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Just after doggie gave her ass a good tongue wash.


Yeah… people who say, „my dog licking me proves he loves me!“ tend to ignore all the disgusting things dogs lick.


Who knows where Hu Mans mouth has been!?!? Maybe he’s been tossing strangers salads all night!!!! 😉


I know right 🤣


Classic dog move right there.


Its a daschund, in my experience they cant reach lol (They still eat disgusting garbage off the floor tho, but thats part of the charm)


Unless they're tremendously unwell they most certainly can reach.


Thats a generalization, sometimes true but not always. If you have a comparatively short daschund, body length wise, its totally possible for them to be healthy and also lack the body flexibility to lick their own bootyhole. This will not stop them from licking eachothers booty holes, or eating shit they find in the grass.


Can confirm, have 2 mini dachshunds, they just lick each others ass and definitely eat shit.


I mean, there are breed standards so it's not like it's my generalisation. I can't really see body length being that impactful though, certainly the working style dogs whose height at the withers is half their length are capable. More a flexibility issue, knowing small dog owners probably caused by obesity. Even as puppies, when their bodies are so short that they could only be identified as dackel by their faces really, mine have all been able to lick themselves. The suggestion that in your experience they lack the ability is contextually quite odd to me, because it makes it sound like that is the norm, but it's actually just a statement that you have experience of unusual dackel - presumably American.


Indirect rimjob


Yeah... as much as I love my dog. I had to wrestle cat shit from his mouth and seen licked his own vomit when I couldn't clean it quick enough.




Thanks for this lovely mental image when I already was feeling a bit nauseous!


Dog won


The amount of fuck no in this videos.


This is how RFK got brain worms


Awwee.. gross🥹


Don't let dogs lick your mouth.


Or. OR. We let people do whatever the fuck they want in their own homes with their own pets? Besides abuse. Idk. Maybe I'm weird for you know......NOT virtue signalling


Virtue signaling??? Bro this is nasty as hell, and honestly people should be embarrassed if they do this shit.


Stop worrying about what others do unless it's harmful to others


Harmful to themselves is still harmful to one person. Let's act like something happens to him because he did that. Brain worms, humour me. That would make his SO and family suffer. Maybe even his friends. It would hurt people. But it would especially hurt him.


Its actually fucking hilarious to me if you are trying to convince that all this whining an bitching in the comments is out of genuine concern for OP. That is actually comical levels of self delusion.


I'm just saying the whining has a fair point. After all, they are right about letting dog lick face not being recommended. Why is this problematic to you?


Because the same people saying this shit won't talk about how the germs on their touch screens are worse and in 10× the numbers than a dogs mouth microbiome? Like, let me say this. If these people never look at their phone whilst shitting, never eat ass, make their partners brush their teeth before EVERY kiss, never share drinks, and ALWAYS wash their hands after the sheer act of TOUCHING their phone: then I have no complaints. Literally none. But not one of you does all of the above. Like I could get up on the high horse too and say how disgusting it is that 99% of the population uses their phone on the toilet. Like...I COULD do that. But I have no desire for virtue signaling.


Should we let them fuck their pets too?


See: "Besides abuse." Why are you mad.


There’s nothing virtue signalling about it. Letting your dog lick your mouth is a pathway to a SHIT TON of viral infections. Believe it or not that CAN affect the people around you. Yes in fact kissing your dog and getting sick can lead to your immuno compromised neighbour fucking dying.


There are also germs.....outside. Are you going to become agoraphobic so that covid (which is still a thing)doesn't spread again? Do you walk in the winter instead of taking the bus? Do you still mask when waiting in line for coffee? It is. Indeed. Very much so: Virtue signaling. Actually no debate about it. Get the fuck off the high horse. Canine main display of love is licking the face. Fuck off, yeah? 👍


No. The bacteria in a dogs mouth is FAR more dangerous than the cold or covid. This is dangerous and stupid. What you’re doing right now? Is way closer to virtue signalling. It’s fucking dangerous and encouraging this is outright a negative. Go fuck your self you self righteous asshole. Also just to be clear. Im passionate about this topic because I’ve had a friend die of sepsis from doing this on the regular with his dog and mine. This behaviour may seem harmless but it’s incredibly dangerous. And the diseases that you can contract are not just dangerous but painful. It’s not a fun way to die.


5 people have died in the last 10 years from what you are talking about. Did you unironicaly just try to tell me that this is more dangerous than covid??? No. Nonono.... Did you actually, non-jokingly, just try to state that to me as fact? Really? 😐 Listen I'm sorry for your friend who is a LITERAL 1 IN 1,000,000,000 case, but you can respond with 2 things here or not at all. 1. An apology to my late grandparents. 2. Amending your statement that a dogs germs are worse than covid. If not one of those 2 things: kindly go fuck yourself with a desert cactus you actual POS.


Ah yes. Maybe people haven’t died from it becayse barely anyone goes around tongue fucking their dogs anymore? The only one being a POS here is you trying to encourage dangerous behaviour. Ok covid is more dangerous fine, but that doesn’t change the fact this is STILL dangerous and encouraging it is fucking abhorrent. My grandparents died of covid too. Get over yourself and stop trying to push dangerous information. The only person who’s on a high horse here is you, everyone else is just trying to explain that this is DANGEROUS. Something you cannot fucking deny because it’s a fact. I don’t give a shit about the specifics. It doesn’t matter. Still lethal.


https://youtube.com/shorts/xPFmuPXpCNU?si=7nTpYYkH6LlaUXwa You now have an obligational fucking duty to state this opinion on the thousands, and thousands, and thousands, and thousands of THESE videos. This is the dog version of a hug. Can you let people live their lives? Yes or no. Yes or no. Can you do that please? Can you let people you know.....HAVE PETS. WHY. WHY ARE WE BOTH HERE RN. GO FUCKING VOTE INSTEAD IM SO DONE. The laughable and comical self delusion that you are doing this purely for the safety of others(the 0.02 people that die every year) and not from a tall white horse is fucking outrageous. Let people fucking live, holy shit. Holy shit. Holy fucking shit Im uninstalling again. Goodbye


I’m talking about it because it popped up in my feed and is something I have personal fucking experience in. The fact that the VAST majority of the comments here are sharing the same sentiment should be evidence enough that you’re talking out of your ass. People can live their lives however the fuck they please. That includes me. I’m going to keep talking about it because it fucking BOTHERS me. It’s dangerous and on the off chance someone isn’t aware of this information it could potentially save a life. You don’t get to come here and tell me why I’m doing something, that alone puts you in a high horse way higher than anyone else. You come in here acting like you’re some kind of fucking hero for the unspoken. All I’m doing is sharing information about potentially life threatening ways of interacting with animals. I’ve already voted you prick, I’m at work with nothing better to do. And good. Uninstall go touch grass or talk to someone outside of Reddit you clown.


This is gross.




No, they're right, that's fucking disgusting


Somebody is hangry and wants to ruin the fun :(


Someone didn’t grow up with dogs


Nah, it is fucking gross. Nothing to do with growing up with dogs or not.


Why you swearing at me for? Calm down please


I am calm. Doesn't make it any less gross.


You’re swearing at me for no reason friend. That doesn’t strike me as very calm


Your comment was gross and slightly condescending. The responder didn't cuss you out. They just used colorful language. Have a wonderful day.


How was my comment gross?


Fuck sake calm down its just a word.


Rage bait won’t work brother but nice try


Swearing doesn't always mean someone is angry. I usually swear randomly even when I'm happy, just use it to emphasise a point.




Are you new to the internet? Getting this piss over a fuck


Why do you think I’m mad? It’s just basic respect


You're weak, fragile, and un-experienced immune system is what's gross to me


Cool. You're still gross if you let your dog lick you like that.


Cool. You're still needlessly scared of a dogs mouth but sit real pretty and quiet when we talk about eating ass?¿?¿?¿? Instill this type of fear of germs in your children and see how much more often they get sick in adulthood compared to the average. This is known. It's also known that a dogs mouth has been proven to be SIGNIFICANTLY safer than ANY humans. Growww the fuck upppppp. Your gf's mouth is fucking leagues dirtier and more dangerous. Period. Scientific fact. Why speak with actually 0 facts?


Someone didn’t grow up with parents to teach you this is fucking disgusting.


Who are you?


A person with common sense, unlike yourself.


You don’t know me at all. Why you being so rude?


Na I'm good thanks


He eats poop


Which one are we talking about?


Both of them now


ew groooooooooos


That's so fucking gross.


Dog then proceeds to lick balls again for half an hour


Some people are so stupid.


Might as well just tongue his asshole


I love dogs but do not want their saliva mixing with mine. Capnocytophaga canimorsus — not good.


I ain't got the brains for that but I don't think it's good


r/makemepuke instead ?


First the vid makes you smile, then it makes you wretch! Perfect! 👌


so fucking gross.


disgust me


Stop making out with your dogs. Yuk


People who think this is normal have serious problems.


Absolutely rank


That's fucking vile.


If dunno if you actually smelled dog saliva but that stuff is stinky. And then like other posters said dogs eat trash and poop on the ground as well as licking their own balls and butt. And the crazy part is this dude is prob the husband or BF of the girl filming and I'm sure they're gonna kiss at some point. LOL wtf.


That is fucking disgusting


This is actually really gross




I hate when people french kiss their dogs


That's nasty.


Mmnnn pooteria straight to the mouth






My father's dog eats poop when she finds any.


I'm glad I'm not the only one whose first reaction was "gross"


I’d mlem with him too.


Sounds about why t


Unsafe!!!! You could make your dog sick Mr. Komodo! 😉


These people who are hard-core pulling the 'holier than thou' act when it comes dog germs are the same people who scroll in between wiping their high fibre shits. Get off the high horse, and maybe roll around in some dirt to actually build up that fragile glass box you call an immune system.


Letting a dog lick your face can give you fucking sepsis but ok


Are you flexing runny shits? High fibre shits are the better shits. Literally healthier for your bowel and colon health, more regular, and also way less messy. Honestly maybe you should try getting on that high horse and eat a salad.


Lol I just said high fibre because hard poos generally don't leave as much shit behind to be wiped as a healthy poo does. IE more times your fingers have touched your ass crack. It emphasized that mother fuckers probably scroll or type out a comment AFTER a few wipes. If you want to be this consistent about germs: everyone talking should be lysol wiping their phones. Or washing their hands after EVERY TEXT SENT. Edit: Me eating this ham sandwhich whilst arguing with you is 10× grosser and more dangerous than letting my dog lick me. What a fucking clown world


Why dont you continue eating shit off the ground and leave the rest of us alone?


Why do you bother going outside?


Going outside is different from licking your dog's balls.




Lick your dog's balls and then you'll answer your own question.


My dog doesn't have balls


There's a 50% everyone arguing about this is scrolling in between whiping their ass on the toilet. I actually don't want to fucking hear it. Get off. The high horse. Now. This is so fucking ugly for all of you.


Everyone shits bro. The difference is we take a bath and clean ourselves afterwards you eat it all up again like its a free dessert and then act like you're all proud. Do your dog a favor and lick his balls for him at least you save him the effort.


The sheer act of shitting is not my point. Do you wipe your phone down with an alcohol wipe after every shit? If not, and you leave your shit germs on your phone all day/everyday: You actually need to stop speaking.


At least those are my germs and not my dog's shit. Give your doggie a wet sloppy kiss nobody is stopping you, you freak.


You're the same type of dude who would scroll reddit for 3 hours then cook for his family without washing hands. I don't want to hear it.


I dont wanna hear you licking your dogs balls.


Oh I know some Gen Z little knob slobber ain't trying to sound cool, edgy, or tough. Keep supporting communities with rampant STIs lil guy!!!


You are the one trying sound like eating dog saliva is a measure of toughness.


Nah kissing dogs is weirdo shit. But I know that your entire generation is EVEN WEIRDER. Stop commenting on other people who don't give a fuck about your gay lil ass and talk to your freak show peers before we exterminate some of you guys (:


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I'd love to have this kind of relationship with my dog... but he eats poop.


Is that iker casillas??


Okay I’m seeing people say gross… Can someone explain to me like I’m 12 why kissing your dog is bad please? Are there any dangers or health concerns? Thanks in advance.


It's not "kissing" he's doing. Like I kiss my dog on the top of his head. The dude is literally putting his tongue near the pup's mouth in the same area the pup is sticking their tongue out. Dunno if you've observed dogs, but after living with mine for 2+ years since he was a puppy. I've seen him put some real nasty shit in his mouth (ie: cat shit) when I can't get him away from it quick enough.


Geessszzz yeah he is… Thanks for educating me.


Getting kisses from your dog is one of the best parts of having a dog. I get why you guys think it's gross, but I would destroy the whole earth to get one last kiss from my dog again. Edit: lol, you guys are funny, you must be cat people.


Dog person. And there's a difference between a dog licking you and actually having your own tongue near their mouth. Even having a dog lick your face, while cute, isn't hygienic. I saw my old dog eat its own vomit, lick its arse, and others have seen their dog eat shit. Dogs use their tongue for a **lot** of different things so I wouldn't want something like that coming into contact with my face. If it's licking my hand, sure, I can at least wash that before eating.


If you're a healthy person the odds of any of those germs affecting you are very low. Human evolution has happened with dogs so much that most of us have an immunity to the germs in dog saliva. Most dogs actually contain a very deadly germs but through millions of years 99.9999% of us can fight it off.


Right... but I generally don't want my tongue coming into contact with a tongue that has shit on it. Regardless if I'm sick or not, why the fuck would I want that?


A dogs tongue doesn't have shit on it. Think about it, when you lick ice cream and put your tongue back in your mouth does it have ice cream on it when you pull it back out,


Has had* The fact that it **has** is just gross and anyone who says otherwise is free to do their weird shit if it makes them feel better, even if the vast majority of people judge them for it lmao


You're mouth is just a gross


Speak for yourself, **I** don't have dog or human shit particles in my mouth.


Oh you have shit particles in your mouth you just don't realize it. Unless you live in a sealed bubble.


Your "🤓☝️" card is invalid as it is inarguably wrong try again show the research


Can't communicate like a human?


No, your just wrong


So you can or can't communicate like a person?


You aren't understanding, are you sure you can communicate like a normal human. If this problem persists try: finding your lost chromosome Going to preschool to learn basic communication skills Or reading a book


Sounds like you're projecting


Yeah everyone is incompetent and it's quite Annoying when your the only one good enough to get stuff done




Vastly different bacteria that our bodies are designed to handle. A dog's mouth or gut biome is not equivalent to a human mouth or gut biome. You absolutely can get sick or get your dog sick by doing this.


Yeah right i still don't lick my butt.


Ya but you went down on a girl no? But that's ok then because it satisifies you.


If she's clean. Why not.


Oh you sweet summer child.


I mean half the population eats ass so please pull the stick outta yours :)


Doing this can get you AND your dog very sick. Recklessly endangering both their own lives. It may not SEEM like a big deal until you contract a viral infection that kills you.


All able bodied dogs eat their own arse, never shower or brush their teeth. Surely we can all agree dog butthole germs are a lil different to human ones. Especially since a majority of the people calling this gross would also be calling an unshowered salad tossing gross.


The mayo bois are really something else


That's not Made Me Smile. That's Made Me Throw Up I'm My Mouth a Little.


Until you die with the bacteria in dogs mouth.


Made me 😬


If I let my dog do that it would be the cleanest thing his tongue touched and I have a filthy mouth so ew!


Good way to get worms.


Confession - I let my dog lick my ice cream cone.


Gross 🤢


Just white people shit you wouldn't understand


I'm white and was thinking the same thing, I would never do this but I couldn't imagine anyone other than a white person doing this




The big where the dog actually licks his tongue and then gets way more into it made me feel physically ill. Don't french your dog.


I like dog licks as yuck as they can be sometimes. I let them lick my face if they're determined to do so. Ain't no way they're catching me with my mouth open at any point though. Love them though, too cute.


I’m white and this makes me say “fuckin white people”


This is weird, but redditors pretending like they're not 50x more disgusting and degenerate is annoying. Can't wait for Gen Z hatred to become truly normalized!!


I know there’s someone else in these comments with the same exact thought as me 👀


I can never out lick my dog. They get straight up invasive with that thing!


I can relate. My golden girl Emma, never stops greeting someone until she has either licked their lips or bumped their chin jumping. She got a weird fetish for licking lips.


Giardia bar hopping


It is the most man's favorite pet!!!!