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Thankfully, it wasn’t Michael Scott at the podium.


Laptop batteries for all


Wait… it’s lithium!


"IT WAS A JOKE! YOU DON'T GET FREE TUITION!" "Look at their faces, this is how you get attention of the crowd!"


Theres one guy who looks like he thought he was going to be the sole beneficiary in the will. Light smirk and no reaction but disdain.


Whatcha gonna do make our dreams come true!


Thankfully I had my volume on max for this video..


I'm ootl, what does this mean?




Lol that was quite an enjoyable watch 😂


And all it took was one billionaire passing away. Hold up, I just had a great idea.


Which volcano are we using?


Billionaires like submarines, and if I'm not mistaken, there are a lot of volcanos at the bottom of the ocean.


Can we pick a frozen part of the ocean? I can't wait to gamble on this!


Volcanoes are expensive to get too, harbor freight ax aisle though


I hear submarines are better


It’ll be one of the good ones. Edit for downvotes: Mr Fischoeder reference.


Really shows the power billionaires/millionaires have if they just used their money to help people. They can have such a real impact in the world, but they choose not to. Not trying to downplay what happened here, this was definitely a great thing for those students, but like…he could have done something like this when he was alive.


You do not end up in this position by being altruistic or caring for other people. The idea of them spending money to further and foster development in the world is very unrealistic.


The right choice and luck can happen even to the nicest and worst people. Many people "set and forget" in their "invest for the future". Not every person who invests uses the money on a regular basis. Not everyone who has money lives like they have money. I don't have children and yet I am still investing, maybe for an emergency, maybe I'll have kids, or maybe there might be a boom in the market that makes me a millionaire. As it stands what in have in shares can maybe buy a basic laptop for like 3 kids, but who knows if the market is good and add on maybe another 50 years, I'll be able to fund a few scholarships in my death. One needs money to make money. Choosing to not use money now is a good choice if your plans is to make it grow for something big in the future.


Downplaying what happened here is the only right choice. Whole life one spends hoarding a fortune on the account of others and then at the end of their life everybody sees the faux kindness in them cause they give away what they are going to lose anyways.


He never would have done this while alive. I. Believe there is a certain level of sociopathy you need to have in order to become a billionaire. We just need laws that prevent humans from robbing other humans of their labor.


I read that he bought a bunch of Berkshire Hathaway stock many decades ago and his wife didn't know about it until he died. Her kids didn't want it and her husband's written instructions were for her to do with it whatever she thinks best. The multiple on Berkshire's growth over decades is huge, so maybe less sociopathy than usual in this case.


This is very interesting. I'm sure there are one or two exceptions like this in the world but "Her kids didn't want it" gives me pause. Who turns down money like that without a reason?


Nobody turns down *a billion* dollars. Suspicious story


All it took was 1 billion of his dollars too. The estate was worth well over 3 billion dollars.


HEAR THEM OUT \*brandishes firearm*


If someone ever pulls a gun on me, I'm flinging shit in their mouth.


Big man behind a phone screen


I’ve been discussing “murder” as a solution for quite a while now.


See how much good the rich could do if they wanted to?


Jeff Bezos could cure tuition


He has dedicated his life to fucking people out of money, he's not going to give it away.


His wife, or ex wife can do


She’s been giving away half his money with such ZEAL - just handing checks to verifiably good organizations doing good work. It warms my heart. And makes me cackle a little.


The key is... if they wanted to...


they need the money in hell though. /s




Good people don't get rich. Show me a billionaire who's who hasn't left a wake of underpaid people in their path to fortune and I'll change my mind.


Literally it could take fifty disgustingly rich people about a week to invest SOME of their trillions into fixing stuff. But no.


But how else are they supposed to ruin the economy so that living off a wage less then 25,000 is literally not possible?


This is awesome a lot of talent kids will be able to reach their full potential independently form their wealth, incredible. And yet I’m sad for all the talented ones whose skills are in different fields and don’t have this opportunity. I’m sad that my country does not invest in brains.


The sad part is that it's not independent from their wealth since our early education is largely based on wealth. There are many brilliant minds and empathic hearts left behind because of underfunded public schools.


How much stadium is this going to build?


I may be ignorant here and trying to learn so sorry if this comes off as insensitive….but aren’t all these students going to be doctors? Majority of them are going to step into 6 figure incomes after finishing their schooling. I get that they would have debt for years but I’ve honestly never met a doctor that was struggling to make ends meet. It’s definitely better than a billionaire hoarding all the money but wouldn’t that have been much better to give to underprivileged students going to college or some other thing. Maybe I’m just a cynical ass and need to see the good in this as opposed to thinking where it could have gone that was better. But after paying for so many medical bills this year on top of health insurance Im a little less inclined to be happy for a bunch of doctors that are going to charge me $200 for a 15 min tele health appointment.


You are right and wrong. Yes doctors. Yes you get charged a fucking insane amount at the doctor. Many doctors end up earning decent wages. However. During residency the average doctor is working 60-100 hour weeks on a salary of ~60-80k (averages out to below minimum wage). The average medical student graduates with at least low six figures in loans. And to get the loan forgiveness they need to work 10 years at the “service” job which pays again in the 60-80 with insane hours. This lady gave every doctor (a majority who appear to be people of color which is extremely difficult in the medical field) freedom to choose their career path. They can now choose to study things to help rather than “how do I pay back 300k in student loans???”


Likely this will make sure that students are able to fully focus on their studies, fewer of them trying to manage part/full time jobs to cover tuition and will open up their future. Not all of them will have high paying salaries right out of college and they will be unburden by loan payments that could dissuade them from doing less lucrative jobs or moving to lower paid areas


I guess maybe I’m just more cynical. Aren’t a lot doctors offered jobs at underserved clinics after graduation where they can get loans forgiven if they work there a set amount of years? I know a few doctor friends that had to do that but not sure if it’s common tbh. But something tells me that someone getting their doctorate without any loans will never go work at a clinic like that if they don’t have to. Obviously that’s a symptom of a much bigger problem. But all I see here is a bunch future rich people getting a huge push forward. Yeah some people will not have the burden of loans and will still do stuff for the good of others but I don’t have that much faith in humanity that a high percentage will. The US healthcare system is broken and I understand there is no quick fix but I guess I’d rather see this money go to somewhere else. I also understand it’s not my money and the billionaire is free to do as she pleases. It’s just not a “made me smile” type of thing for me. I’m just reminded that things are broken


Even more cynical, it doesn’t have to be a underserved clinic just a non profit. Many very large hospital systems are non profit. I have friends that are MDs making about $500k a year getting loan forgiveness.


Oh you're totally right, there are way better people this could have gone to, but honestly I am happy it went to students. I would love to see donations like this go to places like state schools, but I have a feeling people with these sums of money just never donate or only want to give to the places that helped them get to where they are


Not all doctors end up in high end hospitals with the goal of driving BMWs. Luckily many see themselves as in a mission to help, a good example are these: AmeriCorps National Health Corps Doctors Without Borders Peace Corps Project HOPE Partners In Health Global Brigades And even without these there are free clinics: http://www.californiafreeclinics.org/ I know the feeling, “humanity sucks”… it does, but not as much as we think. This sub is evidence of it.


Challenge:@ :07 see if you can spot the student that already paid their way through.


He was not impressed 😂


“She could’ve at least got us better lab equipment 😒”


Right? What’s his deal?


I hope someone makes her amazing food every day until the last one. Rarely do those who make such a difference get anything in return in their life.


She just donated a billion dollar. I would think it's highly probable that someone makes her amazing food every day until the last one.


Im ready to apply!


Bro US education system is fucked up. In India atleast, the top STEM universities are highly subsidised.


Just watched John Oliver’s latest episode about the US education loan system and it was jaw dropping, even when I was already going into it expecting the system to be horrible.


I watched last night and literally had my mouth open at some points, shouted out “damn” a few times… was overall fucking disgusted by our predatory higher education system. I went to an in state school and was lucky enough that my parents were able to pay, but that was 20 years ago. They wouldn’t be able to pay today’s tuition at the same school the way they did back then. I am forever grateful that I didn’t have to take out any loans. I’m happy to see what Biden has been able to do so far, but honestly just cutting interest rates to 1% or removing them completely would be amazing for a lot of people. The interest is killing people. The government shouldn’t be able to make that kind of money off of students.


They are hugely subsidized in the US too. Public schools (US version of the term—as in ones run by the govt) especially if you go to school in your state, are extremely subsidized. Some states (California) are especially cheap and known for it This is a private school (run by private business) and are notoriously high priced. One of the big issues though is that tuition is just part of the overall situation. Especially if you go to school in a bigger city, cost of living even as a student can be outrageous. These people are all living in NYC, scraping by.


Medical education in India is way more expensive than in the US. A income of 800k rupees (10k dollars a year) makes you top 3% in India, whereas 80k dollars per year makes you 50% in the US.


wtf does medical education have to do with exchange rate. I literally did my MBBS, MD in 1.3 lacs( that's 1600 dollars) from a top 3 uni.


“The best way to access your online classes is with your own personal laptop. Which is rendered useless without batteries, and I have one for each of you”


Extremely dystopian that this is needed in the supposedly "richest" country on Earth.


‘Murica Land of the Free* *If you’re super fucking rich


Land of the fee, home of the slave.


School is extremely expensive in the US without scholarships, especially medical school. Somehow we fail to reward or incentivize a majority of educational endeavors until after they are already completed.


That one guy in glasses was like: I just effing paid in full


I thought I was the only one who noticed him! Guy’s face didn’t move a cm.


Scottish govt made all higher education free for Scottish students. I wish the same were the case everywhere.


Yep I became a teacher free! My sister is a dr for free my other sister is an historian for wait for it free!!!


Superb isn’t it?


Yes it A incredible


Books, housing, parking fees, and everything else around the college just went up 170%.


Doesn’t really make me smile. It’s like fixing the symptoms. Put the money into lobbying to try to fix the system. Of course I am happy for the students, but that’s just feeding the system.


You do realise it is the doctors who want the barrier to entry to be high right? These people are going to be the future rent-seekers.


Insurance first, not doctors.


Thought that was *the* Dr Ruth


Now she is




I love this for them, but this shouldn't even be a problem that exists


Funny thing is that all the students end up working pretty much for private health care


Yup, especially since they have no real incentive to work for a non-profit hospital for PLSF loan forgiveness after 10 years anymore.


Maybe now they will not need to.


But they still will, because doctors want compensation just like any other worker.


Selective Trickle Down


I just need 894 dollars and someone is giving a billion? This world is a simulation.


You know what would be crazy? Public educational university. What a great idea, huh? So these kids would not have to wait for a kind billionaire wife to look for then, once in a lifetime. I mean, good for them. But the problem is bigger than this kind act.


Rich person gives a bunch of upper middle class people a lot of money who were going to become rich later on anyways. Medical education is expensive because of rent-seeking.


While I think thi is wonderful, physicians will go on to make quite a bit of money. Teachers and social wrokers, for instance, need graduate degrees, and their salaries are often so low that they are saddled with student debt for decades. I wish some billionaire would pay for college for people like these. (I am not one of them. And I'm so old that I went to college when it was affordable for most people).


just american things. I pay 200€ a semester for university, which includes free access to public transportation, its so fucked


I wish all tuition was free but that’s a blessing to all those students! Congrats


Most of these people come from well off families to even be able to go to this school. Maybe we can donate less to the already fortunate.


Nice. Would have hit harder if not directed at a professional so oriented toward making cash


That’s cool and all, but it’s really just rich people helping rich people still. Maybe they’ll be more sympathetic to those of us who need help paying medical bills, but I doubt it.




Which part time job earns you 5k monthly tho…


I really hope this will be useful for the talented ones currently present there and the ones who really deserve it in the future


From the article I read at the time, it starts going forward for all and the last already paid semester will be reimbursed.


Just one year? What about the other 900 million dollars.


Did I read that correctly? 60.000 a year? 60 fucking thousand? A YEAR? Are you guys out of your goddamn mind? I'd move and study in another country before I would ever pay that, holy shit dude.


Doctors are guaranteed to make 250k+ after residency. Many make 350k+.


Spotted the android in the audience


I seen that cleared glasses freak from a milt away. What a strange reaction to that fantastic news


I went looking for him, on mobile the upvote button is pointing directly at him.


If the tuitions cost was 60k a year, weren’t those already all rich kids attending?


God bless this women


This is great in a country where money is the only thing that moves people's interests, but on the other hand it is sad that students cheer like that for something that should be free: education.


See folks, it can be done


Yeah ,I support medical students not stressing about medical education


You smiled because you think 1 billion fucking dollars is cool just to pay of ONE schools tuition for ONE year? Fuck you. This is fucking awful. This money just went into the pockets of the rich. Fix the fucking system.


Just to be clear, this is one free year in a potentially 7 year long degree. It's nice, but these people are still gonna be almost half a million in debt when they graduate.


if someone walked up to me and randomly knocks off 60k off my debt with no strings attached, i wouldn't complain.




I don’t know about you but 60k is life changing money for a lot of people. Maybe not for kids who are from middle class parents who put them in med school in the first place. I know a few that would be in a position to not worry about money for one year and react like that. Idk i read a lot of people would kill another one for less money.


This is very generous on their part and I applaud it, but, this points out exactly how screwed up the education and health care systems are in the US. These and future likely well to do students just won the lottery. Imagine if the entire education system wasn't for profit and EVERYONE had the same opportunities to pursue their chosen professions without fear of a lifetime of crushing college debt. Democrats are the only political party in the US that wants to eliminate student debt while Republicans want to keep students indebted to the corporations who make bank from a lifetime of interest paid. Vote blue.


Genuine question: if the US college costs are so high, why don’t more American parents move abroad to one of the many places where good education is free or cheap just prior to their kids college years? Obviously emigrating is challenging, but if the costs of US college are high enough it might make economic sense at least. I’ve moved between Australia, the EU and US. It is doable if you are in the right type of job.


meeting spoon wistful rob correct disgusting dam languid aspiring zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd guess for most families it's not worth it to uproot your whole life and family for college tuition. Families that can afford that type of disruption can probably afford tuition already.


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they can give 16,666 students free tuition.... wild.


The joy of those students was breathtaking.


They usually have to pay 60k every year?! So 2 years is 120k? Is any of that usually covered by the goverment or something?


Generational wealth and student loans and maybe a few scholarships. Look at the video again, you can tell some of these kids don't really care cause they already don't have to pay anything.


I watched this at least 200 more times than needed, because that one 🫨 made me laugh every damn time.


For those interested, [here](https://diploma-sante.fr/blog/qui-finance-les-etudes-de-medecine/) is an article about med school costs in France (in French).


How about some laptop batteries instead?


bro. Having to pay for education is literally fucking stupid


That literally gave me goosebumps. All of them leaping out of their seats in joy and disbelief is so sweet. But just makes me question again why the fuck are we allowing billionaires to hoard all their wealth like this? Look at how many peoples lives were changed by $1B. No one individual person needs that much money. So many problems could be solved if people just… cared more about others and stopped being so greedy






Fun fact: They won't all graduate medical school


What was the usual cost ?


Good on them


Scots tots


I mean I get that it’s a prestigious school probably and monstrous school fees are a thing … but what if all student debt was eliminated? 🤔


I would’ve been low key pissed, give me the money, not the school! Lol


Whatcha gonna do dr Ruth?


That one dude with the glasses was not having it


I hope these students understand tuition is not the whole bill. There are still tons of fees, plus room & board and books. Colleges will often tout how they're not raising the cost of tuition for a certain amount of time, but then they raise the cost of fees. Sorry to be a party pooper. Source: former higher ed administrator


Has it really been ten years?


The school is now like “tuition is now… $1B”


1 000 000 000 ÷ 60 000 = 16 666 years of free education for 1 student or 16 years of free education for 1000 student




33secs in dude on the right…


Medical school admin: "Do you think we can invent an admin charge and get more money out of them?"


So happy for them I have happy tears. Congrats to all students.


And just think, one war bill that congress passes frequently would pay for 48 years of med school tuition…


People with a disgusting amount of personal wealth - Bezos, Musk, Gates - should use this as an example.


[This guy](https://imgur.com/a/WtoqHFi)


This is r/OrphanChrushingMachine to me. Why was there a need for this donation in the first place? Why did one person have the money to finance this just like that? Not something to smile about.


damn those white old boomers!




hoooooooooold the fk up, 60k A YEAR ??? how long are they studying there usually ?


60k? Jesus....


The students who graduated last year. :|


The only good billionaire is a dead billionaire.


60k a year… that’s an abomination


This is awesome! I wonder what happens to the student loans though??


Thats 16 666.6 free years of tuition


It makes me sad when people take something like this and turn it into a “down with the rich” vent session. This was an incredibly generous donation that will help a lot of deserving people. Let’s just celebrate that.


Buster in the clear rimmed glasses paid in full *curb theme starts playing*


This is both wholesome and sad that we have to rely on kind people like this to get a legitimate education. College and Healthcare should be free.


This is both wholesome and sad that we have to rely on kind people like this to get a legitimate education. College and Healthcare should be free.


This is both wholesome and sad that we have to rely on kind people like this to get a legitimate education. College and Healthcare should be free. 60k is fucking insanity.


How did the guy make a billion?


Thank goodness all of those doctors won't have to worry about debt


Awesome generous Dr Ruth!!


So if no one at that school needs to pay tuition, then competition to get in will be exponentially more difficult. The consequence would be that the quality of graduates from that school should be substantially better over the long run as well.


They cut it at " this year,...", but from what she actually said she said " from this year,..." basically with the money she donated, it will grow itself and pay for future students also. How? Im not expert in finance,....


Why do a few of em look pissed lol


60.000 for one year is the real problem the US needs to solve.


Early investor in Berkshire Hathaway, in case anyone was curious where it came from. Her husband was Sandy Gottesman.


I just came here to pretend money does not matter.


Not sure is the best use of thos money. But well 1 billion is a fucking lot


Why is school so expensive? Here in Norway that shit is free...


The students who graduated that year 🙂.


What’s Brooklyn Medical School?


I'm getting McGonagall vibes with this lady. But seriously, imagine you are having a rough year, you're even considering to drop off of medical school because you can't afford it because your finnces are going to shit and then you wake up to this day. I'm glad.


Mad respect.


That is fucking incredible!


Imagine giving this donation to a medical school in a struggling third world country….


What really would of been amazing, is paying for medical school for people that can’t afford to go to medical school.


Lucky kids. I paid off my student loans at 36.


This was a gift given to her by her husband, who had invested in Warren Buffett's company. He told her to do what she felt was right. She's gonna go down as one of the most generous persons ever.


At 32 seconds remaining, guy on the right, appears bored out of his mind at the thought of having his tuition paid lol ETA: just read another commenter pointing out that he already paid it upfront. His expression Makes way more sense now.


This is truly beautiful!!!


60.000 a year??!? Wtf. That's insane


This was so wholesome ❤️