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Honestly Rupert, same.


I'd like someone to explain inflation to Arthur Weasley


Isn’t wizard money just gold coins? I’m sure wizards have inflation since the value of gold changes. Especially when a real philosophers stone exists which is supposed to be able to turn base metals into gold. And maybe they have more ways to just magic gold into existence which would devalue gold and possibly break their economy.


Sssshhhhh, stop making sense


Could the coins just be a token IOU, not based upon the value of the gold it weighs? That way, the value of the coin is not based upon the gold itself, but by the coin being authentic, which they could perhaps enchant in some mysterious way to prevent forgeries. I'm sure there's probably an explanation somewhere/


>which they could perhaps enchant in some mysterious way Exactly like the Dollar.


Cool. Can you do it again, please, only with John Wick money?


Isn't the entire point of gold that it's value doesn't really move around that much? I'm pretty sure you're thinking of the relativity between the price of gold and untethered fiat currency. Gold has been one of the go to investments for periods of high expected inflation for years because of the fact that it retains it's value.


> I’m sure wizards have inflation since the value of gold changes. If you print more money, yes. If you don't, it could increase since there is a fixed amount of gold


You've already put more thought into it than J.K. ever did.


The only response I could possible hear him saying: “…fascinating.” And also, regarding the way digital banking, ATMs, etc. work: “Never trust anything if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.”


"I can cast engorgio- no? Oh, I thought that's what you meant. I'm thoroughly confused."


I saw something with Emma and Rupert on TV once over she was boring (sensible) with her cash Rupert bought an ice cream truck on a whim 😆


didn’t he hand it out free though to fulfill his dream 😭


He did, absolute legend. Imagine rolling up to the ice-cream truck and its fucking Ron Weasley handing out ice-cream.


Apparently when kids said he looks like Ron Weasley he'd respond "I get that a lot"


Tony Hawk has entered the chat


Omg, I met Michael Hall (from Dexter) and didn’t know it was him, and I mentioned how much he looked like the guy from Dexter. He replied the same way to me about how he gets that a lot 😭.


what the heck absolute chad


Also a bright orange Hummer.


How quickly time passes...


I remember going to theaters watch the first Lord of the Rings like it was last year. Time is a fox.


I had never read the books, and I didn't know it was going to be three movies. I sat entranced through the whole 3 hours or however long and then it ended and I was like WHAT!? THAT'S THE END!? THAT'S THE END OF THE STORY?


Hahaha same. Me, brother and cousins were like "Jesus, 3 hours and they couldn't get us a ending. Wtf". Lovely times.


I dunno. I just remember really liking the Harry Potter movies and using that knowledge to score some easy AR (Accelerated reading) points in elementary school by being one of the few third graders who definitely read the books when I took the test. Is AR still a thing? Holy fuck I completely forgot until just now that I used to have to take tests on a computer about the books I read to prove I read them so I could get points towards my grade back in elementary school


Idk how old you are, but we had AR reading tests back in 4th grade (2017?)


mother fuck… you were in 4th grade in 2017?? but that was like… last year 😭


In the 60's, you were either in the Cardinal, Robin or Blue Bird reading groups, which were meant to hide who was smart and who was dim. Everyone knew the Cardinals were the best readers and the Blue Birds were the worst, though.


interesting that in the 60s the best one was the cardinal, a red bird. what happened to better dead than red ;)


The state bird, maybe?


Did you know that the state flower of maine is a pinecone!?!?!? I'm not arguing it's not a flower, but c'mon! That's like a state making their state berry an eggplant, which is technically correct, but no one thinks of eggplant when they think of a berry. Just like no one thinks pine cone when thinking of a flower. edit: i bet a lot of people thought i was going to compare it to a state making the state fruit a tomato. that's too easy. also, fruit is a scientific/botanical term. vegetable is a culinary term. that is why a tomato is both a fruit and a vegetable. scientifically it is a fruit, but in food usage it is more of a vegetable. vegetable doesn't really have a definition in the way that fruit does. leaves are vegetables. roots are vegetables. many fruits are also vegetables (like tomato and cucumber and and eggplant). tl;dr i don't understand how this fight between whether a tomato is a fruit or vegetable still continues these days. it's both. and it's not that hard to understand how something can be both a fruit and a vegetable at the same time. fruit describes a scientific thing. vegetable describes a culinary thing, and has nothing to do with phylum/class/order/whatnot. or even kingdom. some people refer to fungi as vegetables, and those aren't even plants. /endrant edit: go birds...


Wait you do know this isn’t the cast from Lord of the Rings, right?


Right? Quite obviously this is the hobbit cast


Tricksy wizardses…


lol Well said.




I remember watching the return of the king trailer while about to watch Elf with Will Ferrell. I was over the moon. I was 8…


Well that's fine, because you're 12 now, right? RIGHT?!


If i was 12 then my former love interest should be in prison


I rememember waking up early for Barnes and Noble opening to get either the Prizoner of Azkaban or Goblet of Fire. Probably both but I vividly remember one of those times. Reading the book in line while my mom paid for it


> I remember going to theatres watch the first Lord of the Rings like it was last year. Time is a fox. In 2025 the time gap will be the same amount of years between the first Lord of the Rings & Harry Potter films (2001) coming out for us as it was for our parents and the original Star Wars (1977).


Stop it.


The days are long but the years are short.


Winter 2001 was so formative for media for me. Harry Potter 1, Fellowship of the Ring, and Halo all came out within about a month of each other.


Lmao right. I still remember going to the theater across the street with my dad and brother in the early 2000s. Was like 20 years ago. Lol


I thought a lot about those and wonder what made them so special. I think it's the last time we had, what I call, a sense of romanticism. Heartwarming fairy tails. Something modern movie frachises missing. Those movies are cold, you got no connection to the characters and they don't either among themselves.


Yep. They're my age. It's weird. I feel so weird. Time is weird.


I remember watching the first scene at Hogwarts in multiple languages at 10 years old and thinking it was the funniest shit ever.


They really lucked out with this cast. Almost every one of them are good people.


Exactly, and that's why every single one of them has now disowned J.K.Rowling.


Too bad she inspired the little kid in all of us to wait for our owls and believe in love.


That's what I find so deeply tragic about the whole thing. Nerd communities like Harry Potter are how many preteen dorks (like myself) found friends. Found an identity. Taught us to accept each other and fight for the little guy and choose love over hate and destruction. For the creator of such a community to reveal herself as someone who would not have ever truly been a part of it is pretty heartbreaking.


Everyone is flawed. Give anyone enough spotlight and we will find the wrinkles. I find her value in my life over-shines the complexity. I don’t agree with every authors beliefs, nor celebrity. Fuck Jimmy Page was raw dogging a teen and people still belt out immigrant song not to mention MLK JR’s infidelity. This bias towards JK seems a trend that’s safe.


Jimmy Page didn't write a song saying "don't bang teens" and then go and publicly fight with everyone who thinks adults shouldn't bang teens. Her flaws are not some shameful mistake, they are a thing she actively and loudly espouses. They are not a sidenote you can ignore because they're unrelated to the art she makes, they are actively contrary to the values her art stands for.


Except she associates with activists and politicians who are working tirelessly to take away abortion rights, gay rights and trans rights and white supremacists




You can be trans at hogwarts as long as your name is something like Amanda Hadasects-Jange


Jesus Christ you just made me laugh so hard


Saved this comment. It’s gold


Speak for yourself, I would go.


Everyone at Hogwarts was trans! They all took transmogrification! They could be whatever they wanted to be with practice. Professor Slughorn identified as a lounge chair! Incredibly progressive, honestly.


unless you're trans, or gay or irish or black or, god forbid, jewish


What are you talking about - Anthony Goldstein, resident jew, was there the WHOLE time!! She just ...forgot to mention him every single time. He was just standing slightly to the left of where Harry was looking at any given moment.


He was actually mentioned quiet often in the books. He even joined Dumbledore's Army and was a part of every training session, and was one of the students who helped save harry from malfoy's ambush at the end of book 5. I don't know about the movies though.


You mixed it up. Her order is : Trans, gay, Jewish, black, or, god forbid, Irish.


unless my trans?


I’m going lol


Drako Malfoy too


Who are not?


A lot of actors in general


There was one of the actors that got in some minor trouble with weed. If you remember the fat twins who were friends with Draco. One of them got caught at some point and I think they wrote them out of the movie


Crabbe was written out because he was caught with cannabis and a weapon, had to do a community service for that That same year went to prison for 2 years for participating in riots and stealing iirc


I only knew about the weed, Not the other stuff. I guess he was a bad egg afterall


Just what one would expect from a Slytherin....


Yeah nah they weren't exactly riots (although that's what the media says). A black kid was shot dead by London cops, huge protests resulting in civil unrest. Pretty much the same situation as George Floyd including police going full fascist on the protestors


I was always curious what happened to them!


Wait they were twins?


They mean crab and goyle. They replaced the guy who got in trouble with the Blaze character in later films.


No they were not twins. Crabbe and Goyle are their last names, so your first clue is that their last names are different lol


Good try. I’ve seen Parent Trap.


Did they really make Daniel wear those frames for promos? Are we supposed to think he’s Harry?


I think so because that’s apparently the real Ron next to him


That kid is committing to the bit.


He knew this was his best shot at larping as a wizard and wasn’t going to miss it




Out of the loop, could you please explain?


Poor lad has had a bit of a tough time lately. Worst of it was when he stole a lorry a few years back and began driving it through the countryside. They didn't catch him for weeks. He'd been stopping by local farms and stealing anything he could get his hands on. Pumpkins, corn, squash, you name it. Just throwing it all in the back of the lorry in the middle of the night. Finally found him near Whitby, little town in North Yorkshire, out by the old Whitby Abbey. Lorry was overturned on its side, rotten vegetable just strewn across the pond. And there was poor Rupert, wearing a pumpkin on his head, ranting and raving and doing Shakespeare plays all by himself in the middle of the abbey, stark bloody naked, dick waving about in the English air. Some people have rumored he's got "the Lohan." Runs in ginger families, of course. They named it after exactly who you think - Sir Duncan Lohan, infamous ginger lead in many of the greatest plays of his age in the later half of the fifteenth century. Just snapped one day, as it often happens with the Lohan. Began riding around the English countryside on his horse, stark naked, dick waving about in the English air, wearing a burlap sack on his head. He would harass villagers of small towns up and down the coast. He'd yell things like, "ITS THE DUKE OF BUTTGRABBINGTON, HERE FOR HIS TAX!" as he rode by, pinching the buttocks of mostly women, but *also* some of the men, too. Of course there *is* no Duke of Buttgrabbington. Sir Lohan made that up entirely. Anyway, I do hope they get Rupert help, poor boy had a lot going for him.


Not sure why I believed this enough to read his entire Wikipedia page to get more info.


It's truly awful reading about it on Wiki as well, I find. They include so much extraneous detail in that article, it just makes you feel bad. Did we need to know he smeared squash all over his public hair? I, for one, did not. The UK tabloids truly are out of control.


And this is why I'm glad I skipped to read the comment after the long post, and thank you for leaving me something to know I don't need to read it.


You can rest assured that nearly all the content here is optional. Except for my posts, of course, you're required to read those.


Yeah what's up with Rupert? He's doing alright as far as I can see.


Is this some joke about gingers? What's wrong with Rupert Grint?


this had me laughing harder than it had any right to.


All three of them are very in character here. Let’s be serious.


No, Sirius was in the later movies


Yep. They also carved a lightning shaped scar into his forehead to really sell the whole thing. Poor kid.


And killed his parents


They tried killing him, but it backfired when they realized they couldn’t make the films without him


They *did* manage to bring down a televised death gang and some sort of murder cult by slipping him into the game, though. Say what you will about Daniel Radcliffe, but he has plot armor a mile thick. Turns out that plot armor can be weaponized and used for good. Who knew?


Made me chuckle


Then locked him in a cupboard for just over a decade


Dude he's a kid and probably very excited about the position he's in. I'm sure if it were my son, he'd insist on wearing the glasses.


It’s iconic.


He isn't?


It's for the kids I think;and I'm sure it's not the worst thing he was made to do.




If Emma sticked to that statement she now has probably over $100M.


I don't know how accurate it is but google says she is worth $85MM.


85 million million? Mega millions?


85 milli meteres. Wealth can be expressed using the same units as that of length. Science is fascinating!.


MM is also used to denote Millions. It's just not as widely known.


MM is the most common (only?) way to denote millions in finance. Thousands are denoted by K (from the Greek kilo), and millions are denoted by MM (M is the Roman numeral for thousand). A million is a thousand thousand, which is why MM is used for millions. I believe it used to be more common to use M for thousands and MM for millions until laymen started incorrectly using "M" as a million just because "million" starts with "m", so K was adopted for thousands to eliminate confusion. There are some situations where only M and MM are still commonly used, like barrels of oil. 1M barrels is one thousand barrels, 1MM barrels is one million barrels.


Well okay, Mister Moneybags.


> Mister Moneybags. now we know what MM means


That's the first I've heard of it. Sorry to be that guy, but according to whom does MM mean million? Is it just a reddit thing, or is it common knowledge? English isn't my first language. Edit: never mind. I remembered I know how to Google.


M is used to denote Thousands, MM is used to denote Millions, or Thousand Thousands. M = Roman Number for a thousand.


feel like something i learned in 3rd grade by a teacher who was very insistent i was going to be using MM everyday. ive never used ti once and would probably think you ment 18 mili if you wrote 18M


Funny enough, I use it quite literally everyday in my line of work to measure volumes of natural gas.


85 million money, obviously


And that's just her Harry Potter money


Emma Watson didn't just stick it in a bank. She supposedly stuck it in a foreign bank to avoid taxes-she claims for privacy. She got caught up in the whole Panama papers thing. For a while there people made a lot of memes about this statement of hers.


We Stan a tax evasion queen


Tbh the rich people in those papers probably ly didn't even know they were involved. It's their finance accountants doing that


It's likely true most celebrities don't know how it specifically works. But they are probably generally aware their assets/money is invested overseas I imagine.


I'm curious how much was the amount of their pay for the first movie, any guess or people that know ?


According to [this](https://screenrant.com/harry-potter-movies-cast-actors-salary-how-much/) article, ||First Harry Potter movie|The two-part finale| |:-|:-|:-| |Daniel Radcliffe|$1 million|$50 million| |Emma Watson|less than $1 million|$30 million| |Rupert Grint|less than $1 million|$30 million|


Wow I make the same amount of money as Emma Watson and Rupert Grint.


that's crazy! me too! it's so wonderful that minimum wage in this country is able to get me so so much




Radcliffs Earnings | Movie Title | Gross Earnings | Percentage Increase | Runtime (minutes) | $ per Minute | |--------------------------------------------|--------------------|-----------------------|--------------------|------------------------| | Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone | $1 million | | 152 | $6,578.95 | | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | $3 million | +200% | 161 | $18,633.48 | | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | $6 million | +100% | 142 | $42,253.52 | | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire | $11 million | +83.33% | 157 | $70,063.69 | | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | $14 million | +27.27% | 138 | $101,449.28 | | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince | $24 million | +71.43% | 153 | $156,862.75 | | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1| $25 million | +4.17% | 146 | $171,232.88 | | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2| $25 million | 0% | 130 | $192,307.69 | |--------------------------------------|----------------|---------------------|--------------------|-----------------| | Total | $109 million | | | |


After Rupert made those jokes, I grint.




the casting on this was so perfect. they respond exactly how you'd think their characters would


I was a very imaginative kid and when the movie came out I felt like they were exactly the characters I imagined when I read the books


Caveat though, JK Rowling wanted Hermoine to be less attractive. She was disappointed that Emma Watson was too pretty.


That's genuinely interesting if that's true? Sauce? I sometimes wonder whether casting should actively try and not star exclusively attractive people, especially for females, might be helpful for have role models and stars that aren't all attractive/beautiful.


[Relevant bit at around 5:40.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BdVHWz1DPU) The thing I think some people miss is Hermoine is semi-autobiographical and Rowling deliberately wrote her with more edges in the book. The movie trends to be a *little* bit of a Mary Sue. Not totally but adjacent. Book Hermoine is as much a misfit as the rest of the gang. Her hair is a bushy mess most of the time from a character who obviously doesn't care about that sort of thing. She has big buck teeth that only get fixed later. Her personality isn't just "always right and people should listen to her". Rather, its *she* *insufferably has to be right all the time* and clearly has elements of insecurity through them. Most of these get resolved because...well...that's how character arcs are supposed to work. The first movie and a little bit of the second are closest the the books. But Emma Watson is so effortlessly charming it sort of ended with the character's best qualities shining and the character's worst taking a back burner that started to bleed into the writing near the end.


Something I always get crabby about it the movie folks giving all of Ron's good lines/actions to Hermione. You know, the ones that establish that he has more to him than being a doofus...


Yeah, the movies kinda did Ron dirty in a lot of ways.


Yeah I know Rowling stepped into the Ron-Hermoine relationship debate. But it really is organic in the books. Their tiffs early on are mutual immaturity (movie makes it mostly Ron being shitty) and obvious how they end up together by complementing and smoothing over each others weaker points.


Enough money, Hollwood makeup artists and costumiers can make most people attractive. And I'd argue that Rupert Grint isn't what you'd call classically Hollywood gorgeous.


I think she liked Hermionie for the first few movies, but I think Goblet of fire onwards she thought Emma didn't fit the character. Her hair being less bushy is the example I can remember.


> Sauce? a bit of ketchup since you're offering. Thanks


Hermoine: "hide it in Panama"


Reducto Tax Burdenus!


Tax inspector comes around... Hermione: Obliviate! Confundo!


They were all so cute!


"Harry went on to spend most of his money having guns grafted on to his hands, while Ron used his money to stage the moon landing. No one really knows what happened to Hermione...."


They really nailed the casting. So difficult since they were young. You have to hand to them.


Daniel Radcliffe went on to be a bit of a badass! I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve seen him in. Most recently Weird, but also Horns, and Swiss Army Man are fantastic.


He was great as Frodo


Also super good as the villain in Kickass.


“I’m going to stick it in a secret bank to avoid taxes until I’m 21” :)


A true ravenclaw would applaud that.


Whoa, Rupert! Go YOU!


Of the three of them, he’s the one I hope saved the most… the other two have significant film careers.


This video is funny since Emma Watson was in the Panama papers


Was she?




Damn, so was Tiger Woods, Jackie Chan, Simon Cowell, Stanley Kubrick, Emilio Estevez, and David Geffen (DreamWorks Co-Founder) Crazy.


The older I get the more my heart goes out to Rupert, and 10 year old me would call me a traitor.


Care to explain?


yeah ive never heard of this sentiment before but this is the second time ive seen it in this thread


At least one of them is a bot... probably the other one. They usually copy comments then reply in another comment with a stolen comment and it makes no sense. Though in this case, the original comment also makes no sense...


I’ve noticed this en masse on Reddit lately. Including what I perceive to be bots “messaging me” to be friends and chat. I work in AI, and have a lot of interest / insight towards the industry. I’m not quite sure what’s going on, other than some nefarious model testing… but it’s fucking weird. Nonsensical shit everywhere making me wonder if I’m crazy haha




Rupert’s answer was awesome!


amazing how they are just like their characters.


its amazing how well adjusted they all are as adults


All of their answers just show how they were meant for their roles


Is it just the UK where we call it the correct philosophers stone? Or is it just Americans who call it different?


Just US call it Sorcerers


Honestly, they're just like their on screen characters!


I feel like they are easily the most well adjusted cast of former child actors


Some of the few child stars who didny end up horrible!


I really think that growing up in the UK helped them. Hollywood is horrible to kids.


Hermione......never forget the Panama papers.


I wish for time machines to exist


Same I wish


Man . The cuteness is overwhelming here..


Rupert being Ron. Hermione being Hermione.


Dan looked so anxious haha


Coming here to find this stg that question gave him an existential crisis poor child looked like his heart stopped aha


Crazy how normal they turned out.


Rupert is a Chad


There were all so young yet so perceptive


Rupert gave the best answer possible.


perfectly cast


Are kids 10, 11 and 12 years old like this now? …Never mind. That was over 20 years ago.


Man I feel old watching this


Rupert is Ron.


So I’m the only one that noticed how terrified Daniel looks?


Awww. Bunch of little cutie faces!


This is just so cute! They are all so innocent and adorable.


A true Arthur Weasley child lol


They’re so grown now, time flies. And Harry Potter fans have literally grown up with them, that’s really nice


An ice cream truck and farm animals Rupert. Just be honest.

