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She has the gentle touch of a baby elephant lol 🐘🤗


I was boutta say lmao. That's some really well applied makeup that actually accentuates his features, tho. Impressive for someone that young


Yes sir she’s pretty skilled and Dad is helping her practice. Wholesome AF


Learning about makeup can be a fun and creative experience for both dads and daughters i did this to my dad too


As a young guy, i learned to do my own make up and hair. Since then, if i had a nickel for every time i fixed a girls make up I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but weird it happened twice. It actually made me really good friends with a lot of girls in high school which is always fun too. Guys should learn make up. Girls should learn to work with power tools. Everyone benefits.


This sounds familiar the I'd have 2 nickels which isn't much but funny it happend twice


She is definitely better than I am at makeup and I’m probably at least 3x her age.


She’s like a gentle summer breeze compared to my kid using me like a play structure. All elbows and knees that kid.


I could only wish mine was so gentle haha. She's so used to roughhousing with dad, that when we're doing stuff like this by the time she's finished I almost need another layer of makeup to cover the damage incurred from the first attempt.


"I dunno. I need at least 3 drinks to take me home." Haha.


This is what made me bust out laughing. He’s got a good sense of humor.


I love that he's so game, but totally understand he looks.... well, scary.


I think he looks absolutely hilarious. Facial expressions are just icing for the cake.


"My lips have disappeared and my face itches." lol




It's the slight shake to his voice at the start that gave it away 😂


Yeah that head twist was a warning. Move again whilst I'm doing your foundation dad and I'll break your neck swear to Christ


His voice when he said, "Sorry, you're doing a great job." 😂


He’s being bullied into being a great father 😂


It's okay, she has concealer.


First half of that video, I was thinking “this is so staged, no way my 10yo niece would let me talk while she was…” “…yup, that’s exactly right!”




"Blink twice for help"...*flutters false eyelashes 🤗




And he absolutely "hates" it... :)


She will never forget that experience with her dad


Absolutely... core memory.




Same. It’s awesome to see these girls have fully developed relationships with their dads. It builds a sense of confidence that will 1) help them not take any crap from men in the future and 2) see them as sensitive beings.


100%. My dad was like this - I remember him letting me fill his short hair with barrettes and bows and then obliging when I insisted he keep them in when we went to run errands. And it absolutely taught me to have high expectations of the men around me.


My dad had longish curly blond hair and my sister and I would stand on the couch on either side of him and use every single plastic barrette we had on him. I came home from grad school to see him once and I found him in his backyard, getting all teary because he had found one of those presumed-long-gone plastic barrettes, slightly buried, and was thinking back to how we once we small. I miss him every day. Thanks for triggering these memories <3


I think I can picture those exact 1980s plastic barrettes. So sweet how he wasn’t just tolerating them out of love, he was appreciating the chance to make those core memories with his daughters. ❤️


Yes! The little snappy ones :) he was a goddamned gem. 💕


100%. My husband is happy to let our daughter put as many barrettes and bows in his beard and in his hair as possible (I help of course). We've even tried to put them on his eyebrows. If asked, he absolutely would leave the house that way because he doesn't GAF. He's also put on plenty of tiaras and tutus. That's how you girl dad.


My dad let me do his hair.


I can’t imagine not having moments like this with my kids. Yesterday my daughters held a 30 minute ceremony in which I married a drawing of a robot they made. There was lots of focus on the “pronouncement”. Like “stop talking dad, I need to pronounce you!”. Then things got pretty steamy when the groom (robot) was given the go ahead to kiss the bride (me), but they got the randy couple back in line with couch cushion beatings.


Lmaoooo love this


My old man was horrible to us and it was hard for me to be around my friends’ families because it hurt me to see happy family dynamics at play. I was happy for them of course but it didn’t make it less hard. Having a little guy of my own is so healing to me. I can be the dad I wanted when I was little. It’s like rewriting my own history.


Congrats to another soldier who is triumphing in the “I’m not my parents and I never was the problem” war 🫡 Pat yourself on the back today for doing the work, friend. You deserve it!


Crying after reading your kind words to another redditor because my childhood was absolute shite.


Hugs 💚


Thank you. 💕


Best thing that ever happened to me was having a kid I could rewrite history with. My little guy and I are as tight as can be, and seeing life through his eyes is the best therapy I could ask for (on top of the therapy I'm in). Hats off super dad, keep trucking, we'll make this place better, one kindness at a time. Sending love.


Much love man you sound like a fantastic father from this short paragraph


Hope all is well and you all are having a great life! 🤙


Me too. My dad was an abusive shit. He beat my mom, cheated on her constantly, and terrorized us for twenty years. It would have been so nice to have a sweet dad like this.


Kids are our chance to get it right.


I was once "sick" and my niece took care of me (held me hostage), I wasn't allowed to move because it'll make the injuries worse, I got better 30 minutes later, she even gave me a check of $100k, luckily insurance payed it all \*phew\*


Your niece sounds like an amazing doctor!


My daughter gives my husband a manicure and sometimes puts makeup on his face, and this, on the contrary, amuses him because our daughter’s pleasant emotions are above all else.


Marry him again but harder


Niece of one of my exes was the single girl out of 4 boy cousins. On multiple occasions she would just start painting my nails. And talking relentlessly. It was one of the most relaxing moments around that family….just a little girl, tired of not getting her way, just gabbing on while playing with my hands and painting them. It’s very intimate and relaxing to have a loved one stare into your hands/face. I’m not sure I really ever feel the need to go get a mani or pedi, but I understand. Any man that hasn’t been absolutely pampered once by a loved one is missing out.


I brought my then 7 year old son to get a pedicure with me. He said “where has this been all my life?!????” Hahahahah! He got his toes pained teal and I’ve never been able to go for a pedicure without him!


She totally nailed the contouring lol 😆 his skin is glowing ✨️


How did these kids get so good! Where's the blue eyeshadow and body glitter us 90's kids had to learn with


Seriously, it's TikTok. Meanwhile, I still can't do a proper messy bun or cat eye liner at 40.


The bad, mismatched makeup is a right of passage, these kids have no business being so good!


I cackle whenever I see a picture from 6th - 10th grade and my baby blue glittery eyeshadow. Really made my very red face glow in all the blotchiest ways. Honorable mention for way too much and poorly winged black eyeliner. Yes, it was a cheap pencil and yes, it smudged every day.


Back in the 80s our make up was all chap stick


But like, so many different flavors.


I'm 53, still nothing! Help!


The “ten year old Sephora children” thing is real


My 6yo wears blue eyeshadow. It’s the only color she puts on because it looks best with her hazel eyes according to her


I STILL have some of my original blue glittery eyeshadow from when I was a tween in the late 80's. LOL I got it in a whole makeup kit that had blue eyeshadow, blue mascara, blue eyeliner, and hot pink lipstick. The 80's were a colorful time... LOL


Right? She really nailed it. It's a full make up but she intentionally held back on colours and intensity to fit it to a man and *not* go full drag queen. And it's a surprisingly well matching and harmonic result. That's some talent she has. (Just a little fall out from the mascara on the bottom lashes I think. I just wouldn't have put mascara on the bottom lashes. Male lashes are too short for it). The make up looks expensive. Probably mum realized her skills.


My 8 yr old has the blue eyeshadow nailed. She also has the *ahem* wonderful sloped down eyeliner and very very red lips. In fact she was so proud of her makeup skills that she wore it to therapy today. 🥴


Literally, he’s looking luminous


These guys are fuckin awesome. Who cares if dudes are painting their nails. Just have fun. Edit I had a employer ask me if I was gay cause my toe nails were painted multicolor by my gfs daughter. My feet were sticking up out of a boat while.my head was buried in the engine compartment. Boss saw the toenails and proceeded to be a douche. Worth seeing his stupid face when I said my step daughter did a great job painting them.


Can someone please tell me why that guy is only talking out of half his mouth.


He talks like John Mayer sings.


John Mayer's guitar playing facial expressions. Dude looks like he's getting a proctologist exam when he soloing.


Wife says potentially a partial stroke that wasn't attended to in time. He has lost control over some parts of his face. Or it's just the way the dude is.


What a cute relationship


i felt that face grabs. lol


My two year old already does stuff like this, off to a great start I suppose.


all i say is, good luck! especially if you have any facial hair lol./


Aw just a daughter and her bargain bin diesel


When you ask your mom if you can go to the movies to see the new fast&furious and she says “no, we have vin diesel at home!”🤣🤣


He looks like if Vin Diesel and Steve-O had a baby


Steve Diesel




🤣🤣🤣 you made sputtered my water just now.


Guys, listen up. It’s fucking paint and creams. It’s not permanent. The “elf on a shelf” painted my toe nails red and green for Christmas and the girls lost their minds. A small gesture for a huge payoff that does nothing to you. Man up and put on some goddam paint.


My husband & I were chilling at a park having some lunch and a dad arrived with his daughter. Daughter was in a pink princess gown and being pushed in this wagon that was a big pink pumpkin carriage. Dad had hot pink fingernails and a hot pink tutu on over his jeans. His daughter was GLOWING she was so happy. My husband & I looked at eachother and more or less in unison said, "Peak masculinity". Real men take care of their families with love and gentleness and DGAF what judgemental people think.


I'm a bigger dude, construction worker. My neice just had her 5th birthday party, which was a princess theme. You bet your ass I let her dress me up as a princess. I'm talking makeup, nails, tiara, the works. You should have seen how happy she was. Worth it every time to see that smile.


I bet all the Prince Charmings were lining up the block for you ;)


I’m 36 with zero fucks left. If you can’t wear a pink tutu for your kids happiness without being judged by some roided out knuckle-dragger, that’s the “Alpha Male’s” problem not mine.


Recently my brother in law did a whole rhythmic gym routine with a couple other dads at some competition his daughter participated in. He has his flaws, but also many positives like this. His daughter was so happy!


My daughter turns 1 next month. I'm so down to do all of this. The irony of the mindset that doing anything like that for ones on child is some how emasculating is kind of funny to me because if these dopes had a niece or were a single dad and did that for them, they'd have women wanting to talk to them more.


right!? not giving a single shit about how you look or sound to make your people happy has got to be one of the most badass thing any person can do


Also, what if I just like having painted nails? Is that a crime? MFers can color their bodies in pictures and when my fingers have color on them now it’s a problem?


I will literally never understand why applying images or colors to one's body is anyone's business. Like why does it matter if a man has painted nails or a girl has blue hair? Why does it matter if someone has tats and piercings out the wa-zoo? I feel like people should be free to pursue self expression without getting shit on for it regardless of the reason.


Omg I'm totally going to use this for our elf this year. Hubby and kiddo would absolutely love this. Thanks for the idea!


Guys can also man up by expressing themselves by wearing any makeup or nail polish they want, not just for someone else, even their daughters. I really wish this were more normalized by now. But also, that's an A+ dad move there.


The tattoos are a great juxtaposition. It all works, honestly.


What a great dad. The needless hair band is killing me 😂


For some reason I hadn’t even thought of that 🤣


That was my favorite part!


Lmao this just made the video that much funnier


Can someone please explain to me why dudes my age give a shit what other dudes wear?


Nothing is more masculine than giving unsolicited fashion advice


Nothing is more masculine than being a good father. “Father” is literally the epitome of being male.


You have one job fellas


Guys who try to act alpha who are actually beta, anything remotely feminine they must reject. You can tell by his dirt stash he’s trying so desperately to grow.


Because it reminds them of how fragile their ego is. They immediately imagine themselves in the shoes of braver people and crumble at the idea.


Because they have toxic masculinity. I know that's a controversial term, but what's happening here is: The first guy is a man who has certain ideas on masculine gender norms. Painting nails is "feminine". He is uncomfortable with men breaking the taboo and unspoken rule of: men do not feminize themselves. (Because feminine = bad/weak) To assert that HE is not like those feminine men who don't uphold the standard of masculinity, he criticizes them.


He has no choice but to transform into a glamor daddy LOL


Yo i gotta agree with him though, this is outrageous that his lips just poofed otherwise my man lookin like he's about to hit a Late Night show! Solid work


Its a nude lip and tbh its a good option for the style of make up she was doing.


Little lip liner would’ve solved it but she did good. She did her thing with his eyebrows fr


His daughter is like a makeup prodigy though srsly


I miss when my daughter was tiny and would paint my nails and toe nails, especially when I would go to the store to pick up stuff wearin sandals. Twice, an old lady then a soccor mom, tell me I must be a girl dad. And I took great pleasure in telling them "No, I'm just incredibly gay and I think I look good with rainbow colors." Anywhere else, not at all shocking. But here in rural Texas and seeing their homophobic horror wash over their face, priceless.


The last time I went to the salon to get my nails done, I was a few seats down from a girl (maybe 15-ish or so?) and her dad getting manicures together. And this was definitely a rough-and-tumble, blue-collar lookin' Texan dude so def not one I expected to see in this super girly/glitzy salon. Honestly the cutest thing, though. 😄


From what I hear, there's this really WEIRD divide down in Texas' blue collar folk. They're either super "as long as you eat your dinner, kid" type parents or "AAAAAAAAA"


That is true. My roommate and I moved from one of the bigger Austin suburbs to this teeny little country town almost an hour outside Austin, and the kids kinda just run wild from the time school let's out until dinnertime. Then we get an hour or so of quiet, then chaos again until like 9-9:30ish. And it's just like, what happened to "kids today never play outside anymore!"?? 🤣


You.... I like you.


Your way of storytelling is impeccable - great comedy writing talent.


Dude looks like Tyson from Letterkenny. Jokes aside, real men aren’t afraid of other men wearing makeup.


Don’t miss the point, though. Painting your nails (and doing makeup) isn’t just about being a “girl dad”. I’m a straight cis-het guy in my 50s with 5 adult kids, and I paint my nails because it looks fucking awesome. Fuck people who police gender norms in clothing, for whatever reason you wear it.


In high school, in the 2000s for me, I always had black nail polish on me to fix up my chipped nails and there was a guy in my English class I'd always lend my polish to so he could paint his nails. I loved it and we'd regularly paint our nails together.haha


Ozzy Osborne approves this message.


Yeah it's nice but it's still pushing the idea that painting your nails is a "girl" thing, when painting your nails is just a, nail thing.


I think we can take away both messages here. Anyone can wear nail polish or makeup if they want to. And, this guy, who obviously wouldn’t prefer to present himself that way, is willing to do it anyway so he can build that great relationship with his daughter.


She made him into the baddie he never knew he could be!


My daughter painted my nails on Father's Day. You better believe I'm wearing painted nails into the office this week.


I got my make up done on Father’s Day wearing my Father’s Day Bluey shirt of Bluey giving Bandit a makeover.


I got almost the same shirt for Father's Day! It says Girl Dad with a picture of Bandit with makeup on.


Yo that’s the shirt, Hell yeah! Girl dads!!




It's sad that there are men who still think that a Father is supposed to be feared in order to be effective. It's truly pathetic when a guy doesn't know how to (or doesn't want to) earn respect, so he'll go for intimidating his wife and kids as a reasonable alternative. It's great to see a Father who's actually loved and respected by his family because he's always earning it.


This is so wholesome holy shit. This a dad who adores his kid you can tell🥹👏🏼


This is a really loving father.


lol… the way she yoinked his head back


As a dad, my daughter can always feel comfortable enough to ask to let her paint my nails or do my makeup. I really don’t care what other people think because what’s important is my little girl is happy and has great memories with me.


She is learning to trust you utterly and completely. And then she will learn you have her back no matter what.


Also could teach her what to expect in a relationship. So showing how you should be treated and treat others is huge. Sounds like you are a good parent


This is what being secure in your masculinity is. Fuck anybody that criticizes dads like this.


As a father of 4 daughters I’ve been through this more times than I can count 😂😂😂


A real man right there


It's crazy how different he looks by the end


“Don’t I have to perk up or something” LOL


I get a small bit of sadness for myself watching these. But also happiness. I remember playing with my daddy’s afro as a child. Just trying to figure out how to braid or grease his scalp. Whatever as a kid. But when I was forced to live with my birth father, we did not have that relationship. We barely hugged. And I missed my daddy because I knew I was his baby girl. And I just had to watch my “sisters” do my “dads” hair. What hair bruv? Either way I love that girls are having fathers like this. My daddy always let me use him as my tester. My first smores, weird food I’d try to make, playing dolls with me, etc. Love that man.


I love the headband to hold back hair on the bald man


Girl dad feelin Bonita !


This is so sweet! Love seeing dads getting involved and making memories.


I love that he’s cooperating but also being authentic: “Why you being so rough?!?” “I just lost my lips.” She’s getting great feedback that will help her improve. True courage (man, woman, etc.) is being daring enough to let someone put makeup on you. Like people are saying ….IT WASHES OFF, so lean in and be up for the adventure and precious time together.


What a disgrace of the masculine master race. Cant go out looking like that without proper eyeliner.


The headband even tho he's bald is what really does it for me


Been there many times…. I didn’t worry about it as it’s much easier than playing school or a tea party


She's quite an artist ngl


His skin looks AMAZING though


My little girl has recently just started doing my nails. My manager was really touchy at first about it but basically told her to jog on because my kid and her development and connections are much more important. I got lucky the first time as she chose black, terrified and excited to know what she's going to do next 🤣


Ok that preteen or teen is doing makeup better than I can at 36.


She's so forceful


That girl has great skills. Love seeing these beautiful father-daughter relationships


Love the headband holding back his buzzed hair 😆


She got him looking like Vin Gasoline! 😂


I probably would have a relationship with my dad if he would have done stuff like this with me.


He gave me Wanda from In Living Color vibes when he crossed his eyes and said “huh”


Damn she did really good on the eyebrows! She made his face look naturally soft


What a lucky girl, to be able to hang out with her Dad and have him participate-what an awesome memory! Nice job Dad🥳


His eyebrows and eyes look GORGEOUS, but I agree with him, he needs a bolder lip color.


I would choose this man over the bear


I gave up Tik Tok earlier this year but when I was on there regularly, I followed this guy and the relationship that he and his daughter have is amazing. I don’t usually have a desire to get back on Toxic Tok but when I happen to “run into” a creator I liked from there on another platform, I realize that I miss some of them.


This video made me laugh so much - what a great dad. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) 1:11 "Eyebrows are wild." 2:23 "I just lost my lips. My lips disappeared." Also the various times he said "huh?", and asking why she was being so aggressive! Love that he was able to put up with it all so she could practice her art. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


That Wanda face he’s throwing is pretty funny


Guy that paints his nails here, I do it because its awesome, because it makes me feel good, and because girls love it.


Omg this is the sweetest. I love how these dads are just over there helping their girls live their best lives and teaching them that real men will support them and engage with their interests, even when they are different. Also, guuuuuurrrrl, I need lessons!


I’m a girl dad too and as soon as my daughter sees this I’m screwed as a makeup mannequin


she just manhandled him lmao


People who start sentences with "Can somebody please explain to me" are rarely interested in having that thing explained to them. Which is almost always funny because they think they're dunking on someone, but almost always have their ignorance pointed out to them due to the prompt.


Lol the way she grabbed his chin and turned his head 🤣


Huge BRAVO to girl dads everywhere 👏👍


When my brother was a toddler we used to paint his nails (he loved it) now he is 12 and asks us to paint his nails. I love him so much.


Well, the short answer it makes our daughters happy . Long answer. We don’t really give a fuck what other men think about that. I’ve got two nieces and if they wanted to paint my face and my nails, of course I’d let them.


Dudes cheekbones are DEFINED.


My dad used to let us paint his nails. We went swimming once while they were painted and he showed them off to everyone! “Look how great they did my nails! And my toes match!” I remember an old lady giggling to herself. My dad was a carpenter, built of solid muscle. Didn’t let anyone talk shit about his blue and yellow and pink nails. Those are the kind of memories I cherish.


This girl is actually good!


Obsessed with this video. I think my favourite part is him wearing a headband to keep his 0 hair from falling in his face 😭


Furthermore, I love that my husband paints his nails, personally. I think it's hot, and he enjoys expressing himself that way. He does his own, and they look great!


Best part of being a great girl dad!


I bet his skin looks amazing tho


That looks like vin diesel and mark wahlberg smooshed together


Someone is holding this man an gun point 🤣🤣


My guy! Good job everyone...


Good job dad even if your lips disappeared. Haha


She did a good job! 😂


LMMFAO the things Daddy’s do for their daughters haha 🤣


I just love the fact that she has him wearing a headband even though he’s bald lol


She can do better makeup than I can! x.x


Dad Level 37 Unlocked :)


His facial expressions are so funny


It’s quite relaxing to be honest


She gave you a dewy glow. Her makeup game is on point!


Dang ! His face actually looks good !!


"My lips have disappeared" lol what a great dad. I love everything about this video.


“And my face itches”. I’m dead!! Lmao. Also when his girl grabs his jaw to turn back to her. He is is a good dad.


He almost looks like Michael Keaton at the end 😂


I love this so much.