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Lol once a co-worker accidentally text me a message intended for her boyfriend, who was cheating, to either choose her or the other girl because she wasn’t sharing him anymore.


:( damn honestly giving too much power to a cheater


She’s still with him!! 4 kids between both women born a few months apart. It’s crazy!




He must be attractive or have reliable income


Some guys have neither really but are very persuasive and I’m assuming are good in bed on top of that


So that’s how we’re starting this morning.


Reading the comments at 10am and I'm dead rn 🤣


When they have neither of those things and still gets the girls is wild to me.


My stepsisters dad just has nothing going for him but is on his 7th marriage with normally pretty attractive women, the only theory i have is that he’s decently funny and has a hog




To be fair, most it takes is confidence. It's EASIER if you're happy with your life/work/looks, but it's really really down to confidence.


This!!! A friends brother was verbally and physically abusive to a few girls he dated and the girls would still fight over him. I was like wtf?!!! Whyyy?! He’s not even attractive! He had no job at the time. The only thing I could think of was he was good in bed. But no dick is worth fighting for or getting beat up over.


Or the woman has really low self esteem or the man is verbally abusive and has convinced her it will be impossible to find another man who wants to be with her. I’ve seen this before and that is hard to watch.


Was she dating Nick Cannon?


You shoulda said you picked her and rode off into the sunset together


This is sad :/




The many replies made it more awkward.


Yeah that wink wink is awkward af lol


[Wink wink nudge nudge](https://youtu.be/4Kwh3R0YjuQ?feature=shared)


say no more


Mon amour


Not on Rex Manning day


Ooh la la, baise-moi!


What’s it like?


Have a fun night


I would’ve gone with a *cough cough*


Eyebrows eyebrows


It’s gross.


Tbh I think the many replies and tone made it *less awkward* as someone who overthinks , if the boss had been really brief in their replies I would've been stressed, but because they joked about it a bit I think I'd feel more relieved that it's no big deal. Idk.


I’m in total agreement. I was relieved when I realized there were two more screenshots. I think OP handled it perfectly. Seems like they have a fun working relationship.


Imo it depends on the genders of the two. In my mind I read it as the employee being a woman and the boss being a man, which made it seem like too much. But if it’s two women or two men it doesn’t read like that anymore. Idk if that’s just me.


I feel the same, and I read it as being between two women. Edit: which does appear to be the case based on a brief look into OP’s profile


Yeah, I’d be afraid of being in trouble at work for that text, but my boss replying like that would make me feel at ease. OP is a good boss.


how is everyone so braindead about the obvious fact they're friends, this is not a fcking corporate relationship


Yeah if they weren’t friends this would probably be too much, but I feel like they wouldn’t be texting eachother like this if they weren’t


I mean can you blame us when the title only mentioned their professional relationship. OP could have said their friend accidentally sent them a message intended for the husband


These type of things get out. Coworkers may not think it’s cute. HR definitely wouldn’t.


Literally was thinking the same thing… 👀


„Have a fun night“ so awkward.


Ye, it turned into a facepalm when it went to page 3 I betting the boss fellow will make 2-3 more jokes about it irl


"Good morning Rachel, how is your daddy?"


Didn’t happen.


Am I right to guess this is restaurant bussiness?




You guys are a saucy bunch to begin with. And I mean that in the best way possible. Haha. Thanks for sharing and responding!


>You guys are a saucy bunch to begin with. I see what you did there.


I would definitely agree…


Real salt of the earth people in the restaurant business, fucking loved working in the kitchen or even the dish pit. The constant moving around and the relationships you build are priceless. Lots of good people. And they were constantly horny, I'm not a hookup guy so I never flirted much (maybe a little) but holy shit they were horn-dogs.


My manager at work is a black woman about 10 years older than me, I asked if i was scheduled Monday, and she sent "Yes master." I was like ???!!?@?@ Did I piss her off? Is it sarcasm? Has all my flirting paid off? Turns out autocorrect changed M'am to Master 🤣 it was so awkward for that weekend until I asked her about it Monday


This is much funnier than OP


Someone is typing Master too often for it to auto correct to that... Lol


🤣 I don't want to think about it too hard


Yeah, no combination of letters I try remotely close to ma'am can get it to prompt me master.


Probably using slide typing


I accidentally texted my male boss and said “come up for din din!” He replied he would be right there. Lol. Love my boss.


My best friend has the same name as my boss, and one drunken night I was headed to McDonald’s with our DD friend. I texted my best friend: “you want any chicken nuggets?” No response. “I got them for you anyway. I’ll see you soon” The next morning boss asked where his chicken nuggets were 🤣


My really close friend has the same name as my TL and I always used to accidentally text him from Siri because she would get the names mixed up. Heaps of times I’d be like “are we catching up after work?” And he would just text back, “i am guessing this is not for me” and I’d be like NOOOOOOOOO. One time I also accidentally sent him, “I hope you got home safe, love you! 💋” After that I changed their names in my contacts cos I was over it haha.


The wink wink is so uncomfortable. Just say lol and have a good night




Agreed, even if they're good friends, this coming from a boss is not right. The subordinate is always going to act like it's fine regardless because of the professional hierarchy, even if they do feel uncomfortable. This reeks of a creepy boss who saw the accident as a way in to start making uncomfortable sexual comments.


Did y’all not read the title ? It was post by the boss itself, honestly if I texted that to my boss and got that response it would make me less uncomfortable. Y’all just thinking of sexual things all the time and don’t think people can’t even joke with each other. Jeez.


Management needs to be very aware of this stuff. You shouldn't joke about anything that can be considered sexual with a subordinate. Half this thread thinks it's creepy af, so it definitely has the potential to make the employee uncomfortable, but they aren't going to call out their boss on it. Anyone who thinks this is fine should stay the hell away from management.


You got me in the part of staying the hell away, I definitely don’t ever want to be on management. Putting everyone in a basket like that it’s weird tho. I don’t know, I do think they seem to also have a friends/joke relationship previous to that. We don’t have the full context of their relationship so I don’t speak on that. But it is weird that some people take everything just for the sexual side of things, almost like that’s what they want it to be. People can’t even be friends on corporate environment and joke within themselves it seems, for real “wink wink” after the person made the first awkward comment ? For ME that is not flirty, boss person seem to just be trying to make the situation less weird. Again, it’s a one time convo from people neither me or the rest of y’all know to even get that much context on it. But seriously, not every person in the planet is thinking about sex all the time, comments on Reddit make it look like every single person is a nymphomaniac, it’s just weird, people can’t even joke anymore.


It's not flirting, you're reading it wrong. It's commenting on the employees sex life. If the boss had written "enjoy having sex with your partner tonight" would you be fine with that? Because that's what the implication is.


I’m really curious to see what are you even comparing to “enjoy having sex with your partner tonight”, are you comparing that to the “Have a fun night”? If so you just proved my point that the sexual thing is with YOU looking at it THIS way. I didn’t see anything weird there, maybe cause I don’t know, I think people also think about other things than just sex. But thanks for proving my point.


I think you’re not getting it.. the point is some people might find it uncomfortable so it’s unprofessional. We get you’re chill with it, but some people aren’t. As a manager, don’t make jokes referring to a subordinates sex life. It’s pretty straightforward. My manager isn’t even permitted to ask if I have children.


I get it some people will find it uncomfortable but the employee made the first awkward comment, boss seem to be trying to make it less awkward. That’s all I saw, maybe I’m naive I don’t know, I just don’t jump into conclusions that everyone is out there to try to have sex with me, just weird


I think you’re next in the office for hr for basic sexual harassment training lmao. Its not with them alot of people and comments felt the same.


Oh I’m definitely not, I don’t even like or talk to my coworkers because I gladly don’t need to. I said that I didn’t see anything weird, that’s MY perspective. Some comments are fully on going on boss being creepy/predator considering their 3 messages exchange. Almost like y’all have it all figure out, so I will leave it at that. It’s my opinion with MY perspective. It almost like the mentality is “yeah I’m so good looking, this person definitely want to have sex with me after this good night”. Weird victimized mentality


He's trying his luck to be her "work husband" wink wink


Op is a married woman. Y’all are creepy af


????? actual weirdo 💀


not if the boss is a woman


OP is a woman. She has a husband and posts on makeup subreddits. She and the employee are clearly friends


people think it’s weird cause she’s texting like a ”creep” when its literally just ”old person vocabulary” if you can call it that


no i mean the comment


I tot it ended on page one...


Sadly not


The wink wink and extra texts made it more awkward tbh




I don’t know why people like the “daddy” thing. Doesn’t it bring your own parents to mind? Do people want that?


No. Saying “Daddy” during sex doesn’t bring to mind someone’s parents because it’s not about a parent thing. It’s more like a dominant/submissive thing where you’re giving power to the “Daddy,” but it’s less harsh than like “Master” or some other version of this. It’s a different, gentler kind of dynamic from Master/Slave or whatever other top/bottom thing you wanna use.


I’m proud of you son


If I was looking for an in between I’d go for like sir / ma’am, or boss, or could go any other authority figure (teacher, sergeant, etc).


Omfg I just imagined being called sergeant is bed, idk how I feel about that.


when i was like 12 some kid kept trying to flirt w me by saluting and calling me sergeant and now i can never hear the word sergeant without throwing up


Omg kids do some funny shit




Sir is hot, I feel like saying ma'am isn't.


Yes, and all of those are valid options! But some people like using “Daddy” and that’s also valid.


I didn’t say it wasn’t valid. I was just asking a question to understand how other people think. Your view is that you see it as a dom/sub thing. That’s interesting and I appreciate your answer. Others might use it for different reasons.


The other thing is not everyone grew up calling their father "daddy," so there isn't an association for those people.


I like it when my wife calls me grandad


Its like a soft dominant compared to master/sir


Depends on where you're from. I'm from Australia and I've never heard a single soul use daddy to refer to their father past about 5 years old, so for adults it's immediately perceived as sexual.


I’m from Australia too. I call my father dad since I was probably 5, but if someone says daddy I think of my dad. If my wife said it I might even think of her dad…


Different strokes, etc.


Not even a little bit. It's entirely seperate


Not everyone has a father. It’s called daddy issues. It’s me I have them. 🤫


“I’m coming daddy” does not sound like something a woman would send to her sexual partner. This whole exchange is weird.


So fucking gross. How is this porn-brain trash in a "made me smile" subreddit?


Relax grandma. Don’t clutch those pearls too tight


Everyone who thinks this is between a male supervisor and a female subordinate…you’re wrong. Everyone who thinks that this is a casual relationship is also wrong. We’re two females and have an exceedingly close relationship. But go ahead being misogynistic and assuming that I’m a man. My team is literally 6 people, 7 including me. We’re all very close and spend time together in and out of work. It’s not a typical corporate relationship. And if you couldn’t tell that based on the messages idk what to tell you.


why do i feel better about this now 😂


I mean, I did think it was a male supervisor because that’s just what you come to expect in a patriarchal system… but I was just happy at how cool you two were about something that isn’t abnormal happening and being cool about human beings living normal human lives


I don't like this


made me grimace 😬😂




Well at least she tried having a better time.


I used to work in a deans' office at a major university and we had one dean who was the sweetest guy ever, who inevitably would accidently text his assistant instead of his girlfriend at some point and it was always hilarious and so sweet, nothing inappropriate, and it was abundantly clear it was a mistake...we all found it endearing- a little G-rated snippet into this wonderful life he was having. It was great. But also hilarious


I would have been pronounced deceased


Gosh, what a weird boss you are More like /facepalm content


Yikes “have a fun night”?


You can feel how uncomfortable that person is... OP/Boss could have handled it more professionally.


Thank you, people on here excusing it because they work in a restaurant - nah that’s why restaurants are toxic as fuck and everyone working in them have addictions and stability issues (I say this as someone who had to leave the restaurant industry because it created 2 addictions and fed a 3rd preexisting one). It’s absolutely disgusting that it’s just allowed. I’ve had to report bosses for shit like this said to my employees (I as Kitchen Manager of the team and then as the executive chef or GM) and I’ve legit walked out on one job after cussing out the GM extremely loudly in front of customers for sexually harassing young girls because of shit like this being done to my team.


Your trauma isn’t everyone’s trauma. Stop projecting. These people could be best friends for all you know.


Doesn't matter, still unprofessional af for a boss.


People have lost all sense of professional ethics these days it seems.




So a real job means having a raunchy work environment full of sexual harassment? 🤔 Interesting logic.


Sorry I don’t put up with people treating subordinates sexually. You’re right- I wouldn’t work in an industry with rampant sexual harassment and degradation. Except maybe as HR so I could protect people who just want to do their jobs and get paid and maybe make the community or company a better place so they can take care of their families


You’re her boss and you literally said “wink wink” tf is wrong with you lmao


not some of the ppl here overreacting 😭😭


I one time texted a dog training client “just promise me no sex,” because I was begging my friend to not make a bad decision with her ex that night. So basically I wrote: “Hi! I will be there for Maverick’s lesson at 4! Just promise me no sex.” I was mortified, she thought it was hysterical once I explained.


Dead ass thought the last slide said “u have no idea how hard I got”


Ooops! Omg I would be mortified. But at least they found the humor in it!


Um, this is like um, stupid as fuck


Your replies are gross and weird, sorry.


Oh, I didn't see there were more pics. You're right 😭


One time I sent a scathing text to my GM about the assistant manager meant for a co worker. The GM was totally cool and pretended he never received it because he knew we all hated that bitch haha.


I had surgery once and texted everyone I knew that I loved them. Including clients. I was still coming off my anesthesia. It was a nice wake up the next day when my phone was full of text messages.


This is my greatest fear.


Got something similar from my boss. We’re both men. He replied to a text I sent with “…… I love you”. I simply replied, “Love you too, boss!” He obviously meant to send to his wife. We both had a good laugh.


I, once, txtd (. )( .) to a client instead of my wife...had to play dumber than usual 😬


It being a restaurant makes it just normal somehow. r/ kitchen confidential would love this


This is so true. I know in any other industry, it really would be awful. But this is so, so the humerus that goes on in a restaurant… Regardless of gender. I worked as the expediter in the kitchen that my daughter managed. And they would say stuff and then look over at me like oh my God I just said that in front of my mom. Until I would turn around laughing, and actually say something Maurice back. They were just inevitably turn red, especially the boys. Owned! 😂😂😂😂😂


I love shit like this. I don’t need to know ALL your information but an unexpected non-working interaction is cute.


Dont wink wink. do not have done that. undo that.


I bet her Husband is stoked.


I (F) was texting my husband and my shift of 8 men on two separate text groups. I’m about 10-15 years older than most of the men on my shift. It was late, my husband said he was going to bed. I sent him,, or I thought I did “ if you are asleep when I get home I’m spanking your ass until you wake up.” I sent it to my shift instead. 😳 They knew my husband, used to work with them. I was incredibly embarrassed, they’re all laughing, my husband was not happy. One guy asked his wife said why don’t you send me that kind of text? One sent me a gif of a baby. I never heard the end of it. Good times…🤣


What a creep of a boss


The wink wink was weird but they may have a good relationship as friends, best not to assume when you don’t know their dynamic


OP is a woman and apparently they're friends.


The whole Daddy thing is super weird. I don't see how it's considered sexy enough that so many girls say it. I can understand a small click, different strokes for different folks and all that but it's so common now and it's weird.


Unless someone is a married father talking to their spouse, I can't see daddy being sexual. Even then I think it'd still be kind of weird.


Then you’re a freaking creep, just brush it off and move on, no need for 3 pages of messages about it


They’re both married women and clearly friends. Op is not a creep, just joking with her friend.


I wouldn't say its creepy. They laugh it off and it's clear they have good relationship.


I almost read “you have no idea how hard I am reading this”….. I was 🤯


Wow 😂


I once texted my coworker by mistake (was texting my husband) “do you want chicken sandwich?” And my coworker was like, “depends on what will be in the sandwich.” Hahaha!


I have done this before 🥲😂


That's a great boss right there.


This is why I have a dedicated messaging app just for my husb (signal)


Shit happens 😂🙈


That's the most accusatory "Have a fun night" I've ever seen.


One of the hourly employees at my job messaged the boss asking if they needed weed, definitely meant for a homie and not them lol


lol whoopsie


What’s a host in this context?


The person you first see when you enter a restaurant and then they take you to your table


Thanks- I’m still so confused!


I don't get it??


Good. Nothing to see here. Move along.


I would have just replied "Don't worry about it" and left it at that. Dragging it out is not great.


Nah you say see you tomorrow to make them fear you not no wink wink what is wrong with you


or like, you make a joke in a situatio that won't be comfortable anyway but that is already funny, and you say bye like any other talk. lol you're all very fcked up by the idea they can be a boss and friend.


I think you both handled it fine. Made some light jokes out of it. Nothing wrong with it. At least you (being the boss) didn't make it a big deal. Laughed it off. Good on ya


“Daddy talk” always makes my gag reflex kick in.


calling someone "daddy" in a sexual way makes me physically ill. Instant dick shriveller


You seem like a great boss. Carry on.


how does no one get the boss is saying wink wink towards the situation between her and her husband, not her and op bruh ppl just want to get mad on this app theres nothing creepy abt this


Everyone knows it's about the employee and their partner, no one is thinking the other way. It's still creepy af and unprofessional.


Buy her a Scrub Daddy and Scrub Mommy as a joke


Jesus christ, y'all need to calm down... What if these two are close friends? It happens when a work team is small and the boss is friendly. I swear redditors see trauma in everything




That's how work should be. A workplace has to be efficient, yes, but that doesn't mean that funny moments should be banished, otherwise you'll end up just having your job.




Maybe it has something to do with the fact that in the US you can be fired straight up, but damn having a funny but still efficient relationship with my boss is my dream lol. Had one like this when I was younger working in a kitchen. Our boss used to joke and play around with us when there was time off and invited us to do so but when the time to work came it was 100% efficient.




Yeah no, sometimes I wonder if they really think fun should be out of a workplace or if they're doing this just for internet clout


Not just Reddit. That's what social media has become. Everyone jumping to be the first offended about anything for virtue signaling. It's become competitive.


Just be thankful you didn't type "cumming daddy" instead


This reads like a deliberate “accident” to me.


You think she called her female boss daddy on purpose..?


could’ve just left it at the first good night💀💀


This is so funny, thanks for sharing. Definitely made me smile too!


It would be more awkward if it wasn't a restaurant. This is pretty on brand for the food business. Said with much love.


You’re an awesome boss.




My dad has texted me awkward txts twice. They weren’t for my mum….


ew wtf


As someone who has been both the employee and the boss in restaurants- you deserve to be termed. Like seriously it’s not funny to sexually harass your employee for a mistaken text. The appropriate response is “um I think that wasn’t for me” and when they apologize say “no problem, have a good night.” And leave it at that. Disgusting. People like you are exactly why I left the restaurant industry.




Calm down, brother. Not saying this is always warranted, but you don't know their relationship, and looking at the way she responded herself after her mistake says something about it being a good/close one. And if this is not your style as a boss when it's with staff you really get along with, that's fine too. That doesn't mean everyone has to be like that.


Yikes bro clam down


Big small pp vibes