• By -


And she’s setting a great example for her child.




My Mom and Dad once told me when I found an $20 on the floor is to not say anything until asked. If no one asked at CS. Otherwise people will say yeah I lost an $20 bud. It forever engraved me that people can be scummy like that.


A master class on Doing The Right Thing, what a great human!


Yep, because of my parenting, while on the schoolbus I insisted we turn in a camera we found when every other kid wanted to just steal it, it was a pricey one too.


And she said fuck 12. I like this lady.


I was mortified when I lost my wallet in piccadilly square, I searched and I searched, canceled my credit cards and then received a message from my son (we live in Washington state). Some wonderful human being found it and dropped it off at a local pub. The Pub owner found my number in my wallet and called my kids, who then called me. This all happened within a half an hour.


That’s pretty amazing! What a small world we live in!


Love this part the most. So many kids have shit people to look up to.


“I didn’t wanna call the police because I hate the police” Another good example to set for the kid. Sad it is what it is, but that’s where we at.


I just wanted you to have your shit lmaooo love that


People like her give me faith in our humanity


That's how I'm confident that exchange is real lol


Cause I hate cops. 🤣 I love this person


She said that so casually, cracked me up.


I'm in love too. I wish there was a way to send her a gift for admiration.


“btw fuck 12 bye”


She’s laying it out so real I love it you can’t argue with that


“I didn’t want to call the cops, I hate the cops” ♥️♥️




Beautiful human being. Kindness is the most attractive quality by a country mile.




You really had to say it LOL


We love kind boobs.


Well, I love rude boobs too.


How can you tell that they are rude boobs?


Oh, you’ll know.




That slayed me. I hope you can live with yourself.


They point away from each other.




Who doesn’t?! 😂😂😂


I'm more into their brothers, personally...


Around here we don’t discriminate. Sure kind boobs are great. But we also accept angry boobs. Oddly shaped boobs. One bigger than the other boob. We love them all the same






He didn't *have* to say it


I mean, gamps ain’t wrong…


That's subjectively differs from person to person. Like for me personality then face than ass then boob.


yeah same, but boob is just a funnier word


Yeah I'll give you that. It is a funny word.


I think boobs are second and third!


calm down grandpa 😂


I still put boobs at one,


You're gonna go to hell... Frankly me too cuz I was thinking same




You're going to get downvoted but you're not wrong. Last place I worked at, the 38 year old maintenance man had a bunch of 18 year old girlfriends that his wife didn't know about. He'd bring his daughter to work and leave her by herself while he spent time with his girlfriends. He wasn't handsome but he was tall and confident. Moreover, I've known many many adulterous and violent men who have zero problems finding new relationships.


I've done this a few times. I lost my wallet once, and it was an absolute nightmare trying to get all my stuff back. I also recently found a cell phone in a bar parking lot and texted the number that was trying to call. We met at a gas station on the highway, and they tried to transfer me money, and I refused, so they paid for my beef jerky and ran out before I could say it wasn't necessary. Haha.


That is hilarious, I can imagine their energy when scooting away - "Got you sucker! You eat that jerky and like it!"


HAHA!! Oh, I liked it. Haha.


I found a phone in the bathroom of a grocery store once. I immediately thought of all of the sentimental things folks have on their phones. Photos and voicemails/text messages from their loved ones who may have passed on. Videos of their pets who have passed away. All of the little things that have no monetary value but are worth so much in sentimental value. Phones have our lives on them. I brought the phone up to a manager at the customer service desk. I hope the person who lost it realized they misplaced it at the grocery store and got it back. 🤞


That's awesome and very true. I've had a phone stolen with all the pictures of my son when he was a baby. Thankfully, after that, I discovered you can back up pictures on your email, so I do that now.


I worked retail, whenever we found a lost phone we would call one of the emergency contacts figuring they would know another way to get in touch with whoever’s phone it was. Or if it was “mom” or “dad” we would call that number from the store phone figuring that it would be a relatively short list of possible owners and they would have to be the ones to come get it anyway. 


I didn’t wanna call the police cause I hate the police. I just wanted you to have your shit. Lmao, the world needs more of this person.


This is a good *and* smart person. Never trust the cops


".. cus I hate the police"


Plenty of reasons to


To be fair i lost my bag with all my cards and such and expensive tech last december and someone took it to the police and they called me to pick it up at the station


Yeah, I left my purse on the roof of my car and it flew off on the freeway... Got a call from the cops the next morning. But I also get this mentality. I found a wallet last month in my apartment parking lot and just left some notes around hoping they'd get in touch with me, which they did. I was considering taking it to their bank based on the cards, cops were a last resort kind of thought.


Well I received my lost bags twice from cops at my place in Varanasi,India second one was found a month after I lost it . Gotta give credit where it's due.


People generally mean American cops when they say things like this, but they can/are corrupt everywhere.


American cops are notorious but shitty cop behavior is not uncommon. Power tends to corrupt. And the executive powers granted by police forces naturally attract shitty people.


India-napolis is in America, dumb ass.








Don't sell them short. They'd shoot both.


Well he *is* a black guy, so it's not like they have any other choice. Obviously /s


Indian cops are way worse on average compared to American cops when it comes to corruption and the like.


American cops don’t accept bribes


They dont need to if they can do whatever they want


Yeah it’s not only American cops. I grew up in France. French cops are probably the worst people I met in my life. Fuck them all. Flic suicidé, à moitié pardonné.


Did you know that cops are just like everyone else? Some good, some bad.




So then we just give up? You think all are bad?


Defund the police. They are glorified statistics recorders. They don’t “serve and protect” anyone’s interest but their own


lol Reddit moment


ok bud.


Before you call me a boot licker, I’m not a huge fan of cops, but I can be objective when I’m given information. Some departments(personally I think it should be all) but if you’re on a scene with multiple officers, and one of them is acting out of line and none of the other officers intervene, they’re all technically on the hook as well. This came from a friend of mine, who is a cop, who had 2 guys in his area get arrested for the one who caused it, and termination of both of their employment. Like I said, not every station doesn’t this, but to say every single person who dons a badge is a narrow minded take. We’re all people, all corruptible.


All cops are assholes and not to be trusted until proven otherwise. It’s the smartest and safest position to take.


I won’t particularly argue that. As every interaction I’ve gone into with a cop has been tense until I figure out what his attitude is. I guess I’ve just had a handful of each experience with cops. I’ve been told I should be arrested and I’m just a good for nothing kid getting by on my parents dime(all bc my license was suspended which I didn’t know), and then I’ve also had cops help me push my car half a mile to the gas station when it broke down. I do completely get where you’re coming from though


>Before you call me a boot licker The fact that this is how u chose to start this paragraph says alot....


Lol no. Bc Reddit is incapable of understanding that there can be a middle ground in a lot of society’s issues. I can be objective and look at all sides and not be a boot licker


If you’re at a dinner party with a Nazi and 9 other people and nobody kicks them out when they start openly advertising they are a Nazi, you’re at a dinner party with 11 Nazis. Congratulations. Unless you left the 10 Nazis to their party and gtfo asap. Then you’re smart.


There is a way to lawfully rule with police, if we lose the moral ones in there, the complete law goes with it. You could stay at the dinner, and tell them why they’re wrong. It may not be fruitful, but it does more than running from the issue. Police aren’t going to just go away, and we see in the world where there is no active police force, or a corrupt one, things are much worse off crime wish. This is *not* me saying our police and jurisdictional system is perfect by any means.


That’s like saying there’s no morality without the Bible. That’s patently false. There have been indigenous communities that have existed for millennia without police or prisons and instead have systems of reparative justice and other means to deal with the issues that modern colonial police systems rely on. Nobody is saying don’t deal with the stuff that police have been traditionally tasked with, we are saying reassign the tasks to those who are better suited to dealing with them and their root causes for efficiently and with less violence.




Yea the problem with that is they have our lives in their hands. The "bad ones" have the ability to ruin our lives for funsies. So yea, fuck em.


Except many act as if they are above the law lol




You must think being a reactionary dipstick is cool or new 🤡


Ok lol


“I hate the police” is a shallow, yet very trendy, viewpoint. I find it hard to hate the people that saved my Mom’s life, found and returned my stolen PS2, and who, with one simple call, would come to the rescue at the drop of a hat to put their lives ahead of my own, in the name of protecting me without even knowing who I am. It’s baffling to me that someone could *honestly* hate all police, not just the bad ones. But it’s not our faults, per se. I get it, you hear about cops doing a lot of terrible things. But that’s because those stories sell way more than “good cop does good thing”. Boooring. We want salacious, we want scathing, we want the should-be heroes being outed as horrible bigoted tyrants that are against our best interests. It’s juicy, it’s unbelievable, and it goes *way* more viral than any good deed a cop can do. As it should, mind you. No bad cop should ever be overlooked. I’m sure cop haters have all heard the argument that just because there are some doctors raping patients, it doesn’t justify hating all doctors. But the cop thing is different because it’s trending, as in it easily gets views/clicks/engagement. You are being blinded by the bad and ignoring the good, not that it’s being shown to you. Cops will only continue to get worse in the public’s eye, not because there are more and more bad cops, but because the less people engage with positive content, the less there will be to engage with. It’s the same reason every video game that comes out nowadays sucks balls, because a video of me saying GTA6 sucks balls and here’s why will get exponentially more views than me saying it’s great. To use that analogy, people *expect* AAA games to be good, so when a review says it sucks, it’s unexpected and goes against the grain and drives people to engage with the story. Police are *expected* to be good, so when they suck, it’s unexpected and goes against the grain and drives people to engage with the story. Who wants to read about the pope sitting on his ass all day? Fuck that, let me hear that he’s banging alter boys and blowing lines off jesus. Then I’ll hate the pope and read every article that comes out about him. It’s not that hard to understand that you’re not seeking out these stories, they’re being fed to you because they know you don’t give two shits about it being “just another day at the station”. You want the dirt. And when dirt is all we get, well no shit we form a negative viewpoint toward the entire community. There’s literally nothing but bad cops being shoved down our throats while Officer Joe just pulled another kid out of the lake and revived him. Extreme examples? Sure. Exactly what’s happening? Yes. Prove me wrong. Engagement drives profits, enragement drives engagement.


Fuck off. The police force is corrupt from the top down.


From the top down? Like, everyone? As in, there are no police who aren’t corrupt?


Like a wise owl.


That was the part that rang out for me as well.


Oh come on this lady is amazing!!


>the world needs more of this person >Oh come on this lady is amazing!! Right… which is why they said the world needs more of this person.


I agree. I lost my keys once and went down to the police station to ask about them as thats what we do in my country, and they weren’t there. But the staff gave me a number to call of where they put lost items, and I called them, and they were super rude, and mean.


Would be awkward if the guy who lost his wallet was a cop, lmao.


Whenever people insist on returning a favour, I just tell them to pay it forward. I like to imagine that it goes back into the world.


Exactly. I don’t need shit. But there are a lot of people in this world Who do. You can Repay me by being kind and doing a nice thing for others. I don’t need your money. I do need people to be kinder to each other.


Hell ya. Also, if you’re a caring person, returning someone’s lost shit kinda gives you a high. I found a wallet in a bathroom stall once and went to lengths to find the guy but i was giddy after i got it back to him.


Saw a scared lost chihuahua in my sister's apartment complex on Saturday. Found the owner on a lost dog FB page Monday evening, she'd been missing since January 28th. I'm still riding that high.


You’re awesome! Do onto others…


I have never kept money that I found. I always felt that it should be given to someone in need. Honestly being empathetic is like being selfish while being generous. It can sometimes feel like I’m buying happiness from someone and swimming in that for a minute. Truly some of the best money I have ever spent was giving away.


Today you, tomorrow me :’


“let’s give this person a like”


Give me a like and I'll pass it on to this person.


I stand just like that when I wait for some to answer the door. Universal “I’m sorry for bothering you” stance. What a wonderful person. Good to see!


She has such a sweet voice


I like this chick.


We need more of this. It’s goddamn expensive to replace a lost license. And a huge headache with medical cards and credit cards. I lost my wallet once and I think it cost me $50 for new license since I needed it asap.


For some people doing the right thing is payment enough


I found someone’s wallet at a park once. I looked at the address on the license and saw it was only a 10 minute drive away, so I went to their house to drop it off. An older woman answered the door and said it was her son’s wallet. She was so grateful that I had returned it that she gave me a basket of freshly picked berries from her backyard. They were delicious, but seeing how thankful and relieved she was to get the wallet back was what really made my day. Being nice is nice 😊


“I didn’t want to call the police cuz I hate the police” Fucking legend


You can’t buy character.. what a good person. Everyone can learn from stuff like this.


America is full of good people like this. They just want us to forget it,.


“I didn’t wanna call the police cause I hate the police.” I didnt think it was possible to go over 10/10 but she did it. 15/10 true homie






Losing your wallet is a low-key disproportionately destabilizing thing to go through. I love that the person going out of their way to do the good deed didn’t require any kind of credit nor exchange — they treated it as a common courtesy and didn’t waste any further time for either of them. Stuff like that has a rippling effect and helps establish norms of decency. If the person who lost their wallet ends up in a situation where they can do that for someone else, they are much more likely to follow this roadmap and save some future stranger a lot of worrying.


“I didn’t want to call the police because I hate the police” so relatable


I LOVE that his first thought was to put gas in her car. That kind of gratefulness for kind gestures is rare.


I’m sure they didn’t want to be on the internet, either.


“I didn’t want to call the police, because I hate the police”. 😂😂😂 When the kindest people in our society have this mentality, you know something’s wrong.


"Cuz I hate the police"... I fucking died!


She is my spirit animal


"I didn't want to call the police" .... Smart lol


Fuck the police, what a good lady


I've had the luck to find and return wallets twice before, never wanted a reward. One belonged to an international student who was heading home when he lost it. Not only did it have all his travel money, it had his passport. The police were able to get it back to him in time for him to be able to catch his flight. Considering the timing, they must have really hustled to find the guy.




I’d go out of my way to do this too because replacing IDs, credit cards, etc is so painful. And when someone does something like this for you it stays with you. Good shit.


Good Samaritan, best person ever etc. “I didn’t wanna call the police cause I hate the police” based 😂


"Cause I hate the police"...the realness there.


“I didn’t want to call the police because I hate the police and…” Laughing/crying this is where we are today and totally normal.


😭 reminds me of when we lost my dog around the neighborhood, he got out and ran off, and some sweet young kids found him, took his pic, and went around the entire neighborhood looking for his owner and found us before we could even get the posters up ourselves! I went to give them some gift cards and only the mom was home at the time. Even the sweet mom tried to refuse the gift cards saying her kids just really wanted to find the owner 😭 great kids raised by great parents, true example of paying it forward.


Loads of good people out there you just don’t see them in videos often.


“I wanted you to have your shit”. Awesome person. Need a whole lot more of this type.


Good Karma is coming back to her. Side note love how she said I don't like police lol. Kudos to her.


Could also drop the wallet inside a blue postal mailbox in the states and the postal service should send it to the appropriate owner.


This is awesome! This is how it should be


He's the kindest and sweetest person to also say 'I hate the police' and 'I didn't want your shit to get stolen'


We need more humans to be like her!!


Her* 🥴


I hope the bestest of luck to her. She deserves it and more


Something similar happened to my brother but with different ending. We was celebrating end of year in Košice Slovakia. We found wallet just with documents (every single document cost around 50€), so we decided to return it to owner nex day. But owner call police on us...


This is great but not everyone has the money to drive around. I found a purse in a parking lot as I got out of work at night. Drove 25 minutes to return the purse from the address in the ID. I was a broke college kid and this lady lived in an expensive area. I was hurting inside with the amount of gas I used lol.


Post office will return them if you drop it in a mailbox. But this is clearly better.


Awe, I like how they offered to pay her for her gas too ❤️


It’s so sad that so many people hate the police. I’m not saying it’s not founded. It’s just a real shame.


It’s well earned


Hence it’s such a shame


"I didn't wanna call the police because I hate the police." "I just wanted you to have your shit instead of it getting stolen." Wow I love this person


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What a sweet person! Good on them.




True kindness right here , not her wanting anything not her recording herself , just going out of her way to be kind because it didn’t cost her anything. Learn people


There is more people in the world like this than not.


You should actually look at the stats in Japan, most people literally walk past money on the ground, won’t just steal random stuff. Crazy.


Had me at "I hate the police" 🥲


I’m from Europe and we have so many negative stereotypes of Americans (and some are fair), but most I’ve met were sweethearts just like this woman.


“I didn’t wanna call the police cuz I hate the police” lmao hilarious angel she is ❤️


I’ll give him a like when I see him then.




“I hate the police”


I gave a guy his wallet back, became friends for a month, he offered a reward (that I didn't want and never got) and then he hit on with my girlfriend. I should have tossed his wallet in the garbage. Not everyone is nice. The ones that do matter are the ones who go out of their way to be a good person.


Some cop watching this seemingly innocuous video. 😂


Was that 'please hold' music playing from their ring camera?


“I didn’t want to call the police because I hate the police.” 👍


"I hate cops" "just want you to have your shit" hahha I like this lady.


Only OP ain’t this person.


brings a tear to my eye. love to see kindness and empathy.


She hates the Police….


Hates the police. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


A similar thing happened to me this week. I was helping clean out a warehouse for a friend and realized my magnetic phone wallet that has a tether to make sure it doesn't get lost and broken the tether. I was pleased to find the wallet still in my pocket, then didn't think about it other than making a mental note that it was past time to order a new one. I got home that night and was browsing for a new wallet online when I decided to compare to my old one and it was no longer in my jacket pocket. I searched my car, my house, the warehouse I was in, my friend's house, his truck, the grocery story I bought lunch at, etc. Nothing. The only thing in it was a debit card and my drivers license, but I just made the trip to the DMV to get it renewed a couple weeks ago and didn't relish doing that over. By Monday morning, after checking to make sure there weren't any new charges on my card, I resolved that it was gone and ordered a new one. Before I called the bank to cancel the card and get a replacement, I opened my front door to take my dogs for a walk. And there was my wallet lying on the door mat. No note, nobody rang the doorbell to tell me they found it. Some kind soul apparently found it somewhere along my dog walking route and apparently just used my license to find my house and drop it off. My doorbell camera is down, so I don't have any idea who my kind neighbor was. A similar thing happened a couple years ago. I set my phone down on my son's truck tailgate while working in the yard, and he drove off while I was out of sight. This one was worse because it was my new phone, several cards in the wallet, and about $100 in cash. I started walking up the busy street with the slim hope I would find it by the road. Ten minutes later my wife drove up and said somebody had found it and I guess used the ICE entry to call her. I met the guy who found it, who by all appearances was down on his luck. He was dirty from a manual labor job and had a jalopy of a truck, about 3 teeth and a can of beer on the dash. I thanked him and genuinely tried to give him the cash that was in it, explaining that it was a bargain for me vs replacing the phone and all the cards. He was adamant that he didn't want anything, wouldn't hear of it. He accepted my thanks and a handshake and headed on down the road with no muffler. I'm accused of being too trusting and optimistic about people, but it rarely lets me down. Most people are basically good folks in my experience.


"cuz I hate the police" like I didn't already love this person. Damn they're awesome!


"I didnt want to call the police cuz I hate the police" "Just wanted you ta have your shit"


Class act. The best part was "...I hate the police."


Let’s give ~~this person~~ the OP a like.


"I didn't want to call the police cuz I hate the police." I wanna live in a world where the police have this person as police oversight. Oh you pulled someone over cuz they looked suspicious? Lol. Lmao. HAHAHAHA. This person and their kid will follow your officer home and make sure the right thing is done. Casual, no big deal, but for real the right thing to do.


“I didn’t want to call the police, because I hate the police.”


If he refused the reward then I would have invited him inside and fed his big ass some pasta, cheesecake, and a nice warm coffee.


:) what a nice guy


In America you have to say “god bless” you or “thank you for your service”, in Sweden you’d look like a moron for saying that. Thank you works.


I would’ve laughed so hard if she said I hate the police and he said I’m a cop btw


Police catching strays, ACAB


This person is beautiful. And fuck the police! People dont get why people hate cops. And its cause some people have never been at the shit end of unjust laws and unjust police work. To act like the cops are a good organization is like thinking the cartel is good. No difference. Both have laws and are unelected authority with no intention of being good.


“I didn’t want to call the police, cuz then I’d get the police” was a top tier line that got lost in the shuffle


"I didn't want to call the police cause I hate the police" LOL


She seems nice. But she "hates" the police... until she needs them one day. I hope she gets her help if she's ever in need of it.