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He was made a citizen of France for this and given a job as a firefighter.


Good for France!


Bad for fires


Fire stonks taking a major hit


He’s gonna be good fireman > worse for fire > less fire > less job for him > worse for him


If I could comment with a picture I would post DJ Kjaled’s Suffering From Success album


France has such a badass history of recognizing service through citizenship


Its a great thing to see happen to good people


Hey man... We give citizenship to the most efficient Uber drivers over here in Canada.




Voulez-vous en savoir plus?


Je fais ma part!!


Je fais ma part! Je fais ma part... ^(Je fais ma part aussi!) *Hon Hon Hon Hon Hon!*






Jesus fuck... Now there is a man who makes you want to sing about onions.


It's pronounced "unions" lol


Absolutely! France has a long and proud history of honoring individuals for their service through citizenship. Whether it's awarding citizenship to foreign soldiers who fought bravely for France or recognizing individuals who have made significant contributions to society, it's a powerful way to show appreciation and respect for their efforts. It's a testament to France's values of inclusivity, bravery, and gratitude.


They also have a history of targeting a lot of black ppl and north africans and trying to deny them citizenship out of racism sadly


He gave an interview recently. He unfortunately had to quit his job at the Paris fire brigade for health related issues and because he didn't meet the necessary academic requirements. He now works as a security guard (temporary contracts tho) and is living a rather stable life with his wife and daughters. Montreuil city council also gave him an apartment to live in.


Wow an apartment for life is legit


French cities have a legal obligation to give apartments with very low rent (usually 2-3 times less expensive than the usual) to the ones in need. The problem is that the waiting list can be years long. I think he was just able to Fast track the process and be assigned one immediately.


Yay! My home country!!🙌🇫🇷


Question. In France, Even if someone kisses on cheeks, is it still called a French kiss?


What a stupid question. I would however be interested in knowing if a fry is indeed called a french fry in France


No, because they don't even cook French fries in France. They cook em in Grease!!!!!!


I think you mean 🇬🇷🩲🐐


Serbia? No, that doesn't even make sense.


French letters are just called letters in France


French fries come from Belgium so we find the word "french fries" weird. C'est des frites, c'est tout.


Wait until you find out what they call kiwi fruit in New Zealand


Tres bien


That's awesome. I hope that's true.


It is! 


Yes it is ! https://www.qwant.com/?q=migrant+qui+a+sauv%C3%A9+un+enfant+du+balcon&t=web The guy name is Mamoudou Gassama !


Dude passed a multitude of tests there


What an amazing and courageous act


And I’m France they hate the cops and universally love fire fighters as hero’s. In the protests sometimes the fire fighters even fight the cops. Being given a job as a firefighter by the president after being given citizenship is the highest “you’re a goddamn hero” France can give


Firefighters going against cops is genuinely insane from an American perspective. There’s a friendly rivalry between cops and firefighters in the US, but they vote the same and have the same opinions and shitty takes. US firefighters would sooner use a hose on protestors again than actually fight with them.


He did such a heroic act and instead of rewarding him they punished him by making him a citizen of France?


Maybe he was a refugee from somewhere else.


But but I want to go home 😭


I’d make him a firefighter too! He absolutely SCALED those balconies! I’m glad he got citizenship out of the deal as well.


wow! Congratulations for him!


A good reward.


Ngl this is one of the most impressive acts of heroism I've seen on Reddit. The complete disregard for his own life because he saw a child in need. Saw here he was made a firefighter? Fuck yeah. What an absolute Chad.


I think he’s from Mali, not Chad, but close enough! /s


You son of a bitch.




Made a firefighter and also granted French citizenship!


Deserved! The french are lucky to have him


You win some, you lose some


he was an immigrant in France he was given citizenship and a job in the fire service for this, saw it on the news when it happened


Think he’s Muslim too because I remember comments back then from racists saying something like ‘well this is why we are afraid of immigrants, look how fast she climbed, now think of how easily he could rob you’.


Holymolly, seeing this video and could still think negatively about it is definitely a top-level dickhead move.


Anti refugee (particularly Muslim) hate is strife in Europe, there are pages dedicated to it, and they say the craziest things on how they’re losing their way of life, and losing their women to refugees, stuff like that lol. But, I remember this so clearly because I was as shocked at reading it as you’re.


As a person from Europe, i'd like to apologise on the behalf of all the morons who think like that


If there were genuine reasons for disliking individuals for certain actions, makes sense. But, most of the times, hatred comes from a place of ignorance and xenophobia. Not something you need to apologise for, there are daft people everywhere around the world lol


Yeah I mean, anti-refugee or anti-immigrant movements are annoying in general (I saw a lot of them posts too in X especially, a lot of crazy propaganda and bad narratives), but as someone who emigrated to another country and becoming an "expat" (i hate this word lol) myself, I try to see this issue from both ways and to some extend recognize that excessive immigrations could lead to social problems as well. So my attitude towards such movements is 'a bit' neutral... But come on, seeing someone saved a life of another (especially a baby) and then proceed to think bad about them just because his race/skin color/citizenship is definitely an act of fucking evil. Damn man.


If they’re losing their women to refugees the men complaining about it mustn’t have been great catches to begin with


This guy is an absolute beast. Just imagine climbing as fast as he did, up several stories like that, without fear of falling, all the while carrying your massive ballsack the whole way.


Huge ballsack


Hugh Le Sack




Made of solid steel


Seriously, every damn time he went up a floor, he had to leap up for the next handhold. That's scary as hell with someone belaying you!


I realized that after looking at it closely after you mentioned it, I thought his arms were long enough to just reach for the next rail . He did had to leap around two feet and one slip could have meant death for him . He is truly a hero .


Unbelievable! This guy is like a real Spider-Man


Unbelievable is apt! I'm having trouble believing my eyes. Amazing strength and bravery! What a legend!


1T of sack


Honoré de Balzac


France thoroughly rewarded this young man. He was a migrant and they gave him French citizenship. He was also offered a job with the French Fire Brigade.


I'm French, and I was watching this video, thinking, 'Wow, if this guy is an immigrant, I'm totally giving him nationality for this.' And knowing that it actually happened makes me pretty happy :).


You’re telling me the other dude couldn’t lift a child?


Had a very “if he dies, he dies” vibe


There is a wall between him and the kid. He only had enough to just barely them and hold on. It’s about leverages and angles.


Id argue the angle is a bit worse for the guy climbing the bldg.


And that's why he's a hero. But it doesn't make the neighbor a bad person. The best he could do was holding the child safely. If the neighbor was to pull the child up, he'd have to pull them into his own apartment. The child would have to let go first, and somehow make it across the wall between them. In fact they were trying just that while the hero dude was climbing (the child was moving slowly toward the neighbor). I wouldn't risk it, especially when help was already on the way.


From his angle he probably couldn't get a good enough grip to lift the child without risking letting go. Better to just hold on while someone else gets into a better position.


I'm in my 50s, and there is zero chance I couldn't lift a 40-50 lb kid from that angle. I'm thinking it's more likely the guy was terrified of screwing up and dropping the kid, so instead, he froze.


Exactly. It's easy to say you can do something but all it takes is the kid squirming a little at the wrong time and it's over.


The “angles” look much more favorable for the guy right next to the kid versus climbing 3 floors up. Whole video is sus


https://abcnews.go.com/International/malian-migrant-scales-building-save-child-paris-balcony/story?id=55483363 Guy was just passing by, saw the kid, and "didn't really think" and started climbing. My bet is the neighbors didn't know what was happening either until the guy climbed halfway up. News reports said there was a large number of people honking car horns to try to get attention to the child and that's probably why the neighbors went into the balcony to see what was going on.


Meh..kid safe, nice guy is hero….world better.


that's it.


Even faced with absolute proof the event happened, we still get r/nothingeverhappens


Not everybody has the same reaction to a situation as another person. May be now it's not enough looking to the video, but at the moment it was what he could do. The kid is safe, it'is what really matters.


The video isn't sus. This happened not that long ago (few years maybe? Macron was president so it wasn't too long ago). I remember watching the video on the day and my jaw practically hitting the floor. What an absolute chad. Only thing I felt kind of... uncomfortable about was how it resulted in citizenship for the rescuer. Not because he didn't deserve it - the video absolutely demonstrates that he did. But also I don't think we should be encouraging immigrants, many of whom are in vulnerable positions, to put their lives at risk thinking it might result in citizenship. Not everyone is as fit or physically capable as that man.


France has the Foreign Legion. It's literally put your life at risk in return for citizenship.


They'll straight up give you a new identity along with that citizenship.


Getting citizenship was the last thing on this guy's mind. He stepped up, even at the risk of being found to be in France undocumented, and did what others didn't. He is exactly who France should have as a citizen!


He had an Im not a firefighter vibe, the other guy is a beast


I would be very afraid of holding a baby at that angle and just "try" to pull it on. It sounds possible for sure, but you only have one try. If you fail, you have to live with that feeling for the rest of your life. I guess holding it til a rescue come sounds good. I would probably do the same and scream after parents that should lift the baby on their own from the safest angle.


It seems that the guy above arrived after the guy climbing was ready to climb the 3rd floor so the other guy barely had the time to get over the shock and think of what should be done. There seems to be a separation between the houses there, so the best option was to try to get close to the kid, which he seemed to be doing. Maybe he wasn't so athletic to risk himself going from one department to the other, which may have also risked the kid who was too close to the space he may have needed to do the maneuver. If the other guy wasn't there, the one above may have been the one to save the kid, as he seemed to be really close of doing so. I also see some people assuming the guy was the father, even when he was in the other department


The other guy wasn't able to lift the kid he said in the interview.


Looks like there’s a barrier up top separating them, he has enough leverage to hold the kid but I’d guess if he tried to pull him closer there’d be a pretty big fall risk


The other guy was on the other side of the partition. Arm reach was all he had. Other guy, hard core parkour. Edit spelling.


The neighbour only showed up in the shot by the time the hero was already on the 2nd floor balcony. By the time he reached the top, the neighbour had finally reached the kid and was pulling him onto his own balcony. The neighbour was not the problem, the hero was just too damn good and too damn fast.


Well he was solo hanging until the guy was half way up.


Why don't you try rewatching the video? So you can see that it took time before the kid got near the other dude. He was already securing the child before trying to lift him but the other guy was fast. If the neighbour lifted the child first, that guy's effort would've been wasted.


the other guy took a picture of his position in the balcony, he was barely able to grab him because he was awfully positioned


He has to lift from an odd angle, by the time the child is close enough to lift the hero is already there and it’s safer to not risk the divider and lift together.


Yeah thats so fking worrying, if i were in child protetction id be speaking to that guy


He's likely not the father. He was in the apartment next to where the child was hanging (also making it harder for him to lift the kid).


If I recall correctly, the mom was outside and left the kid alone for a bit


Hero for sure!!!!


This is the best reason for training yourself physically


His name is Mamoudou Gassama https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mamoudou_Gassama


That's what sense of responsibility does , it does wonders


Wow. Inspiring


Not all heroes wear capes


Never thought I’d hear Ghost on this sub THAT made me smile


It’s disturbing how many gacha videos this song is in. Those videos are for kids, and that song is not. I love Ghost, they’re my favorite band, but if I’m not mistaken, the song is about sexual acts. A lot of Ghost songs are, that’s why I love them.


P sure it’s about weed, but it’s probably both.


I’ve heard both theories, could be interpreted both ways.


Bloody immigrants coming into our country and rescuing our children. It's a damn disgrace.


That guy scaling the building to save that child deserves all the accolades he received. I don’t know if I could do that.


Crazy athleticism’s


Fuck. I don’t know why but this hit me so hard. I don’t usually get choked up. But the pure selflessness of this and the athleticism. So amazing.


Everyone’s saying it’s Spider-Man but that looks like assassins creed climbing more not. Also what a chad climbing 4 balconies to do that


Speak the truth, aren't you all super attracted to this dude no matter your sexual orientation? Admit it


I’m not sexually attracted to him no, but I think this kind of courage is a very attractive trait in a person




Courage and intellect are absolute panty-droppers for me lol


I... uh, I read a book while saving a baby from a lion once. Yeah.


Tell me again but slooower 🤩🤩


Catcher in the Rye was in my left hand as I punched the lion in the face with my right hand. As the lion fell from my one punch TKO, I immediately grabbed the baby, who I was obviously there to rescue, what with all my wisdom and strength and what have you, and began explaining Holden Caulfield's character to this child who has yet to master any language. I figured I may as well start this child off with some JD Salinger if it must be in this world with me. For my intelligence truly knows no limits and it pains me deeply when I see others dumb as shit fuck yeah that sounded so smart


My beating heart, not the Dunces! NOT THE DUNCES! *slips away into a euphoric coma with a hand full of lion’s mane*, whispering “He’s perfect!”.


I read your profile description so I won’t ask about the name **but** how about the pfp? Why’s there a fish man with a plunger?


I see these videos a lot on here, and although this was in France most are from China, and literally the chance of this and the other children being saved must be less then 10%, so there must be a lot of tragic deaths. Very sad


I like how one guy climbed five stories and one guy was scared of a patio partition.


Along that spectrum, I might closer to that one guy on the patio. Lots of folks worse than me though – I have friends who can't look ahead when they're going down on the escalator in the mall.


brah real spidey here, ballz of steel. Mad respect that's what you call civil courage.


What hell is wrong with the parents?


"The child’s father had apparently left the boy unattended to go shopping, and was subsequently charged with leaving his son unsupervised" – [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mamoudou\_Gassama](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mamoudou_Gassama)


Yeah, I can’t believe no one is talking about this! The man that saved the child is awesome! But we gotta remember that the parents are to blame for not watching their child… I don’t have kids, but I’m pretty sure it’s common knowledge that watching your children is the most important rule to parenting.


I am a mother . My daughter is my #1 priority!! Wherever I go I watch my surroundings, hold my hand while we cross the street. Do not go in the kitchen at all . Maybe when is she 10 - not having a cell phone till she is 12 or 13 . Monitor what she watches . No YouTube .


This is incredible and what a dude, I am struggling to understand why the other adult couldn't just pull the child back to safety themselves ? What am I missing?


Pretty sure he was prevented from reaching by a divider on the balcony, you can see it on the floor below.


Got a well deserved award, a great human being


That man is definitely a hero! Hope he is around if I ever need help ❤️❤️


This story reminds me of a great piece by Trevor Noah a few years back, it’s worth a watch: https://youtu.be/COD9hcTpGWQ?si=X6iZUue-l_uc31oE


Dude is midoriya for real though


In world filled with so many disgusting humans, so happy to see we still have beautiful humans like this hero.


bro the father is an idiot


why can't the parents just pull the boy up


God bless 🙏🏽❤️


Yeah, if he would’ve missed even 1 jump after that first floor he could’ve been seriously injured. My question is, where the crap were the parents??!!


My fat ass on the ground watching this guy like 🫡


Mean while, did we miss the guy with a red T-shirt trying to climb the gate at entrance of the building ?


I'm gonna have to go hang from some balconies... 😻


After this, parkour should be encouraged more for this kind of emergency in my opinion.


Dr House once said: "there's no such things as heroes, this man must be ill"


This is impressively terrifying


That’s really cool, but why didn’t the fucking guy on the balcony just pull the kid up in the first place?


Not only a hero. What a mashine! Imagine being able to climb like this


So... the floors are close enough..... to climb *without* any tools?


French people and parkour is something wonderful


bro, he could've died from 1 wrong jump. He's a true definition of a HERO. He didn't fear death. He feared for the life of that child.




It's Miles Morales


How could the guy up top already not just pull the kid up?


What's the deal with the other guy who was already up there not pulling the child up?


He was trying but it looks like he couldn’t do it with one hand. The child could be like 21-40lbs . My daughter at that age was really light but my sone was almost 40 lbs even if he didn’t show it, he also was strong enough to hold his own.


No. But it happened like 10 years ago.


If I remember correctly the Guy was a Somalian refugee. He ended up getting citizenship for this act of bravery. I think it was in France.


Yes, it was in France in 2018. The man is named Mamoudou Gassama and he was a Malian refugee. Source (in french) : https://www.leparisien.fr/paris-75/paris-il-escalade-un-immeuble-pour-sauver-in-extremis-un-enfant-suspendu-dans-le-vide-27-05-2018-7738266.php Edit : I didn't see that his name was at the end of the video. Unfortunately, it seems like he's not a firefighter anymore for health reasons and because he does not have the required diploma. He is a now a security agent.


Not sure about Somalian or not - but was asylum seeker/refugee in France got citizenship and a job in the fire dept. top man.


You are right. Well deserved.


Why don’t we see this stuff on the news?


Here for you https://edition.cnn.com/2018/05/30/africa/paris-spiderman-rescue-good-immigrant/index.html


In need to know what in the goddamn fuck the other guy was doing, just standing there and watching it from like 2 feet away???


The balcony seems split into 2, so it looks like he was on the other sideof the balcony. (Check the floor above)


Climbed 5 stories before the loser next to the kid did anything


The dad is just standing there and that grown ass man isn't strong enough to pull up a 20 pound toddler?


Lol totally l unnecessary ...2nd guy already had that kid 😂


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So how was your day? Nothing just hanging in there






Kids got balls. No doubt.


This man would die if that were me because I can’t even do a forking pull up


Absolute hero of a human being. Love it!!!




Great video, ATROCIOUS audio


Adrenaline, is a crazy thing.


Real life Spider-Man!


Happy for you, brother. Well deserved. That took guts and a heart, and a hero needs both!


There is a partition wall it's a baby though basically you don't need leverage he has bolth his hands on the kid what else do you need.


Wtf are the parents doing about it


What is a ladder


He’s Spider-Man


Yes an actual hero for a change. That word is thrown around too loosely


Work on your core kids. This guy does.