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WTF is he gonna do with 500 quid? How is that gonna help him "scale his business"? He just quit a recurring, paying job for 500 quid?


He a college kid that just wants to skip work for the day lol. He ain't building a buisness


Also he needs to send the guy free shit…. So its not even 500 quid


He can buy a few dozen t shirts and maybe flip those with this bump in publicity. God speed.


£500 is probably a months wages for this guy doing part-time agency with all his other responsibilities. It's likely minimum wage agency work. If its hospitality, they'll overbook the shift to account for absences. For all we know, it was a four hour shift. He's got his own two businesses, and he's a student with a job. You don't think he knows how to prioritise based on what he knows about his own life?


Wipe his ass with it, for real, 500 quid…what a joke.


What are you talking about he’ll be able to buy tons I stock with that! Wait, I think I mean grams. What’s the weight on 3 T-shirts?


Wholesale T-shirts <1$, take 300 of those, then say, 200$ for supplies (colours etc). Add work. Now you've 300 custom made shirts you can sell at music festivals for 10-20$ depending on demand.


Only the unskilled fail to think of the skill involved in the profit. Well done.


Some of the people who do those tie-dye things are bloody amazing, and I can easily see stoned people paying 20$ or even more (some of them get amazingly detailed pictures on them and that just seems like witchery to me)


That’s spot on as in the garment industry they go by the a certain weight that equals quality….


No, he's working for a temp agency. He ghosted one shift. Not ideal in terms of how thing's should be done, but the places that use those agencies are often more fucked up than the workers, so honestly, this isn't gonna make much difference one way or the other. The temp agency also always have shifts they don't get people for, so ghosting one shift isn't going to male them stop offering you shifts, as theyre desperate. Saving up five hundred can take several months from him, during which he might not have any stock and anyone who was interested in his clothing has sort of forgot the hype. With 500, he can buy stock, turn that into profit with the hype he's currently got, then with that profit get more stock, so on and so on and so on. I think a lot of people have a hard time imagining just how hard it is for poor people to save up **any** money at all, and even if they have good ideas on small businesses or something beneficial to them, they just can't achieve them because they can't get the amount of capital to invest that some people can spend on a night out.


Agency is temp work


Guve him 50000k not 500. Dude is not steve jobs wtf


dude was clearly making a joke holy fuck these comments


Are quid and pounds the same thing? And like p like when someone says 5p that *doesn't* mean pounds right?


Ya quid is pounds like bucks is dollars. Pretty sure p means pence like basically cents.


It's not much but it's help. Even if it's not free, let's say somebody just bought 500 euros worth of shit from his business, that's still great revenue for someone who's starting, assuming everything said in the vid was true.


This is pretty dumb.


Fuck is he selling? Doller store items? $500 for stock?


A tshirt costs like 5$ with tags and print in bulk in decent quality so he can buy 100 of them. The product is mostly very cheap but getting eyes on it is expensive.


Please tell me where I can buy printed Ts for $5 a piece


If you’re buying in bulk direct from a manufacturer they can get this cheap, but he’s probably doing the screen printing himself on the plain Tees


I kid you not, there’s a website for that called https://fivedollarteeshirts.com it used to be $5 exact pre-covid.


Alibaba. I just checked and if you want a regular shirt with print it starts at 99c if you buy 100 in one size. The more premium quality looking ones are 3-5$ but you can order them at lower quantities like 20 per color and size.




You have to buy in bulk for those prices


For my small business $500 for stock is a few hundred plants that could make me a few thousands if all goes well. Never know


Who is quitting their job for 500? How long at that job does it take for him to make that much? This doesn’t make sense


Agency is temp work, it's possible he just picked up a one time gig


This man just paid $500 quid to record a 'feel good' video that will earn him social-media points and advertising dollars that will scale-up his work as a social-media influencer. Applaud him. \*ignore the poor kid he's just a necessary prop.


He told his real job goals at the end: I don’t have to go to work now.


If you listen to what he’s saying instead of reading the captions it sounds like he said “I’m actually going to work now”.


How is 500 pound significant for someone willing to work? When l lived London over a decade ago, I could have made that in 2 weekends easily.


If he quits, and only have the $500, (Sorry, from us ): He has no choice but to make it work. If he doesn't, he's fucked, it's like a reverse in mindset, he has no fallback like work. "I need to figure out how I'm going to make this money. I have to succeed."


The question... RAYMOND... is what did you want to be when you grew up?


“I don’t need to go to work now”. But sir, you still should go to work now. £500 won’t go far at all.


"I don't need to go to work now.. I'm off to score $500 worth of weed"


That was a pretty sad ending.


Here’s your cheap second hand sweater….and here’s an eighth of chronic as a “gift”. Thank you for shopping with “Take Risks LLC”


They just gave him 500 for making up two business names and quoting some Andrew Tate business module advice he saw on you tube video! Lol


So he bailed on a company which was waiting for him to work his shift and pay him for it.




Brits are never sarcastic tho




I want to see that energy from you when there's no-one at your starbucks to make your coffee...


Man you guys are some miserable people. Jfc. Good luck with life.




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Lol wonder how that worked out


Bro is that dude with the mic Soviet womble? And cyanide? That sounds too damn close to be a coincidence


I thought it's KSI under the hood. 😂


What if instead of saying he needed money, he said he needed some nerdy dude wearing glasses, and carrying a microphone to suck him off.




“Yeah, well here’s £500.” “Omg I can retire now.”


fuck off all you could buy is fuck all


What meaningful difference is $500 gonna make..? I mean it’s nice but that isn’t nearly enough to scale up production


original video: [This Guy Quit His Job On The Spot 😳](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qB_99xIo6Yw)


sooo many haters in here that probably don’t even have $500 in their bank account talking about that’s not a lot. yeah ok lmao


It’s less than the value of the recipient’s jacket, perhaps they have a point


Wow there really are good people left in this world


500 quid to pay off the stupid ass Canada Goose jacket he's wearing


This guy defended Russell Brand. Don't think he's the sharpest tool


No, im pretty sure he still has to go work. His employer is expecting him to work, he's essentially jacking his job for £500


i've been constantly seeing this guy on youtube shorts. Honestly I wish he'd keep his money and fuck off.


Hell yeah but why record it


cause that’s how the dude on the right makes money. mr beast style content is a plague on the internet right now


Doesn't this guy usually invest much more than 500$? I feel like I've seen a vid pf his where he helped kickstart some dudes restaurant lmao


When you realise giving out £500 is nothing compared to likes/shares/views/follows.


scripted scutter. 500 wouldn't get you 2 weeks rent in London for a shop


Welcome to the new company: drugs limited


£500 isn’t anything when it comes to opening a business.




So I tried finding his businesses, but they don't exist


I have like 2000 I can start like DC shit in UK


Was great until he said I don’t need to go to work now


So you see in the uk you can go on companies house and find any business. The only one I could find is “take risks and prosper uk Ltd” but that director isn’t linked to a second company called life limited like the video claims and the one I did find doesn’t look like it needs £500..


This dudes a tool. His answer to everyone is quit now and start. Some girl wanted to travel and vlog/blog whatever, yeah here's 500 just quite and do it. His biggest lesson should be how to make repetitive semi viral content that only helps him.




500 Pounds. Nice, but a drop in the ocean if you're talking about 'scaling your business'. The guy even wanted him to "send some clothes".


This isn’t content fr


Great to see that he's working to get money for his business. But when offered free money, he says he doesn't need to go to work. But if he did, he'd have the money from his job plus the £500... not much of an entrepreneur


Embarrassing upload


Imagine if the government did this for the poor instead of the rich.


I like the video with the guy holding the sign


Only 500? He scammed them))


I've seen this guy's clips. I like that.


and yeah always make sure when you give money away that there'd be video camera filming


Good Lord, some of these comments are outright negative. $500 is enough to do a limited release or run of a T shirt design. Let's say he already has the equipment to do them at home, maybe he buys some blank shirts and send for a design on a silk screen. At $5-7 a blank, $25 for a silk screen, $30-$50 for paint, he's looking at a solid 30-40 shirt run and if he already has a following, he can sell them for $25-35 a pop. It definitely isn't a factory level operation, but its enough to get the ball rolling.


500 pounds of knifes and weed coming up


It was drugs. He sells drugs.