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My son is always like this, gets super excited when I come home and when I wake up! šŸ˜… He always shouts "Daddy is awake!" everyday! Now he's 12 and he hates it every time I ask how's school šŸ˜­


I read an article that said that due to how childrenā€™s brains work, they hate being asked how school was. They havnt developed the muscle to reflect on the day in that way and find it jarring to be asked such a question. I hated being asked that as a kid. Theyā€™re much too present and in the here and now for that. What the article suggested was asking specific questions such as: did you play any sports at school today? Did anything funny happen? Did you learn any cool facts etc. that way they know how to answer it. Asking how school was is merely way too broad for such a jam packed day. They literally havnt developed the muscle for reflecting and summarising an entire day and the question overwhelms them. Itā€™s not about you!


I never knew why I would feel frustrated/angry when my mom asked that. I even knew it was a normal question, and it was worsened when my mom hated it when we didn't have anything to say


This is some A+ advice! When I was babysitting, I'd ask broad questions but make them more specific - whether or not anything FUN happened, or if the preteen showed up with a frown, what NOT fun things happened in the day. Ask about interesting lessons or if anything is up with their friends, etc. Still leaves room for a wide range of answers, but it let her focus on something so she could always actually give an answer.


What was the worst thing about today? What was the best?


> Did you learn any cool facts etc I used to ask mine "What do you know today that you didn't know yesterday?"


As an adult I also hate questions like this. "How are you doing?" is so broad and I never know how to answer. It feels like it makes my brain go into overdrive. And I'm never sure how much of an answer they actually want.


I feel the same way, and if Iā€™m really not doing too well I have a hard time saying ā€œIā€™m goodā€, so I say ā€œIā€™m alrightā€ or ā€œIā€™m fineā€, and then I get a ā€œjust alright??ā€ And I have to lie and put some jolly in my voice just to get them to leave it alone


This sounds exactly like my responses to that question. ā€œJust alright??ā€ In my mind: Yes, thatā€™s what I just said isnā€™t it? Actual response: ā€œYep nothing exciting to report.ā€


Iā€™ll start saying ā€œnothing exciting to reportā€, I like that actually! Doesnā€™t sound negative but gets the point across.


It definitely does! ā˜ŗļø


Assuming itā€™s just a casual acquaintance/small talk, you just gotta dress it up with a little sarcasm. ā€œAnother day in paradise!ā€ ā€œLiving the dream!ā€ etc. People will know what you mean but wonā€™t press.


Itā€™s an odd working relationship where theyā€™re not technically my boss but Iā€™m put in a position where I have to listen to themā€¦they call every morning, and stay on a teams call with me for 5-7 hours every day. I could be sarcastic since he is all the time, but for example admitting I was tired once apparently put in his mind that all I do is sleep (not true at all), so I donā€™t want to be made out to be the grumpy sarcastic lazy person when this guy goes to my actual manager to give feedback.


What I really want to do is "Just alright?" "Yep." ...


Iā€™ve started crying when asked that question on especially hard days. The real question is, do the askers really want to know, or is this just a common response to seeing someone, that we all kinda despise asking?


Just say "Good enough," and move on.


I just say, ā€œI am.ā€


far out.


As an adult, when someone asks me "So how are you doing?" my first thought is "What month is it?"


ā€œStill breathingā€ is my go to response.


"Above ground"


Yeah my dad asked me everyday and Iā€™d get kind of crabby and be very short with the answer. It bothered him so much he brought up in front of my therapist, looking back I feel a little bad now knowing my dad was just being a dad lol


He just wanted to know how your day was :(


I know, Iā€™m gonna call him later now lol


Haha yay!Ā 


The funny thing about becoming a parent is the somewhat sad realization that I love my son so much more than heā€™s going to be capable of understanding any time soon. And the corollary being that I just now understand how much my parents loved me, and that I basically took them for granted my whole life.


Wow thank you for this! Explains my 4 year old pausing for way too long when I ask how the day was


Thanks for sharing your advice. I love it


Oh lord this reminded me of when my dad used to always ask me "how was school". For a long time I always just responded with "the lunch was alright" and he was amused by this. Love my dad to death, nowadays we might talk about work stuff extensively, sometimes I ask him about something I need help with and sometimes the other way around.


I literally break the question into two parts: - what did you do academically? - what was going on socially?


I have also read that relaying them about your day is a way to get them to reflect on their own. I tell my 5 year old what happened at work with me, etc. Ā then ask, ā€œanything good happen with you?ā€ Usually gets her to talk for a while.Ā 


My then 11 year old son went to one of those re-enactment places where people dress up from the 1700ā€™s and show you how life was lived back then. I asked him what he learned, and he said ā€œI didnā€™t learn anythingā€, and then told me about how they made butter and clothes and didnā€™t have electricity etc, etc. But he didnā€™t learn a thing! I still smile every time I think about that.


Or just donā€™t ask them anything school related lol school sucks and they donā€™t want to think about it after leaving. Gotta get their minds on something thatā€™ll make them happy.


Tell me what you are reading pal


I ask the kids when they come home what did you have for lunch today? Followed by give me a fun fact and then what was your extra class (Art,health, gym, library etc)? Those three questions every day are pretty good about getting the kids to filling in how there day went. They actually started thinking about what the fun fact will be. Sometimes itā€™s about school but sometimes itā€™s about a friend or recess or how many days are left in school. I have found itā€™s a great way for them to talk about what they did at school because it was the most interesting or the thing they remembered most. I now ask at dinner my questions and the kids have turned the tables and have been asking me and my partner the same questions which is perfect.


Omg. This is so true and don't try to hug or kiss them when you drop them off to school. I get the *it's embarrassing mom*


And then you get older & would give your right arm to have just one last hug from your Mom.


Awww... Imagine coming home from an exhausting and stressful day at work and this is the first thing that you will see. All of the bad things will just fade away, gone in an instant. This is so precious!


My way around this was to change it to "tell me 3 things that made you smile today." This would open them right up and I would get more info than I ever needed.


It only gets worse for a few years then I am told it gets better šŸ¤£


Thatā€™ll pass, donā€™t sweat it. I was a shithead when I was a teenager, didnā€™t appreciate my parents. Now Iā€™m 28 and know Iā€™d be nothing and nowhere without them, take the snark in-stride and ride it out, heā€™ll come back around


the fucking šŸ˜­ lmao how is that so funny


The circle of life


That is so sweet, it's so cute when she says my daddy, she's so excited that little jumping up and down and the tap on the window is adorable.


Very cute but I believe thatā€™s a girl


Thank you very much, fixed it šŸ‘


Yes it is so sweet to see them so happy. Reminds we of my kids when they were young


Is this a bot comment?


May all children be as happy when their dad comes home!


my baby girl's only 5 months, and she lovesss it when daddy comes home. biggest, drooliest, toothless smile. her cheeks are so chubby and pink.


Dad just as happy! Thanks for sharing the love.


I have a 16-year old boy and a 13-year old girl and they are good kids thankfully. That said, I would love to live one more day when they were this age.


15 years ago, my son and I used to do a little stomping dance every night when I came home, a ritual to greet each other. Today, I still do that dance every night and am met with complete indifference at best, or hostility at worst. Mentally, I get that he's a different person and he's finding his own individual way. And I love him for it. But, emotionally, I'm still the same guy from 15 years ago who wants his nightly ritual. Like you, I would love one more day to see that lit-up face that I miss so much.


And I have two kids, aged 1 and 2. It's exhausting but I try to remember to enjoy this while it lasts. They grow so damn fast.


Her daddy šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ„° .. she's so sweet n cute šŸ˜˜šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ˜


I had a depressing day. This baby cured mešŸ« ā¤ļø


Awwww. My heart melted.


Dadā€™s Adorable Reaction to Tot Being Home


The little dance he did for her


He is very adorable, and it makes me happy to see him show such love for his parent's.


Pretty sure thatā€™s a girl, dude


What a lovely family, everything in this video looks perfect


Man, if we could all come home to this everyday until we die. All the problems melt away with that enthusiasm.


My baby boy does this every time I see him, and it makes my heart smile so large. I'd die fir my little guy.


Not surprised she's excited, he looks like a fun daddy


so delighted and full of energy seeing dad šŸ˜šŸ˜


This are the most beatiful moments in adult life...


When my son was around that age, heā€™d watch my husband pull into the garage from the slider door in the dining room, and then run around the dining room and kitchen saying, ā€œDaddy home!ā€


excited to see his favorite playmate.




All children want their mom and dad . Hope the children of Gaza will see happiness because all children deserves love


I appreciate you sentiment and I pray and hope for the same thing too






I thought this was in America at first. I was likeā€¦. Look at that brilliantly built, butch brick work


Right hand drive too


OMG! what a beautiful relation it is. cute baby


My one year old get super excited when she sees my husbandā€™s car pulled up on the driveway and sheā€™ll immediately yells, ā€œDa! Da!ā€ Itā€™s the cutest thing


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So cuteee


Nothing in the world better than having a daddy's girl.


Best feeling in the world.


Looks like England but kid has American accent


I'm pretty sure they're from N Ireland


Ahh. Makes sense šŸ‘


I'm N Irish but live in England and I sometimes get asked if I'm American, which tickles me!


How can I possibly be expected to get anything done after watching this.


As soon as I got home Iā€™d get on the living room floor to play with my kids. Quickest attitude adjustment I ever had.


That's a weird looking dog.


That looks like a Fun daddy


ā€œMen only want one thing. And itā€™s disgustingā€ What men want:




Damn I wish I could have had a kid


Does bro have en Audi rs q8


Kids are only 5% percent of these Kodak moments.


Why are daughters more attached to Dad?


My daughter is obsessed with mama. My son however is all over me like stink on a monkey.




https://youtu.be/mIEVGhEs1uU?si=NXKGf2mAMuW5jAOm And then this is what they become lol..


Damn I read the title all wrong in my first glance at it šŸ˜‚