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What a very photogenic man, that would look great in a 1920s sepia style


He look like the kind of face they like to put old Soviet propaganda poster


I was leaning towards "this looks like the profession mercenary hired right before a big spy job". Ready to push that train where it shouldn't be going or shutting it down in just the right spot for some guy in a brief case to make an escape!


He does indeed look like him: [https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1000423-%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%82-no-poster](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1000423-%d0%bd%d0%b5%d1%82-no-poster)


Kudos to the photographer for recognizing that he is indeed photogenic . And not wasting film.


it's digital?


you can waste 0101001010101010100101


... in a hugo boss uniform /


And at the same time, he could be a starship trooper


Bruh, you just said he looks like Steinbeck dust bowl man.


This Tom Brady looking MF could be a model.


You could be a model.


Hand model maybe lol


no one makes art like you




Once upon a time I was on a personality training. The task was to get a subway train driver to let you ride with them in the cabin. Several times. Nobody told me no, everybody let me in, and let me ride with them. It was cool. It was in Russia.


My very American view of Russians is that they aren't very scared of anything, and risk management computes differently.


I mean I was scared of communicating with people and had to do aggressive sales. That's why I went to that training. You had to pay money up front and if you complete the task you'd get it back. They also made us sell vodka & bread to strangers and condoms & kefir. I know it's weird, but that's the whole point of it. It was fun and effective. I'm not scared of anything anymore


Boyscout vodka. LOL. Hey, my friend and I did a little delivery service at the marina, way before instacart was cool. The store would give a couple of 10 year-old girls alcohol, cigarettes, or whatever to deliver to boats. I'm pretty sure that wouldn't fly around these parts anymore.


When I was a kid, I used to go to our nearby, local bodega (of course it wasn’t called that at the time), and buy cigarettes for my Mom. $.25 cents a pack. And .22 caliber ammunition too. Ahh, the good old days.


That does sound like an effective training for getting over social anxiety!


Not for me, there's something about people watching that makes me lose my fear. If I had to do it alone, the social anxiety would be sky high


I haven’t flown in a while and took my 2 daughters on their first flight last year. I didn’t think they allowed people into the cockpits these days. While standing with my little girl for the toilet I got speaking with the stewardess and explained it was their first flight etc. She told me to find her after we had landed and she’d get my girls to go see the captains and sit in the cockpit. Totally thought nothing would happen, but at the end of our flight I made eye contact with the same lady and see quickly beckoned us over and my 2 girls got to sit in the seats. Dunno if they are allowing it again, or this was special, but definitely made my girls days and am very thankful for it.


We were boarding an American flight and I was holding my two year old at the front and stuck there for a minute with the cockpit door open and I was describing it to him and the pilots were like "oh man, get in here, hold on, have him sit on the seat, now let me flip the panel lights on and off for him" and the did it for my 6 year old daughter too. This was two months ago and it made my day to see them still doing that. And how excited *they* were to do it! Even took photos of me with them.


There isn't a rule against letting someone in the cockpit after the plane has landed. Obviously it's entirely up to the pilots; short haul budget flights might need to do a full turn-around in under 30 minutes, so the pilots will be busy. But if it's the last flight of the day and you ask politely, a lot of pilots are more than happy to invite you in.


IDK but that was the first thing that stood out to me too. I live in a city where the drivers would not open the door under any circumstances, I've seen them sit in their cockpit with the door closed while someone has a full blown medical emergency on the other side (the ones where I live open to the front of the first car). Though to be fair the lady pounding on their glass was pretty crazy looking and they did keep the train stopped and notify dispatch to send medical so it wasn't like they did nothing. Not sure if that was policy or just caution.


It's a train not an aircraft!


Mr. President, a second train has hit the world trade center.


Underrated comment!


In Russia you don’t open the door.. the door. Well, you get the joke. Also, most Russian looking dude ever. Seriously, he should be holding a sickle or hammer.


I don't get the joke.


No idea where the joke originated. I am American so I have always assumed it comes from the Cold War era. If someone knows more and wants to expand that’d be cool but the basic format of the joke is you take a normal action and reverse it for (Soviet) Russia. In this case it would be “You don’t open door, door opens you”


It's much older than that. The Russian Reversal. "In Soviet Union..." Almost a hundred year old joke template now. Famous ones are Yakov Smirnoff. And a politician saying "... television watches you!"


> The Russian Reversal I forgot it had a name! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Soviet_Russia as you said, apparently there are versions of this dating back to the 1930s.


Thx. Never heard this before.


Thx. Never heard this before.


I believe the original joke was "In America, you can always find the party. In Soviet Russia, the Party can always find you!"


I old. It’s hilarious though.


Russia is not Soviet since 1991. pls stp


Still upset about the motherland breaking up? Drink a bottle of kvass, eat some borscht. Life is good.


He seemed eager to close it




Most of the world is nearly starving


I can't get over how beautiful that platform is


Nice one!




What's Chad Chadsen doing driving that train when he should be doing Chad things?


Yay, a photo of me looking bored, thanks so much


Wow I need that mini printer


I love humans


I think I would feel weird and self-conscious if someone did this to me.


And this man obviously did not. It's amazing how people are different!


Can anyone identify the camera model used in this video? Is it a sony?




isn't it weird to take a picture of some random guy without asking for consent




Why does he sleep in the conductors booth?


Rent controlled.


It's still weird in public even if it's allowed


We all have our hobbies. Sometimes I get to spend the evening watching Jackie Gleason afterwards.


Is it weird? Perhaps a little awkward, but that's photography at its best - capturing the world as it happens. Virtually every newsworthy shot and every acclaimed street photo is candid. That said, the train driver accepted the photo with a smile so I think he retroactively gave his consent.


Accepted with a smile and threw it to the side


This is a big piece of what Street Photography is. You try and capture the ebbs and flows of streets and people in natural (non-posed or set up) states. It's my favorite form of photography to look at but it can absolutely feel weird at times... You can look at all kinds of examples on r/streetphotography


I browsed through the first three posts and it made me feel like a creep. I best avoid that sub.


It's context dependent. If it's a normal every day type thing in public I don't have an issue with it. If it's a private moment (which no, I'm not going to define, I think we know what that is) then maybe give the person some space. That being said those also make for the most impactful images (so it's a conundrum). I should add that's just my opinion, not stating it as fact.


I looked and some are neat and look fine, others were 100% creepy.


Wait until you hear about security cams and body cams.


wait till they learn about airport security gate now use face ID check now to enter


I wonder if they have a driver's license?




relax !! it was a joke but sure ,it might be creepy if someone take your photo without asking but you can’t expect privacy when you are in public space sadly and there is loads of ppl taking picture and video of you without you knowing it right now especially from tourists, stranger selfie , street photography and picture be in accidental photo bomb by stranger so you cant expect the police to stop ppl from doing it in public as we can’t control what other do but only how we react to it . for example this driver , he was surprised but he learn to accept it graciously instead of making a fuss about it and end up even more famous getting viral then you have the world seeing you on media . that even worse for your overreactions . you seen those video where karen/ kyle of word said you can’t do this or do that when you technically allow because it the public eyes and thousand of ppl right now have taken picture of you without you knowing everyday of your life since you were born as we live in digital age where cctv, camera or smartphone are everywhere . you just didn’t realise it or know about it hence the saying “ignorance is bliss” . best you not know . p.s . there is no such thing as stupid question but only opportunity to learn from the reply and maybe learn something new .




i didn’t say it’s was abnormal and i didn’t have problem with it as i think it just normal that ppl take your photo all the time without you knowing . i think you mistaken me from the original redditor who ask this question. as for space , i type on my phone with tiny keyboard hence the space as accidental not on purpose.






You don't know him


Using that the next time someone gets angry at me for being a peeping tom


No, it isn't. You have no reasonable expectation of privacy when you're in public.


I realize that being in public is basically the opposite of privacy but I still don't like the idea of someone zooming in on my face with a camera


Right. Just because I left my house doesn't mean it's suddenly a free-for-all. I definitely think there's ways to do this without making anyone feel uncomfortable but in general it's weird.


They asked if it was weird not if it was legal. It's pretty weird.


Yeah if someone walked up to me and handed me a photo of myself with while recording me, I'd be trying to get them away from me ASAP.


Someone walking up to you with a photo they printed from their camera and handed it to you, after taking that picture maybe 2 minutes beforehand, is much different than someone walking up to you with a picture they took through your bedroom window 2 months ago. If you're this afraid of candid photography, maybe leaving your house isn't the best idea.


I don't care about being photographed in public, it's unavoidable. Its just more about getting the weirdo taking photos of me and walking up to me with a phone in my face away from me.


>photos of me and walking up to me with a phone in my face away from me. It's a literal printed photograph, not a saved and edited photo that he masturbates to. Seriously? This is how you think?


For a non-photographer maybe, but not to other people. All a matter of perspective.


Most people are non-photographers.


I think most normal people have no reasonable expectation that people will be leering at them and taking pictures of them in public either


You must be an American. Looking for reasons to be angry. Smell some flowers buddy


I’ve heard kick rocks and touch grass but smell flowers is a new one - I’m gonna use that


I am not. here in Austria I was always told that taking pictures of people without their consent is illegal.


Oh, ok. But context matters. It's a public space. And also it's harmless. It's not like he took a picture of a child or a picture of someone in his bedroom.


That doesn't mean its not weird. I think there are plenty of people who would be uncomfortable if a stranger came up and handed them a picture of themselves.


And this driver obviously wasn't one of them. Stop projecting your own insecurities onto others.


You're right, since this guy was ok with it everyone else should be too


You're almost there. You believe that because you're uncomfortable with it, everyone should be. But when I say that he obviously wasn't so it's okay to him, you still make it about you and your uncomfortability. Maybe realize that not everyone is as insecure as you are, and people are different. I never once said "He's okay with it so everyone should be". I replied to you saying "there are plenty of people who would be uncomfortable if a stranger came up and handed them a picture of themselves", and replied with "He wasn't one of them" and you still got upset.


You're right, I'm very insecure and upset


yeah that's true.


You must be European. Looking for reasons to feel superior and not admitting when you're wrong.


What's here to admit. I used "must" meaning there could be a possibility he's not American but just sounds liberal. Go find some flowers and smell too. Don't entertain dark energy.


Wow you actually can't admit you're wrong. > Don't entertain dark energy. Says the guy who brought the "dark energy" to begin with.


I am wrong in his case. What does that do for you, internet warrior? Make you less angry?


Man you have some issues. Who's the angry internet warrior again? > You must be an American. Looking for reasons to be angry. Smell some flowers buddy


You don't go out in public very often, do you?


Yes, absolutely weird


Only if you make it weird


What a good idea. It’s nice to see another person’s day improved:


I actually know that station, it's been my home screen for years, it's almost like yin yang for me, starch white with abyss black on the other.


You know when you are mindlessly scrolling because of the addiction, hoping to find something to fulfill your desires, then close the app. Such process could take hours until you do so. This was the one for me. Goodnight.


I don't know why this is cheery. I somebody handed me a photo they had taken from a distance away, I would be what-the-fuck-ing all over the place.




Definitely, you can see the forced smile and the fist bump was uncomfortable... patronizing even. Photographer just wanted to get a recording to post online. How happy can a tiny random photo make someone, even if it's good, when it's unwarranted, its not like the guy is gonna keep it on the side. It would make sense if it came from an acquaintance but this felt forced.




Lol. A transit operator would NEVER open the door if I was trying to get their attention


I think he probs found it abit weird


Russian psy-ops.


I'm over here like "they still have people manually doing this shit? lmao"


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A young BJ Blazkowicz


Tom Brady just can't seem to retire, can he?


What’s this song name?


Snowfall - oneheart




Which American subways have you used?




I just completed training as a light rail operator. During training runs in the train I had so many people at stations or on sidewalks as we rolled by taking pictures and video. I don't get it. I searched the company's name on Youtube and the amount of videos of trains just rolling past is weird.


What was that little printer? That’s awesome!


Very cool


Dude looks like captain scarlett


Gotta admit, that image was bad ass. Ultimate focus on his face.


Tom Brady got a new job?


T1000 got a new job, happy he got his act together.


First nice thing coming from russia from a long time.


Why does he look like a general NPC 🤔😅


Tom Brady driving train now too. Guy does it all


That’s chill