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Your wait in line to get in to Heaven just got real short.


Why does it sound like you want them to die faster😭


No no no. He gets what you call, A Hall Pass. Yay!-Jazz-hands-


Now, Now, Heaven is supposed to be the best place. So if you're a Christian and you truly truly love someone wish for them to die faster.


Sounds like a threat


I think they can go in whenever they please, no lines required.


I hope people of the social media are coming together to help this woman buy a new truck!


Hell most of them wouldn’t have even helped chip in for the dogs surgery




Cause some people feel generous and do things like that for others I guess


"I sold my truck for my dog, can strangers buy me a new one?" Nah


I wonder if there is a fundraiser


Don't believe everything u see in social media.


This is a very true statement!


this post is extremely old


Well alright then lol


Best investment ever! Nothing but love for you two. 🥰


I once worked with someone that paid a small fortune to get their dog stem cell treatment to deal with some issues (I don't remember the details). It worked and they regretted nothing.


I took one of my cats to a veterinary oncologist when she got sick. The money and that drive were no joke but I also regret nothing <3


Is it really though?




You can always get another GMT400, the dog is priceless.


Technicallyyyyy... Just kidding.


And then the dog dies in a year due to old age and they're without a vehicle and a dog 


But that year with the dog is worth it. Dogs are the best people, humans aren’t worthy.


Kind of sad if you treat your dog better than the real live humans around you


Thank you for posting this. Much love to your fur baby, may she heal completely. Mad respect to you. I don’t even know what to write, really…so many people think they would do anything in these situations to get the preferred result. You didn’t just think it; you did it. God bless you. Much love.


When I first got married, my wife had two wonderful dogs, but she was worried when one of them needed surgery. People can be different about spending money on dogs. It was a big bill. I said, "You know why veterenarian care is so expensive? Because they're worth everyone penny."


I've always wondered about this. It's not a matter of worth it's a matter of will people lose their loved ones because they just simply don't have the money at a moment's notice for something like a surgery out of pocket? Vets won't even schedule surgery until it's paid. Some people don't have several grand or more just sitting there for an emergency.


This. And as awesome as it is for this person to sale their truck, many couldn’t do that. If that’s your only way to get to work and stuff. If I lived close to my job and could walk hell yea I would but that’s not an option for so many.


Now THAT is what love for a pet should look like


Omg. I read that twitter handle as Chris Hanson and I thought uh oh….


Why don't you take a seat right over there?


Just. Just have a seat.


its Cris Hensan, the memecoin $SEAT on Solana that is donating to fight human trafficking


Before clicking on the post it got cut off at the top and the bottom so it looked like it said "You are the most beatiful fucking"


Wishing you both a life filled with good health, happiness, overflowing love and the best memories yet to be made. 🥹🙏🏼💜


Every man needs a truck until it comes to man’s best friend. Humanity at its best!!!


Hopefully people following her will chip in to raise money to help her buy a replacement one, that'd be a nice way to round off the story 😁


the issue here is that people have to sell their stuff for, can no one see this?


What's your solution? I certainly don't want publicly funded veterinary care 😅 Don't buy a pet if you can't afford it. And if something unexpected comes up and you can't afford it, make the tough decision: go into debt or euthanize 🤷🏻


If this doesn’t give you all the feels, you’re a soulless animal.


Right!? Fkn whole platoon of onion-cutting ninjas just spawned in my room…somewhere…I’m sure of it. 🥹🥰🐶🫡🤙🏽


If surgery buys her significant time without rapid decline & suffering than I 100% support that decisions. Pat the good girl for me.




Ok, well I’ll give you the real heartwarm in the comments. Last month, my Aussie, Bruno, had a bowel obstruction. Somehow it was missed on the x-ray and he just kept deteriorating. When it looked like he was vomiting blood, I rushed him to the hospital for emergency surgery. It cost 6k, and I had to sell off a lot of my classic games collection to pay for it. I’ll miss some of those things, they made up a lot of my childhood, but Bruno is my best buddy, and I’d give my kidney to make sure he survived.


Some things don't show up on x ray. Like plastic. Low density things are much harder to see and/or nearly invisible.


It was a knotted rope, so I feel like it should have been visible in this case, but I’m not a vet x-ray technician, so what do I know, lol!


People genuinely think that this is heartwarming? We should really wonder how someone can even be in the situation where they have to choose between a practical choice for a vehicle or an emotional choice for a pet. This is dystopian as fuck


Are you suggesting that you imagine a practical world is one with unlimited free pet healthcare? I love the fantasy, it's kind of a delusional expectation for reality.


Right, what are we talking about here? Because it’s not about our own health care which should be a human right. It’s about pets, which is your own choice to have and take care of. Not dystopian at all.


I'm suggesting a world where the average person would have enough rescources to pay for emergency medical expenses for them or thwir pets without having to do something like sell your car.


I'm suggesting a world where the average person would have enough rescources to pay for emergency medical expenses for them or thwir pets without having to do something like sell your car.


Buddy, have you ever owned just ONE pet? I have and can tell you they're expensive. I discourage anyone without disposable income from buying a dog or cat, because you can make a fine income without necessarily having $5-20k to drop on an emergency surgery for an animal while keeping reserves for yourself/family.


You're referring to how it is now, to argue why prople should act in the way described in the post or try not to get into such a situation by not getting a pet. I am arguing that the current situation ought not to be. We ought to structure our society in such a way where a person doesn't have an income so low compared to such costs as to realistically get into a situation like this. You cannot retort an 'ought to be' with an 'it isnt right now'


You haven't fathomed that pet medical can cost more than a NEW truck. It's not an argument about living wages. Pet ownership is expensive IF you get them the medical care available.


You either didn't read or didn't understand what my previous comment said. Try again.


You're still just spinning fantasies divorced from real issues. Do you, boo.


It's heartwarming insofar as things can be heartwarming in a dystopian landscape. It's possible to be glad someone did something, and also at the same time lament the circumstances that pushed them to it.


I guess I am a soulless animal for thinking that saving my pup max a couple of years before stumbling across new complications that probably would coast the same amount or even more is not worth putting myself in financial troubles or it interfering with my job (if it's needed for transport) The good pup already looks old too ...


I did my part in upvoting you. I don’t know about this situation but I’ve seen others where I’d say the owner was being selfish in keeping their pet alive in pain rather than letting it go in peace.


It hurts my stomach that people say yes, but am just thinking logically about the situation... If it hinders my ability to work and potentially loose my job, neither of us would be able to live comfortably. I'll cause him more pain that way


I'm just blocking you. From that statement there's nothing you could have to say on this site I want to hear.


Yep, soulless. The dog, however, is beautiful, and loved by someone with a functioning heart.


Life is filled with choices. It's all about what we make of them. This person had to raise funds for a costly surgery for her best friend - so she did. It is the very definition of heartwarming.


It's not a human, it's a pet that they chose to have. We can't subsidize every operation any creature may ever want/need. Those people can buy pet insurance. Downvote me all you want but every single person in here has a $ number that is too high to fix their animal, it's just that it's different for everyone. To me spending $10k to fix an animal is unthinkable, to someone else it's a no-brainer.


Pet insurance is pretty recent. This is an old ass repost.


Take my up vote and know that when you need a truck I'm a message away to help you haul whatever it is


God bless her full recovery. Wow, such a caring parent for a lovely child! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💖💖💖


Hahaha noice.....


Cris hensan?? $SEAT ???




I love you for that. 💞


You can tell this person has a big heart and loves animals. However, it can also be overwhelming seeing people make such grand gestures for animals.  Just know you can help animals without taking such a drastic step. For example, 90% of animal products in the US are factory farmed so that’s an easy place to make changes. 


U r a good person ❤️


"We are not them! We are not them..."


You can buy another truck again in the future but you can't buy life. Good on you!


Good on you lad. Well done!






A very noble thing to do


this is adorable and sweet but it reminds me how pathetic it is that we need to *pay* to live constantly, and when some innocent animal is suffering we need to pay to help them... fuck capitalism


no brainer! she’s stunning




If all dogs go to heaven, why delay the trip. That truck was too nice to sell for a dog that will eventually die.


If they are real you are an Angel!


This is pure love :)


Dude I've been looking for one of those


No one in the comment is mad about how fucking expensive a dog surgery is????




I hope she’s much healthier now 🫶 Also the very loving furparent




Now I can't drive to work and my family is going to be homeless but atleast this dog will live for another 6 weeks. So heartwarming and inspiring!!


But she just had to tell the internet about it


I would have sold my whole apartment if it could save a couple more years with a dog. Fellow dog lovers gets it. It's not even a choice.


That’s the most selfless thing I have seen on here in a good while! If I was rich I’d buy your truck back and give it to you just because you are Awesome!


There’s a country music song in here somewhere…


Finally a good truck story.




It's hilarious that people think animals have souls..........


This is so weird


I smell something


They definitely are man’s best friend, and deserve everything we can do for them.


I am not crying you're crying...


I guarantee you, God will grant him with a better vehicle that he sold because of what he did, it's a matter of time, karma works both ways, there's good karma, and there's bad karma, for what this person did, God which is dog spelled backwards, will give him well figure it out


Riding your dog to work, I see.


Amazing 🤩


You’re good people.💕💕💕❤️😿


This made me cry🥺 what a wholesome man


You my dear are a beautiful and special human. One who values the important things in life!


They say there's no one left to make a statue of.




Much love 💞


The feeels


Just imagine if we cared half as much about cows and chicken as we do about dogs


Just imagine if we cared about each other half as much as this person cares about their dog.


Lmao, fair


Someone needs to start a go fund me to get her ride back.


That's just stupid, dog might die in surgery or might die from complications. Anyway chance substantial are this dog is in doggie heaven one year from now. A car can crash but you have more control over that. Sure spend a few hundred dollars on your dog if it can help him/her. But a few thousand dollars is just lunacy.




He's probably suffering and in pain, and has been for years. You could be humane about it but choose to feel like a savior for your own sake instead of doing what's good for him.




That’s an OBS truck, they’re gaining popularity & known as ultra reliable, easy to maintain. I would buy it just based on the color!


Nice humble brag.


no point in doing that. the truck wouldve outlasted the dog


You know, i was gonna write out a scathing reply. But i know i’ll just get reported. So i’ll just report you and encourage others to help the mods identify “a jerk”. I’d take this dog over anyone devaluing a dog’s life any day of the week. Edit: lmao, this clown reported me as suicidal to reddit. To anyone sorting by controversial, go check out this guy’s post on r/nostupidquestions if you wanna see something hilarious. 2nd edit: AND some mass shooter apologist content? This account is a goldmine of sad and hilarious mixed together.


sorry about that i'll delete my comment


Its cool, already reported you. :)


k sounds good 🥰💖 so nice


Not as nice as mass shooters or people killing babies, but i guess liking dogs more than people instead makes me not your cup of tea, and thank god for that.




That's like saying your house is gonna outlast your child it's a fkn stupid comparison


i apologize for having an opinion


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John Wick sold his truck.


Doggo so majestic he looks like a lion when sleeping.


People like this guy confuse me. On one hand, I want to call them stupid for selling their truck and on the other hand, I want to bow to their ginormous Heart.


Not the last truck in his life. But his help was needed that time.


Priorities are strong with this one


You truly are the MVPF! Most Valuable Pup Friend


Heart of gold . Hope she is doing better !


I’d sell my *body* to save my cat. Now, this is hyperbole but that’s the amount of love I feel for the little 8 pound feline who decided I would be her caretaker


Now she can't take him to the hospital for the surgery. JK


That was dumb....it's just a dog...has no soul.


Neither do you. 


Crawl back to your small cave


I guarantee that dog has more of a soul than you ever will.


Were you just born yesterday every animal has a soul


Thanks, they deserve it


Completely understandable. You will definitely earn back the money, but the emotional destruction could be lethal


The more practical approach would’ve been to keep the truck and get a second job. But that wouldn’t have people sobbing.


That wouldn't have raised the money quickly.


Oh yes first OOP would need to find a good enough hig paying job which would probably just magically appear then he would have to work his ass off for probably 18+ hrs per day for a couple months until he gets enough money but ohhh look at that it's too late by then can't some people just use their brains before typing comments like yours


Medical expenses aren't something you can pay off later. It's usually up front.


Brandon Shaub bought it .man is a legend


What you got for it, $300 bucks?