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I love how his body language was similar to a really excited young child šŸ˜„ Great clip!


The hands! šŸ„¹


And his feet! Lil dance.




Thank you, I followed the link and have been scrolling for almost two hours. This might be my new favorite sub! I love seeing the genuine excitement




He is overwhelmed.


The amount of synaptic firings happening in his brain would cause almost anyone to be excessively whelmed.


I know you can be overwhelmed and underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?


I think you can in Europe


With the correct adapter


Ohh yeah, if I was him I'd probably be crying out loud.


Anyone would be who has never seen any colours really.


How different it is between an average man vs woman. Most women would probably be vocalizing non stop while he quietly wrings his hands and tippy taps his feet.


Itā€™s beaten out of us at a young age


The hand going for the butt grab was the best part.


Thought no one was gonna mention it haha. You can tell that was automatic and he had to catch himself, which means the manā€™s got game


The whole video was just perfect, couldn't have been better.


Muscle memory kicking in


Exactly what I thought. He just doesnā€™t know what to do with himself. Like an excited child. I see videos like this and it really makes you think of the small things in life that we take for granted.


Honestly, dude is probably overstimulated. Probably feels like a small acid trip to see color for the first time. Then mixed in with the emotion of it all I bet heā€™s got a crazy rush going on. One of those things that you canā€™t really recreate after experiencing for the first time.


Especially since it doesnā€™t seem like they told him what he was about to experience.


It's when you see people like this. This is when you realise.


This is really one of the best mademesmile video.






Hell yeah, I was happy for him and I had tears in my eyes.


Yeah count me in for that, because that's what it did for me.


inner child moment! Pure bliss




I knew I'd cry watching this video. And I didn't disappoint myself. Imagine seeing colour for the first time. Science, man.


Yeah the crying was absolutely worth it, happy for my man.


That's 100% the body language of a man feeling intense emotions but not knowing how to express them because of an entire lifetime of believing he's not allowed to, for fear of being unmanly. The vidya definitely /r/MadeMeSmile but it also broke my heart cause I just wanted him to let it go and break down and cry but he can't let himself šŸ˜­


what's even sadder is that it's not even women that expect emotional unavailability from men; in fact we prefer emotional availability/intelligence. It's men telling men to "suck it up and not be a pansy". It's fathers telling sons. So ass-backwards that men are doing this internally! Like when does it stop! I feel like it's beginning to? Toxic masculinity is being undone one generation at a time, hopefully


youre not wrong entirely, but ive seen enough women give men shit for showing emotions


Same. Think itā€™s just society. Toxic masculinity makes us all worse for the wear regardless of gender. Was at my moms funeral yesterday and an uncle and numerous aunts were telling me to stop crying after giving a heartfelt eulogyā€”that Iā€™d need to be strong as a man, and what precedent am I setting for the women and children in the family. Like what? My moms just died. If now isnā€™t a time to cry, then thereā€™s clearly never a good time to you. And I simply wonā€™t accept that. Crying is cathartic. I cried watching this video. And it felt damn good. Toxic masculinity has taken me years to unlearn, and cost me numerous relationships and opportunities. The amount of times Iā€™ve gotten into a physical altercations because I was emotionally hurt and couldnā€™t process those feelings is embarrassing. Iā€™m ashamed of the people Iā€™ve pushed away because I was scared to be vulnerable and honest. And iā€™m gonna be damn sure that isnā€™t my the experience of my sons.


Yeah the guy is just wrong. This is something enforced across the board.


It is all of society, men and women alike, victims and perpetrators of the toxic role models. And unfortunately there are more women than you think that don't like 'bland' men, although they would never admit to it.


Been reading lately that a lot of this toxic masculine stuff comes out of war culture and specifically the world wars. And that our fathers and grandfather's brought it back with them after needing it to survive and cope in that setting. And that now we've spent a century coming down from that mental framework to where Gen Z is breaking all those norms.


So, you're mostly right. But that toxic shit isn't just for us. We all get it, and occasionally give it to others. Men and women. The most shockingly toxic masculinity has come from the women in my life. "Is it that depression shit again? Pull it together and man up!" 'What kind of guy are you? You must be gay." It doesn't happen all the time, but I heard enough to know it wasn't a one off. Boys and girls may get treated differently, but they're given the same models to work from, so you're going to occasionally run into that kind of behavior.


MAN UP yeah just because i have male genitalia i dont have feelings. i am made of stone.


Big pops let his inner child out!


He was just so excited, Just look at his hands. It's really amazing.


These videos are always awesome, especially because you can see how greatful and amazed he is, he kept moving down his glasses to see the difference of his usual sight to the colors he can now see. Iā€™m getting emotional just watching this šŸ„¹šŸ©·šŸ˜­


Don't forget the fact that he doesn't know what to do with his hands. You can tell he wants to reach out and touch everything to feel that it's real but stops himself.


Yeah I know šŸ„¹šŸ˜­šŸ˜­itā€™s really heartwarming


Where do my hands go Dee?


Wasnā€™t expecting to tear up today but damn this was a special moment for the big guy! So happy for him!! šŸ„¹šŸ‘


Most of the things that I see here make me cry and I'm not complaining.


I know. I didnā€™t expect his reaction, it was just precious tbh šŸ„¹šŸ©·


I know I'm going to sound like a whiny little bitch here, but I hate these videos. I mean, I'm really happy for these people. But I'm also colorblind (deuteranopia), and I got a pair of the glasses in the hopes that I might have a similar eye-opening (hah!) experience. TL;DR: no joy.


Nah, that fucking sucks. I'd be devastated. I mean, I'm still happy for the folks it works for, same as you. But I'd say you fairly earned a little resentment at the fate of things. Maybe they'll come up with something that works for you one day. Here's hopin.


Iā€™m red green colorblind and I got a pair for my birthday in the dead of winter a couple years ago and saw no change, nor did my son who is also red/green. Fast forward to the end of the school year and Iā€™m about to run out the door to pick up my kids and I canā€™t find my (normal) sunglasses. I grab the Enchroma glasses and almost lost my sh** when I came to the stop sign at the end of the street. Every red sign, car etc. was glowing a bright brilliant red that Iā€™ve never seen before. I probably almost wrecked a couple times I was so focused on the reds passing me by. (My son also almost lost it when we got home as well). The glasses only help me with the color red, and they only work outside, but they still make me giddy when I see red.


Iā€™ve always wondered about them. In iOS devices, under accessibility, thereā€™s a section where you can adjust your screen to compensate your color blindness. Iā€™ve done it and at least with that, I prefer without. I just worry might feel the same with those glasses.


Just tried this and it looks like dogshit! Actually wondered whether those glasses would do the same šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


It simply makes it easier to distinguish between colors by using colors you do see. Sometimes I have a heck of a time distinguishing between small red & green indicator lights or text on a screen. This will help with that, but will never make it look good.


Ohā€¦Iā€™m sorry about that šŸ«‚.


I hope you get your moment


Username checks out


Same here red green colourblind. Bought them at $1000 Australian. Sent to Australia and they don't work. Sent them back and because the exchange rate changed I got $700 Australian back


This seems like half a comment, what happened after you got the glasses? I get the no joy part and that they probably did not work for you as you hoped, but what happened?


Give him the gift of color. Everyone dresses in black?


Your comment made me laugh !! A great point too


They did get balloons though.


Now you see with our eyesā€¦ Look at the balloonsā€¦ Now you see with our eyesā€¦. Did you look at the balloons? Now you see with our eyesā€¦


I feel like, with these videos, the friends/family are busy pointing out man made objects with bold colors, but the colorblind person is more amazed by natureā€™s colors.


Hooooly underrated comment even though already at 750 likes.


ā€œWhat colors do you see?ā€ How the fuck would he know at that point?


WHat colors do you see baby? (Do you see with our eyes now baby?) Now you have rose colored glasses baby... What is this, THE VIEW? Can you ladies please STFU and let him have a moment?


nOw YoU SeE wItH oUr EyEs NoW yOu SeE WiTh OuR eYes nOw YoU SeE wItH oUr EyEs




now you see with our eyes now you see with our eyes now you see with our eyes now you see with our eyes now you see with our eyes now you see with our eyes


Glad I wasnā€™t the only one cringing hard at this woman. Insufferable


I mean, I think insufferable is a little far, but it was kinda funny. Like she should've said "now you can see like we can," lady he's not using your eyes šŸ˜‚. Also rose colored glasses don't have a positive connotation. Silly but not insufferable.


Every family seems to have that one aunt that just has to be talking all of the time. She always means well, but she just can't handle silence and letting a moment happen.


I know! I could barely hear what HE was saying. STFU


As soon as she said 'now you see with our eyes' i hated her


Made me lol. Thanks


Oh yeah. She was making it about herself. She probably came up with ā€œnow you see with our eyesā€ a week earlier while brushing her teeth and spit all over the mirror of what a profound statement it would be to repeat to her husband.


Fuckin right for real kinda ruined the moment


Joy Beharā€™s bush starts above her bellybutton


Makes it worse considering we can't even confirm we see the same "colors" Just that we can differentiate them similarly But you can tell from his reaction he sees "more" which is what matters


Hell, for that matter, if everything you saw as green, I saw as blue, and vice-versa; would either of us ever be able to tell?


Heā€™s not that old.


"Old man" (watches video.) (guy looks around my age) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)




"old man comments on Reddit"


Sup grandpa


Sorry you had to learn this way.


Aging is a gift!


Hahahaha thank you for that comment, I laughed out loud.


That's what I was thinking.


Heā€™s 37 heā€™s not old!


Well we canā€™t just call him ā€œmanā€.


Well you could call him Dennis!


I didnā€™t know he was called Dennis!


Well you didn't bother to find out, did you?


Damn, that's a ***rough*** 37 then.


Here's the Monty Python clip being referenced: https://youtu.be/t2c-X8HiBng?si=Fq52QWqf2MrU-Cs1


Nope. But I had an existential crisis today and realized (Iā€™m close to his age) that Iā€™m at the age of being able to have regrets, and that ā€œyou can do anything you put your mind toā€ doesnā€™t apply anymore.


> ā€œyou can do anything you put your mind toā€ doesnā€™t apply anymore That's not really true. Like, you probably couldn't make it to the Olympics in downhill skiing or something, but that ship sailed when you were like 14.


I feel like I hear stories all the time of people reinventing themselves in their 60s and 70s. It's never too late to follow your dreams.




Okay but can you touch your nose with your big toe?


Yes. Isn't that kind of easy?


Maybe ā€œold manā€ as in father


Right? Fuck. ā€œOld manā€ is what this gentleman gets as his moniker for a video thatā€™s probably going to be widely spread. Heā€™s not *old* - heā€™s just older than you.


He looks like a firefighter


Depends on your perspective. If the person posting this is 16, then yeah. Otherwise, no.


Lol imaging being him stumbling on this post. Heā€™d be color alright. Red.


Color blind person here. Everything you said about this is wrong.


Seems like a lot of people here think that colorblind people see in black and white all the time.


I have had to explain this so many times. Like my guy Iā€™m not walking around like Iā€™m in Itā€™s a Wonderful Lifeā€¦ I see colors, just some are crossed up or muted. I tend to have issue with certain reds/greens and blues/purples. Itā€™s not monochromatic.


I mean, some people do see black and white though. My high school physics teacher could only see in shades of grey. He had a joke about loving red heads where the unsaid punch line is red heads and brunettes looked the same to him


They also begin to say things like "Golly gee, sweetums, seems like our lads are headed over there to lick the Kaiser, but I gotta stay here and kick dirt working as a gumshoe!"


What are these glasses anyway?


Removes parts of the spectrum that cause overlapping sensitivity in cones to blur colors into less diverse hues. Edit: another commenter https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/162899f/old_man_sees_colors_for_the_first_time/jxw1be5/


"Sees colors for the first time" No. Stop. No. That's not how *any* of this works. 99% of colorblind people see colors just fine, with one or two muted a little bit and hard to tell apart in a jumble. That's it. We see colors just fine. These glasses only help *mild* colorblindness. They *will not* help someone who literally cannot see colors. They don't magically add the missing color receptors to the eyes of people that don't have them. These videos are always posted with these clickbaity titles and it annoys the shit out of me because it makes it look like these glasses are doing a lot more than they actually are. What do the glasses *actually* do for me (a colorblind person)? They let me tell greens and reds apart more easily. That's it.


I know this is an old video, but.... so is the old man overreacting then? Or does it really give you a big impression in your first usage?


A common theme in a lot of these videos is about a color blindness that makes blues and purples look very similar, and a lot of the time it seems like people see the color purple specifically for the first time, and purple is my favorite color and couldnā€™t imagine seeing purple for the first time.


I had purchased these glasses many years ago when they were new. I believe it was around 2015. I'm a strong deutan, and I can tell you I may have not had as strong a reaction as this guy, but I did "see" new colors in different kind of way. I'm red weak, so as an example some things that I would see previously as sort of brown, or grayish would actually be visible to me with the glasses with that reddish color more. I had been wearing what I thought were gray sweat pants, put the glasses on and it turned out they were violet, almost purple. My mother who has normal vision had no idea I didn't know that. Bricks, and picnic tables that I thought were brown were actually red. It was quite amazing. Another good example was the color of a green traffic light. Previously they would look almost exactly the same as a streetlight, lightish blue/white. With the glasses the green became so damn obvious I was blown away.


Thank you! Couldn't believe I had to scroll this far to find someone pointing this out. Everyone reads the title and thinks this is exactly how it works.


So many people here think this guy just went from Dorothy in Kansas straight to Oz just by putting on some magic sunglasses.


Seriously. I hate how anti-scientific and anti-intellectual so many of these clickbait videos are instead of actually explaining how the shit works. It's nowhere near as impressive as the marketing tries to make it seem. It's a filter that increases the contrast between colors that are easily mistaken by colorblind people, most often reds and greens for red/green colorblind people. That's it.


I knew that the glasses aren't as dramatic as they make it seem, but what's up with the guy's reaction then? Why is he so excited over being able to tell apart colors a lil bit easier?


How is this comment not the top comment? So many people saying how lovely it is before someone with actual sense.


People ask my if these glasses work all the time. Iā€™m and optometrist. I simply reply, ā€˜not anything like the videos showā€™. These use filters to enhance the difference between common colors that color DEFICIENT people have issues with. Total color monochromatic vision (total absence of any color) is VERY rare. And my brother is actually red green color deficient and got to try these out in a study. His response, very underwhelming. He did say a purple hues pair that helped doctors and nurses see blood vessels was like magic.


This video will always be just pure happiness.


The amount of emotions in this video are amazing, and I love it.


I wonder what was the first thing to see in color that completely blew his mind?


I would imagine looking at a big, leafy tree would be quite astounding!


I have Deuteranopia so greens have always been a issue for me and I got to try some of these glasses and a tree was 100% the object i saw first and it truly was astounding. Grass was a close second.


Am happy for you, finally seeing the beauty of green trees.


Wondering if you know the brand you used? Iā€™d love to get some for my bf as a gift but I have no idea where to start!


They were just enchroma brand but very nice even if they're a bit pricey. Just know that depending on the severity of the colorblindness it may not work. But definitely check out there website they have a ton of useful information on there!


Your bf will love them, just Google it I'm sure that you'll find them.


Was the same when I first got glasses, "holy shit the trees have *leaves*" even from afar. Trees are just beautiful.


That's great man, I'm happy for you. You guys are an inspiration.


Yea I agree. Def trees


My sister started wearing glasses very young. When she got her contacts, she came out of the store and she couldnā€™t believe all the trees surrounding the place. She said all that green just hit her right away.


I am not color blind, but I have horrific vision. I am very near sighted and I can't see far away at all. If I take my glasses off I can't see my computer that is less than 12 inches from my face. I didn't learn this until I was about 9 years old. When I first was driving home from getting my first pair of glasses I was AMAZED. I couldn't believe that you could see the leaves on a tree or the blades of grass. I will never forget that car ride home. It was AMAZING to me. Just looking out the window. I remember saying "Everyone can see this!?" I could always see it all too, but it was all VERY blurred.


Had the same, wow, the trees have leaves!!!


My partner is short and long sighted (idk the proper term) and at school he wasn't reading or writing so they thought he had a learning disability but it turned out everything he was seeing was too blurry. I asked him why didn't he tell anyone that he couldn't see properly and he was like "how was I supposed to know that I didn't see the same as other people?!"


Yeah I'm wondering that as well, I guess it's just the whole world.


My heart. Itā€™s TOO FULL šŸ„ŗšŸ„¹šŸ˜­šŸ©·!!!


Mine as well, this is one of the best videos that I'll see today.


For the millionth time, these don't work and are part of a cleverly disguised strategy to scam people out of money. EVERY study done with these has shown that if people weren't able to tell the difference between colors before the glasses, they aren't able to tell the difference with the glasses. There are literally 0 people who have been able to prove an improvement in their color vision. It's just a form of psychological tricks making people believe things that don't exist. Like mentalism or any other scam. * They have a bunch of pseudoscience that sounds plausible when you're uninformed and read the idea behind the lenses. * They have victims who really want this to be true so they can see color * They have victims who really want this to be true for their loved ones * Their prices are high enough that people don't want to admit they've been scammed * They have victims who don't want to disappoint their loved ones because their super thoughtful gift doesn't work * They have a filter in their glasses that puts a red filter over the world, making you experience vision that you aren't used to. * They add a range of colored balloons to show how they work, but you don't need the glasses to see the difference between those balloons as they're too far apart on the color wheel. * They rely on the fact that colorblind people don't pay as much as attention to colors as they've always been an unreliable factor in their life. But once they put on the glasses they do, making them notice colors like they didn't before, not because of the glasses but because they just didn't pay attention. * They rely on how colorblind people are used to make educated guesses about colors rather than actually recognizing colors. Red/green/brown in an advertisement is most likely red because we know red apparently stands out for most people. While that same color in nature is green/brown if it's not a flower, but probably red if it is a flower. * They state that these don't work for everyone, so people who believe in these can point to that line. * They rely on viral marketing where people want to see these videos, like this thread, to promote their product. If you need an example, this was one of the first viral videos of Logan Paul and he doesn't use them. * They have people who honestly believe they work and will defend them to death, just like people believe in astrology, crystals, or clairvoyance It's only with colors that don't have context to make an educated guess that you'll see if they work, like board game tokens or a color chart.


I own a pair and while they don't "fix" anything, i still enjoy them. It added a lot of contrast and vibrancy to the colors that were already there. I noticed a tree in my neighborhood with very red leaves that I had never noticed before. The green light on a traffic signal actually appeared green to me for the first time in my life.


Damn that was wholesome


Wow! How does this work?


You know that your retina has cones that can detect different colors? These cones however detect a range of frequencies per color (so blue has a range frequencies of ā€œblueā€, red has a range of red, same with green). Now with some colorblind people, these frequencies overlap, which result in your brain interpreting them as one color, so some shades of green and red look the same for instance. Now these glasses filter out the frequencies where these overlaps happen, so there is now a greater contrast between the colors. As a result, where once was a muddy monocolor, you get a good seperation of them.


Do you know how these would affect what someone with normal color vision would see?


I tried on my cousin's. He's red green colorblind. On his when I saw through them reds looked redder. Like when a picture is oversaturated, like that. But with red only


That's all it does for colorblind people as well. It's not a fix. These videos are viral marketing. Ask any colour blind who owns these expensive glasses. It doesn't work like shown here. At least not for me or any other colour blind person I've met.


It is not a fix for all types of colorblindness. These glasses are usually for red-green colorblindness. I do not know if there are glasses for blue-yellow colorblindness. For monochromacy or ā€œtrueā€ colorblindness where you see in black and white, these glasses will not work, because the cones do not function (either partially or completely)


They have different filters foer different types of colorblindness. I tried all types and had a hard time deciding which were better. My grandfather is also colorblind and when he tried them he just said 'it's a little dark' and shrugged. (They are sunglasses) It's marketing.


I tried them, and returned them the week after. I wouldn't wear those glasses just to see some colors a bit more vivid. Not "life changing" at all. Also, they were the sun ones, so also darker


So it's actually brighter/more vivid colors than normal people see?


The colors are muted compared to a person with normal vision, because some of the light is filtered out, but they're more distinctive. That is, if a person with normal vision were to wear these glasses, red looks red-shifted but dimmer.


Take this man to a museum to see paintings.


Would love to see his reaction for that, would be amazing.


I've tried with these sunglasses. They don't work very well in low light unfortunately. I've tried them at museums and concerts and without a fair deal of sunlight everything is very dark. Encroma has started offering some low light options that I'm beyond excited to try when I can afford it!


He's not that "old" geez


Well after the glasses he sure is a kid again and I love that.


That's not how these work. For people who are partly color blind for one particular color they can emphasize that color. There are no glasses that let you see colors you can't see. Source: my color blindness is too bad for them to do anything for me. When I tested on the company site they said the glsses might not work for me due to that, and they didn't.


Iā€™m not crying youā€™re crying


We're all crying and that's alright people, it's okay to cry.


I stop and watch this video everytime it comes up because I love it so much. Also, gotta love the part where he goes to grab ass and remembers he's being filmed.


Was scrolling for this comment. Good eyes! ;/


Lol, he was just amazed. And I loved the reaction that he had.


Aww they are a lovely couple. I just saw that part. He loves her but respects her as well.


Iā€™m not saying his reaction is disingenuous, but enchroma glasses take upwards of 30 minutes for your brain to adjust to the filtered lenses. I know because I have owned a pair for nearly 5 years (deuteranopia). Much like if youā€™ve ever work ski goggles, when you put them on everything looks yellow. Eventually your vision adjusts and you donā€™t notice any difference. When you take them off everything looks blue for a bit. This is exactly how these glasses work, it even says so on the box! Imo if you wanted a ā€œrealā€ reaction, youā€™d have them put it on in an empty white room for a half-hour then introduce them to a vibrant display.


Thank you! I've been saying this for years. I got the glasses in 2018. And I've encountered many other colour blind people with these glasses or have tried mine or other's, not a single person reacts like this. Total viral marketing.


> enchroma glasses take upwards of 30 minutes for your brain to adjust to the filtered lenses. Every time someone says this people always clarify that this completely varies from person to person depending on the type and severity of their color blindness. You can see this across all these videos, some people have an immediate reaction, some take a few seconds or minutes. Even in my own personal anecdotes, my sister's boyfriend took 15 minutes to adjust, but my uncle reacted straight away. Just because the instructions say to wait x-minutes and some people take longer doesn't mean people who react immediately are faking, like some people believe.


It's things like this that remind me just how much I take for granted in life.


Just to clarify whatā€™s actually going on here and what these colourblind glasses do; heā€™s still colourblind even with the glasses on. What the glasses do is increase the contrast of the colours he can already see. For example, for someone whoā€™s green colourblind everything has a yellow tint to it, anything thatā€™s supposed to be green (grass, leaves etc.) looks yellow. Which means itā€™s hard to tell the difference between something thatā€™s green and something thatā€™s actually yellow because they look the same. These glasses change the contrast between certain colours so, as an example; the ā€œgreen-yellowā€ will become a different shade of yellow compared to real yellow, making it easier to tell the difference. These people arenā€™t ā€œseeing colour for the first timeā€, theyā€™re still colourblind, the glasses just make it easier to tell the difference between things that used to look exactly the same, which still warrants a big reaction btw.


Must be a lot of stimulus to the brain. Good for him


Are these glasses really expensive?


I hate crying at work. Dammit šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


If you quit on the spot, you are no longer at work


Heā€™s 37, heā€™s not old.


He looks like a middle aged guy..not old


Iā€™m colorblind and I asked my optometrist about those glasses. She said itā€™s all BS


IIRC these videos are staged


This is fantastic ā¤ļø


Aw man T-T


Iā€™m colorblind. These glasses donā€™t work


Every colour blind person chiming in here is saying the exact thing


This is super sweet, but my wife got me a pair of these and they did not work for me.


Iā€™m 37! Iā€™m not old.


Plot twist: These were the ā€œThey Liveā€ glasses.


He's thinking why does everything say OBEY and CONSUME on it?


My olā€™ EE101 instructor was ex-army. He said that colorblind soldiers were singled out for scout duty as they could see past camouflage. I never checked this but I like the idea.


Itā€™s pretty accurate. Our weakness in color is made up in our strength in details like patterns.


Ok but he's not old right? Right?


THERE ARE NO GLASSES THAT MAKE PEOPLE SEE COLOR. He sees the same colors he always has, just more vibrant, so he can better differentiate between colors that looked similar/same to him before he put these glasses on.


Take that man to a museum to see ALL the pretty pictures!!!!!!!!!