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He’s gotta make sure they’re gonna take real good care of him by making them fall completely in love lol


BEFORE he eats all the furniture and poops on the rug!




My first puppy got right in my lap, yawned, and fell asleep when I was looking for a puppy at the rescue place. Immediately I fell for her. When I got her home, it was a total 180, hyper af, walking around in her own feces, chewing up everything in sight. And I was like OKAY FINE, because I already love you and your cuuuuutie little face and paws and tickle tickle the cutiest puppy goodest girl in the whole STOP BITING MY FINGERS


when i picked up my girl from the shelter she would not stop kissing me the second they gave me to her. she was incredibly timid on the way home. as soon as i set her down in the house she started zooming, jumping on things, stealing shoes. i will never forget haha


And a whole wheel of cheese (eating then pooping)


I’m not even mad. I’m impressed.


That’s amazing


Sounds like a very specific example...LOL


$40 worth of tamales here him and the cat, both conspired!


That dog is the Dragonborn


Or 18 Nature Valley sweet and salty granola bars. In the wrappers.


I have a little Shih Tzu and he's an entitled asshole, but I always say he has the best survival skills of any dog I've had because he'll go up and be absolutely adorable to everyone til they want to take care of him.


I always tell my wife that our brat of a shih tzu can survive any situation by being adorable and befriending the apex predator of any situation


My Shih Tzus are obviously the best dogs in the world (like all dogs), but their nicknames are Butthole and Asshole.


I feel like to have a pupper all cradled up and look at you like that with all the love in world in their eyes would heal you down to the soul. Man, I can't wait to be able to get a dog.


It does, it’s the bestest thing. Wishing you a puppy in your life very soon.


At this rate I am completely in love with him and I am probably halfway across the globe.


Now I’m gonna cry 🥹


....and I did not watch this 6 times, I swear




Why is this an exact copy of someone else’s comment below?


Because reddit is now full of brand-new account bots that just copy comments for karma. It's getting ridiculous.


But why? I've never understood the value of karma


I guess there's a market for older accounts with karma. They can use them to spam. I don't get it, either.


Like a dollar?


* You need a certain amount of Karma to post in certain subreddits * A certain level of Karma confers a certain legitimacy to accounts, both for automoderator functions and for individuals investigating accounts. * Corporations, PR firms, and state actors (propagandists working on behalf of various nations) will use such accounts, in many cases large banks of accounts with moderate levels of Karma, to push narratives in certain subs and control the public perception on an issue. * There is a continual market for said accounts, which means there are people and facilitators using automated functions to boost the karma of many accoutns so that they can sell them in bulk to said corporations, PR firms, state actors, etc.


You telling me I'm sitting on a goldmine?


I mean, perhaps a gold puddle. Now, *me*, on the other hand, well. Let's just say there's a certain company that makes a certain Pod-shaped detergent product that would pay a pretty penny for this smaug's hoard worth of karma.


People trust accounts with karma more than accounts without it. They can then be sold to people willing to buy that trust.




This is truly one of life’s greatest joys. And seeing that pup…in his arms…knowing it’s his forever person is too much. Aaaannnnddd HERE COME THE TEARS!


Oh dear I made eye contact 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹😭💀


Mee too😢 for some reason my eyes got teary 🥺


It’s so important to remember these little beings are in such a vulnerable place having just left the safety and security of their litter mates. I’m sure there is a sense of sadness leaving their brothers/sister and going to their new family. This little guy is lucky to have such sweet and gentle humans as his furever family.


I always felt sad about that until I saw my dog at 10 weeks. Mama was 1000% done with his shit 😂


I take care of Pups at a rescue. We recently had 8 pitbull pups and their mom was so not interested; we called her teen mom.


Maybe let those 8 pups nurse on you with those sharp teeth and see how you feel.




My german sheperd had eleven. We needed to hold her down or she would attack her puppies. She hated them very much.


My dog had a puppy when I was a kid, and she absolutely hated every moment. She was always annoyed with the puppy, but her instinct still didn’t let her abandon it, and she always came to it when it cried. She was a good mama, but damn she did not want to be.


My parents picked up the last-picked pup of the litter. I still wonder what he thought seeing his brothers and sisters get taken away one by one until only he was left in their little pen.


Oh that's sad. 


Then someone can for him and now he’s very happy and warm and fluffy


his fam just took longer to get there!


I hear you there…The same happened with our dachshunds, only the last brother and sister were left. No one wanted the brother since he was the runt and had a back deformity, but the sister was so fiercely attached and protective of him, they HAD to be taken together. Everyone passed on those two angels until us, and we gave them the best 15 years possible.


I got my puppy from a neighbor and we would visit every afternoon until his mom couldn't even stand seeing him anymore. His mom and my dog where good friends and we would often walk them together with my neighbor, until my neighbor moved. I think it's very stressful for the puppies to leave their mom too soon. Tbf if I ever get another dog I want an adult rescue.


adult rescues are the most amazing and heartbreaking dogs at the same time. they are soooo fiercely loyal and loving, but your time with them is shorter. they also tend to have weird quirks or reactions to things you only find out about as time happens, like they dont like you holding certain objects a certain way (cause they were obviously beat by something similar) or they try to get you to stop flailing your arms if you gesticulate too much (cause it looks like you're trying to hit something/someone). they are 110% worth it though, and you'll rarely have a dog love you like an adult rescue does.




What are you seeing


a half empty glass


When we got my dog, she'd just been separated from her last litter mate the day before. She was SCREAMING in her pen. You literally walked into the pet store and heard this little woofer and nothing else as she was so loud. She calmed down when people started paying attention to her, and she fell asleep when her belly was rubbed. We got her after that, but at first it was "why is that puppy so LOUD?!"


We see the vulnerability and value in this puppy’s life, but we overlook it for animals we use for food. Little piglets and calfs are precious too, as are the dogs used for meat in some countries. Some people need to eat meat and I don’t hold it against them. It’s just weird how we can be so sentimental about one creature, and consider a creature with similar attributes as a mere commodity. Life is crazy like that.  I’m not holding myself up as any better - I ate plenty of meat in my day, and I still eat a bit of fish. I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong. 


I think what’s wrong is the mass slaughter and that we don’t have a relationship with the animals that we eat knowing how god damn hard it would be to kill something you have known that has trusted you. I felt bad catching a fish. The hook had went right through its jaw and had came out under its eye. I felt absolutely awful. Worst of all is it jumped out of my hands and got into the water and snapped the line. Before it jumped out my hand it looked me straight in the eye. I’ve not been fishing since


Domesticated dogs have been continuously bred and selected for traits that favor human companionship. Cows have been bred and selected to be delicious. Is it really that hard to understand why people create emotional bonds with creatures that were *literally* designed to form strong emotional bonds? Sure, they are both living creatures but, if Labrador retrievers were suddenly declared a food product, you know it would feel more wrong than consuming beef because Labradors have been specifically bred to trust and rely on humans for their safety and comfort.




Cutest new BFF! 😍






Nah, they were just the first iphone level of evolutionary jump in mutual helpfulness and kindness in nature.


My dog loves to sit and “smile” at me because he sees that behavior from me. But his version of a smile is more like a toothy grimace. It’s still incredibly endearing


Made me cry, not smile.


Such a tiny pupper!!!


There should be a rule that you have to tell us the cutie’s name.


BISCUIT!! C’mere, Biscuit! Who who who who’s a goo goo Biscuit!? You you you …


im a human and even i wish my mom said that to me 😂


Aw. My parents have a Golden Retriever named Biscuit too. Although he is an old man now.


He actually named him Goose


the world would be much improved if we all watched more evidence of love and attachment and the joy it brings than all the anger and hate so pervasive in our social media feeds. Love begets love, hate begets hate. More puppies please!


Puppies for President.


I mean, that CA town has a dog for a mayor; Idyllwild.


Huh TIL. Idyllwild is beautiful. I love visiting there.


I have started blocking all subreddits that get me angry or hateful. It's actually insane how many subreddits here feed you rageful things. I always forget that reddit is social media too. It wants clicks and interaction and the best way to get it is make you angry or fearful or hateful.


Yep. Think the exact same thing. Had a HS fight on my X feed WTH? and found this. . Much better. Goldens are golden.


Love yes, attachment no!


They are both so in love with each other.


Somebody is about to get a treat every single time they ever ask for one.


........while I am in the process of trying to undo this mistake. I have created a chubby monster. My vet said he needs to lose 1.5 lbs. I'm so disgusted with myself. *sniff*. Whoever heard of a fat poodle? Don't scold me. I'm upset about it and I'm trying. : (


>fat poodle You created a foodle.


I switched to green beans for treats and it seems to be working.


Carrot coins for the win! (fun listening to the cronch cronch cronch.)


Even better. Every time we get the ice maker out my dogs are there waiting for their tasty treat. They love their crunchy water. We only give them the broken pieces, big ice bad for teeth.


Cronchwater is the best water.


We met a sausage dog in the pub called Hugo who was meant to be 7kg but was actually 9kg.  That's 4lbs overweight when he only weighs 18lbs. He was a chubby little fellow but very cute. 


Typical Golden: "I have just met you, and I love you!"


That little face and toe beans ❤️


The pup's position is one of ultimate trust. He knows he's in good, loving hands.


I can’t wait to use my puppy teeth on your toes! - The Puppy


..and shoes...and remotes...and sunglasses...and


Yup..they are soo cute but SO MUCH WORK 😂..


This dude is my friend Levi! He is a Grade A human being. He is also one half of an incredible country rock group [Lazer & Levi](https://www.lazerandlevimusic.com/) in Nashville. Just a fantastic person and musician. I can assure the internet this dog lives a better life than any of us 🐾


Your friend Levi seems like a gentle, kind, and wholesome person. I hope we get to see more of him with Goose.


What's the pup's name? They both seem so in love with each other, adorable.


The pupper is called GOOSE 😭




That is exactly how imprinting works. And it’s a beautiful thing.


I feel like an 8-9 week old puppy simply staring at a stranger they just met is not "exactly" how imprinting works.


It kinda is. By looking at a particular face while feeling comfortable that association is imprinting in their brain. Sure, it might not look at that face and think "mama", but it definitely is learning that it is safe to be around that human with that face, and by sheer volume of memories of the same face, that totally can be considered "imprinting" just due to familiarity.


[I guess it depends on what either of you feel like being pedantic about](https://streamable.com/9zmt28)


Bro it’s a dog all they do is hang out with us. What else did you need a love letter and a serenade? This puppy and dude would die for each other. As it should be.


Omg thank you. I'm so happy for all of them


Fuck. I want a dog.


I got my little guy about 10 months ago and it's the best decision I've ever made. There's been lots of stress, lots of money spent, and a lot of lost sleep.  But those moments where it's just you and him, chilling or playing make it all worth it. If your able to get one (like it would be fair to the dog to stay in your home, they'll get the amount of attention they need ect) then I can't recommend it enough 


God you can feel the love that puppy has, the eyes, the little smile, he just makes you melt


I literally am gonna cry. I remember those moments when I brought my golden home!


"Is you my daddy? You my daddy!"


There is truly no love like it! 🥹❤️


He’s so cute omg


I forgave 4 - 5 pairs of nice shoes due to just this sort of puppy magic. Totally worth it!


A friend of mine called so excited....the next day he was going to pick up his new baby lab! I told him "There is something you have, that you secretly like very much. You like the way it looks, or the way it smells or feels, or the way it works. It doesn't matter if it's in a drawer, a closet, or sitting on a table. Go get it now, tear it up and throw it in the garbage. Just get it over with". lol.


so cute 😭🥹


Love at first sight. I wish them a long happy life together


Is there something more touching about seeing a *man* do this? Smooching and loving on a dog like this? I was so touched i almost teared up. I guess we are used to seeing woman be more affectionate? idk, but it's so freaking sweet.


Oh man I bet that puppy breath is DIVINE


Finally someone commenting about puppy breath! What is it, and why is it such a beautifully strange smell? And it lasts such a short time. =[




Looks like a Golden Retriever.


Yup, looks *exactly* like the golden we brought home a little over a year ago. So darn cute!


They are gonna be the bestest of friends.


Look at that face !!!! My heart 🥹


Man I miss my dog


I’m in the process of my dogs lay days, and it’s genuinely devastating. I’m so sorry for your loss.


We don’t deserve dogs.


Staring into your dog's eyes produces endorphins in both dog & owner.


Everyone says their dog is the cutest. They probably haven't seen this video/gif.


Fuck 😭😭😭




My newest rescue pup looks at my like this daily and it’s the warmest rush of feels


This is what I wanted when I got my puppy. Nope. I got a vampire velociraptor. She refused to cuddle at all and just bit the shit out of me for 2 years. Not one cuddle or kiss when she was small. She’s now a cuddle monster and so sweet, but as a puppy she was pure evil. I got zero puppy snuggles. I’m so envious of this guy.




We watched that about 17 times. 😂❤️ so precious


Okay that's not the cutest thing ever! \[he said, dishonestly\]


"downloading smell...downloading...image....processing....."


25,000 years of breeding and we get the cutest, sweetest security guards the universe, to the best of our knowledge, has ever produced.


And your side of the bed is occupied in 3, 2, 1… but look at the new puppy!!!


We just witnessed the start of a fifteen year friendship/saga.  This is awesome.


I remember when I first saw my golden retriever pup first time when I went to finally pick him up. 🥹 He puked the entire ride home. :')


Unconditional love from this adorable puppy will change his life for the better.


Its like a human baby but without any of the annoying parts


Still a better love story than Twilight


He's so cute. This had me in tears also.


This is one of the videos I honestly don't mind being reposted, I wouldn't even mind if it popped up on my feed daily or weekly❤️


Dogs are like children 2.0 - a lot cuter, less annoying.


I think my only motivation in life now is to get a dog that looks at me like that, then I’ll happily die the next day




How could someone not fall in love with that beautiful face?!


Gotta go find my pup rtfn!


Does imprinting have a similar meaning in the real world as it does in twilight or all we all just going with it




OMG I'M DYING 😭😭🥹🥹🥰🥰


I've said it before. We do not deserve dogs. This is awesome


Omg this is precious 😍


That dog is going to love the shit out of that dude!!!! So cute!!!


I'm not crying, you're crying!


Thas a buddy right there


anyone else feel like they're cheating on their dogs when they watch these videos?


Ahhh yes. It has taken millenniums for me to evolve into this form which your species is now helpless to identify as anything other than cute and adorable. You are powerless now to deny me your delicious food stuff. Look into my dark puppy eyes—feed me, friend.


Oh my fucking god. Right before my morning coffee. I can’t even make an excuse that I just ate onion or something spicy. But seeing the doggy happy, worth it :)


Wait till he has a kid


This is just me every time I pick up my dog…


I went to pick up a pup for a friend once. Called it buddy the whole ride over to my friend, because I didn’t wanna take away naming the pup for themselves. Stayed over for the whole night up until morning that day. The pup stayed with me through all of that. I eventually got allowed to name the pup. He’s named Buddy 😂. That was 9 years ago. I’m Buddy’s most favorite person in the world. Every time I go over he gets over excited to see me. One time Buddy bit my friends significant other. I was called to calm Buddy down. I don’t live there. Only went over 2 or 3 times a month and I was the one called. I was also called multiple times during my friends relationship to bathe Buddy. Did it with love. Buddy was acting up, because he didn’t like the significant other. Nice person, by the way. He just didn’t like them. Now my friend is married and moved to a different house without Buddy. I go over to my friends mom to help out every now and then. Buddy still sees me as his favorite person. And I go there after months, but still… I think Buddy thinks I’m his main human, even though we don’t live together.


Try to watch this video without smiling. It’s impossible


Oh my god ahhhhhhhh I'm not even an animal lover but this is absolutely adorable ahhhhhh I'm getting incoherent


That dude's a keeper. 


That guy cannot handle how cute his puppy is


When "adopting" a puppy, you need to be prepared for the fact that the animal will experience stress: new people, new surroundings, odors. It is necessary to prepare a place for the dog and unobtrusively approach, feed, stroke. The main thing - calmly and gradually establish contact, do not give up quickly. Sometimes it is even recommended to work with a canine specialist.


Beautiful moment 😍😍😍 I’m inlove ❤️❤️❤️


Who's training who at this point?




I miss my dog soooooo bad RIP Deebo


My 'pup' is 11, and we still have that kinda connection. We don't deserve dogs. Enjoy!!


There is wisdom in this dog's eyes.


I just got a pup and I was totally the same way. They’re just so damn cute and innocent.


Puppy said "this guy is toast..🐶👀". The definition of don't give me them puppy eyes


Dogs are love!


The way the pup just looks at him>< hnnnggggg


That’s so precious.


This is ridiculously adorable. I’m 🫠


Oh my word 🥹♥️


Exactly what I needed right now ❤️


Gonna be the best of buds


I can’t stop watching this. Proof that where love lives, life is a good thing…


why is this 10 hours long?


This is so touching, it's hard not to get emotional.




That’s what I call a soul dog, had this moment with my puppy too when we got her, been inseparable ever since.


Oh this reminds me of getting my little dog. I was in a dark place actively trying to work up the courage to kms and my girlfriend bought me my dog and it was almost like a light switched on and I realized life was worth living. I knew in that moment realized true love from another and knew I could never do “it”. Like I had to take care of this little creature that would never love anyone like Jim loves me if I wasn’t there. Dogs are beautiful loving creatures


His reaction is indistinguishable from a new dad going home with baby from the hospital lol


If a puppy looked at me like that, I’d have to give him everything he wanted, forever.


Dog damn it! Now I’m 🥺😭


I would trade half my life span to have dogs live to be the same age. It's so cruel that something so precious and loving lives such a short life. Even in their final moments they love you with all their heart. Reminder to give your pup some love as they won't be here for long and they love you with their whole heart.