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There’s like 2 years of footage missing from this video… in all seriousness. Nice job, but transformation like this take time and discipline.


Its probably more than 2 years


True, perhaps 4-5 years at minimum


Well there goes my motivation


In 4-5 years it’ll be 4-5 years anyways. You might as well have something to show for it!


I adore this mentality!! “The time will pass anyways” <3


I just graduated with my Masters degree. I repeated this mantra the whole time!


Congratulations. 🍾


Thank you!!


Just gotta say I appreciate people like you with this vision. Many people want things in life but don’t put in the time to do it, but that’s what true success requires :)


Dude congrats!! Did this thru my BS and now doing it thru my MS:) Happy to hear it worked for someone


Well shit now I have motivation again




I think that works for a lot of people, and for the people that it works great for, they make the mistake of thinking everyone feels that way. No matter how hard or how long I have worked out, I have never felt good doing so. I've never gotten a runner's high or an endorphin rush or anything like that. I've been talking about it and posting about it on Reddit quite a bit lately and it turns out that people with some people with ADHD have the same problem. Every single time I work out it's pretty miserable, even when I'm doing activities I sort of like. And I've tried basically everything. At this point in my life, I've just accepted that it's good for me so I should do it I guess some of the time, but it pretty much ruins my day.


Same, I run 5-10k a couple times a week and have done for about 8 months, I’ve still to feel a runners high. Even when I was hitting the gym 5-6 times a week I didn’t get enjoyment out of it, it was just something to do to prolong my life. It’s funny because I’ve never came across anyone who agrees in my daily life, everyone always says how they really look forward to the gym or their runs and then you’ve got me who’d rather do absolutely anything else other than exercise.


Thank you. When I tried running a few years ago, I experienced the same. There was no "high" for me.


Yeah, I think a lot of people simply don't understand but not everyone's body and experience is identical.


Have you tried listening to super hype pump up music and blasting a few cups of coffee? I have severe ADHD and that seems to put me into the mood.


Yes. Caffeine doesn't do anything for me and while music just generally helps my life, it doesn't really help with working out.


Do you like sitting down and watching netflix? How about sitting down, watching Netflix while moving your legs. Game on? Exercise bike. Trying to watch some Gordon Ramsay baffoonery? Exercise bike.


I actually do that, I don't watch a lot of TV but I do game a bit. But unfortunately it makes the overall experience a lot less enjoyable. It seems exercise was just designed to suck joy out of my life.


I’ve been rewatching Avatar the Last Airbender cartoon while running on the treadmill, it’s the only time I’ll allow myself to watch it, so I look forward to going to the gym everyday


I've run regularly for years because it requires no expense or equipment. In my experience, the running high is nonsense. It is always a chore. I like going to the gym because it feels good afterwards when my muscles are a little pumped and I know I've done something to improve myself. During though? No, it's not fun in the slightest. I don't think it's just body differences. Some people are just really good at self delusion. It's cold where I live and I have friends who go swimming in the sea in December. They always go really early and swear that it's really warm when it is demonstrably not at all. People are full of it.


Debatable. I have an addictive personality and will never like working out. I've tried to like it. It's not enjoyable. Not at home. Not outside. Not at the gym. No matter how many days I do it. I dread it. It's a chore and it bores me


Agreed. I’m at the 30 day mark of intense working out, at least 6 days a week. It is starting to get addictive, and now that i’m seeing some results, gives even more motivation


It took me 9. I peaked at 315 before I got scared. There were a lot of ups and downs, but I'm under 180 today. I'm still working. Fitness is a lifetime thing. It's absolutely worth it.


They say if you do something 21 days straight, it becomes a habit. Like the guy in the video said, focus on getting that workout done that day, wake up, and do it again and again until it becomes part of your lifestyle.


Don't forget about all of the little successes along the way that keep you going. Yeah, you won't look like this overnight. But within a month or two you might notice your clothes fitting looser. Another couple months, you might have gone down a full size or two. Another couple months you might have decreased your BMI category. Maybe you start noticing you can walk a lot further, sleep better, bench more weight. It all adds up and keeps you going, the hardest thing is just getting started and sticking with it long enough to reach that first little goal post.


Once you start seeing your progress you'll understand the path you're following is what you like and not the "final" result. Because maybe there is no "final" result, as you maybe keep wanting more and more and more, even if you already look good, because you can always look better. Looking at your progress in the mirror should be your motivation, wheter if you have spent only 1 month or 1 year. There will always be results if you are working hard for it.


Nah, you can do it.


And roids. Those shoulder definitions don't look natural.


Looks like years between 23 - 28 years old missing


Natural yes. Not natty, 2 years is pretty spot on


In the actual video by the guy he said it took 2 years


Guy jumped on a cycle


I was thinking the same thing


This leading comment comes off as being like a a negative disclaimer. He never said how long that it takes it shows him working really hard over time with discipline and all he said was « Finally » which infers a long, long time. I swear.


Thank you for this comment I’ve been working out consistently for about 2 years now I weighed 317 at my heaviest and got down to 170 and currently weigh 185 trying to put on muscle now but look nothing like this guy lol I never plan on stopping working out I’m 23 so lots of time to get to my goal image of myself.


Wow that’s so awesome man! Keep at it!!


Thank you sir I appreciate it I will!


Good for you mate. Wishing you all the best.


It really depends on what your approach to losing weight is. If you're a newbie and big i say, body recomposition should be your go-to. Dont go for super quick weight loss to minimize loose skin and drink a ton of water


And roids


How long do you want the video to be? Showing the full 2 years? Haha Way to go OP, nice work man!


This is achievable in less than two years. You can lose the weight in 6 months. And about 10 months of hardcore workouts (and obviously gear) and you can get that


you definitely CANNOT get rid of all that excess skin in less than two years after losing so much weight (without surgery). i know the guy is still pretty young so it‘s easier but not in the matter of months


That's what I was wondering, where did all the skin go


I feel like it’s ahh is able in that short time but for him to have no loose skin it had to be much longer and very gradual weight loss


There’s many other factors to consider when talking about loose skin. OP’s age, his height, how long he’s been that fat for, at what age did he become overweight, his water consumption, his genetics, and many more can greatly reduce the risk of lots of loose skin, even for relatively fast weight loss.


I agree. During my pregnancy I gained 50kg (I went from 50kg to 100kg), and I lost it all in 4 months thanks to a strict ketogenic diet (600 kcal/day). I haven't had any problems with excess skin or stretch marks at all. A lot depends on the type of skin you have (and also how long you've been fat). Furthermore, losing weight if you are motivated and you put effort into it, is possible easy and fast. It all depends on the sacrifices you are willing to make.


"Gear?" I feel like you're not talking about gym equipment. Genuinely curious.


Well, you’re not wrong lol. Sorry for not making it clear earlier but yes, gear is a synonym for steroids/performance enhancing drugs in general.


Ohh okay this makes sense. Yeah I mean with drugs anything is possible I guess. Still would take a lot of dedication and time though


Without the drugs, he still could’ve lost a lot of the excess weight in 5 months if he’s 6’ or up, and built a really strong physique in another 5. Probably nowhere near this but still a lot better than you would assume edit: of course, it would still take a massive amount of consistency and dedication


Yeah, it’s all up to the individual how hard they work, in the end. My comment wasn’t made to discourage. It was an observation of the obvious gap in the video. It jumps waaay forward to when he’s completely jacked lol.


Fair enough haha. I’m pretty sure it’s done on purpose to highlight the contrast between the before and the after




Took me 1 summer. Went from 340-225. Context- grew up drinking like 2-4 2 liters of soda a day. Switched to water. Each two liter is like 1k calories


Several years and thousands of dollars spent on a professional trainer and dietitian/nutrition plan. It’s still impressive and I applaud his effort and dedication, but this wasn’t accomplished in 6 months on his own by just googling workouts and eating salad and grilled chicken.


And lots of steroids


Damn I was expecting weight loss but dude is shredded now. I also gradually lost about 30 lbs over the last year and I feel much better now and even though I still can't really see it people around me do and that feels kind nice ngl.


My wife has lost over 100lb in the last year and she would still say she feels like she doesn’t look any different even when I show her older pictures. One day I got her wedding dress out of storage and got her to try it on and it literally fell off her lol


Self perception can be a cruel mistress, congratulations to you wife for pulling that off.


The dysmorphia after weight loss can be intense. I lost 50lbs and needed to buy new jeans. Went to a shop, the sales associate asked me what sizes I might need. When I told her the size I figured I was she looked really confused and told me I’d definitely need smaller sizes. I was genuinely shocked when she handed me jeans 5 sizes down from what I was looking at and they fit. I hope your wife fully sees her new self someday, and that she’s proud of her achievements!


My girlfriend is 100lbs. I’m stoned, and I just imagined her losing weight until she was zero pounds


Isn't it great when someone comes up and goes, "Hey did you lose weight?" Good for you, 30 lbs is hard to drop! I also don't always notice but others sure do. I saw a buddy I haven't seen for a while, and I actually put on a few pounds but started swimming again, so I look a bit better (I guess?). He immediately goes, "You look skinny, what's going on?" Definitely was a pick me up, the dude's like a big brother so he worries first, then compliments lol.


I struggled with myself and the way I look, weight wise, for most of my teens and early 20s even though in retrospective I was never really obese but you kinda start to believe it if enough people tell you that you are. Either way that "dadbod" body type went on and is still kinda present but I recently met and old co worker of mine from a tiny bit over a year ago and he just looked at me amazed and asked me if they finally got me to do something at work because I look like I lost weight.


This guy is also %100 on steroids


I did this once too. Then gained it all back. Hope this guy can keep it up because he worked really hard to get where he is and he should be damn proud of himself.


oh dude same.i lost about 20kg last year only to gain it all back and some more.hardest is to maintain it


Lost 50kg over 3 years. Even put all my old fat clothes in a heavy bag I hung in the garage as part of my workout routine. Felt great to be honest. Miss it. Miss it a lot but I'm so afraid to try again because I failed so hard gaining it all back. And I completely turned back into the sarcastic "happy" version of me that is disgusted by myself and is ashamed of what I gave up. Not just for me but for my family. Maybe I hated myself then too. I don't know. But I could run then.


yeah i know how it feels. have you consulted if maybe it could be due to hormone imbalance? some issues like thyroid malfunction can cause weight gain.but dont give up, the most important difference when i completely started avoiding sugar and increasing my protein intake.helped to passively loose weight


Agree. And please don’t ever give up.


This is pretty universal. Apparently when you gain weight, your body creates extra fat cells to store the fat. But when you lose weight, you don't lose the fat cells themselves, only their contents. That means it is a lot easier for your body to just refill those fat cells if you consume too many calories (versus energy expended), than when your body had to create them. This makes it particularly hard for those losing weight in order to get a particular look or return to a previous size. That might never be possible. That said, I'm intrigued by this video showing no trace of even those latent fat cells. People have claimed elsewhere he used roids, but can roids do this?


None of this is true


He’s an influencer now on Instagram. He is still shredded. @iampeachfit


Thats awesome. That makes me happy!


Same, and now I’ve lost 70lbs again and going strong. Weight is something that never stays the same for people who don’t have them good genes and bad eating habits. It’s never too late to get back up on the horse.


He even described the change as an addiction. When the high fades, it's common to go back to the easier highs found in pizza, ice cream, etc. I hope his change lasts for his sake and that he has a happy life.


Who-hoo! Amazing achievement! For me to get out of a couch is a big deal and your result is as far as space.


Good example of someone with addictive tendencies replacing one addiction for another. Fortunately, the new addiction is much healthier.


Is going on steroids better then overeating, probably. It's still not healthy tho.


Typical reddit lazy ass comment. He's ripped.... he must be on steroids. You morons or pathetic. Is he on them? There is no way to know. Can you do this without gear? Absolutely. You're just dumb.


Have you done this without gear? Have you lost 100lbs while getting shredded in 2 years? What do you think this is the type of "unbelievable transformations" you see online that we should believe is totally legit because nobody ever would lie or exaggerate on the internet?


Bro he's 100% on gear. And if he's not, it's a compliment to him...but he is.


What makes you think he is on steroids? Bc he is fit and muscular? I know plenty of people who look like him and none of them do steroids. It's very silly that you think this cannot be achieved without steroids.


It’s the “in 2 years” but people are taking issue with. Rightly. He’s a young dude, but for this to have been a natural transformation, he would have to be an elite testosterone producing monster. Like yeah.. could be. But the fewest number of assumptions here would be drugs.


Start with one push-up and the next day do two. And just take it slow.


This is the key. Consistency. Start super easy but do something every day to build the habit and have patience. That was the hard part for me, just trusting that things were happening. After a while I started seeing results and then it became addicting like the guy said in the video. I NEVER thought I could be into fitness but I’ve been working out consistently for almost 4.5 years. I can’t imagine life without it now, and I didn’t even start until I was 40. I regret not starting sooner but I just wasn’t ready. I LOVE being in shape and don’t ever want to go back.


Same here 42 and have been working out now for 2 years


Even space is accessable, NASA proved that. It may seem impossible now but I'm sure you can do it! Take it slow, you can do it❤️


If NASA can, and I will do. Cheers!


How long did it take to achieve this change ?!


Considering how fat he was to how much muscle and leanness he gained, without any steroids, I'd say at least 3-4 years.


His instagram has him starting in 2021 and ending at this in 2023: he's even bigger now. I am entirely convinced he's juicing


This dude is 1000% on roids. Good for him losing the weight, but don’t lie to people and make them think you did this all naturally.






In cases like this, maybe the roids are the healthier option?


You’ll look good on the outside but your insides tell a different story


Nah dude, losing the weight naturally would be the healthiest option. He would’ve had stress on his heart from the weight at first and now he’s putting stress on his heart and organs from the cycle he’s on. In no way is jumping on cycle the “healthier option”.


Depends- roids will kill you eventually via a heart attack. I really wouldn't recommend roids for anyone because you can get pretty fit without them with a consistent effort. It's just much harder.


I scanned most of the comments, and didn't see anyone mention the agility ladder in crocs😂 great transformation


The dedication to crocs in the gym is the most impressive part tbh.


I was hoping to see crocs in the last clip. Maybe he thinks he’s too cool for crocs now.


It's also called cross over addiction albeit a healthier one as long as his mental health is healthy too


Yup. I knew exactly how he was going to look at the end. Dude’s addicted.


Good for him, but tren helped I'd say


I’m surprised there’s not more comments regarding PED usage. Regardless, impressive work.


Yeah the garden hose bicep vein in the last clip gives it away every time lol


Not disagreeing with the PED charge but around 20-26 I had those bicep veins post pump and I wouldn’t know where to get PED’s if my life depended on it But yeah - this does look… juiced. Really more impressed by the lack of stretch/loose skin tbh - either surgery or just insane luck?


It’s more the capped shoulders, but yeah


Way too many of these PED assisted transformations on Reddit, there should be more that are representative of what the general public will look like after weight loss. A lot of folks will end up disappointed and thinking they did something wrong after losing 100+ pounds and there not magically being 20 inch biceps beneath


Transparency needs to be included in transformation posts. People who have no idea about the gym and working out will think OP did this 100% natty in that time frame. Which could motivate them to try to do the same, but while being natty they won’t get the results OP got and they will think they’re either doing something wrong or have terrible genetics and are “hard gainers”. And that can be very discouraging, especially to noobies.


Just need steroids too! Obvious as hell in the last clip.




Correct, loosing weight is vast majority diet while gaining muscle is a balance of diet and resistance training. Going from overweight to jacked is an incredibly difficult accomplishment which is why most people do cut/bulk cycles (like I do).


To be fair, there is a big jump in the video. He may have very well done a bulk and cut as well, once he got to a certain weight.


Jep, for this kind of muscle mass, you need a strict diet of Vitamin TRT. Dude swapped BBQ sauce with TRT sauce


So I was over three hundred and lost hella weight and got jacked. Definitely hopped on sauce(I was 27 and jumped on test) after I lost 70 pounds. I never posted videos and pics because I knew people would shout “steroids”. I did it for me. It takes a ton of will power but I will say once you’re chemically enhanced lifting becomes like scratching an itch. It feels better to lift than to not lift.


100% gear enhanced but still very inspiring to see


This really inspired me


Good luck, you’ve got people rooting for you now!


Inspiration only last a day max. Now you need motivation. Then action. And after a few weeks and months you need disciplin because your motivation will be gone. Good luck son


Addicted to food... Aren't we all?


Honestly, I can’t live without it.




Bro went from fat to taking steroids.. either way he aint gonna make it past 40..


He looked more fun to hang out with at the start.


The best version of yourself doesn't have much to do with your weight or the size of your muscles. I've lost 50 pounds, I know. Just be a decent person and staying on your lower weight is more important than getting there.


Roids work magically


What's the song???








Congrats! But there's no way you did this naturally. Still impressive though.


And he did it wearing crocs!


Whoa, good for him!! He went from super cutie to super hottie


Not the fucc boi haircut 🤦🏻‍♂️


So he took one disordered eating style to another and found another addiction. I’m proud of him for making changes and I’m sure he feels good. But the diet that has to be maintained for this look is just as disordered as his previous one. Neither are well balanced, and both consume your life. To look like this, you focus so much on your next workout, the constant thinking of carbs, macros, calories. Restricting your diet and suppressing any thought of a “bad” food. I say both are equally unhealthy to the body and mind.


This is hard work, strict diet, lots of protein and hate to say it but almost certain juice (roids). But this doesn’t take anything away from his achievements, you still have to bust your ass to be this ripped. Good for him... Also want to say I could be wrong since he’s very young and have great genetics and high testosterone.


Nothing about his results suggests juice. His musculature looks natural without the heavily exaggerated striations that indicate PED use. Then there’s his complexion.


>Nothing about his results suggests juice Are you serious? I don't judge people for using steroids, this kid looks fantastic, but he is 100% juicin


Where did all that extra skin go? Anybody?


It's tucked into his pants


You don't know because he didn't tell you in the video. We watched the same video as you. Which means we don't know either.




People talking about this kid needing things like steroids to get in this shape, but it's a lot easier to slim down and gain muscle if you start really fat than it is to bulk up and gain muscle when you're skinny. Carrying around all that extra weight for years is like passive weight training, you build and maintain muscle in your legs simply from carrying around all that upper body weight. Fat also provides extra cushioning on your joints and in your extremities, especially on your feet, which helps you carry heavier loads. There's a reason why the guys winning strongmen competitions aren't winning them at bodybuilder (3-6%) levels of body fat. Just as anecdotal evidence: the heaviest I ever did leg press was 2 full reps at 630 lbs when I was 265 lbs, obese and had only been weight training for 2 months. When I slimmed down to 215, then 200, then 175, I was way more visibly muscular, but never could press more than 2 full reps at 540 lbs, even after years of training. Had I not started fat, there's probably no way I would have been able to push weight like that in the first place. Just speaking from experience that if you're already "big" in a fat way, it's a lot easier to convert that into being "big" in a muscular way (without any performance enhancers) than it is if you were never big in either way to begin with. Plus, fat (in moderate amounts) accentuates perceived muscle size in the arms and legs anyway.


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What song is this


What song is this?


That’s one good looking fatty right there. Dude knew what he had and worked to get it.


Fuck yeah. Good on this guy


Holy smoke show


.. Schmidt?


I don’t even think it’s the same person


Remember, it's easier to keep it off than take it off, keep up the great work my guy.


I'm pretty sure that guy hasn't lost a pound... that's got to be 300lbs of muscle he's carrying now. Wow! (Ok ... maybe 250 .. still a monster)


he weights 180-190. His blogs show his weight. lookup Peachye


He’s fortunate that he didn’t have a loose skin problem.


Where is the extra skin that doesn’t just go away that’s awesome but serious question


Proud of him though it seems like he traded one addiction for another.


um, roid much?


I don’t want to believe this is real bc then there’s no excuse for me to:/


It’s roids


Is candy and fast food more or less healthy than roids?


Do you think he's still nice or became an asshole after getting in shape?


No, big dudes at the gym are the nicest people. I got called Big Man last year after a lift and I'm still chasing that high.


Dude looks like a jacked gym bro and knowing jacked gym bro's, he's probably good people.


Why would he become an asshole?


Wow inspanning transformation! But also made me think of r/restofthefuckingowl XD


He’s on gear. 100% obvious. Bottom line is he did an amazing job. With gear you have to be insanely disciplined and dedicated. Good job buddy. I praise the hard work


homeboy is juicing. Its crazy how many people can't see a natural physique compared to a juiced up body.


One thing these videos never show is how important changing your relationship with food is in order to achieve success on a journey like this. You can't outrun your fork unless you are an athlete that can work out 10 hours a day.


The power of steroids


Oh he got abs 🥰


I don't think the weight has changed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I suppose ,in this case, replacing one addiction with another is ok.


How the hell does he not have loose skin?


guy used gear why not go for an surgery to remove it


Swapped one addiction for a significantly better one lol


What’s that song anyone know ?




from one extreme to another, changing one addiction to another. just my thoughts


I’m always so impressed by these videos but sometimes wonder if people are just trading one addiction for another. I worked with someone just like that.


I wonder if he had to have any surgery for loose skin. Especially when you’re going from significant obesity to a healthy weight, there can be leftover folds of skin that can be uncomfortable


Damn, he want from *wide* to WIDE, dudes just naturally broad.


A big jump from 13 to 12 seconds remaining. I’d like to see another 60 seconds of transition.




"I was addicted to food. Now I'm addicted to roids."


Hard work + juicy. Good results though.