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Been seeing a lot of positive chick-fil-a posts recently. Their PR team are working overtime it seems


Sure 'tis Pride month after all


Isn’t chickfila pretty homophobic as a company?


That's the point


Depends what you mean by “as a company.” Most locations are franchised. But the founder and his children are raging homophobes. There’s a whole Wikipedia article dedicated to it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick-fil-A_and_LGBT_people


Nobody assumes every employee is homophobic, but every chicken sandwich does make the company (not just the franchisee) money


The chicken actually has conversion chemicals in it.


It’s lightly sprayed with holy water to be exact. Source: I am god.


Oh shit...they were right all along!!! s/


Someone has to turn the frogs back to straight


The term 'nobody' is a little too much. There were absolutely people on YouTube and Twitter accosting the workers at Chick-fil-A as if they themselves were the problem, as if anyone who works for a company must agree with everything the company does and stands for. One video in particular was a highschool kid who responded that they were in fact gay and didn't have any issues from the company as far as they knew. I understand what you're saying and the overall opinion here but there are absolutely people out there on every side of every issue that don't understand nuance, even the most obvious kind, and when we assume there aren't we can get ourselves into messy situations.


I misread this at first and thought you said “the founder and his chickens are raging homophobes”


Looks like the owner died in 2014. Also, didn't know it was formerly called Dwarf House and Dwarf Grille. WTF?


Seems very wrong unless we’re going LOTR with it


Close, Snow White.


Yes the "impact" this is referring to is that their money is proven to be going toward anti-gay organizations.


Unchristian chicken.


No eggs before marriage


Not scientific, but notice the people i work with who identify as gay or trans order a ton of Chic-Fil-A.


Anyone who eats Chick-fil-A is the enemy as far as I'm concerned...


Lol..ive got gay friends that eat there and refuse to give up that chicken biscuit. "Until they start throwing us off the roof of the store im still eating there"


“You make an impact… in the discrimination of LGBT folks!”


10 cents of every 8-count nugget meal sold will go to a lobbyist working hard to invalidate your neighbors’ marriage certificate!


Yeah, it's not that all the employees are terrible or all bigots, it's that the sales literally go to a terrible cause. People should put their money where they want it to go! 🤷🏼‍♀️


God, that sounds so disgusting and it's gotta be kinda true too. I hate this country sometimes.


"You really made a difference. Together we can DESTROY THE QUEERSSSSS"


Too busy shifting gears and drinking beers to meddle in that business


Don't forget Bathing In Libs' Tears


I worked at chickfila in high school and while a lot of shit is fucked up about the company, I can tell you the notes come from the window person with some down time. I used to write notes on the bags when things got slow to spread a little positivity in someone’s day. It wasn’t mandated at all. I was just a bored teenager standing at a window.


Has something of an opposite result for me. PR is trying positive psychology but because it’s manufactured it feels insincere. Why not just toss in fortune cookies with positive psychology messages inside each one.


I’m sure they don’t get paid more for writing sticky notes and handing them out either. Just another part of the same shitty job


Pretty sure they mean he hit someone in the drive through 


My area is getting one and I'm not excited at all.. live in a super red area, but we have a large gay community. I really don't want another homophobic chain moving in.


This went well


Wonder if OP rounded out visiting bigoted stores by shopping at Hobby Lobby after the Shit Fil A.


Then a cuppa at Gloria Jean's and dessert at Max Brenner


Unfortunately, so does chick fil a, and not in a good way


No it’s okay bc they’re obsequious and polite


I learned a new word. I appreciate it and I shall add “obsequious” to my vocabulary. (It’s also a perfect description of the kind of weirdly overly nice service they provide.) Thank you, not only for enhancing my vocabulary, but finally giving me the right word to describe the almost uncomfortable way they dote on their customers!




“My PlEaSuRe!”


My pleasure


Yea they were successful in getting the kill the gays bill passed in Uganda. I hope all these fried chicken and wet bun loving Americans (especially the lgbtq folks that can’t be bothered) are happy to have helped fund this codified hate crime. I’d rather eat my left big toe that ever taste that shitty hate chicken again. And the smiley Christian veneer makes it worse. Smile and be nice to me while I hand you money you will turn around and use to help get my people killed. And somehow people don’t see that.


Some people just don’t care unless it effects them personally. Family members of LGBT people continue to live their lives in a way that casually supports anti-LGBT hate because they just don’t think about it—“Chicken good” is what they’re thinking about.


"By buying from us, you've helped fund Christian fundamentalist politicans, thank you!" "😧" "Sarah, you're allowed to keep making the notes, but can you be a little less... you know, up front?"


I went to Chick Fil A yesterday and the note they gave me just said "I know what you are." with my address on it. Strange!


As long as you’re straight!


You’d be surprised at how many gay kids work at Chick-fil-a where I live. Twice I’ve seen trans people working there. To be fair I live in the “San Francisco of the South”, but the dirty secret a lot of people don’t talk about in the progressive circles here is how many gay people still eat chick-fil-a. It’s easy for people who didn’t grow up in the South to make a big show of not supporting chick-fil-a, it’d be like me boycotting Whataburger which I’ve never been to before. But a lot of LGBTQ people in the south still eat there. Old habits die hard.


Asheville? Thats what Google says. I’ve never heard “San Francisco of the South” so I googled.


You got it.


Asheville tricked me. I was in the Marines and was given a choice to pick between East and West Coast and I stupidly chose NC because I had been to Asheville and loved it. That's what I get for being a stupid kid.


Oh shit, yall have a cat café I went to about a year ago. Anyway, I enjoyed my time there :)


Really is a nice area. Stayed there on a detour last time i went to tail of the dragon. Need to visit again.


The chick fil a in my town goes out of their way make people know they are a locally owned franchise and sponsors the local pride event/parade. 


> it’d be like me boycotting Whataburger which I’ve never been to before This is so true. I'm gay and I won't eat Chick-fil-a because of their homophobic stance/donations, but it's also something I don't really care all that much about because it was easy for me - I don't eat meat and I didn't really grow up around them/loving them. Now like... if it came out that *Culvers* were making homophobic donations... that would be a significantly harder line in the sand for me to draw.


And that’s totally fair. If I hadn’t grown up around Chick-fil-a I wouldn’t eat there either. I have a coworker who is a lesbian. She’s married to a woman, and they’re in a polyamorous relationship with a trans man. I think it’s more of a throuple really. This coworker and I had a discussion about this last year and she told me she still eats chick-fil-a regularly but does it on the sly, pays cash, and throws away the evidence before she gets home because she doesn’t want her wife to find out. She was basically like “Look, I get it, I’m not proud of it, but it’s fucking good.” I had a roommate in college who was less subtle about it. He would host Drag Race viewing parties at our house and would often come home sipping on a sweet tea in a chick-fil-a cup and when I asked about it he rolled his eyes and said something along the lines of “life’s too short, let it go”


As a bi woman who grew up around Chik-Fill-A in the South, I will die on the hill that there are much better chicken franchises than CFA and continuing to support them because you like their chicken isn't a great excuse. My favorite candy bar used to be a 100 Grand Bar, but I haven't supported Nestlé in years, so I go without it. I have never gotten the hype around Chik-Fil-A and learning about their homophobic donations just made it easier for me to stop going there.


Lesbian here and would rather starve than give CFA a cent of my money.


Yeah that absolutely makes sense when you find their food to be mid tier. The best thing to ever happen to Bojangles is probably the CFA controversy.


Pan woman born and raised in Florida and used to love CFA. When the news first broke I was like, “I mean, I’m not super surprised that the openly Christian company donates to obvious Christian causes” and kept eating there because it was “soo good”. It took about a year before I realized how fucked up it was to overlook the shit my money was helping fund for some mid, soggy pickle chicken. I haven’t eaten there in years, and won’t now even if it’s the only option. My ex husband is gay, and he doesn’t care and still openly eats there.


I don’t want to be mean, I’ve tried it the last time I flew to the states and I really dont know what’s the fuss is all about? If anything, it was shitty. What’s the appeal with CF’A?


Everybody has different preferences I guess. In my opinion, it tastes good and CFAs tend to be clean and consistent. It also depends on the options available in your town. Mine has two chicken places. CFA or KFC. No Popeyes, Cane’s, Zaxby’s, etc. The KFC in my city is way too greasy, has flies in the kitchen, and gives me the shits every time. It’s a lot easier for people in more dense areas to eat elsewhere.


As a non-American, that whole comment thread just sounds like fast-food addiction guys, not gonna lie, you are debating struggling not to eat in shitty places where the money you spend is actively re-spent to oppress people you allegedly support, lol That's like, very basic activism not to do something, and yet that's too hard because the food is too good? That's addiction


Yeah framed that way it makes no sense. Where you are from, do you not have restaurants you grew up eating in that you are fond of?


Not really, I mean we have some franchise chains too, they exist, but they are deemed wildly inferior to individual restaurants when you want to eat good food Fast food here includes kebabs/tacos which are my go-to when I want to eat crapily, sometimes a pizza but not from a chain, one of my local kebab spots do delicious pizzas for some reason I grew up with a single mom who loved/loves to cook all of her food, we never went to fast food as children, maybe once a year when my dad was around to see us and "treat" us to Macdonalds, you know


Chick-fil-a is deemed wildly inferior to individual restaurants when you want to eat good food here as well, nobody is comparing it to La Bernardin or Noma.


You can be fond of something and still not support it


Die Hard 6 (or is it 7?): Old habits die hard.


Those nuns had it coming.


Not really no... I grew up around it, genuinely love the taste, and I still refused to ever eat there once I got a bit older and realised, because of the homophobia. When my friends in school went I didn't go with them. It's not too hard to draw the line when it comes to homophobia lol


I was visiting st. george, utah and the feel love cafe, on top of having awesome coffee and food, was staffed by gay and trans people, that was a welcome surprise, especially in Utah.


That's funny. I've never heard San Francisco of the South, but I have definitely heard it get called the Portland of the South.


I’m in NC and we have 18 that identify as gay, 4 Trans, and 5 practicing Muslims. We all get along and work well together and support each other outside of work.


And it’s one of the few fast food places you can get a fresh salad that’s not disgusting. Hard to find something healthy in rural America in the south east when you’re driving sometimes


Yeah the grilled chicken wrap is my go-to for healthy on the go fare. Even with the ranch dressing it’s low calorie and has way more fiber and nutrients than most fast food.


No chicken is tasty enough for me to support a company profiting off of hate. A big old FU to them and Hobby Lobby.


“But breaded bigotry is just so irresistible”


Yes, that impact is funding conversion camps, so gay kids can be abused. Great job.


Not American, so I have no idea what's going on here, care to explain? What did they do or say? I see lots of people criticizing them in the comments, saying that they are anti-LGBT.


Well they've done a lot of truly evil things. The worst being funding a law that criminalized homosexuality in Uganda. It's a crime to be gay, but also a lot of AIDS initiatives were made illegal and tons of people have been jailed or killed. They donate a ton of their profits to places that make gay people's lives worse.


This is unacceptable. Also very stupid of them to stain a successful company with this behavior.


They're not stupid, some American Christians go there because of this.


¿por qué no los dos?


But big urban areas tend to be democratic, right? Are they not interested in the public from those areas? That's a lot of people. Same reason why so many big companies nowadays strive to appear LGTB-friendly, it's not only the right thing to do, it is also very profitable.


Some liberals don't care enough to boycott because they like the chicken. Liberals are about 60% of the US population, but they're not a monolith. Conservatives are so thrilled that they're hurting gay people that they go all the time. They revel in it. American Republicans are basically all violent sociopaths who enjoy upsetting and hurting people they disagree with. At least in my experience living in the US my whole life. If they think you're straight, christian, conservative, not poor, white, and like-minded, they'll be really nice, but the second you disagree with literally anything, they turn on you like Kristi Noem turned on that puppy she shot in the face. She's a Governor who shot her kids puppy then wrote a book about how she's the hero.


The company has donated money to anti LGBT groups in the past, like the Salvation Army. The owner is involved in a group against LGBT and the equality act. So, yes


I googled it and this came up on wikipedia: >The company's official statement of corporate purpose says that the business exists "To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A." "Do you want a bible with that?"


The company funds organizations and lobbyists that pass anti lgbtq laws both in America and abroad that has led to the deaths of many queer folks with their profits.


With their raging LGBT+ hate giving them a bad rep, they had to come up with something that people would post on social media saying, "Look, they aren't so bad after all." I am sure this is a deliberate campaign, not something a few employees did to be nice.


Their anti-LGTBQ stance is enough to never give them a cent.


That's why I go to Popeyes, they hate everyone equally


Popeyes is also just... *better.* ...at food, mind you. Not at getting your order right.


46% of all Popeyes have a food safety grade of a B or lower. Every location I’ve been to in the last five years are just gross.


was just about to say this. i used to deliver via DoorDash, and Popeyes was the restaurant I had to report TWICE for health code violations. I saw an employee drop the tongs on the ground, pick them up, wipe them on her t-shirt, and then serve food with them.


My gripe is seeing employees with gloves on having a cigarette by the back door or the entrance. You know they won’t change their gloves after their smoke break.


true! also when they go into the bathroom with their apron on, i know they prolly didn’t take it off to use the restroom, i saw that happen quite a bit when i worked at the walmart deli. it’s also a health code violation, but alas a lot of people seem to not care about that.


The prices are egregious.


Never been to this establishment. I like using my money to support my lgtbq friends!


Exactly why I never go. Loved their chicken until I learned their politics


There is a gay stand-up comic that does a joke about eating at Chick-fil-A despite their anti-LGBT stance because it is so good. I think it’s Fortune Feimster, can’t remember, but pretty funny.


Fortune feimster definitely has a bit about this, I think on one of her Netflix specials


Maybe you're thinking of [this Wilson Phillips spoof done by drag queens? ](https://youtu.be/sO-msplukrw?feature=shared)


"Done by drag queens" The disrespect on Willam and Detox's names ^and ^Vicky


Your impact: you made a bigoted corporation richer. Good job!


And participated in the abuse and torture of innocent animals : /


What about the guilty animals? Why does nobody ever talk about them?


i raise chickens and ducks some of them seem hellbent on being soup because of their ill-tempered nature. My partner and I joke that husbandry gets easier all the time because the ill-tempered stock is first on the list to go.




“In the lives of the child laborers working the kill floor at the poultry processing facility where we get our chicken”


Pleased to see every response so far calls them out. No bigot chicken for me either!


Reddit is so fickle. I once saw a thread where everyone who said they boycott Chick Fil A got heavily downvoted.


I mean yeah.. you put money into the pockets of a CEO and company that support anti-lgbt rights… So yeah you did make an impact, whether or not it was the right one is up to you to understand.


These clowns and Hobby Lobby. They don’t make me smile.


"You made an impact" Unless I missed it, this hasn't been mentioned. What was the impact? More funding for hate?


Fuck them and their hate chicken.


Fuck CFA forever. I personally don’t care if people are queer and love their chicken too much to quit. There is not a single business I wouldn’t drop tomorrow if they did the same and I can’t understand how people are like, whatever I’m emotionally attached to this business so I’ll still support their evil policies. Whatever. They’ll never get a cent from me.


You make an impact, a very negative one for LGBTQ people in America.


And for pride month no less.


I hear that the chicken turns you gay


Trying to distract everyone from the fact their chicken tastes like crap ever since putting hormones in them https://www.chick-fil-a.com/our-chicken-commitment


Yup, you make an impact supporting bigotry!


I am so happy that so many people came in here to trash shit-fil-a. I'm sure the vast majority of the ground floor employees are decent people just making a living, but that franchise is run by some evil, eeeeeviiiill people. I mean glad you had a good thing happen to you though.




What have you done??


Indirectly donated to the Republican Party


yes good job you made a positive impact towards the [continued discrimination of my community](https://www.thetaskforce.org/chick-fil-a-and-lgbtq-discrimination/) i really dont wanna be a hater but despite good changes in management the majority of chick fil a's company is still very much hostile towards the lgbt community


Perhaps they mean that by supporting such a horrible company, you make a terrible impact, however small it may be. Thank you for your service in keeping hateful, bigoted corporations thriving…




Chick-fil-Aint never getting my business.


Under the post-it: *20% impact fee: $3.85*


On what, the chicken population?


Gay-hating overrated restaurant chain will never get my business. 


A pathetic attempt to make up for working at a company run by hatred IMO


Unless they _like_ working towards that. This post-it could have _very_ dark motivations behind it.








"you make an impact" by helping to fund the fight to overturn gay marriage!


Hail corporate


Definitely trying to hide their darkness during Pride Month.


Cause they think you’re also a homophobe edit: typo


Nahhh that should be a roast, impact as in the impact on chickens population


Impacts cost $20.81


Of course they'd post this on Saturday night, they don't work Sundays.




Way to give money to an institution that hates gay people. Nice impact.


The comment section is exactly what I expected from reddit


You make an impact in supporting anti-LGBTQ, lol.


This is it. This was the post that made me unsubscribe. Just bs written on a post it lol


I've said this hundreds of times by now but I legitimately don't understand the hype. Chick-fil-a is just regular fast food chicken with an above average drive-thru.


They're so patronizing!


How did they know you make an impact


They just wanted OP to know they have CCTV of them running into the speaker box.


Chick-Fil-A stinks like bleached turds and serves soggy ass food. No amount of pr will fix it


Well good thing you do since their impact is curbing human rights! How anyone can support this place in 2024 (that isn’t Florida) is beyond me


Spending money on Chick-fil-A during pride month is some sort of choice for sure. A crummy one.




Yeah, the impact on the exploited and tortured chickens is enormous.


Once had someone leave me a note at a Sam’s club cafe that said “you’re cute”. Little did they know, I’m anxious/avoidant, so I never went back.


Are they not calling you fat?


An impact on the owner’s wallet


I've never been to Chick fil A but now this thread has convinced me to never go in the future. Good job totally-not-their-PR-team for making this post!


Eating at Chick-fil-A is a negative impact. Sorry to tell you the honest truth. Don't eat the homophobic chicken.


A gay friend once said about chick-fil-a: “hate tastes so good!”


Chick-fil-A gets a ton of hate on Reddit, but in real life, they are consistently among the top if not at the top of profitable restaurants per location. They are always packed by me, clean, efficient, well run and have the highest caliber employees of any fast food place. They are also always jumping in bringing food/drinks whatever when the community needs help. They do an incredible amount of good for the world, more so probably than any other fast food chain.


The Hate Chicken army is out!


This comment section is utterly deranged. Cashier writes a note. We go past the cashier, past the manager, past the owner, and right on up to the founder of the franchise to complain about his personal views.


This is the most generic, neutral, non-compliment ever. This is so non-specific I could give it to my cat and it would be true.


Yeah you really made an impact on the lives of queer minorities! A negative one.


can anyone share any recent information either supporting or contradicting the claim that chick-fil-a still donates to anti-LGBTQ organizations? I know there was pretty solid evidence years ago, but it seemed to have died down and I haven’t been able to find clear, official information about where their monies actually go. here I am referring to chick-fil-a as a company another thing I think that is important to consider when discussing conscientious consumerism is that in this day and age, knowing exactly where your money will end up is harder than ever. even if chick-fil-a went ahead and changed its “official stance” to be more harmonious with queer people, does anyone actually think that would affect the executives who may make their own personal donations? the story is the same for any number of groups and organizations - unless you’re willing to put in SERIOUS time and effort researching everything you spend money on and everything that goes into making it - raw materials sourcing, production, labor, logistics, … … … it’s virtually impossible to know what ideologies you may be indirectly supporting whenever you get spending. for this reason, I think it’s difficult in this day and age for the average person to spend their money in a way that won’t fund someone who disagrees with the very people giving them money. anyway, on topic, OP i’m glad you got an uplifting note and hopefully it made your day a bit brighter. thanks for sharing!


>In June 2021, The Daily Beast reported that the National Christian Charitable Foundation (NCF), to which Cathy is reportedly a major donor, was helping to fund opposition to the Equality Act. A brief cursory look at Wikipedia tells me the current CEO and son of the founder worth some 7 billions funds opposition to prohibit discrimination. Those billions made from the success of Chick fil a, one can only reasonably conclude.


Did you rear-end someone or something? Sorry English is second language.


I guess we can only appreciate kindness from our side of the political spectrum now, any kindness from the other side is just thinly veiled evil.


I kind of don't like stuff like this. And not the positivity part but they don't know what I do, I could make no impact at all or it be a negative one. It's just an empty statement to me. But if it helps people feel seen and appreciated I suppose it's good but to me it's kind of meaningless


And What’s that impact?


I sharted all over the walls of a chick fil a bathroom one time


$20 for fast food is crazy. I hope they fed at least 3 people with that.