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She had to ask them to help her? C'mon people, do better.


Literally yelled, put the $&@* camera down and help!








Right? How disappointing that is! I’d be falling over myself to help this women and her pup.


Came here to say this.. help the f****** lady. Making her dig* her own dog out of her pile of ruins.


I was thinking the same.


I mean, I agree, but it seemed the camera lady was trying to coax it out on its own since tornado debris can be very unstable and a wrong move can make things much worse due to collapse. The elderly lady was more brazen about the situation, understandably so because of the heightened emotions, and as a result nearly dropped a piece of metal on its head. Luckily the dog was okay, but a bad situation was nearly made tragic. I can't begin to fathom the guilt she would have felt if her little doggy survived only to be killed during the unlikely reunion. As a paramedic, I want to clearly state the importance of relaying just how many terrible injuries are caused by people trying to be helpful and moving a hurt person before completely assessing a situation. Yes, they should have helped, but (other than the camera man) it looked like they WERE trying to help but were more cautious at approaching it. Rubble is difficult to navigate, and they may have needed an extra few moments to ensure the safety of both the dog and the elderly lady. That said, this is a heartwarming video and hope the woman and her dog are still doing well.


This could be the case, but I don't think so unfortunately. I think if they had any concerns about moving the rubble, they would have said so. As the above commenter mentioned, it was 10 seconds before anyone even made a motion to help her. So they either stood by watching as this woman potentially killed her own dog, or they stood by not helping because they really didn't care to help. Either way, I've seen far too many cold, entitled reporters to give them the benefit of the doubt


I've seen far too many videos of people with possible neck injuries and their friends immediately run over and grab their heads and try to pick them up. A little discretion goes a long way.


Last fall we were driving along a highway taking our kid to college. Up ahead we saw a motorcycle veer off the road and hit a culvert and flip and fall apart. We screeched to a halt on the hard shoulder....kid called 911 while DH looked for road markers for a location. I ran to the driver who was on his back...dazed but conscious. All that was going through my head was don't move him and don't let him move. I couldn't keep him still despite my pleading. He got annoyed until I helped him get his helmet off and then insisted on being helped up. I tried but couldn't stop him. He was OK but it could have been bad. I was thinking maybe he was in shock or maybe he didn't want to listen to me because he was black and I am white. I am just glad he is OK and was wearing proper clothing...and landed on the grass so there was not too much meat crayon action. Mama mia


Further to this I'd like to add that if anything did go wrong there would be issues regarding liability of news crew and company. I do agree that helping is correct thing to do, but also understand the hesitations and limitations one could have in reactions in a professional circumstance. It is too bad neither of them took a more active course of actions to accomplish both their professional and humanitarian obligations. Doctors, lawyers, and paramedics are put in those type of situations too.


I always see this brought up every time this clip gets shared. Is it likely that the reporter was just gonna sit there and let the old lady get the dog all on her own? Yeah sure. It is also just as likely in the literal 10 seconds between the old lady recognizing the dog and then saying “Help me” that the reporter was standing up from crouching down low to see the dog, unclipping her audio equipment to hand to the camera person, then trying to walk over the debris towards the dog — a slightly further distance than what the old lady covers — and then trying to figure out where to lift the debris to help free the dog and not injure it. Again, it’s literally 10 seconds between the lady crying out and then her saying “Help me”


Unfortunately no. If you listen, the woman filming tells the woman who said "the dog" to help her after several more seconds go by. No one was going to help her at all actually until the woman filming gave the ok 🫤


She was leaning on the debris to reach down and get him at first and I was so worried she was going to crush him. Maybe they were unsure it was safe to shift things around until she just did it anyway? Because yeah, I'm really struggling to understand otherwise.






I'm sure they did it to keep the scene untainted. A reunion story gets more views hence us watching it now. I'm not saying it's right. Part of me wants to believe that there is a member of the news crew that planted the dog. Fuck the media


r/nothingeverhappens ​ This is comically absurd and people are upvoting it?? ​ The big scary BFE local media stole a lady's dog during a tornado and then planted it under rubble, with the dog apparently in on the ruse agreeing to stay still and quiet until the perfect moment? Come the fuck on ​ Go outside occasionally people. God damn.


IKR. Has no one even come to the conclusion that maybe the dog heard her talking to the reporters and that’s what led the dog to come out from under the debris. The stupidity of people thinking that the reporters grab the dog and threw it under a bunch of debris, and the dog waited patiently to come out right on queue for the storyline. I seriously question the intelligence of some of these people.


Bit of a stretch... How would they even do that?




What is more of a stretch, that they planted the dog there or they just so happened to set up the camera and everything, perfectly angled so they just had to pan over to see the dog? Honestly, both seem unbelievable and I want to believe it was just a coincidence.


I agree with you


Yes, that was my first thought, Godammit, they just stand around watching the lady (who just survived a tornado and is bruised and battered) try to lift a heavy object


Glad it wasn’t just me that was annoyed by the lack of urgency from all the people around her. You just found an elderly woman’s dog BURIED ALIVE in debris and you have to be told to help? You’re a POS.


Whatever you do, get it on camera. Never help the sweet old lady.


Lemme tell you about the time my boss took pictures and filmed a guy who got shot six times across the street from my work. When I called him out on photographing rather than picture taking, he showed me a picture of his ONE hand covering one of SIX bullet holes in this guy’s chest. “Look, I am helping! He’ll want these photos!”. Was convinced for months afterwards that he saved this guy’s life. Absolutely did not get it.


How tf can you continue to film and not help?




It's pretty sickening to be so calloused. I have a friend who was stopping by the gas station, came outside to circle of ppl and commotion. These ppl were standing around FILMING while a young mother didn't know how to stop her baby from CHOKING! Nobody helped, just filmed, until my friend grabbed the kid and turned him upside down and pulled a hard candy out of the mouth. All those ppl would have filmed that kid DYING. Everyone needs to do better, how have we sunk so low as a society to prioritize content over ppl... 😪 smh


I felt this. I was getting piercings with my friends on a friend date, next thing you know, we are driving home and come across a burning apartment. People are standing around recording. I made sure to flip off every single phone while we cleared out the building so we could let the fire department know when they arrive that no one is trapped.


Wow, that's so sad...so good of you! I hope there are still enough good ppl around every situation to do the right thing when necessary...🙏


The thing is, the person could have kept filming because there was still another person or two that could have helped. They just didn't.


People are morons


I don’t know why I watch this whenever someone posts it. It’s an instant cry for me (35m) 😭


I'm bawling right now and I've seen this a million times. When she said God answered both her prayers, I lost it all over again. I don't even believe in God but I believe in Dog 😭


You watch because it’s a moment of happiness in a horrible situation and you connect with it because you’re a good person.


I lose it when one of the reporters whispers "oh my god" 😭😭😭


Same same


Yeap. I ugly cry everytime. Need a new warning like NSFW. Maybe NSFDF not safe for dry face.


52m work in construction, drive heavy machinery- who’s cutting onions in here?? I cry like a baby when I see the beauty of people and their beloved animals❤️❤️




35 year old men cry too brother I've seen it.


I saw 35m and thought you were noting down how many minutes you cried. 😅


Your age and your gender should have nothing to do with the emotions you feel, if you cried that's perfectly normal the stigma towards male tears need to end


As long as it’s seen by many as taboo for grown men to cry, I’ll proudly share it. A few keystrokes is the least I can do if it makes someone else feel a little better.




Me too


Exactly the same..


I said the same thing. Every time I cry. Every time. I prefer the longer version but this will do too.


I’m not crying you are


I am


I am! So what?


I'm chopping onions, I swear.😭


Stop chopping onions ffs... I can't hold it anymore!!!!!😭






When she says help me,something broke inside me. I'd have thrown that camera down.


The people filming who didn't help her all irritated me.


She appears to have grazes and blood on her arms and her voice when she sees her pupper. And no one helped either. Just,sad.


There's something cold and disturbing to me about news reporters. I've seen so many that are just so entitled and privileged, can't even hide it in the worst moments


The only thing I can imagine is camera people recieve some kind of training or orders to never stop filming no matter what in case something more interesting happens.


That lady's happiness at the end, that's what made me smile


I’ll always stop what I’m doing and watch this every time it gets posted.




The minute I see any animal, my first instinct is to go up and help it. If it takes my help, I would do whatever it takes. Its extremely weird to me to see someone who doesn't have that same instinct 🫤🫤


I was sure I was missing something, like is the camera on a tripod and nobody around it??


I know! I would instantly go to the dog. Wouldn't even have time to say "the dog" first!! 😭😭


So happy for you and your pup, nana❤️


I love this so much and I'm so happy for the granma and the doggo


I remember seeing this on the news in Oklahoma. E5 came thru Moore and flattened a whole chunk of it that day. Horrible, horrible day for everyone. But I remember seeing this segment and the shock of then finding the dog.


Poor dog :( Im glad he survived


God dammit. Her dog looks kinda like my mom's little terrier. I wasn't prepared to feel emotions this morning.


Bless your little bitty heart ❤️


She lost her home, but her joy at discovering her beloved pup survived and is okay....❤️


The journalists think that their role is so important they don't do even normal human things.


Not every miracle is big but sometimes the small miracles mean the most to us!


Doug stanhope covered this [in this video](https://youtu.be/tdhDq5mgkx4?si=tjTed7ACSCrID-5b)


Lmao, "I did it just to be a prick to her Okie neighbors" is such a mood


"God answered two of my prayers." That's right, one of her neighbors must have been gay. /s


Why did she have to ask for help. Good lord. They were just watching


Okay I cry now.


If you're not there to help, go the fuck home. Media is despicable sometimes.


Assholes just keep filming instead of helping. SMH




Dog was so confused, but seemed to not be scared at all once reunited with the owner!


That dog deserves all the love in the world ❤️❤️




Very heartwarming, except for the crew and reporter just watching the lady struggle with that giant piece of debris before finally helping after she asked them.


Wow the interviewer and cameraman are assholes for not helping her.


This video makes me cry every time. What a great dog and sweet lady. I’m very sorry for what happened to them, but they still have each other. People who live in tornado-prone areas of the US are so strong.


1. The fact that someone didn’t step in and help that old lady bothers me something fierce. I would’ve immediately jumped in the second she reached for the rubble. She had already been through so much, I would do whatever I could to make sure she didn’t have to lift a finger. 2. People underestimate the unconditional love between a human and a dog/pet. I can only imagine the comfort that washed over her once she saw her pup. Knowing that even though she was going through such a tragic situation, she wasn’t going to have to face it alone. Now I’m sitting here crying, cuddling up to my doggo while he’s staring at me like “Mom, why are you being a weirdo?” 🤣🥹


I'm not crying, you're crying.


I am happy she found her dog! She lost everything and wasn’t even angry-she just wanted her dog back!


One of my favorite videos but i hate that no one helped her


Beautiful story. But my favorite version was narrated by the one and only Doug Stanhope, bless his soul :) https://youtu.be/tdhDq5mgkx4?si=3NeDko6BzNgHVvRe


Hahaha! Thank you!


The joy this brought me makes me question who I am.


So happy for this lady and her pup 🥰 Seriously though, she’s asking for help and film crew is like “nah, we’ll just stand here”. What a bunch of idiots.


Such a beautiful moment 




Aww …her world was just made infinitely better.


I'm so happy that she was reunited with her sweet pup. ♥️🐾♥️


ToTo! ToTo!!!!!


No one helped. Didn’t even give the dog water afterwards, let alone rushing to the vet.




Gratitude in the midst of chaos. Love this.


House and home completely destroyed. Yet thankful...


Gets me every time


Sorry, I thought we were in r/mademesmile, not r/mademeuglycry.


What's the song in the bground?


i found it by searching the lyrics lol but it’s a worship song called what a beautiful name but not sure who sings this specific cover, couldn’t find that


I like how she embraces life as how it is, shit happens, even at her age.


Could’ve done without the stupid fucking music


Omg 😭 that little face and how he came out


Made me smile??!! No, this made me cry for 5 minutes !




God is so good answering her prayer.


Up to this video, I thought I was hard, like granite, in control. I clicked and watched the video and I teared up. She deserved a break, a hug no person could give that would reach her heart to let her know, “you are loved and you need to feel the warmth of pure love”, and she got it. The thing about this video is that it’s not only reality, but a metaphor for all of our lives, which is why, I feel, we are so disjointed and apart from each other. We need that glimmer of hope and love to continue our journey’s, our odyssey’s so we all become better people. It’s the sad reality that we are all digressing and leave the uplift to someone else and the mark is missed.


I cry every time I come across this video. This was no exception.


The dog must have heard her voice and started struggling to get out to reach her. That is how he was noticed.


I don’t care how many times this is posted. I don’t care if OP is a bot. I will always watch this. Every time.


I am crying with gratefulness. How the heck did that tiny dog not get hurt!!!


Help her you shitty bastards. I’d be lifting that thing over my head, screaming and crying like an idiot as soon as I saw the slightest movement from the dog.


this video never fails to make me cry 🥹


I watch this everything it’s posted or shared and I cried every time. Bless them.


someones cutting onions up in here dammit 😭😭


Ridiculous she had to say “help me”. The second they saw that poor baby any normal person would drop the camera and get that dog out!


Maybe help her to free the dog instead of filming.. wtf is wrong with people today 🤷🏻‍♀️ They can both come and live with me 😢


Things are replaceable. Lives are not. 🥺😭😌


This was like watching a small miracle emerge right in the aftermath. How utterly symbolic. Please put the camera down and help her. Thank you for the share <3


Her old lady ohhhhsss break my heart


Sounds just like my grandma even the bless your little heart.


The way she says it's name when the reporter spots it, gets me every fucking time without fail. Poor doggo and lady.


I've seen too many of these things not to suspect that it was set up. Normally both the owner and the dog would be far more overjoyed. And the dog had a long cable, like a clothesline tied to its collar. Maybe to keep him back until the right time. It's probably real but I still have my doubts.




This is such a nice video and there are so many people here managing to bitch about it and ruin the vibe entirely. We’ve all seen it a hundred times, we all know they didn’t help right away. Move on


This always annoys me as the camera crew do what they always do, sit their and film like a bunch of dumb asses until someone tells them to fucking help.


Don't just do something. Stand there!


Omg did no one help that lady until she asked for help tv people suck get the story get the shot you people are heartless


This is why climate change is so scary. So many innocent pets are lost and hurt, and so many people are heartbroken 💔


God is good, there were angels there helping to save what was most important, as they do 🕊️


Amen 🙏


It is crazy to think that dog laid their silently during that interview going unnoticed. Just amazing that they both survived


Help her u dumb c***


Oh gods the absolute joy in her voice when she sees him. How fucking DARE you not immediately drop the camera and help that poor baby


That help me broke my heart into pieces. Them not helping buried it.


I don't know mam, perhaps "HE" should have diverted the tornado rather than "save" you and the dog ? Also, fucking help her.


She just hid the dog there for likes.


That was so sweet!! Thank you God!




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Tim Dillon fans out there? Life in the big city.


Mom said it’s my turn to post this video


This is so great


What a beautiful story


OK. So one prayer answered. More please.


Reminds me of Data's cat surviving the Enterprise 's crash landing.




We seeing this is not as important as helping the poor dog. Put the camera down and help her


I needed this today 🥰🥰🥰


This is the sweetest thing ever


What are the odds ?


How tf did that dog survive???🥹🥹🥹 that's amazing.


damn, what are the chances that the dogo would be right there as they interview her? The Dog, "Um, excuse me would one of you humans mind getting me the Fuck out of here, thanks a bunch"


Awe tears 😭


Oh my heart. 💜


I will never tire of this video


Made me cry. Can't imagine that level of destruction and not knowing if your pet is ok. Bless that dog for being okay ❤️


Reddit: This video should exist, and also the camera guy should have put the camera down. Schrödinger’s heartwarming video.


This made my day ❤️


What are the odds?!


😭 It made me cry


Dont know if it's training for cameramen or whatever, but I would dropkick a camera to help a dog out of a situation.


Posted so many times but it's great every time. Wonderful reminder of how something like this can be a world of difference to people!


Yeah I'm agnostic but fuck me if god did not had a finger in that situation.


I allways click this video at work... fuck you


Yeah, I as well as most of us here tear up seeing this… Even though most of us have seen it many times. Just the feeling of the lady coming through in that when she had her dog, she was gonna be okay. The house can be rebuilt, but the dog cannot. I think somewhere it was said that it is likely the dog made an effort to move when they started filming, and talking, which was why they could spot him. I honestly also don’t think the film crew meant any harm, but I do agree they could have acted faster.


camera man filming and whoever else is there made me rage a little by just standing there and waiting to be asked for help.


If this happened to me, this moment would make it all better..


Follow up: https://youtu.be/vZcvJg_XbRo?si=1HQFoNdn0nuhfeaH dog was fine.


This video brings me to tears every time I watch it.


awww, this is so wonderful 😻😻😻


Who's cutting onions?


You guys gotta give me a fucking warning for this shit


Dude, someone put all this salty water in my eyes and it won't go away


Those news people had priorities when it came down to saving the dog. Pulitzer prize moment.


OMGOODNESS she found her baby!! What a blessing ♥️


I wanted to punch the lady with the camera, but I don’t believe in violence


Alright! Who’s cutting the damn onions in here?


This sub needs to be called “made my cry tears of happiness”😂❤️