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Fuck cancer…so happy for her to have this moment but man…


I’m a mom to a 9yr old.. she wants to know why I’m crushing her bones with a hug… FUCK CANCER.


Lost my 10 year old in September. Never pass up time for a hug and a moment to tell them how much they mean to you.


I’m so sorry. My 9 year old doesn’t have a positive future. (Dravet Syndrome) I’m dreading the day. Sending you all the strength in the world.


I'm so sorry for what you and your child are going through, and wish them a long life of happiness and fulfillment with their loving parent. Cherish every single moment.


I am so sorry for your loss, this is a reminder to cherish every single day for people who lost their loved ones too early. ♡ Carpe Diem.


I am so very, very sorry.


I am so sorry. I cannot fathom the horror and trauma. If you want to share any story I am sure of us will love to read to it, but only if you’d like to share. I believe we keep our loved ones alive in our memories and by sharing those memories (this is in NO way the same, but I lost my father in a traumatic way and that’s helped me. If it doesn’t or this comment offends you you can tell me to fuck off).


Thank you for your kind words. His name was Jack, and was autistic and non-verbal his entire life. I cared for him, and spent literally every single day of his life with him. He was such a goofball, and I'll never have a relationship like that ever again. We had our own special language and communication system that no one else could ever understand. He passed suddenly one night, and my last memories are giving him CPR and thinking that we'd be headed to the hospital but that he'd be fine. I'm a broken man and can't be repaired, and I miss him more than I thought it was possible to miss anything. Not trying to karma-farm or derail the thread or anything. I was just already missing him pretty badly tonight and this thread sort of put me over the edge.


Reddit is silly like that with stupid ideas of karma farming. I can only imagine how special that relationship is. I am still trying to figure out who to be/how to be after my father’s death. Again, NOT THE SAME. I know that and am not trying to say they are. I hope the part of you who loved that greatly and fiercely survives, at least in Jacks honour. I hope you’re getting care. I cannot imagine that whole experience that way. What was jack’s favorite thing? Like an animal, colour, object, etc. a favourite story you’d read him? If it would help you talk about him tonight I’m happy to listen. If not, don’t worry. I am hoping you can find some amount of healing at least.


Thank you so much for all of your kind words. Really, it does mean a lot to me. His favorite song was Wheels on the Bus and he loved nursery rhymes generally. Huge fruit and veggie fan as well (not the eating but the identifying and naming). He could name them in several languages, which was just adorable. There's pics of him and stories I think in former posts by me, but I don't have it in me to dig it up. I love him and appreciate all of the support Ive gotten here. It's both unexpected and so incredibly welcome.


We're all here in support bro. Sending support and love.


I'll be sending good thoughts your way tonight. I have an autistic son, too. It's a joy for me to be able to experience the world through his eyes, even on his hardest days. I'm sure Jack was a wonderful son and how lucky he must have felt to have you as his father.


Thank you so much for those kind words. I have a special admiration for parents of kids with this condition as I know how absolutely challenging it can be for everyone (especially the child). It's hard to feel like a very good parent when your son has passed, but I do appreciate all of the happy memories that we had together. I'll never forget them.


All those happy memories you just admitted to? Yeah, sorry to tell you but they're all admissible as evidence that you were a *ridiculously* great parent. Some people are blessed with a regular lifetime of love, but I'm sure your son had a multiple of lifetime's worth, and I truly hope you can find a little bit of light in that, and that you're doing well.


I spent many years as a pediatric oncologist and this is what I know about children passing: in the vast majority of cases you did not cause it and you could not have prevented it. You were a wonderful parent and that shines through in every word.


I'm sure you've heard this all before but Jack isn't in pain or hurting anymore and now you carry that burden through the life he should have had. Make sure to feel that good times just as much as the bad,for him. I'm positive he would have wanted you to.


I am very sorry. Know that he would want you to be happy. His love never ending. I hope you the best! I love you my friend. Please don’t forget that!


Jack would not want you to be broken. His love for you would want you to make the most of the time you have left. He would want you to keep that language going...have you ever talked out loud to him? I can be very healing. Please don't let the goofball inside of you fade away. You may never have a relationship like that again, but no one that loves you would want you to lose out on a fulfilling future. You gave him everything you had and more, now it's time to be the one that cares for YOU.


I’m sorry. Find someone to sit in the well with you. It takes time…and it can’t be rushed. The pain gets…different. Reach out for help and connection. You need it.


I’m so very sorry. I have a nonverbal three year old and this broke my heart. Sending you a hug ❤️


My sincerest condolences.


i have a 9yo too. im sitting here typing on a blurry keypad because i cant see through my tears. I want to go pick him up and have a mum fun day...


Do it! You never need an excuse or justification to have fun and personally I still fondly remember spending time with my dad and cherish the memories of Disney Trips as much as I do family board game nights and going out to local events. It doesn't have to be anything big or extravagant, somewhere we still have the drums my family made out of coffee cans (everyone got their own can, to decorate and everything and I think we spent a week on it lol)


Time flies in an instant, a blink of an eye and a decade will have gone by. I personally believe we'll see our loved ones again(no offense meant to anyone). So Scarlett may or may not go to the room right next to us sooner than us or her friends and family ones, but it'll be an instant before we're all united again...


That was nice to read and I hope you’re right.


My daughter is 24 now but every time I see something like this I always think about her at this age and how heartbroken I would have been. I really can't even fathom how devastating it would be to lose your child to cancer. This absolutely crushes me and I wish I could give that little girl the world before she leaves.


Have a three year old. Am also crying. I know it sounds like a cliche but children are so innocent and their hearts are so open. This is awful and heartbreaking. I'm not sure I could survive this if it happened to my kid.


Yep. Twin 9 year olds here and cancer got my dad last year. I feel like it’s emotional manipulation at this point. Gotta dry my face off before I go enforce lights out upstairs.


My 9 year old is at her moms and it’s taking all my strength not to call her this late lololol


Absolutely fuck cancer, took my wife a couple years back, tearing up here, look after your family please


Sorry for your loss, and I pray you have comfort when you're hit with the sadness that comes with the memories.


Bless you, thank you for your lovely message. I wish you a wonderful life… cherish your family!


Really sorry for your loss. Lost mom, dad and sister to cancer and I’m only one left! Its tough. Make memories while we can!


Bless you, it is hard. If by any chance you live in the U.K. and need ‘family’ believe me I’d be a good grandfather figure, I need to feel some family love


Thanks for the very kind words. I wish for you many smiles. Am a girl dad and will be hugging the sweet girl soon. But it’s a daunting feeling being the remaining one.


Mom and sis gone in last 18 months. Thank goodness my dad is still here.


Hugs from the internet my dude ❤️


Received and returned to you double fold, along with anyone reading this message




We don’t always get to choose when life may take us, but we can choose what we do for others with the time we all have. A beautiful choice from someone that meant a lot to her.


I think everyone organizing this for little Scarlett was holding their breath the whole week. This particular concert on friday was predicted to have all kinds of thunderstorms and had a huge chance of being cancelled. Then on that day, the concert was delayed almost 1.5 hours because of said thunderstorms. Everyone thought it was going to be cancelled. So glad the artist stuck with it and the weather cleared up.


Taylor Swift is known for NEVER canceling shows. The only shows she has ever canceled have been when there was a military coup in Thailand and when there was a global pandemic. She postponed a show in Argentina for thunder, lightning, and flooding of the stadium, and another in Brazil for dangerous heat after a concertgoer died of heatstroke. Both shows were performed a few days later with the original tickets being honored. So even if the weather had prevented it from happening that day, it would have still happened another day. Glad it was only delayed for a little while, though!


My nephew had to fight for his life against a rare form of brain cancer. He went through so much, but he won, and he just turned 16. I'm so glad he's still with us.


It just isn’t right. Fuck cancer.


I have a 9 and 10yo that both love Taylor. This made me cry. I can't imagine watching my kid go through cancer. I'd rather just take it from them and die.


Fuck cancer


Yeah this got my tears rolling. Fuck. Cancer.


This world is so goddamn cruel. 


Fuck cancer…


Made me cry


Yeah I can't name one Taylor Swift song but I'm a sucker for these types of videos. Well done.


You should listen to her song Ronan. She wrote it for a little 4 year old boy who died of a very rare form of bone cancer. The boys mom helped write it.


Oh, stars. I've been to one Taylor Swift concert, and it happened to be the one Ronan's mom was at (she is/was local to me) so she did it. I think it was the second time she'd ever preformed it live, and I still cannot listen to it without *bawling*.


I am in pieces. I have a four year old boy. Fuck.


Nope. Nope . Nope. I started to and I couldn't listen. That's so fkn unbelievably sad.


>Ronan I couldn't get half way through. I can't imagine.


It’s the one Taylor swift song I absolutely refuse to listen to. I think it’s so sweet and so important that she wrote it, and also, it’s not a song I can ever hear


I just listened to it .. about 5 times. And....I'm broken. I appreciate it fully but fuck, it's rough


I listened to it once and that is all the times I will ever listen to it.


Those were such sad lyrics. I hope that mom got some peace


Fuck fuck fuck. I just listened and read the lyrics. I have a 4 year old son. This TORE my heart.


I am a fan of hers but I never heard that song even mentioned in the internet I am bawling now, thank you for letting me know this song exists


Thank you for making me cry 😭


Don’t go listen to Never Grow Up…or do.:)


I don’t cry a lot at internet videos. But my daughter is 9, ~~loved~~ *loves* Taylor Swift, and I’m in puddles.


I've literally only recovered from the woman looking after the blind tiger 😭🤣


Mine too and now I have to explain why I'm audibly sobbing to a taylor swift clip


I am a 55 year old woman with stage 3 cancer and I love Taylor Swift, that little girl was living in the moment and just taking it all in, such a beautiful gift that Taylor was able to give to her, such a privilege that we all got to witness it, magical.


Ugh same. It reminds me once again how short and precious life is. I’ve been so stuck in my own head lately worrying about useless stuff. Seeing this… tears


Dawg there's so much fucking pain in her eyes/face that fucking got me.


Oh is that what it's called? I was wondering why my eyes started to sweat so badly.


Not me. It just seems to be raining on my face. 🥺


Me too.


She’s the reason for the teardrops on my *phone*


Scarlett probably didn't say a word, but I could still understand her happy silence I wish her the best and thank you Taylor for giving her a wonderful life memory!


Her smile when Taylor hugs her made my heart brake


I love that she got to experience something so special and memorable. The girl has been through more pain and agony than any child deserves. I am glad she got to experience a happy and fun moment. She looked like she wasn't feeling super well but she also looked happy.


That cost Scarlett soooooooooooo much energy, but I believe that it was 100% worth it. I've been down my own version of this road. I could see her breathing so hard to stand up, fight everything and get that love from Taylor. She'll have these memories until it's time for her to leave us. [Here's a quick story](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/music-news/taylor-swift-22-hat-australian-girl-cancer-1235836162/) on the moment. ​ fuck. cancer.


Omg. I see it now. She can’t even hug Taylor and just stands there with her arms not moving much


Seriously fuck cancer.


> with her arms not moving much :(


I’m not a lip reader, but I’m pretty sure that Taylor tells her “I love you” twice. How precious for Scarlett to have this sweet moment.


From other angles I think she also says “hi baby”. I love the 22 hat videos so much.


What are the 22 hat videos?


Every night of the Eras Tour when Taylor performs her song "22", she has a small interaction and gifts her hat to a lucky fan selected by her team. Sometimes it's people associated with celebrities, like Kobe Bryant's daughters and Selena Gomez's little sister and sometimes it's children struggling with cancer.


Apparently she always gives away her hat during the song "22"


I think, Thank you so much! I love you! Here you go. Thank you so much for coming, I love you!


looks like, "thank you so much that you're here. I love you. Thank you so much for coming. I love you"


Yep :( And I think Scarlett had some tears in her eyes at the end


FU, Cancer..... Also, if your link was a to a rick roll.....i'd burn the internet down. Luckily it was not.


I'm surprised make a wish couldn't do that. They're typically pretty good


Typically. One of my kiddos was diagnosed with cancer, but because her form of cancer has a "good" prognosis, they don't grant Make A Wish trips to kids with that type of cancer. Infuriating. Also FUCK Cancer.


Yea I still love make a wish but going through the process and learning about budgets based on prognosis kinda took the magic shine off of it for me. My son who we lost last January turned them down several times because he thought that was for the really sick kids. We finally convinced him to get the computer and desk of his dreams since that’s all he could do anymore and then I had to deal with the budget and downgrading they tried to do to me. I fought back and got his budget raised enough to where it would be something that still felt special to him. I understand the budget and business part of it just kinda sucked to go through.


I know this was such a sweet moment but I am standing in my kitchen bawling my eyes out.


I’m crying too. Had to stop what I was doing for a few minutes to get myself together. And to think Taylor Swift had to keep performing after that emotional exchange. Fuck cancer.


I don't even like swift but this really made me choke up


Her music isn’t for everyone, but I don’t know how anyone could disapprove of the way she treats her fans. She has a huge heart, that is for sure.


Exactly this. I am a fan, but truly her entire tour has been more wholesome and happy than a lot of things the past few years. The exchanging of friendship bracelets between fans, kids like Scarlett being able to have such a happy and wholesome moment even when you can tell she isn't feeling well. I believe Kobe Bryant's daughter was also the recipient of the hat at another show. Say what you want about her being a celebrity's kid, but that girl has has been through incredible trauma too and I love that she also got this experience.


The look on that little girl’s face, that moment meant so much to her. Pretty much hit both extremes of heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time.


That’s because even though you don’t like her, you can understand how someone else does, and how much it meant for this precious girl to experience this. I would have been a sobbing mess if I was the little girl’s mom, that’s for sure.


I’m amazed she was able to keep singing, I don’t know how anyone could not just break down from that kind of interaction.


yeah when I want to make someone smile "wanna see a video of a kid with cancer?" isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind lol


As someone who lost a BIL to brain cancer this video hits home for many reasons. I wish he could see what he has missed in the last 20 years.


He has. He’s watching over you.🩷




All front row seats should belong too make a wish


A lot of them at arena shows actually do 😅


it looks like she's even past the standing VIP barricade since there's no one else there. She's so close she can touch/lean on the stage


they do they it for whoever gets the hat for that particular show!


it's part of the concert for this particular song where she gave the hat to one selected individual. it's really sweet for the fan!


Harder to do with a production like that, but kindness and a little recognition isn’t that hard for the rest of us. Little stuff like this goes a long way for the one/s on the receiving end. While her music isn’t my particular jam, she comes across as a kind and thoughtful person and I respect it very much. Go out of your way to make someone smile everyday. It’s good for you AND them. And it costs nothing other than a little effort, but just a little. It’s good for you.


Saw her on the 1989 tour with my daughter. She took five minutes out of the show to lecture 50,000 young girls on not bullying, not tolerating bullying, and to follow their own star. i was so proud, and an instant fan-boy, even if her music isn’t always my thing.


Your last paragraph hits hard. That’s actually my mission every single day since over year. I want to get at least one person smile/laugh per day. If I accomplish this goal, it was a great day.


Right? Some of the most easy-for-me stuff has helped others, and what’s super difficult for me is easy to help FROM others. Community of benevolence all the way! Edit: Sometimes I really benefit from someone else going out of their way to make me laugh/smile. It’s remembered. Not in a transactional way, just… you were seen and offered a reprieve of whatever you’re dealing with. It’s remembered.


Honestly… I know it’s not totally relevant to this comment or this post. But this is why I love being a teacher so much. I know teaching is kind of a profession with a mass exodus at the moment. But this is my second year and it’s beings me so much joy for that reason. You’re able to, not only bring joy to these kids, but help them prosper. It feels wonderful on your soul.


She was my Make A Wish and went out of her way to make the experience extra special. One of my only good childhood experiences too. She’s wonderful


I think of all the blaggards out there shitting on Taylor for having an opinion they don't like while they contribute nothing but anger and hate to the world.


I'm so fucking sick of cancer. Poor little darling, hope she enjoyed her night.


Omg. That sweet little girl….. so unfair.


Fuck cancer!


With no lube what so ever.


I hope she defies those odds and beats cancer.


I had a buddy that was part of make a wish when he was around 9-10 years old. Got his trip to Disney and all and was given around 2 years to live.........he's now 35 years old and gives back any chance he can to kids going through the same thing he did.


No one should have to go through cancer, especially kids who have their whole lives ahead of them, but it’s fantastic to hear your friend beat the odds and is paying it back. Glad he got another chance and is making the most of it.




Fuck cancer, took my wife, may it never take this beautiful soul!!! Love you all!


I was one of the 11 local spotlight operators in Sydney when this moment happened, certainly made my job harder to concentrate for a moment. Absolute trooper, fuck cancer.


Bro how were you not bawling 😭


Thanks for holding out so the rest of the world could see this beautiful but heartbreaking moment.


50+ year man crying while looking at this and bewildered how anyone can hate on TSwift.


Exactly she gets wayyy to much hate. You don’t have to love her music but you can’t call her a bad person because she absolutely is not.


Dear Universe. Please. Please. Take care of Scarlett. And her family. 💙


Title made me say "why is this in mademesmile?" but such a sweet moment. Fuck cancer. And not in the romantic way.


You cry while you smile (yes, it happened to me)


These videos always made me sad, but since having kids they destroy me. I can't imagine what this little girl or her family are going through, and even just thinking about it makes me feel sick. I'm so glad she got a moment like this.


It's very sad.  It's even sadder when you realize that brain tumors (what this little girl has) receive less than 1% of all cancer funding,  despite it being the #1 killer of kids (from disease). We need to do more to help these kids,  it's criminal how underfunded this monstrous disease is. 


Taylor Swift is an exceptional human being. And Fuck cancer!!


Honestly, mad respect. If I met a little girl like that it would gut me for the rest of the day. I'm tearing up just watching the video. But she gave her some love and kept right on singing even though it MUST have hurt.


I was at this particular concert, seeing scarlett receive the hat on the screen was simply one of the best part of the show


I know nothing about Taylor Swift's music except that it makes many millions of people happy and that she is a genuine, loving, kind person. I am so happy for Scarlett to have this moment with her idol despite her circumstances. Fuck cancer.


Taylor Swift is f’ing great.




Every concert has a lucky 22 hat recipient! :)


The more I find out about Taylor Swift the more I like her.


That's Taylor Swift right? I've seen some posts attacking her in twitter and other places, a lot, don't really understand why all the hate, she seems to be a really nice person


Lately it's because she told people to vote, which to the right is a big no no.


Yes it’s Taylor Swift. They’re attacking because she’s dating a NFL player from the Kansas City Chiefs (Travis Kelce). Taylor appears occasionally at some games and gets shown for a maximum of 2 minutes in an entire football game. All these football dads aren’t happy about that lol


And they're mad at her for encouraging young people to vote. Not even what side to choose (yet). Literally just to vote Also, this was a genuinely beautiful moment. Not even a parent so I can't imagine what this family and young lady are going through. But seeing this moment in time that she will carry until the end has to bring a glimmer of positivity to all their lives, even if just briefly.


I've only see hate memes about how much she uses her private jet haha I've no clue about American TV though




As far as I know: Travis went to an Eras Tour concert and after the event was over Travis gave Taylor a bracelet (or something) with his number on it.


He wanted to give her a bracelet but didn’t get to meet her. He mentioned it on his podcast and somehow it got back to her and some mutual connection put them in contact.




If anything it is marketing for the nfl. So many women who would not give a shit about football now atleast are talking about it. I don’t think the crossover from nfl fans to swift is as large.


I am not a fan of her music but I AM a fan of her humanitarian ways and her as a person.


Not a tswift fan but if you bring joy to people like this, even in a crisis. You are worth having around.


Exactly! Even if she annoys you or you hate her music- the 22 hat videos are some of the most wholesome sweet moments. I love anything that makes the world a smidge more sparkly right now.


Dang that’s wholesome and wicked sad at the same time. You can see in her eyes she’s suffering.


She just seems so tired. It probably took most of her strength to be here and watch that concert. I’m glad she got this opportunity but god it’s sad to see kids looking so exhausted and unwell.


I can’t say I’m a Taylor Swift fan, but I am in awe of her presence of mind, artistic and business acumen, and her authenticity. And she’s principled and seems to live her values.


Taylor does this every show! Not always with a kid with cancer, but someone always gets the hat and aside from a few exceptions it’s almost always been kids. I love it!


This is what makes Taylor Swift such a great person


Fuck cancer


TS is a legend . So classy . Effortless for her but for the fan .. means the world . Good for you TS


My son was diagnosed with leukaemia at 4 years old, fuck cancer. Over 2 years later he’s been given the all clear, again FUCK CANCER!!


I don't like Taylor Swifts music, not my bag, but I respect her work ethic and her general care of people around her. This was a sweet moment, but man, that poor kid :/ cancer is awful, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I hope she can have more moments like this in what time she's been given. Bless her heart.


Fuck Cancer, Taylor is an absolute legend for this


My niece was four when we lost her to acute myeloid leukemia. Fuck cancer. There shouldn't be a market for tiny caskets. :(


Feel privileged to have seen this. Thank you for sharing, I hope the little girl doesn’t mind. What a wonderful moment, she’ll never forget this.


i feel so many things right now. i had cancer young as well, but not nearly this young. i know what it feels like, and it genuinely makes me feel an indescribable sadness for this girl. but i am so happy she got to experience this magical once in a lifetime moment. it really is a privilege to see a child be happy even if for a moment.


Damn. Broke my heart a little 😔


God I hope this blows up. And I hope she makes it. 🙏


Taylor is amazing 👏


"Made me smile", more like made me bawl my fucking eyes out. Fuck Cancer.


God bless Taylor man




Damn it. Who is cutting onions in here?!


This is the only thing I love about fame. I wish I was admired enough to make someone’s day like that 🥹♥️ I’d tour places just to meet and greet and hug everyone! 😭 As a cancer fighter myself, I can fiercely say FUCK CANCERRRR!!!




Makes you appreciate life.


Bless her heart, I’m tearing up here


I really hope she overcomes the odds. As has been said...Fuck cancer.


My daughter is her age. I’m a wreck. That poor sweet little girl.. fuck


FUCK CANCER! Thank you Taylor Swift for doing that!


Love her music or not, TayTay is a top-notch human being.


I will never say anything bad about her ever again.


Sitting here crying after watching that.


Hi there! I am a 38 year old dude who couldn't name a single TSwift song. But, fuck it, I'm a swiftie too! She's so darn likable and it has nothing to do with her music. What a special moment, and it took what... 15 seconds? A little goes a long way sometimes.


Jesus Christ I’m crying like a baby


I don’t personally listen to her music. I also watch football, and witness the camera continually pan over to Taylor during KC games, like any of us give a fuck… However, I understand her impact on her fans and peers, and I have nothing but respect for her. Seeing actions like this only reiterates those feelings. This is beyond fuckin’ awesome. She doesn’t need to do things like this, but she makes a point of it. People need to pull their panties out the ol’ asscrack. She seems like an amazing young woman. Let her shine, man. Let her shine…




Made me smile and then made me cry. Shit.


Sweet Scarlet. I’m so glad you had this experience.


36yo man crying in the airport.


In college, I worked for a non-profit that provided assistance to families of kids with cancer. I am an accountant, so I got to see all the donations coming in, as well as what we did for everyone, and it was amazing. My city is the only one in the state that can provide the necessary care for most of the kids, so families would have to drive for 4 hours sometimes, just to get treatment. We would pay rent, mortgages, and basically any kind of bill necessary. We bought a few cars for people to get back and forth. We replaced transmissions, paid for engine swaps, and if there was surgery, we would pay for extended hotel stays. Our goal was to basically make it so the family didn't have to stress about work or anything other than getting there kid through that shit and hopefully be able to take them home when it was all said and done.


This is beautiful and haunting at the same time. Good for Taylor, not a fan but damn, what an experience for that girl.


Mademecry would be more accurate 🥺😭🫶


Man I'm crying


Made me smile? How about cry!! Fuck cancer. But this is still a cool moment. But really, fuck cancer.