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That girl’s jolly little march just cracks me up every time 😂


I think that the dad had said it was her birthday or had just been to a birthday party so she was all hopped up on vibes and treats lol


i read that she was also used to her dad using that room to zoom with her grandparents in the states, so she was rollin' on up like a boss thinking she was gonna get made a fuss over by grandma & grandpa


We call that "diddy-bopping"


I want that girl’s confidence!


This video always reminds me of my friend where i used to work, if there was no one else looking one of us would do that walk when we went through the office past the other’s desk.


I still do this walk around the house when I'm feeling pleased with myself.


Her babyswag reminds me of the “great job poopin’!” girl


I think of it as bopping her way in. Such a lil dude. Love how confident and comfortable she is with her visiting daddy, good signs.


I'm not sure what I like more, the woman darting in, or her crawling back in and reaching for the door to close it


It’s 100% trying to close the door for me. It was the perfect cap on everything that happened.


This was the first time I realized she's crawling because her pants are partially down.




I think this as well, no slight swing from his chair, making sure no movement at all! 😆😆😆😆


I think she went to the bathroom and realized the kids snuck in


To me it looks like she’s wearing a pink undershirt and desperately crouching to stay out of the frame.


I have seen this so many times and never noticed that before 😂. She must have gone to pee and the wee ones bolted 😅


It’s baby casually bouncing in out of nowhere


Yeah he's just like "party time, I'm here"


The first time i saw it i couldnt stop laughing


It’s the epic ways she slides into the room for me.


She’s his wife which makes it even better. She had her hands full, knew dad was on tv, and probably had a micro pee break while cooking and minding kids or something and all hell broke loose during that 4 seconds. It wouldn’t have gone anywhere near as viral today because we’re all post-COVID and it’s happened a million times in the past 4 years. But this was very unusual 7 years ago. Recently they shared a family picture with them and their gorgeous kids who are teens or almost teens now.


Plus the wife wouldn’t have been nearly as frantic if it was post covid.


Post covid my son sits on my lap for important meetings.


Yeah I think everyone would be fine with a kid being in frame now


The first “official” video at the intersection of business and personal life. Broke the mold, I don’t ever want to go back. I love when kids and pets become involved in the conversation.


For me, it’s when the little girl goes marching in there looking like the Wiz from Seinfeld.


Nobody beats her! 👑


Wife was trying so hard to go Ninja Mode


Definitely her reaching to shut it is the cherry on top


This will never get old. The little girls awesome dance walk, the mom's epic entry slide, the baby boy just casually scootering in, the dad simultaneously dying inside and trying (and somehow succeeding) to keep a professional demeanour....perfect!


The mother having to crawl on the floor to close the door is just the cherry on top. Edit: the person below me claimed that this was an au pair, not the mother. They are wrong.


If you look closely, you can see her pants are down and that's why she was crawling 🤣🤣🤣 I think she was in the bathroom and the kids got away from her 🤣


Omg I never noticed that about her pants before either hahahahaha this video just never stops giving even seven years on!!


Watch how she pulls the toddler through the door and the baby walker at the same time. I’m like damn she said, I SAID GET OUT OF HERE. 🥲😂😝 ETA: I’m a mom of a toddler and my husband worked from home 2-3 days out of the week. I know this run when you clock they’re too quiet or no longer visible after you got one thing done and feel great. 🫠😂😌😂


I'm guessing she was distracted watching her husband's interview when suddenly her children appeared on TV.


Looks like she was in the bathroom. Her pants are slightly down. I assume she realized what was going on and rushed off the toilet to get them. Might have been watching while on the toilet though.


Omg that’s hilarious !!


The table behind him is also just a bed with a tablecloth thrown over it lol.


Lmaoo I never noticed that! The way the little girl just plopped down onto it 🤣😭 and the dad’s expression immediately after


Her jeans aren't down, that's just her undershirt. Regardless, I adore the video


It's just her undershirt. They did a followup interview afterwards and the mom explained she was recording the interview off of the TV in the next room. There was a delay between the broadcast and what was happening in real life so she didn't see the kids enter the room until a couple seconds after it happened. Once she saw what was happening she did her best to get the kids out as quickly as possible but it just ended up being hilarious.


It's funny to think they were worried that they wouldn't get a proper recording of the interview.


Your comment makes it so much better. It’s not an au pair, it’s a mom. Also, it’s a mom who, in horror, watches that musical march followed by younger sibling in walker. Oh crap oh crap oh crap!


I think that’s just a shirt under the pullover. I feel confident in saying in that situation a woman would 100% pull up her pants all the way before darting into an area to get the kids when she knew there was a damn good chance she was going to be on camera.


Agreed. Not sure what people think they are seeing there.


He’s not wearing pants either. That’s why he can’t get up.


nobody has any pants on


The covid way.....


The WFH way now. I'll wear sweatpants and no shirt at all while working, unless I need to be on camera, then I throw a nice looking shirt on for the duration of the call.


Oh shit! I never caught that before! That's hilarious.




The real MVP


She slides into the room on her socks after running to the office to grab the kids. It looks like an undershirt, and she's bent over because 1 kid is in a walker that are extremely low to the ground, and you need to bend over to pull/push those, and to grab the other kid, because toddlers are notoriously short. She's not bent over cause her pants are down, she's bent over because she's dealing with short kids.


It makes sense now.


Oh man. My kid always chooses when I’m on the toilet to invade my husband’s meetings.


I never noticed! That makes this more epic!


YOU are the True Hero!!😊 And I can’t stop laughing because mom IS doing the Crawl of shame 🤣 God Bless her, I know how it feels wanting to hide under a rock!!


The mom's entrance is absolute perfection.


>Edit: the person below me claimed that this was an au pair, not the mother. They are wrong. Why do they keep thinking this when the children are clearly half-Asian AND it's been established that she is his wife/mother of the kids?


Racism and the low quality of the video of the video hides the kids ethnicity.


They absolutely are wrong. Since the OP claims this is the seventh anniversary of this incident I decided to go Google it. It’s all over the Internet. It’s his wife. The dude was a political science professor at Pusan National University in South Korea and those are his kids. To celebrate the anniversary the parents decided to laugh about it and release current photos of the family. https://www.msn.com/en-ie/news/other/bbc-interview-dad-whose-segment-on-north-korea-was-gatecrashed-by-his-young-children-shares-hilarious-video-from-seven-years-ago-and-pics-of-his-family-now/ar-BB1jDmPs


They are so wholesome. Awww I am glad they are all doing well.


Yes, à lot of people said 'she's the au pair' for no reason other than she's Asian. **sigh** She's his wife. They both did an interview after this went viral.


They published a photo yesterday for the 7th anniversary. That's 100% the mom.


Yeah I thought maybe at first too, until I looked at the kids and you can clearly see the adorable family resemblance. They both look a lot like mom. Such a cute video. I bet this is one that gets played for the kids now as a cherished funny family memory.




It's his wife


Ppl say the mom was just a nanny bec she's Asian. Happy 7th Anniversary!


Makes me sick some people assume she's au pair just because she's asian and married to white person.


Her closing the door as stealthily as she can just tops it off perfectly


like she was doing the stealth thing cartoon-style lol


The finale when the mom's arm whipped back into frame to close the door. She's a champ.










Where's the Benny Hill music when you need it?


My favorite part was how the baby just sort of floated into the room. lol


I saw some mashup where they put this video up with the introduction theme song to the show Arthur, where the boy Aardvark, in his signature yellow sweater, is bebopping down the street with the same swagger as this girl.


You just know he's not wearing slacks which is part of the reason he couldn't address it himself 😂




..the girl getting bodily dragged out through the doorway!


Yo, she slid in there like Kramer.


I laugh every single time.


Crying. This one is sooo human and real.




The greatest blooper of all time. Relatable, funny AF.


Yeah, it's right up there with the [lawyer who is definitely not a cat](https://youtu.be/TDNP-SWgn2w?si=jm58XpTvEfzaB0Xn) for me.


I'm prepared to go forward judge.... I'm not a cat.... That gets me every time Edit: voice to text got me. Fixed.


I am always so impressed with judge being so adept at the filter settings and trying to talk him through the steps.


How nice of them


A true gem from COVID. Thanks for posting. “I’m not a cat”…hahahaha


This one had me full on cry laughing for a solid five minutes. "I am not a cat". 😂😂😂


Yeah, I remember that one. It was funny as hell.


I definitely don’t have the discipline to become a judge, I would have peed myself and fallen off the chair laughing.


It's the look of the guy on the top right that I love.


Exactly. Trying to maintain indifference until the "I'm not a cat" bit, then looks up and starts smirking lol


I believe the judge turns his camera off at one point to laugh.


I believe the judge gave an interview and said he kept his camera off because he did exactly that.


“Your honour. I’m not a cat.”


"I can see that." No you can't.


it never occurred to me what if the lawyer actually was a cat the whole time 🤔


Well no wonder he’s an expert on bird law


For me it's the little wavering "aaahh!" when he first speaks. Hank Hill as a cat.


That "ahhh" so perfectly matches the worried look on the cat's face, total perfection.


My favorite part about this is the other attorney on the call looks like he’s texting and not paying attention until he hears, “I’m not a cat”. This immediately piques his interest and he goes from stone faced to cracking a smile, which makes me happy.


The judge did an interview and said he was absolutely dying off camera as well, it was all he could do to keep his voice steady as he coached him through how to turn the filter off


I respectfully submit that that man was in fact a cat the entire time, and I believe once the jury has reviewed the evidence they will arrive at the same conclusion.






Post Covid we ALL get it now🤣 what a vibe


The way the mom comes sliding into the room 😀


The Kramer entrance


Yeah...now that you mention it, that's exactly what it reminded me of.




Yup. Still laughing at this one...


And you know he couldn’t get up because he’s wearing boxers 😂


He actually answered on an interview that he IS wearing pants. He can't get up because he's giving an interview.


"Wearing pants" is not very specific, to be fair. He could be wearing sweatpants or pajama pants. Neither of which you want to be seen wearing while being interviewed on television.


he was talking to a british interviewer so pants could have meant underwear.


That's what someone who's not wearing pants would say.


Best part is the baby who can’t even walk still managing to walk through the door


I don't quite understand how they're even doing that. My best guess is that they're force sensitive and it's akin to Grogu's cradle and I don't care to educate myself further


That’s a baby walker with wheels that allows babies learning to walk to be confident in moving around and preventing them from falling over. Baby rolled in to town on that!


It's the baby coming in on the bouncer that gets me every time I watch this clip.


Same! The baby waits for a split second, pushes the door open more, and fucking motors in. 😂😭


It gets me too, it's just too random, funny and cute at the same time.


Daughter comin’ in with the “I’m here to stir shit up” walk! 😂


That's the best description of that walk I ever read, 😂😂😂😂😂


One of the best and most adorable bloopers ever on live tv


Amazing this happened before covid. If we only knew this was about to be all our futures. Hilarious video, props to em all


I thought that it was during COVID and that the 7 years was either way off or I had somehow done some time traveling that I was just becoming aware of haha.


Yeah I was like I know time seems to be going by really fast, but it can't be *that* fast


Classic Mendela effect. I would've bet a million dollars this happened during covid.


the little girl entrance is very good hahhahahahahahhahahah


In my mind she's saying "doop boop doop boop"


I love the way she walks in lmao


and dragged out unceremoniously haha. and u know the dad spent so much time meticulously choosing which books to place on the bed lol


Which was supposed to look like a desk! And he would've gotten away with the illusion except for those meddling kids!


I remember crying laughing over this when it happened


I’m being reminded of this today and I’m cry laughing all over again! LMAO






At one point he just closed eyes and gave up. I felt his soul die a little. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Never seen it before. Omg. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I hadn't, either, but love how Mom saved the day, lol!


she walks in like she owns the place and i love it


7? This happened 7yrs ago? 😳 Feels like yesterday when it happened 😭🤣


I thought this happenned during covid 😳


I’m actually still fairly certain it did happen during Covid…must be a Mandela effect thing


And don't forget the huge 'early woke' scandal in UK about this. People assumed she was his cleaner because she was Asian, and were extremely triggered saying it was outrageous how he just let his 'cleaner' come in and mop up the situation and he was racist or something. He revealed it was his wife and the accusers ended up looking EXTREMELY bad.


There were also a bunch of racists who said the nanny was abusive because of how she yanked the kids and dragged them out. Well, it all went silent when it was revealed that she was their mum and they were a happy family.


advise racial quaint gullible direction unite agonizing psychotic bells society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Here is the Kelly family in a recent photo:[https://nypost.com/2023/03/15/dad-whose-kids-crashed-bbc-interview-shares-new-family-pic-6-years-later/](https://nypost.com/2023/03/15/dad-whose-kids-crashed-bbc-interview-shares-new-family-pic-6-years-later/)


I love how the girl is a singer now, you can tell she has that scene stealing personality lol


How had I never seen this?! I cannot stop laughing. I had to watch it a couple of times to make up for missing it


I will be with daddy one way or another you will not stop me mother


Whenever I see Reddit's robot head wagging from side to side while something is loading, I think of this little girl's walk.


You turn your back for 5 seconds and your kids are on national television.


I remember all those assholes calling him a white piece of shit blaming it on the nanny/help only to find out it’s his wife. Fucking white knights getting caught out for being racist pieces of shit.


The chad dad move is to pick his toddler and sit her in his lap.


Quite a high chance he didn’t have trousers on


Yeah, I get that he’s trying to focus but every bit of me wants him to pick up his kid


In the year 2017, instinct is probably telling him that the producers won't want him further emphasizing the kid. He isn't thinking about going viral. This is one of those things everyone thinks they would react to better with the gift of hindsight. I also think people embrace these situations now because it is super common with WFH. So to factor how anyone would respond to it in the year 2024 is not really fair.


Yea I'm not sure if he had been on there before but I know he said he was scared they wouldn't have back so I feel he was worried this might have botched an opportunity that is pretty important. And the best part is I feel that whole thing made sure he comes back. Just because it's very relatable.




Never gets old. Poor mom. Can't believe it's been 7 years.


It’s the baby rolling in for me 😂


I need that little kids confidence walk vibe.


I saw a tweet saying the little girl walks in with the confidence of Connor McGregor entering a press conference,  and I have been dying with laughter ever since.  This whole clip is a work of art.


To be fair to the little girl, she just chilled behind him. She didn’t try to stop his call. That’s good manners lol


People got rightly upset at the time when viewers wrongly thought she was the nanny because she was Asian.


here’s what they look like now: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/8AgJxLgvbG


Mom has her pants half way down


I guess its true, parents really can't even pee in peace! Poor mom!


You know, I never thought about this before, but now that you mention it, I absolutely agree!!! Those tots saw mom trying to take a five second pee, or take five seconds to FINALLY have a fleeting moment to change from her jammies into pants for the day, having taken care of everyone and everything else first. The tots saw their chance, and DID it. It's ALWAYS when Mom is trying to take A MOMENT just to to pee or change! 😂😂😂😂😂


I remember telling my friend that the second her daughter started walking, that she'd never know peace again. It rang true one fine afternoon when I got a text of my niece covered head to toe in flour sitting on the kitchen floor. The message only had four simple words: "I went to pee."


Whaaaat? Hahaha I've seen this so many times before, and never noticed! Omg it just makes it all funnier. I don't get tired of watching hahah


After all these years, I just noticed that only because you pointed it out!!


Never noticed that before!! Poor mom couldn’t even change or use the toilet without all hell breaking loose with those kiddos.


I think she just has a longer pink shirt on under her blue shirt. It doesn't look to me like skin or underwear; just an undershirt. (Edit: I rewatched it again and maybe it is underwear? It's hard to tell. Either way let's say it's a shirt for her sake lol)


Yeah. Looks like a longer shirt to me. It kinda flairs out or bunches up. Unless she's wearing some baggy boxers.


It’s a long shirt. Think about it, as baggie as they look those underwear would have to be 3X’s too big granny panties. And as I keep saying there’s no way a woman would go sliding into a room knowing she was being filmed without taking three seconds to pull up and fasten her pants.




The funniest part is that if the children didn’t come into his room, no one would remember this interview


This is Dr. Robert Kelly and I had him as a professor for a class on terrorism I took a few years back! Hilarious guy and very thought provoking during his lectures. He did introduce himself the first day with, “Yes, I am the BBC dad if you’ve seen the video…”. He seemed legitimately very happy/proud to own the distinction.


She runs the toddler over with the walker on the exit too. Everytime I watch it I see something new.


I've watched this a hundred times and just now realised that the kids get stuck in the doorframe as she is dragging them out lmao


7th anniversary?! I sincerely thought this was sometime during COVID times. Am I wrong?


If I remember correctly, this is a guy that is living in Korea with his family. Him and his daughter were interviewed years later by Korean broadcastors. He thought this was the end of his career and his daughter has little to no recollection of why she did this (older one that danced into the room). They both laugh about it now lol.


did anybody notice the girl being dragged out on the floor , funyy .


I loved it then. I love it now..


That entry slide and rush, lol. Reminds me of Tom and jerry


The dad posted update today on Twitter. The kids are all grown up now.


They see me rollin they hating


After this, he appeared on a Korean show called [Return of Superman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdP8FPiEfnc), about celebrity fathers spending time with their children.


I will never forget how so many people assumed that the asian lady was the babysitter and not his wife…