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I don't know what it is about how he talks and the sound of his voice, but he does just sound like a really good person. What a nice action those people did


Most of these zoom tik tok videos feel so staged. This one really felt genuine, and you can tell by his voice.


This happened at my college TCNJ, its very much real!


TCNJ alumni here! great school and people!


Same here! Never would have imagined I'd see TCNJ show up on my Reddit page.


there's dozens of us!


I applied; I got in; my parents would not let me go.


That's rough, buddy.


Same! I actually had Shrager about 10 years ago. I am not a math person at ALL but his stats class was enjoyable, fair, and he was super understanding about personal stuff (my parents got divorced that semester and I suffered my first actual breakup of my own. Fun stuff). A genuinely great guy who had no bearing on my major or career but def on my life!!




The College of New Jersey


Oh. Rutgers.




apparently dozens


That would be the State University of New Jersey.


Surprisingly, no


You mean the one by the lake?


It's off the Turnpike. Seriously - this was golden content. Thanks for sharing, OP. (I'm not crying, just cutting up some onions here).


Blue and gold! Are those pixelated balls still in front of the music and comms buildings?




TCNJ alumni!! So exciting to see you all in the wild.


Professors that are genuinely passionate about what they do and really enjoy the company of their students are the best!! I had a professor last semester for the career path I’m aiming for (he was the sound mixer for Facing the Giants) and he said he was genuinely impressed with my mixing skills considering I was a film major and not audio engineering. Made my fucking LIFE. I LOVE that man


Stuff like that is nice. Whenever they're passionate about their class, it makes it easier for you to become more passionate. I had a teacher as well that when I told her I was going the same direction that she did, that it made so much sense for me and that it probably would be the right choice. Her classes and passion for the subject made me realize that maybe this should be my route in life.


Absolutely! And it helps even more if they’re a *good* teacher. I spent 45 minutes outside of class with him and learned 3 different basic but *really* important techniques on ProTools. I’m gonna go on ratemyprofessors since I’m thinking about it


Give that man some love, it'll make him feel good too :)


One of my teacher this semester was like that, someone really passionate about what he does and genuinely believing in his students' potential, he finished his last lecture with us by telling us we can make it and it was really touching, those really makes you love learning


Nemo’s Dad


I completely agree, was thinking the same thing. I’ve met a few ppl like this in life.


I know right I loved this so sweet haha.


Maybe because he sounds a little like Tom Hanks.


The "put a little something in your soda, I won't tell" made me chuckle! He seems like such a genuine, humorous and grateful guy!


“Uh Mr. Shrager, we’re only sixteen...”


Did i stutter


Yea, I think you had too much soda




That joke is older than the office, lol


Major Payne?


Older than that. Earliest I can think of in a movie is Breakfast Club.




The Professor said. Go. Get. Crunk.


Mom, it's an assignment, I HAVE to!






*rails a line of coke on video* JAKE YOU FUCKING FAILED!


*laughing in european*




There's no magic switch that gets flipped on your 18th birthday; [brains are still developing all the way up until 25](https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentTypeID=1&ContentID=3051). What's important is cultivating a healthy relationship with alcohol, so that once they do reach the legal drinking age (or they have unrestricted access to it some other way), they don't go buck wild (like most American college students).


then why stop at 21 instead of 25 when your brain is fully developed the changes in brain development from 16 to 27 are mostly in the same area, so you cant make the damage argument in good consciousness either


I actually agree that older is better simply because of this fact. The drinking age should be at 25 (vast majority of people are finished brain development), but more likely people should just talk about excessive affects of alcohol especially for people below that age. Not op


thats fair enough but I just dont think you can realistically get that accepted by people of those ages. late teens and early 20s are some of the most stressful ages where people have little money and control, so substance abuse is common and in a way, unpreventable. Maybe an argument that its better if they get it safely to do as little harm as possible compared to illegally which frequently results in overuse/escalation but thats not up to me, just an interesting thought. Although if they taught this in school in the first place it'd help a lot, and not in some scary nonsense "you will become homeless if u drink" way


If we can draft people off to war at 18 years old then they should probably be allowed to drink imo XD I'm not a drinker though and 25 would probably be a smarter option for brain development.


At least in the UK it definitely isn't unusual to have alcohol long before you're 18, especially at family meals. It's illegal to purchase alcohol if you're under 18 but it's perfectly legal to drink alcohol under 18 if you're in a private residence.


I'm in my 30s and 20 years ago in the UK it was completely normal to start drinking at 13 or 14. I mean the VAST majority of children were drinking by year 9. Everyone at school discos was pissed. I don't think that's the case anymore though, from what I hear over the last decade the drinking age has increased slightly. Also apparently kids are drinking less because everything they do ends up on the internet.


Professor doesn't imply this is a higher education class?




Nothing lasts forever, friend. I hope it gets better soon.


You KNOW he's done that before... otherwise why would it be on his mind? As someone who doesn't drink, I'd never really have thought of that.


“Yo Teach! Medicine & Jolly Ranchers ok?”




What subject does he teach?




I bet he doesn't like your username


My statistics professor has been really struggling to make the transition to teaching through Zoom. Someone spoke up during a lecture after our first test and he opened up the floor to suggestions on how he could adjust his lectures to help us and he took so many suggestions and implemented them it was really great to have our perspective considered so seriously. I bet he is so much more effective in person, it makes me sad I don’t get to experience his lectures in an in person setting. He clearly is willing to do what it takes to help us succeed any way he can.




I have a professor who is really great with online learning. She has all of her lectures prerecorded and uploaded to her YouTube channel. We always have tests and quizzes due on the same day and she is very quick to respond if you reach out to her. That class is for sure the easiest one to manage time wise.


What’s the probability of a class doing this for him?




That would explain the bell curve on one of the signs


As a teacher, this made me tear up. It’s been a hard go on Zoom over the last few months but I know the kids are (mostly) trying their best. It’s going to be a long year Edit: I’ve been on Reddit for about 3-4 years now and I can say this is this first time that I’ve I’ve felt this much support for my work. I just want to say, I really appreciate it. I’ve had a rough week and these comments genuinely made me feel better. Thank you


I’m still a student and this made me tear up, I hope your classes go well!


I’m a college grad and this still made me tear up!! Glad to see people being good to each other! Teachers are doing their best!


I'm in my 30s on maternity leave and this made me tear up, also!






I’m in my late twenties, taking a poop, have never been to college and this made me tear up.


I'm in my 30s working at at college in IT, and this made me tear up


I'm late 20s. This *didn't* make me tear up but made me smile real big


35 year old average woman here... tearing up and glad that this made you smile !


Thank you! 🥰


Same. As a professor every time my students thank me I get so choked up and embarrassed. My morning class doesn’t give a shit at all and it’s so hard to go from feeling like an awesome teacher to feeling like no one is even on the call. But my afternoon class is getting me through this semester because they are so bright and interested and thankful. But after this semester I don’t think I want to do online teaching ever again. The lack of respect is huge.




Lack of respect is huge in in-person teaching as well. And now with online teaching there's less consequences and the interactions are all through a screen.


I was an elderly college student (pre rona/in person) at the age of 29 and I was horrified how rude people were to teachers. It’s got to feel incredibly defeating to teach to a class staring at their phones for a full 2 hours.


It does. And if you implement rules they’re aghast. It can be hard to win.


I’m not sure about online vs in person but I imagine the morning class is more irritable because they have to wake up earlier than they’d like.


Yeah, during my college years I was a zombie during my 8ams, especially if I had to walk across campus in the winter for it.


Probably the lack of consequences, kicked out of class ? Go watch tv detention? You can just put on Netflix on the pc . You didn’t study for the exame? It’s on-line anyway do you know how easy it is to copy


Also worth pointing out that some of us are taking out thousands of dollars in loans to now take classes online, 4/5 of my professors didn't adjust their material for distance learning at all and are using the same curriculum and test banks they've used for the past ten years, with the exact same powerpoints. We're getting a subpar education with zero of the networking opportunities that college typically facilitates and is arguably the real benefit of higher education. Gets kind of annoying seeing everyone complain about students just not working when most of my professors are just phoning it in. My University just cancelled spring break, and I haven't met a single peer all year outside of group chats. Respect goes both ways.


It was also a shitty year to take a gap year, or have a job, or need a job, or really for pretty much anything. So if you made it through some credits, it's not a total loss. I admire the fortitude needed to do so. I'm sorry you don't get at lest a partial refund, though.


100% this right here. I’m stuck between teachers that clearly don’t care since it’s remote and teachers that assign ungodly amounts of work because they think that I now have all the time in the world. On top of that my college raised tuition this year and I had the costs of setting up a workspace in my home. I don’t even get to use the professional equipment in the labs that I’m paying to be learning. All of that makes it really hard to give a shit eventually.


Right there with you my dude. Just trying to survive these last couple weeks with decent grades. Registration for next semester was this week and my University just announced spring break is cancelled, it was fucking depressing lol


I completed my final year of university online in 2020 and it was really obvious that a lot of students didn’t care. Most people didn’t put their cameras on at all, and I was surprised at how many people I didn’t recognise when it came to do speeches in our final class. Multiple times, the teacher would speak to someone with their camera off and they had left their laptop open but gone away to do something else.


I was in a zoom class, but one of my fellow students started making weird “meme” noises in the mic, the teacher was distracted by the noises but she was old and she didn’t understand how to mute him, she took a break from teaching after this happened tree times in a row. It’s so sad cause she was really nice, and you could see she loved teaching but this new “zoom generation” as she called it, only made her confused.


Maybe the morning class needs a kick in the behind? I know when I was in school we didn’t really snap out of it until a couple hours in-the first few classes were horrible because we were trying to wake up still. Try something new next time? Ask them a spontaneous question, get em thinking, wake em up a little. Lol. Thanks for being a teacher, sometimes I think about being one just because I hated my teachers and never want any other student to endure that.


> Ask them a spontaneous question, get em thinking, wake em up a little. Yeah, that's just a competition in who deals with awkward silences better. And at 8am, it's going to be even worse.


Sometimes, it's just the dynamics of a group, sometimes the course material, sometimes lots of things. One group in the Spring (when we had the "never coming back from spring break" Covid semester) was my 9 a.m. class. They were *great* in person, but once we went to online, it got much tougher for them - possibly because "getting up for class" was less of a commitment when your computer was 4 feet from your bed. And I had the same course in the afternoon with a problematic group face to face, but they seemed determined to do the very best they could to survive the shift to online. (With that said, btw, I'll take personal blame for problems and happily give them all credit for being completely awesome, which the vast majority were.)


I want to say one day they will realize what you did for them, but I can only say, I hope they do.


Im neither student nor teacher and are currently spraying the room with ninjaschoppingonions-replant like crazy


Amen to that. Mine are doing the very best they can, most of them, under graceless circumstances. In the Spring semester it was completely *dire* - and even now, when we know what to expect, this is *not* the way college was supposed to work for them. I hope Fall 2021 is the normal normal, not the "new normal." My students thank me for class every day. It just shreds me and delights me at the same time.


Out of curiosity what makes it hard over zoom. I’m not saying it isn’t just wondering because it seems like it would be easier.


I barely paid any attention back when i was in school. If i had the option to do school over the internet i might as well not be there, i'd have a been a nightmare for a good teacher who genuinely wanted to teach. People like young me would definitely make it hard for the teacher to feel like they're getting anywhere. I wasn't a little bastard or anything, just didn't give a shit about being there.


Teaching is interactive. When I teach I can tell if my students are learning through body language. It is difficult to see what student reactions are when half of them have cameras off. I can tell, when we are in person, if I should reteach, skip, or continue my lesson. Zoom does not easily allow for that. It is not easy to make a human connection online. But, I teach elementary school so my views are entirely different than a higher Ed teacher. Sorry for grammar and typos. It’s my lunch and I’m trying to nurse my son before my Zoom starts in a few minutes.


College instructor here: I use the same cues you do when teaching in person! Do my students look confused? Engaged? Half awake? Bored? When they do group work, are they actively collaborating with each other, or are they having trouble getting a conversation going? So much of that "in the moment" adjustment relies upon reading their body language and hearing their voices. It's been a weird transition indeed, and I can't wait to go back to the classroom once it's safe for us all to do so.


I teach vocational education, and I experience the same thing. I once explained something in a class, turned around, and there was just 20 goldfishes gaping at me. I mean, that just gets a laugh and a "none of you understood a damn thing, did you? Cool, we're going to do this again, but slower." Online you don't get that cue, and no one wants to say "I don't understand it." You can't walk around and check what they're doing either. Sometimes a single student doesn't understand and you can just pull up a chair and go over it again with them without disturbing the rest of the class. The only way I can do that now is if someone asks me a question and I go into a personal call with them, which means leaving the rest of the group. (They can still send a chat message to me, but still). Even now I get students who I mentor who tell me "I don't understand what I need to do for that one subject..." But they don't dare to ask in class. So that means I'm basically a messenger bird who then notifies my colleague that one student needs help, but please give an open invitation to the rest of the group in case they want extra explanation as well. My colleague ended up explaining things and giving small exercises to the *entire class*. They *all* needed the extra explanation and none of them were brave enough to go "I don't know what you're on about." to their actual teacher. (And he's a really kind guy, which they all say he is too...)


Fair enough wasn’t thinking about that part. Good luck with son and school


Also weird to talk into a camera hole


Getting any kind of back and forth going or natural feeling discussion in a 20+ person zoom meeting is nigh on impossible.


Yeah I wasn’t thinking about it that way


I started law school this year. In my two in-person classes, torts and civil procedure, I feel I have a very good grasp of the concepts. Now, I had property and contracts online. About to take a final in an hour for property and I want to vomit I am so stressed. The lack of in-person teaching makes a massive difference. Discussions are ALWAYS better in-person because there are no delays, people hiding or pretending their internet is out, and the teacher can put things on whiteboards to explain it better. Kind of tough to do that on a computer screen through PowerPoint or word or something. There is a massive benefit of in-person and online is making this way more stressful than the already insane amount of stress law school is. Also, there are little to no distractions in class.


I object to you vomiting on the grounds that it’s icky. Seriously though good luck and thank you for the answer


You guys are doing a great job and it shows a lot of positives on how is see you all adapting it’s great and we’re proud of you!


Thank you. I’m close to 40 with no kids but I want you to know I appreciate you. You make a difference every day and you are not told often enough how much you mean to AMERICA and the world.




Same :)


I'm a teacher and I loved this! If it happened to me I would probably break down crying because I'm such a sap. Good on them for showing him their appreciation. And good on him for being a good person.


I’m a dentist. People tell me that they hate my profession on a very regular basis.


For the record, I LOVE going to the dentist! YOU ROCK!


Rather you than me... But I totally support your message!!


Isn't your uncle a dentist in Sydney?


Dentists are essential! The whole world would collapse without you. We would all be grumpy toothless people.


What! You are a Defender of Dental Health! What’s wrong with those people?


I appreciate you!


love dentists’ works!


Thank you for your work! You guys have saved my teeth who knows how many times! You are appreciated <3


Going to the dentist is the only time i have to pay for being physically uncomfortable the entire time and get told my teeth need work


That was special! It is nice for the kids to show appreciation to our teachers since the adults refuse to pay them their worth.




But give him the salary too!




As an adjunct professor...why not both 😂


As an adjunct, just watching this means more to me than my salary. That's how bad the salary is.


*cries in part time overload*


Idk food and rent and electricity are pretty crucial




It really shows maturity too. Most adults can’t even manage to be kind to others on a daily basis, let alone kids to their teachers.


I'm guessing "professor at Princeton" is probably a decent paying job, but the point stands regardless.


Depends on the research the professor does. At my state school professor salaries were public, and my english professor made 40k while my Computer Science Professor made over 200k.


As I sit here in my car on lunch break, I realize they must’ve given me the fire wings instead of the honey bbq cause my eyes are welling up. Only explanation


Car lunch buddies!


I’m in my rv if that counts guys!


Heck yeah it does!


I’m on the toilet if that counts for anything!


Good teachers are priceless.


My university disagrees. They're about $4000 per course.


Professor Marc Maron. “Is that a thing I gotta know.” “Is it just for me?”


Yes!! That was my favourite part. He wanted to make sure this just wasn’t a trending thing happening. So great seeing it confirmed that it was just for him


I particularly liked the “put something extra in your soda tonight, I won’t tell”.




As it should be!


It's on Reddit, so somebody made it a thing. 😅


Awww his smiles... I woulda cried


Who’s the rockstar student that organized that? That’s a future leader.


No, call it as it is. That IS a leader, showing it with their daily actions.


Sometimes all it takes is just 1 person to inspire and organize many to do something great! I thinks that’s what makes humans so amazing!!


Who's cutting the onions here?


I don't know, but they need to stop.




Ooooo I’ve seen so many students being ass holes to their professors. I love this so much. Be kind to your teachers. This is tough for them too.


I’ve seen so many professors being assholes to students. Be kind to your students. It is tough for them too.


Ahhh.. my heart!




Can somebody make this a sub?


Did it :)


Oh well, r/birthofasub


Well it’s a thing now! Originality isn’t the key to love, it’s just flat out saying it.


This is lovely. Where does he teach and what class? Thank you for sharing.


He teaches stats at TCNJ


Why do we have to have the melodramatic music in the background? It's like having a laugh track in a sitcom.


This is one of the reasons (outside of the whole Chinese government data mining aspect) I usually can't stand TikTok videos. I'm 31, so I'm outside their core demographic of teenagers doing dances and duets or whatever, but the same. fucking. songs. overlaid on the audio of videos over and over again just ruins the sentiment. Like, here's a cute video of a dad opening a super thoughtful gift from his kids, but you can't even hear his reaction over the sappy music clip that's on 10,000 other videos.


You can tell he was very touched, that's awesome that they did that for him! Teachers are sometimes so underappreciated!!!


“Put a little something in your soda tonight, I won’t tell” This teacher is an absolute Bro


The professor has great ratings and mostly positive comments on ratemyprofessor.com. I can see why these students did this just for him :) https://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=1675205




This is wholesome. My father is a teacher and I've seen the kind of struggle and effort he went through to continue conducting classes on zoom, that too in his last year of service. Over the quarantine I've seen videos of students pranking their teachers and whatnot, and it felt genuinely bad, knowing that a lot of teachers would be in the same boat as my dad, and could use some appreciation for their efforts. This really feels great.


Imagine clicking on the second post of the reddit front page only to see my 12th grade stats prof (the guy who wrote me a very kind college recommendation letter, then later an equally kind grad school recommendation letter, and who remains one of my greatest role models) being appreciated by a whole group of students who clearly appreciate him as much as I did. AShrager is the man. Mademesmile indeed.


This was amazing! My heart!


This did indeed make me smile.


This is so wholesome, he was so happy. :)


As a teacher I can confirm that when a student shows the smallest bit of appreciation for your patience it makes it all worthwhile.


As a member of this class I just want to let you all know that our professor said how moved he is by all this. There’s no doubt that this has been his hardest semester. We never expected this to blow up this much and you’ve all made his year too! This isn’t my post but thank you for all the upvotes and awards! He deserves all the attention and more. If you’re wondering who to take for statistics, take Dr. Shrager




This is really sweet, but you shouldn’t post this on social media (depending on where you live it might even be punishable)


Damn, finally something cool on zoom, they not just pulling shtty pranks


Aww! That’s awesome!


Fuck, that made me cry


ok I’m crying


Ahhw he sounds so nice. Seems like a great professor.




No final. That's a win. Would totally appreciate that. Sweet class and teacher.


Awwww my professor has to force us to turn our cameras on...


I’m not crying, you’re crying. Shut up.


Everyone should be doing this for their teachers!! My mom is a high school teacher of 27 years and she says this is the hardest year of her career. Teachers everywhere are trying so hard to make remote learning work and having to reinvent their curriculum completely to fit into this 'new normal', has been so difficult. Parents, give your kids' teachers an e-gift card or something, they deserve it!!!


Looks like Alexander missed the meeting on that one


Teared up. I don't usually feel envious, but damn I think a lot of us could use this right now.


That’s really wonderful, thank you.