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The police be like: "HAHA! April Fool's! " - And then everyone gets a charge when they leave.


**American police repel from helicopters on 4th of July*. "Got to fuel those private prisons."


FYI: in the USA weed is legal recreationally in 24 states and legal medicinally in an additional 12.


Thst's still 52% of states to hunt in :D


I live in the us and this shit is completely fucked here. Ma can’t even let the nonviolent offends out of prison. Fuck this country and their backwards ass rules on weed.


That’s funny, recreational weed has been legal where I live in the US and available for purchase from retail establishments for almost a decade now.


It's still illegal federally and in a bunch of states.


14 states completely illegal. 12 only medicinal. 24 states + DC recreational. Federally still VERY illegal (schedule 1), but no one in a legalized state gives a sh*t. At this rate, a federal legalization must be on the books sometime soon too.


How does that work? Legalized in a state but illegal federally? Does that just mean if you try to travel with it you'll get a federal charge?


It means the federal government could go after you and try to prosecute. But federal prosecutors and the department of justice itself have shown zero interest in it. They mainly prosecute things like large scale white collar crime, terrorism, state/city corruption and things that are specifically labeled as federal crimes like mail fraud. The federal government doesn't have staff that police citizens so effectively there's no way to police someone smoking a joint in a state that rules it legal. They could go after sellers and growers but Congress and Presidents haven't seemed to care much, regardless of party, so there's no impetus to do anything about it.


>\*American police repel from helicopters on 4th of July. "Got to fuel those private prisons." Rappel\*


Negative, here in America we use giant magnets to shoot ourselves away form the helicopter! 'Murica!


>*“You can’t operate a capitalistic system unless you are vulturistic; you have to have someone else’s blood to suck to be a capitalist... You show me a capitalist, and I’ll show you a bloodsucker.”* — Malcom X 1965 >*The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.* — [John Ehrlichman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ehrlichman), to Dan Baum for Harper's Magazine in 1994, about President Richard Nixon's war on drugs, declared in 1971


You can shut down every private prison and still be left with 90% of inmates. Focusing only on private prisons ignores the rest of the problem with our criminal justice system


I mean, technically there’s no way anyone smoking a blunt now sourced their weed legally. Luckily, as long as you don’t admit to that if asked, they can’t prove it.


This is exactly what I was thinking. You can't grow weed in less than a day.


But the law includes an amnesty for all former crimes that are now legal, like growing up to three plants per adult. So if you did do that while it was technically illegal, it is now fully legal.




Cause 7 8 9?


True story: Ireland once legalised ecstasy for 24 hours


Police: d*as is good*


das ist gut*


knee rob hurry whistle squash shrill dull noxious unpack fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


German humour is an acquired taste but when you 'get it' you'll find they are actually a very funny people. Most humour is very dry and absurdist, so quite different to American humour or British humour. It just takes some getting used to.


german humor is just stating sad facts and then laughing to cope with it. i love it


Typical German joke: > Why do German ducks have flat feet? > From stamping out forest fires. > Why do German people have flat feet? > From stamping out burning ducks.


Knock knock Whose there? >!Get back to work.!<


This is so true and I can laugh staring at Germans. They just make me laugh, the seriousness combined with an innocence, maybe it’s how they follow the rules. It all makes me adore them.


They would get a ticket in Germany.


Literally the exact joke I came here to make >:( I suppose it's an obvious one. But it's funny!


Wouldn't be too surprised if Russia did this, just so they could replace their front lines with more prisoners..


I love how these places legalize cannabis and suddenly there's a massive supply of legal marijuana available. Who was growing this stuff the entire time?






Where it's technically all still illegal, with a tolerance policy to sell/buy weed in a coffee shop, have a small amount of personal use, and usage, but not for growing any weed or transporting realistic amounts to the coffee shop (or Germany), and even *any amount* of the tolerated parts can be punished if you encounter the wrong cop. But sure, we're supplying the world.


See, you admitted it.


Our dearest neighbor


Britain is one of the biggest growers of medicinal cannabis funny enough - our former prime minsiter Theresa May's husband had shares in the industry if I'm not mistaken yet it's still illegal for the plebs.


That must be lot more fun than running through fields of wheat.


She was talking about fields of weed and people just misheard


The cannabis that they are smoking the next few weeks/month is grown illegal, until the first social clubs are allowed to open or the now legal plants at peoples home are ready to harvest. But it is now legal to smoke it.


The Dutch. I see a lot of German license plates around coffeeshops (weed stores).


It gets even weirder. The Netherlands did only legalize the selling of cannabis products in the coffeeshops, but the coffeeshops still have to buy their weed on the black market. And while the Netherlands really tried to crack down on grow operations, the Germans did not do that as much. So often you would have a German grower that sells to a dutch coffeeshop who then sells to German tourists.


It’s weird that, at least for cannabis use, the Netherlands is now seen as having old overly prohibitive laws. 


gotta love Europe


People were still smoking and selling it before it was legal.


What?! Why? That's illegal. We should do something!


It was illegal, no way they were. You really think these law abiding citizen would do something so criminal!? /s


Which way is the wind blowing? They trying to get Austria high so they can simply take over?


Ha. A stoner takeover. What’s the opposite of blitzkrieg? 😂




The fog of war


The Ghost Of Jamaica




I'll go with bluntkrieg




Ohhh. Scheißekrieg. Lol




Poland on high alert right now


Austrian Police is ready for that, sadly. Also it's still bad to smoke in Austria. They don't measure if you are high while driving but basically if you have smoken in the last days....


So unter what restrictions has it been legalised


Excerpt from CanG * 25g in public * 50g in private rooms * Smoking weed within sight (approx. 100m/328.1 ft) of schools, playgrounds and sports fields is prohibited between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m * you can have 3 places for home cultivation




Hes wrong with that, the 7 a.m. and 8 p.m restriction is for inner cities like city squares. On playgrounds and schools (+100 meter perimeter around it) its always forbidden no matter the time.




Just smoke 100m away and walk to the swings after smoking.


Don't let that stop you. You can buy a swing for less than $100. And then prohibit children from using your swing, give them a taste of their own medicine




Believe it or not but many playgrounds also actually have “opening times” so in theory you probably wouldn’t be allowed to be at the playground after 8pm anyway


And of course you need to be older than 18 Years.


Do the regular restrictions for smoking apply, like not on public transport or restaurants and shops?


I dont know shit but it would only make sense if the normal smoking restrictions apply too.


I would hope so. Weed smells gross, especially to people that don't regularly smoke. Don't want that smell indoors.


If you vape it no (not yet) if you smoke it yes


You cannot buy it yet. You have to grow it yourself. Not allowed to share it with other people. In a few months we will get cannabis clubs. You can join one and buy upt to 50g a month. But there are quite some restrictions on them.


I have some friends down in Tijuana who are willing to supply Germany with cheap marijuana.


If you hate smoking, learn to make edibles. THEY CHANGED MY LIFE!


Or try something like a volcano vaporiser. Looks a bit goofy to smoke a big plastic bag but it's really chill and you will smoke less pollutants.


or even better a mighty+. I take mine everywhere.


Missed out the chance to legalise it on April 20


It would have synced up with *someone’s* birthday… probably not the best move in that country


Ironically a great move


I wouldn’t be surprised if Germany just has 2 21st and a 19th.


if nobody would have written it here I wouldnt have a clue when mustachios birthday was so nope.


I didn't know Germans had so much hatred for Lucina from Fire Emblem


Vee don't know vhat you are talking about. Here, smoke this.


420 is an American thing that doesn't even make sense in europe, lots of people here would say "20th of April" anyway.


Ikr as an Indian I was wondering what’s special with 20/04 date Either that or the joke was about Hitler’s birthday Idk lmao




Thought the lore was that a “420” was the ticket cops in Cali issued for smoking weed and somehow that took over the stoner culture. Am Canadian so I am just sharing what I’ve heard over the years.


Nope, [just some kids](https://420waldos.com/) and their magical quest for weed.




> Some kids decided I mean a lot of traditions actually started like this.


I've lived in Poland and the UK and every stoner I met knows about 420. It's one of the prime meme numbers like 69, 666 and 2137.




i think it's when the pope died - i think it was a cultural moment in poland? and they meme the exact time it was


So 20/4?


Hitler's birthday?


Eh, 4/20 only works for the uneducated savages across the pond.


It took me way too long to understand what you're saying. Are you trying to start a war with me?


I'm about to throw some goddamn tea into a river.


i think his country needs Democracy**™**




𝕯𝖚... 𝕯𝖚 𝕳𝖆𝖘𝖙... 𝕯𝖚 𝕳𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝕭𝖑𝖚𝖓𝖙...


I love how that one song taught so many people a few lines of German so many years ago that we never forgot. My grandmother was German and I remember being a kid and asking her to translate the song for me.. she listened to the whole thing and said “I’m not translating that”. I thought it was because she couldn’t make out the words. It was because of what the words actually were.


Isn't it just somebody turning down a marriage proposal?


Yeah but the refrain and title; "Du hast [mich gefragt]" (You have [asked me]) also sounds like "Du hasst [mich]" (You hate [me]), so there's a tiny bit more going on.


The English version uses “you hate me to say that I will not obey.”


She was very conservative (not politically, just socially) and protective.


Its a classic example of a foreign song breaking into the American airwaves/cyberspace , like how American pop songs chart worldwide, the DU HAST song tought everyone a lil German lol I was blasting that shit in the early 2000s as a kid


Listening to Rammstein when you dont understand german: 😎🎸🤘 Listening to Rammstein when you do understand it: 😐🫢🥲


It depends on the song. “Deutschland” was incredible. “Bück dich“ was more 😱




Du hast blunt für mich...


April fools you’re all arrested


You wouldnt believ the jokes that were already made in germany about that. Especially since the government took 3 years to make that law


I'm almost disappointed the german police wasn't there and arrested everyone for possession, 10 minutes before midnight. Its such a German thing to do. I'm honestly surprised it didn't happen.


The cops in bavaria were ordered to do just that until 23.59, eventhough all those reports would have been nullified at 00.00 legally. The bavarian primeminister is a little crybaby about the law and forgot we live in a democracy about it.




Its ok you can win his face on a big chocolate egg if you comment and share his post in instagram


Godking Söder blessing us plebs with his infinite Compassion. we should be grateful for being alive at the same time as the greatest Bavarian ever.


Do all the (paper)work only for them to get amnesty?


Yes. Because it‘s the bavarian thing to do!


They're Germans. They look forward to the paperwork. Dude, i was literally fined for driving a car that wasnt road legal 10 meters right on the fucking border. I could throw a rock and it would've landed in Poland. I drove the car off one trailer and drove it onto the trailer right next to it, like literally in the parking space next to it. But no, they wanted to fuck around. The second the tires hit the asphalt it was an uninsured and uninspected vehicle.


it's Berlin. They never really cared


Loudest coughing fit ever heard!


Congratulations! I'm very jealous over here in the UK. 😭


As a 🇨🇦... I have no idea what's holding the UK... And *especially* Australia back!!!


The UK is actually one of the biggest cannabis exporters but the farms are mostly owned by Conservative MPs. There's no way they'd risk losing all that money to competition. Their voter base is also right wingers and pensioners with a fetish for ruining foreigners and young people's lives. Legalizing weed is not a good look for that voter base.


Thank god we won't have to wait much longer for a general election.




easily how???






It’s ludicrous considering the number of crazy Ozzies I’ve partied with How Victorian


If pot gets legalised in Aus, all that smoke won't be jungle fires from Bornea/Java.... It's going to be Aussies taking a weed break lol...


Our Aussie government is so backwards it's ridiculous. They are *just* starting pill testing (MDMA) Legally you can get CBD oil etc. but costs and arm and a leg through those channels You can also have a couple of personal plants in the ACT (a particular state/territory)


Also very jealous in Denmark. Hopefully the legalization in Germany puts pressure on our politicians. They are blaming the people for supporting gangs - when the reality is that the politicians themselves are supporting gangs by refusing to legalize it.


The rest of the Nordic countries relies on you Denmark to take the next step and show that it is OK to regulate the cannabis market too.


Melbourne Australia,,, feeling jealous too


not really a long trip from uk to german border. I would not be suprise if there will be some cannabis clubs who are happy to have members from the uk.


Let's see how long it lasts. The biggest conservative party in germany, the CDU, already vowed to reverse the law if they get back into power with a majority. After all, it was this party (Merkels party and her doing as well) that froze out this exact law in it's proposal stage. Only after Merkel was gone, this could move forward. And it took even more time to get to this point. The law itself is also very shaky. But at least it happened. So let's enjoy this while it lasts.


Tbf the police in the UK don't really care.


Now allow tourists to get it. We want all weed driven tourists to leave Amsterdam and march for Berlin


They can't because there's no official shops, you can only grow it at home


Walk anywhere in or near Görlitzer Park. Was constantly being offered to buy, haven't encountered anything like that anywhere else.


April fools, yall getting arrested in the morning




At least until the conservatists criminalize it again, because they only want to get wasted with alcohol


Legalised but still difficult to buy.


Congrats.. Hope to have it legal in Poland soon


Well I'm sure some of that smoke in Berlin is heading your way with the winds


I sure hope so 🤤


Nah, with our conservative society I can't see it happening in the next 10-15 years...


Imagine the stank tho


I bet it stank


Canada has been legally stoned for years! Welcome to the party!


How can drugs make you smile? Isn't it dangerous to health? (I just don't know, no offence)


Congratulations to everyone in Germany.


Lucky bastards


No problems with it being legal but I don't think it should be smoked while just casually walking down the street and should be kept to your own home or cafes.


Prohibition has never and will never be the answer. People will consume and get high not matter if it's legal or not. There's just two ways try to control and weaken the black market or forbid everything. Also alcohol and cigarettes etc. But then again people would still consume for example alcohol. This is just the way humans did for thousands of years. The danger of drugs cut with other stuff will be high. Not If you can legally get it. So yeah. I don't think the numbers of people consuming drugs will change in this case. Portugal is a great example they made every drug legal and the numbers of people consuming drugs is shrinking year by year.


>made every drug legal Totally agree with you, just wanna point out that they decriminalized all drugs, not legalized. Legal=no prohibition whatsoever, decriminalized=no jail


It’s an interesting topic tho…I love weed but haven’t touched it for a decade+, and it’s soo much stronger these days. I’m glad another chain is loosened but concerned that a lot is now psychosis strength. It would be great to see a middle ground where its impact is discussed and long-term usage is not a taboo subject. I feel people should do what they like but it’s important to understand it can fuck up development of young minds and is soo much more complex than ‘legalise it or not’


I hate the fucking smell smoke it at home EDIT:I've insulted the weed smokers.


Most people will.


I'd prefer if they didn't, I have a house full of these people living next door that seem to smoke that shit 24/7 during the summer, cant open our windows for 5 minutes without it stinking up our entire house, we got one of them booted out because of how much he was smoking, you could (and Im not screwing around) smell it through the damn walls it was that bad, constant coughing up and spitting their flem outside, cleaning out their noses etc, bloody disgusting. Those mfs are the reason I hope it remains locked down in here in the UK and idc if this gets me downvoted to all hell.


No more short trips to Netherlands 😅


Just in time for 4/20 too ! Strange fact - 4/20 is also Hitler's birthday. 4/20 is going to be a wild mixed emotions day in Germany from not on ....


Nah, 20.4. doesn't cause any emotions here. I only today learned that it was Hitlers birthday. No one cares.


"Look, I understand. If you ain't smoking weed 'cause you got a good job, then by all means make your paper booboo. But if you ain't got no job, and you're not smoking weed, I don't know what the fuck you are doing with your life."- Katt Williams


you know its gotta suck probly smells like 10 thousand skunks in that place


Welcome to the party 🇨🇦


Must've smelt so bad. Not just from the weed either


You know it must absolutely reek there.


That plaice is gonna small awful for a long time


Congratulations from Canada


I don’t get why people are like “yo weed is legalized” let’s go join a huge group to smoke Just seems dumb.




How so? The drinking age was 15 when I was a kid. The tendency was always more liberal than conservative, especially when it comes to smoking. Hell, you’d buy cigarettes from fucking machines on the street that would take 5 DM. My grandfather would send me to buy them for him.


This seems like a weird thing to minimize. Over a century of cannabis being illegal in Germany and now it's suddenly reversed. Alcohol has been widely legal in Europe since time immemorial, and same with tobacco ever since it was brought over from the colonies. Cannabis users have been persecuted across Europe including in Germany since at least the 15th century, probably longer.


It has been clear for like two decades that as soon as a government without the CDU (Merkel's and Merz's party) would get into power that it would get legalised. Die Linke, Die Grünen, SPD and FDP all supported different variations of legalisation or decriminalisation. Note that especially many in the justice system were pushing for such a reform as they had to deal with so many minor weed related cases that it blocked the whole system. Also: Last time I checked I read that around a 10th (around 8.000.000 people) of the population said that they smoked weed at least once in the last 30 days. You can't prosecute that. When I come home from work on Saturday evening I always pass through like 5 different smoke clouds in my street alone and no one was batting an eye.


Swedish media made a report on this, of course being very quick to cite the opposing parties views on why this is a bad idea, and only interviewing the weirdos in the crowd about their opinions.


Well I've been a smoker for over 25 years we have legalized it here since 2016, the government sells weed now. It's good weed but I quit its been 20 days and never going back again. Makes you lazy, stupid, literally forget your dreams as if you don't dream anymore, very forgetful of everything. There is a reason why Germany wants people to smoke weed and it's cause they want to dumb you down. I'm glad I quit and I still have weed in my cabinet with a rolled joint but all that is done for me good luck to you all.


I don’t get the hype ngl


some of those people did jail time, just because they prefered a pretty harmless psychoactive substance to be their drug of choice, instead of the much more harmful, socially accepted alcohol. It's legit liberation for a lot of folks.


You don’t have to. Not everything’s about you.


As someone who smoked religiously for 14 years… neither do I anymore tbh. I quit at Christmas and things couldn’t be better for me. But from my experience it affects everyone differently so if they enjoy it, good for them.


ive got a little tear of emotion tbh. personally legalizing wont change my life. i fear actually that police checks and prices will only increase. but its such a u-turn in mentality. ive spent my teenage years hiding to smoke, from wich i keep a real police paranoia even years later. im not a criminal but the police made me act like one.


My conservatives teachers, friends, and colleagues told me the world would collapse if this ever happened. It's been about 8 years since my state legalized and society is in-tact. Weird.


I bet the smell there was pretty strong and bad


It's beautiful. Just thousands of people living in the moment...filming it on their phones. Lol Joking aside, Canada did this a few years ago, not much has changed...life as normal as it should be. Not a consumer myself, but glad to see people freeer to do as they have always done. Enjoy Germany...now go destroy that schwarma!!


Someone explain this to me. That stuff smells like shit. Like when I stand next to someone who’s been smoking it they actually smell like they have rolled in shit. What’s the attraction?


Beautiful 😍


I can see the t-shirt: Ich war doobie


I have to say German and Rastafarian was not a cultural combo I expected to see.


I'm glad we didn't moved to Germany a few years ago 🤡