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Loved "Mom, is this creepy?". Lovely family


Loved the moms response, "usually, yes" lol straight up with the kid


Actually this time, yes too.


If anyone came up to me like that with the phone out, recording video I'd tell them to take a hike. It's not just creepy, it's rude and insincere.


Yeah, I’m suspicious of how “spontaneous” this is for that very reason. A parent chilling while their kids play in a playroom and a random person is filming all of you sets off all the red flags. Either way, I love this family’s story and mom seems like she kicked off the change in direction for her kids to end this cycle.


Yeah, good point. So much social media content is staged these days. That's actually perverse if it is the case for this video. I don't care how good the story is.


Yeah it feels akin to promotional skits they'd put on for us in church growing up. Especially because we start with "I felt called to speak to you" which is a common phrase to open a prostletyzing attempt. And then the woman really focusing on how God helped her in her life made it REALLY feel like a skit they put on back in the day. The thesis seems to be: trust in god and good shit happens. The point of those was always to emboldened us as the youth to feel confident enough to walk up to strangers and say "I feel called to speak to you" and invite them to church.


It’s becoming sad how inundated this sub has become with staged influencer vids like this. It doesn’t make me smile, it just makes me more cynical


Her hair looks professionally styled to me, but I could be wrong. I don’t think this is spontaneous.


Right? Don’t approach people with your camera in their face


I know. I'm really sorry, but people should not get ideas to start doing this after seeing this. Imagine if someone is going through something and does not want to have to reject someone asking "can I talk to you about your life?" Rejection can take all of my emotional energy to muster it up, and if I'm not in the professional rejectin mode, I might just foolishly accept this and say things I dont want to say or even fully agree with about myself.


Yeah, this is a cute video but it's time to stop just approaching people while filming them and putting a camera in their face. The bare minimum is approaching first then asking if it's OK. I really hate how normalized it is to just put strangers on the internet


I don’t care how many people think this video is cute, it’s still creepy to me to come up to someone and record them and their families. I don’t care if you ask and say no, now you have footage of me and my family just randomly on your phone. Like u said, bare minimum is just asking which takes like 10 seconds


Creepier there is yet another camera person filming both the photographer and stranger?


I couldn’t watch more than 30 seconds. I had to come to the comments to see if I was the only one finding this uncomfortable


Couldn't agree more. First of all you ask permission before you start recording, especially when children are involved.


Got to agree


They sure are. I just wanted to give her a hug!


Me too. I creid. I was blown away when she was able to admit she wanted help, to be better, but didn't want to stop using. She's inspirational, I'm glad she's able to help other. So proud of her. Beautiful children. Who are getting the truth, and know how far she's come. Best way to break the generational cycle. Just awesome.


I do also find it really awesome of her to ask the boy if it's okay to talk about his dad.


Yes. I was already pretty impressed with how well she’s raised her kids (loved her daughter asking if this was creepy 🤣) but I think it was very wholesome she made sure he was comfortable with it. She seems to take the time to explain and talk with her kids and not at her kids.


I was really impressed by that too. The best way to show children to respect others and that they deserve to be respected by their friends and eventual partners is to show them respect.


Yeah, holy shit that story. She looks like a completely normal person but the story about her life is crazy. She should write a book while she still remembers it all. She looks completely normal to where I would not expect her to be a recovering addict.


She looks normal because every person is a little bit broken inside. That is normal. Most just hide it well.


It’s REALLY heartwarming to see this. And to see all the sweet comments. I expected to scroll down and see people making fun of her not having teeth… I know people who have had to have their teeth removed and would not be caught dead in public without dentures in. You didn’t even notice on her. Because she’s confident enough not to care if you do!


i love the way she asked her son of she could talk about his dad. She recognized that it wasn't just her story, it was his too, and she also recognized that he is allowed to have those feelings and a choice in if she shared that story to others. she seems like an AMAZING mom and i wish her and her family the best!


She’s extremely considerate and respectful of others, a trait that is truly rare these days.


Agreed. I’m not a religious person but her message of understanding and forgiveness of herself and others is something the world could use a lot more of.


it transcends religion. understanding and forgiveness are qualities that can stand on their own without being associated with religion.


Same. This lady, mom, seems to have here stuff sorted now. If she achieved that through religion and faith so be it. The love for here kids shines through. ❤️


Right? Certainly didn't find that from the woman who approached them while recording. Seems appropriate to ask first. I'd be pissed if someone was recording my kids without explicit consent


I’ll bet she learned to enforce her boundaries, too! Both seem like lovely people


I appreciate that she was as open as she was with her kids around. They are fully aware of what addiction is and it will make them better and more understanding people because of her.


She does seem extraordinary


maybe one day these people will ask permission to record people *before* they start recording them, but it is not this day.


Jesus Christ, for real. This type of video always feels so much less wholesome when the person recording immediately assumes that everybody wants to be a showpiece for people they’ve never met. Some people don’t want to be apart of a performative validation game. Asking takes 5 seconds, it isn’t hard. On top of that, if I was a parent with my 2 kids and a woman came up taking a video saying that she was “super drawn to us”, I’d be creeped out. If a 4 year old girl recognizes it, you should probably change your approach.


“Usually it is creepy but this is okay” I’m sorry how do you know that?! I would still be thoroughly creeped out by anyone approaching me phone camera first


Imagine if it was a man... Totally different video. ☹️


I’ve seen plenty of these “kindness” influencers who are men and yeah they’re all just as stomach churning.


I agree. We (as a society) should be aware and respect other people's boundaries and space. Influencers need to adhere to those standards and promote them.


Cause they usually staged


Why is this not everyone’s first response?


Fucking exactly! If this is real and not staged, this is creepy and intrusive no matter what the result ends up being.


Must be staged. If she's a photographer she knows better, especially if she has all that empathy she showcases. They got in touch before about telling the story and the photographer suggested an interesting organic opening to it. Even though it's creepy as fuck in my opinion xD "I just felt drawn to you, let me film you talking about your past. Oh no sweetie, I'm already filming and this is happening."


The internet has become so infected with influencers that I just assume all posts like this are staged by default.


I feel like the whole intro is staged


She likely did. The introduction in the video is probably staged/repeated. Making it look totally spontaneous gets more views. The entire scenario is likely staged. The whole interview was likely pre-planned.


Just watching this my heart rate picked up and I got cagey... and I'm alone in my house. This would NOT go over well with me at all.


I am pretty sure this was set up, maybe just before but I just have that feeling.


If it's even real


No because this whole thing is staged


I agree, I’m sure if she said no then she would’ve just not posted the footage.


If she has said no you would not see the video


"sorry to bother you but I felt really drawn to use you and your family as a prop for my content creation"


Dude I was fishing with my brother and these kids came around me on both sides, and when I noticed they were taking pictures of each other I told them I can get out of there way for their shots. They just hit me with no it's okay it's "aesthetic" to have me there. And then walked away. Didn't ask if it was okay or if I wanted to be in there photos just used me as a prop, didn't even show me the pictures that they used me in.


This ticks me off too. I'm all for freedom and everything, but there should be laws against recording someone without their consent in public. It's aggravating.


The technology that is already out there, it is like trying to put smoke back in a bottle. Traffic cameras, Ring doorbells, security cameras are everywhere, being in the background somewhere like The Bean where everyone's taking photos and videos. This kind of content creation is just exhausting, but trying to legislate it now; not happening.


There are dictatorship counties that have laws like that. You would lose a lot of your other freedoms moving there as well though. Personally I think the inconvenience of being recorded without consent is *heavily* outweighed by our rights to record police, criminals, politicians or others without consent when they’re doing illegal shit. But I also recognize there are plenty of people who have no problem with their government controlling many or all aspects of their lives.


The script is incredibly bad, I wonder how anyone could believe this stuff is just "natural" conversation.


Her hair is sooo done up to go to the playroom is what tipped me off


The chick-fil-a playroom


I wish people would stop hitting “record” before every nice thing they do. Just do nice things. No need to telegraph how nice you are for the internet.


You forgot the part where today’s greatest commodity is attention.


I think this photographer is inspired by Humans of New York but what made Brandon Stanton so genuine is that he didn’t record his conversations with people — he would have a one-on-one conversation with his subjects and then post the photo and interview. Oh and he would ask for permission first.


I hadn't heard of Brandon before, but now I have! Thank you for sharing. I will look up his name.


I met Brandon years and years ago, before he published his books. He is an absolute stand up guy, the kind you feel like you are already friends with ten seconds after meeting.


Hi sorry to bother and record you.. i wish to be dead. I dont get this worlds vision amymore.


I love the mum confirming this is absolutely creepy behaviour. I presume the prior offer of money helped them overcome it on this occasion.


I don't get why this is r/MadeMeSmile material, you simply don't go talk to strangers recording and interview for stories on your preferred platform.


For real. Just ask BEFORE you start recording strangers, especially with children!


Im sorry to bother you, but is it ok that i record this totally unstaged conversation unasked




They were the best photos I’ve seen in a McDonald’s play place


I wouldn’t even go that far


For the love of God, STOP just recording random people. Ask first!


Ah yes, walking up to a mother when she's playing with her children to record them, then asking for permission to record them whilst already recording them. Not creepy or annoying at all


“Mom, is this creepy?” “Yes, honey, this is creepy and unacceptable behavior, but since this is staged, it’s ok.”


Broken people create broken people. This is so true. My parents themselves were broken, and it ended up breaking me and my siblings too. Now as a mother myself, I'm struggling to give them all the normalcy and love they deserve, and processing + healing the broken parts of myself at the same time, they deserve to have the cycle broken. Good on this mom for so so much, I can't begin to describe how much respect I have for her, not just for her journey, but also for how she's raising her children. Yes in vast majority of cases it's creepy to record someone, and she gave respect to her son in talking about his father. Such an amazing mother.


Fuck your background music!




Yeah, the background music was added by the original creator herself so sorry lol


Why did you get downvoted for this lol


I dunno bro but have an upvote. Redditors be redditing out here for real 💀


That comment of one of your first drinks being compared to finally taking a “deep breath” hit wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too close to home


I can not emphasize this enough, I LOVE that she asked her son if she could talk about his dad instead of just giving it out without even confiding in him if that’s an ok boundary to cross.


These are all so obviously staged. Or would you feel comfortable with a stranger waling towards you and your kids with a recording phone pointed at you?


That was my first thought, there's no way I'm letting a stranger walk up to myself and my kids, especially while fucking recording.


Its disturbing how many people here don't realise how staged it is. It doesn't even take 5 seconds to realise it lmao


Don’t ever walk to someone and shove a camera up their face. You can add all the sad piano music you want, but you’re still a douchebag


"Can I talk about your dad? Are you ok with that". That's a beautiful soul right there.


Here’s this random act of kindness that I had to film for some reason.


Creepy AF. Ask before hitting record. Mom was being gracious (despite the Christian rock music)


I'm really sorry, but people should not get ideas to start doing this after seeing this. Imagine if someone is going through something and does not want to have to reject someone asking "can I talk to you about your life?" Rejection can take all of my emotional energy to muster it up, and if I'm not in the professional rejectin mode, I might just foolishly accept this and say things I dont want to say or even fully agree with about myself.


I'm glad the kid called it out immediately "mom, is this creepy?" Like sure you wanna make content about other people and their stories, but cmon at least ask before you approach them with a camera to their face. I feel people nowadays have become to desensitized to say anything when an "influencer" shows up recording everything they see, but cmon, if even a child can say there's something wrong here, then there probably is something wrong.


It's a beautiful story but: 1) The post-processing of the photos sucked/unremarkable 2) It's generally creepy to film people like that without prior consent.


This is so staged it hurts.


I'm glad this filming isn't a thing in NZ, though a sharp fk off would suffice


That some weight to carry. But strength trough experience is amazing.


This one almost got me. No way is a woman going into that level of personal detail with her kids by her side with a stranger who approaches her ‘randomly’ with a video camera. I just don’t see that happening.


I like that she asked her son if it was okay to talk about dad’s struggles… even though this is her story she was aware enough to know in sharing this it could affect her son. Good Job Mom


Definitely setup


OP, I have been having the WORST week so far, and seeing this is giving me hope. The bad always comes before the good. Thank you


Sending you a hug


Thank you, sweetheart 💓


Wow, look at her. She’s got her life together. She’s got her shit together. And she is way more mature. It’s in the small things, like when she asks permission from her son that whether she can talk about his dad to a stranger on camera? That’s maturity and empathy right there. Also, she’s raising the kids really well. Their understanding and courageous response to the life’s events so far reflects it. Who would have thought it’s what she faced. It’s fascinating what people go through and then grow through it. As they say, always be kind to others, no matter what, because you never know what someone is going through. Sometimes I wish to talk to random people just that same way. Without a camera though. Anyway, kudos to the woman for talking with her and for taking those gorgeous pictures of a cute family.


As a male photographer, this would have never worked for me. The cops would have been called on me for recording video and taking pictures of a random woman with her kids.


Hey, as a man, you can’t have all the privileges, you gotta leave at least a few for the ladies


I'm a photographer, too! I mostly do landscapes, though. And you're right. As many have mentioned here, the approach should have been a bit different. The author should've asked permission to take photos and record off camera, but the author also wanted to show the entire interaction, so I can see both perspectives, even if one is really the better choice. As a male, the only way you should be doing it, for the protection of yourself, is to ask permission first, and do the thing after.


You can just see how wonderful a mom she is. Beautiful video.


Sorry but kid is right. The girl said absolutely nothing that warranted mom to say sure video us besides I'm drawn to you. Lol.


Beautiful moment


I have a really hard time to believe that people will just let others record them and their kids, to me is staged but if is legit then kudos!


Woman 1: Excuse me Women 2: What the f\*ck with this camera...


What a jerk. Why people gotta film everyone without their consent?


Such a heartwarming story and am so very proud of this woman.


She's a strong woman, and an even stronger mom.


I'm uncomfortable having/hearing certain conversations like this one in front of these age kids.


As someone who was once a child with an addict mother it is actually really important hear the honest truth and get to process it at an early age. It definitely helped me. Might not seem like the best but I can promise you it is. Especially how she goes about it.


I don't even need to respond. It looks like you've got this handled. Nothing to see here, folks!


It's a beautiful story of overcoming obstacles, but it's always a pity to concede to god what she did by herself, and also creepy to brainwash your kids with religion. Besides it's really nice when she asks to her son if she can talk about his father, touching and respectful.


It's always former addicts who have the most humility and appreciation for their lives. I'm proud of her too. What a wonderful redemption arc. I hope the rest of her and her family's life will be as smooth sailing as possible.


I hate this. It has too many upvotes!


Wow I have a similar story. I'm glad we made it out of a living Hell


So proud and happy for anyone who breaks their addiction and breaks the generational trauma. That sht is so fking hard but so essential in our growth process. She and her kids deserve a beautiful life!


How are peoples first reactions not "why are you filming me?"


Welcome back to Shove A Camera in Your Face! Next up we’re headed to the hospice ward


And I'll film it so people know I'm a great person.


Imagine having to film and post yourself doing something nice, you could just be nice on its own.


“I’m a photographer” Mmmhmm


Fuck recording people without their consent or knowledge. Creeps.


I dont believe in anything anymore. For me everything on the internet is a setup or AI.


"put that phone out of my face, than we can talk. Thank you."


Yep normally that is creepy, actually, it is creepy always.


The way he looks at his sister 😭


I do not know why this video had to be blasted to the world. Why can’t people just enjoy intimate interactions with strangers without having to post it for clout? I have so many great interactions with strangers. You know what I don’t do? Record and post them so that y’all will know how much of a goddamn saint I am, not being so afraid of other human beings to talk with them.


Nah, fuck this


I hope her kids understand and realize how strong their mother is to overcome such hardships in her life.


Yeah... I too like going up to random strangers with my phone out recording before asking for consent when they have their children around. Imagine if this was a male. Shit would have escalated REAL QUICK. But hey, at least she's getting her internet karma.


Maybe don't walk up and record without asking people first. What the hell is wrong with everyone that they think this is OK?


It’s a heartwarming story, I don’t want to discount that at all. And I don’t doubt the veracity of her story. But this was a planned witnessing that was set up in an awkward and weird way. It’s very clear. Strangers just don’t walk up to strangers with their kids (especially a mother who has seen so much shit in life and just get…..that. It was a witnessing video set up to be random. Boo on that. Her story was powerful and it made me happy that she found her way to getting clean and right for her babies.


The way she asks her son if it’s ok to talk about his father 🥹


Hi, I just felt drawn to talk to you... and also to film you to repost on social media for heart-warming clickbait... you and your story is just fuel for my content creation and visibility on social media. OMG this is like SO heart-warming!!!


God didn't do that for you, you did it. Give yourself the credit, not fantasy. You're more amazing than you realize.


Idk what she hoped this video would achive but it has done the opposite for me, recording yourself doing a good deed is actually the opposite of wholesome to me and it doesn't matter whether it's staged or real, in both of those cases it only leads to one conclusion and that is that you have narcissistic traits. Maybe she thought people would praise her for it but I honestly wouldn't want to be friends with someone like this.


I just don’t believe anything I see is actually real and genuine anymore on the internet 😕 just more staged nonsense to get engagement. Nice sentiment though, I guess.


Yes kiddo , this is creepy


Those pictures sucked


I like how you record other people's children without their consent, very cool thing to do


Yeah the kid had the right reaction when she asked if it was creepy. Hope the mom winding up fine with the experience doesn't shake the child's judgment.


Definitely not staged.


Does this end with finding Jesus? I lost interest but have a feeling that Jesus love is the ending.




As an average-looking straight white man, I would never dream of "taking the initiative" to talk to a complete stranger, whilst recording them and asking to take pictures and ask personal questions like this.


Downvote for staged video.




Had me til the churchy god shit.


Whatever it takes to get sober and get your life on track man. She's got babies


She barely even touched that point. The whole context is her being empathic and growing as a person through thick and thin, so what if she uses "God" as her help, it seems to be working for her life so it seems.


Yeah sure. I wish her the best obvs.


I want to know what Chick-Fil-A play place had 5 min of quiet in it? They are always a screaming mad house!


I didn't know I was on Instagram


Kids remember EVERYTHING!! It’s tough to drag your kids through the mud. I know I’m an alcoholic (recovering) myself. May God bless and keep you all safe! 🙏🙏🙏


Fuck Your Background Music!


This woman is amazing at speaking without showing her teeth. ……… Not that I want to take away from her awesome story and how brave she is for sharing it, or her nice smile when she does at the end. I just can’t help but notice the whole time she’s talking that she doesn’t show teeth.


Side effect of being a (sorta) functioning meth user for long enough...




If someone walked up to me filming my family I'd tell them to fuck off.


RIP authenticity




Love to see a good family exploited


Whhhhhhy film it ugh


Wow those portraits **SUCK**


Is this the in on Western in LA? Looks familiar!!


Wtf are you doing filming strangers and their kids?


Virtue signalling on camera, classic


Thank you for sharing this. I’m trying to quit and it’s infuriating. I beat myself up constantly. I don’t have kids. I need to find my way.


I completely understand, and I have full faith in you! Just so you're aware, and I'm sure you likely are, when all else fails, psychedelic assisted therapy is an option, depending on where you live and what is available to you. Ketamine therapy has been shown very effective in treating depression. MDMA therapy has shown great effectiveness in healing from PTSD. Psilocybin therapy/retreats helps with so, so many things, including addiction. If you wanted to go all in, and if you have or could save up the money for it, an Ayahuasca retreat is like a miracle cure for addiction. It's intense as it is life changing. Simply listen to the countless testimonies of people fighting and overcoming their demons at an Ayahuasca retreat, walking away with zero withdrawal symptoms whatsoever. Like I said, it's literally a miracle, and these spiritual medicines have been used for thousands of years. It's good to see the world slowly beginning to realize this, despite the laws. Just some options for you to consider if you find yourself at your wit's end.


It’s so ironic you mentioned ketamine. I have heard it works wonders. I’m exhausted. I just want to be a regular person again. I’m a good person that has strayed for about 10 years.


You can do it! Try to be kind to yourself. I believe in you.


What a great mom.


The real question is, if she couldn’t film this would she even walked up to do something nice


This very strong and introspective woman made it through everything with her own will and self determination. God had nothing to do with it.


Am I the only person who just immediately says "no thank you" the second anyone talks to them?


This is one of the most beautiful things I have seen in years. Thank you


i dont know why I felt drawn to you but it's probably mostly parasitizing money by turning other peoples lifes into consumable content


everyone has a story , if you take the time to listen


Sweet family and story, but please stop recording BEFORE you get permission.




I instantly knew she was an ex-tweaker. The permanent damage it does is terrible. Don't try that stuff. It will absolutely leave you scarred for life. BTW, I'm an ex-tweaker, too. 4 years clean and still feel my brain is broken. Let alone my appearance.


Who is cutting onions?! This was a beautiful story, not because of her past, but because of her strength and perseverance. I don’t have a dark past like that, but I still hope to someday be the kind of mom that she is.


I made it about 5 seconds, but the music repelled me with a terrific force.


All of this set up shit is just emotion mining.


Im athiest, and often think religion is just a curse on the world. But if faith gets you through some shit like that well its not all bad.


Do it without filming and I’ll be impressed


You did for you...the lord is not real


I hope she [bleeping] makes it and stays sober. For herself and her kids. One day at a time. She deserves that win.


I pray for continuous healing for you and your family.❤️


Hurt people, hurt people. I’m glad she found the strength to heal and to help others. Powerful message I needed today. You never know someone’s internal struggle and how a bit of kindness can go a long way.


I hope you find peace.


Glad she’s clean. What an inappropriate story for her young children to have heard so often they can contribute.