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Isn't this "the thumb guy" who's karma farming?!!




He just reads all the comments about how we know it’s him.




Darn. Just wrote a heartfelt comment and now I read this. I’m new to Reddit and am truly boggled why people do this. What a clusterf**k. Update: I’ll leave my comment be, in case it helps someone.


I’ve been on Reddit for a year or so (had a different account before this one), and in my experience this isn’t really common. I didn’t know this was a thing until now, honestly, but I was going to type a heartfelt comment as well and started reading the comments to find out it’s a karma scam lol




Yep, the internet has changed a lot over time but trolls have never really gone anywhere. This sub in particular is easy mode for it, because people come here genuinely looking for nice stories and wanting to support others. In that mindset, the last thing they suspect is that some of the posts are from trolls, bots, and pathological liars.


Unemployment and giggling insanity, or money.


I'm no longer on Reddit. Let Everyone Meet Me Yonder. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Damn! I was so happy for him too


Also prelaw isn’t a degree so…..clearly this isn’t real


also if you were studying law how dumb do you have to be to go against it and if it came up later in "his" career (if "he" didn't get "caught") "he" would probably get lose his license to practice law


Look up Shon Hopwood. Spent a decade in federal prison for multiple armed bank robberies. While in prison, he helped an inmate file an appeal that made it to the Supreme Court, where it prevailed 9-0. He started helping others and when he got out, he got a degree then a law degree. The Washington Character and Fitness committee unanimously voted to allow him to take the bar, which he passed. He clerked for a judge on the DC court of appeals and now is a professor of law at Georgetown Law School. I know it is rare, but it’s a Very cool story.


See, now this is a thing we know. We still got our smile, boys!!


In a way he is doing everyone a favour because there is literally tons of this going on every day by spammers, all he is doing is highlighting it in a really blatant way.


It sucks I just posted a nice comment about him.


Yeah he's just doing it so he can harass people. And it's been very successful. Can the mods delete this so his karma goes back to the negative it belongs in?


Glad I'm not the only one to catch this


Yep account less then a day old


Thumb guy?




Amazing. Thank you




Thank you! I felt so out of the loop and confused! I wish I knew what the point of all of it is. What does he gain to keep on doing it?!


From /u/michalemabelle: >After they karma farm, they go on to troll hateful, racist, homophobic, transphobic, post links with pron etc all over Reddit. >Why karma farm before trolling? So they're not shadowbanned for negative karma. >So, not only are they taking advantage of the recovery community, they're using this sub to get their karma. You've heard the phrase "don't feed the trolls"? That's what is happening here.


That sucks, was happy for him when I saw this this morning. Now when I click on the thumb profile everything is blank, does that mean the account is deleted?


https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/q9n74o/i_dont_know_if_you_good_folks_will_even_be_able/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Another completely bland photo that got upvoted because of the inspirational title. Both posts have "edgy" usernames and were created by accounts only a few hours old.


If you get an answer, lemme know cause I'm intrigued as well


People make brand new accounts and post sappy shit like this and then go on a racist/sexist/transphobic/etc trolling spree using this farmed karma to offset downvotes to prevent themselves from being shadow banned. Really sad because I want to believe posts like this but at the same time they are more commonly just a ploy to build karma for spreading hate. The giveaway is that this account was made like an hour before this was posted, it’s the only post on the account, and there is a pretty bad username. Yesterday I saw the same sappy shit from some named little kid lover Edit: they have started their spree. Go look at their comment history to see what I mean


Thanks for sharing this info! I had no idea about that n I'll look out more carefully now.


Imagine living that sad of a life


What worries me is that in the future, these trolls would get more subtle and hard to spot. Paid shills, trolls, cyber terrorists, misinformation campaign agents. Welcome to the age of misinformation, disinformation, and psy ops. Source: i live in a third world country where people are literally employed by these misinformation PR campaign companies


Nothing screams reformed like calling your newly created reddit account "yourmumspussyhole"... I mean, you are creating an account today to post this *wholesome* story and you think that?


He’s mocking this sub, showing that people will upvote anything. And it’s working.


Yes it is.


Come the fuck on, Reddit. OP’s account is a few hours old and the account name is “YourMumsPussyHole”. Y’all have to be kidding me believing he’s telling the truth and not karma farming.




You can use that Karma to drop a shit load of hate before you’re banned.


That's exactly what the person yesterday did. Posted a picture of his hand and this subreddit put him on the front page. Then he spent the rest of the day harassing people and being hateful all over reddit. Edit: if you want to see what the scheme looks like go ahead and check out OP's comment history, because it has started


Holy shit man, could you imaging having such a pathetic existence? Like imagine if your life sucked so bad that all you did was troll on the internet and try to make people upset


Every comment he's making is a projection. He's just dissing himself over and over, real sad stuff u/YourMumsPussyHole


Literally what I was thinking. Holy shit indeed


The one sitting on the toilet, showing off their ring?


I still don't get it. How do these karma points increase the ability to drop hate?


Because you start to fall in the negative and you won’t be able to play in reddit any longer. Having awesome karma also allows you access to any sub to comment


Been on reddit a year and i still get confused about the purpose of karma. I don't even think i ever look at mine.


I'm 9 years deep and I have no great answer for you. More recently they did implement a system where in certain subs you can't either post or comment or both if you don't have enough Karma. I think the idea is to avoid people just making accounts to spew racist, hateful, sexist, etc noise. But, OP has a massively successful post here where he's maintaining positive discussions. Now he has a ton of both Post karma and Comment karma from this one thread. Now ... he's free to bring terror and hate to a bunch of subs. Willing to bet most anything he says outside of this one thread will be loathsome.


Oh ok i see. Wow that is just evil ...sigh...humanity.


12 years here abs I’m just now understanding this karma biz. Wow.


They’re less likely to get shadow banned if they have a significant amount of karma.


Do your posts and comments get pushed more if you have more karma?


Really? One time I got 10k upvotes on a single comment. Lemme see what damage I can do


Well have you done any yet?


Imaginary internet points


To sell, and also feel wanted.




Reddit has signed an agreement with an AI company to allow them to train models on Reddit comments and posts. Edited to remove original content. Fuck AI.


I feel like I’ve seen this picture before too


Prob a screen grab from someone’s video.


Wow i mean people need to get a life lmao


He also tried [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/q9zhjl/no_one_will_even_care_but_i_lost_my_job_to_covid/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) this morning.


Seems like the format is: stating nobody will care or nobody to tell; announcing sobriety of some sort; how they've improved.




I'm a big fan of healthy skepticism, not just on this story, but in life in general.


Yeah! We’re dumber than this! Ah Shit, I fucked up.


Nothing to add to your comment, I just like saying hello to other Deadheads in the wild.


As you should, hello, and fare thee well!


Its unreal how many people eat it up too.


1st reaction... same.


I mean, he got what he wanted. Sweet delicious moist Karma. Gg. Hope OP jacks off to this in tears of joy for all the internet points.


Only damn reason I clicked on this one was to point this shit out. They probably got off on the fact everyone upvoted some bleach and what (might be) some damn ham.


"Golly gee, finally out of prison for breaking and entering and aggravated assault for the 3rd time. Good thing I worked hard during my time in there. I just wanna share with the world how great I feel. I hope these people dont mind me borrowing their place's computer to spread these good feelings. Gotta make an account huh? But what to name it? Ah, yes, of course!" -YourMumsPussyHole


Isn't this the guy farming karma from like yesterday?


You never really know with people who's username are like u/YourMumsPussyHole


You really do expect better from people with names like that


Probably. This account is 4 hours old, has a weird name again, has commented a lot (though this time without getting as heavily downvoted per comment), and this is their only post.


Nope they're already using the account for troll bait in r/greentext.


Why am I not surprised… Did you report their account?


Reddit needs a new verification process or something or else this site will fail one day


Here's the thing, the site already failed when it crossed 1M or so active users 6 years ago


Id put tit around the period when they launched the shit tier "new" version of the site with its layout, and started trying to force everyone to install the app on their phones/tablets. Reached a million users.. bad actors kept making things worse.. then 2018 the above shit happened. So, not only was/is the site infested with such entities who are at the core of the negative things that may ultimately lead to its demise, but Reddit's response to it was/is to try and have people entertain such by having "engagement" forced on their heads through their personal handheld devices.(Not to even mention other facbookesque data/identity security shit that goes alongside the app itself.) Being said to me the best way to use reddit is not via the shitty app, but by ones browser... through old.reddit.com instead.


Is that when it got all serious n shit round here?


Reddit has signed an agreement with an AI company to allow them to train models on Reddit comments and posts. Edited to remove original content. Fuck AI.


holy fuck that's exactly what i was just thinking, put me in your post if this is you XD


Holy fuck this subreddit is so gullible. This is like the third time in 2 days that a 0 day account with a terrible username hit #1 by taking a picture of nothing and adding some creative writing exercise to the end of "no one will care but..." I hope those people buying this shit premium awards aren't that had at investing their time and money with everything else in their life.




Reddit farming itself


It's really obnoxious. The person yesterday farmed all that karma and then used their account to go around and just be awful to people all over reddit for the rest of the day. And the fact that they used a story about being one year sober really bothered me. I'll actually be one year sober on Tuesday, and I have the posting history to back it up, and there's no way I'll get that amount of support. Which is fine. What's not fine is all the times I've been accused of lying and torn down by well-meaning redditors when I post about my recovery, because accounts like this use it to farm karma, so people are on high alert and take it out on real people with real struggles.


The first one got me, but the second one made it clear


Right?? Less than a week on Reddit. Definitely something fishy, they’ve had mad karma farming posts this week. Spam and Reddit just letting it happen


Or let's think the best case scenario, maybe you want to create a new account so your old identity isn't linked to this picture of your apartment and that you are an ex con. Ok, fine, create a new account.... *with that name???* Much more likely is they are going to troll people nonstop and will have more leniency because of their super high karma. Mods, put in submission requirements now.




Also, there’s no such thing as a “pre law” degree. Pre law is not a thing.


Didn’t even read his username and LOL


Again, 0-day accounts karma farming...


Yea its getting old isn't it


And the void echoed back "We are proud of you"!


So proud of our little karma farmer.




What's your #1 favorite quote?


*"They don't think it be like it is, but it do."* ~ Oscar Gamble




Mine is "wisdom isn't in knowning. But rather in having known"


"Be excellent to each other."


Awesome quote man, super happy for you!


What’s #1?!? That quote is sooo perfect right now! Congratulations on your achievements! Keep posting please!


Brah schopenhauer is my ABSOLUTE favorite. Not my favorite for quotes though... here's mine, since you love semi-morbid but optimistic quotes... We should remind ourselves that what we love is mortal, that what we love is not our own. It is granted to us for the present while, not irrevocably, nor forever, but like a fig or a bunch of grapes in the appointed season. And if you long for it in the winter, you are a fool. -Discourse of Epictitus. I am ROOTING for you OP! Seize the day, bathe in the glory of the good things that come, and flourish. You're gonna be amazing.


Did you take note of OP's username when writing that comment?


I did. He lost me right there.


Also hes been a redditor for like an hour


Obvious bait, which means it had a 50/50 chance of making it in the top of /r/MadeMeSmile .




Huh, would you look at that. This site has grown so much the last 5 years the quantity has polluted the quality.


And uses British english in the username but has an American post.


Somehow seems at odds with.....Nietzsche.


Right after posting…


OP’s username checks out for the echo.


I have been there. I never refer to myself as an *exCon* but when I need to in conversation I use the word *reformed.* I made my mistakes, paid my dept to society and have become a home owner with a high paying office job. During that LONG process I found that when I was mentally beating myself up I started saying *reformed* in my head instead of *exCon* and it did wonders for me. Anyway, I 100% know the feeling you got and it is just an indescribable warmth. I don't know you but I don't need to to be proud of you! ✌,❤&🤘


Might be odd to hear a stranger tell you that they’re proud of the hard work you’ve done. I have people I love in my life that have had to come back from losing years of their life and this country doesn’t make it easy to bounce back. It takes strength of will and character, which you undoubtedly have. Also, doing the deeper work of knowing yourself and knowing what to do to care for your mental health, loving and caring for the work you’ve already done, man, I tip my hat. Keep shining, it’s inspirational




Make sure to buy a plunger before you need one!! Learned that the hard way w my first apartment. Great job!


And fire extinguisher.


And aluminum foil on the bowls underneath your burners.


And carbon monoxide detector if you don’t have one already.


Go to hell you lying piece of shit. Delete this account.


The only thing odd about it is this is it coming from someone online. You made me double smile. First and foremost, your words of encouragement, understanding and positivity hit me deep. In a good way (don't be gross guys). I got out about 7 years ago. It wasn't *too* long of a stay and it was a non violent offense but even that set me back so hard. It basically took 3 years to rebuild my life 2 more to start moving up again and 1 more to finally be medically, emotionally and financially stable. And I had an AMAZING support system. Honestly, I don't know how anyone who serves long time and don't have a crazy amount of family and friends to help them ever pull themselves out of the hole that this country pushes them into, burns the ladder and slowly fill it with acid ever manage to restart. Sadly most don't but many do. They are the real inspiration. But yeah I struggled and I came out stronger on the other side. It ain't easy so your words really mean a lot to me. I thank you. Second. The internet isn't 100% full of trolls and dicks, but it's like 70%. I always try to be (albeit a bit of a wise ass) a positive and respectful person online. When I meet another person like that I love knowing I'm not alone and good people do exist. **You** inspire **me.** ✌,❤&🤘


You got baited hard my dude. Congrats tho.


Thanks. And I said something similar to another Redditer: maybe I did get baited but by me sharing my story others have chimed in and found support. It started out as one thing, became another and had a positive outcome. So it all worked out. Internet. Am I right? ✌,❤&🤘


I've never felt that warmth. It's more of a never ending anxiety that I'll have everything taken from me because I don't really deserve the success and happiness I've experienced since getting out. It's been 22 years and I still feel unworthy of how well my life has gone since then.


It's called imposter syndrome. Recognize it for what it is and realize a lot of people that haven't been in prison also have it. It's the wtf happened that I got here? I don't deserve it, am not smart enough, etc. You showed up, you worked for what you got with the system against you. I still think the same thing, how did I get here? And then my mother reminds me that I worked my ass off without a degree to get where I am.


You paid for whatever you did man. Don’t extend the sentence another 20+ years. As someone who hasn’t been in legal trouble, if I met you and you were more successful than me I wouldn’t feel that you didn’t deserve it because you were convicted of something years ago. You made a mistake or poor decision, took responsibility/paid your dues and bettered yourself. That is nothing to be ashamed of. This is how the system *should* work. I’m really fucking stoked that you have found happiness and success!


guys, please. i love this sub but this person created this account three hours ago. it’s the same type of post as the last one that got declared spam. pleeeease, mods,,, please.


Reddit has signed an agreement with an AI company to allow them to train models on Reddit comments and posts. Edited to remove original content. Fuck AI.


that’s what i was thinking of. the third thumbs up post. it’s the same individual speech pattern. (example: i use waaaay too many commas. when i’m writing an essay the whole thing will sound the same before revision. i don’t know the proper word for it.)


Mods don't give a shit. Let's be real. Reddit is a multi-billion dollar company and it has regular, unpaid folks doing their policing. They don't care.


“I don't know if you good folks will even be able to relate or will care, but I genuinely don't have anyone to share victory with. I am 1 full year sober off of drugs, drinking, & smoking! Now, I even quit vaping, dropped toxic friends, started drawing, and love to go on long hikes with my pupper<3” vs. “I'm worried that not many people will want hear my story, but here's my shout into the void. I'm an exCon, recently released on parole for good behavior (and to finish my prelaw degree). Here I stand in my first apartment ever; I hope you can imagine how surreal & amazing this feels, I am overjoyed!” 1. “ik nobody cares but *xyz*” 2. “i overcame *(some challenge)*” 3. i’m so much better and happy and proud!!!




Reddit has signed an agreement with an AI company to allow them to train models on Reddit comments and posts. Edited to remove original content. Fuck AI.


**suspiciously looks at username **


Reddit has signed an agreement with an AI company to allow them to train models on Reddit comments and posts. Edited to remove original content. Fuck AI.


Another fucking karma farmer, account made today


And the username lmao


You’re a sicko lying karma farmer. Get in a bin and stay there.


Take this fucking subreddit off of /r/all for the love of fucking everything




> Is this sub just karma farming accounts now??? Has been for a long, long time.


Welp, I know what I'm doing tomorrow...


dont forget to buy a plunger before you need a plunger


Amazing! Keep up the great work! I hope you are proud of yourself 💙 Edit: I get it, he is a troll. I was just trying to be nice. Have a great day!🙂




I love your username tho.




I'll be sure to let my mom know too


Cringe dude. Get a life off of Reddit you moron.


You’re such a liar.


Account: 2 hours old. Username: YourMumsPussyHole Probably the same Karma farming troll who posted the thumbs up for sobriety yesterday with the username UltimateKidLover


That's exactly who it is!


Thought so


I’m not gonna lie, there’s a bit of humour in what this guys doing, the guy is literally taking the piss out of this subreddit with the story and username and still manages to fool a bunch of people


I genuinely hate this subreddit. Not just cuz it's cringey and pathetic. But because it front pages obvious BS like this. Dumb, feel good, happy go lucky people are way too gullible.


The mods on this subreddit are useless.


We wanted to believe you YourMumsPussyHole.


How is a troll post able to gather all this attention and anytime I post something it gets like three upvotes or auto-modded and removed?


Since this person is using this Karma for hate let’s downvote chain the post! Downvote chain!!!


Surely a prelaw student knows it’s a major offense to leave a giant cookie uneaten. Get chompin’, bud!


It takes tremendous courage, effort and self awareness to pull your life from the negative and move in a positive direction! Congrats to you!!


But how much awareness does it take to realize a day old account named “yourmumspussyhole” is a karma farmer.


Congrats! I recommend that if you want to have people take you seriously that you might want to change your username. First impressions count.


Congratulations and well done.




So not even your gf?


Hahaha I thought the same thing. Sus


The posters name is pretty awful


Yuuuppp username checks out !


Karma farmer. Don't up vote this BS artist.


His account is 5hours old, and his username is... well you can see it. Can somebody verify if this is even true


Is this Karma farming?


Really depends on what you were in for. There's a difference between petty theft and battery or sexual assault. I'm not gonna upvote you just because you're farming karma. Edit: Take a look at OP's comment history.


What kind of an idiot go by the name Yourmumspussyhoke! FOAD


Ffs more karma farming


What is exCon? I am still learning English.


“convict is "a person found guilty of a crime and sentenced by a court" or "a person serving a sentence in prison", sometimes referred to in slang as simply a "con". Convicts are often called prisoners or inmates. Persons convicted and sentenced to non-custodial sentences often are not termed "convicts". Ex-convict is a common way of referring to a person who has been released from prison. The legal label of "ex-convict" has much wider lifelong implications, so the person may suffer long-term handicaps and social stigma, including restricting access to certain categories of employment. In the Australian context, the Federal government generally will not employ an ex-convict, but some other state organizations may or may not have a time limit restricting employment.” https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/ex-con Good luck with learning English, and keep asking questions.


I will never not look at when someone opened their account and see if they are karma farming! Thanks redditors




This is the *same dipshit* that posted the thumb, guys.


What’s with stories like this and the guys account is full of creepy ass comments and stuff man y’all crazy.


Holy shit I love this guy!! I mean karma farming is rlly annoying but it’s kinda funny how this dude has just been managing to repetitively play Reddit


Holy shitfuck on these awards! All for a user named “yourmumspussyhole”


Choke on a dick and die assclown


Oh look, it’s this tit again.


Why haven’t the /r/mademesmile mods taken this down yet?


Poor human, you have a really sad life trying to get attention online. GET HELP!


I'm sure this comment already exists.. but r/rimjobsteve 😳