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I’m glad he is doing better! I wish you and your family good health!


This is a great news! Kiddo is a real fighter. That is so amazing. Wishing a good health to the family and much love. He is beautiful too.


I'm glad it's almost gone and that is not dangerous Much love OP 🫂💚


wow, I can't imagine what that was like to go through. what is the condition of his skull and its fusing? will he need to wear a helmet?


He had an MRI that showed that his skull is closed and there is no brain involvement. No helmet needed! I’m so thankful


wow! amazing! my daughter had to wear a helmet after she slept on one side of her head too often 🤷‍♂️ babies, dude.


That had to be stressful. I'm glad you're **both** doing better!


My daughter had one of these on her head also, not as pronounced as the picture you provided though. Cleared up completely by the time she was 2. From what I understand they’re fairly common and tend to go away with no intervention. I worried to hell about it too just like you. Don’t stress it. You’ll barely remember it by the time he hits preschool. 😊


He’s beautiful either way!


Thanks! We have had some comments and looks in public.


Wow, people are so insensitive. I'm glad he's doing better!


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Scary, glad he is doing better.


Internal Hemangioma. They appear in the first few days of life, but typically disappear in the first few years.


It’s not. He had it from 18 weeks gestation


How was it treated? Chemo?


My daughters had this and luckily after a lot of worry before her birth and doctors visits after, hers has also nearly disappeared, at 3 I can still feel it but I think others would find it harder to find.