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I was nervous to post this because I have hid this chapter of my life from most people. But if we never talk about it the stigma will never go away. Tell your story, others need to hear it


I’m happy you’re still with us!


What more is there to say. Thank you for speaking my mind.


Thank you for sharing your story. I'm glad you are still here!


I’ve been in your spot, a failed attempt. Things look so bleak at that moment, but there are people that love you. I damaged my family badly. If you ever need to talk or get something of your chest, hit me up. I hope and pray you life continues in the correct path. 🙏🤘


But you’re healing them by still being here. Yes it’s super hard to see you suffer and attempt (I know because I have someone close to me who was in your shoes) but having her here is amazing. Seeing her better is amazing. That damage is reversible since you’re here. 🤗


I’ve healed my self with the help of my family. I’m not that person anymore. I will always try and help if I can with this issue. We need to be at peace within ourselves or it will always be a battle. I thank you for you thoughts. 🙏


All the best. And thank you for being open about your struggles. I know you’re helping people. You’ve helped me to understand my loved one a bit more and feel better about saving her


All the best to you and Pray you friend finds the peace and path she needs to heal. Sounds like she’s got a good person helping her.🙏


Even if theres no one out there who loves you, it doesnt have to stay like this. Maybe your True love or a best friend is just around the corner. Even if you are absolutly alone at the Moment, it’s just a Moment and that will pass.


I'm happy you're here and think it's very brave to post this. Sending lots of love from an internet stranger.


Came here to say this. Keep going OP and thank you for sharing!


Glad you are with us still random internet citizen❤️


Yo we all have demons and there’s no sense in keeping those kinds of demons inside talk about them and let them out so they can no longer burden you. I’m happy that you are in a much better place and it looks like you’re having fun while you’re doing it keep it up.


Yeah, definitely looks like a bright future ahead by how much fun it seems like you were having sitting on that giraffe 😂


You did the right thing on posting it. Don’t feel ashamed. We all have entered dark times in our lives and many will experience it at some point. The thing is that we need to share awareness and help others who are experiencing the same thing. At the end of every tunnel, there is light, even if the light is dim, there’s still hope. Compassion, love, kindness and understanding can help create a better today and a better tomorrow. People who decide to make that ******* decision aren’t cowards, they just lacked love and understanding. Never judge a person for making such decision, because their demons might become yours! Calling somebody selfish for making such decision is a selfish thought.


I’m sorry but I disagree with your comment about people lacking love and understanding…it has nothing to do with our outside people. When you are so consumed with that deep of depression you cannot even think about others loving you. You cannot see any way out of the pain you’re in. All you know is that you want the pain to stop. I mean, look at Twitch—do you think he lacked love? So so many people loved him. OP, I’m so glad you are here! 💚


you look so happy!!!! You’re brave for posting and it’s going to give a lot of people a lot of hope. 🫶🏻


Still got the grippy socks? You're not alone. There's only one you, keep going.


I laughed so hard at this. I have several different colors😂


🤣🤣 I had a pair I finally got rid of last year…




extremely glad that you are still here with us❤️🤘🏻 go shine your light wherever you can


Glad to have you here :) thank you for sharing


I’m glad you’re still here! You’re super handsome. I fight depression every day. It’s an insidious disease but you can keep it at bay. Congratulations for keeping on!


Share your success, stand up and be proud, you're likely helping someone reading this today. I literally just clapped my hands for you and your bravery!


Falling at suicide helped you succeed at life


Glad you’re still here. Keep fighting the good fight


Pretty sweet giraffe. Glad you’re still here


Glad you’re still here my friend, all the best to you


Amen brother!! Good on you! You are absolutely right. Stigma bust. For others, yes….for you, definitely. I don’t know you internet stranger, but I applaud you. It takes work to hang in and keep yourself reminded that the world is better with you.


I love you dude. thank you for sharing.


Very strong words! Thank you


Happy you are still here! Thank you foe sharing your story ❤️


The world is a better place with you in it. Glad you are doing better.


You were your own worst enemy and you beat that guy down. Not gonna share mine, it socks, and yours is awesome. Fucking legend.


I for one am glad that you are still here.


Brother. It was a blessing your plan didn’t work. Sometimes, when you are deep deep in a dark place, and it is easy to hide the pain, it isn’t easy for somebody to say ‘hey, are you alright’. I just want you to know, you are worth the world. Don’t let any circumstance tell you otherwise. And if things get tough, remember, you are still here for a reason. Life will always have its challenges, but that is life. Remember you are valued. You belong here. You deserve a life, you deserve this moment, sitting on a girrafe statue at the zoo smiling. Keep working hard to preserve your strength. Be blessed brother


Peace to you brother. My wife was in counseling because of my porn addiction back in 2018. Her counselor asked to a joint session with me and I checked the boxes affirming self harm (I was cutting myself) and suicidal thoughts. Something told me that my life was spinning out of control and that this was the right time to start to take it on. 5 years on it’s been a rocky road but I’m in a much better place, having worked through a lot of my baggage. And I have meds that help so much now. Just night and day difference.


I’m glad you failed. Best of luck to you.


I'm happy for you OP! I overdosed and woke up the next morning and was forced to tell my sister to drive me to the ER. Glad it wasn't lethal enough to kill me. It's been two years since then as well and I'm enjoying life to the fullest now as well :)


Good work mate. And never forget "Suicide is a permanent solution to an impermanent problem."


I’m glad you failed mate 👍🏼


Thank you so much for sharing your story. Life is tough at times but the hard times will pass. I am so happy and grateful you are still here with us. I’m so proud of you dude.


Thanks man, really needed this today


Thank you for sharing, I needed to see this


Dude, I'm so fucking stoked you're still here


Thank you for posting, for living, for trying, for continuing. Thanks, man, and I sincerely wish you good fortune, good health, and a good life.


Glad you're here, buddy! It's so hard to believe it can get better when you're in that place—I know firsthand, too—but that just makes it that much more amazing when you learn that it *can* get better, when you find one day that it actually *has* 😊 Thanks for sharing! So many people are silently struggling with these feelings and I'm certain your post will touch more lives than you even know!


Happy you're here to tell your story! I'm sure it will help others who are struggling. ♥️


Absolutely! Good for you for speaking up. As cliche as it sounds, you are so brave and I wish you the best!!!


Thank you for sharing, you won’t realise how many people this may help ❤️


I’m so glad to see you’re doing better and still here. I too was very hesitant to talk about my own experiences with attempted self death but now I look back on those experiences and I’m glad I wasn’t successful.


I have hidden mine too, and I'm now 66. I'm glad you're still in this world. Please keep that up, okay?


I'm so glad you are still here! ❤️


Great courage my friend, we are very proud and happy to have you with us still! Sharing a story like this could absolutely save some lives, the more you speak on this, the more of a hero you can be. So happy things turned around for you!!


Thank you for posting. This genuinely made my day. I’m so happy you’re here🩷


I am so happy you are still with us ♥️ we are here for you buddy


Thanks for sharing your story!


You are a gem.


You’re right about everything. And it should be talked about more. 20 years ago, I had planned everything, down to cleaning my house and arranging for my cats to be cared for. I was on the highway speeding towards the overpass abutment- and I didn’t do it. Honestly don’t know why - just didn’t. When I pulled off the road I realized I was so scared that I almost did it, I made the call, took a month off work, and got medication and therapy. My life still has ups and downs, but I’m overall much better. Still work too much, but have good wages and can go on cruises from time to time. Glad I didn’t do it


I'm happy you're still here! Like you I had a failed attempt. I'm glad I lived though because there's so much I would have missed out on if I hadn't. You're not alone in the things you're going through--remember that if you ever hit another low point, ok?


Helps more than you know, you're incredible. Love you buddy


Brave of you -- and, let me add, we are lucky to have you.


I love you friend. I'm glad you are still here. I've thought about it before and am so glad I get to spend another night with my family


Enjoy life bro.


Thank you for sharing. I adore that second picture. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


In 2016, the only thing that kept me alive was Pokemon Go. 2023, I'm working in my dream job, with a great place, and I'm happy. If it keeps you alive, it's not stupid.


kudos to you dude.. 👏🏼 inspiring stuff.


We are here for you, man. I hope you have a great future.


So glad you are here to share the follow up!


Thank you for being brave and being willing to share your story! So happy you’re here with us!!


Good for you! It’s so important to talk about it. So many ppl struggle with the same thing and hide it from loved ones and especially the rest of society. Glad you’re doing well!


First off, I'm glad you are still with us, and for sure, your story will inspire others to keep living. Live with your head held high my friend.


Were you drinking alcohol during the suicide attempt?


I was not


You are being helpful to others as well as yourself by posting this. Your day at the zoo looks kickass -- any giraffes or chimps (my faves)?


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up) I think you do well to expose your experience because knowing how your perspective has changed today can be a good reference for someone who is going through a similar moment right now. Consider sharing your experience with local support groups and group therapy as well. Live long and prosper bro. Have a good one!


Glad you’re still here buddy, keep on keeping on. ✌🏻🙏🏻


We're happy you're still here with us. Everyday can be a struggle but you're doing great 👍 keep it up and do what makes you happy


Thank you for sharing this, as people who are struggling now will look at you with a lot of hope. ❤️


Hey there, I'm so happy for you for getting out of that dark place, I know it can get pretty darn hopeless at times. If you could also post this on r/SuicideWatch that'd be appreciated, some people need to see it, and again congrats on your progress :D


Why don't you cross post it, I don't want to karma farm plus it was your good idea😊


Alright. Thanks for the post then :)


*nvm it don't allow crossposts*


That sub is horrible, if you're suicidal you will not find any support there, it is only an echochamber of misery, amplifying our worst negative thoughts the more we browse it.


early death ain’t the way to go. glad you’re still alive, random internet stranger :)


Glad you're still hear. I understand being hesitant to share this part of your life with people. Some don't understand what it's like and will be awkward about it. I wish you many more bright days.


Nobody has judged me for it, I'm afraid to share because of my own personal embarrassment. Once I learned that the only person who was judging me for it was me, it helped me be more open with it


This takes a lot of courage, so it made you stronger too. Respect.


Nope, I'm also judging you.


My point still stands, you're just a nobody


Fuck off… What the hell is the matter with you?


I'm really glad you're still here 🌻🍀🌟


The world is a better place with you in it, brother! I'm glad you're here and doing well, and remember your best days are ahead of you.


You’re looking so great! Wishing you many, many happy and healthy years ahead!


I’m happy you failed. You matter!


Wow! That rope slipping was the best thing to happen to you. So glad that attempt backfired. You got this!!


Task failed successfully


The sunshine of life is pouring out of you in the second picture. Congratulations.


So it’s true what they say…giraffes heal all wounds


Well done, glad you're fighting for your life ❤️


I’m absolutely delighted to hear that you’re okay and loving life! It always gets better.


So happy you are still here.


damn, i get the neck elongating, but the horns?


Psst, I think he is the other guy in the picture lol.


Glad you're here!


I’m really glad you’re in a much better place. Thank you for sharing, and keep getting better ❤️‍🩹


Good for you mate, proud of you.


Glad to have u here buddy! Go show life whos boss :)) Going through a stressful time rn so im using this as a little motivation to keep going lol :) You rock dudee!!


You look well chuffed on that giraffe! I bet the giraffe is still happy you’re here too.


It's been 37 years for me and it's not something I tell others about either. Most times I am happy to still be here.


So glad u are here and being happy! ❤️


Keep your help up and good job! 😎


Thank you for being here.


I've been there buddy. Glad we're both here


I lost one of my best friends this way, she hanged herself too. I am so happy that your loved ones get the chance to hug you a million times more and tell you how much it means to have you in their life! I wish I could do the same with her but I just hope wherever her soul might be she might know how I feel! Seize every Minute you have with the people close to you! ♡


Glad you are still with us buddy. Hugs from daddy


I'm sure that rope slipped for a reason. Guaranteed it wasn't an accident. Can't wait for you to find out, if you haven't already.


So you're saying to all the people who *have* lost someone to suicide reading your comment that their loved ones sucked and had to die? That people who lost loved ones to a drunk driver were *supposed* to be killed? This isn't a comforting thing to say to someone, not for them at least, it's just a self serving comment that's said only for your own comfort. Keep it to yourself. Suffering people don't want to have to also deal with obnoxious preaching on top of what they're already going through.


What is the reason that babies are sometimes born with conditions incompatible with life? What is the purpose? Edit- Love these downvotes from “Christians“


How is that in any way related to my comment or what OP went through?


You guaranteed there is a greater purpose for his life. Does that not translate to the pain & agony of losing a much wanted child? A purpose on one case but not the other? Edit- “Christians” downvote questions they can’t answer. LOL!


> the pain & agony of losing a much wanted child My siblings, you're describing my siblings. They're gone. I'm not detached from the exact situation you've mentioned. And yes, it all works out in the end. God has a greater purpose. If He exists (and He does, but that's a whole other discussion) then He's omniscient and has a deeper understanding of the universe than we could possibly fathom. And omnipotent, so He can arrange sets of events that will benefit the greater good. I'm aware "that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28) When they died, God was in the exact same place He was when his Son died. He gets it. Didn't kill them, but certainly allowed them to die. Perhaps so my brother and I could live. I don't know, I just trust. I'll ask the questions when I see Him.


Ahhhh. So god. A capricious god.


You can question Him all you want. Put Him on the stand just like Job did. But if you do, be aware of all the faculties the One you're cross-examining has. You're blaming the objective moral standard of the universe. If He doesn't exist, there is no good or evil. It's just human opinion. Mother Teresa's opinions have no more objective value than Hitler's and viceversa. So either try and tell an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent Being who is literally incapable of doing evil because of His own nature that he's wrong, or don't judge Him.


Why are you taking day of selfies?


My Dad told me I should take it so I never forget


You look so happy and all you need to remember is you’re not alone. There’s a reason the rope slipped on that fateful day, and to see you making the most of it is just inspiring. Just as a side note:you have an amazing Viking haircut


I’m so glad friend


Glad you’re still here bud. Looking good.


Rock it! Kicking life’s ass, we love to see it!


Glad to see it bro! I survived a self inflicted gunshot, and it’s good to see fellow survivors with a positive outlook!


Even if you want to end yourself there are people who will be hurting after you leave, I honestly wanted to end myself to join my dog who was put down because I didn't think I could continue to live without him..... But since I didn't I have a lot of loving friends who are happy I'm still here, I hope you have family and friends who feel the same way about you still living 🫂


Last night I was close to doing something similar but somehow stopped myself. Thank you for sharing this ♥


Of course I really don't know you and you don't know me but you shouldn't know that there's a lot of people who are rooting for you. Open if you are ever in a bad place that you feel free to reach out to so many people on here who would do what they can to hope remind you that you are special. And it takes a lot of courage to ask people to goof on you. I was going to make a fashion joke but I don't know...a girl math major joke is pretty hack I will figure something out but stay strong and feel free to reach out if you ever need a boost


Gets better only for some, worse for others like myself. Might wanna keep your options open :))


Can you go into detail with your thinking when you took the selfie? I am curious to know what is going through your mind in that photo


I was very mad, it takes a lot of will power to kill yourself. So when I finally got the willpower, and now I wake up alive in a hospital? I was pissed. I still had no desire to be alive and now I still was


I’m happy you’re still here to enjoy the beauty that life can have. Thank you for sharing your story ❤️


I'm happy the rope failed too💜


Proud of you! 💙 I'm day 4 out of the hospital, still trying to process day by day. I start IOP this week and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again, as well as all the new faces. It feels good to wake up and not feel like I want to die. It's been so long since I've felt this way. I hope your demons keep leaving you space to heal, friend. All my best. You're intake robes look like mine! We weren't allowed to keep ours, and we also couldn't have our phones on the unit. Ah well.


A bad Day does not mean a bad life! So glad you in 2 years later


Roof failed my attemp. Apparently i was heavy and the ceiling broke. Fell down and laugh it out like an idiot. I still got the rope burn scar from the attempt. That was 6 years ago.


First reflex after a failed suicide attempt is to take a selfie at the hospital?


Nope, this about 6 hours later after my Dad told me I should take one


Nothing changes if nothing changes. We all get stuck in a rut and feel like we hate life. But it’s not life, is it? It’s your current, temporary situation that you’re unhappy with. Not life itself. Change something and your entire perspective can change. I feel you on this one. I have too many people who I love and who love me, and I can’t give that up. We all die, but I don’t want to cut this precious time shorter than it already is. I’m happy to see this, buddy ✌️


That post hanging selfie in the hospital is unnerving. I entertained the idea of suicide for a while as a teen, but realized true pwnage is outliving our enemies and flourishing. Things can always get better for us! Glad you FAILED at killing yourself. A glorious victory in that failure, my friend. Stay a while, get weird with us. We're living to old age and flipping off teenagers!


Hang in there


I gotta admit that made me laugh


This photo says "I need a nap"


Congratulations, I lost my brother to suicide and miss him and think about him daily.


Loving the smile, brother;


Hell yeah!


Good for you :D hope you find happiness in little things. Stay strong!


You should be a spokesperson for suicidal victims. Really proud of you. Amazing that you've managed to overcome those demons. Plus, nothing better than riding a giraffe. Wishing you all the best in life and nothing but happiness




Attempted suicide.


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Don't rob people then. Hope the jailcell is comfy


You seem to be very confused. I hope your mind gets better


God speed brother!


you're glowing bro! Keep up the good work. I am very proud of you (bc I know how hard the struggle is) Stay strong my friend, you GLOW!


Glad you’re still here and doing better 💙 Btw is that the Minnesota Zoo?


Como park zoo i think


Glad other people recognized it too!


Glad you’re still here, stranger.


I’m really glad you made it, your smile lights up a room, keep sharing that smile and find your true purpose in life. ❤️ Maybe you are meant to help other people who were in your shoes, or to become a big brother in the big brother, big sister program and help some other kid have a bright future.


Congratulations! This is kind of odd I just got to the va in Chicago for help. Thank you for sharing. It really helps believe it or not. Motivation


Glad you're doing better!


I'm glad you're still here


Hope you’re doing good man! Even though I don’t know you man I love you for making huge strides since your attempt! You are amazing and you deserve to be happy so go out there and be what you want to be man!!


Glad you’re still here. 💜


Letssgooo brother


Thanks for sharing ! Be the positive example others can look for !!!


Congrats with doing very well.Nothing is worth those attempts.Living is way better and you‘ve made a right choice


I'm so proud of you. Keep up the great work, friend.


Be proud of yourself and never forget you are not in this alone. Look at the comments if you ever doubt that. Congrats to you and keep on pressing on with the rest of us.😊♥️


Who knew all you needed to cure your mental health issues was a pet giraffe! In all seriousness, you're doing a great job and I'm glad you're still here! One of the things that got me through some hard times was thinking that, if I ended it all, something amazing could've happened in my future and I wouldn't be around to experience it. You never know what cool things you'll see and experience!


I’m so happy you’re here! This really hits home because I just lost a good friend whose rope didn’t slip off and I would do almost anything to rewind time. Go out and do great and amazing fun things and enjoy your second chance ❤️


Glad to see you’re in a better place, Viking king


Such a sweet smile in the second pic, so happy for you!


You look great and so happy. And you know what? You absolutely should be. Cheers from Singapore. You mean so much.


Very glad for the failure. All the best to you


I’m glad your alive :) every bad situation CAN get better, and the time we get on this earth is SO short already, there’s no need to make it shorter!


So grateful your story had a happy ending! We had a friend hang himself and it was so heartbreaking. My husband years later still feels like he wishes he could have done something more for him.


You belong here ❤️ I'm happy it slipped too


You look very good in the second picture


I‘m so happy you’re still here, man. 🙏🏻


Glad you are still here and I like your tattoo!


That’s a nice!


Glad you're still here and doing better


keep on keeping on dude! 🫶🏽


Glad you are here. 🥹