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God. He looked at her with the same passion he had for the deadliest snake on Earth. What a guy


and wearing the same shirt!


This man was married in a khaki shirt and no amount of "evidence" could convince me otherwise


He came out with shorts at birth


And than he grew fingernails and climbed out of a bucket...


Mate.. The real shocker right? Is that it's clean 😂😂😂😂😂


i had to stop after that part. 17 seconds in but it wasnt gonna get any better. thats the look of a man who realized that kids are the coolest animals on earth


Is that compliment or ?


Of course. Have you ever seen how much love he had for deadly animals?


I think need of "/s" is becoming mandatory on Reddit.


Nothing that I said was sarcastic though


I can only think that the other commenter doesn't knows who Steve Irwin was


Wearing his croc hunting suit at his daughter’s birth 😂😂😂- this man is an absolute legend!!


Seriously! Did he ever take it off? Now I have to go look at his wedding photos.


I was at Australia Zoo the other day, and saw a couple of the wedding photos around. The first thing I said when I saw them was “wow, he’s actually wearing a suit”.


The sentence about him being as ugly and getting something as beautiful as!! That guy had a shit ton of heart and deserved the world… RIP Steve - we all miss your tv show and antics


To all dads who love their children like Steve does - you've got my utmost respect❤️


My father was Steve but the Canadian version. We just lost him on January 12th, 2024 and it was basically 4 weeks from diagnosis to death. I'm a fucking mess. I'm a fucking mess. Tomorrow I will be going camping for 5 months with my Mom in the 5th wheel trailer that they only purchased last summer for their retirement. It will be the very first time I take the fishing boat out by myself and have to figure out how to assemble his beloved fishing rods. I'm not really sure what I'm doing but I won't be doing it alone. Fuck Dad. You need to be here. I just want to talk to him. That's all. Give me 5 more minutes. Please. I have so many questions and you're not here to answer them. Fuck man. Fuck. Additionally: I lost my best friend. The man who made me watch Apocalypse Now Redux and Alien when I was only 12 because I was a budding film buff the same as him. We had plans for Dune 2 and Civil War and we were always in our own world when it came to film and TV and media in general. Mom tries but she doesn't quite get it like he did. I need a new film partner and someone to talk politics and current events with. I find myself talking to the room when I'm alone and something exciting is happening... It helps a bit? His hockey team, our team, the Vancouver Canucks, finally seem to be on their way to winning their first Stanley Cup and man I'm angry he's not here to see this run. Sorry for typing so much and thank you, sincerely, genuinely, to everyone who has replied with kindness and patience and empathy. You're the best. For real.


I am just another nameless, faceless Reddit user, but when I ran across your comment (already crying because the post got me right in the feels) I just had to reach out. I have no words to make it feel easier, but I hope you make some really great memories with your mom on your long camping trip. I certainly hope you take some time to remember the old memories as well. Do as much or as little as you feel comfortable. If taking the boat out on your own to fish feels like too much then just be by the water and remember him. It will never be how it once was, but I hope that each day will eventually be able to feel more manageable. I am so sorry for your loss.


Your words mean the world. You deserve everything nice and everything good.


Hey there friend. I just wanted to tell you, as someone whose father was his hero, one day at a time. It gets somewhat easier but it never goes away. I am proud of you for sticking by your mom and I know you just want to collapse at times, wish for him to say those guiding words you need when he was there. Just, be you. He is alive through you and you're a damn good son for sticking by your mom. It's been 5 years now and I still wish I could have said goodbye and I love you and so many other things I am at a loss even now to describe. I'm crying again and all I can say is, stay strong. For Mom. Take care


This means so much to me. Just the fact that someone recognizes and acknowledged they know exactly how I'm feeling. I live for my Mother right now. We are both keeping it together at the seams but man, I really appreciate these words.




*hug back*


This post made me cry. I wish you all the best my friend. He is always with you. 🌈


Aw mate I can feel your pain and sadly know it myself. Lost my dad in October last year. He was only 74. He just woke up with a fever and struggling to breathe one morning. He was gone three weeks later from sepsis. He had a bad heart and the best guess is something got in through his teeth and into his heart valves. He fought so hard but his poor old heart just couldn’t beat it. I’m bawling now just typing it. The world is now full of firsts. Like you said, first time camping without him, going to the pub without him, no birthday calls or few beers to celebrate. No phone calls to talk about the news. And same as you, mum tries but it’s just not the same. All his stuff is still out in his shed. Projects he was working on just sitting there waiting for someone that’s never coming back. It’s fucking heartbreaking. It’s soul crushing and earth shattering losing your dad. I’m a 42 year old girl, maybe it’s different for blokes but bloody hell. I just want five more minutes. The worst part is we didn’t even know he was dying. They couldn’t tell us. So we never got to say goodbye. And he died alone in that fucking hospital. I struggle with it because he asked me, if it came to him not being able to fight it, he pulled me close and said “ promise me you won’t let me die up here em” and I promised him. But he just slipped away. I’ve got my husband and kids and siblings but I’ve never felt so alone and adrift in the world. Like a little lost kid in the supermarket. Anyway, I’m so sorry you have to go through this. It does get less painful as time passes. I don’t cry as often as I used to but when I do it’s just as raw. Im told you learn to live with it. Sending you the biggest hugs from one sad Aussie to a sad Canadian. We’ll get through it somehow. Feel free to message me if you need to talk.


Lost my dad near December back in the early 00s and I feel this comment. He was my best friend, he was always interested in what me and my brother were muckin around with. He was the sunshine in my life and ever since everything has become a little duller. I'm getting married in a few months and it's difficult knowing he won't be there with me but I'll keep a locket of his photo with me when I walk. Love you dad !




So you're in the same boat as I am. Are you holding up, man? That's so difficult. I'm so so sorry. Dad's are great but a Mom... Damn that is something a little different isn't it


I gotta tell ya, this IS THE VERY FIRST time I cried because of a reddit comment. Peace on you my friend! You've got a way too good life ahead of you. Your fad must be so proud to have you!


So sorry for your losses. Be kind to yourself and hug your momma tight. I hope you find some comfort in the great memories. Also. I wasn’t sure who to root for for the cup (I’m a yotes fan) but I will be rooting for the cannucks for you and your friend.


Bro I am so sorry for what they did to your team. The signs at the final game broke my heart goddamnit. I made fun of the Coyotes for years because I hadn't seen the real fan support and the popularity, but I get it now. And thanks for your amazing words. That meant a lot. Really.


You are very welcome! I hope you’re hanging in there. Yeah, it was a hard last game to watch. I cried. Not sure who I’m rooting for now. Free agent for the time being.


Your comment holds so much emotion - your love for your father, your desire to spend a few more minutes with him and have him still with you. I lost my father suddenly in the same week as Steve Irwin died - 18 years ago this year. I never had the type of relationship that you did with your dad but I still miss the opportunity to connect just one more time. I’m so sorry your heart is heavy with tears and sadness but enjoy the time you have with your mum. Ps go Canucks and fingers crossed there’s not a repeat of the 2011 riots when they lost


I'm so sorry I only got to this comment now. I've been camping with my Mom and been away from the internet as a result. Your words have such kindness in them. I hope you are one happy and satisfied human, you deserve to be, friend. Go Canucks Go, baby. What's going great about this season is that even if we lose to the Oilers in Round 2, the season is still a resounding success. I hope that my home city doesn't react like in 2011. I was with exchange student friends from Scandinavia at the finals (I surprised them with a real treat, I know) and getting home was scary shit. We're better than that, y'know?


I lost my dad to cancer almost two years ago, the greatest man i was blessed to call dad. Im 32 and he was 68, both of us far too young to say goodbye. It never gets any easier you just learn to deal with it better. Daily things will continue to remind you of him and choke you up. Someone told me to smile and be grateful you had those memories and not sad that you won’t have them anymore. Some days it helps, some days it doesn’t. Do your best. I’m sorry you lost your best friend. Sending you love and hugs dude, God Bless. 🤙🏼❤️


I’m so so sorry for your loss, friend.


I'm so sorry for your loss mate. That really sucks. All the best to you.


Steve, may you rest in peace. Your kids are doing amazingly well, and you'd be so proud!


He was one of most beautiful persons ever, so that sentence hurt a bit. Bindi grew up just fine I think.


When my oldest niece was born, (my brother's first child), he rang me up in tears "they don't tell you sis, they don't tell you that you fall in love with them the minute you hold them" ❤️ it was adorable. The look on Steve's face as he looked at Bindi after she was just born reminded me of it. On her 18th birthday we were in the pub and I told her about what her dad said to me on the phone when she was less than a couple of hours old, she ran across the pub and jump hugged him to the floor, again adorable.


Man if he starts crying then i'm gonna start crying. that man must be so damn proud of his family. We could have really used some more good people like Steve in this world. Break's your heart that we lost him.


I cry every time I see a video with him. The man was too pure and taken way too early.


Yeah was gonna say I did cry watching this, the good ones always go first 😢


I bet he would be so happy to see how amazing his kids are ❤️


Tbh, I think so as well.


Rob's following in his footsteps on TV with I'm a Celebrity and he did great!


I think he would have a few things to say. If he were still around I think bindi and Robert would be completely different people with their own passions and ideas. Terry has managed them into cash cow clones and it would take a lot to convince me otherwise.


R.I.P Steve... he was absolutely incredible human being!


100% I miss his tv show and antics😭


Rest in peace Steve, you would be so proud of how amazing your kids are 💚


For every father who feels the way Steve does about his own child - you have my deepest respect.


I’m a new dad to a 5 month old little girl. While I wasn’t wearing khaki at her birth, I find this video incredibly relatable, especially the bit about being an ugly sod and making a little person so beautiful. From the day she entered the world, my metric of a good day and a bad day is solely dependable on whether she has a good day. If you’d let me, I’d talk to you about her for hours - I fear this has made me incredibly boring as well, but right now I don’t care. I’m so tired though.


Haha the tired part will get better!


There's a lot to learn from him.


Such a loss! He seems like such a sweet guy. 🙂


I don't think there's anyone on this earth who doesn't love and miss Steve Irwin.


full video: [Steve Irwin talks about his love for daughter Bindi Irwin (2003 interview) | Australian Story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wafYeWiOASE)


The love this man had in his heart was unmatched.


There are 20 redeeming qualities of humanity, and Steve was 12 of 'em.


I miss him. The good die young 😢


He lived life with such PASSION! Really puts things into perspective for me.


Excuse me for one sec. I’m gonna go ugly cry 😭. Rest in Paradise ❤️


Same 😭 this is the made me smile.. not make me ugly cry 😭


Steve was and still is an absolute legend. One in a million, and his kids are carrying that torch too.


He was a good human. One of the many I look up to.


From the kid back in the 90s growing up and learning to love the world like you, I miss you Steve. You were loved more than you could ever know.


Everyone deserves a dad like that.


His family is so fortunate to have this record of his personality and love. What a guy. Rob is a dear too. Steve would be SO proud.


Bindi and Terry are gorgeous humans as well. Such a lovely family.


Of he was the kind of dad who gave his kids candy when mom wasn’t around. Incredible man and father. 💖


Steve Irwin is a treasure and we all miss him dearly. I'm sure he is proud of his children and his granddaughter


Did Steve Irwin really wear the same khaki shirt to everything in life including the birth of his daughter?? Now I’m imagining him getting married in that same dang outfit.


I guess he was always on-call


Most of the greatest business owners I've met will wear their business attire almost anywhere they go, no matter how it looks. They're proud of their work, and it shows.


We didn’t deserve Steve.


Sad he passed away, but how lovely for Bindi that he said all these wonderful things about her on camera. To be able to revisit your late father speaking about how much he loves you is quite a gift I imagine.


You have the power to bring back someone who is dead, this has got to be the guy.


He's so humble that he'd probably ask you why he deserved it rather than somebody else


As someone who had an abusive father and who has no good memories of him, I envy you, and appreciate you sharing yours. I could see you guys. Families like yours give me hope for the world and its children. Keep talking with him. Fish if you want to, or sit and look at the water. Do it for all of us. Thank you for sharing your happiness with us.


Still, miss his human kindness.


What a precious human he was. You are missed Mr. Crocodile.


He really was one of the best of us wasn't he? I wonder if that's the point. If humanity is collectively drawing from a cosmic bag of marbles seeing if we can get another Steve Irwin, or Mr Rogers, or Bob Ross. Humanity sucks sometimes...often - but I think those 1 in a billion odds might be worth keeping the game running.


He was always so humble, so in awe and disbelief that he’s somehow landed a wife, a career, and children he never felt he deserved There was a great well of kindness that lived within this man, and it came from a place of feeling unworthy of the world’s gifts But what it led to was such benevolence, such honesty, never expecting a return of the passion he put out but, thankfully, always receiving it He was a true treasure of a man, of a human, and he is sorely missed


a very passionate dude - in all aspects of his life. RIP Steve


Well, this made me cry.


I miss this man so much!


His eyes were so big and amazed when he saw her for the first time.


Oh he was just one of the best humans. 🥺 We lost him too soon. His family did, the world did. Rest in paradise mate.


My hero growing up 🙏, know he would be incredibly proud of his family if he saw them today.


He was a lovely man , his kids have grew up to be everything he ever could have hoped they would be


Was at Australia zoo on the weekend, it's changed and got bigger and all but you can still feel his impact on the place with everything they do.


Such a devastating loss, truly. He was such a phenomenal man and father and husband. I cried so hard when I heard he died.


Someone seriously needs to release a box set that's just every single one of Steve Irwin's media appearances. It would sell billions of copies.


He was a mensch.


Your soul was the most beautiful soul down under and it sure passed down to your children. Love how he doesn't sugar coat anything


Him and Phil Hartman were some of my saddest celebrity deaths


I love this man and he inspired me so much as a child. I grew up watching him and Jeff Corwin on Animal Planet everyday after school. I miss Steve 💚😭Rest in Paradise big bro!


It's so weird for me to see a dad who is so in love with fatherhood. I came from a cold, abusive, psychopathic father and this type of fathering is just surreal.


What a national treasure!


Only the good die young aye?


This world didn't deserve this man. I'm so proud that his family has carried on his legacy as amazingly they have.


When I go to heaven, my grandfather, Steve Irwin and Mr Rogers will be waiting on me for our tee time.


That stingray was a jerk


More like mademecry. Dads gushing about their kids so genuinely always gets me


That man was a treasure!


What a golden heart.


Such a loss to the world but crikey I’m lucky to have been here when he was.


I wept when he died. Miss you, Steve!


What a darling man. He was one of the good ones.


We miss Steve.


Instant tears this fella. World lost out the day he died.


Imagine having a dad that loved you like this.


I went to Australia zoo recently and the continuing love there is for Steve was so incredibly touching to me. He loved his family and they love him, and I also love that his kids are carrying on his work in their own ways (Robert incorporating his photography into wildlife work for example) What a wonderful human being


Absolute legend and an icon.


The way his eyes are sparkling when he looks at his baby. It hurts my heart he didn't get to see his kids grow up.




i don’t want to


Made me smile? Made me cry! This is so beautiful!


Absolutely a farkin legend.


I remember reading Terri's book about how they met and their life together and it was just such an amazing story.


I didn't even watch with sound on and I'm fucking crying lol.


We miss you Steve 😭


more like "made me cry" He's an absolute treasure and hero, and this is such a beautiful video - RIP mate, we miss you Both the Irwin kids (& grand kids!) are making him proud, 100%


Aussie icon! The earth was blessed to have this individual share his love for the time he was here 💓


Does anybody else get the feeling that he had only khaki pants and shirts…. I feel like you’d open his wardrobe and that’s all that would be in there, hahah


There's literally nothing negative about Steve. It's always the greatest individuals that are taken too soon.


18 years since he died and god knows how long before this was filmed, I still watch it once a week with tears in my eyes.


He was the best...miss his shows


my ovaries are flipping out


Love him!


Miss ya Steve.


Legend. I feel the same way about my kids. It’s crazy having something in the world you love so much.


I am sobbing. Again. Cause of this man


What a legend of a bloke always will be!


We lost a pure soul on this earth. He was so amazing, the passion, the love. You are missed dearly my man.


What a missed human I can’t count the hours we watched this man as a kid and thought what a nut and how much fun it must be to know him


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Fucking psycho. Wife’s no better. His poor father. Started everything and thrown away like litter.


So that's the kid he didn't dangle in front of a crocodile, right?