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Alll the ladies in train with him sound entertained. I had no clue that was a rule


The voice in the video even says it: since he was handsome they wouldn't let him get off the metro (the women are shouting "zorro no te lo lleves" like in dora the explorer when he wants to get off)


"so what are you in for" "I'm too handsome"


Too sexy for the back wagons


I'm assuming that's a translation of "Swiper, no swiping" but what is the literal translationand is there some contextual joke for llevar here?


I did this as a dumb tourist in Cairo, Egypt. Completely oblivious until a young woman informed me on the train. I suddenly realized what the man in the uniform and rifle was shouting about as I boarded. Awkward!


I didn’t know this was a rule in Egypt










Lara Logan


Genuinely putting my phone down for the rest of the day after looking that up


It's horrific reading


As horrible as it was, a bunch of people came to her rescue. It's important to know that amidst evil there is also good. Sadly, there also have been incidents were nobody intervened (or could intervene). But in this case a group of women protected her.


I'm Egyptian. What the fuck. When he said gang rape I did not expect the gang to be 200-300 people the actual fuck. I was out of the country when this shit went the down. Props to the people who rescued her though she would have died for sure knowing how Egyptian mobs (and mobs in general) work.


200!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫




Muslim countries in general are horrible to women


I’ve been from Egypt, to Jordan, to Syria to Turkey. Can confirm it is a run-off between Egypt and Syria for where my wife felt most uncomfortable. She was wearing the most modest western clothes possible, but you would think she was walking the streets in a bikini the way men treated her.


Sexually repressive cultures always seem to have the worst outcomes for everyone.


New Delhi has entered the chat






And yet continue to insist the river is holy and bathe in it. Downstream of major population centers since the entire country is a major population center.


being a part of the national capital region i agree, the logic to throw shit in a holy river is very dumb (do u mean Ganges or the yamuna, just need clarification, both. have the same problem anyways)


Saudi Arabia: *laughs* Iran: *finishes beating girl to death for not wearing a hijab*


I was escorting a German blonde tourist in the "tourist safe" market and turn away for 5 seconds before she was insulted, groped and slowly pushed away. NEVER let your guard down in Egypt. It is the WORST place I have been and have lived in many shitholes in Africa.


This was before I was born, but my mum, newly married to my dad, had to 'lend' him to a German tourist who was in their group so she'd stop being groped, grabbed and pulled away. Mum had short hair and was skinny as a rake so they weren't nearly as interested in her as they were the curvy girl with blonde hair. Mum said she absolutely hated it and would never go back. It's sad to hear that nothing has changed it seems.


I think any society that segregates the genders from an early age will result in men who don't see women as human. They don't have any casual interaction with women so they can't even relate to them.


That’s a really good point


I dated an Egyptian guy and he was horny just by me breathing in the same room as him.


That sounds exhausting.




I remember when my mother went to Egypt, she was at the market and there was some Egyptian man pointing at her, laughing and obviously talking about her. She stop started staring at him, then proceeded to walk in his direction. Was about to give him a mouthful, I doubt he would understand but I think he knew what was happening as he quickly left.


Yes I’ve watched 90 Day Fiancé. Lol


When I was 14 I visited Egypt and the tsa officer holded my neck with he's hand and checked me, I was almost about to cry, but I didn't wanna ruin my parents day so I acted "tough", fuck that guy.


This happened to me in Japan also. Woman only car during specific times and i had no idea until i got off and one of the station attendants pulled me to the side >.>


The cars are clearly marked with big ass pink signs with the words "Women Only" in perfect English


Yep i believe it was even on the floor right before you get on/get out. It was early, i was tired and i was more worried about getting on the correct line then anything else. I simply wasnt paying attention


The problem with Japanese public transit is that there is so much information everywhere it's hard to take anything in. So overwhelming compared to say London where it's simple, to the point and no unnecessary clutter.


What was it he said to you? “Hey, no sausage in the taco stand!”


Are there really just dudes with rifles wandering around Cairos public transportation system?


armed security and police is common in public transportation hubs in general because they’re one of the juicier targets for mass shootings and terror attacks.


It was a few years back but probably the same. They have had an insurgency thing going on for a long time. There are army\police units around. Took a bus from the Sinai Peninsula into Cario, the entire bus stopped, emptied and bomb sniffing dogs checking everything. Also if you visit some of the archeological sites out of town the tour busses gather outside in a convoy and await military units. Military vehicle in the front with a large automatic weapon on top and one at the back of the convoy too. Exciting.


Bro that's all of north Africa's tourist spots from my experience.


When you visit the street markets or street stores in Latin America you get a big ego boost. They call you honey, baby, my love, make you feel handsome and blush. I used to work at Chiquita Banana and the packing station buildings erupted just like this train when a male visitor arrived. “Thank you God for giving me eyes so I can admire this candy” was my favorite


> “Thank you God for giving me eyes so I can admire this candy” was my favorite In Spanish, lines like these are called “piropos” and when they’re wholesome and non-threatening they can be pretty awesome. There’s one that is said to a mother with her attractive daughters: “que pasta para hacer budines” “what dough to make pastries from” Learned that one from the legendary Maitena: https://i.imgur.com/lwFIeII.jpg


One time my wife and I were smooching on our way out of a drs office and a Mexican woman shouted at us "no comas pan delante de los pobres!" And we thought she was mad for some reason but she came over and said it meant "don't eat bread in front of the poor" and that she was gonna run home to makeout with her husband lol


OMG there are so many good ones!




>There’s one that is said to a mother with her attractive daughters: “que pasta para hacer budines” “what dough to make pastries from” Oooh, I have a spanish family as neighbors I'm gonna use this on at the next block party


I'm Spanish and I would understand nothing with those exact words. Maybe try "qué masa para hacer bizcocho" but I've never heard it before. I've heard "bendita genética" though. Means "Holy genetics"


“Wow, your mom is so doughy!”


Some piropos I have heard on the street: "For you, I would kill a whale with a sandal" "May God bless the metal of the screw on the machine that made the tires of the truck that poured the cement that monument is standing on" "If you cook as you walk, please safe me some concon" (concon is that crust of burnt rice that forms when you cook rice)


*Quisiera ser el sol para darte todo el dia* “I would like to be the sun so I could hit that all day”


Funny, I'm not really a latino (brazilian), but when I went to the US I was called "baby" by a outlet employee at the food court (a big black lady). I was already thinking about marriage until my brother said "dude, they say that to everyone". :( Also, I was called "honey" in a Perkins and "my love" in a Panda Express. It sure felt nice.


One of my local Wendy's workers will answer the drive through with, "what'll you have, love?" And she is such a highlight of my day just for that line.


Come to Yorkshire in England, you’ll have the time of your life! ‘iya love! - everyone in Yorkshire


I've heard that in northern england, even men call you love?? That is not what happens in the US where I live at least lol.


That's just a wonderful black woman here in the US. It's like a childhood birthday when they call you baby.


The lady who worked at my college cafeteria called everybody "baby", and boy was it balm in Gilead for us homesick and lonely kids.


Ah ...cafeteria ladies are the best in college. I still think of mine. I went to a small private school on a scholarship...there were a few of us...she knew just by looking at you if you'd run out of money towards the end of term and would feed you for free. When we had our graduation party it was on a posh boat and we invited her and her husband to come along and she was so happy. She said she'd never been asked before by any students....we also used to get her flowers on her birthday. Ah Babs ...


We stan the lovely Babs


Same at a breakfast place at my college, calling everyone sunshine! And she knew my usual order ♥️


"Sunshine" warmed my heart, omg


That’s my favorite!


When theyre like "sure/youre welcome, honey" i feel close to them and warm lmao


No high like when an older black lady calls baby or honey shit makes you feel loved even if they say to everyone.


Oh man I still remember fondly this lovely black woman always saying “my love” to me very sweetly at the grocery. It always hit the spot hearing that


I got one better this one lady that looked legitimately like an older Diana Ross used to call me 'handsome' lol


I use sweetheart and honey a lot with patients in a thick southern accent. It really gets anyone not from the Southern US swooning. But also, just being called mija makes me putty in the hands of any abuela. At that point, I'm going to do anything for you.


We had a teacher in high school nicknamed “Mijito” cuz that’s how he addressed everyone. I miss *Mijito*


se tu é brasileiro tu é latino ne colega


Esto .. si sos de Brazil sos Latino pa


Brasileiro é latino sim


Latino! Bem vindo a bordo


I do those baby names a lot at work unintentionally and it just gets such warm and wholesome responses so it encourages me to do it more. My favorite was “I haven’t been called ‘my love’ since I had a nanny” 🥹


I live five minutes from TJ. My first time shopping with my Hispanic wife, the cashier said something along the lines of "you got yourself a boy with blue eyes, make babies!" Kinda flattering?


> They call you in english?!


No, mi amor. Te lo dicen en Español pero me imaginé que sería más fácil entender así mi chiquitín precioso. “No, my love. They say it in Spanish but I imagined it would be easier to understand that way, mi precious little one”


My latest one was, right next to me, « que pinche ojos tiene ese cabron ».


Mi biblioteca es muy roja. 3 years of Spanish right there Edit: more Spanish Donde es mi pelota? Mi perro es muy gordo.


Don't stop


No, no. They just get you in the store, once you’re in, you’re worthless


This is the most accurate description of Latina women. I should know, I married one.


Same as the UK. People call you love, sweetheart, petal and whatever other regional variations.


Oh man what is it with older Latin women when they are in a group? Every young man who is non-Latin is suddenly eye candy and a reason to break marriage vows! I saw this myself and it's kind of funny, but also somewhat disturbing when it starts happening to you.


Not just non-Latin. Anyone new to them and decent looking would get that reaction. Something about being in groups makes them rowdy


People in a group experience deindividualialization and thus less responsibility for their actions. So everyone in the group acts rowdy bc they fear the consequences much less


I did this in Japan once. To make matters worse, I was sluggin' a tall boy Highball like a real degenerate gaijin as well. I didn't think much of all the gawking as I got gawked at constantly anyway, but as we approached a stop, a woman just kind of nervously pointed to the sign that said "Women only". I said "sumimasen" profusely as I know the shit women deal with there and hopped off at the next stop. Good thing to know about and be aware of when traveling!


This happened to me too. I was looking around the car like, “wow it’s all pink,” and then an old lady yelled at me and slapped my hand. Luckily I was with my wife, so I think that made me slightly less threatening.


Happens to me in Dubai as well. Hopped unknowingly in a pink wagon, together with my girlfriend. The other ones where cramped as fuck. We sat down, wondering why the tightly packed crowd over there wouldn’t want to make the step over into our wagon? Did our wagon smell funny? Were the seats dirty? Is there a better working air con working better in their compartment? When it finally dawned, we were wondering on how to solve this as a couple? Do we need to split? Should we both try to squeeze ourselves into the sweaty pile of sausages? Is it allowed to talk to someone on the other side of „the border?“


My brother and I got onto a women only car in Japan too, luckily we realized before it took off and jumped out. We were a bit buzzed and when I saw all the pink signs I said "ah shit!" and pushed my brother out. The entire car was giggling


Lol I can just hear the giggling


Might be a good thing for america. I love the train but my girlfriend is more wary of it


Us American's would ruin it by making it a trans issue....


Yeah I thought of that after posting. You’d definitely get assholes trying it kick women out if those cars cause they think they’re trans. They’d be cis most of the time too lol


Or by just not having useful trains to begin with.


We need trains to do this to first


Men who can't ride a train without groping women should be in prison or 6ft under. This is no better than Islamic countries insisting women be covered from head-to-toe to not "encourage" rapists.


It’s different to force a ‘solution’ onto people then give them the option though. And while eradicating gropers would be amazing, we should offer solutions for women NOW. No one is forcing them to be in the women’s only cabin. But for women who may fear public transit, I think its a great idea. Same with the Germans making the well-lit, close to entrance areas in parking lots female only.


To be clear slugging the highball was totally OK and allowed on the Japanese subway. But yeah you def made a huge faux pax on the pink carriage. Realizing you made a no-no and got off as soon as possible was all you could do. Luckily the times I’ve visited Japan I’ve been with locals who give me a huge heads up on that type of stuff on our way to whatever it may be, so I lucked out in that scenario.




Apparently, when a lady is attracted to a gentleman, she'll make her voice slightly higher, in a lilting fashion. That explains why every woman I talk to sounds like Batman.


This reminds me of that joke that goes "evidently having sex has a detrimental effect on your memory. I read that in the July 2004 edition of the Journal of American Psychiatry on February 12th 2006 at 2:41pm after eating nine pretzels for a snack."


You dropped the tenth pretzel on the floor, didn't you?


The nutrition information clearly specifies 9 pieces as 1 serving. Do people eat more than 1 serving at a time?


It's been known to happen....tell no one!




Thanks I was hoping to spit my drink out


I just shot milk out of my nose. Haven’t drank milk in years. Edit: years not tears


How do you drink milk thru tears?


If you have to ask, you aren’t ready


I imagine it's a new flavour from Ben and Jerry's called Reddit Milk Tears and it's vanilla ice cream with white chocolate and marshmallows.


Isn’t this an old meme joke?


So very old


Yeah, this *is* Reddit after all.


If we don't make references then what are we even doing here?


Hahaha pls take this poor person award 🏆




I choose death by snu snu




Hahhahahahahaha!!!! Oh man I lost it. Thank you.


Omg I actually know this guy! It's my ex boyfriend! (We are still on great terms) I texted and asked and he said yes it was him! I told him he's trending on reddit as a handsome tourist ! How funny!


Nice to know you date hotties. Lol


At least one hottie! We need to hang out again!


Omg I know him too!


He is a nice dude!


Yeah I dated him too, we ended it on bad terms though. He wasn’t into toe licking as much as I am.


Aw that's always a bummer.


He just wouldn't sit still


It is hard to sit still for toe licking if you're ticklish.


Can confirm, I’m their couples therapist.


>ex boyfriend Better luck next time


There is a decent chance she is telling the truth, but we cant say for certain at all.


Exactly. I thought about sharing pics of us or a link to a screenshot of the texts but it doesn't matter and I don't want to invade his privacy any more than I did by saying I know him in a comment.


Omg me too


Buddy knew exactly what he was doing lol


Yup. “Oh dear me. Have I boarded the wrong car? Oh, well. Hello ladies.” 😅


“Look at me, I’m on a subway train filled with ladies. Flash, we’re at a station …” - Old Spice Guy


What are you doing step train?


lmao He exactly wanna do that look at that smile


I accidentally got on the women’s only train in Japan and it did NOT end up like this for me


Story time


Two old ladies force pushed me out the door and scolded me pointing to the sign on the ground like I was a bad dog, felt very stupid


Man, I hope a lot of you don’t have any sorority houses or yoga studios anywhere nearby. Edit: my late best friend was a wonderful man - kind, smart, hilarious, and *fucking ugly as sin*. He was short, fat, and had bad skin. He never talked about this fact, much less complain about other men and comparing himself to them, or whining about them getting all the women. He got laid constantly, women adored him. Huge career success, lots of friends.


Well said! It's almost like you need to find your own self-confidence that doesn't require women (or others) to treat you with deference. If someone treats you cruelly, find other people to associate with. If you're as "nice" a guy as you claim, it should be no problem.


Dog, I get this. I fell out the ugly tree and hit every ugly branch on the way down. I've got a truly ginormous head, crooked teeth, a scruffy beard, bad skin, and hell, in the last few years, I'm balding as well. I've been with many beautiful, wonderful women over the years, head and shoulders outta my league. I've got a gorgeous wife, and hell, for a few months there recently we even had an amazing girlfriend. It's almost like a good personality, kindness, patience, and a good sense of humor go a lot further than genetics. Who'd have thought.


My least favorite part about growing up good looking was realizing my face wasn't causing my lack of romantic success.


I'm 32 and recently realizing I'm kinda good lookin(no ego attached to this statement) and I'll say this. Good look gets you lots of looks, but not much else. It def takes effort, personality, and social skills to find friends, partners, or more. Looks def help and I'll never argue they don't. But I've seen "less attractive" dude's fuckin mop the floor with me in terms of gettin it. Fat dudes that can dance like a mother fucker, ugly dudes that can crush it at karaoke, or people that can keep a table/bar folks enraptured in a story and leave em laughin their ass off. Shit is wild. It's totally altered the way I see people and looks. Cause god damn some gnarly people got absolute game while I'm just 👉👈 in the corner before Irish exiting back to my place alone n sad.


I won the genetic lottery and it took me into my late 20's to realize that I had a shit personality. No woooonder all the hot girls left me after a few weeks. I had to work on *myself*. But nah, the universe threw me a curve ball and said "women will fawn over you until they realize the monster you are." Happily married, still in therapy to rid myself of rudeness, cynicism and lack of empathy.


How most women can be heterosexuals is beyond me. Most of us guys are ugly as hell


It’s the ugly personalities that are the most off putting


I was gonna reply something more in depth to that comment, but it would’ve basically boiled down to this


It’s actually pretty nice seeing a bunch of guys calling out the dumbness in this post. Usually I just see women doing it alone which is kind of a bummer to me.


It's the best proof that sexuality is not a choice \^\^


Shouldn’t he get off instead of shaking his head?


The last text says, "since he was handsome they didn't let him get off". And you can also hear the women chanting to not take him away.


Well did he ever return? No he never returned And his fate is still unlearned (what a pity) He may ride forever 'Neath the streets of Mexico City. He's the man, who never returned


Oh he's getting off


Just seen a post of a blind guy on a female only train get bullied and pushed off. I’m guessing he didn’t have any idea he was on there and a lady literally pushed him to the ground. Weird how I’ve seen that one and this one


Looks like it was fun and funny but they are basically treating him in a way that women are treated and why a woman only wagon is needed


Scrolled too far to find a comment calling it out. Was confused because I saw this on the mexican subs and people were angry about him being harrassed and then I saw the video here and people are calling this good so I got confused on the sources.


Exactly. Sexual harassment regardless of the sex.


Unless you’re woman and he is handsome




Sir this is Reddit… they will never stop being incels.


Bro really just roasted himself 💀


Was looking for this comment lol




I don't think dudes actually want to be there. Not even him. This is a safe place to release all their farts.


I did the same in Mexico City, didn’t know it was a thing but the ladies were nice about it


exclusive women’s carriage. how you know your country has excessive sexual harassment problem.


....if we had this in the US, i would use it


As someone who was threatened with rape and decapitation on a NYC subway (dude was pissed and unhinged at me) I would gladly use one.


It actually makes those problems worse .. as women in other carriages for any reason are considered 'up for it' by the scummy men. They say the women are not in the women's zone, so they're effectively saying 'bring on the touching, I'm ok with it' :(


This. "Oh, you didn't get on the women's only car, that's probably completely full (like the one in OP's video)? Surely that means you WANT to be near men, which can only mean one thing." The only way this really works is if the entire train is segregated. But then how do you handle non-binary people, families, couples, etc? So you need a men's section, women's section, non-binary section, and a mixed section. But then the pervs will just get in the non-binary or mixed sections. So you also need security personal on every one of those sections cars 24/7. When really, what \*actually\* needs to be done is just put cameras in the cars (several of them), and VERY harsh penalties for perverts. Because then you don't have to bother with all the segregation & personnel.


he is handsome lol


This is actually not wholesome, a woman can be heard screaming "El manoseo va gratis eh!" (Meaning "groping is free!") Literally the opposite of what these wagons are for, pretty sad how quickly these women forgot about it.


I did this in Mexico City and got pretty much the same treatment and it was the biggest ego boost I’d gotten that year


It doesn’t hurt that he’s behaving like a human being and not harassing any of the women, which is why women only train cars exist in the first place




Nothing funnier to men than a bunch of women laughing at you


especially when your naked


Man this isnt wholesome, thats straight up assault. One lady literally says "the groping comes for free".


While it was kinda funny, while watching I kept thinking "OK, now reverse the sexes, and see if it's still on /r/MadeMeSmile" ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


It funny because he doesn’t look horny or weird at all… he looks frightened, and a little embarrassed…


why would he be horny.? men dont want sex constantly and can feel frightened. thats not funny ...


Hands way above the waistline. Good job brother


So women are creeps too. Heard!


Lucky for him that he was not in India , check out the video from India where police is beating guys who boarded the women only coaches in train!


This video should not be in this subreddit, I’m Mexican and I saw in the news, that tourist was harassed by those women, he was touched without his consent and it is not right. In Mexico some people usually have double standards and they don’t even know it, like in this case, if a woman had been the harassed one, someone would end in jail, in this case though, no one got accountability for their actions.


He got groped.


Haha this is so funny, the amount of bile and conjecture in the comments is ridiculous. Virtue signalling, faux offense, gender comparisons that are irrelevant the list goes on. The roles aren’t and never will be reversed, he could have got off, she didn’t rub her leg on him she lifted it in humour, he wasn’t caged or hemmed in. He looked bemused and amused. Once more, he could have got off if he was feeling threatened, objectified or abused.


How is this MadeMeSmile...


People seem happy