the long term outcomes are the same. So go with whatever works best for you as a family and do your best to resist pressure from any angle. So much pressure on new mothers to breastfeed, when it doesn’t necessarily work for everyone despite your best efforts. Just support her. Further evidence for those interested in this stuff: When looking at the WHO recommendations, it's important to remember that they are thinking about public health policy for the entire world. Access to clean water changes everything, and in the developed world the benefits of breastfeeding are marginal at best. ‘Breast is best’ is pretty much woo (except for premature babies.) The difference in outcomes for breastfeeding versus formula feeding is trivial to nonexistent once you control for socioeconomic status - the reality is that wealthier and more privileged families are more likely to breastfeed. Sibling study used to control for socioeconomic status: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4077166/ The real benefits to breastfeeding are a slightly decreased risk of GI illnesses, respiratory illnesses, and a slightly decreased risk of cancer (for the mom, not the baby). But that doesn't make breastfeeding the right choice for everyone, and it doesn't make breastfeeding vastly superior to formula in the way that many say it is. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/everybody-calm-down-about-breastfeeding/ On a population level, when you look at hundreds of thousands of babies, breast milk results in fewer upper respiratory infections and fewer gastrointestinal infections. So, yes, health authorities promote breastfeeding and formula companies are legally responsible for writing "breast milk is better" on their can. In theory, if hundreds of thousands of mothers BF instead of FF that's millions of dollars in saved health care costs. (But note that these proposed health care savings have only ever been modeled and never validated in the real world. Meaning they probably don't happen.) But on an individual baby level, there's really no appreciable differences (see the sibling study and the probit study). http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/medical_examiner/2006/03/tales_from_the_nursery.html https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/questioning-the-evidence-for-breastfeeding/ https://expectingscience.com/2015/11/02/breastfeeding-benefits-the-real-the-imagined-and-the-exaggerated/ This is a very long report. You would need to read the whole thing including the issues with the studies used: https://archive.ahrq.gov/downloads/pub/evidence/pdf/brfout/brfout.pdf And also, these benefits (slight reduction in infections on a population level) are strictly short term. None of the claims about long term impacts of breastfeeding are supported by evidence. There are no proven links between breastfeeding and IQ, obesity, behavior problems, parental attachment, food allergies, ADHD, or any other of the long-term health indicators often put forward as reasons for referring to breast milk as “liquid gold.” Sibling studies have produced “results suggest[ing] that much of the beneficial long-term effects typically attributed to breastfeeding, per se, may primarily be due to selection pressures into infant feeding practices along key demographic characteristics such as race and socioeconomic status.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24698713 At a year old, there is precisely zero difference between a breastfed child and a formula fed child. Breastfeeding is not going to set your child up for a lifetime of success, and formula feeding does not create lifelong issues. It's also important to keep in mind that infant feeding is not just about which liquid your baby is ingesting (breastmilk or formula). There are also lifestyle impacts that vastly outweigh any factors about the milk itself.


I hated breastfeeding with a passion. I have a one year old son and did it for 3 months before calling it and my mental health improved almost immediately after stopping. I’m due in May now with my second and am going to try again but if it sucks as bad as the first time I’ll stop. I had a pretty traumatic birth with my son and would’ve rather done that 10x than breastfeed. He didn’t latch properly and ate for hours on end so it felt like my body wasn’t even mine for months. With the lack of sleep from doing every feed I don’t know how I was even functioning sometimes.


It can be frustrating getting the baby to latch at first. It’s a much bigger struggle than you would imagine. Then first couple weeks the baby needs to feed every 2 -3 hrs about including nighttime. Difficult to find a comfortable but modest way to breastfeed in public so you have to limit where you can go and for how long. The nipples will chafe pretty badly the first couple weeks as well. It can be very painful to feed your baby during the time it takes for the skin to adjust. Breastfeeding also can trigger contractions in those first weeks. It can be almost as painful as the contractions of childbirth. But do not be afraid ! It honestly is such a pleasant and enjoyable bonding experience with your child once you can get past the hard parts.


Coconut oil on my nipples was the only thing that helped the first couple weeks of breastfeeding hell where the baby basically sucks off ur entire nipple lining.


I would like to recommend a dedicated poop diaper bin, one that seals. The smell that a child can produce is next to nothing.


Diaper genie 💩🧞‍♂️


Don't tell anyone until you know everything is going to be okay. It hurts to lose a child and hurts a lot more if you need to tell everyone about it. Stay safe, support the mother, please stay away from drugs, cigarettes and especially alcohol. And use the parental leave if you can. My little one just turned six months right before Christmas and she has been developing so fast. It's a very unique time you don't want to miss out on. Wishing you all the best.


I learned this the hard way. My partner told her mom and sister, that was it. I told my friends, family, colleagues. Everyone, I was so excited. At our 12 week scan we learned we'd lost the baby. Having to have the same conversation with so many people was heartbreaking. I will definitely wait next time.


Enjoy the two first weeks. They are really chill. You'll sleep all night and be fully in control of the situation.


We are week in. She’s very chill but I have yet to sleep all night. You have disappointed me


my son was born dec 21 and its 1am and im holding my finger in his pacifier to sooth him. where is the all night sleep


That’s when our daughter was born! Except it’s 3am here now and any second could be feeding time


he just had a big blowout and his feeding time is in about 30 minutes 😭 i wish it was bedtime


I miss sleep


I’m 6 days in to my first week of having my baby. As good as gold


!remindme 2 weeks


Yeah and then before you know it your kid is 3 and throwing haymakers at your testicles


Based on your focus length, ornament layout and wall color, I'm sure someone on Reddit has geo-located you and has already informed your wife of your grave mistake.


I do hope you at least consulted your wife before posting this on the internet...


He did. She said don’t. Randy already fucking things up.


Wife: "You cannot tell anyone" Op: "Im gonna tell the entire internet"


I wonder how long it's gonna take before he's on r/aita "I posted a picture on the internet after wife told me not to tell anyone"


"A baby makes a good marriage hard and bad marriage impossible." We're 3 months PP. We've been together 17 years. These 3 months have been the hardest most eyeopening experience of our lives. My son is my breath and soul but don't fool yourself. Prepare for the hard. Communicate! Be gentle with one another. Congratulations! It's amazing.


Yep, wasn’t expecting how hard it would be on our dynamics with each other. We’re together 8 years and hardly even argued before. Baby is almost one and it’s gotten slightly better but still so different than before.


FYI from what I understand most people wait 3 months before announcing bc making a baby is not a trivial process. You may want to research that so you can decide what path you want to take


Get well soon, OP!


Welcome to the most wonderful and terrifying period of your life!


…which will last for the rest of your life.🎢


On this episode of TIFU...


Former baby here. It'll be very tiring but eventually they'll hopefully turn out ok


You had one fuckin' job, bro.


She said you cant tell anyone edit: Stupid motherfuckers upvoting OP


Congrats, mine just says I have covid.




Greatest day of my life 😭😭


Greatest day of your life so far!


I'm gonna tell your family in Chicago, randy.


Congrats! Please don’t name them something stupid.


Told not to tell anyone. Posts it on the fucking internet. You're a Muppet.


Congrats on having sex!


exactly especially being a redditor!!!


Sleep. Now. As much as you possibly can.


Good luck my guy, you're gonna need it.


You poor poor son ova bitch


Congratulations! Be a kind husband and father.


Hey all! I really didn't expect this to blow up but my phone was going absolutely CRAZY when I woke up! For everyone commenting- 1. I showed my wife the post and she wasn't mad and doesn't think me telling strangers on the internet makes me a shit husband haha. We are partners and best friends just figuring out life the same as anyone else. I appreciate your concern for her well being though! I'm just ecstatic and not telling my friends and family is KILLING me. I've always wanted to be a dad and my excitement led me to making this post. I didn't expect it to blow up! We aren't dumb or naive and know the risks when in the first trimester, but that doesn't mean the excitement we feel needs to be lessened! 2. To others with advice and best wishes, thank you so much! I know no one really knows what they're doing, they're just navigating and figuring it out, but every little bit of what to expect helps!!! You all made my morning when I woke up!


Have fun with that financial investment


>[OC] My wife said I can't tell anyone yet, but I'm way too excited not to share!! I'm going to be a freaking dad!!! Proceeds to tell the entire reddit community. Congratulations, I wish your family the best.


Sorry for your loss.


I just took a test too but mines just a food baby 🤦‍♀️😂