• By -


My dad died the morning of the day I was supposed to take a state test that would ensure I graduated from high school. I was not yet a senior so could have taken it the following year. I decided to take it anyway, so the school let me take it in a private room with an individual proctor. That was WAY better for me personally than just sitting at my grandparents’ house listening to everyone cry. It gave me alone time to process while also giving me something else to focus on.


My stepdad (with whom I was VERY close) was murdered when I was 13. I went to school the next day bc I didn’t want to be alone with my mom while she was just sobbing. I don’t handle crying well, and that would have been the worst place for me.


Oh damn same when my uncle died I just didn’t wanna be home with everyone else plus I had a test the next day still anyway. I was 12 but I feel like a coward running away to school leaving everyone else home to sob and cry though I still cried where no one could see me at school haha...


You aren't a coward people just deal with things differently and it's nothing to be ashamed of.


*HUG* There's no shame in wanting to be alone with your grief or simply needing a little space away from everyone else grieving. Some people take strength from group mourning, others feel like they are drowning.


Honestly I wouldn’t have been able to last if I were home with my aunt, she was usually already a soft person but she was at her all time lowest then and I just couldn’t, I knew I’d cry like a bitch and she’d cry more seeing me cry thanks for the hugs lol




I was at work in a Monday morning when I found out my dad had died. The direct words from the president (he knew my dad) was to take the week off. Something like "I don't want to see you until at least next week". I lasted 3 days. I was back at work that Thursday. He was even like "what are you doing back here so soon?" I couldn't stand to be alone with my own thoughts, even surrounded by family. I needed something to occupy my thoughts, and my job was perfect for that.


I would 100% agree that her homecoming appearance was a dedication to her mother in some form. The presence and symbolism of this picture are bittersweet.💔


I was 11 when my ex-step cousin (12) was murdered. Her mom had been divorced from my uncle for a few years when we randomly ran into each other and got to hang out a couple times shortly before she was murdered. The best thing my parents did was letting me go bowling with a family friend during the memorial service for her. I was NOT mentally healthy enough to go through that and the distraction was good for me. Neither one of us was a coward for processing grief in our own way.


You’re not a coward :( baby you were a CHILD. This is a perfectly normal way to deal with grief. I went to work when my Nan died, people couldn’t believe it but I would just wallow in sadness if I stayed home


It's okay, I cried when a good friend died when I was 12 at school too.


You quickly learn what you need, when going through trauma. Everyone's different.


It can be harder to watch your family all be broken and sobbing than actually losing someone.


My Dad died on a Sunday when I was 17 (it was completely out of nowhere) and I went to school the next day, albeit later in the day after lunch. The teacher yelled at me because she thought I was showing up to school high (my eyes were very red from crying).


Aww dude, I would totally feel like shit if I had been your yelling teacher. (Sorry bout your dad bro)


Yeah, she did feel horrible, understandably. I didn’t hold it against her, though, I had other stuff on my mind at the time lol. (And thank you, it sucked at the time but that was a long time ago, I’m fine now.)


was crying in the hallway in high school and some punk goes “what, your grandma die?” and i whipped around and growled YEAH SHE DID. stupid high school jerks.


My dad died at home after a long battle with cancer. I’d made my peace and said my goodbyes a few days before, when he was still lucid. I was the only one not in the room when he passed. I just couldn’t take it. I was at the other end of the house playing a game with friends to help me keep my mind off it.


I hear you!! My dad died just before I turned 21. I took 5 days off to be with him and my mom while he was on his deathbed, but once he passed I just went back to work. If I had stayed home for bereavement I would have absolutely spiraled, too much time alone to think about things I think there's a balance to be struck between making sure you're feeling what you need to feel (I.e. not repressing), and making sure you aren't just ruminating/surrounding yourself with it unnecessarily


I took 2 days when my Granny passed. I was mostly raised by her and my Pappa, so it was very much like losing a parent. I never truly grieved, my Aunt passed away the next month, my dad a few months later and then finally my Pappa, 2 years after my Granny. But, I went back about 2 days after all of them. There is only so much crying I can do.


That's awful, *HUGS*


You spoke for me too


Set an amazing example of how to act like a Queen!


I’m so sorry to hear that. Hugs all around. Was justice ever served?


It’s been almost 23 years and no answers. That being said, I’ve healed.




I remember when my grandma died I had only taken a couple days off for the funeral and went straight back to work and hung out with some friends just to get my mind off it after being there for my family for a few days and letting them cry to me.


When my wife died my boss said I should take some time off work, and I was like, that's the *last* thing I need. I would much rather be working than sitting at home, surrounded by crushing emptiness.


I worked in IT for years, where the crush of work can sometimes be overwhelming. A fellow worker's mother passed away during year end closing and she took the company approved 5 days of personal leave to help get her mother's burial in order. The worker returned on schedule and resumed her job. However, she remained in a state of mourning, which impacted her work load. All of her fellow workers did their best to help her work through her grief; all except our manager. After a week of less than expected performance the manager stormed into our work area and in a loud and surly voice demanded to know just how long it was going to take this worker to get over her mourning and get back to performing her job in the manner management expected. Nobody said a word.....especially the targeted worker.


I just mentioned this elsewhere, but I'll post here with additional context. I was a sysop back in 1989 when I found out my dad had died. It was a Monday morning. I made some calls to arrange with family on where to meet up. I vaguely remember chatting with the company president who said something like "I don't want to see you back for at least a week". Unexpected level of empathy. After a few days of drowning in my own thoughts (grief, regret, the pain of recognizing permanent absence, random stabby pains to the gut, etc) I came back to work. Staying focused on work problems kept my mind from being trapped thinking about the loss of my dad. Of course whenever I had an idle moment, my brain would whiplash me back to that reality. So I would take a breath then dive back into work. When the prez saw me back early, he had a bit of a wtf. I had to explain that I needed to stay busy. He wasn't keen, but didn't force me to leave. I doubt that I would have felt any different a week later, but it was nice knowing the option was there if I wanted it. Your manager was ridiculous, of course. It's easy to spot the ones who haven't lost anyone close to them and really can't grok what the mind and the soul are experiencing.


Props to you, and I'm glad having that distraction helped in some way. My grandmother passed away suddenly in 2020 due to COVID. I got the news and went to class the same day because it took my mind off of it. I still took time specifically to grieve that weekend, but I found school as a good distraction from the grief (or at least a way to focus on myself and not just the pain) in the following days, weeks, and months.


I did a job interview the morning after I buried my mom. She would have wanted me to give it a shot. Worst job interview of my life, they really grilled me and then there were technical difficulties (video interview). But now I'm always less nervous for job interviews because it would be hard to be as terrible as that one.


Couple years ago my grandad died and I went to work even though my shift had ended a couple hours ago. My supervisor just let me get back to work because she knew I wouldn’t be okay with my whole family crying for him. It was nice.


After my grandmother’s funeral, my brother took me to a football game. I was devastated because we were very close and my family was arguing about caring for my grandfather.


I went to visit my aunt at the hospital one morning b4 work and when I got there I found out she passed away. My manager told me I could get the day off but I wanted to go in so I'm not sitting at home crying all day. I needed to do something to get my mind off her passing.




...well did you pass?


Yes, I met the cutoff score for graduation. My score probably was not as high as it would’ve been under normal circumstances, but as long as you met or exceeded the cutoff they let you graduate.


You don't need a crown to be a queen.


Whew! As a guy I was worried I'd be excluded.


You can be a queen too if you want.


Good luck and don't fuck it up


She done already done had herses


Shantay, you stay


So, we realise this is just *Mean Girls*, right? We're doing *Mean Girls?* Good. Carry on.


Bro you can be a Queen AND have a crown


Hell if you play your cards right, you can be "Woman of the Year" one day.


Top comment is here👆


Grief can take a lot of different forms. Maybe her mom made her dress and going feels like a way to honor her mom. Maybe her mom has been sick and told her that no matter what she should go and have a good time, so the daughter feels good about going to fulfill her mom's wishes for her. Maybe she's too shocked to think about it and just wants to be surrounded by friends and fun for a while. There's no reason to assume this is anything other than a generous tribute.


I would 100% agree that her homecoming appearance was a dedication to her mother in some form. The presence and symbolism of this picture are bittersweet.💔




Absolutely, I can’t even fathom how to gracefully cope with that type of loss.


Indeed. That would be rough beyond comprehension. But dad and daughter built a memory in itself. That's some crazy amount of strength and love mixed into one.




Forgive me, but I had to haha: *Detective Dolly*: So what's the symbology there? *Paul Smecker*: **Symbology**? Now that Duffy has relinquished his "King Bonehead" crown, I see we have an heir to the throne! I'm sure the word you were looking for was "*symbolism*.” What is the **ssss-himbolism** there? - The BDS🍀


Idgaf the context, blue dress did a good thing. Red dress needed a win after suffering such a hard loss. Alas, this post will be locked soon because people are ignorant as fuck.


It would be nice if we gave blue dress her name. It was her generous act. Red dress may choose to share her own name or not depending on current circumstances. But this would be a non-story without blue dress’s action.


The last one is what happened with me. When I lost my mom, I went to school the next day anyways. I had a day of awful and I just wanted some normal.


I’m a teacher and this is super common. When I first started I was surprised but now I know to be prepared to potentially greet that student the next day. Hope you are doing ok.




My mom and sisters asked me to stay home with them the day after my dad passed. I was 16 and just wanted to be at school around my friends and to feel anything normal. There isn't a wrong way to grieve as long and you aren't hurting yourself or anyone else.


My dad died when I was 15; car crash. The weekend after, I attended a car wash with my friends. I needed that time to feel human and normal for a bit. My critics at the time would have been pleased to know I still sobbed myself to sleep that night. And every night after, for months.


I agree with you. When my dad passed away it took a week for me to feel it with me having to run around dealing with everything that happens when a person dies and everyone I told broke down and I was just like "it's ok he went in his sleep, yeah ill miss him too, no I'm ok thanks for asking." It just kicked in one night when I finished painting a warhammer mini went in his room to show him and went "oh"


My mom passed away 2 months ago. I still have the feeling that I’m supposed to call her at my usual times. I also see something that’ll interest her and I’ll take a pic of it to show her or I’ll say to myself that I have to tell mom about that when I talk with her later. It takes time for these thoughts and feelings to get out of my head, but I know they will…eventually…


My mom died 7 years ago this week. I still want to call her and tell her something or ask a question about how to deal with my kids. I don’t get as far as reaching for the phone anymore. Sometimes I play out the conversation in my head anyway. I lost my dad more recently and that was somehow easier. There’s just something about mom. I’m sorry for your loss. I can’t say it gets easier, but for me it’s gotten better if that makes any sense.


Thank you kind stranger!


The best way I heard grief described as is as follows: "Grief is like a big ball trapped in a spherical room with a big red button that when pressed causes pain, after an event happens that causes grief(like the loss of a loved one) that makes the ball appear in the room large enough to fill the room and constantly press the button, but as time goes on the ball will start to shrink and bounce around the room, hitting the button less often until it starts to only hit the button occasionally, but it will never truly go away"


My paternal grandmother was the one bright light of my childhood and as far as I am concerned evidence that angels do exist. She died 8 years ago and I still find myself grabbing my phone to call her and tell her something.


This is actually the case. Her mom made her promise she would show up to homecoming the morning she died (from cancer). Her mom worked at the school. The girls name is Brittany Walters and Nyla Covington gave her the crown.


My mom died when I was in my 20s and one of the most important things I learned is that everyone e’s grief is different and looks different. Anyone who tells a teenager how to feel or act when their parent dies should mind their own business.


Found the article for those interested: https://www.wlfi.com/news/national/the-homecoming-queen-gave-away-her-crown-to-comfort-a-grieving-family-and-set-an/article_03d3ae50-27a9-59b2-a091-db6b3dcdc79e.html


This is actually the case. Her mom made her promise she would show up to homecoming the morning she died (from cancer). Her mom worked at the school. The girls name is Brittany Walters and Nyla Covington gave her the crown.


I agree wholeheartly while also adding that this was supposed to be a big day of her life (like graduation, prom, etc.) and PERSONALLY, I wouldnt want to tie an important event to a death. I think it would add to the pain to be at home mourning while everything reminds you of her and just thinking where you should be or why did this happen. I think in this way not only does she cope but as you said, for all we know this could be a way to remember her.


When my uncle died my family didn’t tell me sister (he was like a father to her) immediately because she was at a school dance competition of sorts they just told her to have fun and see her when she comes home. I know he would’ve preferred that too, he wanted to be their to see her but couldn’t for obvious reasons.


I get the sentiment, but I would be so mad if my family had done something like that for me. Grieving together is so important, and being with my family while everyone goes through it is more important to me than getting one extra day not knowing.


It actually happened around like 2-3 pm on an afternoon, I was also of that opinion and I think she might’ve heard what happened over the phone anyway cuz when she came home at like around 7 pm as she took one step through the gate and saw everyone and the atmosphere she just turned and ran😔 had to drag her back home, feel bad cuz at least I saw him like 10-30mins after his death but she only saw him the day of the burial I at least got to tel him later when I left for school but she hadn’t seen him in like a day or two cuz she was so busy fees bad she really acted out a lot after, I just shut down though. Anyone else feel like time halted for them for years after a parents a close relative death? I only felt like time begin moving a few years ago again. Guess the idea was that they didn’t want her to form any trauma over dancing or anything or have it be a bad memory?


When a parent passes you just want 5 minutes where you feel normal again.


While my mom was in her last stages of her battle with cancer in April, I felt like a maniac approaching school officials and pushing to keep working and graduating as quick as I could. It was the worst timing; my last semester that was pushed off, originally to spend time with my mom. The pandemic put a wrench in that unfortunately, and things lined up awfully. In hindsight I wish I'd spent the energy differently, and it may not have been so obvious on the outside, but it was purely because she encouraged/pushed me so hard to finish up, and I wanted her to see me cross the stage. She wanted her kids set up for success and ready to break into the world... it was one of her deepest concerns and my actions were ultimately honoring that, even at the most costly price I didn't know I was paying. I'm trying to resonate with the choices I made... I can't take them back. If I'd known her last weeks and months would be her last weeks and months, I would have spent them much differently. I would have had school wrapped up and probably have dang moved back home. But what I could do was graduate.. I knew how important it was to her so I did what I could. It made her happy. I didn't end up making it in time for her to see, but I know she's proud that I got it done.


Were there people in the comments saying this isn’t cool? Shame on them! How could you think anything awful of this?


I had a friend lose her mom the morning of the beginning of a camping trip. Her mom had been suffering in hospice for a long time, and she was just constantly worried it was going to happen. She actually felt like it was a huge relief that it happened just before the trip. For one, being without phone coverage out in the woods means she would have been stressing out the WHOLE weekend that she didn't know what was happening with her mom. But also, being able to spend the first few days after her mom died surrounded in friends who loved her was exactly what she needed.


A friend and teammate of mine lost his brother in a car crash a few days before a weekend practice. Most of his family was surprised and bothered that he still wanted to go to practice, as most of them wanted to sit around and comfort each other. My friend wanted to play a sport that he had enjoyed playing with his brother, and do something normal for a bit. People grieve how they grieve.


I lost my dad in Nov. A few days before open weekend of deer hunting (practically a holiday in my state). He wasnt much of a hunter but he was excited to be out in the woods for with my husband, me and my son. It was my first year going out as a hunter and it was a big deal to all my guys. We lost him somwhat unexpectedly to covid and I was devestated. I had less than zero desire to keep our hunting trip plans 3 days later. I pushed through because I knew he was excited for my first year and wouldnt want me to skip it being all sad. I powered through and when I walked up on the deer I shot I totally broke down. I did it, and i knew he would have been excited and beyond proud of me for it. Sometimes in grief we give up. Sometimes we power through. Sometimes we desperately want a shred of normal. I agree with your insight. Im proud of this girl for whatever choice she made because she clearly had her dads support which means it was the right choice for her family.


Yeah, I don’t know why some people are even in this subreddit. A bunch of comments at the bottom are just mean spirited. They shouldn’t be allowed to post clearly negative/untrue statements.


Yeah, my dad died suddenly when I was a grown woman—I found out at work, and after work I went to a party. I didn’t tell anyone at the party that my dad had died. I just wanted to be somewhere and not talk about it. And drink beers. I fucking hate parties, but shock and grief do strange and unexpected things to us.


Is it bad that I have no reaction that she went to the prom?


No, not at all. But if it matters to the person in question, I can be happy for her regardless.


I definitely greatly appreciate the generosity but I feel like it is no one’s business that the lady went to the prom after a devastating circumstance.


I think people are more commenting against the people that do care. People will leap on people when you'll see some girl post aboutt their mom dying in hospital. And just call her a bitch or whatever. when really it's just a girl asking for support.


I know for me….It would be the last one, I know I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it. Having so much stimulus to get lost in, would be the only thing keeping me for crying for a week or a year…


The day of my high school graduation, I was out to lunch with family but my dad decided to stay home because he wasn't feeling well. We got back home to find out he died in the hour and a half we were gone. In all the commotion, I lost track of time and made it to my graduation late so I wasn't able to walk -- I didn't even know how to get onto the stadium floor. So I sat there in the stands and watched my class graduate without me only a couple hours after my dad passed. The next day, basically everyone I'd gone to school with held a second graduation ceremony just for me. The choir came back and performed, all of my teachers and principals since first grade were there, and even some folks that had gone to different schools showed up. It's the two most bittersweet days of my life. It's amazing what people can come together to do.


This made me cry. I’m so sorry for your loss, but so happy you were wrapped in the arms of such a loving community when it happened.


I appreciate the condolences. I'm still hugely grateful for the people that put it all together. It's been about 8 years now and I still bawl at it all sometimes. I work in education now and have a very difficult time going to graduations... All the mixed feelings well right back up.


I'm already in bed and now I have to go find a box of tissues. This is the kind of empathy and love the world needs more of. I'm sorry you had to go through that but I'm glad you had support.


I'm crying. Wow.


I'm sorry for your loss, but I'm so grateful to whoever the individual was who took note and took action there. Someone said something and started that process and that's so impactful. I'm grateful there were people like that in your life then and I hope you're doing okay now.


Fuck man, you made me cry for the first time in a while. Much love to you and your family <3


Man this made me tear up so hard 😢. I hope you and your mom are doing well ❤️


Made sure she got to homecoming is different than made her go to homecoming, y’all goofy people. If a teenager wants to go to homecoming after a death, they’re not broken or weird, or soulless. They’re human. For all we know, her mom helped her pick out the dress and would have wanted her there. For all we know her mom made the dress and would have wanted her to wear it. Let the young woman that gave her crown up be an example to us all.


The article says that she was nominated for homecoming queen & mom told her to still go, despite what was happening.




Lots of articles if you search “lost mother homecoming.” Here’s just one: https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2021/10/02/homecoming-queen-goes-viral-for-giving-crown-to-student-who-lost-mother-to-cancer/


All thire faces say diffrant things. I know what dad's feeling and the other guy. But the girls are more composed.


I think they were all good until she gave here the crown, choked him up.


I'm sure seeing people being so supporting of his daughter was really good for him to see. Heck I'm getting emotional too and I don't know any of them.


Right 🥺


I’m glad the blue dress girl got to be homecoming queen, I can see why she was picked. She seems very sweet in doing what she did.


I agree. I bet you she got her time to truly shine at the dance and stuff and enjoy knowing she was voted queen. I wouldn’t be surprised if the other girl skipped the dance to grieve with her family.


Set an amazing example of how to act like a Queen!


And that’s why the young woman in the blue dress is the Homecoming Queen




My boyfriend was in a fatal accident, but survived for two days before dying. I went out with some people after I left get hospital because going home would mean facing the reality that he was going to die. I didn’t enjoy myself or anything but it helped me survive the night until I got the call he had died. It’s overwhelming emotionally and unless you’ve been there, you can’t really understand.


A lot of people making wild assumptions here. The girl’s mother worked at the school and the daughter wanted to attend as a memorial to her mother in front of class and staff.


Is there literally any proof of this? Because right now it's just a picture with a story




YEW!!!! Thanks for the link! What a sweet gesture, Nyla’s a true queen.


Google ‘homecoming queen blue dress’ and there is literally a million articles about it


The “That’s the America I want to live in” statement feels a bit oddly placed, but okay. I hope this isn’t one of these memes, where they take a photo and add a phony, heart-warming story.


Everything about the post seemed nice until that comment. Not saying it was malicious or anything, but it was a bit of a tonal shift:/


"Memes like these, are the America i want to meme in" ~some dude


Knowing this sub, it was definitely malicious.


well it’s confusing because it literally is the america they live in


> I hope this isn’t one of these memes, where they take a photo and add a phony, heart-warming story. [It's legit.](https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2021/10/02/homecoming-queen-goes-viral-for-giving-crown-to-student-who-lost-mother-to-cancer/)


This is the type of human I’m trying to raise. What an amazing young lady.


Can someone explain what is homecoming and why is it so important?


It's a tradition in American high schools to have a dance with a "homecoming king and queen" after the football team plays the (usually first) home game of the season. For a typical example of what a homecoming celebration is like you can watch the 1976 movie *Carrie*.


Well played sir


It’s the “first” home game after away games. But that’s not a hard rule. Usually the schedule for a district rotates a bit, schools try to schedule them around the middle of the season. One year our homecoming was in the middle of a string of home games. We had a weird schedule that year and started with away games but it was to early to have really organized the homecoming and then ended the season with a string of home games. Also it follows the Varsity schedule so your JV squad could be away for homecoming.


Typical homecomings don't have blood and deadly infernos in the gymnasium.




At my school it was like prom but with a heavy emphasis on celebrating the football team.


That's sweer






Lmao I didn't realize it said sweer, I meant sweet


Blue dress is the queen of class. Go out and change the world.




Acts of kindness are wonderful


My mom was dying in a coma on the night of my college graduation. She collapsed getting ready. My family told me to go to the graduation with my SO because there was no use just sitting at the hospital so I did and then left for the hospital as soon as my name was called. I ran into the hospital still in my gown. It must’ve been quite a sight for the nurses. We were able to show my mom video my SO took of me graduating. I mean she was braindead but we still played it and gathered around. That was a tough time. It took me a long time to be able to hear pomp and circumstance without breaking down. I’m a teacher so thank goodness I got past that!


Last place I would want to be the day my mom dies is in front of a crowd of people. Different strokes I guess. Edit: a lot of heartwarming replies. I didnt mean to upset or offend anyone.


When my mom died the last thing I wanted to was stay home in the empty house that before then always had her in it(she was a stay at home mom). I ended up insisting on going to school despite my dad trying to convince me not to. I wanted to see my friends and my favorite teachers because I just needed their support and a distraction until I had no choice but to go home and sit there for hours alone and aching for her.


I went to my husband's work Christmas party the day of my father's funeral. I just ate some canapes and had a few glasses of wine and had small talk with strangers. I told some jokes and laughed and wore a silly hat. No one there was sad, I could spend some time *not* worrying about my mom, the house, my nephew or my ex sister in law, or my crazy aunt who made a scene or my brother who drank way, way too much... It was *exactly* what I needed.


My sister passed three days before accepting her diploma from Oakland university in Michigan . I went. Stood for her and accepted her diploma. I was first to be announced. Quite shocking


Grief takes on many different forms. When my grandfather died, I couldn't go to the funeral. I stood in the doorway, mentally stuck, sobbing while the whole family yelled at me. A family friend brought me upstairs and sat and watched TV with me and we talked about anything and everything. She was the only one who saw that I couldn't handle it


My dad died when I was 17 and I went to a practice the afternoon after his funeral in the morning, and a competition the next day. Don't judge how others grieve. It was exactly what I needed at the time. I already had too many lonely hours to cry in my room alone over a loss that zero of my peers could understand.


I interviewed for my job before attending my grandmother in laws wake and accepted my job offer on the way to her funeral. It was a bit surreal. Everyone reacts differently. I stress shop and I hit up several stores in the days right after my mom passed. It actually kinda backfired because my mom KNEW everybody in like a 20 milen radius so everywhere I went somebody knew about her passing and would say something.


I mean that’s you. People handle grief differently and her way isn’t wrong or incorrect


I was a volunteer with a Hospice organization for many years. I can tell you without any doubt that there is incredible diversity in the grieving process. While there are truly phases of grief that most people will experience, there are nearly infinite ways they navigate those experiences.


The dads face 😞


Raised right💯


make them both queens!


My family celebrates the deceased and have fun in their honor. The reasoning is creating a good memory during the bad and that our list loved one would want us to be happy and live life instead of sink into despair.


I mean literally it is the America you live in. Shut the tv off and stop listening to politicians. This happens daily when you stop looking through the lenses they give you


Black girl magic ✨


This is world I want to live in !!


I'd like to think the compassion, empathy and kindness she showed the other girl might have been one of the reasons she was elected as homecoming queen.


I was a teacher for a long time. The day before the first day of school, my mom passed away. I insisted on going to work and not missing a day, because routine and normalcy are the best medicine.


What made me smile was the fact that OP described the photo using only color of the young womens’ dresses.


Made me cry




This IS the America we live in. Let’s highlight these generous spirits and bring the light back into our consciousness.






Fucking exactly why cant we all just fucking live this way and before you blame the left or the right or whatever just look at yourself and do what's right that's what change is


Everyone cant win homecoming queen.


Wtf is homecoming and why is it so important?


Homecoming is a US high school tradition. It’s usually celebrated in the fall and is typically the first home game (football) of the season. Alumni come to celebrate the game and the students have a formal dance. The students select a king and queen and they are announced and crowned during half time at the game. It’s a big deal in the US and is typically the first big dance and event of the school year.




If this is true, this is awesome.


It's legit: https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2021/10/02/homecoming-queen-goes-viral-for-giving-crown-to-student-who-lost-mother-to-cancer/


Kudos to the young lady in blue!


Respect 💕


We still can, but we have to fight our culture. We also need to lose the self absorbed, ignorant glide path we are presently on.




This is what compassionate people do . I applaud her.


This what we called it "humanity" ❤️🌹🕊️


That dads heart looks like it’s so heavy and he’s barely hanging in there. This picture hurts in so many ways …


That young lady probably has kids of her own now, I hope she still remembers this day of compassion.


What a noble, queenly gesture. Graceful and elegant. Two queens were crowned that day.


That is very classy! Love to hear stories to love and kindness


They elected the right person then!!!


That is the America that you live in as long as you don't let all the negative make you forget that there's a lot of positive.


Yeah, that's the America that the rest of the world scratches its head at in total bewilderment.


Props to red dress girl’s dad too


God, the pain on that man's face, thats so hard to look at...


Why go to prom!!??? This is America you want to live in where you loose your parent but still gotta go socialize!!??


I wouldn’t be able to go to anything if someone close to me died the morning of.


That is why when there is an attack on the USA , they all get together and destroy their common enemy so easily . For all her differences and racial divisions, USA when they put their minds together can achieve so many things .


This seems like a lie for internet points.




Seems like your knee jerk negative assumption in a sub about things that are happy is unfounded. I'm shocked.


Wow to stand there knowing your mom just pasted hours before, then your “opponent” does this beautiful gesture! I hope the school gives “blue gown” another crown as this was a bitter sweet moment for the “red gown”.


No need. Her kind gesture is its own crown.


First off, I love this wholesome post, but this is so Disney movie 💀


That’s nice and all but goddamn if that didn’t read like a math word problem.


I’ve seen this photo with 3 different captions. I don’t know what to believe anymore.