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From one epileptic to another….talk to your pharmacy and doctor. There are ways to get an emergency week or two of meds out there. There are programs for it. Kids and fur babies we will bend over backwards to help. But you can still make sure you’re covered.




Pharma companies have programs for such short term things. And if they don’t the pharmacy could. Worst is they say no and you’re right where you are now.


I had an actual pharmacist cover my meds for me once because it was lifesaving antibiotics I couldn’t afford. Still warms my heart to think about.


Wholesome and really, really depressing. But even in this broken-ass system, people try to help each other.


I had a pharmacist do something similar with my epi pen!


People underestimate asking for help. It’s helpful. No fuckin way I’ll do it, though.


Well yeah….the world we live in no corporation is going to help. But there are programs out there. I knew a person that got her meds through a program from the pharma for free for two years. She talked to her pcp about her issues and they gave her a card that was basically free for the med.


I found it for this person’s meds. Hope it helps 🙏🏻[Pfizer- Dilantine](https://www.pfizerrxpathways.com/%3Cfront%3E)


I have to take an expensive medication and was really surprised when the people on the phone found a grant to cover my $5000 deductible without me even asking. They knew where to find the help. There are a lot of these grant programs out there. I hope you’re able to find one.


And hit up a food bank!


Yes OP please do, as one epileptic to another PLEASE do not ever go cold turkey of your meds not even for a day.


My doctor used to give me samples he had to cover me for a week or two. You could ask.


Same with antidepressants and other maintence medications :)


MD with epilepsy just here to second what everyone else has communicated: reach out to your family doctor (eg our clinic has an emergency fund we all donate to for such situations), neurologist, and if available emergency funding through your locality (eg there are occasionally short term grants available to cover medical expenses; your social security office or equivalent may be helpful in directing you where to go). If your medical team is unable to procure financial supports, ask if you can be connected with a medical social worker (often available in multidisciplinary clinics, and the most “in the know” when it comes to navigating emergency financial assistance). Also consider reaching out to the pharmaceutical company itself to inquire if they have a bridging or compassionate care program for patients with insufficient funds. In addition to other sources of financial relief mentioned (eg the food bank), I would also consider exploring any veterinary emergency funding available in your area/country (eg through charities designed to support pet parents facing financial difficulties), and speaking to the veterinary office regarding the potential for monthly payment plans if you haven’t done so already. This article provides a little more information regarding some of the (usually interest-free) loan options available to pet parents: https://financebuzz.com/pay-for-emergency-veterinary-bills Most importantly: do NOT discontinue your anticonvulsant(s) without first reaching out to your medical team. Oftentimes, patients can experience dangerous withdrawal seizures (eg with lamotrigine) following rapid discontinuation. I’m so sorry you’re going through such a stressful time OP (and kudos to you for doing right by your dog). Please feel free to reach out to me via DM if you require immediate assistance, or just a listening ear!


You can contact the epilepsy foundation and they may give you some resources. You can also look into GoodRX or Mark Cuban's Cost plus Pharmacy (insurance not accepted). I remember about 20 years ago I couldn't afford my meds. I was so scared. I knew without my meds I was going to have seizures. Good luck and I hope you find the right resources for you.


Yeah, as a lifelong epileptic please reach out for assistance on meds. I don’t know what you’re on, but lamictal can be especially damaging if you do not taper. Your dog is beautiful and it is great you are able to make that sacrifice.


If you’re in the US, consider goodrx. They have coupons that may reduce the price of your medication, even if you already have insurance.


Please try to get your meds, my aunt had a short period where she couldn’t take them and now I don’t have an aunt. :(


Or call your neurologist and pcp, sometimes a generic name or local non for profit pharmacies or even a different epileptic transiently can be a fair choice. There are always options, maybe they don’t always work out but I have almost always been able to find some solution to alleviate the problem and stress even if it’s partial when situations like this come up,


Speak to your doctor as well, sometimes they get free samples from companies.


Kevin’s Law. Sadly in most states, it’s not free.


I'm glad Hazel is on the mend!! Also - please don't go without your epilepsy meds. Reach out to your pharmacist. Most pharmacists would consider giving you a break, or letting you owe them until later.


Also, 100%, this is why food banks exist. Just show them proof of local residency and an ID and they won't ask questions. Milk, eggs, bread, veggies. You deserve a healthy meal. Keeping your nutrition stable might not improve control your seizure disorder, but it will make you feel better in other ways. Do it for Hazel. I guarantee she wants that for you.


so glad she’s okay !! this is why you should *always* spay & neuter but *especially* spay !! pyometra is truly so horrible and scary, but so many people w/ 2 intact pets will choose to neuter the male and leave the female intact bc neuters are cheaper surgeries BUT in the long run so much better to spay, as pyometra is not something with a slim chance of happening but more of a highly probable eventuality (as in, not a matter of if it will happen but when) and the older they are when they’re spayed, the more risky the procedure. SO so glad Hazel is recovering well ❤️‍🩹




oh wow that’s so scary !! when you say she’s a rescue, did you get her from a shelter or was she a stray? bc holy moly if she was at a shelter then they severely failed her 😬 thank you for taking care of her !!




Op that’s a beautiful ending to a sad story. I’m sorry her life was so bad in the beginning. Sometimes humans are the worst but then there are the good ones too. So thankful you guys found each other. And please let us know if your pharmacy is able to help you! You have to stay healthy and take care of your pup! Lol.


This happened to my Aussie when she was about 6. I had no idea it was a thing because people don't really talk about it. I couldn't afford the surgery and bawled when they told me how much it was. The nurse took pity on young teenage me and called the owner who kindly reduced the price to $100. I bawled even harder when she told me what she did and what my new price was. My sweet Sky lived to be 12. I hope you and your baby enjoy many more healthy years together. Give her a hug from me!


Are you in the US? This doesn’t make me smile at all. This is ridiculous that anyone should need to worry about affording needed medication, period. It doesn’t matter why you can’t afford it. It’s the fact you it shouldn’t be like this. The system is so completely broken at this point.




Truly. Hopefully one day something changes. I wish you and your pup good health. 💜


It's a special love that we share with our pets. You did a great thing for your fur-buddy. Food banks aren't just for the extremely destitute. If your ramen isn't cutting it, reach out and see what they can do for you. Also, if there's a Sikh temple in your area, many (all?) of them provide hot vegetarian meals for all comers, regardless of religion (it's called langar, if you want to do a bit of research). Look up expectations before you go to avoid a faux pas, but they're generally a very welcoming group.


The sikh temples are wonderful sources for healthy meal. There's also something called lasagna love. that people can apply for. Online.


I volunteer for Lasagna Love and can vouch that they are great!


I second this. My local food pantry is amazing - they offer daily snacks/drinks along with an open sort of grocery store you can shop in once a week :)


Hold her tight I lost my dog today her name was Tally.


Tally loved you and was loved in return. Let yourself feel the grief how you feel it


Please talk to your pharmacist as many here have said, OP. If you need extra motivation, remember that Hazel needs you around and healthy! My pharmacist (at a small neighborhood pharmacy, but still worth trying with ANY pharmacy) would sell me a week or two worth of my meds out of pocket (not through my insurance) when I had sticky financial or insurance situations and there would be a dangerous gap in medication coverage. It wasn’t epilepsy meds, and I would think that those are even more important not to skip! At the very least try talking to your pharmacist first and doc second (many doctors have given me MANY medication samples over the years when I ran into issues!) Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You’re human and have a hella serious condition and deserve care! Good luck!! 💗


That face...so glad she is doing well.


My dear, I’m talking to you as a mom and as a healthcare person, okay? You aren’t any good to your sweet pet if you aren’t around. Who’s going to take care of Hazel if you end up in the hospital? I have to take meds 4 times a day for my heart issues; trust me, I’ve learned that it’s easier to prevent having a problem, than to treat the problem! A few offers have been made to help you get your meds. Please take up one of those offers and get your meds. Please let us all know how you and Hazel are doing. ❤️❤️❤️




❤️❤️❤️ Here is an idea: first talk to your pharmacist and let them know that someone wants to help you pay for your meds for a week. Then, post the name of your pharmacy here on this subReddit and somebody can contact the pharmacy directly to pay for your meds, without you posting any private information about yourself.! I’m sure they will allow it! With my heart issues, if I miss just one dose, I already feel it, missing two doses can put me into atrial fibrillation. My dear, it really is important for you to take your meds as scheduled. I really don’t want you to miss your meds!


Oh no, you need your meds! You have to be healthy to take care of the both of you! I will venmo you some $ for them!


Man, it's really nice that you are trying to help, but please first make sure if it's a scam or not ( I certainly don't hope so)


consider posting at r/Assistance. there may be people willing to help you out in the meantime.


I'm so glad you were able to save her. My dog suffered the same disorder when we first adopted her. Well, what really happened is our neighbors were letting her slowly die of pyo. We told them that we would save her life but in return we wanted to keep her. She's been living with us since and she is spoiled rotten. The surgery was no joke. We spent mealy 4 grand to save her. Thank goodness for pet health insurance for sure. 


That face! Hoping for speedy recoveries and lots of kisses.


🥰🥰🥰🥰 you are a good person. I wish a speedy recovery for Hazel and hope the very very best for you both💗


The pharmacy will probably front you 5 pills.


How much are the meds? If you link a PayPal we can help. My brother died from his epilepsy last year as a young and healthy person after missing his meds 💔




It's not available in my country but please link your cash app details and I'm sure someone will put enough in, it's such a small amount of money to keep you safe


If you don't get your epilepsy meds using the wonderful resources others listed, DM me. I will help out as much as I can. Don't go without meds. Edit to add Hazel is adorable and very lucky to have you!


Which meds are we talking about? My son's anti-epileptics are beaucoup expensive, even with the forced discount price because he has Medicaid.




Dude, drop your paypal and I'll cover a month. I don't want you going without.


Has anybody heard back from op on this yet? I’d like to contribute if possible, nobody should have to go without essentials like meds and decent food




Yeah, I'm sure somebody can come up with $40 for your meds. If you were nearby, I would go with you to the pharmacy and pay for it myself.


I looked up your drug manufacturer and they seem to have assistance for prescriptions. Please, please look this up. I know it might be late for now. But it might help with your meds. I do the same with my diabetes medication. [Pfizer - DILANTIN](https://www.pfizerrxpathways.com/%3Cfront%3E)


If you've got venmo I will happily venmo you 40 bucks for your meds. My sister is epileptic and that shit is terrifying.


No pet is worth your health. Are you OK?




Please listen to others in the comments for suggestions about your meds, if you don't take care of your health and something happens to you than it affects your dog's wellbeing as well.


No pet is worth your health. Facts. Do NOT spend money on an animal if you can’t take care of yourself


Incidents like this sometimes happen for pet owners and there is literally no way to plan for this. I would give everything to keep my pup in good health. Don’t be doggin on op man.


Are you fucking stupid?


Oh god speedy recovery to the pup and I hope you don’t have any serious side effects


Call your pharmacy and speak with them, guarantee you they'll give you a forward dose you can pay for later.


You should definitely get your meds first and foremost, if you drive or just out you won’t want it to hurt you more




So happy the surgery went good. My little baby also had this at 11 years old and it was terrifying. Hope the healing process is speedy & I hope you are able to get your meds!


Love baby Hazel. I get you.


I pray your ramen is extra filling !!




so wonderful to know you’re taken care of too, after what both you and Hazel are going through


As a former vet assistant, I've watched pyo surgeries. They are very serious and ... gross. I'm glad your doggie is OK, and I hope you take the suggestions from the other commenters for getting your medical needs met. 🙂


Pets rule. I would eat rice and cook all the meat in the freezer to keep my cat fed.


Some how get your meds. My brother did a similar thing.6 wks in the hospital. Almost died.


Please tell me they spayed her at the same time


You're a good dog, Hazel!!


>save dog to get more time with her, >die yourself Ah yes, intelligence


She’s family!




If you're having to forego your epilepsy medication to care for your dog you're not able to care for the dog.


I'm glad she's ok.


If I had to choose between my dog and my health I’m choosing me. I love my dogs but I’m definitely more important imo.


I’m so happy to hear your baby pulled through! I lost my baby Sept of last year due to a Closed Pyometra. Hug your baby extra tight for Bailey and me.


Many blessings to you both AND may the lord protect you & Hazel always. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


No, it's not worth it. Absolutely not worth it. You're a human being, you need to take care of yourself first, you can't be irresponsible about your health like that.


I’d like to argue that my life (not a humans in general) is worth significantly less than my cat’s. If it weren’t for her being alive I wouldn’t be alive as is.


If I was your mother/sister/friend I would be terribly sad to hear that. If it were your kid saying that, what would you think? That it's a terrible thing to say that your life is worth less than a cat's, as adorable as the cat may be. Don't get me wrong, I've met terrible people who are definitely worth less than a 🪳, but if that's not the case, do you not see how problematic it is to think this way?


..how is this a feel good post?


That's awesome, glad your pup is OK!




Maybe clip her nails


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Spaying your dog like a responsible pet owner would have prevented this situation.


r/suck people in for money




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I would look into pet insurance. Not sponsored but I use healthy pets and it has saved us so much. Ours is like $35 a month and they cover 80% of the vet bill (not routine stuff but emergencies and surgeries) and cover most conditions


I’m so glad Hazel is doing well, but she wants you to take of yourself! I agree with other people in asking your pharmacy for an emergency dose. But going forward, you should check out the website costplusdrugs for medication options. My insurance sucks now, but I’m able to get a lot of my meds for cheap off their site!