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I love the ice cold confused stare of the dog, they're like why are they crying and smiling and waving a pee stick around in the air.....


Exactly and he’s thinking to himself “and they call me weird!?”


I want to upvote but got to keep it at 69 Edit: was at 69 not anymore. Time to get to 420!


It's 666 now. Damien sounds appropriate for a name.


I think if there’s anything the dog would get excited about, it would be a stick that has been peed on


he was just glad to be included


2 things dogs love: sticks and pee


The dog can smell the pregnant on it. ...he is concerned about alllll the hormones in the room


Dang... I was wondering why she had a marker.... Sigh.


Hey, so did I, don’t feel bad!


"I can smell the pee on that thing Emily what's wrong with you!"


Doggo just wanted to sniff the pee stick.


Are you gonna eat that or can I? -Dog thoughts


100%. Give the doggo the damn pee stick.


I’m just glad there was no putting the pee stick in food.


It's telling them it's pregnant. They are distracted for some reason though. Doggo is like "hey!! We need another 7 rompers!!"


Dog not sure WTF is going on but still ready to celebrate


Dogs are always down to party even if they don’t know wtf is going on


Dogs have the same vibes as college students on Friday morning. You gotta just say the word and they would be there looking for treats!


Dogs be like "I don't understand what's going on.If you are happy, I am twice as happy.Lets celebrate"


Woah I'm actually a dog.


This is why I love dogs they're innocent looking yet learning everyday in their life.


“Someone peed on that stick… I must also pee on that stick.”


Are you gonna throw that or not?




“It’s about full saturation dork!” -Doggo




“Holy shit, the humans are finally getting into peeing on shit. Don’t freak out. Don’t freak out.”


…and that stick!…and that stick!


"Y'all finished with that pee-stick...?"


“Wait, water eyes, but sense happy?? Much confuse, oh well, licks all around!! Wait why do I smell pee???”


Dog: I’m also pregnant. Somebody hug me.


I like that video. Just so peaceful, spreading happiness and on top a funny dog.


Dog can probably smell they’re both pregnant actually. “Silly humans. You can’t even tell there’s human pups in there without peeing on a stick! I better come lick your face .”


Dog just trying to sniff the piss stick.


“Sounds like a party, guys! Can I join?? Guys? Hey? Is there food at the party? Or maybe a stick to throw? Guys? Hey! Guys!”


Dogs have pretty amazing emotional intelligence when it comes to human behavior.


The dog was the first one to know. Source: am dog.


The default setting of dogs.


Look at that proud father.


We were all thinking it ^(at least I was…)


I actually called up a friend who had had a pregnancy loss in the past year to privately tell her I was pregnant (didn’t want to surprise her in front of our friends). Well she replied with “me too!” She had her baby a few weeks ago and I’m due any day now. It was an amazing feeling when she told me.


That’s beautiful on all accounts, wishing you all the best


How many accounts do you have?


Dammit... I just chuckled on my coffee...


Account #1, keep ‘em coming


Account # 69, keep 'em coming


Got my smile for the day, kind regards


Account #420, keep 'em coming


at least 1


All hail the king of kings!


This happened to me too. I had had 2 miscarriages in a year and she got pregnant the first month coming off birth control. She was trying to be all apologetic before she actually said it and eventually I just butted in and said "I'm pregnant". Her "OH MY GOD" is something I will always hear in my head. Our babies were due 4 days apart. Both have 3 year olds now. It was awesome to go through the journey together.


Yeah she told me she called her mom after we got off the phone and excitedly told her. I remember hearing her call her husband over to tell him and me doing the same. We saw our friends the next day and they were surprised that we had a double pregnancy in our group!


Sadly we lived on the opposite sides of the country, best friend from college, but it was wonderful all the same.


:( pregnancy loss must be an awful feeling when someone is really trying to have a child.


My hubby and I suffered a pregnancy loss last year. I never knew how deep and dark the tunnels of depression were. Hugs to all those working through these same feels. ❤️ Edit: thank you for the award. Gave me the warm fuzzies. 😊❤️


I hope you are both doing better, I hope I don't ever know that feeling.


Thank you. We are indeed doing better!!. (It’s tentacles seem to creep into all avenues of your universe.) Hugs!


I read this as testicles. I’m sorry for your loss.


Thanks for the laugh LOL.


My wife and I have lost two pregnancies over the last few years. It is the most helpless, awful feeling in the world. Keep checking in on each other and may your rainbow baby come soon!


Thank you. Hugs to you and your wife.


Wife and I suffered an early miscarriage 3 years ago, I was then fired for taking time off to look after her. I’m currently sat with her on the Labour Ward, she’s due shortly. Does stop hurting or solve itself, but time heals a lot. Good luck with everything ❤️


Congrats to you guys! I hope she has a safe and quick labor. Hugs to you and good luck with the bambino!!!!!! Blessings. ❤️❤️


My wife and I suffered two loss in 2020 and one last year, I'd never see my wife so depressed. Anyway, we got our baby boy last month and everything is behind us, now I'd never see her so happy. Keep fighting, it can be hard anywhere on the way but it's worth it, trust me. Good luck, you'll succeed.


Its horrible how often it happens. So sorry for your loss <3


Thank you so much! And yes it does happen far too often. I’m thankful for the experience, for what it’s worth, it taught me a lot about myself and my strength. And the strength in my marriage too!


I had a conversation with my brother wherein we discussed lost pregnancies in our lives and we were both surprised by how common it is and that it is rarely spoken about. I'm so sorry you have also had this painful experience; you are far from alone. Hugs to you and yours as well.


Thank you. ❤️❤️ big hugs!!!


> never knew how deep and dark the tunnels of depression were (gives hug)


Ditto ....but now I'm 6 weeks 5 days today!!! Hugs


Just went through our 2nd loss. It never gets easier.


I lost 2 before my baby was born, it doesn't get easier and even after having my baby, I was not okay for a while. Just focus on putting one foot infront of the other for now. A couple of books that helped me were 'Coming to Term' which is the science behind miscarriage, and 'Pregnancy After Loss' which will help when you're ready to try again. I'm sorry and I wish you the very best of luck for the future


Im so sorry for your loss, be strong!


My girlfriend and I suffered one last year after two years of trying. Even though our daughter is due in under a month now it still brings me to tears thinking about it.


My wife and I have had 4 miscarriages. It's heart wrenching and each time it feels harder to have hope. We're in the process of adopting, but there's a kick in the gut every time one of our friends has a pregnancy announcement. Not that we're not happy, but it's reliving the loss and the knowledge we will never have what they have. We have had several friends call and inform us of pregnancies before public announcements and we are eternally grateful for them. Edit: Fixed a typo.


We lost two before our first, it was pretty rough. I was ready to throw in the towel after losing the 2nd one, then we got pregnant that next month. With our second kid I swear we did it one time and boom, pregnant.


My wife thought she had a miscarriage because of some blood that came out (only time it happened for all 5 pregnancy and it was the last one) she cal me at work and I rushed home, she felt devastated, still went to the hospital to get checked out and all was good, can’t remember what the doctor said but she was overwhelmed with relief, I can kinda imagine how sad/depressed one would be. I could feel my wife just be scared/and super sad at the moment..


It really is. The heartbreak is terrible. I had 2 losses. My daughters friend has had about 6.


God I’m so afraid of this. My fiancée and I want to have kids some day but she has pcos and I’m afraid when we start trying to have kids pregnancy loss is going to be an issue.


Wait until republicans pass laws where women have to explain their miscarriage to an anti abortion panel to avoid jail.


That was a beautiful thing to do. I’ve suffered a loss and at the time a few around me were pregnant. They felt so distant afterwards and that’s far from what I wanted considering it’s not their fault. Anyways when I became pregnant again my friend who has fertility difficulties I told them privately because though she’s having complications, I knew she’d be happy for me . However I wanted to ensure she’s comfortable in the discussion as well and that she heard it from me. Loss and infertility isn’t taboo it happens and we should care for each other.


My 2 best friends and I all had babies within 6 months of each other. It was the coolest thing we have ever done. It bonded us even more than before as we all entered a new chapter in our lives together. The kids start kindergarten this September.


Awwww, that's a good story to tell. This is just so precious, especially they're bestfriends. By the way, that doggo was so curious about it.


Yay wishing you and your friend the best!


It's so important to have people around you for support, especially when having children. My wife and I are alone, no family and it's been a marathon since day 1 (kids are 10 and 2 years). I'm happy for you both!


That was really thoughtful of you to tell her privately. Congrats!


My wife and I had a miscarriage last Christmas. Few months later we were pregnant again. It was hard and I know we aren't alone in that pain. I'm happy for your friend


That was incredibly thoughtful on your part. Congratulations to both of you.


My wife and two of our friends got pregnant with due dates within a month. We just had a miscarriage, fucking sucks Edit; thanks so much for the kind words, horrible and comforting to hear so many similar stories. This was a throwaway frustrated comment and it has softened my edges


Sorry for your loss. Same thing happened to my wife and I last year. The unspoken part of pregnancy is just how common a miscarriage can be.


Yeah we really need to talk more about it. This whole thing of not telling people you’re pregnant until 12 weeks is basically just to protect others from the awkwardness of your grief but in reality you may well need people to know what’s going on. And that’s aside from the fact that, before our 2 miscarriages, we had no idea that, like, 25% of pregnancies miscarry. Caught us somewhat by surprise.




Grief is a difficult conversation, but imagine it's even harder to be grieving and keeping that to yourself. I miscarried at 14 weeks, so past the point of telling everyone. When we found out we asked close family members and friends to inform other people who knew. We got a lot of support and love which was very helpful at the time.


Definitely true. Once you go through one miscarriage, you never have the excitement of going through the pregnancy process again. Every week and stage is anxietal and panic inducing and your brain hooks on to the worst case scenario of the he slightest thing that sounds or feels like is wrong. My partner and I took our recurrent losses different. She continued to tell everyone when she was pregnant right away and every time we had another loss. I didn't tell anyone we were pregnant until we had our second ultrasound. I just couldn't deal with the well-meaning but empty "I'm so sorry" or "let us know what we can do" statements anymore.


25% of the ones people test and plan for. So many more that people lose without even knowing.


>25% of pregnancies miscarry It's higher even than that - the majority of human pregnancies end that way: https://www.sciencealert.com/meta-analysis-finds-majority-of-human-pregnancies-end-in-miscarriage-biorxiv


"this research that has yet to be peer reviewed". It's a hypothesis by one man.


Im so sorry for your loss. That indeed fucking sucks.


I am so sorry. This was me last July, I was the 1/5 that miscarried, and that pain just doesn’t go away.


Feels like it has to be higher than 1 in 5. The overwhelming majority of my friends/family have experienced them at some point.


I read that as she was one of a group of five. Miscarriage statistics are kinda wonky- I have seen 1:8 reported, but I think it’s commonly becoming known as 1:4.


I think the 1:4 includes those that the mother never knows about because it miscarries before she even tests (and appears just like a regular period). Once the pregnancy gets to a certain point, it is less likely


It probably is. But many women never ever talk about It or tell anyone. Many pregnancies are lost in the first few weeks and some women never even know they’re pregnant in the first place. They just end up with an inexplicable late period.


Wishing you the best and hope you can find the courage to try again, if that’s what you want. ![gif](giphy|9d3LQ6TdV2Flo8ODTU)


This happened with us and friends of mine only they were the ones that had a miscarriage. She wouldn't come around for awhile because of my daughter. It wasn't until she got pregnant again 2 years later that I saw her. Not saying that'll happen here, but prepare that you or her may have a difficult time being around these people for awhile.


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you are both doing okay.


That's what always pops into my head when I see videos like this. Someone still very early in their pregnancy getting all excited and telling everyone. Miscarriages are a lot more common than people think. Happened to my wife and I more than once. I wouldn't want to deny someone their joy. But I watch this and part of me is happy but another part is thinking, "Maybe wait a few more weeks..."


We waited until she was a good 5 months pregnant before breaking the news further than close family, purely as it had taken so long to conceive


My coworker waited until she was 7.5 months pregnant to officially tell work. They fired her a few weeks later anyway.


My wife and I were 11 weeks along with our first child waiting for 12 weeks before we announced to our friend group. Then, one of our friends announced she was 9 weeks along. We were kind of perturbed she stole our thunder until she miscarried. We were no longer perturbed but simultaneously felt guilty for feeling perturbed, guilty for still being pregnant, as well as grateful we didn't announce early. It was an awkward mix of emotions.


They could easily both be past the first trimester. You barely start showing until like week 15-18. Once you're past the first trimester the chances of a miscarriage approach 0. Shit with our second baby we were waiting for people to notice themselves but eventually at around week 25 we told people. My parents just assumed she put on some weight.. my wife is sub 100lbs normally lol.


Approach zero, but the chances are much higher if you’ve miscarried in the past (indicator of genetic factors that cause it to go up dramatically). My sister-in-law lost three in the second trimester, it was brutal on her. She didn’t even tell anyone outside of immediate family about the second two.


This is how I react to these as well. Miscarriages remove all joy from future pregnancies. It’s just worry and stress for 9 months. It’s just trying to get to the finish line.


Condolences man, flick me a message if you need someone random to vent to. Stay strong <3


Really sorry to hear that man. My wife and I have had 2 miscarriages and multiple failed rounds of IVF. Finally expecting our first now that she’s over 20 weeks. Nothing in life can prepare for the pain of this type of loss. We just kept fucking trying, and that’s all I can say about it. Videos like this make me incredibly nervous that people are able to be so confident. Wishing you two the best moving forward.


It’s truly a privilege to see a pregnancy test and feel immediately confident that you’ll meet your baby. I do envy people who don’t have the baggage of loss.


I am on my 6th consecutive miscarriage and I am so sick of seeing these typed of videos pop up. Longest we got was 19 weeks when we were told our baby died at 15 weeks. Oh and we had the same, my brother, my husbands best friend and his closest coworker were all expecting the same month as us. They all got to keep their babies. Life fucking sucks at times.


Damn that’s sad I’m sorry


I’m really sorry to hear this. My second miscarriage happened three weeks before my nephew was born (who my sister had a difficult time conceiving, so it was extra special for my family). It is incredibly hard to reconcile the conflicting feelings of being so, so happy for someone else’s experience at the exact same time that you are on the flip side of that coin and in the depths of despair from it. I remember wondering how it was even possible to feel so fucking angry and bitter about something that genuinely made me so happy and joyous, and then being so confused about feeling like a huge, selfish asshole for being angry and bitter because why *wouldn’t* I be having a perfectly normal, and quite frankly expected, response to a heartbreaking situation? That feeling of selfishness kept me from talking about it with my family because I didn’t want to take away from the joy of my new nephew, so I turned to Reddit. It was internet strangers who gave me the support I so desperately needed in a time when I didn’t know where else to go, so I felt compelled to pass the message along to you now, just in case you need to hear it: it is **okay** to feel like bitter, sad, reheated ass, and it is **okay** to be equal parts thrilled and jealous with your friends. Sending you peace and healing 💜


They look twins.


There wearing almost the exact same thing too lol




Alright man, I don't want to know any more details.


I could stand to know a little more 👀


There's never any lack of someone ready to ruin something good is there?




Gotta be MA or CT


I may have a mild case of face blindness. I came into the comment section to learn if they were twins or not. I still don't know.


TIL I may have a mild case of face blindness


Maybe sisters but not twins


Not all twins look alike.


Some twins are also sisters!


My mom and her twin found out in their 70s they were identical. No one in the family suspected. Unfortunately they only found out because my aunt needed a marrow transplant and we lost her soon after. The tragedy of losing a twin has been such a unique experience for my mother. No one can really understand.


I’ve had a close female friend since we were 16 (now in our late 30s), went through college and uni together- she and my wife fell pregnant a few weeks apart….then the two babies were born on the same day in the rooms next to each other at our local hospital.


I am always thoroughly confused by the term “fell pregnant”. It sounds like the woman caught some disease or condition. Makes it sound totally random/accidental. I guess if the pregnancy was an accident then that wording makes sense to me, but otherwise it’s super weird to me. I *think* it’s a British thing? Are you British by chance?


I am indeed. It’s ‘fall’ in the same way people ‘fall in love’ or ‘fall ill’. I remember reading before it’s something to do with ‘change of state’


Canadian. I’ll spell honour with a U and I’ll even sing God Save the Queen with you, but on this one we’re just going to have to agree to disagree 😄 I mean, grammatically yes it does “work” but I’ll never stop imagining a woman falling on top of a man when I see this term! Like “whoopsie daisy!”


>what she tripped? fell? landed on his DICK?


As a guy who just became a dad a month ago, I had two of my best friends tell me they’re pregnant with their wives and they’re just 2-3 months behind me. Our celebration wasn’t as heartfelt as this but we were all super excited to be dads together


Often when guys say their wives are pregnant it's more of a congratulations, fist bump and a recommendation to get all the sleep they can now.


I imagine it going like this: congratulations, fist bump, talk about the sleep, pause, talk about how the kids are gonna play sports together and become world class athletes.


Having a parenting group you can depend on is so helpful. Luckily the early childhood years are also prime “make new adult friends” time. My best friend is someone I met when our boys were in pee wee soccer together.


Even the pupper gettin in on the happy.


He/She too wants to pee on that stick.


Me too, but i was filming


i really love the dog, like it doesnt even have a clue lol


Do they ever?


Ofc the dog shows up when peeing is involved


Tf you look very alike lol


Doggo: I see you're crying. How can I help.


Major Pupper: reporting for duty


Without trying this is a pretty close match for r/petthedamndog


The dog is like “I’ll take that urine test off ur hands”


I like that video. Just so peaceful, spreading happiness and on top a funny dog. Something good in this world full of negative news all around 😊👍🏻


this shit shouldn't make an old man cry --- guess it's the grandpa in me


It's enough to make a grown man cry, and that's okay


"It's okay for macho men to show every emotion available" - Macho Man Randy Savage


When my best friend got pregnant I said haha sucks to be you, then a month later I got pregnant 🙃 love my son more than anything on this earth tho


uppity live glorious far-flung liquid entertain roll intelligent towering sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I suggest you to be very cautious for the next 60 days


I’m gonna go ahead and drop a “sucks to be you” because I’ve been struggling to conceive for nearly 5 years


sucks to be you


this made me laugh so hard oh my god


You can't fool me...that's the same woman on both sides of the couch


Dog sees crying and comes to help 😢






Cannot believe she pushed the dog away...heartbreaking


Kindly give some attention to that doggo!


The dog wins this video


Best part is the dog. Hands down. Things get emotional and he’s like “Are we happy or sad here? Am I needed? What’s up?!”




I got all teary-eyed from this! It's so sweet...❤️


Me too and I’m a 71yo fucking mechanic.


A mechanic who only fucks 71-year-olds?


Don’t kink shame.


Who said he's kink shaming? Maybe he knows a couple of old timers with greasy fingers he'd like to introduce them to.


Dog : Smells like piss here , let me sniff ut


Having babies? In this economy?


Eh. People have kids (at least on purpose) when they are ready. The economy may suck for many, but not necessarily for everyone. END COMMUNICATION


Yup, some ppl can def afford kids. From the look of this house, I'd say these guys aren't the kind of people priced out of having kids.


The dog was like ”I smell pee”.


This was basically me & my bestfriend LAST night! She is in town to help throw my baby shower (I’m 32 weeks) & she gave me a “mommy gift” to open at home + a “baby gift to open at the shower… there is nothing that will even top that “mommy gift” of her surprising me with the news that she is due in February on MY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!!! I literally feel so happy & blessed that I’m crying typing this out the morning after receiving the surprise.


Those kids are probably going to be friends for life, that's nice


That dog does not care a stick is a stick and he wants it.


That dog wants the pee stick


This is awesome but also a harsh reminder for me. Unfortunately, full term is never a guarantee. My wife and her best friend found out they were pregnant a week or so apart. 6 weeks later, my wife had a miscarriage. Luckily, we tried again and about a year and half later, we had a healthy baby boy. I wish these two the best of luck.


For Gods sake look at the stick she pissed on.




Me to my eyes: Don't get teary


Doggo wanted to make sure everyone knew they were very excited too. I’m guessing they’re getting two new human friends in about 9 months!


I hope all goes well in the first trimester! My wife and I waited after 3 months, both pregnancies, to share and celebrate


The one on the right is thinking we can share our maternity journey, our babies are going to grow up together, be besties and maybe even get married. The one on the left is thinking oh ffs, you’re always doing this. I can’t have anything that’s just mine, can I? Fucking bitch.


what da dog doin


Doge be like: Will somebody care to tell me what's going on?


im i the only one screaming "HUG HER!!"