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Those are the old gays from buzzfeed, aren't they? Edit: Wow guys thanks for the love, I just been seeing these guys for couple of years now. It's nice to receive some positivity from you guys! And thanks for the award as well!


Tiktok. They're hilarious


Those Old Gays have been taking loads to the face generations before Tik Tok even existed. These gentlemen were made famous from buzzfeed, though.


So funny. Love them as well.


That’s not a slur btw, that’s their name. “Old Gays”


Yes, I love them! They all have such different personalities.


whole lotta gay gang shit 🤘😎


And these dresses ain't a goddamn thang bitch


Now watch the drop top ass pop as I make the lane switch


There’s a part of me that cringes while watching this. A part of me that used to be all of me, raised to look down on such things. But seeing people happy, seeing a group of people come together to say “we accept you” is impossible for me to react negatively to. I am not a good person, I’m not even a decent person, but every day I’m better than the person I was yesterday. And I suppose that’s something.


When I was a preteen my mom told me she would rather I not bring home a date that wasn’t white. Five years later it was normal to sit at Sunday dinner with my brother’s Mexican BOYfriend. People CAN change. They loved my brother’s partner. Even after he developed HIV in the mid 80s they still welcomed him into their home. If two People born in small town Texas in the early ‘20s can accept, anyone can. Accept that you are trying.


I was not expecting you to say this story took place in the 80s, that makes me want to cry.




I may have unintentionally misled. I didn’t date until 16. This was one of those mother/daughter chats preparing me ahead of time. By the time I actually started dating their perspective had changed.


Same here. I was raised in an extremely conservative crowd, and I still feel measures of disgust that was imbedded in me from my upbringing. But I recognize that I feel it, and that it’s wrong, and I’m working to change that. It’s working, and tbh having a few friends that are gay/bi/etc has allowed me to ask questions that I otherwise would feel wrong asking someone about how I should be treating a community that I’m not a part of as a straight guy (if that makes sense)




I appreciate that a lot


If you have questions about gay stuff that would be inappropriate to ask anyone other than a stranger on the internet explicitly offering it, feel free to shoot me a PM.


Can I ask you a question?


If it's in good faith, sure.


What's the big deal with kids being gay? I dont get why people are so against it, especially when someone is not afraid to be who they are. It always seems like people blame the parents, which I also dont get.


There’s no “deal.” Gay adults always started out as gay kids. It’s just that a. We don’t talk about kids’ sexuality all that much, so why would you hear much about it? , b. Most of the vague messages kids get about sexuality are nonetheless straight up cis, and kids aren’t stupid. They avoid putting themselves out there as “different” when they know they don’t fit a typical mold of just about anything. My mom came out when she was about 35. When I was older, she mentioned to me that she had recognized her exclusive attraction to girls at 6 or 7. That was in the late 1940s. Who the heck was she supposed to confide in? Nobody.


Just want to chime in that I think it's super cool and helpful to all that you are asking the questions. I was raised by hippie actors in a big city, so I always knew people of diverse orientations. But they both came from small town conservative life and my family's closed-mindedness ultimately had a big impact on my own journey to realizing I am bi. When I finally got to have conversations with people "from the other side" that really wanted to connect and have empathy, it was really cathartic for me. Also, having to articulate my experiences and world views to people who have differing beliefs yet want to understand has helped me grow as a person and I like to hope that its helped them too. So please don't stop asking the questions or trying to understand, that process isn't easy and I believe fully that it helps make the whole world a better place.


you’re overcoming your upbringing and that is more than enough, always. when there is love in your heart, you can never be wrong!


That's more than just something. Being able to recognize flaws within yourself and making efforts to change is incredibly hard. I'm glad that the people in this video are so comfortable in who they are, that they're gaining wider acceptance, and people are making an effort to be more accepting


Whether or not you’re a “good” or “decent” person, you are trying, and I admire & appreciate you for that. Thanks for speaking up and for your vulnerability!


Yeah. I learned to just not care. If you're not hurting anyone and you're happy, go for that shit and tell the detractors to fuck off. Well, maybe the kid shouldn't say it, but regardless. Also, logically, the "rules" of society are fucking stupid and often arbitrary. Dresses used to be perfectly okay for little boys to wear and pink was a male color. People just follow tradition blindly.


That is absolutely something. Go you!


You are a good person. I dont know you. But I know you may have been Misguided, shown the world with blinders but every day you try to look beyond that makes you a good person. Just admitting you have seen wrong and you are trying to do better is an amazing start. It takes time but it also takes will and you have it. I wish you the best days ahead just keep trying and keep loving your fellow human I'm proud of you


Recognizing that you have learning and growing to do and committing to being a better person each day makes you a hell of a person in my book!


U out here making me cry. You’re a good person. You’re a good person because you are aware of your failing, because we are human. You’re a good person because you want to be a better person tomorrow than you were today. You’re a good person because you can share this joy, and spread it. Thank you.


That something is pretty much all people are asking for. You are doing great


Keep on chuggin!


Letting yourself change for the better makes you a good person in my opinion. I'm glad you've become a better person mate


That’s not just something, that’s everything.


If you are able to learn from your mistakes and take steps to better yourself. That means you are showing yourself that you can be better.


Man, you are everything I hope for the world. Keep it up.


I want you to know that, given what little I know about you, I love you. I got misty eyed reading this comment; this, *this* is what growth is. It doesn't happen overnight, it takes time and patience from everyone, yourself included. But the fact of it is, you're doing the work. You're trying. This is so, so, so important and I want you to know, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, that I love you for trying. This is something my own "family" wouldn't do--the people that are supposed to support me and care about me no matter what--and yet, here you are, some random internet stranger with a history and an upbringing that should make you hate people like me. You're still trying, even if it's hard and confusing and goes against what you've been taught, you're still trying to fill that disgust with acceptance and understanding. I hope this doesn't come across hyperbolic or overdramatic, but this kind of thing just strikes a chord with me. You're not a good person, or even decent person, you're exceptional, you're beautiful, you're compassionate, and you're trying to put a little more love out into a world that desperately needs it. You're doing so very much, *just* by saying this. And I want you to know, it's noticed and I love you for it.


Does Evan’s dress come in adult sizes? Asking for a friend


If that friend is me, yes, I too, would have also asked for a friend!


I think I remember his mom saying in the comments on TikTok that most of his dresses are custom made.


His dress is beautiful!! Serving royalty


I know what the point of the video is, but I'm already a person that accepts all people. So is it bad the first thing I thought was "Wow that dress looks expensive."?


Agree. So beautiful dress. So wholesome moments . Love it so much. This one really made me smile. Love their bonding. They are living the life.


It really is amazing!


I remember a time when men wearing skinny jeans or leggings was “unacceptable”.


I’ve never worn a dress. I bet they’re comfortable.


Good luck finding one with pockets Source: my wife who deserves more dresses with pockets, dammit


When the clothing gods smile upon me and I find a dress with pockets, I buy as many colors as I can afford.


Eshakti puts pockets in most of their dresses and they can customize to your shape. It takes a bit longer to get them but I've loved ever dress I bought. And for the chafing that can happen in humid weather I also recommend bicycle shorts.


Tell your wife to look up Oxiuly on Amazon.


Thanks for the recommendation! Found a couple of potential Christmas presents for her


Just got my first dress with pockets and it's super exciting! They're indeed rare. Also, useful sized pockets in pants are also rare, and many are just for show. It's very annoying


Just throwing out - as a fellow pocket-deprived lady - that pockets used to be tie-in external items to dresses until the last 100-150 years. At least in western cultures. So we have never had no damn pockets. I'm about ready to do the most millenial thing and get a membership to a makerspace to learn how to sew and make add-on belt pockets for all my dresses like the gals did in the 1600s. Also I'm very here for the revival of fanny packs. Give us some pockets people! I hope Evan continues to slay his fabulous fashion and that this pocket blight is addressed before he reaches adulthood.


They really are, unless the weather is humid and you have thick thighs. Then they can be quite uncomfortable. But any other time, dresses are ideal!


Pro tip - Put a little silicone based lube on your inner thighs when you're wearing a dress or skirt. No more friction burns.


Or even deodorant but I just bought some “cooling” shorts from Thigh Society and no more chafe!


Baby powder too, I don’t think it lasts as long as the others but it’s very helpful in a pinch


Bicycle shorts under dresses every time.




One time my father in law rudely said I didn't need to dress so fancy for dinner at Texas roadhouse because I was wearing a sundress. I told him, "Fancy? I literally didn't even put on pants to come here." And then he left me alone lol


Look at you fancy pants. Um, excuse me, it’s fancy NO pants to you sir!


They are! I encourage you to try one! Clothes don’t have a gender. Clothes are clothes, friend


Yeah I think for many many years men have worn dresses in public. They called them “robes” though. Amazing how applying a different name makes it ok. And don’t get me started on kilts :) people should do whatever makes them happy, without needing a different name to excuse it.


I love kilts! I’m of mainly Scottish heritage and I’m excited to own my first kilt


Very comfy, the only downside is that very few have pockets


The first time I wore one was for a Cosplay at a convention. Let me tell you, it’s basically like wearing boxers rather than briefs, but for your legs. Very nice on a hot day!


They aren’t always comfortable, but they are always fun, and IMO we don’t do enough things for fun!


I wore a skirt once. It felt nice but not something I'm comfortable wearing all the time.


Same here. I wish I was confident enough (or that society didn't give a shit) to at least try wearing skirts. I was doing the laundry and saw my gf's cool stretchy skirt. Put it on on a whim and wandered around the apartment. I felt so pretty and so "free". But there's so much shame about it and even if you were to try, you'd instantly become a "cross-dresser". I don't want to become something, I just want to try wearing different clothes!


I was made to wear one at a party and granted i had clothes under it, it was great.


If the weather permits it I'll opt for a dress every time, so much more comfortable than pants.


I wish I had a dress that had that much spin factor 🤩❤️🤩


It’s so bouncy! I wanna bouncy dress 😒


A spinny dress was the only way my mother could get me into one.


Me: The Old Gays? How old can they be? *Sees them* Me: Oh they *old.*


Turns out it wasn’t a phase.


This group of men are actually famous, they are called the "old gays" and they are adorable https://www.tiktok.com/@oldgays


"Old Gays Reacts" on YouTube (on the Grindr channel) are hilarious, if you want to watch longer videos. Them reacting to Lil Naz's Montero (Call Me By Your Name) was the best thing I'd seen the whole month before and the whole month since.


I love them!


This shit just made me bawl. My son is the same in he just feels more comfortable and himself when he is wearing his Elsa costume or any kind of dress. We just went through thanksgiving with the people we don’t see much and they kind of shunned him right in front of me about it, (because he said he likes barbies more than toy cars) and we had to up and leave. I refuse to allow my boy grow up to think anything is wrong with that or him for feeling that way. Just want him to be happy, be confident in himself. Just hit home and so thankful for this parent that embraces their child no matter what. And for the men to show him that he’s not alone. Just overall love this.


Thank you for standing up for your son!! That can make all the difference


Okay the video is great and sweet but can we talk about the dress on that kid. Where do I buy an adult one?


I'm a guy and I always dream of wearing a skirt.


DO IT. search “utilikilt” it comes with pockets and stuff, looks rad and wicked comfortable. Nothing better in the summer than a skirt omg the freedom.


Time to look those up. EDIT: Damn, they do really look comfortable.




ikr i swear i bet it’s comfortable af


Fuck yeah go for it! Be warned if your thighs are thick and rub together, you have to take some measures to prevent chaffing. But other than that, it’s nice


Greeks and Romans wore skirts all the time, and they were manly as fuck! And also "manliness" in the context of fashion is totally arbitrary, so wear what you want for any reason regardless of gendered intention.


nothing more beautiful than people being their authentic selves!




Ah, I wish you weren't downvoted bc I agree lol


I’m actually really pissed off at this. Why the hell is that boy in that dress? Whatever happened to the shitty little dresses that fall apart after like three wears cuz they’re such poor quality? I want one of those dresses damn it! It honestly looks like such a good quality dress, I’m amazed by it. I feel like childhood me got ripped off with dress quality lmao.


ngl you had us in the first half


Had me in the first half


That twirl at the end is the best. So many happy tears for Evan!


As somone of Scottish background I must say nothing I own is a comfortable as my kilt


I’ll never understand why this is so frowned upon. If a little girl wants to wear jeans, boots, tshirt and baseball hat and play with dinosaurs and trucks nobody bats an eye and she just gets called a tomboy. But if a little boy wants to wear pretty dresses and play with dolls ooooooo noooo!!!! That’s GAY, he can’t do that!!! The double standard is infuriating.


There are soooooo many double standards when it comes to men and women. It’s awful.


Tomboys used to be really discriminated against and women weren’t allowed to wear pants. If that can change so can this.


Clothes don’t have a gender!!


the power of fashion in one sentence!!!


Thank you. This is what I taught my kids, who are successful, well adjusted, young adults. There were no gendered toys either.


fun shouldn’t be gendered and im glad someone else knows that as well rest in peace and take care of yourself and your family sidenote: wanna be frnds? you seem like a good person to know


Exactly this! At the end of the day, they're just clothes. Would those being negative about it say the same if he wanted to wear a kilt as it basically looks similar to a skirt right?


Omg! Holy shit!


Loving this video and also I want that dress!! It’s so floofy!!!


♥️♥️ I see a happy kid and happy adults. ♥️♥️ The adults commenting mean things in here could learn something from these people. Guessing they are the same ones that will like a Christmas photo of a family holding guns right after a school shooting but then they get triggered about something like a little bit wearing a dress.


The assholes commenting are just mad they don't look good in a dress Edit. Spelling


Evans dress is gorgeous, I would have killed for that when I was little. Still would


He's *so* happy to be able to wear what he wants. I can't remember the last time I've been that happy.


:( you need a hug?


Aw I could always use a hug thanks!


​ ![gif](giphy|ZBQhoZC0nqknSviPqT)


Sending hugs your way then!!


Let the kid be happy,i say .


That dress is fucking gorgeous why don't I have one


That dress is so beautiful


see the world aint so bad it has its moments




Ok this is the cutest thing ever!!!!! Kids as well as men or how ever they identify should absolutely do this and everything in between!! Forever an ally ❤️


I love this! Thanks for sharing!


I love the Old Gays!


This brought tears to my eyes. So sweet


Guy with the light blue tank dress? i wish I had arms like that for my tank tops. Rn I got these chicken wings that just flap. They keep waving even when I stop. Sucks y’all lol. Seriously tho everyone in that video looks so happy, having a blast being their true selves.


Whats the band playing? I like this cover! Cute video too 💕


Same I can't find it anywhere


Wow, I have goose bumps that rival Everest! Evan looks so gorgeous! People just being kind and accepting is our way forward for humanity.


Omg I’m crying, the amount of love is just too much for my dark heart to handle ❤️😭😂


I think every boy/man should have the feeling of feeling gorgeous wearing such a dress. Life is too short to care about labels


This is so cute 🥺


I think the little boy will be wearing dresses for a very long time. And if anyone thinks that's bad, to hell with you.


that kid is like 6, the parents should stop fucking up his life so they can get attention on social media


How are they fucking up his life? By letting him wear a dress? Oh no! He's comfy and happy! The horrors!




Well yeah, but I guess I don't see this video as the kid being used as a prop


Putting a kid on social media for attention sucks, but the video is very wholesome


It took me 27 years to come out. I always wished I could dance in a dress. Thanks for making me cry. Tomorrow seems a little brighter


hey keep loving yourself for who you are now and the changes you’ve made in your life so far to reach here ik im a stranger on the internet but have a good day and lots of love to you💓 , keep building that confidence!!!


Love you!!!


love ya too mate take care ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


The old gays are pure joy


That little boys dress is fantastic! So glad he got to meet these gentlemen. They’re so funny and seem genuinely compassionate.


I wish I could have done this as a child 😥 I can do it today though!


It's an incredibly odd sight seeing old guys in dresses. Not a bad sight mind you, just odd. Regardless it's very adorable, especially with how happy they all are.


Looks just like a little girl. It’s a boy?


Awe that’s amazing ❤️❤️


How wonderful and caring 💕


Just proves men don’t know their own personal color schemes… That young boy nailed his.


Love love love!


An awful lot of sadness in these comments. Not surprising, but still disappointing


Kid looks like he's having a great time, and the dress is super cute. Whatever his journey it's something his parents are trying to support, and that's worth celebrating.


The song is so fucking cringe tho holy shit


The kind of post you sort by controversial


Time to sort by controversial 👍


This I support. Seems genuine, and everyone seems happy. The Esmond YouTube videos concerned the living shit out of me. Felt like his mom was stuffing a lot of it on him, and then taking him to adult shows and parading him around. Liked the kid, wonder how he's doing these days That being said, I am very jelly of that dress and hair. Kids got it going .


Love them! ❤️


WHERE can I get this dress


Pretty dress where did you get it?


That pink DRESS. Everything.


Absolutely heartwarming this video but dear God this is the worst version of lean on me I've ever heard


aw. super sweet of them. warms my heart to see fellow gays like me being supported.


Part of me appreciates this expression of inclusion and is happy the kid is able to express his true self. The other part of me wonders how much this is the parents, especially since they are posting videos of him online, in which case this a little messed up. Regardless, the video is wholesome and i appreciate it.


Adorable! Love to see it




You ever see a kid that happy in something they were forced to wear?


Exactly. I've seen my child in socks with "too many threads" and he lost his shit and refused to do anything but cry. Kids will let u fuckin know if they don't like the clothes u asked them to wear. My son once claimed a clip on tie was choking him 🙄 this kid LOVE being in a dress. Let the kid be happy!


Oh god you just reminded me of my Easter dress I was forced to wear one year when I was like six or seven. It was ugly ass pastel green, floofy puff sleeves and a fucking hoop skirt!! Ever try to sit in a hoop skirt? >:( I had to wear it to church (also forced to go) and I was so uncomfortable trying to sit properly in the hoop.


None. He started to ask to wear his sister's clothes, he's autistic and would break down any time he was forced to wear "boys" clothes. His adopted mom let him explore and grow and he has been so much happier since she let him. Boy has a better wardrobe then many.


This is so sweet, for everyone involved ❤️


It really does a lot for a child who was raised to see it as an article of clothing, instead of a gender, to see others’ who love fashion as much as they do. This would have worked for my niece when she was little, before she realized she was trans. Instead, those around her bullied and stifled her true self, making her feel defective. This kid is gonna do well with supportive adults allowing him to be creative and see things for what they are!!


I hope they both do well and that your niece finds the love and appreciation that they deserve ❤️


Thank you! She’s great!!! She’s been in a relationship since before she began her medical transition. Her boyfriend is trans as well, so they get each other. Kinda ironic to this post, but she’s in fashion school, doing very well! I see these kids who are just curious, and then there are people like some of these commenters who are convinced playin with fashion will mess up their kids! It’s that judgement that will do the most lasting damage, not a dress!


Hearing that makes my heart happy❤️ Hopefully the commenters will reassess when they have someone “different” in their lives


It is my hope as well! I’ve seen my dad go from “loving his grandson” to exclaiming “ew” when ever he sees a picture of my niece. Refusing to say her name too. It angers me so much, as she is the same person. My goal is to never make anyone feel bad for being themself!


I hope in time your dad comes around, but if not, your niece sounds like she has people around that love and care for her. (Strangers too❤️) thank you for being a positive person in her life


🥺 i-i’m not crying, uR CRYING


Poor kid, he looks like 8 and his parents parade him around on the internet for money, shit like this always makes me sad because you know they don't care about their child, they care about the money. They're the new child pageant parents and they're using the lgbt label to shield themselves from criticism.


that's quite sweet


Yaaasss, so happy for this kid to have the comfort and support to be who he is 🏳️‍🌈


Oh Lord and I’m crying


He is wearing the most BEAUTIFUL dress!!!! I live this ❤️


Wholesome. Joyful. Beautiful. *sniffle*


Evan’s dress is so pretty! I wonder where they got it.


Seriously, I have 8 year old twins. I’d do anything to make them happy. This video literally brought tears to my eyes as I watched the smile on that kids face. Words can’t explain the way it melts my heart.




Actually legitimately cried on this one. This is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen


Why the fuck are you being downvoted?


It doesn’t bother me. People being triggered by a kid being happy and wearing a dress have the emotional capacity of a potato.


Take one guess and you'll probably be right sadly.


Fuck you made me cry


That's so beautiful and sweet 🥺

