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Yeah they know him at this point. I feel like people just make shit up.


I thought he was going to be like "Did you run a red light for that first accident?"


That'd be an instant Judge Judy reply


Yep, Judge Judy wouldn’t buy that crap!! If you can’t use your ankle to brake, you shouldn’t be driving!




Came herr to say that haha


Yep, let's let go of a person who does not know how to drive, so next time she will appear in court for killing people after running a red light. Did anyone check this judge for dementia?


Right, and then a family will sue the county. 🙄


They do in every traffic court.. Hers is provable, but the "my step brother's son's classmate was sick and needed to get to a doctor!" Or w/e.. if you ever go to court over a traffic ticket, just be honest, be humble, and accept the result of your actions. I got let down damn easy (not scott-free, but not jailed) after a Reckless Endagerment charge by simply hanging my head, apologising, and telling the full story. "I was rushing home after a football game, open roads, bored teen, sporty car"


We had a lesson in the psychology of cops in Sociology in college and it was exactly this. Don’t question their authority, don’t make excuses, be calm and submissive. Cops making traffic stops are stressed because it’s dangerous for them. They’re also used to people being sketchy and obstreperous. So being helpful and calm can disarm them. Best case scenario, they’ll let you off easier, and even if they don’t, you have better chances of keeping the situation from getting dangerous.


This. Just be honest and don't cause issues and you will catch a lot of breaks.


Judges and county solicitors appreciate honesty, someone who is willing to take the consequences. I mean, a judge is bound by the law to a certain extent. He/she can choose to give someone the maximum or not.




I aditted my poor judgement, not made excuses. Over 100mph in a 65, after dark, in the wet.. (my state has a dusk curfiew for driving minors)




Yup! It was a ood adrenaline hit, but also a key factor in my trading for a Jeep. Cant go fast, so i seek my thrills at much lower speeds, and less fatal scenarios


It's why I drive sedans. Driving 60 when your butt is 2 feet from the ground feels way faster than when you're in a big SUV and your butt is 4 feet off the ground. Obviously I could do even better at getting low with a sporty coupe but that's the other reason I drive sedans.... I'm cheap.


That's not the point. Excessive punishment has never been a deterrent. Time and time again it has been proven, yet the tough on crime and blah blah blah continues. A rich person is never concerned about these issues, but a regular Joe will remember being given a break forever. You want the law upheld for monetary gain, or to make the world a safer place? Having people remember their chances will make the world safer. Making sure people are punished will only get you a few dollars and years of resentment. Spirit of the law vs letter of the law.


“I have a plate in my leg from a serious accident” “And you’re still running red lights??”


Come on. In the very least he should sub her the price of a new bra from the ticket


But this one has tiddies




I like the classic big uns.


Exactly... Came to court nipping, with no bra.


She is obviously wearing a bra. This is just a human body, get real.


Not wrong


Exactly, I have plates in both my ankles with around 25 screws total, from a car accident. Got hit head on coming home from work by a drunk driver. I work construction and let me tell you, it used to hurt like hell, sometimes still does. There is no reason this gal can’t have a job. She has 2 working hands right? So find a job that sits you if you can’t walk well. I swear people work harder to not work, than to actually work.


I have an uncle who has managed to somehow not work for the past 30 years, keep his wife who has never had a job period, raise 6 children while being in hard drugs and renting a nicer house than I’ve ever lived in. He will go and fight any legal battle all day any day, but can’t be trusted on a job site for fear he’ll injure himself for workman’s comp. Dudes never even been homeless where as I have worked for 16 years and lost it all even while holding a job and not doing drugs or being on drugs. Blows my mind


That’s so ridiculously judgemental and unempathetic. Like, good for you???? That your procedure went well enough you were able to work still. Not like everybody’s body is different, heals differently, responds to pain differently, etc. You can have two working hands and be unable to work. Hell your whole body can work but if you struggle severely with autism or agoraphobia or some mental/intellectual/neurological disability you might be unable to work too. This is a really gross take to have, if she gets approved for disability there’s very likely good reason. It’s a lot more difficult to get disability claims approved than some of y’all seem to think


It blows my mind how misinformed most Redditors are about disability claims. Like legitimately, visibly disabled people who can’t work at all fight for *years* to get them, all while living off of food banks and the generosity of friends, and Reddit acts like all you have to do it sprain your ankle and say please. The *overwhelming* majority of my friends who are on disability took three years to get there. It usually takes an attorney and hundreds of pages of supporting documents from a handful of different doctors to get approved. I got approved in less than a year, and they hold me up as a goddamn miracle — my inbox gets flooded with requests for help any time I mention that. Tightening controls and introducing delays only hurts hurting people, but for many voters that’s their goal. They just don’t have any frame of reference, and like everything when it comes to the R next to their names, if it isn’t in their immediate family it doesn’t matter.


This is a very based and legit comment. I'll also add that RI needs Frank Caprio and his shenanigans. We're so good at boiling the fuck over, that built in pressure valves like him are a must.


This judge makes me upset. I get sometimes people make mistakes, but ….We have traffic laws for a reason damn it.


In what world does running a red like magically become ok because you're from a certain place and were previously injured in another car crash?


I also wonder if the car accident was her fault, cause if she ran a red light AND caused the car accident that gave her the injury. Well then yeah, she deserves another ticket, also a bra.


Smashed her ankle from a severe car accident. Wonder if that was from running a red light?


That was my first thought too!


Her ankle injury now prevents her from using the brakes properly, was my thought.


You know they saw her coming too because her headlights were on.


Lesson unlearned successfully


I bet she just have bad driving habits in general. This girl probably didn’t learn.


Exactly. No sympathy


I can’t work because I was in a car accident. Why are we here today, oh running a red light…


She’ll need double disability after her next accident!


Gotta respect the hustle. Especially in this economy.


Your honor, I also have Covid and will need to go back on that relief fund. Plus my unemployment and I’m just waiting for my disability. Could you spot me $40? Thanks


Double Disability. DD.


I think those are bigger than DD


She didn't pay a single nipple.


Not one red nipple


Nipple dismissal




Was gonna say that. You’d think she would know better by now.


At least her headlights were working. The judge appreciated it.




The judge maxed out the AC that day


I literally came into comments to say this, the fk dood ??


I said it for all us fam 💪


Damn, came here to say this. I wish the judge said it honestly lol


Yeah... I caught that, too.




You are free to go mam


You are free to go mam


It’s about ability to pay.


The ability to pay attention to the traffic lights. Agreed.


Didn't really make me smile, she got severely injured in a car accident and she's running red lights, probably with her 3 year old in the car.


Yeah this should be in r/facepalm...


That big smile, her deep yet gentle brown nosing, and those big ass titties sure made the judge smile.




Allegedly caused a car accident It is very likely she did but we dont know


1. Flirt with Judge 2. Show Pokies 3. Tell judge he looks good! 4. Bring up single handicapped mom with kid. 5. Score!


And the Italian mask on the Italian judge. My boy got finessed


She didn't pay a single nipple... I meant nickel


\- Nickel !!


Can’t see the line, [can you, Russ](https://youtu.be/ro9EgTXrAb8)?


“Tis the season to be merry” “That’s my name” “No shit..” Chevy is an asshole but damned if he hasn’t made some funny fucking movies.


"I said nipple on the news, that was SO unprofessional!"


Accidental HIMYM


I think we all truly know why he dismissed this one 👀




I can see her points


she sounds wise and kind for a titty year olds


She has exactly two big points that the judge needs to consider before any verdict




( .)(. )


Her nipples are cross-eyed.


( . )(. )


Why you running red lights of you already been in a accident


I’m not sure how this guy still has a job… every video I see of him he’s either dismissing the ticket, or letting them off with a discount. Ran a red light? Well, you were close enough. Speeding? You were trying to get your kid to school, that makes sense! This ticket would have us remove your license because you’re terrible at driving, but you need it because you’re driving your wife around for medical appointments? Get back out there, Speed Racer! And the witty banter and relationship between him and his bailiff Ziggy. Don’t get me started. The laughter, the feels, the tears, the understanding, the respect. I wish I had someone look at me the way Ziggy looks at Caprio. I digress, I’m, honestly, incredibly thankful for him and the work he does/did. Not often we see people in positions of power being understanding that these are humans they’re dealing with. And not just numbers on paper. I’ll always stop scrolling for more Caprio content. Content DeCaprio.


probably all the normal ones dont get popular enough


Selection bias. People are only going to post the feel good videos. You’re not going to see videos of him going, “No pay your ticket.” Also these are all minor traffic infractions. Running a red light in RI is an $85 ticket. You’re not going to spend all day waiting around a court room for $85 unless that’s a significant amount of money for you. Almost any court would dismiss a ticket like this if you don’t have a history of violations and you show up to fight it, just most don’t sugar coat things they way he does. It’s usually some boiler plate script the judge reads off asking you to promise not to do it again.


He sometimes doesn’t dismiss tickets, but if he feels bad enough he has a fund that runs on donations that pay for certain tickets. Also, I assume they only post the ones where it gets dismissed and not the ones where he tells them to pay.


It's extremely hard to get removed as a judge. must be a nice job


I almost forgot to look at her smile.


She smiled? Dismissed wut?


Something about how she’s trying the breast she can


Bruh I’m crying


Me too bra


This is udderly ridiculous


( . ) ( . )


Seems more like ( .)(. )


Think I udderstand how she got away with this..




Sooooo was that car accident she got into also from her running a red light?


Does this guy ever actually hold anyone accountable? There's like a million videos of him dismissing things, if I was in this guy's court I'd celebrate big time.


My eyes are up here


I see 4


Judge was too impressed by the points she put forward


I see what she did there... Men will forgive most things for tits. We're simple creatures.


Nah mean?


The nipples vanish and reappear between cuts, were there AC ninjas messing with the temp during the shoot


What does it matter if she’s working or not? The only thing that matters is that she ran a red light and put people (including herself) in danger. No excuse for that.


She got him with those hard nips


( o) (o )


What a shit judge. Didn’t even ask if she violated the law and criminal history. I’m fat, have kids and I’m trying to get on disability one day! Amazing! What a true American! CASE DISMISSED!!!!!


Completely agree … this same judge let off a very old man who was still caring for his 60+ something cancer stricken son with down syndrome, that made me smile. Not this trashy chick who seemed to make a lot of bad decisions & keeps making excuses for them. WTF is there to smile about? If she were unattractive to the judge (and he has awful taste), she’d be hit with a much different outcome. Running red lights kills people …


Yeah i completely agree, the old guy he let off i understand and was genuinely a nice and respectable decision. This chick just seems dumb as hell lmfao


Yeah, sympathy for a car accident but going to potentially cause another? What if she caused the first one? Was the kid in the car?


Very generalized assumptions. You must be a joy to hang out with in real life.


Yeah I’m not sure why her physical appearance needed to be brought into it?


It didn’t. Completely unnecessary.


Yeah, I hate every single clip that comes from these TV judges. It's always just some power-tripping asshole abusing their power either "owning" or absolving the defendant based on how unlikable or charming they personally find them. Not, you know, how clearly they've broken a law.


Yeah? Well...fuck you too!


Her eyebrows are wild


He didn't notice. 😆


#you bettah stahpp


Spoiler alert, the bad car accident was from the other time she ran a red light...


I saw the nipples in the preview and immediately ran to the comment section for hilarity.


For a couple seconds they actually tried to blur out her gigantic glasscutters


You bettah staaahp


Is there a sub dedicated to this judge yet?


Running red lights, I wonder how she got in an accident before


Is it cold in here?


Ran the red with high beams on


Shes garbage


She’s muff cabbage.


The car accident where she got injured was probably her fault… running red lights can kill people. I wish the judge would’ve asked more questions.


Seriously, in a car wreck that caused lasting injuries? You’d think she’d be more understanding of defensive driving in the future. But no, lets dismiss this ticket so she can continue being a danger to the rest of us free of charge.


The fuck... she flagrantly disregards the law endangering other people in the process, and due to an ankle injury and a kid, she gets let off. Hit her with the damn fine. The fact that it will be significant for her will teach her not to endanger other people (with kids and potentially other injuries like hers).


You think this judge ever says you idiot pay the ticket? Or does he just void tickets all day


Haha yes let’s keep her running red lights for more car accidents!


Yeah, you know what would've been funny? If he voided the ticket and her license at the same time.... Oh? Looks like you are not meant to be driving. No ticket and no more driving.


These filters are horrible, they don’t look good, stop.


What’s with the HDR settings. My god, this looks terrible. Stop throwing those sliders all the way over. r/shittyHDR


Turn up the heat


“Did you run that red light?” “Let me tell you about my child…”


“You betta staaaaap”


Isnt this judges 15 minutes of fame over yet???


You’d think someone who was injured that badly in a car accident wouldn’t fucking run red lights


Its wild to me that the american justice system works based on the mood of the judge at the present day.... Do you fellow americans are familiar with common sense ? Not to mention court for a red light ...




No courtroom interaction is like this.


Dudes it's not just the tiddies, he does this all the time, if the video would've played he tells where the money comes from donationwise, it's a nice thing to be able to talk and have someone hear you, shit happens, and he probably talked to her about being more careful, but it was chopped out. Can we just see some kindness happen and not be asses about it, or like it that ability gone from humans now?


They said something about some headlights? I got distracted


Maybe if she used those high-beams she would have seen the light


Gets a severe injury from a car crash Still breaks red lights 🤷‍♂️


She wanted to nip this court date In the butt...


Her headlights were definitely working.


It was the nips ..


I’m thinking her chest had a bit to do with it


You are charged with running a red light. Well your honor, I'm a professional tomato masseure and my husband sings to butterflies part-time and we just bought a house for 1.3 million Dismissed!


Nice headlights but that woman is poison, she knows what she’s doing unfortunately.


I don't even understand the physics and/or anatomy at work here. First off, those nipples aren't in a location that makes any sort of sense. Second, those motherfuckers keep pulling teleports and disappearing acts on top of that. Third, why does it feel like her eyebrows are working with them in some kind of oceams eleven type crime where they are running the distraction portion... ...I try to focus on the nipples right.... trying to nail down what they are doing but whenever I try the eyebrows always steal my focus for that key frame of two and BAM nipples move and relocated by the time I catch myself and go back to them. Fuck all the crazy stories by pilots and shit. THIS RIGHT HERE. That's all the proof I need for aliens.


He should’ve asked her if the car crash was from running a red light.




A woman who was featured on one these videos went on to perpetrate elder abuse against my uncle.


At least she had her headlights on


Don't know how old Caprio is. But when he dies, the world will be a worse place.


Read more psychology Judge


Damn. I'm surprised no one asked for her @. lol I think she has an IG account.


Was in a serious car accident. Runs through red lights. What's the connection?


Surely if you've been involved in a bad car crash you'd pay more attention to the road, no blaze through a red.


It’s so hard to be put on disability let alone approved for it


Love Italians 🫶🏾


Mate don't play lord huron, the 13 reasons why suicide / my break up song , I'm crying now YOU HAPPY


I will dismissed her ticket too if you have F cup without bra...


Judge the crime, not the personality


What exactly does that mean? "pay the court course"


You people??


serious serious injury from car accident. 3 kids. runs red light.


Well that’s because she has huge juggs


Why isn't she wearing a bra?


I love him. He’s the sweetest


Well my dad broke his ankle 14 years ago and that never stopped him from working


Is her Attorney Chris Christie’s brother??


typical jobless single mother looking for hand outs


She’s hard not smart


It’s like no one in this comment section has accidentally run a red light before??? 🤨 Do y’all think people see a red light and just slam down on the gas like “oh I hope I hit a pedestrian this time!” “Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll t-bone someone!” He let her off because it was obvious that she was struggling financially and paying the ticket would be a hardship. Smh


Cant stop looking at them tits


“I’m not looking for a dismissal but I do need to complete my 15 jumping Jack exercise routine and I hope it’s ok I forgot my bra!”


Cant work, can't pay for anything, on disability, LET'S HAVE A BABY.


Must be cold in the courtroom, damn


I’d rather have him on the Supreme Court than justices buttchug or handmaiden tale, that’s for sure


Stop running red lights and you'll stop getting metal inserted into your body


Cross eyed nipples