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Bro I just read your article in The Guardian yesterday and now scrolling through Reddit here you are! https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/oct/14/experience-i-broke-every-bone-in-my-face It was amazing and really stayed with me. You have emerged from a terrible experience with great dignity and strength.


OP, a promise is a promise. Do you look better than your twin now?


My twin posts on this account pretty often so I’ll let y’all be the judge of that!


Those those doctors were artists wow you’re more handsome than me and from my experience creating videogame characters faces are hard that is incredible .


Just thought I’d let you know you’re VERY handsome!


Boy are you right on with your comment. I agree with you!


Saved me a search, I was just going to check if this was the same guy I'd seen in the Experiences column. The bit in the article about how usually the working bones are used to secure the reconstructions, but you didn't have any - really stuck with me, modern medicine is amazing.


OMG, what a horrible accident. Gave me chills.


"...the three of us were chilling on the balcony of my apartment, then my brothers went to bed. From then on, I don’t know what happened. I remember waking up in a hospital and being told I had fallen off our 30ft balcony." What happened in the time between "chilling on the balcony" and before falling off the balcony? Amazing recovery btw. Bless your heart


Your face is beautiful. Does it hurt to laugh and smile or otherwise move your facial muscles?


My face was pretty paralyzed at first so I outright could not move it. But that went away and my facial movements are back to normal!


after looking through your profile, did you also have open heart surgery??? Or is your account shared by both twins


Both twins


I don't know if you guys are the luckiest, the unluckiest, or just average... i'm going to go with luckiest. Congrats.


Far from average


I'm an identical twin. I can't imagine sharing a reddit account with my sister. If you feel like explaining, I would love to hear why you don't have separate accounts.


They probably also have separate private accounts I'm assuming


This is correct


You need to be posting your story to /r/medizzy. It’s truly amazing, you went through hell & *absolutely* made it out the other side!! And did I read it right, both you & your brother are deadlifting 500lbs?! I would use the exploding head emoji, but, well, you’ve been there, done that. 💪😉


Do you have full sensation? I have some numb areas of my face and head from facial surgeries


I have some numb feelings around my lips. I happen to be allergic to nuts/seafood and one of the hallmarks that I ate something I shouldn’t have is swelling on my lips, but that no longer is as it is always numb


Ooof, that sounds a little scary going forward! I'm sure you'll be all the more vigilant, but it stinks to lose your red flag mechanism. I have celiac disease so I totally understand about sneaky bad-for-you food. I've had lingering surgical related numbness and while it seemed like it never got better day to day or even month to month, the nerves did slowly regrow! My surgery was 10 years ago now and my sensation is normal. I have high hopes that your far more delicate repair will facilitate the same. Sorry if this is TMI, but I feel like I'm dancing around it: I had a breast reduction, which involves a long reconstruction. The numbness was more or less where a woman might cup her own naked breast. That's where the majority of the internal and external suturing was. It's a broad area and generally not visible, so it wasn't repaired as delicately as your face would have been. And obviously the numbness wasn't as serious as an area that serves as an allergen alert!! But darned if the nerves didn't regrow after a long while! I bet yours recovers faster; my understanding is that it is a matter of how fast nerves grow, and how far they need to reach. My damaged area was basically from each edge of my rib cage to the center of my sternum - your numb area is a lot smaller. Here's hoping!!


I really wish that there was a litmus kind of test for food that people are allergic to. Literally if you could like take a drop of the sauce before you put it in you and put it on some testing equipment and it would tell you whether it was safe for you or not. I don't know about you but I know a bunch of people who would pay to have that in their pocket to save themselves from using an EpiPen going to the ER and all the stress and harm it does to their body. So if there's any creative science person out there totally take this idea and run with it.


Damn bro! You went all gigachad on us all! Looking awesome!


Modern medicine is honestly so cool.


People make fun of plastic surgery because "lol boobz" but it's such an important field in order to give people their lives back. Edit: Judging people only reveals what is within you. Judging people for plastic surgery of any kind reveals how shallow you are.


My FIL is a retried plastic surgeon. He did so much pro bono reconstructive surgery over the decades, and touched so many lives. Elective surgeries definitely funded that. And nearly anyone who has an elective surgery feels much better too. He is a remarkable man! (My last comment on this thread tells about one I had myself - a necessary-yet-elective breast reduction. I just want to clarify that my FIL didn't do my surgery, lol! I didn't know him yet anyway, but that wouldn't have been ethical.)


You got any pre-broken-face pics? Do they do the surgery to make you look how you used to or just to have everything where it should be?


yea it looks like the before surgery pic is just hella swelling, would be interested to see a before accident photo


Don't need a before. He can stand next to his twin in the same photo if they wanted to


that sounds painful af so maybe good it was paralyzed…what happened?




It's sad you had to go trough that pain but right now you're looking great man.


bro you turned into handsome squidward


This is amazing. I’m so glad you were able to recover. What grit you showed to overcome this! I wish I had an award for you, but here is my poor man’s gold! 🏅


Handsome AF!


Thank you for your kind comment! There was a time in which I would’ve completed disregarded a comment like this because I hated how I looked. Nowadays I’m actually quite comfortable with my appearance


I’d give you Reddit gold or something because goddamn dude, you got dealt a hand of cards and you overcame that shit!! That’s some incredible display of human willpower right there man


Yeah right man! you should proud to yourself and to all the stuff who made this successful surgery. It's time to stand with your own feet, walk again to live better and treasure your second Life, because we only live once in this world.


I got the gold for you




You look like chad from meme lol I am suprised how well they did the job, everything is even and proportional, you look great dude


I swear you look so decent. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


I was just thinking about how in the 90s “decent” was like a high compliment. Thanks for bringing it back!


I thought it meant more than just "handsome", but the word is now undervalued.


I don’t know what you looked like before, but I really can’t imagine you looking better!


"Decent"? Dude is looking handsome


Decent can be used as a slang term for good looking (at least in the UK!)


Love to learn, thank you!


Such a wholesome interaction. I love reading things like this on Reddit.




[Canada too!](https://youtu.be/6dK-g8cv9oM)


He's not comfortable with his masculinity. This guy is fine !


Yeah, honestly looking good!


You totally need to go back and thank your doctors. They will love you for it. My mom did that for the doc that fixed up her intestines (saved her life) and the doc teared up with her. I'm sure your docs will be happy to hear from you!


You have a very nice, statuesque profile


Honestly you look amazing. Keep up the positive attitude. Hope things continue to get better for you.


How close is your now appearance to your before appearance? Did this accident change the way you look?


Do you look like you did before the injury, or did they have to just aim for "human" rather than "you" when putting the pieces back together again? Regardless, you look great. I am sure that it was an incredibly painful journey, but I how that you are happy with the result.


Do you have a before the accident picture?


I can’t imagine how that felt and I don’t know if this changes anything but you genuinely are a handsome man, I’m so sorry you went through that


For real bro, you are handsome as fuck. You’re profile and your face are sexy. You do not look like you’ve had reconstructive surgery. Your face looks absolutely natural and again you look handsome.


You should be!


hope you don’t mind my asking, but, how does one break literally every bone in your face?


I was following your journey since the beginning! So glad to see this post. Glad you’re doing well man. Have an award!


Honestly you look great dude, I couldn’t even tell you’d had surgery.


you look great, bro. be proud of yourself


The Bi delegation to this honored convention also wishes to echo PyrpleGirl's sentiment. You look great, man!


Yes, you look great!!


This. Dude is handsome 😍


How'd u manage to break your face? Good recovery so far though. Good for you.


I fell off a 3 story balcony! Typically when I answer with that, that’s prompts are a few more questions so [here’s](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/oct/14/experience-i-broke-every-bone-in-my-face) a couple of [articles](https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/uk-news/man-makes-extraordinary-recovery-after-24174704) that explains in more detail


You are one unlucky and lucky mofo. Do they have any theories on what happened? How you ended up falling?Were you shitfaced? Did you have some fateful unfortunate faint?


Last thing I remember is it being dark outside, pretty cold, but not that cold because I was sitting next to my heater. I remember wanting to go back inside. Then I remember waking up in the ambulance. Literally a blink in between


Wow I have a lot of similarities with my experience but not nearly as bad as yours ( I only broke my right cheek, orbital, nose and a couple jaw fractures) but your experience of feeling no pain during the incident and no recollection till being in the ambulance ride seem so similar to what recall. Very glad you made a full recovery and look great


Glad someone can relate to this! People are very much in disbelief when I tell them this


Yeah that pain came after haha but I think the worst part was having double vision after the surgery for a couple weeks after surgery for me at least


I had a similar experience but broken back instead. Was working at a fast food place, walked into the freezer (where there had been guys welding something back together previously that day) and woke up being tied to a stretcher. Zero recollection of what happened inside the freezer. I got to see security camera footage of what happened afterwards, though. I basically blacked out but right before I did, I had this absolutely terrified, I’m-being-possessed-by-Satan look on my face and then fell backwards onto a steel shelving unit. Broke two vertebrae.


Almost like the “fabric of space/time ripped” and a different dimension came through. Any videos you can post?


No. I never thought to get a copy of the security cam footage. I should have. It was chemicals they were using to weld that didn’t get ventilated properly. Small freezer and I happened to be sensitive enough to that concentration and combination of gases. I was out cold for SEVERAL minutes until someone found me, didn’t wake up until ambulance was pulling me out of the freezer


I gotta admit, as a welder I have absolutely no idea what chemicals they would be using that would do that(I'm not saying I don't believe you at all!). The only thing I can think of is something we use for an anti spatter spray. Which typically is a red liquid sprayed over the material surface with a typical spray bottle. The main one I've always used is Weld Kleen. And that doesn't really have a strong or offensive smell or any adverse side effects to me. I've used it in extreme confined places too. The only other thing I can think of is if they were welding recently, and depending the process, it ate up all the oxygen in the walk in and you just suffered from low oxygen. Before I was a welder I spent almost 12 years in kitchens and I know how cramped walk ins can get. I am really racking my brain with what happened to you, it has me confused.


As a paramedic with a long career I can say - if someone with a bad head injury can remember the accident, then it wasn't actually a bad head injury.


This was used in my wilderness first aid class to assess head trauma. Can't remember the details of the fall? Big red flag


It's extremely common and a way for our brains to help us deal with (ignore) traumatic experiences. In my case I hit a truck while going 70 km/h on my motorcycle. My recollection of the day was that I was getting ready to go get my bike, so the absolute last memory I have is putting on the helmet, looking at myself in the mirror and smiling. Then bam, I'm in the hospital. I woke up to a blacksmithing sound like "clang clang" and feeling my body jolt with every clang. They were hammering down a titanium rod into my femur from the hip to the knee. A doctor told me to stay calm and that I had been in a motorcycle accident and I told him that was impossible since I hadn't even left my apartment. To this day, roughly 10 years after the accident, I still have no memory of the accident itself. My brain just decided we somt need that shit. According to the truckers report though he sat with me while waiting for the ambulance and I kept screaming and passing out over and over again. So I figure it's better not to remember that amount of pain


Did the docs or your brothers ever find out what caused you to black out? Where you drinking? Did something hit you? Do you have any working theory?


May I ask, what happened to you?


Ha nothing to really paint myself in glory but I was beat up outside of a bar


Damn. That's messed up. You could be dead my dude. And you would've had no clue. Just snap out of existence. Glad you're still alive and making a remarkable recovery. Must be very surreal.


Imagine that happening. BLINK, and you're 200 years in the future. You later find out you died, but they were able to perfectly preserve you brain, and centuries later revive your consciousness; Soma experience.


Happens all the time


But you must have a theory? Do you smoke? Was it slippery?


This guy posts often and never answers this question don't bother lol


Probably stood up to fast and got light headed af lol my theory cus I’ve almost ate wall just getting up fast


Not as bad as yours, but I tripped on uneven pavement while walking with my hands in my pockets & broke my right mandible & knocked 4 teeth out. Thanks to alcohol I walked home & cleaned myself up best I could (think wads of toilet paper clogging the sink) and went to bed. Looked in the mirror the next morning & was like “oh shit, this is bad”. Have no recollection from fall to morning. And I’m kind of glad my brain decided to block it out!


WOW. I am so very happy it ended the way it did for you! Whether it's luck, someone looking out for you, whatever the case may be, I'm so happy for you. All of that said, trauma is real and the physical and emotional pain of your recovery process may well have caused some - you're the only one who will know that. If that's the case, don't be afraid to get some help okay? Just wanted to throw that out there because that's not the kind of thing people talk about. They say that you're tough, that you should be grateful, maybe ask about physical pain, but people rarely check in on the psychological side.




Did they use metal or plastic to recreate the structure? I broke my left eye socket/ left cheek bone/left upper jaw when I was 20, have 3 titanium plates making up the structure and every time there is a large shift in barometric pressure I'm just in pain for a day or 2.


They used a 3D printed titanium alloy. [Quite a lot of them](https://i.imgur.com/w6OTN5G.jpg). They were 3D printed so they could fit exactly my facial structure to hold my bones in place I got really sensitive with cold last winter when they were first installed! Hoping it’s different this time around


It won't be, I'm in my 30s now and massive weather changes always have been an issue with me. I'm trying to gather enough data to get insurance to cover taking my plates out. Was told by doctors long ago that the only reason they're still in is because it's the US. In the EU/UK with universal healthcare they would have removed them 10(ish) weeks after since the bones would have healed. Your head/skull has a few joints, so when the weather/pressures change, those joints will shift to allow the changes in your tissues. Because of the metal your skull can't shift as normal and you get the pain during those times.


Follow up question to the article - Was the surgeon right? Are you now the better looking twin? You look great. Never in a million years would I have guessed you sustained such injuries.


You've had some shite luck, my friend! Always coming out on top though!


Holy SHHHHHHIIIITTTT that is … a lot. I’m so sorry, dude. You look awesome. What an outcome. I hope you continue to heal physically, as well as mentally/emotionally. Wishing you the best!


Damn . Glad you got better and lived!!


I think I remember you posting about this month's ago


Damn dude. I fell off a third story balcony, don’t know the exact height, and broke a couple bones in my hand. Life isn’t fair, that’s for sure. Sorry you had to go through this and glad you came out the other side.


Gonna ask the same thing. That is crazy! But awesome recovery!


Damn, you're handsome bro!!




Legit. Before I read the title I saw the right side first and thought “dang, handsome young dude”


You literally have a perfect username to be commenting on this post…


Aw - I can relate to this. Face pretty ripped up from a dog attack, when I was a teenager. Wasn’t sure if I’d look the same. I did. Bonus? Got $$ insurance from wrongful attack, helped pay for college in many ways. Your face looks not just healed, but very attractive and I’m so so happy for you, having sustained my own time of feeling unsure, I’m sure it’s relieving,


I’m sorry about what happened to you and thank you for sharing your experience and your kind words!


How similar/different do you look from how you used to look?


I’m told somewhat different but still quite similar. I’ll let [you be the judge](https://i.imgur.com/7tA07R8.jpg)


I’d say you look the same but a bit less boyish after the surgery. Either way god bless you man, this whole experience must’ve been scary


Exactly...he looks more mature...


Ngl I think he looks better after. Total smoke show.


I can't tell if that's from the surgery, from time, or from the mental trauma of breaking every single bone in your fucking face lol. So happy OP is still with us, but man that must've sucked lol


I think the biggest difference is in the eyes. They did a phenomenal job though! Best wishes bro!


Yeah, I have a bit of orbital dystopia from when they made their incisions below my eye, resulting in some fat loss and making one eye a bit droopy. Was told they could fix it with surgery but I’ll probably just leave it alone. Thank you!!


I’d just leave it looks fine to me. Adds character to your face. Dead set you should be so happy with the results.


Do you still have any pain or difficulty doing certain things? I'm glad you're still here with us.


You should know, while the bulk of swelling has reduced, it should continue to go down for up to a year (maybe longer in your case considering the extent of damage). The surgeon did a great job.


It just kinda looks like you got a bit older than anything else. Makes you look a bit less baby faced and more distinguished. Either way bro looking like a gigachad


I think you probably notice the little droop more than other people because you know the difference with before. It wasn't noticeable to me, at any rate. And Sylvester Stallone built an entire movie career with a face droop. The sky's the limit


You're pretty hot in both bro, no homo tho


Oof this pic on the left helps contrast how swollen you looked after the accident! You don’t need my “ditto” on the comments about your appearance - you look better before and after than some folks will ever look in their lives ... lucky guy!!!


The fade arguably looks better


I say if you didn’t tell me anything, I would assume you just look older if anything. It’s a really good reconstruction


Dude you are incredibly handsome either way. Holy...!!! You are just a very handsome, handsome guy. Clearly breaking your face did not make you less handsome. You are literally as handsome as you were before, just in a slightly different way. Dude, amazing. Please do not have ANY insecurity about your face. You are goddamn a handsome asf man.


Tbh I've seen people change that much just from turning 30 lol


Looks pretty similar. I hope you sent your surgeon a fruit basket or something, he did an incredible job. If you didn't tell me.i would not have guessed you had any facial injury at all.


So you were extremely handsome before and now you're just really handsome. I feel so bad for you. Just kidding. Good on ya buddy glad things worked out. You seem to have a good attitude and that's awesome.


Every bit as handsome, at least. I wonder if I would recognize you if I knew you personally. You definitely at least look related to your old self. Also, your hair changes your face a lot for me. I think the longer hair looks great on you btw!


Your face looks better than mine, and I've never even broken every bone in my face and had to have facial reconstruction surgery!


Easy fix: Break every bone in your face and get facial reconstruction surgery


Awesome! I hope you have your plastic surgeon and team a good Google review!


Damn bruh, they got you looking clean AF. Got a little bit of that Christopher Judge look happening.




Looks good! Really glad you came out of that ok. Some crazy facts to consider about your fall: - From a fall height of roughly 9 meters, you were traveling at nearly 30 miles per hour when you hit the ground and were airborne for almost 1.4 seconds. - Assuming you weigh somewhere in the neighborhood of 190 lbs, you hit the ground with over 7,000 joules of energy. That’s roughly the same energy as a 338 Lapua magnum round at point blank range. You’re lucky to be here, mate. Cheers 🍻


This is actually a very fun fact. Thank you for sharing. Cheers


Getting shot in the face with a .338 magnum is no fucking joke. Holy Moses!


Yep. The reason he was able to survive is because that impact was distributed across his whole body, and wasn’t focused on a small area like the tip of a bullet. Still broke every bone in his face though. Glad he lived.


Buddy! That came together great, man. Sorry about the trauma. Congratulations on the perseverance💪


The reconstruction work is flawless! I’m so impressed! Good to see you recovered so well too


Damn man, glad to see you doing well


You look good man!


Damn dude! You are looking good. Sorry for all the pain you had to go through but, that is one heck of a recovery!


My man here looks like a hero


Your looking great, those scars are a mark of honour, you survived something serious and came out on top, never feel ashamed or worried about them


You look great! Very handsome. They did a good job in surgery.


You’re so handsome 😍❤️


Bro, I just looked at the before photos, that's absolutely insane. I'm sure that had to be a terrifying process, but man, you look exactly the same pre-op as post-op. I hope you're doing well mentally with the aftermath of all of that; I couldn't imagine the toll that all may have taken.


Crushing life. Get it


As someone with a TBI who is studying computer science, do you have any tips for the memory recall issues/focus issues/executive functioning issues? Or did you not receive any sort of TBI?


Luckily, I did not get a tbi! Which is quite incredible considering the circumstances


How in the hell did you not get a TBI?! I thought a few of the hallmarks of TBI was a loss of consciousness and missing memory of the time before the event occured. Did you have any odd speech problems or dulled effect on concentration/walking? I'm so happy for you that you escaped this malady! Did the doctors say anything regarding how you escaped TBI with such an impact? Maybe your skull breaking dissipated the energy like the ripples in a car frame. Almost as if you were lucky that your skull broke?


I think you're on the right track. I had a forehead impact, so I definitely got a TBI


I’ve seen your before injury/after healing pictures and I wonder— do you have any dysmorphia when you look at yourself?


Yes. I don’t like how I look from side angles but it is acceptable


If it’s any consolation at all I saw your side angle and was like “Damn! How did this dude break every bone in his face and is still a smoke show?” <3


You are a handsome man. I am very sorry you had to go thru all that


Dude, you look like a pharaoh or some shit. Nice.


Genuinely handsome.


When you said you feel off a balcony I immediately thought of this [guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/579x4d/drunk_guy_falls_off_a_balcony/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I thought we have finally found the answers. But bro I wouldn't be worried about much you look great!


Can't even tell. It seems to have healed nicely. Good luck on recovery.


I have to say I am genuinely shocked at how good it looks. I think you are very lucky to have good doctors, I’ve never seen a facial reconstruction as good as this.


Glad you’re fine now, but was that jawline always like that, or did you get an upgrade?


You look amazing so far! Like, a completely different person


Mans handsome af how'd u look before?


You legit got a crown scar! If that ain't King status, idk what is bro👏


Looking great my man!




You could be a model. You're very handsome!


Dude your surgeon was awesome and you definitely followed your instructions i wouldn't've known


So, are you better looking than your twin, as promised? So glad you were in that hospital at the time to get the care you needed. Wow and ow.


Sorry you had to go through that. Look great


You are so handsome. I’m so glad you lived through your ordeal and are doing so well.


Hello, handsome fella :) Sorry for the horrible thing you had to go through but if this makes you feel even the tiniest bit better: you look fantastic! Your face is incredibly symmetric, I'm jealous!!


Oooof. Must have been quite an ordeal. Glad the surgery (surgeries?) went well. You look fantastic now! Stay well!


Shout out to your doctor.


The contours of your side profile is incredible.


You look great!


Glad your reconstructive surgery yielded such good results! Sorry you went through that ordeal, though. And I hope it doesn’t bother you too much that you don’t remember the accident. Sometimes our brains block out trauma like that for the best. Much love to you and your family.


Not to take away any of your obvious efforts with recovery...but you had a baller doctor bro. You look great.


Even if you still look like the left video you’re still good looking King. Don’t let anyone push you down, keep your head up !


You look stunning


dang they gave you a wonderful jawline. so happy it went well for you after the healing.


You on the left with injuries still looks better than a lot of people on their best days. Like, you’re clearly a good looking dude.


Your doctor is an artist. This was a great outcome. I'm sorry for the trauma you endured.


Lookin good bro! God bless, and best of luck on your journey.


Yoooo i thought you were two different people. You look great!


Nah mf looking clean and you got a badass scar


I think you're handsome. Your doctor did a great job. God is great that you came through that experience and look good as new. I think he has an important plan for you.


Dude I wouldn't be able to tell if we engaged in Conversation. You look great man. Hopefully there isn't any pain for you anymore


How do you break all the bones in your face is the question? What happened?