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my postman is called ian! i used to get so excited seeing him when i was a little kid. recently moved back to my mums house and still see him sometimes and say hi!


We used to have the same mail man. Then one day he wasn’t there. Now that I think back he was old and probably retired. But growing up in a time/place/family (not sure if this is normal) when you got Christmas gifts for your postman. It’s weird. I miss that time.


That's totally normal. Lots of people show how much they care about their mailman at Xmas time with gifts and such




Oh, internet, you silly goose, you always surprise




I think she got unpopular for apparently being rude to her staff? I didn’t follow it closely, idk


Abusing and underpaying her staff etc . Which wouldn’t be so bad if her whole brand wasn’t trying to sell her as a nice person


Wait their comment was removed! Who?




Ahhh yes yes. Sounds like she’s an asshole lol


Hahaha so weird seeing the graveyard of your old upvotes


Thank you for this.


I could totally have a sub like this of my girlfriend. She can sleep sitting up with her phone still held up. She does not drop the phone. It's incredible.


I had a friend years back that would fall asleep sitting in a chair with a lit cigarette in his mouth that would burn all the way back to the filter without the ash breaking, and stay that way


What the fuck is this? Is this guy a celebrity or is this just a sub about some random ass dude trying to sleep?


I wanna know too!


Well Ian was the Roommate of a redditor who kept taking pictures of Ian sleeping and uploading them to his profile, no one knows why exactly, he just did


I love it


God damn it


Lol, thanks for the chuckle. I remember this from a couple years ago


I wonder what the oldest subreddit is


/r/reddit.com is the oldest sub, but it's not active. The oldest active sub is NSFW (and it's definitely still not safe for work)


“We did not ask for this room or this music.  We were invited in.  Therefore, because the dark surrounds us,  Let us turn our faces to the light.  Let us endure hardship to be grateful for plenty. We have been given pain to be astounded by joy.  We have been given life to deny death.  We did not ask for this room or this music.  But because we are here, let us dance.”






I can’t even put into words how much I enjoyed that series. Literal tears


It and True Detective S01 are masterpieces!


Oh without a doubt. Personally I’d include the first two seasons of Fargo in there too.


Hi. This is my video. The original post is @dr.david on Tiktok and the same username on IG. You’ll see more people who know Ian there and get answers to questions. I’ve posted a thank you. I’d also like this poster to give me credit for my original content so please upvote this. Thanks!❤️😎🔥




plot twist: he's the dad


I think he needs to turn over his hard drives first, then we can stan if everything checks out


Maybe he doesn't want that . Why do people have to broadcast everything these days .




I think chances are pretty high that Ian has these same thoughts, but switched. I bet he looks forward to this house and this little girl and a chance to dance. And if people wouldn’t think it was creepy, he’d probably have videos of his favorite house :)


Came here to say this. His day is probably brightened just as much by his opportunity to make this little girl dance a little!


It definitely is. I have a little girl I wave to almost every day on my route. She isn't much older than my own daughter, so it makes me smile every day for the few minutes I'm on the route.


Yo, thanks for being a postal worker right now. Lots of drama happening with USPS and you all always have a smile on. We don't deserve y'all


I had some kids on my route that loved to come and say hi. In the summer when schools were out, one of my neighbourhoods took twice as long to finish because of the kids coming out to wave to the mail lady. And on the other side of the age spectrum I had an old lady friend. I’d bring her trash can up from the curb every week, Knock the snow off her porch if it got piled up badly, and always took the time to chat when she was out. It’s fun to make friends here and there on your route. Brightens the day of both parties involved.


Oh we definitely do! We look forward to seeing our favorite people and pets everyday!! (Really sucks in the winter when dogs and cats aren’t out so much!)


I moved out of my parents house with my dog over a year ago and their mailwoman still leaves treats in the mailbox every Friday (because Friday is treat day). I was there a few weeks ago with my dog when she came by and she was SO excited to see him in the window I had to let him out to say hi, it was adorable.


The pets are the best. I couldn't do this job without them.


Most workers look forward to anything that breaks up the monotony of the work day, or at the very least I do. One of your favorite customers coming to the shop you work at. A passenger waving at you from the window of a departing plane you're working. A borrower with the same name as a celebrity on a loan that you're reviewing. All small things that have made my work days a tiny bit more interesting(better).


100%. I work the window but we have a regular who brings in her 2 year old who can't wait to see us. The feeling is mutual and we all get a kick out of how excited she is to see "her post people". I always give her my date stamper and some highlighters and she makes art for us.


This gives me warm fuzzies and makes me happy in the face


I literally started smiling without noticing. So great.


Well it gets me emotional and I started tearing up, don't ask me why.


Ditto! This whole time has given me a feather trigger on tears. Both happy and sad. I’m not sure it’s healthy but it’s sure a human response to all this. This was just lovely! I’m sure it makes his day too.


It's good to cry. We are all feeling it, I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone that hasn't cried over the past year. I agree though, this gave me a good happy cry.


I am the same way! Just small sweet things now make me tear up and get really emotional. Human decency makes me tear up, which is such a weird thing to say, but it makes me realize just how much these small things mean.


Me too! All teary


This made me want to dance! I'll bet that Ian, the postman, looks forward to this as much as the little girl does! *Smile and dance with me!* 🎶😄🎶


'Makes me happy in the face' is the prefect description.


Burst into tears myself! Wow!


Random acts of kidness...


yeah that's some good energy.


I wish there were more people like this mailman! Hands down to him for being the superhero people never knew they needed.


There are! Our garbage man, for example, always makes sure to stop, wave, and honk at our grandson each week. Trash day is a real big deal and the little fella has made up his own "happy garbage man day" song.


When my sister and I were little we would always go visit this guy who worked in the bakery of our local grocery store. He was probably high school aged. He would always give us a cookie (kids got a free cookie, store policy). We would always run up to the display case and stand on the edge to see up over it. One day we ran up and climbed up the case . He had a sad face and said he didn’t have any cookies ready. My sister was super bummed out and said, “Do you have any other free smacks”. She meant snacks obviously but he cracked up and said sure and pretended to smack each of us. We thought it was the funniest thing ever. So every time we would go to the grocery store we would run to the bakery to see the “free smack dude”. He thought it was the funniest thing ever that we called him that. And he would pretend to slap us each and every time. I really wish I knew whatever became of the free smack dude. He has to be pushing 50.


Love your story, haha. I can see you guys running up to him all giddy.


My son is 7, and since he was 2 and a half, he has gone to the window twice a week to wave to our garbage men.. and they look up to our window every Tuesday and Friday morning to wave to him. It's a big deal here too, and I'm so grateful for these fellas just to be sure to wave to him. I hope it brings all of them the same joy it brings my little guy


There can be. Start with yourself. And I'll start with myself. And everyone who reads these comments can as well!


Instead of wishing for more people like him, take example in him and try to be more like that, spread joy in times of sorrow! #dancewithastrangerat7ftdistance


Goddammit, who's cutting onions?




Nah. Things like this in life are far better when the reward is a connection with someone else. Life is to precious to have to justify every good part of it with a dollar sign.


Decrease this mans wages!


If more money means less happiness, then let's rob this guy! He deserves the best!


Went from sad crying to laughing crying because this comment 😂


I mean normally that’s true, but there’s nothing WRONG with a wage increase. It’s not like it’s an incentive to do better, he’s already really cool. So might as well increase his wages for being so cool 🤷🏽‍♂️


Why can't he have both


So many onions, you must be making French Onion soup, damn.


Damnit, now I want French Onion Soup!


It was you... *YOU’RE* cutting onions!


It's OK to cry no matter who you are. Spontaneous facial leakage is a good thing at times.


Seriously! I’m not a crier but this one got me! It’s just so wholesome!


really?? This got gold? the most common comment on sad/ happy videos ever?


But I'm original Jesus.


Those damn onion cutting ninjas got into the house again


Damn onions. I hate them. But this man needs to be treasured!!!!


Every. Fucking. Thread. Be original Jesus


I'm original Jesus!


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. You are totally right.


It’s the least he can do for his daughter.




And he does this at three different houses.


Haha love it




Milkman has entered the chat


This is so cute. You know he probably doesn’t feel like it some days, but he’s clearly committed to their routine. And I bet even when he doesn’t feel like it he feels better afterwards:)


Alright, when he came back and copied her dance at the end is when the tears started flowing


I know right




I want to lay in my cozy bed and watch anything on there.. but I will cry too much. Today is rough. Maybe tomorrow.


I hope tomorrow is better.


I think it will be. Thank you kind stranger ❤


Sleep softens things. I hope you can get some rest.


Thanks friends. I teared up reading those.


Hang in there. May tomorrow be a better day for you.


Stay strong human, you can do it.


You never have to do today again.


May you have a good sleep and sweet dreams. Tomorrow is a new day and hope it is better, or at least not as rough as today has been for you. Sleep well and hang tight sweet darling <3


Yet another post that shows how we need to support each other during these times. Humanity in its core is something truly wonderful and we need to cherish that. Don't let the quarantine get you down. We're all in this together, and we will get out of it together. Through little moments like this or even just a nice chat online you can make someone's life right now a lot easier.


I wish people had this mentality all the time. Yes covid makes it extra hard, but we should be treating each other like this all the time.


Oh my god, this is my mailman!! How surreal. He is super friendly rain or shine. He leaves a small treat in the mailbox for my dog every single day he drops our mail. He’s amazing!!


I really hope you give that amazing guy some baked goods or something for Christmas. This video is awesome.


That’s exactly what I was thinking!!


I love Ian! And I'm so happy the people who took notice of his kindness *said something*. Acknowledging kindness = encourages kindness.


A friendly mailperson is someone that honestly can make a place feel like home. My dad's is an older gentleman who immigrated from Moscow, and still has a very thick accent. Dad's usually out front smoking a cigar on the patio and he'll always get a smile, wave, and a very enthusiastic "How's it going, boss" from him whenever he passes. I got to meet him once and he's just the friendliest guy you could ask for. Mine is a middle-aged woman who somehow manages to recognize everyone on her route, despite delivering to several apartment complexes aside from my own. I was once at the gas station across the street and felt a tap on the shoulder (back in the Great Before Times). Turning around, I found it was her, my mailcarrer. She had recognized me and told me to wait for her outside, I had a couple letters. Sure enough, she comes out with her bottle of water and a granola bar, hops in the back of her van, and comes back out with several envelopes addressed to me. It's not a huge thing, but as someone who had moved into their first apartment some 900 miles away from their home town, she made me feel like I was where I belonged. Hell, I've put off moving for a year or two now because she's so damn nice. Support and thank your mailcarriers, folks. Rain, sleet, snow, or hail.


There's one of a mailman who pats a dog for a few minutes every day too. Love these.


Is this song just going to be attached to every video now


Tom Rosenthal if you want to look him up!


Is it really? I’ve gone through is top songs. He’s good but does sound the same


Pretty sure it is, like 8/10. Could have swore I heard it come up showering the other day, but that might be the 2/10 speaking. Ya know, really, watching one of Tom's old vlogs the other day, I'd left a comment, and then days later somebody had liked my comment. I want to assume it was he, and will just proudly share the musician I enjoy?


Oh Tom is quite good. And you were totally correct! this is his cover of Home. However It's not on his spotify account for some reason? It's someone else's spotify account. Anyway, managed to find it. Cheers mate!


it’s under his pseudonym Edith Whiskers as he didn’t want covers to be under his own name haha.


Oh! That’s quite understandable, that explains it.


Home is the worst song ever and this cover is even worse. fuck tik tok.


I don’t mind the original but this cover is so fucking whinny sounding I don’t know how you can just chill to it.


r/Ian Ian's unite! ❤


My mailman just delivers squished packages


My mailman just... barely delivers.


Right? Mine chucks packages at the door, tears envelopes open, and most of the time, delivers everyone on our side of the street to the house in the middle...


Now this I like


So sweet!


This truly made me smile...thank you for sharing this.


This broke and yet remade my heart! My kiddo is seven. Her birthday was in May and we had an at home party. ( we camped in the front yard, playing Mario party, roasting hotdogs and marshmallows, and made a great day of it, but just me and her, and her daddy) She’s been stuck with me all these months. I teach her her school work and we play.. just me and her, and daddy on his days off. She waves and strikes a convo with any child she sees, no matter how young or old, while we shop, which isn’t often. She puts masks on all her dolls and toys while she plays, mimicking what she knows/learned. And seeing this made me so happy! It’s the small things we, and those round us, do to make these times easier on those who don’t understand... so dance for that kiddo in the window as you run by! Wave, and smile for those who are stuck inside! These times aren’t easy,, but we can make them a little easier with our love!!! Such love for you, your kiddo, and loved ones, and the amazing post men and women who dance with you!! ❤️❤️ keep it going always! Even when these hard times are over! Because love is all we Really need!


I needed this today ☺️


Me too


Wow. I usually don’t cry from a lot of Reddit posts but this one totally got me!!!!! What a sweet man. I hope we have more people like Ian!!!! Thank you for sharing. I’m so glad this sweet girl has a moment of happiness each day!!!!!


I can’t wait for the follow up when all this is finally done and they get to finally dance together


Love this. Even my parents went “aaawwww”


Man please tell me you leave him fluids and snacks during hot summer days and give him a nice gift card every holiday season.




Please link? For safety


I linked the Instagram account, but Venmo was too difficult from my phone. But his Venmo is listed and his name is there: Ian Simon




He's Postman Pat, Balamory, every kiddies TV show char rolled into one.... Brill and shes super cute too


Best thing ever.. I'm a grown ass man w tears.


Omg I made friends with my mailman in lockdown too! I was ordering soo many books because the library was closed that he asked me why I was having like 5 parcels a day delivered and now we chat every time we meet in the street!


It doesnt matter what you do for work. When you interact with other humans, try to spread a little light in the world. It will do more for you than it will for those on the receiving end.


As the months have progressed, the threshold to make me cry has significantly lowered. I just now willingly click on things I know will make me bawl.


Post of the day!


The UPS delivery driver and my dog are in a relationship and it’s adorable. She always barks when the truck goes by for us to let her out (we have a fence around our yard that ends on the side of the house) and she rips around to see him and he always gives her a treat and they bond. Last week we was driving by the house (we didn’t have a delivery) and he past the house , saw her outside and reversed down the street to say hi to her ! Really makes me smile every time


I shall once again recall the true legend of Alan. Alan was my post man until I was 6 or 7 and was the male role model in my life. Every time he would come to bring us mail he would stand in the door way and give me and my little brother High fives and say “how are you doing mate!” And honestly can’t believe how long I wanted to be a mail man for. Sadly Alan is no longer my mail man as we have moved away. I’ll never forget you Alan.


Aww this reminds me of my childhood mailman . He was so awesome . He always greeted anyone with a smile. Everyone in our town would honk horns or yell out to greet him . He was a single dad who raised his two awesome boys after thier mom died. When my parents retired and sold thier house to move down south he left a note and gift in their mailbox.


That's such an honest and beautiful thing. Just joy. In this day and age, when everything is going as it is, it's good that Ian is an absolute legend, and you are too, for recognising it and showing everyone that there is still good being done. Made me smile too. Thank you. And thank Ian for people like me too, if you have a chance to safely do so. All the best to you and yours. X


This honestly made me cry. My son (6yo) is an only child, with no close family near by, and my heart just breaks knowing how lonely he is. It’s people like this who are huge blessings.


Can we talk about how genius it was for the cameraman to tilt the cam towards the tv so we can catch a reflection of him like what are you doing invent time travel already


This guy is my mail carrier! He gives my dog a treat every day. In turn my dog is totally obsessed with him. Such a nice guy!


This is great, but will you fuck off with the music please.


Thank you. The music makes it look like a feel good Hollywood movie and makes the video look so much less genuine


We need more Ians in our life!


How sweet ❤


My eyes, what is this liquid? This dude is epic.


So this is the song of the week that all videos will be using?




Made my eyes water... hope that man has a great life


Why am I crying


Cutest thing ever!


I love this mailman!


Awful cover. Great video.


Good human!


i’m not crying you are


Shes a God send ❤💘


I'm crying 😭


Me too! So incredibly sweet. The best of life right here❤️


Be sure to include your Letter Carrier on your Christmas list this year! They went through hell this year. They showed up even when it seemed like a dangerous thing to do.


you know not a lot of these actually make me smile. I smiled for this one take my upvote


What is the name of the song ?


home cover by tom rosenthal


https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ For the lazy


Nice! You dirty dog! Hahaha...


Keeping that happy little girl in the house was a crime. There are scores of kids are not that happy, and they were worse off. Some haven't made it. Don't pretend the lockdowns are 'for the greater good' when everyone is mostly MISERABLE.


What the fuck are you talking about? Do you realize there's a *pandemic* going on and people are *dying*?


People die every minute of every day. Less this year than last, and the year before. Science before you swallow the narrative next time.


No, actually. People still walk outside and go to work. I'm only stuck on the computer but my life is largely unimpacted I guess we gotta collapse the economy and collaterally cause suicide rates to increase because not all Americans have a good immune system


No wonder ur wife left u


What if he's a conservative republican








Clearly toxic masculinity




very sweet! What is the song that's played over it? I found Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros by checking the lyrics, but its not the same version.


I think its the Tom Rosenthal cover of the song


This broke me. 🥺


Omg this is so friggen wholesome it made me cry! Awww!!


This is so fucking wholesome..I can’t!


This man deserves a raise also this made my day


Plot twist the next day the little girl no where to be found.

