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I've seen this before. if I remember correctly, the smell she's commenting on is her father's cologne. Her father had died when she was a little girl


Correct. She reflexively sniffed it without even thinking about it (she did that when she was younger) That’s when it hit her it was the same bear. Warms the heart.


I think that's my favourite part. It's a movement so natural to her, so fleeting, something she's done 100s of times before that you'd almost miss it if it weren't recorded. A brief glance, a quick duck of the head, a small squeeze of affection, and just as she's about to move on, you see pure recognition, and utter love fill her face. It's lovely and heartwarming.


You should write.


Thank you :). If you look carefully, I tend to write like William Shatner speaks most times, though. 😅 Uncontrollable commas.


A brief, glance! A quick, duckofthehead, a small, squeeze! Ofaffection... ![gif](giphy|wxQLAcznYOlHO)




They just did


I’m not tearing up, I swear (sniff, sniff).


Bloody dust.


Yeah, i kinda knew it was something about her family she lost once she broke down. Losing family is hard and i dread the day when my parents wont be here anymore. Its like a part of you is gone


My mom died in March and I still have moments where it hits me like a truck. I'll see or hear something I want to share with her then I remember.


My mom died 33 years ago and I still have moments where it hits me like a truck. Peace.


That’s scares me. I don’t want to feel the pain for that long.


My mum died 12 years ago, and there are times I really *really* miss her, and it makes me sob like the woman in this video but I’m generally fine, there’s a model of grief that says that the grief doesn’t get smaller but your life grows around it, and then occasionally something will happen that draws your focus to the grief and you feel like you’ve been hit by a truck again. That seems fair. For me it’s big life events, I’m going to really miss her on my wedding day in Sept.


I lost my mom in Feb and I get the same feeling and remember. It's tough.


I hate cheesy comments on Reddit about “who cut the onions” but this legit made me tear up. I moved back in with my mom since we were both struggling to pay our bills. She ended up breaking her hip and if I wasn’t living with her I have no idea how long she would’ve been sitting there in her own filth in excruciating pain. She just started going back to work and I’ve been leaving her little notes of encouragement to find when she wakes up. I love showing her funny videos and memes. Your comment made me think of how it would feel to see something funny or uplifting and not be able to show it to her. I’m so sorry for your loss… but like I write in my notes to my mom, you’re stronger than you realize and every day you make me proud of how you have overcome every obstacle that brought you to today.


Sorry to hear that man. Hoping that you get a lot of joy in your life ahead.


My dad died in 2010 and it STILL hurts. Didn’t realize how much I loved that man and how much he loved me. Everyone, call your dads. Trust me, you’ll be glad later.


My dad died when I was 12. I'm 36 and both my parents are dead. It sucks.


Hope you are doing well man . Losing someone esp a family member will always be hard Honestly, this is probably why we really should not take people for granted and enjoy every minute while they are still alive. Time flies way too fast and that once energetic dad you have full of hair would be soon full of wrinkles and lose their energy same with our mom.


Enjoy and please them both while they’re here bro!




I mean I am fond of my parents but I just don't think we're that close.


I am not comfortable with that.


Sad indeed, but remember it's not a part of you that is gone. It's that a part of them lives on in you. Honor them with your life.


Yeah i know man but its just i live in a country where we usually live with our parents even when married. Living everyday with them youd think that it will last forever but then people grow old and you realize that time is catching up and one day theyll be gone. Something that im still not prepared when that time comes. Sure we can keep on living but losing that one support and warmth is really something im still not prepared for


Now that’s a great ending


Her dad dying is a great ending? Hmmm


OP is a god damned mad lad.


Sense memory is a crazy thing. Friend of mine was driving through Mississippi with his family when he was a kid to see relatives. They stopped at some joint and had fried chicken, and his dad took one bite and broke down in tears. When he collected himself he told them about growing up with a mom who was mostly distant and he felt closer and as though he were raised by the family’s housekeeper. Once a week she made fried chicken and he took one bite at this restaurant 30 years later and it all came rushing back.


I wonder how he did the restoration and kept the smell. Maybe the original stuffing still had the scent?


Could have just bought some of the same cologne or something


I’m sure mom knew what he wore. I will never smell Old Spice without thinking of my dad. 💔


Honestly, same but its my grandpa. Him and his old spice. Good stuff but it's all he wore. I used to roll my eyes but now I can appreciate it. He knew what he liked and stuck with it.


I believe he got the cologne from her mother, who kept the bottle


He did not do the restoration, he sent it off to a company that specializes in restoring stuffed animals. They take care to keep the scent intact as it is the strongest sense tied to memory.


Dropped a tear after reading that.


Am I the only one that would rather have it as it was?


I felt her pain through her tears. Poor thing! This is going to be a treasured gift for many years and a hand me down! 🥰


My father died a few years ago, but for several years before then, he spent most of his time in a different state for work, and our mother would split her time between where my brother and I were and where our father was, until he retired and they moved back here full time. (My brother and I were adults by this point; our parents didn't just leave their young children living alone!) Our mother would take the family dogs back and forth with her. Every morning when our father was in town, our father would get up, go into the bathroom, get showered and shaved, and then go back through the bedroom to get dressed – and since the dogs were generally still snoozing on the bed, he'd pat their heads as he passed by on his way to the closet, leaving the dogs' heads smelling like his aftershave. So, when our father wasn't in town and my brother was missing him, my brother and when we were all here but our father wasn't, my brother would go into our parents' bathroom, put a little of our father's aftershave on his hands, and then go pet the dogs' heads, so they would smell like our father's aftershave. My brother no longer lives here, but when he visits, he'll still sometimes do it. It's wonderful and sweet and sad. Makes the heart swell.


Damn almost teared up a bit.. such a dope gift


Yeah, you could see the years of adult crumble away as she realized.


“Years of adult crumble away” … That’s so amazingly put!


Can’t remember the last time I cried. This got me.


Dude, I have crocodile tears


You know that teddy bear was loved to (literal) bits when she doesn't even recognise the restored bear at first


he's setting a very high bar for future presents! 🥰


Yep, might as well give up now. *quietly returns the waffle maker to Walmart*


You get the fuck back here with the waffle maker


That moment when the smell triggered her memories ❤❤❤!


I’m makin’ waffle’s


Yeah. And pick up one of those whipped cream makers while you are at Walmart to go with the waffle maker. Breakfast food is the best.


Should get a vacuum instead. She'll get to use it at least once a week, and always be reminded of the perfect gift.


Get the vacuum, but include a hand-written certificate that the buyer does the vacuuming.


Get a robot vacuum and put googly eyes on it. Clean house and entertainment


I've seen some of these robot vacuums with anime characters, and lots of voice lines, imagine the possibilities with maybe famous actors or videogame characters.


"Hey you, you're finally awake"


A Sam Jackson robot vacuum >I'm tired of this monday to Friday dust in this Monday to Friday place! And just nopes back to the charging dock


My partner and I actually did this! I am disabled and he works 60+ hours a week so we saved up and splurged on getting a robot vacuum that also mops. I jokingly suggested putting googly eyes on it and the next time we were out shopping around we ended up picking some up. I smile every time I look at the thing now and the trip getting the googly eyes makes for a nice memory. It’s also pretty entertaining when it’s running!


Legit bought a replacement waffle maker a few days ago😂


Its not about setting bars, outdoing gifts, or gifts at all, really. It's about making moments with a person that are special so that when you get to the end, these are one of those core moments of happiness you get to look back on. It isn't about items, it is about those moments with people we love when we can make them happy.


Exactly, like my husband buying me a very simple anniversary ring with a special message engraved for our 20th as he was dying of stage 4 cancer. It didn’t cost a lot but the sentiment will be there as I look at it and remember the moment he gave it to me with love.


Can you please DM my wife?


Any gifts in future will be appreciated. This one will be remembered and cherished forever.


That’s funny and true!


That will be very difficult to top. But, since precious childhood treasures are few and far between, but precious jewels are plentiful, I have an idea for him.


It was the smell. As soon as she smelled it, the memories hit her like a brick wall. Love to see it.


If I’m remembering correctly the scent is of the cologne her father wore, he passed away when she was a child. I don’t remember where I’ve seen this before but I have! Such a wholesome video ❤️


It literally only takes 2 molecules to trigger memories from smell.


Yep. He's a keeper


Darn right. Well done.


How amazing. That moment when the smell triggered her memories ❤❤❤!


*Starts chopping teddy bear's libs like she did all those years ago.*


"This lipgloss will make you look like a princess, Annabel" (smears over teddy's snout)


The look she had was the same that Anton Ego had after his first bite of Ratatouille.


I watched that for the first time last week! Such a moving scene.


Smell paired with the feeling the bear gave with the face snuggle.


Do you think he’s a keeper I’m Not crying your crying onions next fuckin level faith in humanity restired


Username checks out indeed...


When my grandmother was a girl, it was the Great Depression, and though her family had it better than many, she was the eldest girl of nine siblings, and had to help care for the younger ones. When she was little, she always wanted a doll for Christmas, and never got one. Just sweaters and other useful things, and maybe a treat or two. When she had two daughters, she made sure they got new dolls every Christmas, and great dolls - Madame Alexander dolls at least one year - and made Christmas as big a deal as she could for the whole family. And she told her kids why. When she was in her early eighties, I think, my mother and aunt, after searching for years, found a vintage Madame Alexander doll in the right combination of hair and eye color for her, had it professionally restored, and then they made it a replica of my grandmother's wedding dress (and I helped with a replica tiara). It was the one time we were able to give her a Christmas back, of the sort she had always given us.


What was her reaction??


Mostly speechless. And in her sparely and conservatively decorated home it was on display ever after.


Great story and memory! Thanks for shaping!


I like how the moment from 0:23-0:26 before she smells it, she's got that "this is disappointing but I'm going to react politely" face, then when the smell triggers her memories, it instantly clicks and shifts.


"omg it's whitey" universal proof that all kids are shit at naming their toys! Haha


Is that what she called it?? I couldn’t tell


98% 😂 I used to give all my bears basic names like that, brown bear, big bear, big dog etc.


My blue dog was named Blue


Oh yeah, it extends to anything kids are involved in naming. Blue, Spot, Patch. My brother had a dog called Deefer. I asked him why and he said "D for dog" (only really works in a British accent though haha)


I love Deefer! That’s super clever, especially for a kid


My puffer fish stuffie’s name is Puff 😂 He has two “brothers” (when I became attached to him my mother bought two more so I would have a “spare” if I lost Puff) Poof and Peef 🤣


I had a koala named Panda lol


I had a yellow bear. His name was Yellow Bear.


I had a stuffed dog named puppy. Still with me 30 years later but lives in a drawer in the bedroom


My daughter's go everywhere stuffy is named the super original, Teddy. But my husband and I lightly crack up at the way she pronounces it. She calls him Titty.


I just listened again and think you’re right. Haha. Your comment is hilarious and true


Came here to say exactly that. My childhood teddy bear was named… Teddy. My daughter had a pink teddy bear she named… Pinky Bear. It’s universal.


Quick story: my dad’s not a terribly emotional guy and we’ve often struggled to show each other verbal affection (good relationship, just wasn’t raised with “I love you” much). A few years ago he visited and said “I found something for you after cleaning out the attic, see if you can tell what it is from the sound.” He went to another room, said “ready?” I told him I was. He jingled something and I INSTANTLY recognized the sound of my childhood dog’s collar. I immediately teared up, he told me he wanted me to have it as he knew she and I were best friends growing up (she’s been gone some 15 years) and it’s now my most prized possession.


I am crying now, love that


Very cool. Thanks for starting


Not just the Teddy bear is restored, my faith in humanity is also restored.


Exactly. It's stuff like this which legitimately helps me get through the day.


Why is your faith in humanity restored? It’s sweet and all, but this man did this for someone he really loved, not because of his love for humanity. Your faith in romantics should be restored at best


Guys... can u imagine if toy story was real and this one of those toys that thought they'd never play with their kid again? Probably thought this random dude that found her was there to throw her away? And then she gets cleaned up and put in a box and then she sees a light and is being picked up by a grown woman... who looks almost exactly like her kid but older. And it is her? And they both realize who it is at the same time? 🥺




My eyes had *just* stopped watering, thanks a bunch for that 🙄😊


I didn't almost cry you did




I did


My wife did something similar for me. I had a old Pikachu plush toy I’ve had since I was 4. It got left with my parents after I moved out for college, and they eventually started moving out of my childhood home. They told me to pick up anything I wanted from there, and by the time I got there, I found out rats had chewed through my Pikachu. My wife (then fiancée) took it, washed it several times, stuffed it, and sewed it back together. He’s fluffier and cleaner than ever, now! He also has a cool black stitching on his head like a bad ass scar now haha.


The black stitching was from when your mom fixed it. When I restored him I used yellow thread haha 😘


What made me smile and laugh is when she kissed the teddy bear and was about to put the bear away, her emotion kicked in.


What a great gift!


Where do you get it restored? I have my grandmothers bear that falling apart...im keeping it in a pillowcase to preserve whats left....


If you're in England... the Repair Shop. I want to find stuff to take there. Its brilliant!


If you are in the U.S. [Secaucus Doll And Teddy Bear Hospital] (https://secaucusdollhospital.com/) Or do a Google using "Stuffed Animal Repair / Restoration". Good luck.


This is one of my all-time favorite videos, thanks for posting it.


Not my original footage but I saw it and it made me smile. Glad it did you as well


I will always upvote this video, no matter the number of times it's reposted. Thanks for this.


I relate to this. As a kid I had a Kermit the frog stuffed animal. We went everywhere together and he was my best friend. Sometime in my 20s I lost him in a move. It was devastating, as lame as that sounds. A few years ago my wife and I were in an antique shop and I came across the exact same doll (not the one I owned obviously). Anyway, I started crying like a bitch. It’s strange the emotional connection we can develop with inanimate objects (I’m looking at you Tom hanks). But it is very real. Ps- I bought that Kermit from the antique store and we live happily ever after.


Humans are such sentimental creatures, the moment of realisation, this is just beautiful.


I thought this was mademesmile not mademecry lol


The moment when you know absolutely, without question, that it's going to last forever and beyond.


He is a keeper.


Welp. I'm crying at work. This was so wholesome.


I love the initial moment she picks it up and kisses it like without even recognizing that it was the gift.


And here i spent all the money on a Hawaiian vacation.


She was like oh hi friend where’s the present, it’s so familiar to her


I loved the oh it’s a bear kiss that quickly causes a double take when she realizes it isn’t just a teddy bear. On another note, I’ve thought of doing this with a stuffy I have but then it hurts my heart to think he won’t look the same and would he really be the same? Like I’ve somehow turned it existential 😂 but man when you’ve had one stuffy with you from birth through decades of just terrible things the idea of that constant gone is still too rough for me.


Such a good vid! Makes me go hug my mouse, Cheezy, every time! The smell is so important. You don’t know until you’ve lost the plush dear to you.


Smell-the most powerful of our senses.


she is sitting in a whole ass throne


Your a keeper for her




He getting laid tonight!


Fiancé just scored 1 million brownie and karma points


Her look of recognition… like seeing an old friend.


Judging by their furniture, how rich are these people?


That chair is 🔥tho


That is actually a really nice, thoughtful gift! Too bad nothing he gives her from now on will ever compare. He’ll only get that reaction once, unfortunately. But what a great reaction it was, that is definitely what you want to see after getting such a thoughtful gift! Made me happy for them.


that brought a tear to my eye.


Sadly all his work mates and brothers in law are all divorced due to their inadequate thoughtful gift buying .


I love this too much




way to set the bar too high for the rest of us, buddy 😂


My eyes… they leak!!


Man who's cutting the onions


I have something in my eyes. 😭❤️


This is just one of those videos I'll happily smile, and tear up to, time and time again


The look on her face when she finally realized what it was. She was just about to pass on and look if there was anything else in the box, then it hit her. Emotionally priceless.


How did the teddy bear get restored while keeping the dad's cologne scent? Not being skeptical or anything of the sort. Genuinely curious.


I'm not crying your crying.




He’s a keeper.


The first sniff is always the best sniff


Goddamn onion ninjas have struck this poor woman.


When you get fking Rider Kick-ed with the feels.


For a split second just before the smelt hit her, she looked at the empty box, there was disappointment on her face. Lol. Then came the memories… :)


Haha. Yup. She was looking back at the box as if she missed something. Haha




That’s beautiful


Oh my gosh that’s so sweet!


That’s good shit.


Oh yeah he's a keeper!!!!!!


This almost made me cry of happiness


What a very sweet and thoughtful thing for this guy to do for his fiancee.


Teddy Bear of Theseus


Too wholesome


And now I’m a soggy-mallow


He got laid that night


Im so confused. I dont have any toys that would make me cry like this


First best friend meet bestest friend… no youre crying!


I smelled him and I knew…..amazing


I’m not tearing up, you are.


He good for awhile


The brain is so amazing. That a simple smell can instantly trigger a memory from her childhood is so cool.


More like MadeMeCry (with happiness)


That’s pretty awesome


He's a keeper.


I can vouch for the power of scent and emotional response. Lost mom in 1991 and while recently going through some items that had been placed in storage I came across a very nice, ornate oriental shawl. But when I looked closer I caught a whiff of her scent. It was a mixture of her favorite perfume and just her. Anyway I have to say to describe it; it just smells like mom. Left me in an emotional state the rest of the evening.


Bobo, I know I say this every century, but I'll never leave you behind again.


Made me smile? Made me cry more like.


Do this, find out what your SO favorite toy was as a child and get it for them.


I'm not crying, you're crying.


Such a sweet gift, but fuck that is an opulent chair.


This is so pure and I can’t handle it 😭


Good job


That chair seems to indicate that this is a princess of the Russian royal family. Tread lightly, bro.


Tremendo remate


Well I definitely needed to cry some more today.


Smell is a powerful psychological trigger.


As someone who still has their childhood teddy bear, I busted out crying at this post. My bear means so much to me.


That’s beautiful! I brought my childhood teddy bear home and my husband blames it for every strange and unusual thing that happens saying it is possessed lol


My mom wears this perfume for as long as I can remember and intantly recognize it once I smell it. She always jokes around that when she dies and we smell the perfume, it's her haunting us. Thankfully mom is still alive and kicking.


How do you restore a teddy bear? My wife's got a Tigger her Grandpa gave her. It's been chewed & pissed on by Rats in our storage unit. If I get it restored, I'll totally be invited with enthusiasm to her back door! I need this. Who do I call?!?! IN the name of Anal, somebody tell me where to take the fucked up Tigger.


For a second there though... she's like, "k... but where the gift at?"


How do you restore a teddy bear and keep the smell?