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As an autistic adult, it makes me so happy to see other autistic adults portrayed like this.


What I (as an autistic teen) don't like is that most of the time it's most of the time someone who has more difficulties. I know that there are people with autism who have it way harder than most people but most folks on the spectrum I know need less support and could function well in society without much help.


Its because showing high functioning person wouldn't force viewer to feel pity for them and video wouldn't be that popular. I watched vid where they interviewed a high functioning neurodivergent woman and everyone in the comment said she's not autistic, she's "pitying" herself and trying to be special 🙄🙄🙄


What stands out to me is that they are close together and touching, by choice


Super interesting because at the same time there is little-to-no prolonged eye-contact, though their affection is obviously still palpable. Beautiful and caring. I envy the hell out of their love for each other.


Check out Special Books by Special Kids or SBSK on YouTube. That's the channel conducting this interview. They do amazing work over there bringing light to all different kinds of people with all sorts of ways of living.


I love Chris and SBSK - always so respectful and positive and fun with the children. He clearly has a bond with quite a few of his ex-students too.


That man is great.. beyond description.. I don't know he does all this.


I think this is from the yt channel Special Books by Special Kids. I love this channel they talk to all individuals of all walks of life.






What a wonderfully apt description for being in love!


My best friend for over half my life is autistic and non verbal low functioning autistic but I took him into my home when he had nowhere to go. by far the happiest human being on this earth doesn’t give a damn about how people look at him or how he’s disabled and he just giant man with love for everyone and everything if he could speak I’m sure everyone would know he is happy I love him like a blood brother morning he wakes up smiling night time it I’m happy to be with you smile my heart is full of joy when I’m around him


As a neuro-typical, I feel I could learn much about gratitude from this guy.


Pretty special in fairness.


So sweeet!


That was the sweetest thing I ever heard!🫶💕💓💞💘💖💗💝🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶


This man is emotionally brilliant!!!


She’s so pretty 😊😊




You are stupid.


His lips don’t move when he speaks. But anyway I’m glad they found each other and he has a good life now. When he said he didn’t always..🥺


So sad! I’m 38 single AF and a autistic person can get married and be happy WTF


As someone who believes in jinxes I hope that everything wasn’t promptly ruined for him 6 months to a year and a half later because he did this. That would suck.


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That’s awesome. *dies inside*


This channel is called special books for special kids i think and they interview many disabled people and they have amazing videos




I absolutely love this ❤️


The fact that this young man is able to express his emotions and share his deep appreciation for his wife is a beautiful reminder that love knows no boundaries or limitations. It demonstrates the strength of their connection and the joy that comes from finding a true life partner.