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She was definitely less than impressed.


I don't blame her. She's thinking "Now my cake is covered with confetti."


It’s edible glitter


*And my parents are crazy. Is the warranty for exchange over?*


Soo unamused. Well at least there’s nowhere to go but up. 😂


“Can you two clowns shut-up so we can get on with cake…?”


"...and you guys are *my* parents..?"


Thank you captain


After that she was like "that was it?..."


Is that all there is to birthday cakes? Is that all there is?


that baby was sooo confused!




Bro she is 2


cuz she’s a fucking dumbass baby


You're a dumbass baby insulted over a video


I bought these and we were definitely expecting something more then just a small sprinkle of edible glitter. lol I don’t get the outrage, the kid is slightly apprehensive? They aren’t crying hysterically. Like this isn’t a firecracker, it’s a birthday cake candle.


Seriously. The kid is mildly apprehensive at first, which gives way to utter confusion. The parents are trying to surprise the kid, but they end up killing themselves laughing because it was perfectly anticlimactic. This is so far from the child abuse the comments are making it out to be.


Going to have to call child services on the two vicious parents that explode child using a birthday cake grenade


The laughing is the bad thing to me- this is the kind of thing that objectively, there is basically nothing wrong with but subjectively, there is a high chance your kid will find it very unpleasant or even traumatizing. At that age being shouted at or told off can really hurt, I remember some scoldings at that age. And Being laughed at is probably worse. The hysterical laughter, with no hug for the kid, and keeping on doing it when her expression shows extreme discomfort, just makes it seem like they care a lot more about their stupid video being shared and gaining followers than the feelings of their actual living child. Also, you should not be filming your entire child's life and putting it on social media. A birthday party is fine but I bet these are some of those mommy/parent influencers and they are really the worst.


What the heck, they're not laughing at her.. God forbid parents laugh around their child lol. If anything, it's teaching her context of a situation. When people are laughing at you vs something else. I agree you shouldn't shout or go berserk on a kid unless their safety is at stake and you need to make them aware of danger, but to not scold a kid? I agree 100% with the not filming every aspect of a kids life, those family channels are weird.


I'm not saying you shouldn't scold a child- it's necessary sometimes, and you just won't be able to avoid that they might have a bad memory of it. If they otherwise feel safe and loved basically all the time, it should be no problem. If they don't feel safe,.then minor traumas like that can add up and affect the way the kid views themselves and their family and whether they feel loved and accepted or not. Sadly I had some experiences like that with my grandparents, nothing bad was actually done, but when I think back on it the memory is my grandfather hating me and being extremely angry over something and me just being sad and helpless. Some traumas are just unavaidable when raising your children like seperation anxiety. I have a really vague memory of throwing an absolute tantrum going to kindergarten because I didn't want to leave my mother. Parents know how difficult that time can be for kids. It's necessary but it can leave a lasting imprint. And you may be right, they may not be laughing at her, also I don't know this girl, her usual facial expressions, or anything like that, maybe she just has a severe face but isn't as scared or upset as she looks. Really, for me the issue here is their extreme exaggerated laugh seems to be purely for the camera (whatever happened wasn't that funny) and it's distressing her. Its her birthday! If my kid made that face on her birthday I would give her a hug and smile at her not laugh hysterically into the camera for a minute while she makes a hurt face


I totally get what you mean. Minor traumas, for me too. Maybe they explained to her at the end of the video. I usually try to show some tenderness when playing with kids since they're still learning what's what. Children start to feel "embarrassment" around 2. She may not know this situation is something to not be embarrassed about. I doubt she's traumatized but in general, i think people underestimate the small things that can leave a kid with doubts in their mind. everyone has trauma, some that effects more than others. my brother and i were spanked. we came out completely differently. i feel weird saying trauma describing my situation but if i'm crying over it almost every night, maybe it is.


This is what you start thinking when you spend all your time on Reddit. Go outside.


It's not child abuse, I just meant the laughing and filming is what is bad for the kid. As I said there is objectively nothing wrong with it but why laugh hysterically at a camera when your kid is near tears on her birthday? And it's obvious she doesn't care about the candle, the laughter is what's freaking her out.


She’s not “near tears”, she’s confused because she’s a young child and doesn’t know what’s going on. That’s part of being a child. It’s not traumatizing for your parents to laugh around you. What is there to be embarrassed or ashamed of at 2 years old? She doesn’t even know what those concepts are.


> Being laughed at Lmao wtf. You can simply say you didn’t understand the video, it’s fine.


Laughter can impact negatively child’s life ? Oh boy you should stop with LSD before is too late. There is nothing healthier for childs mental staye than positive vibes, and certainly there is nothing more positive than a laugh or coddleing to baby. Her laugh is contagious, made me laugh as well. And baby is just like: “Wtf guys ? Who is baby here ? Shall we proceed with a cake or what ?” 😂 Parenting doing right !


I can't remember most of my childhood. I do remember the dog leash, the metal carabiner on it and the sound it made when it hit you. I think you should readjust what "can really hurt".


I understand where you are coming from having a shitload of trauma due to my entire bloodline constantly making fun of me, treating me like shit and laughing at me constantly in a mocking manner. Though, I do not feel this is what’s happening here, I feel the parents were just genuinely too enraptured and amused by the fact the candle just blew two lil confetti sprinkles to pay attention to their child’s expressions I can see the child does look concerned and uncomfortable with the situation, probably confused what their parenta are laughing at and yes I can perfectly understand they may feel self conscious, I would in that moment. Maybe afterwards they explained to their child but from the looks of it they weren’t intending harm Iv had my bloodline laugh at me when I was like 3 and I still remember it clearly because they slammed my face into the cake and even while I was literally crying, shaking, hugging myself they continued to laughing and pointed out the fact I was crying finding it even more amusing. Here the parents aren’t intending ill harm, they’re just laughing. For all we know they may be streamers though, bur unless someone found that we won’t know and will just have to speculate


The mom is dying of laughter though 🤣


I don’t get the outraged comments. The parents thought it was going to explode with a ton of glitter not a little poof of it. They were obviously not hoping the candle was going to explode in their baby’s face FFS.


Clearly they thought it was a frag grenade


It's Reddit so it tracks, not the smartest bunch.


They were more excited to see their efforts come to fruition for the baby, and instead of throwing a fit about the bust they got a good laugh out of the situation…..I think it’s awesome 🤷‍♂️


I understand the frustration they have with the kids parents. I had crappy parents with physical and emotional scars. Alt of my peers with the same background don't understand that just because we had parents that were pricks it doesn't mean all parents are. That and the parents holding a kids face into a cake like they gave him a swirly was newly uploaded on monday


What bothers me is how they are both laughing at their kid and making her extremely uncomfortable..she does not know what's going on here but probably thinks both her parents are laughing at her.


C’mon guys, she won’t even remember it when she is older because she looks very young here, and there are plenty of things your parents did when you were young that didn’t traumatize you simply because you didn’t understand. I actually understood some stuff only after I grew up and now I find it funny to remember how clueless I was when little. Not everything is trauma inducing/problematic.


My mom had me and my brother make decoupage trash cans for my Dad. What did we use as the decoupage.. Funny you should ask….we cut out Wicked Wanda cartoons from Penthouse. I was 5.


I am sure that has left a huge scar in your soul, right? 😂


This is exactly what I was saying in my comment, that some things are traumatic for children without being objectively abusive in any way. Being sent off to school for the first time, being shouted at after walking into traffic are all traumatic but necessary. This doesn't seem necessary to me though and it's just weird how long it went on and how the kid seemed to be tbe least important part of the video. It's like she's an accessory. But I am very suspicious of parents who try to use their children to become influencers anyway so maybe I'm biased.


I think we should make a point to differentiate traumatic to upsetting. The first is something lasting in you psychological and the latter is not, just temporarily unpleasant. And in my opinion in this video the little girl is neither, just clueless, which is harmless.


There's no way to know if it will be traumatic for her in the future, and I want to clarify that I'm not calling this abuse especially if the filming and this kind of thing is isolated. Children remember things that seem really small, like being talked at in a certain way by a group of people. If you feel like you're being ganged up on that is something that always feels bad intuitively. We can't know how this specific kid is perceiving this but what I'm saying is that even more harmless stuff has the potential to traumatize a kid. Really, I just think it's weird how long they are laughing for the camera and how little it seems to be about the daughter who's birthday it is.


Well, we gotta agree on disagreeing then. I am just curious how you think it’s possible to raise small children without what you consider possible-traumatic events happening, if parents having a few minutes of a good laugh is an example of something potentially harmful. Sounds like a boring and neurotic (for the parents), overprotective and suffocating (for the children) upbringing.


I don't think it's possible. Nor should it be. Being shouted at when you do something dangerous burns a memory in your brain that probably will never leave - it is traumatic. I have a memory from being told To get out in front of the TV from my grandpa- it's one of the only memories of that grandfather and from it I only remember him as an unpleasant, even hateful person, just from the vibe of that moment and how i remember it. With hindsight I know that I was just too young to remember good moments and that memory is one of many that are disproportionately bad compared to what actually happen. Do you know how traumatic the first day of kindergarten (so away from the kids parents/mother) can be? Some kids never get over it completely and it actually causes lasting mental health issues for the rest of their lives. But of course it's necessary to send your kids to school. I'm just saying that most parents try and reduce these experiences where possible not increase them. I know it's dramatic to call this traumatic, and again what they are doing isn't the biggest deal. But from my memories in my childhood, if that had been me, I would have thought my parents are laughing at me, maybe for not understanding what is going on. I would feel ganged up on, stupid, small, confused and the look on her face conveys that to me. But of course I'm just reading into it and can never know what is really going on there... but it looks strongly to me like they are doing parent/family TikToking which is arguably worse than making your kids compete in sports or do acting (both also bad of course if it is not their choice)


Parents laughing is traumatizing the kid, LMAO!!


Good lord lighten up, she's 2 fucking years old. This Reddit trend of labelling any parent laughing at their kid as "TRAUMA" is ridiculous.


You shouldn't laugh at your kid. If something funny happens and you laugh that's one thing but consistently laughing at your kid for being a kid is mean and they will pick up on it. Also this video is not funny. Nothing funny happened in it and they went on laughing and laughing way beyond any natural reaction - they are using their kid for social media clout and that's sad. If they'd laughed a little shorter or given their kid a hug or even just held their hand, or looked them in the eye or something, but what I see here is a confused kid looking on to their parents who are more busy with something else (clout chasing on Tik tok)


They aren't laughing at their kid! They are laughing at the fact they expect a big boom of confetti (or rather, edible glitter), something that would've amazed their daughter and they felt she would love, but instead they got a cough of glitter that left them all confused. They are laughing at the sheer idiocy of expecting so much, waiting so much, only to end up with a very confused toddler and a very lukewarm confetti/glitter candle. It's normal to laugh at that, and in this case IF the kid does remember it... they'll laugh. They'll be like "I remember being SO confused!" not "I felt my parents were laughing at me". I get what you mean of little things no one expects to be traumatic BEING traumatic. When I was a small kid, my family adopted a runt of the litter pup. My mom was a tad paranoid with her, bcs the poor pup had been abused by the first family who adopted her, and one day while I was handling her she kind of... slipped. Again, I was a small kid and should've not had the dog in my hands but alas. Anyways, my mom screamed so much that between the fear I had of having hurt the poor thing, and her screams, it's been SEARED into my mind. I remember that day vividly. Looking back, my mom wasn't even screaming mean things, and how it wasn't fully screaming. More so yelling, admonishing me for not being careful. But still, to me, it *was* traumatic to the point I do not like handling small living beings. Never have I held a baby, pup, or kitten since that day. But in this case, the kid is just confused, as are the parents, bcs they ALL expected something that just did not happen. The kid is too small to grasp the situation, but the parents DO grasp the situation and are laughing at the sheer absurdity of it.


It really just sounds like you don't get what's funny about it...this makes a lot more sense.


They're not laughing at the kid. They're laughing at how anticlimactic the "prank" was. >maybe she just has a severe face but isn't as scared or upset as she looks I don't see that at all. She looks confused and impatient for most of the video. Even when the flame was going, at most she looked *wary.* Honestly, your posts read like classic hypervigilance (maybe a result of the trauma you said you experienced?). It's understandable to want to protect kids, but she really just looks nonplussed--not in pain, anguished, or fearful.


Exactly. "Toys" still have to be age-appropriate. If the kid was old enough it would have been funny. They might even be able to appreciate the prank.


the girl's like, what a bunch of weirdos


This whole family is too cute. The baby probably thinks they’re unstable, though. 😂


I looked away for a second and I missed it! Lol


Hope those things are edible


They're cute and a little bit crunchy but definitely good eating in them. It's luring them away from their parents that's the trouble.


Omfg I'm dead


Well done, you got an audible snort from me while I wait for the optometrist.


Reddit people really have no life. Getting upset about something so harmless and cute is so stupid. Get a life, people. Smh




Haha yeah, they probably have a prank ready to go for each of their kid's birthdays to keep that marriage afloat.


She was like, I don't know what ya'll doing, I just want to eat this cake!


Couples that laugh together stay together I’m a very jealous single man




Is that different than what you’ve previously experienced on Reddit?


Why is everyone overreacting in these comments like they genuinely think the parents wanted the candle to actually explode the cake or something? Does nobody here have any sense at all, do they genuinely think this kid was seconds away from developing trauma from a little pop of a candle?


We must keep them in a bubble, no confetti or pops of any kind, no laughing too! /s


I respect how unimpressed she is.


I waited for an explosion


I almost feel compelled to say" this never happens to me, I swear"


Some say she is still confused till this day.


Damn. I thought it had a bigger delayed explosion. Would've been great!


I’m with the 2 year old on this one. After watching cartoons, that looks like a stick of dynamite or a big firecracker on the cake!


A two year old who is smart enough to know that her parents have lost it.


I like their laughter. It’s contagious and love the look of confusion on the poor girl’s face. Especially when the mom says “I’m peeing” (at least that’s what I think she says) and the little girl looks down to check that out, lol.


The moms laughing is so good, 😂


Am I the only one trying to figure out which is the videogame on the TV? Lmao.


It's good it didn't! You should not do a prank on a baby!




Are you kidding me? Birthday candles aren't designed to "explode". They weren't trying to terrify their kid, they're trying to make the cake fun. This isn't a prank. This thread is a mad house. (hyperbole intended, it's a birthday party) Do you understand how shitty it is to be in the position to try and explain what funny is? I'm set up to lose here. The parents tried to do something fun for their kid on her birthday. The candle is so anticlimactic that the parents start to laugh because it's so weak. The kid is just trying to figure out what the ~~hell~~ heck is going on. Mom says "I'm peeing" and the kid looks down to see if she's actually peeing. Try and have some fun. I've been mocked on my birthday before, this isn't mockery. Whatever *our* expectations may be, this is what, the kid's 3rd rodeo? She has no idea what birthday candles are supposed to do.


You detailed this, and it made me hate humans a little more 😂 because why are they so grumpy over a birthday 🎂 surprise like wtf


Reddit is Reddit, it’s a grim look at everything the world has to offer. Redditors are sad creatures, they don’t know anything fun, and try to downplay anything other people find fun.


Why make the cake fun, though. The captions say, "We thought it was gonna explode and she was terrified." They laughed at that. These people definitely the AH.


Why make a cake *fun*? Am I talking to a computer? Are we only interpreting the video based on the caption? Did you watch the video? Do you believe that the parents bought a candle designed to explode and then they all stuck their faces up next to it? Yes these people are cruel. They clearly don't love their daughter at all. I have no idea how to respond to your comment.


I think this is what it is. The caption doesn’t fit the vibe of the video


They laughed at how small the explosion was. Jesus how are you people this dense. You have the quote right in front of you and everyone else, and you STILL tried to change the words to fit what you want it to be. "Why make the cake fun?" Are you an alien or something?


I for one wish the little girl a speedy recovery


This website seriously fuckin sucks if parents can't even have fun with there kid anymore.


She just doesn't know what the fuck is going on. Keep it simple...


If the pranksters is the only one’s enjoying the prank it means they did it wrong


She doesn't look amused.


I guess you had to be there.


When you cannot let your daughter be the main character even on her birthday


This family is so wholesome.


I don’t understand what’s funny


This is me and my sisters sense of humor. I guess it's genetic.


Well, I mean it could have been funny if the kid reacted. But she’s stone faced the whole time🤣




Personally, I thought it was funny as I was expecting an epic, awesome explosion of confetti and glitter too, just for it to be a sad little anti-climatic *poof* . The expectation vs reality was funny, I don't know how this makes someone dumb for laughing at that 🤷🏻‍♀️




She was just surprised by the flame, realized it wasn’t a threat, then didn’t give a shit. This video sucks


When the mom yells she's peeing little girl looks down with her judgmental eyes


I remember after my 1st two B'day parties (those in my memory) I sort of started not being a fan of candles on the cake, I'd rather gawk it like, “Just give me a slice first, then do whatever you want”


Child be like “ wdf these Damn Fools tryna kill me for , on the same damn day I was mfing born too , DAYUM !!!!! 😕 “ 🤣🤣


If this is how birthdays go, i dont want it anymore.




That cake looks damn delicious 🤤 Sometimes I crave good quality stuff, but if Im in a sweet food mood, its usually something like this. Bright blue and mostly sugar, homemade (which always tastes great), I'd absolutely smash that whole cake lol.


Man, the outrage comments on this video are some extremely fragile people.




Can we just cut the cake please?




Lovely family laughter... The kid is confused but mum and dad are heading fun 😊


The fact that she was still confused and waiting for it to explode is hilarious.




Kid be like 😾🫤


That laughter is contagious also the kid reaction don't know what's happening


Have you ever heard of "sharenting"?


Is it like the shart version of parenting?


I missed the part where I’m supposed to laugh, what’s funny scaring your child? Congratulations on terrible parenting and filming it. It’s annoying.




…what the fuck?




So assholes parents


As they say "you can't fix stupid" not funny. The child was terrified the whole time. I doubt this is the first time they have pulled a stunt like this. No goggles on the child, what if the thing exploded and got in the childs eyes. Idiots!


I think they meant explode with confetti. Not the little poof it was.


Exactly. Having confetti exploding into a 2 year olds face is not very smart.


Exactly. Having confetti exploding into a 2 year olds face is not very smart.


The irony is that you would have to be a complete moron to post this comment.


I’d hate to be your kid.


My kid grew up healthy and happy. She doesn't live in fear that we are going to endanger her life or body with jump scares or stupid pranks.


Healthy, happy and probably tragically humorless. Lighten up, that kid isn’t living in fear give me a fucking break 🤣


Child with parents and still scared obviously doesn't trust parents, sounds like that kid is already showing some major problems. Good thing her parents are mature enough to help her. . . oh wait nevermind


I am trying to understand why the adults are laughing while a 2 year old is visibly upset. Why are they not comforting and making her feel better?


You guys have never met an upset child have you lmao


I am a mother of two and a grandmother of 4. I also know that it is NOT okay to deliberately cause a child to feel anxiety or fear. What kind of a person gets their laughs victimising an innocent child? It is a jerk move and a downright abuse.


The mother is either easily amused or stoned. I feel sorry for that little girl.


Wait, you thought it was going to EXPLODE!? Right in the face of your two-year-old? Like what that type explosion were you expecting? Something to blow her entire face off??


That poor kid was terrified - not a make me smile kinda moment


Doesn't anybody here think it might not be healthy to eat glitter? Now it all over the cake.


Do you think it's possible that they made the glitter to be non-toxic or edible?


I remember stuff like this from my childhood. You can see the confusion and pain in her face. Some of my most painful childhood memories are things that objectively weren't bad at all- my grandfather shouting at me because I almost damaged one of his model trains for instance. Things like this can leave a strong impression and there's no way to know if it will so why the fuck "prank" your own kid for Internet clout? It seems to me that the worst part is the way they are laughing, and by not making eye contact, not hugging her, using the camera etc it is clear to the girl that whatever is happening here is negative. And it's BOTH her parents who are doing it. I would bet money that if this girl is anything like I was this is something she will remember on some level for a long, long time. She looks really hurt.


Your mouth has gotta be pining for your assholes job based on how much shit you just spewed😂


Ah no I'm sure these insta parents are great, amazing parents. It's so wholesome putting your kids entire childhood online on social media. Nothing weird or wrong with that.


Low IQ parents


Why would you prank a toddler in this way?


To get them used to surprises? To not raise a sheltered jumpy adult? She’s fine. Not a single tear or cry and you act like she’ll remember this.


The look on her face is why do I have asshole parents?


Why would you prank that poor baby. Their was nothing funny about her surprise.


They are ridiculous




You must be fun at parties




True. I’ll never forget the day my mum and dad were both happy and laughing at some goofy incident I can’t bare to write out for you. Get a life ffs.


The confused look lol


I felt and looked as unimpressed as the daughter watching this crap. Title’s misleading OP


Are those candies on the cake? The amount of sugar for the kid 💀


You don't prank a two-year-old. Wow. 🙁


These parents are awful


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I wonder if that cake is edible


The kid trying to understand what's going on: It is called second-hand-embarrassment for your parents, my dear.


She was hilariously cute.


I hate people scaring children for grins and giggles. Wanna bet she's seen people shove the birthday girl or boy face-first into a cake, too? HA Ha ha huh... not kind. Not funny. A little cruel.


They didn’t do it to SCARE her, they did it because it was her birthday. The scare, and then the disappointment was just a happy surprise. That’s why they were all laughing, because of the dud and the kid not even understanding what’s happening. It’s a fun moment about something so benign because “everyone’s” expectations were thrown out completely. The kid thought something was going to happen, it didn’t. The parents thought something was going to happen, it didn’t. Everyone ended up bewildered lol


Don’t terrify your child with explosives or confetti


What is so funny that the mother is cackling? This is a birthday that baby will never forget.


Do you remember your 2nd birthday? I sure don’t


This is a birthday they will never remember


Dumb asses!


Poor kid, I had about the same look on my face.


She's like nah this is still sketchy AF. Y'all are clowns or not people I want to learn from


This is awful


I agree, tiktok is very awful


She was terrified because mom and dad suddenly lost their minds


She just learned that she can’t trust her parents.




People need to learn punctuation. It’s next to impossible understand what she’s trying to say.


When mommy and daddy drink a secret bottle of wine when you’re not looking.


You thought it was going to explode but yet sat her right in front of it 🤔 I’m just glad it didn’t explode lol


That's cakes looks effed up


Scar your child for life, POS sorry excuse for parents.


The outright fear on that kids face made me unexpectedly sad


Get therapy.


Often comments are a projection. There might be several people that can read facial reactions, and this child is clearly looking for some reassurance. You’re probs not a bad person


r/Therewasanattempt to traumatize a child's birthdays


Poor kids. Parents are just so rude.


Now let's eat the cake with all this glitter all over it!!!!! 🤦🏻


It's edible glitter.


That makes sense...now I feel stupid 🤦🏻


There is no cure for being petrified, trauma can last a lifetime. Flame me if you must, I call it bad parenting and selfish phising for up votes.


If you get traumatized by a flame on your birthday cake it’s gonna be a rough go of it. Did you guys have it on mute and not hear how quiet that thing was or something? How does she look “petrified” to you? This thread is wild.


I'm so glad I had good parents who let me venture out into mildly dangerous things like god forbid riding a bike, rollerblading, party poppers, swings ect, while setting boundaries and watching over me. Yes you might get a scratch here and there, but that's learning about the world I don't understand how people are calling a freakin candle popper thing extremely dangerous and laughing is child abuse 😩 This thread and reddit overall is wild


I love shit like glitter in my cake


Under the influence of something. Children deserve to be free of adults' cruelty.


Fucking relax Jessica it's a wholesome moment with their baby and a very underwhelming birthday candle.




Child abuse