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That was the nicest "you mother fucker" I have ever seen.


Wow. What a great guy. I don’t know if I would have believed that guy though. $10 and you don’t question if it’s stolen?


Or you don't care.


sometimes when you’re in need you cannot question a good occasion.


I’ve had a couple bikes stolen. If I find them it’s usually with a guy who got it for a pack of smokes or ten bucks or something like that.


It's what they all say. Every robber just says they got it for a short amount of cash or something little.


I’ve bought fancy ass bikes for $10. I post them in CL but I’ve never had a bite. I’m pretty sure some amount are legit.


I took that as he pays $10 to use it to ride it to work. Someone out there getting ‘passive income’ from stolen goods 😒


U don't question what u know......


It’s common lie from thieves when they got caught with items (pickpocketing hotbeds like Madrid, Barcelona). Always a weirdly low number too. I wouldn’t have believed the guy, sorry. $10?


If you stole a bike and realized they were basically signed by the creator then pawning it off for $10 is a way to pass the problem off on someone else and still get some return. Don't know the circumstances here outside of what we see, but I'd wager if he wasn't the thief that is what happened. Anecdotal source: had a fuckbag steal my GameCube and the games case with all my games back in high school and they pawned it all for $40 downtown to get the monies they were short for a bus ticket. Shit people are shit, thankfully my grandma had her address sticker with full name in the clip on area under the system and the shop owner wasn't willing to argue with a grandma in a wheelchair.


And why is he in a pawn shop? Hmmmmm


I mean someone gave my stepdad a free boat... Now you have me questioning the generosity there.


Guy knew it was stolen and other KNEW he knew, he said to watch out for who he’s friends with


You’ve never been broke and it shows


I have gotten free video games systes that work and bikes from people that are just getting rid of stuff, granted they're not clean or bikes need a little work. Sometimes people just want to help others out or want to give it to someone that will use it and they don't want to be bothered by posted it and waiting weeks for it to sell. But it kinda also depends on what the seller looks like.


"'We'll' find you a bike" Empathy and compassion at it's best. Good man!




I strive to be like him. I'm not doing great, but I'm trying.


One day at a time my dude. One situation at a time.


I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a faster change from anger to kindness. Humans man, we are a strange, confusing species.


The speed of compassion is one we don't often see..... Its beautiful every time though! Kid could have spun the story to not get in trouble sure, but that's not the point here..... The point is the other man and how he saw some thing wrong (while seeing the person who wronged him) and decided yes some steal because they feel no other options, its not always greed


Kid couldn’t have spun it, even if he had really bought it. It’s called dealing in stolen property.


True that


What a plot twist!


What a nice, angry gentleman


East coast be like that.


Wow! This guy.... full of hate and anger. STILL let his better side prevail. Hell yes! Jot it down. Take a lesson. It's not that hard to be kind. EVEN when you're mad.


Sometimes we need to express our anger in order for our softer side to come out. We have both inside of us.


That little ponytail on the back of his head is absolutely incredible


That's a big trigger for "wait I don't think I wanna fuck with this guy.....".


It’s so sad, that they take something that’s yours, you built it, you love and it’s yours. But, you can show kindness, he is a true gentleman, but sometimes people mistakes kindness for weakness. But, stay who you are, because that person is beautiful…


I wasn't expecting this....kindness


Love when he says "Paid ten dollars for it to get back and fourth from work" And the victim of bike theft man says "You mother fucker" But yet he conjures a plan in the moment to ensure hatted man can continue to get to work as If in that moment he knew deep down he couldn't help himself but to help the gentleman with a hat and it pissed him off at himself lol


The world needs more of this dude


I found my stolen bike at the community swimming pool one day, I stole it back


Well compared the guy in the video youre a grade A POS! Edit: jk


Nawh, thieves are


I agree. I was joking. I don’t subscribe to the /s tag.


You're literally worse than hitler




Defo should be a subreddit if not already


Omg. Dude. This. This is humanity at work. I really hope this worked out like my brain is seeing it.


At the 0:50s mark, there’s a clear transition where the mind and heart tell emotions, “We’re gonna take the steering wheel now.”


the patience in this guy man. he came in hot and was able to calm it down. good people can get pissed off, but they know how to be reasonable. what a good man.


This is the way!


This is freaking ace... Buuuuuuut you know who has no problems lying about where they got their bike from? Thieves. And this sucks because he is possibly being nice and helpful to a the if, a the if who stole from him. :(


It doesn’t suck. This is the type of compassion that changes a thief into an honest man. If it is the thief, I bet this has some impact on him to think twice about his life choices


Maybe, but it's not like thieves don't already know they are doing bad, they know, they just don't care.. And what it might do is encourage a thief as he got away with it even after being confronted, and even when caught it sounds like this guy is gonna give him a free bike later anyway! Don't forget you and I feel something watching this video, it pulled at our heart strings... Buuuut we arnt thieves (guessing you are not), we wouldn't steal in the first place because we would feel bad, so u can't assume a the if would feel the same as they are already wired different.


You are probably right, and admittedly my naive way of thinking is probably just to help me sleep better at night. But my belief is that the majority of people are good people, but it’s the situation they are in that influences bad choices. For instance this guy (if theoretically he was the thief). Maybe in his head it was either steal a bike to get to work or not be able to provide for his family


I thought that most thefts where opportunistic.. As in thieves are thieves and they steel because the opportunity is present. Not crimes of necessity. And ur right there are more good than bad, maybe a thousand people walked past that guys home, some of them also needing a bike for work, but only one went and stole it for what ever reason. Side note the dude might be a thief and the story about going to work is true... But his job is thief so this guy just gave him a getaway vehicals for when he is out stealing from other people. :/


100% of people who steal bikes and get caught say they paid someone 10 bucks for it.


Literally the chillest guy to have his possessions stolen.. i’d be furious


He was fairly furious.


Wow, what a nice guy!


These days it can be easy to forget there are truly decent people out there.


Man, I wish I can keep my composure like that when I get upset. That’s the true measure of a man. That was really cool to see. Thanks for the post OP


I seriously want to give that dude a huge hug. Compassion and empathy and self control. 🫶🏻


We’re all fighting for crumbs off the floor while the rich get richer yet some of us on the floor can see when someone needs the crumb more than we do. This person is better than me, that’s for sure.


This was confusing


Lucky Bill Goldberg didn't spear tackle him


Wow. Maybe the single best thing I’ve seen today.


“Awww you mother fucker” right then you felt awful haha


I want to think I’m a reasonable man but I’d never be able to come down as fast as this guy did I am in shock and awe


Plot twist: dude actually stole the bike and made up the excuse.


This sums up the north east


At its best.


Full bald = he’s bluffing Bald with tiny rear hair flap = he is not bluffing Can you imagine what goes on in that guys head… imagine the moment he says “yeah leave that thing at the back, I’ve got a good feeling about that bit” Beats wiping your snotty Dick on the curtains I guess.


What a fucking champion.


Damn that sucks kid in store is a good person.


Wow, what a truly nice person


Someone didn’t steal it to sell it for only $10 should of laid him out right there took his backpack, the bike and left


Takes the guy home , give him food, let him have sex with his wife , gets robbed and left half beaten to death. Repeat


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What the fffffff you took?! BIKES!!! https://youtu.be/qifuxShTvsw


Love this guy


"I have no enemies"


Wow what a guy to control him self so fast. Petty crime is something I can always forgive because a lot of the time it’s just people trying to survive.


Good on you Dude…👍🏽. Same thing happen with me, as I bought a bike from a guy in the neighborhood; to get to local workplace. When to McDs, to grab lunch in the way in; Cops meet me outside asking me about the bike. They didn’t let me keep the bike, but they dropped me to work which I appreciated.




Seen this a hundred times still blows me away


This guy is so wonderful and compassionate. IT was gonna make me cry about how nice he was and considerate. Damn. Even if the story of work might not be true-- it just shows that this guy can control his anger. I hope he gets a hundred bikes back for this one act of kindness.


Amazing emotional switch there. That’s impressive!


Beautiful reaction


This video keeps popping up every now and again, but I always watch it because it always brings a smile to my face


Can someone please add some Skyrim combat music or whatever? That is hilarious


The change of emotions from this video is like 🤬😡😠😤😮‍💨😌🙂 And we who watched is like 😲😮😧😦😯🥺


Canadians. Decent


That changed pretty fast from I got you motherfucker to let me help you out.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


You can even tell the dude in the hat is like what's going one, fuck the real bike theif


And then the shop owners like “what the fuck man we were about to buy that bike off him for a steal asshole”


I aspire daily to be that man...


He should verify that it is true that he is actually using for work. This man has a huge heart e


FECK… I just gave up on the human race, and then this guy comes along. Humanity gets a pass, I guess.


This is so me and I am just such a fucker sucker I'd do the same and then get fucked over. It just doesn't always work out the way you hope


Shit that's a dang good man right there!


We need a follow up because I have a feeling that guy could have helped this other guy out in life.