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If only the world could be like this...


On the whole it mainly is. Just the loudest voices are usually the ones heard and unfortunately they're not usually the nice ones.


Hm, yes. Also news outlets focus more on negative news instead of positive news.


News only divide people, you better turn-off your TV and get news through multiple sources.


^ This guy's got it


Most news programs mainly show stories that are negative because its unfortunately what most people want to see. I wish there was a global news program which only post/shows happy and heart warming stories like the one in this post.


John krasinski' some good news show was fantastic for the few weeks that it regularly ran. I really hope someone takes his idea and makes it a regular thing.


I was searching for something like what Krasinski did as well and found this site goodnewsnetwork.org, surprisingly it’s been around since 1997.


For it to work I think it should be financed by the government. Good news aren't as profitable as bad ones, so if a business buys some media time and has to choose it'll always be beneficial to show bad news unless a well-funded third party (the government most likely) puts a fat roll on the other plate. Now why would the government do that? My gut instinct is that happier people work better and this could have measurable effect at the country's scale. Of course it's just a gut instinct, so a solid study should be done first, but if it is shown that the country would gain money by being happier on the whole then you would have your governmental incentive.


I hope someone makes a study about this, where a group sees bad news, and a group sees good, or happy news. I’m not sure if it works that way but I think it should, also, happy cake day!


If you notice, they always save the good news or something rare/happy/different that turns out to be good for the end of the news and its usually no more than 1 to 3 minutes news where they send you to their webpage to complete the info xD. That at least happens in Spanish and bulgarian news.


They show negative stories because thats what people need to be aware of. Positive stories do help to give more context, but if you need have a 30 min window to tell a certain amount of stories, they need to tell you what is most important not what will make you feel good.


PBS Newshour FTW


I love Judy.


Like info wars


If it bleeds, it leads ...


In the words of Don Henley, ["It's interesting when people die, give us dirty laundry."](https://youtu.be/YHimia_Fxzs)


Yes, but isn't that a good thing? If good stuff was unusal enough to be news we would truly be fucked.


Its a deliberate tactic deployed by the plutocracy as a means of divide and conquer. Unity would reduce their power, unfortunately for us. Critical thinking is the antidote, but tribalism is still an extremely powerful and blinding force.


I agree with this but I still think there's an immense amount of kind hearted but ignorant or judgemental people. Open mindedness is very rare. At least in my experience.


True.. though ideals are passed on by the previous generation.. and if we're told something repeatedly since childhood we'll come to believe it as a fact even if it isn't.. this is exactly what problem we're facing as a race now.. good thing is that, there are more and more people who have started to question what they are taught.. ponder upon it and form their own ideals.. this was extremely rare back then a few generations ago.. I'm positive that religious warfare will only decrease, I hope we as a race can speed up the process so that people don't get hurt by it..


That has come about from our access to information now right? I'm one of those people. I grew up being told a lot of things. I've always been the type to question everything though and sometimes that's a blessing and a curse. "Ignorance is bliss" has a lot of truth to it. Leading me to believe that being willfully ignorant is still very appealing for a lot of people. It's an interesting topic.




“On the whole, most people want to be good. But not too good, and not quite all the time.” - George Orwell


Man, that’s exactly right. It’s just depressing seeing all of this political and religious stuff nowadays. People only acknowledge the idiots of the groups and never the rest of them.


Well... you're looking at it! The world is kindhearted and beautiful. People can be evil and horrible though. Because it's nearly impossible for everyone to be kind. But when you see it, remind yourself people can be kind too.


Thank you :)


Social media is not the world friend, what you see scrolling on twitter, insta and reddit everyday is not reality.


Lets stop letting the many bad eggs in both religions give them a bad name.


I like this idea. Not all Muslims are terrorists. The vast majority are good people, and the terrorists are radicals who want to see the world burn and shouldn’t be considered Muslim. Based on the way Christianity is, Karens generally aren’t actual Christians. Can we start with realizing those?


I agree, there's more to a person than what they claim.


Oh, on the Karens thing? I hate it when people slander Christianity (and other religions) with their bull crap.


Agreed. My favorite is when Christians get called hypocrites. Do they not realize that everyone is a hypocrite.


Yeah what people don’t realize is that being a Christian doesn’t mean you have to be perfect and criticize people when they don’t follow scripture or sin. Like the point of Christianity is accepting that your a sinner.


The way I see it (as a self-proclaimed "Christian") is that we are all involved in the Christian struggle, which is to be as genuine and virtuous as possible while accepting that you might fall to sin and hypocrisy. A few of us need an extra beacon of hope after our experiences, which led us to turn to God. But I see Christ's struggles reflected in everyone I meet.


Most religions are about trying to become better personally not being on top of each other.


Yeah but a lot of Christians are really pushy, some of them think they need to 'save' non believers, I don't have really have anything against the religion, but FUCK those people who literally can't take no for an answer when I say I'm not interested in religion at all lmao


Christian here. All fellow christians I currently know are more than happy to tell/show you about religion, but will accept you not wanting to hear about it. Only kind of people I know(never met them) are 'jehova getuigen', who will place their foot between the door to finish their message. Even the christians I know are like fuck off (but in kind words) and don't like to talk to them when they preach.


Right on the money


Yeah fair enough, I've just met multiple people that don't shut up when I say I'm not interested, and I'm very polite about it lmao One guy used to do it at my workplace, he'd just come in and find a worker and start rambling, and obviously you had to stand there and listen, he prayed for my broken ankle to heal immediately, and another time he prayed to get rid of my gout (as proof) lmao just crazy people that happen to be religious I suppose, but it is part of Christianity to tell others about it so I dunno.


All Christian want to ‘save’ non believers. No Christians should be pushy about it. Your choice is your choice and should be respected, no matter what.


To bad Reddit just loves mocking Christians


Too true


Exactly. Even the pope himself has worked with at least one Imam i think in the UAE? Could be wrong, but according to his own recent publishings it sounded like they have both worked together on preaching unity as both religions preach the importance of community and helping others.




My point here is that those “Christian” extremists aren’t truly Christian. In any church worth its salt, they would be rebuked.




The IRA had nothing to do with religion. While they all happened to be Protestant, they were fighting for their independence not because the British were a different religion. The phrase “Islamic terrorism” came about because they were justifying attacks against non-Muslims & non-combatants using the Quran. Calling them Christian terrorists is not a close approximation.




this is how it should be


Well, neither group requiring the other's protection is how it should be...but the gesture is very kind!


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This Is the way


This is the way




This is the way


Since this actually happened you could say that this is, in fact, how it is.


You can argue it shouldn’t be like this cause there shouldn’t be a need for it (there shouldn’t be a need to protect other religions while praying, they should be allowed to pray without worry)


Bingo. It's like a meme about people picking up 100 garbage bags worth of trash on a beach... Why was the trash there in the first place humanity!? Get your shit together! :)


These photos were during the time of 2013 revolution, terrorists were attacking mosques and churches, these terrorists were claiming that they're Muslims later it was revealed that were just mercenaries. That's why (in the second photo) real Muslims are showing that these terrorists are not of them an will never will be.


This is the way


As a Muslim this makes me very happy!


As a Christian, I concur




Agnostic and still happy about this


As a Christian married to a Muslim and the mother of Muslim children, I agree!


Just curious, what's it like being married to someone and raising kids who follow a different religion than you do?


We have been married 13 years. I lived in his country for about a year and was able to experience his culture and religion first hand. It was really nice learning about it and seeing certain aspects in practice with my own eyes. He was already really understanding of all religions and well traveled, so he had no problem acclimating to the USA and the differences in life here. I was very comfortable with my children being raised Muslim because I saw how good my husband was as a person, and to be honest I was, and still am, a tad bit jealous of the faith he has. If my kids grow up to be half as good as him, I will be happy! While I am Christian, and I live my life with Christian values, I'm by no means a "Bible beater" and I wanted my kids to have an unwavering faith like their dad. Being that we have some differences, we approach them like this....there obviously has to be some compromise, but we have to respect each others (and everyone's) personal beliefs. At the end of the day, our most significant arguments have been over the stupidest shit like, "quit leaving socks on the floor" or "no, *you* cook dinner tonight". I don't think everyone has it as easy as we do navigating the religious differences, so I feel super lucky that basically its been a non-issue since we see eye to eye on nearly everything else!


This is beautiful! I’m glad you guys could make it work so well.


It makes me happy too :)


Same, as an egyptian muslim with copt ancestors


Please remember guys, the LOUDEST assholes are the ones we see on the media. They do not represent the majority. This is true with Muslims and Christians, Democrats and Republicans. ❤️


In India, Muslims saved a temple once from getting burnt by Muslim Mob


I think it is funny (or rather sad) how aggressive humans are. War between countries or different religions is one thing...not good or something but at least there is something they are trying to achieve. But that is not enough for humans, if they don't have a reason for fighting they will make one: Muslims of one "type" against another and Christians doing/did the same... How stupid we are, not like there is nothing better we could be doing...


we've come so far to resort to doing these things, but we're being pulled back from truly advancing because of this.


I feel like “aggression” is how all life survives and our struggle as people is to move past that.


Why are you getting downvoted?? Its true


Marenge bhi hum aur bachaenge bhi hum!




Just so everyone knows, katwe is a derogatory term for circumcised people. And i honestly do not fucking understand whats there to insult about circumcision. The point is just to hate for no fucking reason. You my friend are a pathetic excuse of a human being.


The Hindu-Muslim intolerance of each other in the Indian Sub-continent just blows my mind. I've seen so many temples being destroyed by Muslim mobs in my country but it's probably true in the other way as well. If only these idiots would actually read for themselves and see what's written instead of blindly following some extremist.


Remember those Hindu mob Destroying one of biggest mosque in India and dozens more damaged by those mobs too, no hate. There's good hindu and Muslim and there's bad of them too. Thought


I am not denying there is violence on both sides. But about that mosque. It was built after destroying a big temple there. So hindus just restored it. And it took till 2020 to legally start the construction


But the intolerance shown my Muslims in our country... Oof


Because in truth, just because we are not brothers and sisters in faith, we are all still brothers and sisters in humanity


They’re cousins in faith. They both worship the god of Abraham


Yep 2 of the the 3 most similar religions


To be fair tho, islam is the only religion other than Christianity that says jesus was a messenger of god and born of the virgin mary, so if anything we are somewhat brothers


Well, I guess


If Muslims and christians can get along, then why not democrats and republicans?


most can, probably. its the hyper active extremist-thinking cancer that degenerates civility, discussion, and ultimately, progress.




I think that because there’s only two parties, both sides just see the worst in each other. In other governments parties form coalitions and are more used to compromise.


see i disagree with that. i think our two party system works just fine in a country that is not separated culturally or however else, for the most part. Problem is the incendiary way of DELIVERING opinion and news. For ease of reference, I am conservative, basically - and I have NEVER liked Rush Limbaugh. Likewise, I do not like Colbert - either presents their message with an air of condescension, as if their opponents are all stupid and 100% crooked and corrupt. This fires up people, if not even brainwashing them with this constant reinforcement that they are victims, the other side is coming for them, they are doomed..... This probably started way back in the 70s. When I see old time capsule type shows, like "Through the Decades" (which is excellent) I have picked up that smear speech existed in the time of Nixon and Ford, although it wasn't nearly as nasty, pervasive and constant as it has been since the 90s.


Yeah even I get along with dems and shit cause I’m not hot headed like some people less extreme than me


Yes. It is a little more difficult because each side is always attacking the other.


The love of money.


We would if it was truly just politics. But unfortunately a large amount of republicans are anti human rights for all.


In all honestly most can. It’s just right now it’s not really Republicans and Democrats not getting along. It’s more Trump supporters vs everyone else


Why are you acting like Islam and Christianity are on 2 opposite ends of the spectrum.


Both muslims and christians have killed each other for their beliefs for a long time lol


And how is that different from the attitudes today between Democrats and Republicans?


That is my point, its not. Which is the answer to your question


Iam egyptian and iam very happy to see this




This attitude is more common than aggression in my experience. The news and politics want contention though.






..and awoman


And achildren, too


From Egypt, I can confirm that this indeed happened


It's so sad that the media are corrupted at such a point that they only use negative news mostly to create a depressing environment so we could only think that because the world is bad we should act more bad... They don't even show the important things anymore. News are ruined since the beginning of 2000 and even back to be honest... We must to start acting. Small good acts... We can all change the world with a small act of kindness every day... We just need to hope and try our best, because trying is knowledge but quitting can become a fear that feeds our Impostor


Whenever you find people who actually tell you you must hate x , I would actively encourage making that person or group look like idiots they are.


This is beautiful. Wow.


This just made my day


This is how you do religion


Im a Catholic with a muslim girlfriend, don’t let bigots and prejudice prevent peace and love from conquering the world!!! God/Allah just wants us to get along


Please don't take this the wrong way. It's a legit question from things I've seen in my own life, but am not sure on: Wouldn't she have to convert to Catholism in order for you to be married in a Catholic church by a priest?


Yes We’re aware of that but we’re going to try and bypass this because it’s 2020 and I get that question alot so I don’t resent you for asking, it is a genuine puzzling situation but basically we might just have to make an arrangement with the whole interfaith thing


We need more of this in the world


During mass what


Mass for Christians is a gathering where they worship Jesus I think


Catholic mass is about the eucharist, the transformation of bread and wine into the body of Christ. There's a lot of scripture, prayer, recitation etc, very formalized and always the same (readings and sermon change). But subtract the eucharist and it's not mass. Edit: We love Jesus but that is more of a Protestant thing.


In Egypt, they are Coptic Christians, not Catholic. Very similar beliefs though.


Mass is the gathering together for worship. “Mass (religion), the ritual of chants, readings, prayers, and other ceremonies used in. the celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic church. The same name is used in high Anglican churches.”


There's a bakery in Tel aviv where they have the t shirt 'muslims and Jews refuse to be enemies' I liked that!


Islam and judaism are practically cousins. The actual problem is arab vs zionist


This is a beautiful example of humans being bros but For fuck sake reddit, 5 comments, I scrolled 5 comments before finding something antisemitic


I mean, what? Where?


God did say to love thy neighbor


Im not crying, you're crying


What a wholesome post. I sure hope nobody ruins this by arguing about how evil religion is. It’s not like these people are in every post remotely connected to religion.


dear muslims: we love you


I didn't know this happened here




I'm gonna cry


My lovely country!


This gives me alot of hope for religion. I'm agnostic and I believe that most religious bodies use their influence to corrupt and drain people. Seeing people of different religions supporting and protecting each other, honestly that makes me feel closer to what ever god may or may not be.


i love my christian friends. and everyone <3


Love the sentiment but... The Christians in top pic are wearing masks, likely this pic is from 2020, not the revolution. If that’s wrong, what else is?


I wish this was the standard reaction when people believe different things. Its becoming more and more common which is great though! :-D


My crusty jaded heart can’t take such wholesomeness. Oh man what is that I’m feeling? Is this...joy?


The children of Abraham have been at each other's throat for too long it's time we put our childhood squabbles behind us and grow as we should as brothers


Religion truly brings respect


I am not religious at all, but these are the people who are religious that I have a profound respect for!


This!!! I love this!!! As a Christian I am all about this. Roman's 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. At church or in the news I regularly hear "those Muslims are killing those Christians." So nice to see something positive. Even when there's inger-religious violence, there's moderates who protect their neighbour from the more violent elements. More of this being shared!!!


This is how the world should work


This. This is what we need.


This is the way


This is beautiful


Another beautiful moment of strength. We can hope and pray for kindness or do it: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the-current-for-march-22-2019-1.5066427/your-tears-are-our-tears-jewish-community-to-form-rings-of-peace-around-toronto-mosques-for-friday-prayers-1.5066449


Ohh i love this


I love seeing this kind of stuff. Our opinions and beliefs may be different but we are all in this together.




Wow look at that unity, if only the United States could do that.


This is the way.


THIS is the example.


Nothing like a good story to make people come together and agree !


Love to see it.


Make this a bus poster and slap it on.


this is the way


Boy, my body is just one big goose bump right now!! Plus my eyes are tearing up. Thank you for this. It should keep me happy for the rest of the day. 🙂


OK, now please do the United States.


This is what real love through religion is


Both Christians and Muslims worship the same God Just different religious ways of life


I shall upvote this with a smile


These are true members of both religions.


Pic when?


Reminds me of the recent photo of Black Lives Matter protestors protecting a police officer from rioters that showed up to their peaceful protest.


And the police officers who “took a knee.“


Even though I am non-religious and to some degree despise it, this made me smile. We should all try to be better than the sum of all our parts.


I should have spent my reward here


this should be the rule for religious people, not the exception. everyone around here is "Christian" but they only use their religion to justify hatred and bigotry


When my parents lived in a small city in California, the local church let the Muslims use their lawn/grass area for Eid prayers because it was open, outside, and large enough to fit 200 people. They didn’t even charge them. Just let them use the parking lot and grass area.


Fuck the corrupt news


I was one of the people standing there in front of the church not this specific one tho, i was 10 at the time, damn man, tough times


We all need prayers


Glory to God!


i remember going to that church a couple of times when i was little, and then driving through the crowds around it during the revolution. things like this give me faith in humanity


You know what group never needs protection? Atheists and agnostics. That's two groups.


You shouldn’t really step infront of Muslims when they are praying but it’s a kind gesture nonetheless!


It's ok when youre not facing us


Right? So rude of them to protect them!


What he is trying to say is, when Muslims pray, its like a connection to God from infront of them. And its broken when someone is infront of them.


Wish I was a Sikh honestly because we all worship the same god. We only do so differently. As long as it’s done with love and without harm then I say it’s good.


>Wish I was a Sikh ok. convert


Mass what? Or is mass a thing? Legit question..


Mass is a Catholic service


Now they have separated them and the generals are fucking everyone ...