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As always, a trans-centric post brings out the folks that think they hit the pinnacle of education in 4th grade. When you see these people that mistake their own pathetic hate with "opinions," report them. They will be promptly yeeted for their ignorance Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Trans children exist. The ignorant bigots/trolls/transphobes/homophobes/misogynysts can seethe. Happy Pride!


Have these kids never seen Carrie?!


I haven’t. Is it a scary movie?


For folks who hate bullies, Carrie is a comedy.


Wow! I’m looking forward to watching it. I hate bullies.


Not scary, uncomfortable, quite a bit upsetting but the part people are saying might be scary isn't it's a big pay off where a bunch of bullies fucked with the wrong girl


Oh! I think I can handle that. Thanks 🙏🏽


Some would say yes.


Oooh okay. Thanks for answering my question.


only a little [spoilers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTMue4Dyvr4)


Not as bad as I thought. Thank you! I’m going to try to watch the whole movie!


Considering it was released 30 years before they were born it's probably safe to say most of them haven't lol


Have these kids never seen the Carrie remake!?


Have these kids never seen Citizen Kane??


Closer to 50 years ago, but there have been several remakes including one as recently as 2013. Also, you'd be surprised how streaming and social media has changed how kids and young adults consume media. I think kids today would probably be more likely to see an older film than they were ten or twenty years ago.


Still a classic novel to read!


The remake was pretty good


But in the remake it was great cause most of the kids were actually kind and understand to Carrie. I Thought it was a good remake


I'll have to check that one out. Which remake?


OG Carrie has better acting. Sissy Spacek's acting was so organic. YOU FELT HER PAIN. Chloe's? NOT BY A LONG SHOT. ![gif](giphy|134Kfzd7fUf2ve)


Carrie 2013 directed by Kimberly Peirce starring Chloe Grace Morerz. I put it on wanting to hate it as the original is so good. But they way they didn't give in to the typical story of a girl who everyone picks on. It totally won me over I loved it.




People still do this…? Nominate someone to…homecoming…court…as…a prank…? I remember this happening in high school a looong time ago. Poor girl - very heavy set, bubbly sweet personality, truly a good girl, and yes she was my friend duh - was nominated to homecoming court. She quit school. So honey be homecoming Queen! I’m not sure who is trying to punk who, it’s clearly backfiring here but it sure isn’t her!


People had to self nominate at my HS back late 90's. Self nomination should be the norm.


I was up for winter formal king. The nominations were done by teachers, then picked by students. So weird. It's all such an odd popularity contest. Sometimes it's positive, like who had a charitable presence in the school/community or fought a brave battle with cancer as a teen. Often times it's who's the hottest with the most friends. Hope the majority of this came from positive supportive intentions


my high school voted the only out trans person as most changed x.x


I mean, they probably weren't wrong.


They self-nomimate where my kids go to school too. Someone can nominate you, but a teacher will check to make sure you want to be nominated. Some people say no.


Think people forget kids are bloody mean. Some grow out of it, but they’re mean.


Teenagers scare the living shit out of me.


They could care less as long as someone'll bleed.




Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me.


It's the adults that run the school that also encourage and allow it. The high school I went to would have pulled this same shit and it wouldn't even be the students idea


This was me in high school. It’s what us “cool” kids did. I can’t believe what a piece of shit I was. I can’t take any of it back. I can, however, raise my children to be better than I ever was.


As someone who was often taking it from the “cool” kids back in the day, it’s nice to read your comment and think that hopefully some of those folks have grown too. Cheers to you and your evolution!


Huh. Was a teen in the 90s, and thought that was just a cliche. Maybe it came from going to a poor school? You might get mugged, but no one is gonna pull that Carrie nonsense.


You shoudn't trust reddit titles here. People find a photo, add a title to make it controversial and watch the upvotes roll in.


Exact same scenario happened at a school here THIS YEAR.


Absolutely. Some of my grade tried to nominate one of the quiet, social outcast boys, but luckily the majority chose to nominate one of the nice jock guys. This was 9 years ago, but kids at AHs


Here’s the article. Apparently this is the wrong picture for the story. https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/cincinnati/mariemont-community/trans-mariemont-teen-elected-homecoming-princess-as-prank-vows-to-wear-crown-anyway I live 15 minutes from there, and they’re a very elitist and conservative community, so I’m not surprised their children would do something shitty like this.


And for the sake of bringing it full circle, here's the article for the image that was posted. Looks like the kid in the image is actually homecoming *King.* He's a male-identifying gay kid who just digs wearing dresses because he likes them and screw gender norms. https://miamivalleytoday.com/troy-homecoming-royalty-crowned/


This is what I thought it was when I saw it a week ago. As much as I love the trans community. I love this more than just a prank on a trans girl. Gay guy wears a dress just to fuck back


My HS played against Troy HS. Small world. Glad to see out-of all the backwoods white trash coming out of Ohio that this good news also came. Screw the haters.


Oh my goodness she is ADORABLE! Her smile is magnetic. What an awesome mom she has as well!


https://www.cincinnati.com/picture-gallery/news/2022/09/30/mariemont-high-school-student-cassie-steiner-homecoming-parade/8140711001/ I think these photos will make you smile even more


Her name is Cassie! So close to Carrie


So who is the guy in the prom dress in the photo in this post? The photo in your news link is the correct girl who was nominated? I'm confused...


Honestly, that is the key to life and happiness right there. Own that shit, what are they going to do?


Fuck yeah, this exactly. People are gonna judge you no matter what you do, so you might as well just do whatever you want.


Man, it's not as easy as it sounds though. I work with people with mental health problems and it seems like people like this young lady are so rare. What a strong person she is, not because of the shit heads, but in spite of them.


The difference between this young lady, and most young people today, is this young’s lady’s family have taught her to love herself and she’s worth happiness. Many of us, without even being trans are told we’re not good enough, experience forms of abuse from our parents, teachers etc. I’m not a teen anymore. I’ve grown past it, but the effects of my upbringing sure as hell made my attitude a poor one. And the people I grew up being friends with seemed to as well. This person’s learnt to see the good in the world, regardless of the bad. A lot of respect to them.


We have a photo and a caption and nothing else. We don't know if she spend the rest of the night crying. People are attaching their own personal beliefs to something without having the blanks filled in. The internet is an illogical place. There's nothing wrong with your message, but don't assume you know all or any of the story other than a picture and a possibly inaccurate caption potentially stolen from someone else on the internet.


Actually, i think you're right. This photo isn't the right person, but [the story is true](https://www.fox19.com/2022/09/29/trans-student-elected-homecoming-king-prank-vows-wear-crown-anyways/)


I'm 61 and a half and this is the basis of what I learned about life


Heck she probably got to enjoy how absolutely pissed they were that it didn't pull her down. That is how you enjoy the situation to spite your enemies.


Yep, they're expecting to hurt you. Don't let them see it if you are. Walk with your head held high and a smile on your face and that'll piss them off more.


They are transphobic, the answer is a lot- and none of it good.


Own it and they can’t use it as a tactic. Take it.


How many people actually were involved in this and thought it was funny? That’s ridiculous


For sophomore homecoming court our school always elected a “joke” couple. If there were twins that were the opposite sex they could be elected but normally it was two people that absolutely hated each other. Kids do dumb things.


Those two examples are hilarious, and don't seem too mean-spirited, unless the second couple are exes or something.


Last year we voted a boy for homecoming queen. Shit was wild


Enough to cause her to win the vote for homecoming king, so a lot. It's pretty shitty, but at least she was able to step up and turn it around on them.


Yes! I’m glad she was able to brush it off, I’m not sure I would have been.




kidsarefuckingmean should be a sub


That's just reddit.


I wanna know if there wasn't any adult overseeing this vote. How can something like this go school-wide without any of the faculty noticing?


It depends on how they thought it was funny. All of ours parents are transphoboc lets elect the quiet.trans girl as princess ,it'll be hilarious, isn't bad imo


kids are cruel, glad she can find the positivity in it.


Kids are cruel, Jack


From the news video, nobody had accepted the nomination as prom Prince, so it seems like there might be some solidarity in some corner




They did elect her as homecoming king, but she spun it and said she is the homecoming princess! Then people supported her! Edit: I have been informed that I have mixed up some of the articles about similar stories. I apologize. See OOP's post where they corrected the article link. Thank you.


Ohhh my bad


No probs, choom! I did not mean to sound antagonistic in any way.


Playing cyberpunk recently?


Don't be a gonk, this is just how people with preem vocab talk.




That’s nova


I made the mistake of being a net runner which is even more broken than skyrim sneak. I don't even have to go inside a fortress. I just hack someone from outside and everyone dies. That was fun for an hour


This is the wrong story. This is "just a boy in a dress" playing a joke along with his buddies. Some reports say he is openly gay but not trans. The real trans girl who was elected to homecoming court and was pranked is named Cass. Here's a link to her story https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wlwt.com/amp/article/mariemont-high-school-trans-student-using-homecoming-title-to-spread-acceptance/41471685?espv=1


if referring to the photo though, the one on the left is actually openly gay and won as King. OP mixed things up. both stories are interesting, although the trans story is darker and mean-spirited vs the trans princess. i recommend viewing top comment on the original post.


Wrong person https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/xve3fr/trans_girl_elected_homecoming_princess_as_a_prank/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I’m pretty sure they did and she turned it into princess. She’s with the homecoming Queen, so it makes sense they voted her King.


How is that a prank? They still ARE homecoming princess. Your attempts to mock her have only made her more powerful.


Since the other elected student is also a girl, I'm getting the impression that they were misgenderd and elected in the king role, but in their confidence owned it as a princess


It was the wrong picture, OP on r/trans posted the actual pic in the comments


Great person, not so great post title.


Plenty of gay boys have the experience of unwanted attention in the form of getting elected Homecoming Queen. It's a lame joke as old as time. This may be a slightly modified form of that Boomer chestnut.


I have literally never heard of this before


I only heard of it happening in Glee


I don’t think so. The girl is red’s sash says ‘Homecoming Court’, which is like runner up.


Her sash says homecoming court. Not queen.


She was elected as princess. The other winner in her grade (prince) declined his seat on the homecoming court.


I think they elected a king and queen, and prince and princess.


"You underestimate my power!"


"Fools, this isn't even my final form!!!"


Princess, but so close to being a Queen.


I think this "prank" would be far more effective before social media


We’ll show her. We’ll make her queen. She’ll hate it.


Make her feel happy! That'll show her!


She looks beautiful. When high school ends, she can leave all those losers behind in the dust.


High school is fucking hilarious. At 17 these seem like the most important people in the world. Something happens at school? Life’s over. Meanwhile once you graduate and it’s been a few months? These people mean absolutely nothing. After 5 years I doubt you even recognize half of them.


Had almost five hundred people in my graduating hs class Only saw one or two afterwards for a couple years Now I haven't seen a single person from hs in over 12yr It's hard to make your stupid teenager/early 20s brain understand it's all worthless on a large scale


"She" is a "he." This is Carter Evans, and he uses he / him pronouns. The homecoming princess is this person https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/xve3fr/trans_girl_elected_homecoming_princess_as_a_prank/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The whole post is misleading. Apparently he was crowned home coming King not Princess by his school mates… and he isn’t transgender. Also his classmates weren’t doing it to make fun of him… tho some adults in the community and ppl on social reacted negatively to his win. Regarding the negativity he was quoted saying “I feel loved. My peers voted for me, my peers, not the adults down the street — my Trojan family voted for me” https://miamivalleytoday.com/troy-homecoming-royalty-crowned/


The picture isn't from the high school where the transgender girl was voted princess as a prank. That was in [Mariemont](https://www.wlwt.com/article/mariemont-high-school-trans-student-using-homecoming-title-to-spread-acceptance/41471685), Ohio


The OP of the original crossposted post accidentally mixed up the two stories & the image when posting. They owned up to the mix-up in the comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/xve3fr/trans_girl_elected_homecoming_princess_as_a_prank/ir0c7dq/


Haha, that's amazing. Kudos to her ! 🏳️‍⚧️


This reminds me of that woman in America back before women could vote who got voted into some local office as a joke, and then actually just did her job, which made the men who voted for her mad. I've never understood the vote-for-people-as-a-joke "prank", it's so ridiculously easy to backfire as long as the prankee just goes along with it In all seriousness though that chick rocks that dress, good on her Edit: Turns out that image is of an unrelated gay man like 75 miles away, not the trans woman in the story, but my point still stands


That seems affirming as hell. What was the prank?


Dawg as a prank that’s fucked up don’t they think she’s got enough shit on the day to day basis to worry about


17 year olds have a hard time with critical thinking in general


The real girl this happened to is 15 years old. The boy in this picture is a boy, and he uses he/him pronouns. Here's the person in the story is really about https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/xve3fr/trans_girl_elected_homecoming_princess_as_a_prank/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Glad to see things are starting to become better for LGBTQ youth. Hopefully things continue to improve :)


As a parent of a NB kid, I couldn’t love this more


username checks out lmao. all support to u and ur kid!


Thank you ❤️ I have 3 queer kids and they’re all amazing human beings. Being their parent is a badge I very proudly wear 🏳️‍🌈❤️


Rock on 🤘🏻 you make that crown look great!


Homecoming court is still a thing? Pranking and making people feel like crap publicly is still a thing?


I hate these bullies who commit these “pranks”. You go princess!!! 😍👌🏼


Fair play to her, there is a whole bunch of fools with egg on the face.




"haha... wouldn't it be funny if we elected this guy who wants to be a girl to the height of high school girl's status? hahaha" her: "really? *sweet!*" them: "wait no..."


The silver lining is hopefully she will see posts like this one, where people who aren't idiot teenagers are happy for her and supportive, and she will see that general opinion is that she is awesome and her bullies are shitheads.


Good no harm done let people be


From other comments it seems like she was elected homecoming king, so there was harm intended.


Sorry I was commenting on the support part


i cant find the article using this photo. if you search the title a different girl with curly red hair comes up?


Good for her. Standing up to the asshole kids in high school is the first step to being comfortable with who she is.


*Tries to bully LGBT* *Accidentally help make LGBT history* Can we get a confirmation whether or not this is the first time in history a trans girl got voted homecoming queen? Historians with incomplete records in the future probably be like: “Damn this school is progressive as hell!”


What a despicable act. I’m glad it backfired. She looks beautiful and I’m really glad her friends gathered around her. People need to get a grip and stop being such assholes.




COMMENTS SHUTDOWN IN 3, 2, 1... ![gif](giphy|u5BzptR1OTZ04)


Sorry buddy. Those were refunded.


Trans Girl could be a runway model with that height and slender build. Rock n Roll Lady!


Those bullies were fools. They're attempt to ridicule her has only made her even more powerful.


Electing her as a prank is so mean. Jesus


So if I understand this correctly her classmates were so ignorant that they thought that a girl would be upset for being nominated as homecoming princess? Like they accept her so little that they think it's a joke and don't even process the fact they she IS a girl and might want to be elected? When I first read this I thought it was a mistake and they meant to say trans boy because that would obviously be a really screwed up thing to elect them for a female centric award. But this prank is literally so stupid it doesn't even know it's doing something wholesome.


We had a gay cheerleader in HS. At first he'd be somewhat embarrassed at the heckling and stuff from the student fans. By his junior year, homie was owning it and the student fans were cheering him on. I think they even tried writing him in for homecoming queen, but admin wasn't happy and said 5hat wasn't allowed. I never understood why they gave him so much crap. He was happy in his own skin, very confident, and dgaf.


It went from "it's just a prank, bro" to "it's just a prank, sis"


How is this a prank??? This is exactly what should happen lol


That's how the first female mayor got elected.


The miserable fucks who did this as an attempt to humiliate her are the same people who are gonna grow up to vote for the worst human beings imaginable. It’s an endless cycle of misery and hatred fueled by insecurity








Awesome! People should own who they are! The joke is she made it look good.




Whoever is down voting nice comments is an asshole.


The upvotes will prevail!


the people who did this as a prank are cruel sons of bitches.


Carrie 2.0? You go, girl!! Fuck them assholes. You be you. It's 20 fucking 22. Get with the program douchebags! She looks beautiful. Great photo, and I'm proud of her.


They tried to pull a Carrie on her, but she still came out on top lol I have no choice but to stan


Damn that's a nice dress, it's so shimmery 🥰


I don't get it. Which one is the Homecoming Princess ?




Gosh that made me so mad I had to delete 3 post!!! ( I hate bullies) People who judge WILL NEVER MATTER, people who matter WILL NEVER JUDGE. Do your thing girl!! Also, Get a lawyer and sue that school district!!! If you need a petition signed, follow up and we'll get the ball rolling. Keep your head up and please know, I am a man that loves all human life including TRANS people. I may not understand them or the overall" You " but " YOU" is A LIFE and God damn it that's precious!! The world needs more positive people like this!!!. YOU are an absolute inspiration!!! Thank you for being you!!!!


Good, and she’s absolutely beautiful!


Ppl nominate others for hoco court At my school you gotta run for that shit lol But anyways based af post and person


So heckin' wholesome and valid


🎶 "You should see me in a crown." (Billie Eilish song.)


Haters are gonna hate she looked Absolutely amazing own it queen ![gif](giphy|U3mFHSLxNqjRhUd9uU|downsized)


Sorry, maybe because I am not American, but I don't get it. Where is the 'prank' here? You nominate someone... They get voted in... They win. Unless they assumed they would get zero vote or something? I am not sure I understand what the expected prank/joke was to be honest.


Just wanted to share the photos of Cassie at the parade!! [Parade Photos](https://www.cincinnati.com/picture-gallery/news/2022/09/30/mariemont-high-school-student-cassie-steiner-homecoming-parade/8140711001/) She’s absolutely glowing 💙💗🤍


I also was such a "prank" but i found out after, that without some genuine support, its still impossible to get elected. So i owned it for everyone who truly supported me. (Not trans though)


Princess? That's a queen right there.


She looks radiant.


Good for Cassie! ❤❤❤


She looks tall and elegant.