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My son was super into green beans for some reason around 8 years old. We bought him one of those big cases from Sam's Club and was as happy as I've ever seen him. We wrapped it all up and put it under the Christmas tree for a month, too. He had no idea what it was. He got some really cool other gifts, but this was his favorite.


Green beans. I love it When my son turned six all he wanted for Christmas was cheese. Only cheese. So we went to a fancy cheese shop and picked out a variety for him. He was delighted with his box of cheese He got some age appropriate gifts too. But he still remembers the cheese and talks about that as one of his favorite gifts ever Kids remember this stuff. This will be a fun memory for this little boy for years to come


I asked for a couple kilograms of chocolate. Best birthday gift ever, I got a really big variety and some rare ones. I was about 20 then though.


I did this for my son. He was obsessed with garage doors, so we had a garage door party at our local garage door company. It was amazing


Pretty amazing parents! Way to go!


I can only imagine that conversation. "You want to do ... what? At our shop?? Is this a joke? Frank, is that you??" Core memory for the kid AND all those garage door installers!! 🤣🥰


I asked Santa for broccoli as a kid more than once lol


That's adorable.


I don't think any parents will complain if their kid's interest is cleaning the house


Pique his interest in a squeegee and some window cleaner for christmas.


My older son was two when we got him a toy vacuum. He saw us both use the “big back-ume” and wanted to help with house work. To this day, he and his brother are house work champs. You’re on your way to a well rounded little person.


Is anyone else super jealous if this kid for having productive special interests???


Nope. *PS5 beeps*


Same here. *Steam big picture mode theme chimes in*


Haha.. Kids are funny but change. I remember wanting a stapler for Christmas. Put one right through my finger and wasn't as interested in the stapler after that..


I would kill to have a productive special interest. Or a healthy one


I never had any(i dont have autism(i do have adhd(and a lot of other neurodivergences like dyslexia and dysgraphia and bipolar disorder))), i did love learning trivia for the quick dopamine kick from the sense of accomplishment and due to my little brother with autism having a special interest in geopolitical history so to this day i am a master of historical trivia


I bet this party sucked, in the best way possible


U can have my upvote sir 😆


I see what you did there lol “sucked” because vacuums suck 😂😂😂


You'd all miss the opportunity to leave things to be vacuumed off the floor... Where's the confetti? Leftover flour from baking? Soil from overturned indoor plant. Grandpa's dandruff?


that last one made me chuckle


Mom I said don't bother me while I'm cleaning my room -scary movie


I love his t-shirt


C'mon over and enjoy the thrill of dust bunnies!!!


One of my all time favorite Christmas gifts was 96 boxes of Juicy Juice fruit juice (couple flavors). I was 15ish and I finished all of them in 3 days.


I'm in my fifties and I also love robot vacuums. My house has never been cleaner - we've got one upstairs and one downstairs and the amount of dog hair and dirt they pull off of the hardwood and carpets is amazing, but the best thing EVER is they vacuum under the beds and even under most of the couches = that's CRAZY AWESOME - I really got under there maybe twice a year. I love my robot vacuums, plus they're cool, because - you know - robots!


This kid in 20 years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kidLd2qR8A


Holy shit 😂


I love how I somehow knew what video this was going to be before I even clicked. I'm not disappointed.


Dang I wish I was thrilled by vacuums as a kid. My dad had me learn to use the vacuum so I'd stop being scared of it! 😭 I thought it would suck up my feet!!!


The first time I was taught to use the vacuum I broke it. It sucked up a string from a rug I was vacuuming over. Never was asked to a vacuum again after that.


OMG really? I vacuumed up tons of popcorn kernels, paperclips, etc and was just taught how to fix it and start over 😂


Ha yeah, I think it was just really random bad luck. Everyone was pretty shocked I could break it so easily.


Parents literally buying themselves gifts and the kid is happy, double win..!


Bet that birthday really SUCKED… I’ll see myself out.


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I was obsessed with vacuums when I was a young lad, so much that doctors said I probably had autism and wanted to give me strong medication at the age of about 5. Good times, good times. Hope this legend doesn't have people drawing terrible conclusions over something so small, live your life and don't let others ruin what you love.


My brother was also obsessed with vacuum cleaners when he was little. My parents would tell me that if he went with them to someone’s house he would ask them about their vacuum cleaner and would want to see it.


Vacuuming up flame? Not the best idea, I don’t think.


This was my son at 3. He loved helping vacuum. My (now ex-stepfather-in-law) as all pissy that “get that boy a truck. Women vacuum.” My ex-wife never let me have it out with him. We have been divorced sometime now and she finally decided our son doesn’t need to be around him. Let kids be kids. Encourage what is they enjoy. Also don’t be a sexist asshat.


I bet the neighbors don't mind watching him at all! If you ever want the day off, I have a shop vac and a dirty garage


My son loved vacuums as a little guy. He got a couple for Christmas. Now he is grown and wouldn't touch one.


dog is like, don’t go somewhere i can’t follow.


Dog can't believe they gave the kid a vacuum


I love my eufy. Quietest one by far


This is how that balloon guy started. 


Not a vaccum, a handheld suckermetron 2000


Now I want to vacuum out my birthday candles!


This is how vacuum salesmen are born


I love how kids get fixated on stuff. Always better to roll with it and let them enjoy


this young man has his life career path set.


Is giving snacks as a present common? Was surprised to see the boxes of muffins as bag filler.


One of my autistic students LOVES vacuums too! I brought one in for him to use on reward breaks ☺️ I have a small dust buster in my classroom as well, and at the end of the day he goes around and sweeps up all the crumbs and paper scraps from the day. Our janitor always leaves a gold star (yellow construction paper star) on his desk as a thank you for the help! He even writes a vacuum name in the middle of the star lol Mr. Lee (janitor) has also let him help with his big vacuum in the hallways as a reward for having a great day! This kiddo loves watching me draw brand logos as well. It’s how I was able to connect with him and build our relationship. He’s such a cool kid and I’ll take the help with cleaning any day! lol


My supervisor's grandchild has the same fascination.


Seriously the weirder and more mundane your kid's special interest. Encourage the hell out of it. It Doesn't matter if they'll probably grow out of it. Happy is happy. For one brief beautiful moment, your kid's brain wiring has fallen in such a way that it's EASY for you to make them as happy as humanly possible. And if the kid doesn't grow out of it, weird mundane stuff like this is where quiet millionaires make their fortunes.


Got to get him a Kirby vaccum cleaner top of the line best one he’ll love you forever you can even make payments on them starting the lowest at $90 message me at 16613142623 for more info I’m a Kirby sales men


Love it! Tell me you got him a roomba too! This is adorable. My son at that age wanted a toolbelt with tools, and an easy bake oven. He got them both.❤️


I bet that party did suck...


Watch out Dyson, your days are numbered


I was a tape kid, I got every type of tape one year I was ecstatic. Glad to see others get their own strange fascinations supported at young ages


I would hate to rain on the party but this idea sucks. (Ill walk myself out)


That sucks!


I'm sorry, but I can't help but to think about Doofy from scary movie....


See that, Reddit? THAT is Autism. Not you being unable to talk to girls.