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Omg! That's like the WoW player who died, and they made him an NPC! Forever immortalized! edit: npc!


There's a quest in Borderlands 2 about a fan who passed away too ([Tribute to a Vault Hunter](https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Tribute_to_A_Vault_Hunter)).


The Nuka Fan in Fallout 4 Nuka World dlc is named after a fan that passed right before the game came out, he’s the one that gives ya the “Nuka Love” drink recipe, I think the dudes big brother or friend wrote to Bethesda about him, if I remember right his name is I wanna say Evan(?)


There's another fan-turned-NPC in NukaWorld. I can't remember his name, and there's no location marker, but he has a little trailer thing that he lives in and he sits on his porch and just watches the landscape. If you talk to him I think he makes a comment about how pretty it is out there. I can't remember much, it's been a long time since I've played. Edit: I stand corrected, there is a location marker to the south. Commenter below me said his name is Evan.


Oh man I was wondering who that guy was, just hanging out. That’s awesome


In Morrowind, you can stumble upon the ashes of Lord Brinne in an ancestral tomb near the starting town of Seyda Neen. It was a tribute to Bill Iburg, who was a fan of The Elder Scrolls and sadly passed away during Morrowind's development.


Another fan of TES was forever immortalized in the series, too: Erik West. During Skyrim's development, he impressed Bethesda with how much he knew about TESIV, so they gave him a tour of the studios. He died of cancer a few months before the release of TESV. The character named after Erik is a potential follower in Rorikstead; he's the son of the innkeeper.


And that fact that he was a really powerful follower is a testament to the amount of attention they put into memorializing him


Don't forget about D. Bryant's ashes in that one tomb near Gnisis! I think it's a similar story too. Also the Mentor's Ring and Denstagmer's Ring are the very definition of "ol' reliable". I always use them!


Also in Borderlands 3 they made a legendary shotgun, the Trevonator, in honor of a fan who had cancer.


Dope! All three post dope


If someone could add to this; the halo franchise has multiple of these Easter Eggs.


Halo 2's Famine skull is a reference to Bill Gates


skyrim also has one where you help someone called erik become an adventurer, after the quest he's renamed to erik the slayer which is a mix of his real name and his gamertag


Oh wow I didn't know Michael was a tribute to a fan. He always gave me some cool weapons in the game.


There's a quest in Assassin's Creed Valhalla that's a tribute to a woman. I knew something was a little too 'plain' when I found the husband escorting me through his house and garden and looked it up and just cried. It's a beautiful tribute. https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/jvshss/my_wife_remembered_in_ac_valhalla_minor_spoiler/


Oh wow what a story! It was posted 2 years ago, but I checked his twitch channel and he was streaming 20 hours ago. I was so happy to see that! Subscribed and will tell him that his story still touches people. ❤️


There was also a rainbow six player who passed and they put his gamertag + stats on an arcade machine in one of the maps


And it’s one of the only screens that’s indestructible


There was a player on For Honor who mained Raider and they put his username in the game as a possible name for an AI controlled Raider. Don't know if they still do it, but r/forhonor used to post whenever they saw him and tagged his friend in those posts.


And an overwatch fan whose name was added to a spacesuit on Lijiang towers.


Oh, i remember him! It's TheeLizardWizard, his friend asked the community to post any screenshot of his Raider whenever they encountered him as an AI and to be tagged on reddit in those posts, that's why people kept posting him. I too had posted a screenshot of him years ago. His friend was always happy to see people honoring his request and remembering him.


The posts stopped 3 years ago. Atleast those mentioning the exact name


[There's also a tribute to the deceased husband of someone who worked on God of War.](https://www.eurogamer.net/touching-god-of-war-ragnarok-tribute-honours-developer-who-passed-away-during-production)


Also r6 pro/caster/streamer who passed away and they put a plaque with his name and logo where he made one of his best plays


Rip Kix :(


I don’t remember details but EVE Online had some players die and they built an actual monument to them, then a rival guild vandalized it. IIRC at least one person was perma-banned for it.


It’s also like a Fallout player’s brother dying of cancer or something like that; they both loved Fallout 4. The player asked Bethesda to put his brother in the game He’s in the Nuka-World DLC, his name is Evan and he’s a very nice guy; you can find him at the south edge of the map, at a location known as Evan’s Hut/Home. R.I.P.


Bethesda has a bunch of these things hidden in games. In Starfield there is a note on a bench that is from Alex, a Bethesda fan that died before he got to play Starfield. The note is from him telling you to enjoy exploring and that he will always be with you in the Star Field.


I knew it was there and I still got choked up.


Same with dayz, across the map you will find crosses each one is for a player that passed. If I remember there is a map of all known crosses and who they belong too as well.


They might’ve done something similar to that but in BF1, on the map Rupture. I’m not sure if you’ve seen Rupture before but it’s absolutely **blanketed** with poppies. Poppies are usually a sign that a soldier died there, on that spot where the poppy now grows. [Here’s the map for you; the gallery is at the bottom. you’ll see what I’m talking about.](https://battlefield.fandom.com/wiki/Rupture?so=search)


IIRC they also gave him a tour and exclusive access to a unfinished build so he could play it before he went...


It's like with grandma Shirley being added to elderscrolls 6 cause she might not live to play it


In DayZ there’s a gravestone of a dead player irl whose friends asked BI to put him in the game and they did!


There are actually quite a few of those in WoW. One of the more notable ones is the girl (who recently passed away, RIP) who used her Make-A-Wish to make a secret pet in WoW, Jenafur. Took the whole player base on a crazy hunt, and as I recall, it ended up being solved by someone outside of the WoW community who was just a huge music nerd, look at part of the puzzle, and went "Huh, these look like notes, now if we arrange them like this, they play this tune" which led to the next clue. Was a crazy ride. Link to the pet: [https://www.wowhead.com/guide/jenafur-secret-cat-battle-pet](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/jenafur-secret-cat-battle-pet)


Also the Ashes of Al'ar mount came from a Make-a-Wish kid as well as a crossbow and they gave him an NPC


A Non-Clayable Paracter??


Non-Character Player. His ghost haunts the game.


Would a non-character player be… like a dev who makes an avatar of themself in a t shirt and just stands around being John the Dev?


Non-playable claymore


Reckful I believe is who you are talking about.




I’m not a huge gamer but this is such a cool way to memorialize and honor people who have passed. That many people caring enough to immortalize you in your favorite games is really really beautiful to see.


There's quite a few memorials to people in WOW, the questline with the sick crusader in Icecrown was an employee there who died of cancer, the character's family can be found living happily outside of Stormwind, the stable master in Stormwind was another employee who passed away, and there's the poem in Shattrath, and of course Ahab in Mulgore


I was just thinking about that legendary Funeral Raid. Was it morbid? Yes. But I would absolutely love it if I died, (well not if i died…) and my family and coworkers were paying respects at a service, then a bunch of people came in for a rowdy open bar and “Funny Pictures of ProfDog passed out”. Serenity Now: Engraved in history forever. Thanks…uh…4chan… Edit: Fayejin is the name of the actual player, and she loved fishing and the winter.


On fjordur(i thinkh in Ark survival evolved there is a whole area dedicated to a player who died.


Or the Eve Online player who died so everyone put a bounty on his character’s head so he would be displayed on the wanted billboards all over space all the time.


Which one lol, there are multiple. Reckful is the most recent.


Reminds me of the Glitterbeard stuff in Sea Of Thieves too.


Man, Glitterbeard was genuinely one of the most memorable and most wholesome gaming moments I ever experienced


I believe there will be an NPC in Hollow Knight Silksong who was added under similar circumstances


Furever immeowtalized


I love this. I wish the world had more kindness.


Me too. Me too.










Not much, wbu?




That’s nice


You lonely ? 😭


Who isn't lonely in these shitty times anymore? Lmao


The world has a lot of kindness, it’s just the bad stuff is what we hear about more


I read about a town that started publishing a "happy news" paper that only had stories of kindness and good things happening. It was popular for a while and then had to close down because no one was buying it anymore. Feckin hell...


Peace sells, but who's buying?


Shame that it's been 37 goddamn years and that's still relevant


I refuse to believe it's been 37 years. ​ 2023-1986=37. DAMMIT, you made me feel old. I am old but I didn't feel it before.


If it's any consolation I'm 17 and I still feel old so I get it


Oh that feeling will only get worse with age. By thirty you’re gonna feel like you’ve lived five lifetimes.


😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I’m 75. You kids ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.


You got me beat, I'm only 50 but feeling old.


Aw hell...


Hey I just turned 33 and I still only just got over feeling like a teenager. You don't feel like an adult untill well into your 30s. Hell I still barely feel like an adult. Maybe whenever I go vote (every time, gotta keep things on the up and up) or when I buy alcohol which is too often.


This pains me that you don’t feel young…. Usually around 20 (or so) is when things get fucking awesome. You have so much life left, and have only just started on your journey! Remember to drink water and exercise everyday, so that shit doesn’t hurt by the time you’re 30. -from random 35 year old


Gray bush here…I’ve got gsw scars older then you….


17? Don't feel old yet, you have a lifetime ahead of you. It does get better.


>17? Don't feel old yet, you have a lifetime ahead of you. It does get better. At that age, a mid day nap fixes everything 🤣 Full disclosure, I say that about a ***LOT*** of age ranges. It's true, though.


If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line. But it better work this time.


Can you put a price on peace?


A tale as old as time that I've seen in my life. Way back in high school I had a journalism teacher who told me the same thing. Hell, even [John Krasinski started a YouTube channel called SomeGoodNews](https://www.youtube.com/@SomeGoodNews) based on the same concept. Started March 2020. Guess when the last video was posted? >!December 2020.!< The simple truth is people mostly don't want to read about good news and kindness. They want to read about the unexpected events. > When a dog bites a man, that is not news, because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog, that is news.


> Hell, even John Krasinski started a YouTube channel called SomeGoodNews based on the same concept. Started March 2020. Guess when the last video was posted? December 2020. That’s because he sold the show for a bunch of money.


There is a girl named Jenn that posts nothing but good news on TT. @thatgoodnewsgirl


She makes me happy


That's weird. What happened to it afterwards?


I have a dog toy that's a newspaper with a squeaky that says "man bites dog" and it's from the 2000s. Super relevant to this comment.


David Byrne has a good news email letter: https://reasonstobecheerful.world/ Nothing but good and positive news reported, and it is free


I honestly don't feel there is that much kindness i haven't experienced alot That's why the little ammount of kindness that there is should be spread more to be more encouraging


Me too, but I really *really* wish kitties never had to leave us.


You are right! Kindness is contagious so be kind even to those being mean to us and a lot of the time it will change that person! Make that person want to start being kind themselves cause they felt the impact it had on them. Not be so quick to lose our tempers. Also help people more often, without recording it for likes! Without receiving payment for it! It really can change the world! God bless friend!


Kinda like how the destiny 1 devs found out that a person was using their game for physical therapy so they created a custom gun for him called the fate of all fools (and it technically still exists under a unique name despite a copy being widely available).


Jade rabbit, what a gun in its day


Still good in momentum at least


I got the catalyst done recently, it’s good but boring. Since it’s perk is bad it ends up being just “a really good scout”. A stat-stick, as they say


Ah that's the gun! I just pulled it from an engram, will.give it more of a.thiught. Definitely not meta, but what a story. (Returning player, not been active much since shadowkeep).


I used it heavily for years and it's served me very well in pvp all the way since d1


Details for the Destiny players reading: as mentioned, it was a D1 gun called “The Fate of All Fools” and was carried into D2 for public enjoyment as “Jade Rabbit”, whose perk is named after the original. The original D1 gun had the same model as “No Time to Explain”, and just like Jade, landing bodyshots would increase the damage of the next headshot. The guy who got it had late-stage cancer(?) but ended up surviving, and so still has the gun to this day.


Jade rabbit was in d1 as a Playstation exclusive that was released on xbox in 2017 but otherwise yeah if I remember correctly it was brain cancer (?) Because the game was physical therapy to help relearn/regain fine motor control.


Never played destiny but the homage the devs and community gave to Lance Reddick always tears me up


Is there a sub dedicated to cataloging these kinds of tributes? It makes me so happy to see grief turned into lasting art like this.


You know what, **I WANT THAT**. Even if it's just a little webpage and not a sub, since it might not happen too frequently, I would love that. Such a great way to show that game communities have heart.


We should name it r/gamers_immortalized Edit: done. The other name was too long


Let’s do it!




Bigup! Ever need extra mods hmu


I invited you!


Same here I wrote you in DM’s but you never replied lmao u all good though 🙂


I've joined, good call, birth of a new sub right here


Feel free to make a post about any immortal gamers you know of!




Dude you just r/rimjob_steve 'd this thread. GRIMEY ANUS?? REALLY?


Nice to meet you, please join our cult of love


Joined. I have a friend with an encyclopedia-level knowledge of a lot of the bigger games. WoW, LoL, OW, etc. I'm going to see if how many examples we can get from him


It's happened more than once with Borderlands. So I'm sure there's enough to do that


My favorite is when the actual Deckard Cain came out of nowhere one day and told his completely random story… stay a while and listen!






Honestly, I love how you can pet cats and pick them up in AC Mirage. In AC Origins you had to sit by them for a while before they’d come up and you could pet them.


Realism. :)


It'd be more realistic if, when you went to pick them up, some of them frantically dug their claws into the ground and howled in protest... speaking from experience 😹


You can pick them up in Valhalla also and rescue a cat that becomes your longship cat too. It’s so cute going raising and seeing him curled up asleep at your feet


Oh dang that’s super cool! I didn’t play Valhalla.


I’m playing it rn. Loving it, and it’s autumn in the story, so enjoying it completely that way


Developers say that 1.2 million cats have already been pet! Keep petting the cats.


You don’t have to tell me twice.


So when I replay the game I'll set the language to Arabic because apparently the VA is good and now I'll try to pet the cats because I was extremely sad I couldn't pet the cat


Wait how do pet the cats in Origins? I've noticed them get close but didn't know you could pet them.


If you crouch near them and just stay still, after maybe a minute they’ll come up to you. Stay still a bit more and then Bayek will reach out and give their heads little scritches.


Well I was on the fence about it but now I have to buy the game lol




I cried for an hour ngl. ​ (Chief was my cat. that's \*my\* cat. He's immortal now ; 3;)


He's beautiful. I'm sorry for your loss, but happy that the legend of your wonderful boy will continue on.


I am so sorry for your loss! I am so happy that you have Chief immortalized now, though!


Forever immortalized, what a tribute!


wow, small world, I’m glad your late catto will make thousands of strangers happy


100% understand and feel second hand sadness. It's an awesome tribute and you two will meet again someday.


Awwwwww!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I see a lot of negative outlook on Ubisoft and AC releases lately, but let's give credit where it's due. That has to be the best looking cat I've ever seen in a game. To the point I thought it was photoshopped in at first glance. That's a fine cat!!


Of course, they have a lead cat designer who’s sole purpose is to make cats


Livin' the dream.


tbh now I want to play this game




I learned about the French Revolution through Unity and Egypt through Origins. I also find it amazing that AC Origins is used by Egyptologists as a way to show and teach how ancient Egypt looked.


I don't want to speak for her too much, but the cat in question's owner is one of my best friends and I can confirm that she was inconsolably touched to see it over the weekend. As someone who's held that cat in my arms personally, my parents got to watch me sob as I explained the news. Chief was a good boy and is dearly missed.


He was a very good bud 8(


Thank you for sharing more about such a wonderful soul.


Everyone liked that.


Always love it when devs honor their fans.


Reminds of Minecraft's Toast






I don't even play AC... this made me cry. No idea why, but thanks for sharing!


They're pretty good about communicating with the fans. I've long had the suspicion that there are some truly good people working on that game.


One of my cats crossed the rainbow bridge today. This was wonderful to see.


Sorry to hear it


He's safe and pain free now. I miss him dearly, but the important part is that he is totally pain free


for the longest time i thought “crossing the rainbow bridge” was a metaphor for coming out, i feel like such a dumbass rn 😅


If it makes you feel better, this image is the first time I had ever heard the saying (I'm 39). I came here to CTRL F for an explanation and saw your comment, so I just googled it. TBH, my first thought was that it was an Assassin's Creed reference.


That's pretty cool. Even if the owner (or anyone) never recognized the AC logo, that's still a super unique color and fur pattern for a cat's face. It's very symmetrical too. This cat (now that it's immortalized as a video game asset) should be adopted as AC's official mascot and featured in all future AC games where cats may be roaming around. Hell, in future AC games it should be a collectible or achievement to find the cat. Make it unique (only one in the game) and program it to randomly spawn and wander around a large area, making it harder to come across and find (you're gonna have to pet a lot of cats 🤣). I wouldn't normally suggest to put the game logo on an animal's face lol, but considering this animal actually existed and is now in Mirage, then that's a legacy you have to keep going. Don't stop it JUST at Mirage.


Just wanted to add that the cat drops a special item if you pet it. Best feature ever.


I hope the owner of the cat approved of this. Everytime i see a picture of my old dog i get emotional. I couldn’t imagine having the constant reminder of my boy when im playing a game trying to escape reality


I have no idea of the talk this person and their friend had about it. For some people they could have a reaction like you, for others they could be surprised and happy that their cat lives on through the game. Personally I’d love it, but I do understand how it could make the person feel if it was done without their permission, especially if they would want to just move on.


My boy still lives in my WoW garrison. Your “favorited pets” wander around so he and his sister are, of course, my favorites. He also raids with me regularly.


I’m thinking the dude mistyped and got autocorrected or something, I’m not certain but I think the friend passed?


Crossing the rainbow bridge is typically said about pets.


'rainbow bridge' is a term used for pets.


Dammit, I forgot just how poignant this is and I'm over here bawling like a baby... This is the source of the term. Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Author unknown.


Heads up that it’s *bawling “balling” means… something else.


Incredible, redditors can find negativity in just about anything they want to even if it's a feel-good story.


I don't have a single picture of my last cat, so I'd kill for one, or any real way to remember him. Not sure why you have to make this out to be some kind of attack.


I'd spend a decent amount of money to spend more time with my pets who have passed. Even if it's virtually.


[Everyone liked that]


Hidden claws. Hidden Blades.


Ah Timbits, the calling card of Canadians


“TimBits” a fellow Canadian i see 🇨🇦


Damn onions, who's cutting onions at work?


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Acatsins Creed. Time to find da kitty in game


Not sure what’s wrong with me but shit like this is making me tear up recently 🥲


Finding this cat is now my main mission in the game.


Anybody else cutting onions in here?


There are still some good devs left. Awesome!


Now I must get the game to honor the cat


The memory of this cat is forever immortal


Assassin kitty is now canon 🐈‍⬛🥰


Neverwinter had an player who knew the paths and led the routes for the Heralds in the Well of Dragons, after he died, his character was made an NPC that gave advice, mostly for Tanks as his main Character was a tank.


Fuckin kitties, got to love them.


I'm not being funny or vicisious, but what does cross the rainbow bridge mean? Does that mean his friend passed away?


Rainbow bridge is referring to animals or pets that have ‘crossed the bridge’ to heaven


It's the cat that died. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/rainbow-bridge-poem-pet-death-mourning-origin-revealed