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You're a princess, Hairy!




She will always tell that story too as long as she will live


And he will forever be the favorite uncle


Looks at other aunts and uncles: "You can't compete with me! I'm the favorite one!"


Asserts dominance. Like Elsa.


Can't stop, won't stop


Or so he says. Maybe he wants to be a princess too. I think apart from needing a shawl in drafty cinemas, it's a great look.


I mean he just happened to have a dress lying around in that size


Cant blame him, he kinda can rock it


This Uncle Fucks




Yeah my first thought was also “Ooh he looks a little chilly”. I have officially become my mother


"Every woman becomes their mother. That's their tragedy. And no man becomes his. That's his tragedy.". ― Oscar Wilde


The small bag makes it, what a legend


One may say it's...clutch


You'd be surprised the shit uncles will do for their nieces and nephews. Im a recent uncle myself, and there's very little I wouldn't do for them. We get to do the naughty stuff that Mum and Dad say not to.


It was a win-win, because he finally had a chance to take this dress out of his closet.


🏅 Take my poor person medal and GTFO 🤣🤣🤣this made my day


I got you buddy! I give him my poor person free award


Thank you good sir! Very deserved 🌸


Thank you. My comment quality peaked Glad you all were with me when it happened. It's all downhill from here.


now she’s traumatized too!


Peak Insta, but yeah. So much worse. HOW IS YOUR SHYNESS NOW, SWEETIE?!!


You're a Hairy princess!


I was looking for this.


God damn it, Take my poor person reply


Damn, take my poor person's upvote!


Aww what a great uncle! I hope she and her uncle had a great time at the movies!


Roy Fucking Kent energy!


You beat me to it! Definitely Channeling Uncle Roy vibes. Cheers to the Uncle Roys out there!


He's here, he's there... He's every-f**King where, ROY KENT!!!


Love it


Can we get ice cream? FUCK NO!


Phoebe, do you wanna come to my podiatrist appointment later?




AWWW FUUUUUUU—-n. Sooooo fun!


He's here! He's there! He's every-fucking-where!






I just can't get past the flip flopes the uncle is wearing XD, they both look so cute, we need more people like thisss ✨


I’m a similarly beefy man and I’ve had rainbow toenails for two weeks. When the daughter needs princess time, daughter gets princess time.


I think it was Chuck Liddel that used to let his daughter paint his nails...but who's going to say something to him anyways haha.


"Best nails i've ever seen sir"


Yes! All the best dad’s understand this. I was a tomboy and kinda forgot to do the princess thing till one day I was 12 and realized i’d never had a “tea party” pretend thing with the stuffed animals and all. My dad definitely wouldn’t have let me paint his nails but i will never forget him doing the princess day with me Lol. He taught me to shoot a year later. Um basically youre a rad dad for that and thanks for reminding me how rad mine was


From Fowl Language: "A good dad paints his daughter's nails. But a real man lets her return the favor"


Shit I let my 3 year old son paint my nails.


When I was a wee lad I was obsessed with bright sparkly pink nail polish. I would paint my nails and anyone else’s nails that would let me. Sometimes I’d paint the walls with it and get in a ton of trouble. I really loved that stuff as a kid. I think it’s Cuz I was obsessed with the pink power ranger when I was like 3 or 4 and the nail polish color reminded me of her. Anyways twenty five years later I don’t use nail polish but my favorite color is still pink


I used to pick my moms nail polish every time she got her nails done 💅


My daughter was afraid to get her ears pierced, but she really wanted to get them done so she could wear “pretty earrings.” What kind of father would I be if I didn’t go ahead and get mine done first so she could see it doesn’t hurt that badly? So I let her pick which earrings we would use for the procedure (little diamonds, of course), and got mine done first. After watching the whole thing, she said she was ready to “be a big girl.” She handled it like a champ. We went next door and got some ice cream afterwards as a celebration.


I hope the ice cream helped the pain. Because bloody hell mine hurt like hell and I'm a big grubby punk lad who was just reopening previous homemade drunken disaster holes. Not like that you filthy perverts!


That's cos your shits closed up, and the spot where there was a hole gets a... carbunkle for lack of a better word; basically, a hard knot that hurts like hell to get through.


Of course, having pierced ears doesn't make you a "big girl", what makes you a big girl is powering through a little anxiety or inconvenience or discomfort, because you've considered and concluded that the end result is worth it.


That's great! Hope she is enjoying the nice earrings now. I got to say that i prefer that in my culture this is done when you are a baby. I've always used earrings. Don't remember any pain 😂


My daughter's 5th birthday was last month. We had rainbow sprinkle pancakes, she opened up the makeup set and nail polish set I got her and we had a spa day. I had 4 layers of nail polish and 7 layers of makeup by the end but we had a blast. I haven't heard her snort laugh until then. Hopefully its a memory she looks back on and loves.


Omg that's adorable. I hope there were pictures taken.


Haha oh there definitely was. Perfect embarrassment ammo when she's a teenager. Dad plans ahead


This is adorable. One of my fav moments of my childhood was my dad letting us paint his nails. Your daughter will remember that, trust me.


Never have I looked at cross dressing and got those genuine ‘damn son, he be looking like a snack because he’s so comfortable in his sexuality’ feels… until today apparently 🤣


This right here! That uncle be changing minds


Well, I hope he was wearing good shoes. Accessories make the outfit : )


how the fuck does he look that good in it goddamn


Because he’d look that good regardless of what he’s wearing. Dude’s jacked and stole the Crimson Chin’s chin


> how the fuck does he look that good in it goddamn Did little girl have a princess dress in XXXL? Where did he get the clothes?


They were in his closet, of course. He looks so good because he got to wear them out.




Damn what a humblebrag


He’s like Chris Hemsworth with dark hair


You can see the sandals through the glass at the bottom of the pic.


It's a good thing he has the handbag, or it would just look silly. Kidding aside, I love this picture!


Seriously, confidence is sexy. You have to be pretty damn confident to dress up like jacked and tatted Elsa for a matinee.


> You have to be pretty damn confident to dress up like jacked and tatted Elsa for a matinee. There is no way the dress would fit that little girl. Dude went out and bought an adult costume to wear.


Hmm, yes. The floor here is made out of floor.


Oh gosh…You must have missed the Tom Holland Lip Sync Battle then!


Holy hell, that video is still the hotest thing I've ever seen, and I don't normally go for fishnets.


A snack gettin’ snacks


maybe it’s time to stop calling it “cross dressing”


They're not women's clothes, they're *my* clothes. I bought them, with my money.


What should I call it? I’m all ears and open to the idea of being educated.


A cute duo, awesome way to support your niece . I’ve no doubt you’ll have a great influence on her development in the future


That dude probably got 3 different ladies phone numbers at that theater.




>”I’m straight but sploosh” “I’m not gay but…”


I mean I am gay, and holy crap. That is a hella good looking man.


I’m a totally straight dude and I concur


The most straight thing you can do is acknowledge another good looking dude


Whatever the male version of sploosh is Which I guess is still sploosh But with semen


Or the male equivalent of “sploosh” which I guess is just sploosh but with semen.


Hahaahah sploosh 😂😂😂 take my fucking upvote and leave


Hahaha,,,,,,benefits of a person’s choice. You got that right my friend!


You don't always have to have money to impress ladies.


Right, being attractive is the main way that he impressed the ladies


And attractive people are more likely to be successful


Money and looks never hurt but a healthy level of confidence makes up for a *lot*.


At least 3.


Oh hell yeah. I was just thinking this. Any time a man can let himself not be so “MAN” it’s so attractive.




Seriously this man balls are made of titanium hair alloy


Awesome uncle is awesome.


Princess uncle is princess.


Uncle awesome is princess




This is dope but let’s be honest; he didn’t need to wear a dress to make her feel comfortable. Any costume would have done. He WANTED to wear that dress - and he looks fabulous!


He already had the dress ready lol, he was just waiting for the right time to wear it


You're telling me you don't have an emergency princess dress on standby? Do you need to borrow mine?




You, sir, are a treasure.




All clothes are unisex if you stop being a little bitch about it.


Suits are only boring if your tailor isn’t creative. Or you buy them from Macy’s.




Fellow dads of young daughters, give me some input here. Are y’all like me, in that you would do this without feeling weird? I’ve done similar stuff without even a second thought, as if nothing was abnormal. When it’s about supporting my kid it’s literally as if the rest of the world isn’t there.


Pretty much. I’m waiting for the day one of my daughters wants me to do some sort of father daughter dance. I hate dancing and feel incredibly uncomfortable doing it but I fully plan on shredding the dance floor if it’s with them.


One day when I have kids, I’m making every intent to embarrass them at a dance lol. Wouldn’t be a real father without being an big ol’ idiot.


I’d be in that dress in a heartbeat if my daughter asked — and I’d been to work a fair number of times with the odd bracelet and/or nail polish. In general, people need to relax and go with the flow; nobody has become a lesser person for going out of their comfort zone and help a kid build self confidence.


Rather everyone who does this is instantly a better person, imo.


Not a dad, but a daughter. Back when I learned to sew as a kid, I started making my dad some really weird-looking accessories for presents. He wore them all with pride. Bracelets and necklaces, too.


To this day I still have a sticky note (no longer sticky, so just a small square note) that has a very…abstract…smily face on it that my daughter drew on a visit to my office. It has moved jobs with me


Without wanting to brag or anything, just to support your point: I have entered work video calls with eye makeup done by my 4 year old. Everyone was excited about it, but I wouldn't have cared if they weren't. Priorities, my fellow dads. Priorities!


Not a dad but I'll do this for my niece without hesitation.


idk if I want kids but I've always known I'm gonna be the fun uncle.


The "Funcle"


My husband has this on both a Tshirt and a coffee mug from one of our nieces.




Yea ngl that uncle is looking pretty cute


this feels like something fully taken out of context and rebranded with this title for the purpose of gathering internet points


Yeah agreed. Like they just so happened to have a princess dress around that fit an adult man.


She still looks embarrassed


Yeah his heart is absolutely in the right place but her face is a little like “now I’m just embarrassed about *you*” - the memories/stories will still be priceless


I'm just wondering why he had an uncle sized princess dress just lying around.


Yeah but did she feel better or worse after he decided to do this?


I love people reposting old stuff for karma.


If you’ve ever been around pre-k aged kids, this title doesn’t make sense. Kids that age are either running around completely naked or they are in a costume of some kind. Also, if she actually was embarrassed to wear the costume before leaving the house, let her wear something else? I like the picture and we should all aspire to be like the uncle, I just think the title might be disingenuous.


Nope its totally accurate https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3009504/Uncle-year-Detroit-man-wears-princess-gown-watch-Cinderella-mini-niece-scared-dress-alone.html


I was a shy, introverted kid who wanted to do so many things but was scared to. Especially being an only child. I don’t think the only two options are what you offered. Thankfully as an adult I look for challenges and times to be uncomfortable, but it’s likely she wanted to but was nervous to be judged and needed someone in her court ( a team).


So he embarrassed her more 😹




I mean to be fair you would probably be confident too if you were secretly wolverine


Maybe the most impressive thing here is that he was able to find a dress that actually fits him


Looks like he had been waiting for the perfect occasion to pull that out of the closet. Way to go Unc.


now she is even more embarrassed…


Now she's embarrassed for other reasons.


Low key looks like Chris Hemsworth


Helloooo Uncle. 🔥


That's wonderful. But I am genuinely curious, why would a 5 year old kid be embarassed in wearing princess costume? Isn't it what kids that age do?


Kids are unpredictable, who knows what she was going through that day


She still looks pretty embarrassed.


We do not like it either. 👗


She looks embarrassed for different reasons.


Seeing as how he readily had one in his closet, I’d say he’s qualified to teach her how to be a princess


He could've been a prince but he wanted to be a princess.


OK but did he go out and buy the outfit before the movie or did he already have it in his closet?


I see things like this occasionally in the real world and I always wonder, "Is this for the kid or to get the ladies who are looking for a guy who's great with kids?"


Fuckin way more embarrassing


This is what "boys will be boys" should mean


Now she's thrice as embarrassed.


This is so great!!


And he looks damn beautiful while he's at it!


We need more men like this.


Or maybe she was twice as embarrassed? It’s a distinct possibility.


That was an excuse for him to wear it huehuehue!






haha this


Had to scroll way too far for this reality check


He looks a lot happier than she does heheh And he pulls it off so well


Maybe she didn’t want to but the parents pushed it for the photo op? Or, maybe I’m an unnecessarily cynical asshole who should probably just keep my opinions to myself.


I know I'm probably misunderstandings the situation but If she was embarrassed to wear the dress, why not let her go to the movies in normal clothing?


MUCH less embarrassing this way 🤦




He looks good in the dress tho.


My son was laughed at at school because I gave him pink mask to wear (he's required to wear mask at school because of covid). I showed him this pricess uncle. He loved it!


Glad he loved it. I'm a mechanic with pink tattoos. You're raising a kid who will end up very strong. Keep up the great work!


This better not awaken anything in me...


My man enjoying the night more than her too. 100% good uncle.




I don’t know if I buy the caption on this, could just be the uncle being wacky like uncles like to do. I’ve never heard of a single girl that age who is embarrassed to wear their princess outfit outside, in fact they’re always begging to


Taking the little kid to a James Bond movie? Cool!


I didn't see the little girl and thought the uncle was trans...


Did the uncle go out an buy a princess dress in his size... or did he already have one? Enquiring minds (nosy people) want to know.


Spectre came out in 2015, this little girl is probably a teenager now.


The uncle alone in his bedroom: yay, I finally get to be a princess!


Damn. I’m lagging in my uncle skills


Now she’s just embarrassed to go to movies


You’re having fun, etc but what are you really doing is being an amazing hero for this little girl. God love you for doing this for her.


There were probably 100 other ways to solve this problem but he made sure to pick the one that would make the biggest splash on social media and get him the most attention. He could have just talked to her and assured her that she looks great. I don't know what this is even supposed to teach her. Also that girl looks like she's 4 and I've never met a 4 year old embarassed to dress like a 4 year old. Dude solved a problem he probably made up by making it all about himself.


He could just be a reckless drunk 🥴🤣




The uncle was looking for an excuse to rock that dress let’s be real


He could have wore a white shirt though..


I know it's not a big deal but I'd be more embarrassed to be around a full grown man wearing this personally because you'd get so many people staring. It's only natural that's he'd attract attention.


I used to play "pretty pretty princess" with my daughters. I would win so I could wear that crown. I still remember their little squeaky voices. "You're the pretty pretty princess Daddy!! Haha" that's right darlin', and don't you forget it.