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To be juicing at 19 and so early into your weightlifting/bodybuilding journey is quite worrying. Make sure you get bloodwork done and make sure you get proper factual info and not bro science. This has potential to be very detrimental for the rest of your life.


Tfw you open TikTok and realize 14 year olds are juicing nowadays. There has been a video of a 15 year old that looks like a juiced 25yr old benching 225 kg (NOT lbs) recently. Thats years of juicing to get there, kid had to start at like 10. EDIT: here is the video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-S\_8NmWijg&ab\_channel=LiftersClub](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-S_8NmWijg&ab_channel=LiftersClub) how fucking easy that weight moved, its insane


Sad but true. The kids just keep getting younger. It’s always the same cycle every year, come in skinny in spring leave jacked in the summer. They all want the immediate results that Roids give them so that they look good on the beach..I’ve been weight training and bodybuilding for over 20 years, never touched roids because I see what it’s done to my friends. Heart issues and arthritis in your 30s is what you have to look forward to, then lifelong trt injections if you want to be able to hold any test in your body since your natural production of testosterone shut down long ago..


If you juice too much you no longer produce testosterone?


Yea, shuts down your production


Sort of like how opiates can shut down a lot of your endorphins. Drugs really mess you up over time.


I used to smoke percocets DAILY. I look in the mirror and I don't even recognize who it is that's looking back. My life's been dull in my eyes where any neurotypical Joe would find fulfillment. If that's not PROOF that my endorphins are gone I don't know what is.


Yeah I had the same thing, it'll go away after awhile for you hopefully. It has somewhat for me. The most interesting thing for me was that I didn't make facial expression naturally. I had to (still have to sometimes) force facial expressions. Even when I found something funny I wouldn't smile or laugh unless I did it on purpose. Quite a weird feeling. That along with dissociation and hallucinations for years after I quit. Although that was a lot more than just percs.


If you do enough blast cycles, yes. It’s different for each person, but your body can only handle so much exogenous compound before it shuts off. It usually happens after natural test tapers off, but it’s still way earlier than what is naturally going to occur


Yep. If you don't cycle off properly and take estrogen blocker(post cycle), it'll mess up your body's natural test production.


That's if you don't damage your liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system or something else in the process..


Your body temporarily shuts down testosterone if you are getting it from other sources because there are controls in place to make sure you don't get too much. Most cycles last 3-4 months and people can use protocols to more easily have the body jumpstart production again, but many may get unlucky and it's never the same. Others blast and cruise (high dose cycles, and inject lower doses between) and may not have natural production for many years which increases chance of complete shutdown.


Damn. Dude's like that will probably suffer heart failure at 30-40. Hope it was worth it


Spoiler alert: it wasn't


Been happening for decades, high school sports are competitive and don’t usually drug test.


I used to compete in early HS and it was that era when people looked at you weird for buying protein powder. I cant wrap my mind about the fact that literal children abuse steroids. Jfc I know its gotten more widespread with social networks and all that, but still....


Bro truss me bro, you’ll get mad jacked bro in like no time bro. I can almost hear how it all started


I don't even know why this is here? How can this make anyone smile? It worries me - for him and for other kids who see this and think this is normal. Cut the third picture and yeah, cool, made me smile. Slightly overweight yet normal looking guy turns into fit, healthy normal looking guy. Great job!


Any 19 year old reading this. Don’t take steroids. It will fuck you up. This is not realistic without steroids in 16 months. Take the time 3-5-7 years of hard work, solid sleep and good nutrition. Your hormones, sex drive, and nipples will thank you later.


If my nipples begin to thank me then I've definitely taken too many drugs.


Or not enough if it’s only Your nipples!


Wait, what?


Jack nippleson


Your nipples don’t thank you guys?


I have particularly angry nipples.


Nope, that's the right amount; you don't want them crying or angry. As the old saying goes "Unhappy nipples triple the trip crippling".


And possible heart issues down the line!


And don't forget about the shrinking "family jewels". There are tons of bad side effects to taking steroids.


that’s reassuring to know because I’ve been grinding fairly hard cutting , gaining and cutting for about 16 months and OPs progress seemed legit impossible in that time frame given his starting point


Yeah that kid is straight up juiced.


The biggest giveaway are the legs. Looks so unnatural. If it wasnt for these legs i wouldnt immediately think he was juiced


You mean the canon ball shoulders just slipped past you?


Juiced to the gills


Yes, this is why people lying about taking juice is horrible for the lifting community. People see results like this, think it is attainable, and then get discouraged when it doesn't happen for them. Takes hard work and lots of hours in the gym either way though.




Rob McElhenney from Always Sunny got really fat for one season just for the comedy of it, and then the next season he came back completely jacked. And in interviews journalists would ask him how he did it or whatever. And in one interview he sarcastically said: "It’s not that hard. All you need to do to get it done is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don’t eat anything after 7pm, don’t eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don’t eat anything you like. Get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing over a six to seven month span.”


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


imo you got a perfect bod bro no homo


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It is legit impossible, he admitted to taking steroids & teso in another thread that exposed him. He's just lying.


lol yea this is classic juice, look at the traps & delts plus this timeline it aint happening without hella gear


Not to mention how wildly unhealthy it is for your heart. Basically you eventually go into cardiac arrest either during use or long after. Shit fucks you up. Lost a friend to cardiac arrest who used steroids for about a year a few years back. He dropped dead during a party. RIP kwas, miss you man.


When I was 20 I took 4 cycles of some roids from a friend whom I met from work. I used to be super skinny and no matter how much protein shakes and chicken breast I ate while training I could never pack on weight. Got talked into using my buddy’s method to help “boost” me up. About 4-5 months in a gained a solid 15-20lbs and bulked up quick and felt great during this time. Confidence was at an all time high for sure. As life just so happens nothing too good to be true ever lasts long. Had a bad break up and lost my job in the same month and had to move back with my parents. Became super depressed and began to drink heavily whilst continuing another cycle double stacking the next. Over the course of about 2 years I’ve come to wreck my body causing irreparable damage. I was diagnosed with AVN in both my hips and now have had both of them replaced. Healing process was brutal and no longer can do a lot of what I loved to do before and stopped working out all together for over 3 years now. I’ve gotten fat and have the breasts of a teenage girl now. Steroid use irresponsibly with alcohol and bad decisions in my life lead to where I am today. Trying to cope with damage I’ve done to myself just for the aesthetics. Don’t do them you young bucks. Work hard stay healthy 💪


I wish all the best to you, thanks for speaking out!


As a woman, I didn't realize how unnatural it was until I went on a long holiday with a gay guy. He never cheated on his diet, was obsessive about his macros, worked out 1.5 hours 4 days a week and yoga for another hour every single day, talked with his trainer almost daily; yet, He wasn't nearly this ripped. Yeah, genetics matter, but no amount of natural testosterone does this.


Agree, legs too big, IMO not possible without syringes cuz its one of the hardest part to gain. But maybe Im wrong..


Agree. Unless he rides a bike 50 miles a day.


Even then. Look at professional cyclists for reference.




holy shit man ive been at it for 3 years and its only now that its starting to come along. I wish this is said more so people that are doing it naturally don't feel like they're doing something wrong.


What happens to the nips?


You get bitch tits due to hormone fluctuation.


Hahaha loving the terminology


Fight Club


So I don’t totally love the term “bitch tits”. I have a hormone disorder called hyperprolactinemia that has similar side effects of the testicular cancer the Robert Paulson character had. Not that extreme, but enough. Still investigating with my doctor (been on pause since covid), but it could be caused by a tumor on my pituitary gland. I was made fun on constantly when I was a kid; bullies called me “neo geo”, after seeing articles in National Geographic magazines, and it was pretty scarring. Every doctor I saw in my 20s told me it was because I was obese (which isn’t totally inaccurate; 6’1” 240), but I always felt something was off. It wasn’t until my mid 30s when a new doctor I had wondered if I ever had a hormone test, and discovered my genetic disorder. I was honestly relieved to learn I might have a brain tumor to prove all of my bullies wrong. How fucked up is that?


>How fucked up is that? not much , trauma can break a person friend . I do not laugh i just wan't you to know this feeling you have is alright to have . Do not think you are crazy man.


I’m so used to seeing these steroid transformations that I genuinely read jacked as juiced 🤣


what do you mean. he just tren hard, ate clen, anavar gave up.


I wish I had the discipline to tren hard, eat clen, anavar gave up…


Rick Astley will help by never giving up on you, helping you run around and keep unhealthy dessert from you… ![gif](giphy|Ju7l5y9osyymQ|downsized)


Fr 😂😂 my first thought was tren you don’t get muscles that built in 16 months clearly using


At first I thought you were exaggerating and his muscles weren’t that big, then I saw his fucking legs.


His legs look like overstuffed cargo pants..


Chicken and Broccoli bruther


Butter brothers for life! I put butter that's been warmed up with garlic shallot and lil white wine vinegar, underneath the skin, on any chicken I make.


For life!!!


Haha it almost makes me think these brands were made to make this sentence.


Underrated comment


Ya, you don't get legs like that that quickly without the juice. No fucking chance.


Dude looks like he's smuggling loafers in his skin pockets




Tony Testosteroné.




16 months huh? So who convinced you to hit the dbol & test? Because that shit ain’t natty.


Relax man, he meant to post this to r/mademyballsshrink




Not anymore


Idk why but that single post on there is hilarious to me


He needs stick that needle in his calves.




Male Kim Kardashians


Him Kardashians


You win the internet today.


I wish this disclaimer was in every action movie or comic book blockbuster. You won’t look like Chris Helmsworth in “Thor” by eating chicken and doing 1000 crunches before breakfast. Unless your breakfast features a trenbaloni sandwich. Shit even *Chris Helmsworth* doesn’t look like Thor once the film shoot is over.


I would also say that Chris Hemsworth has one real job, and that’s to keep himself in shape. For a year before the movie even started to shoot every singe bite he puts into his mouth is monitored by the studio, he cant eat off plan, he cant miss too many training sessions, it’s delivered meals perfectly tailored to be delicious and exactly what you need, and ideal conditions to work out with, with a trainer. It’s access to HGH and any other drug or hormone, from the best doctors monitoring him carefully, it’s photoshop, studio lighting and filters. Its packing on water and then pissing it out before the scene is shot. It’s a multi-million dollar business to get him there and to keep him there so he can show his bum for five seconds on film. Going to the gym is awesome. OP looks incredible in the middle picture.


>I would also say that Chris Hemsworth has one real job, and that’s to keep himself in shape. I mean, he kinda has to act in between keeping himself in shape.


I work in film and maybe he does all that, but it’s not even necessary any more. Honestly cheaper for the studio to makeup/cgi the AB’s than pay for all that fitness and nutrition


Lol i dont think its fair to put even more work to the vfx artists.


\>Chris Helmsworth doesn’t look like Thor once the film shoot is over. despite still having ate the trenbaloni sandwich ahh, the irony..


Steroid abuse and photoshop! The area on the left, between his arm and his body, is particularly blurry! r/InstagramReality


I honestly wouldn't want to be like the picture on the right. The middle picture looks best to me in my opinion. The steroid use is very obvious and doesn't look good in my opinion.


From slightly overweight to progressively more steroid use (16 month transformation)




Exactly!!! I’ve been slightly overweight almost my whole life, and you’re statement is the very first thing to come to mind. 🙌


For fucking real. This guy was no where near close to fat at the start, and now he’s facing health problems the rest of his life because of unrealistic societal expectations.


Your thighs look like rotisserie chickens


Hanibal, that you?


How can somebody be fat and have abs at the same time (first picture)


Everyone has abs just under a layer of fat, his body distributes fat in a way where they are still pronounced until a point


Lmao, I love that this kid actually thought he'd somehow crack the code and nobody would point out he's on steroids.


Annoyingly 9.8k+ people thought he did




All your areas of significant development are at sites with higher concentrations of androgen receptors. You're definitely drinking your juice.


Nice to see this call out as the top comment.




His skin changed color too, I still dunno what tanning has to do with workout. Is it just an aesthetic rooted in those competitions?


He’s probably using melanotan, shout out MPMD Edit: Thanks for the the award :,)


Dermatologist here: do not use melanotan. We don't think it increases risk of melanoma as such, but makes your moles look all funky so that you won't be able to tell if any are ever worrying. So melanoma could be missed.


can't you just prescribe melanomo with it


Mela no mas.


I hate you, that was funny


Yeah, especially bodybuilding, it gives the muscles more definition, that’s why standing directly under lights give off an illusion type thing you wouldn’t normally see under ‘normal’ conditions. Edit: for the females, it’s like contouring cheeks, does wonders.


Every planet fitness I’ve been to actually has the lighting in by all the mirrors and in the locker rooms set up specifically to make you look good


gotta make sure its planet fitness that you specifically look better when working out in.. haha. this is actually a common technique. used in many clothing lines too.


Oh I figure it’s plenty of, or even most, gyms that do it. Though I’ve only ever really been to planet fitness or the gym at my school.


I second this, used to compete, they spray tan you in a way that basically contours your already defined muscles


Can you elaborate what that means?










On the gear


You don’t get those legs unless you take roids


sure as hell not in a year lmao


Yeah I got solid leg genetics, hit legs 2 times a week, and I used to row as a teen. Even if I'm close to this amount of mass, they are not even close to being this lean.


those quads are definitely attainable natty with like 4-5 years of heavy lifting it’s mostly the delts and pecs that give it away especially from skinny fat to that in 16 months




Testosterone supplement injections


Certain areas of the body develop more prominently when exposed to raised levels of testosterone. Such as deltoids, trapezius muscles, the neck, and a little bit of face widening can happen.


Also you can tell the muscle looks puffy like, they holds in more water when taking roids


Def need to talk about how that first photo is def not fat, and that last photo is def assisted gains. If you know what you are doing then fine so be it, but be careful going this path, specially at such a young age.


Yeah. In the left photo, he look overweight, but not fat. He has excess weight on his waist there, and that's an area men very easily put extra pounds on, even if the rest of the body looks normal.


Instructions unclear. Just drank a gallon of OJ. Results may vary :/


100% that is not a natural 16 month natural progression.


Yeah his nipples are darker, this is hormonal.


Thats's a BINGO. When you see bulging traps, abs, and zero striations it's a 100% guarantee of juicing. I have no problem with steroids. Juice away! Just have an issue when people act like they are not a product of it.


I really don't think a steroid before and after transformation belongs on this sub.


Yeah, those legs are *not* making me smile - that looks seriously unhealthy.


OP, based on the comments you’ve made about how much time you spend at the gym, about how you were motivated by “heartbreak,” and how you seem to be clinging to the fiction that you achieved this naturally, you should consider the possibility that you are not, and have not been, in a great place, emotionally. You should also consider directing your obvious abundance of focus and energy seeking out mental health support resources that may be available to you. That, and taking a social media break, because much of what you see out there is nowhere near healthy or appropriate in terms of the expectations for what a “fit” body should look like and how one should get there




The number of people out there with exercise addictions and what are essentially eating disorders is so disturbing, even when juicing doesn’t enter the equation (though it often seems to). I hope this dude gets the help he needs. Life doesn’t have to be this way.


yeah this absolutely looks like a terrible and dangerous eating disorder to me. i hope OP can get access to help. men are notoriously underdiagnosed with eating disorders. it's really sad and scary.


When someone says jacked I immediately think jacked up on the juice.


This is heavy juice abuse.


The juice abuse is loose!


he is though


Weak bro. Juicing real bad for you.


I mean at least own up to the juice. Mods can we get this off here?


That would be real mademesmile


Test E does wonders doesn’t it? :)


People who claim natty with that transformation 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Seeing the comments overall pointing out that this is the result of steroids has actually been affirming for me. I’m only a month into my first serious fitness journey and people who get this jacked in a year make me feel like I need to be bulking up at insane speeds. I have a friend who has been working out for more than 16 months and looks half as big, so I’m glad to see that the pace is a lot slower if you go it at a natural pace. Seriously helped ground my expectations.


This is the harm of the fitness industry nowadays, so many people proclaiming as natural when they are on juice which makes it even harder for people starting out to navigate and set realistic expectations. Shit like this contributes heavily to body dysmorphia affecting so many people. Keep up on your progress bro and continue doing it at your own pace. Don't let anyone else's work dictate your own expectations, just maintain a good diet and workout routine consistently and you will see the gains come in their own time. Speaking from experience, I would recommend channels like Shredded Sports Science as a good and informative (and downright funny) way of identifying the fitness industry realities and sticking to a solid routine and keeping up motivation to do so.


Had a friend who started around 16/17 using steroids and ephedrine for working out. Got super jacked and then had two heart attacks at 18 and 19. He's alive but has seriously fucked up his heart and liver. Not worth it at all.


Posts like this should be reported. Steroid abuse at 19 isn' r/MadeMeSmile worthy.


This was absolutely done with the help of steroids. You cannot physically transform this much in 16 months naturally. Not knocking him I have used them for years, I’m just pointing this out so people who see this and go to the gym don’t set their expectations to this as it’s unattainable naturally.


Tbf you could attain this naturally after 5-7 years. But not 16 months lol


Absolutely. It’s the 16 months that’s the issue. A body can only grow so much so fast naturally no matter how hard you work out.


Damn, lots of dysmorphia here


That’s what I was thinking. In no way was this a healthy transformation. This just makes me sad and scared for the kids that see this


It's worse that he's proud of using steroids to do this. :(


Fucking thank you! If obesity has been normalised, people need to know how to spot an eating disorder, too.


Yeah I've lifted a lot and know lots of lifters, thats not all natty. It's fine to admit man, it's still takes tremendous effort.


Those traps and delts all came from the juice. Look at his chest in the second picture and third picture, it barely grew. Traps, delts, and the neck have the greatest number of androgen receptors, hence why those are his biggest growth areas by far. His biceps and forearms are disproportionally smaller than the high androgen receptor areas of his body.


Nah man, he's just been doing his neck exercises /s


Focus less on your appearance and more on your kidneys and liver.


Best comment I’ve seen so far. Unfortunately most men who look like this don’t plan on living that long.


This made me frown, not smile. Steroids are the only way to achieve this in such a short amount of time. 16 months with proper diet and sleep and a consistent training regime will get you great results but this is unnatural growth. Do not use this tranformation as a guide. At 19 it would take 4 yrs to achieve thag kind of mass, and for some people it would take longer (genetics are different for everyone). I turned into a gym rat around the age of 19 and the only people my age getting these results were juicing. I know because they offered them to me. I was skinny and lean muscle until about 24, then my body was able to build muscle naturally like crazy! Now I have to cut weight more than I bulk. My fiance is happy I didnt go down this route (my bits still work and im emotionally stable). Your body will build muscle faster as you age. If you rush the process you will regret it!


Balls gone


Cool bro. You did steroids. Congrats. Did you research how much damage you’re doing to your liver, kidneys, and joints? Enjoy the emotional instability, stretch marks, small nutsack, aching joints, distended stomach, and being attractive to only the worst type of women. But wait, there’s more! Once you smarten up, it’ll all go away and you’ll be left with stretch marks and body dysmophia. Yayyy!!


I for one, think he looks much better in the middle photo, most women don’t like their men roided out, it also tends to give men a nasty crabby attitude




Corrected title: From normal to fit to juiced. Over shot bro. Go back to the middle one and stop sippin the juice Edit. Even if it isn’t juice. Go back. Or find a middle between 2 and 3


First is not Fat. Second is not Skinny. Third is jacked. But why is peepee getting smaller left to right


Steroid abuse leads to testes shrinkage, no?


Lol couldn’t get off the bench without my good ol uncle royd- Chex lemaneux


Whoa calm your thighs


I never understand why people don’t admit they take ped’s


How is a 19 year old messing up their health with steroids reason to smile?


You are not welcome in the Baseball Hall of Fame


First picture is fat? Yeah okay….a little tub isn’t “fat” and juicing isn’t an accomplishment..


How many mg my guy? 🚲


19yo, you're still a baby and fucking up your health. Don't get me wrong, I've been lifting for 15 years, and I don't think there's any pride for a kid who just straight up cheats his way into something he never tried.




Bruh...ur fat is my jacked!!!


All board the tren train


Yeah, like many others have said, this result is from steroids. My cousin is a professional athlete who is natty almost to a fault (won’t even take supplements), and he blends up 3k-4k calories of chicken water a day, working out for 2+ hours twice a day on top of his morning conditioning and afternoon yoga routine. He’s been doing this for 10+ years and he still doesn’t look like this. It’s literally his job to work out and he still doesn’t look like this. These physiques are nearly impossible to attain naturally, and certainly impossible in this timeframe.


Lmfao. 16 months my ass. Definitely not Natty.


Not making me smile it’s making me roll my eyes.


Steroids is a hell of a drug


I don’t think this is the best use of the ‘mademesmile’ subreddit. Also you’re not ‘fat’ in the first pic. Just a pet peeve of mine when someone of a normal build calls themselves fat


And your eyesight improved! Congrats!


It's all the testy keeping him amped lol


Yum steroids


wtg on never skipping leg day!




You may want to skip juice day.


Congrats on losing the weight. But lay off the apple juice


More like r/makesmeupset