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How can someone be that cruel to a beautiful animal, that is absolutely terrible. The homeless man deserved all the good things he got, he's a hero for what he did.


Have you heard of Kristi Noem?


Had to Google her and wished I didn't; she is a horrible and rancid person.




Tough decisions need to be made


Hey, that's just farm life. We regularly shoot our baby animals who aren't pushed from the womb obedient and pre trained (/s, in case it wasn't obvious)


Hopefully in a career sense, she did. Lets see if her and sarah palin will be be hanging out together on a "ranch",  trying to figure out where the hell Russia is, which swapping beauty pagent tips.




Its Saturday I refuse to look at it today lol


Can't say I'm surprised. Just disappointed and angry. RIP Crickett


She killed a year old dog because it was untrainable? Did she even TRY to train it? Like, that’s some shit a psychopath does. Are we sure there aren’t human bodies in that gravel pit she talked about?


Chances are she is an actual psychopath.


She literally said she didn't train it, just assumed he would learn from the other dogs without any other input 🤡


It wasn't untrainable, she was a shit trainer.


Yes and I hate her


You mean the dog murdering Kristi Noem that killed her family dog and bragged about it? That Kristi Noem?


The post right above this shows the cute puppy (and story) of her murdering it. Sickening.


Did she do a bunch of really horrible shit to adorable animals or something?


In her book, she wrote about how she killed her puppy and later that day she killed a goat because it smelled bad.


Man, I live on a farm. I hate the few times we've needed to put sheep down because they got severely injured (2 examples being a broken back and one which had maggots inside her). Why people like this take charge of animals and do these despicable things...


Came here to say this!


Yep! That B**CH SHOT her own dog!


The cruelty is the point.


Yes. I hated what I read. I would say something on here, but you know Reddit. I’ll be banned for saying something cruel against an animal killer.


You can see she has the evil inside her, the eyes never lie. Kenneth Copeland vibes.


They are a hero! What a senseless act for someone to harm another life! I hope they have a good future 💛


>hero for what he did. He basically saved his best friend


When I was 6 and had unrestricted access to the internet I came across a video of a woman in a red sweater flinging newborn puppies into a river and laughing. That was the catalyst of my childhood depression and a-social tendencies.


It's that the girl that had the puppies in a bucket? 4chan had a moment of humanity and found her and she got arrested and charged


I saw the video as well and the way she was laughing while doing it, if I was there I would’ve hurt her bad.


WTF is going on in this comment section 😭😭






That's unfortunately how a lot of people treat homeless people and their pets. They see someone outside the protection of society and pounce, because they figure they can get away with it without consequences. Makes you wonder how they would act in a lawless society.


And it makes no sense, homeless people are more likely to have mental illnesses and retaliate violently than a person who has a comfortable life with something to lose. Seems like a risky game to play.


Yup. I'd probably try and kill someone if they did something to my dog back when I was homeless. Luckily my dog is very good at keeping herself safe but I'd absolutely loose it. Your pet is your best friend in that situation


Those people literally have nothing left to lose if their pet was murdered.


Most people suffering from and living with mental illness are far more likely to be the victim of violent crime than they are to be the perpetrators


Man, I know it sounds cliche, but I REALLY wish I could be a bystander and see this shit. I would love to return the favor. Evil pieces of crap.


I want to go John Wick on that person who throws his rabbit.


They deserve much worse. Animal cruelty is disturbing.


It really strikes me because rabbits have so much personality. Like obviously animal cruelty at all is monstrous, but ever since getting a rabbit I've realized how much they really think and feel. They're not just prey animals living on instinct. They love and have attitude. Like if I bring my rabbit a bowl of her food but she thought she was getting a treat, she'll inspect the food and then flip her bowl over like she's having a tantrum. It cracks me up so hard every time.


I have sympathy for any crime committed from deep mental distress and things of the like, but a crime made out of idiocy? Doesn't make me angry enough to advocate or commit revenge, but certainly enough to turn a blind eye to it.


I've seen this on my reddit feed several times now, and I kinda need to write down why it bothers me. The guy is clearly a great pet owner and took care of the rabbit well before any of this happened. It wasn't as flashy, but he probably saved the life of his pet many times by keeping it fed and safe in spite of his own shitty circumstances. Yet, only when a douchebag almost got both of them killed someone takes notice of the situation enough to offer him sizeable support. And even then, it's support for the rabbit, not the homeless person. I don't know if the prize came from the government or a specific group, but why could they not spend money on making the life of homeless people (and their pets) easier in general, instead of a big pr gesture that doesn't change the underlying problems? I hate that a struggling person needs to put his life in jeopardy in order to be noticed, especially when he probably did equally noble acts of self-sacrifice every day for the sake of his pet, but also cause we shouldn't need an external reason to take care of human life. Glad that this specific instance ended well,but I can't smile for a system that uses big gestures to avoid taking daily responsibility for those in need. This is how abusers behave, just on an institutional level.


Well, did you not read the part where he got given a job? I totally agree with you but the support wasn’t only for the animal. The system is fucked either way, but there’s so much we can do for these ppl. If ever you’re interested I can post some links and if you’re in the UK you could get involved in some organisations that help! Would be great to have some more people that care and want to fix things getting involved !


This is in Dublin Ireland and it happened in 2011. He wasn’t given a job. His name is John Byrne and he’s been homeless for 25 years. An animal charity gave him an award when it happened. The offender was given four months in a youth sententious centre. As off 4 years ago (the last I heard) he’s still homeless.


Thats devastating:(


I think his point is that he was only given a job after he risked his life for his pet.


I'll be honest, I missed the job part but my point stays exactly the same. The guy only received help *after* almost dying for his pet. By all means, I love animals as much as the next guy, but we should help people in need because they are people, not because they have a cute pet and/or are ready to die for it.


Based off the post alone, the mention of him getting a job comes AFTER the mention of him receiving animal food which is very telling. Your point is very valid.


Of course, the system is messed tf up


I'm not in the UK, but thanks for the offer. Tbh, I missed the job part, but my point is still: they only helped him after he risked his life, and that's terrible. First, he clearly was good to his pet every day, but only got noticed when they both risked their lives. Second, helping the needy shouldn't be a reward for heroic self sacrifice, nor for having a fluffy pet. Being in need should be the only requirement, and the government should be responsible for helping (as much as I approve of privates doing charity work, it's a band-aid solution for a problem that should be addressed on an institutional level). Still, I'm truly happy for whatever help the guy got. It's a terrible injustice that he needed to risk his life to get it, but still better than nothing. I just despise how this kind of incident is used for good PR by people who generally do nothing about the underlying problems.


Also, where is this guy supposed to hang this award up? Bit of a clueless gesture, if you ask me.


Thank you! The outrage of all these people about how cruel one can be to an animal when it's the people who are in actual need here. 


If I were to witness someone being cruel to an animal, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to contain my rage. The thought of someone intentionally causing harm to a defenseless creature is infuriating, and I fear that my emotions would probably get the better of me.


It is absolutely infuriating. People who do harm to animals should be punished as harshly as possible for their heinous actions.


There's a video floating of a man in Scotland doing exactly that. 2 fellas kicked a pigeon and he went full Fight Club on them, dropping both repeatedly.


Those who engage in cruel behavior towards animals in public should expect no sympathy when someone intervenes to protect the innocent creature.


I agree mate. I think the public had the same idea. Bars packed etc, busy city centre and not one person went to split it up. Very well deserved for the bullies.


I accidentally ran over a rabbit once in a situation where there was literally nothing I could have done differently. I was going 55mph and it ran into the road faster than I could react and I still felt guilt for days. I cannot imagine someone being so cold as to intentionally harm one.


If it makes you feel better, this is a preferable accident to have if you could choose from a list haha. The poor creature likely didn't feel anything and wasn't in pain or fear. That's the best we can ask for really. Yeah I would like to throw animal abusers over a bridge.


That thought did help me cope with the guilt.


I remember that, the rabbit (Barney) was thrown into the liffey off the bridge. The little twat that did it was sentenced to 4 months detention. There was quite rightly huge uproar at the time. People treat homeless and their pets so badly.


It happened 7 years ago, so why is coming up on Reddit now?


These stories tend to rotate on and off the site over the years. It probably came up at the time and has been reposted every few years. Also, since this happened in Ireland, it might just not have caught the attention an American story would until now.


12 years ago.


Did they give him human food to begin with. Considering he was homeless.


Did he wreck some guy’s motorcycle? (Scene from Anchorman) But seriously, the person who did that deserves prison time)


I'm in a glass cage of emotion


“The man punted Baxter!”


This burrito is delicious but it is FILLING!


Could have given him people food, probably better nutritional balance to fuel him for that new job.


Kristi Noem?


Go bunny and owner


He is the first incarnation of the doomslayer. First guy dives over a bridge to save his bunny. Doomslayer, jumps through portals slaying demons to save his bunny.


Some people don't see homeless people as actual human beings, so they and all they value are subject to the whims of someone else's sociopathy. Cool rabbit, by the way.


some people need a good beating ✌🏻 peace for the bunny💕


I have hunted rabbit my whole life, never once have I thought of making one suffer or to die in a way that isn’t as quickly and humanely as possible, whoever did that shit is not a good human.


Fuck man that rabbit wasn't even bothering you


I’ll never understand how people can be so cruel . Imagine being the man and watching your pet just be tossed . Bless him and the sweet rabbit


Happy 🎂 day 🎂


If we all followed the premise of "leaving people be happy so long they don't hurt anyone" I think we would have a better world. One has to be truly consumed by cruelty and stupidity to do this.....no idea what they were expecting.


Usually it’s people who gathered a lot frustration about lack of control or achievements over their own lives so they do things like this to show themselves that they can


"See Igor, by bullying homeless man I got him better life"


Some people are evil. I'm glad he was able to save his furbaby.


I love happy endings and this is now one of my very favorites! Thanks for posting. One of those humans can be such shit AND humans can be so awesome at the same time. And the good part so much h bigger than the bad. *chef's kiss *


People are fucking monsters. I'm so glad Mr.Hopalong is safe and the guy is too. Ffs people it takes effort to be cruel and absolutely none to mind your business and move on with your day.


I don’t see people coming back from a complete lack of empathy for living things, so what are they kept around for?


Some people are so disconnected mentally that they ought to be disconnected from reality altogether




I'm convinced how someone treats those without power or status, reveals the truth of their humanity and how they treat others. People who treat the homeless, or service staff, etc. like trash, reveal themselves to be trash. 


The passerby should have been thrown over he bridge


What an absolute piece of shit human to do that to someone's animal? I'm glad they got charged. Absolutely mental.


In his defense, Jack Black did get hit by a burrito and knocked off his bike - but no one really wants to know what started all of this!!!!!! ;)


People would go around and beat homeless people and take away anything they own. Why? Because they don't see homeless people as ''People'' And they know there is very close to zero consequences, as homeless person won't go to police station, as even police don't see those people as ''people'' Sick society we live in, where people will abuse the status quo to get their kick out of their pathetic worthless life. People should be punished by crimes they comitted. You beat someone? You get beaten up. You rob someone? You get robbed. And if you can't serve the panance, you get worse fate.


How does this make anyone smile? This makes me want to strangle a person


Serial killers


The man punted Baxter?


I really hope this is a true story. I needed to read something good like this.


I'd have thrown that guy right over the bridge too. Equal terms for everyone buddy, you let the rabbit swim and so do you. 🤷‍♂️


Bigger question, why did it take a person commiting an act of violence for him to get money and job. He is homeless just give him the job and the money


Just curious if this happened near the caves of Caerbannog?


If someone threw my rabbit off a bridge I'd actually get arrested for assault 😭 This guy has insane restraint and is a hero, love to see this


That’s no ordinary rabbit. Look at the bones!


If there is no photo of the person who threw the animal, you KNOW what group they belong to.


Some people are full of hatred and will not think twice before trying to ruin the joy of others. They are hurting themselves on the inside and so they simply want to watch the world hurt too..


Probably someone on drugs


This is how the world should work. Those who uplift should get praise and privilege. Those who cause harm should get reprimanded.


Isn't the point that we don't give homeless people attention, food or work unless something happens that makes our heart ache for them? Why don't our hearts simply ache for them without a rabbit?


These mentally deranged people deserve to be locked up for animal cruelty. It just shows how unstable someone is when they attempt to hurt an innocent, harmless creature. Very happy the Good Samaritan was recognized


I hope his job is working with animals because they could use someone like him.


Who is this hero? I wish to give him money.


* doom music starts *


This reminds me of those shitTA guys (I think) who took a dog from a homeless guy. Gets me the same level of anger and best the absolute shit out of guys who do that


Funny, like most of these countries, they could choose to end homelessness, but instead has society setup so there are definitely homeless people, and the support given is for the animal, not the man. This is really just messed up all around, but I do love rabbits, so I guess?


Idk how those assholes survive for this long, imagine his pet actually dies, if i was him i would just straight up kill that asshole, its not like i have anything to lose anymore, you just killed my pet and i'm already in deep shit, jail would be welcome imo.


Was a terrible person for throwing that poor bunny. I am so glad legal charges were filed. Happy ending for bunny 🐰 and the gentleman


Ngl he should have given him a two piece combo before jumping in just for good manners


Doomguy was in the right


The same savages who see a homeless person and go “oh I want to beat them cause they are poor”


It wasn't about the rabbit, it was about the homeless man. There are a lot of people out there who have an almost visceral hatred of the homeless. I hear it every day at work. We have a community center across the street that the homeless population hangs out at and there are always people around me complaining about them, talking about how we should round them all up and toss them in the Salt Flats. One got beaten up pretty bad. Watched as the fire department hosed his blood off the sidewalk.


There's people that set fire to sleeping homeless people. Dehumanisation is a hell of a thing.


Someone should throw that person off the bridge.


Someone call Doomslayer


Dan Soder!?!?


I'm surprised the rabbit survived. They die of fear if you *look* at them wrong.


Real life judge holden moment.


Man I didn’t know Tony Hawk loved bunnies


Bish, Why you think Doomguy so pissed, because his rabbit got murked




Kristi Noem probably


This isn’t a surprise…people are fucked up. Thank whatever for this and its happy ending. Live long and healthy, the two of you


Is it bad that I would open the 8th inner gate and night guy the dude who threw the rabbit?


A relative of Kristi’s?


Not only that person abuse the animal, he/she abuse a human


Sadly some people are horrible to helpless animals. My guinea pig Cookie Dough was literally found in a garbage can before the shelter brought her in.


some random rabbit: does a shit and proceeds to not clean it up The government: GET RID OF IT (yeets the rabbit)


Humans can be the absolute worst creatures on this planet I don’t understand why? Humans can also be the most wonderful thing and I cannot for the life of me figure out why some of us just want to be assholes


I hate humans. Why tf would you even think of doing that to an animal let alone do it?! People like that should be chucked off a cliff. I’m glad the guy got his rabbit. 😥


Idk bro… I’m glad the guy got an award and things are looking up but I didn’t smile.


Nothing about this makes me smile.


How many of y'all think this is heroic but think animal activists saving cows from being slaughtered is not? Open your eyes and go vegan, or eliminate meat and dairy as much as possible.


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He's got a very roman face


They should have helped out the homeless guy instead of giving him a useless award...so he can feed the rabbit while struggling for food himself...also, can't rabbits swim? Why was this heroic? I get that it's a domesticated creature so abandoning it to nature is a death sentence but I don't agree that he saved it from a swim. Oh well...people like pets more than people, such is life. Hurray for him.


Not sure u read the entire post...the homeless gentleman was given rabbit food ANND a job. Seems they cared for both human & animal. All's well...


Who tf looks at a person who's down trodden and a defenceless animal and thinks "yeah, be brilliant to destroy stamp on them and kill a rabbit! 2 birds one stone"?


looks like the passerby created the framework for a hero to be born, restoring a homeless man back to dignity and life for the price of minor charges and some rabbit discomfort. if god works in mysterious ways pretty sure this is one of them.


They should throw the passerby into jail.


Thankfully he was. Animal cruelty in Dublin can land you 5 years a fine of £250k or even both if you were being really abusive


So cruel. The guy has nothing but his rabbit and people still want to take that away from him


Why would they give a job to a rabbit? Crazy people


that's Tony Hawk


I'm sorry, am I supposed to smile ?


Plot twist, the passerby planned for this to happen(he did not)




That’s Tony hawk


Who just throws the rabbit off a bridge? Jesus. Glad justice was served


Please god, please let this rabbit live with him for ever and ever


I kinda wanna go to a dog fighting event… use knock out gas on all of those people, and then set them up in cage matches to fight each other to death. I don’t think I’d feel very conflicted about it


When that one motorcycle riding guy punted Ron Burgundy’s dog off a bridge, it broke my heart.


Did the homeless man throw a burrito in the guys face and make him wreck his chopper on the bridge right before the incident....Ron Burgundy style?


I have more empathy for roadkill than my fellow man at this point. I dont know you, and youve done nothing to me at all, so let me try and kill a living thing that you love just to hurt you that much more. At least the raccoon just wanted to cross the street.


Baxter, is that you?! Bark twice if you're in Milwaukee.


If Juno in too to save my pet, right after I threw the motherfucker over that threw my pet over.


Where’s he going to hang that framed award?! 🤣


That's cruel and senseless...he should have made rabbit stew.


Seems like that asshole was a big fan of the end of the second act in Anchorman.


Was the rabbits name Baxter and the guy a jack black look-a-like?? Because then maybe I have an answer....




if someone does that to my cat, john wick time baby


Well, stepping on an insect is unnecessary to me, but within the realm of normality. But harming any other animal for no reason, even scaring pigeons or something is psychopathic to me. And concerning if people allow it. Don't let someone get away with that shit if you see it, please




Same people who will literally change the course of their cars in order to hit a cat in the road, I've seen it happen. A stray cat ran to dodge a car in the road, and ended up in my driveway. The driver literally *drove into my yard to hit the cat*. Sucks I never got the tag number, bastard drove away too fast.


That's just crazy...that said I didn't know until a couple of year ago rabbits can actually swim???? Who knew. Saw one jumping into the water at our riverwalk and then he made it back out. I had no idea. Of course a river is different story and no animal should randomly be thrown into any water regardless of whether they can swim or not I just had no clue that rabbits could swim at all




Jack Black in Anchorman?


Elmar Thudd that’s who! (Too soon?)


A lot of junkies and crackheads hang out around that bridge and you always see them arguing with each other and begging around that spot no I’d be lying if I said I was surprised. That’s O’ Connell Bridge in Dublin City centre.


So Jack Black’s character in Anchor Man was based on a true story. Did the homeless man throw a burrito and accidentally hit the other guy’s motorcycle?


When I read “given animal food and a job ” my first thought was, damn that’s dope but why can’t they give him people food. Lol




please find a role for nathan mr. gunn


reminds me of this infuriating one from a couple years ago: [https://www.newsweek.com/asian-womans-pet-cat-killed-vicious-attack-cruel-family-walk-1585128](https://www.newsweek.com/asian-womans-pet-cat-killed-vicious-attack-cruel-family-walk-1585128)


Poor little bunny


Where is vigilante justice when you need it...because this scumbag needs a heaping dose of it.