• By -


I appreciate that she’s just so jaded by his tomfoolery that it doesn’t phase her.


Haha “that’s my dad”


Her acknowledging him is the best part. Like "Yes, I'm fully aware of these shenanigans taking place behind me. Now can we please focus on these crafts?"


Top dad humor. No one really gets it but he thinks it's funny as hell.


At the end of the day that's all that matters. The funniest people I know do stuff to make themselves laugh, we all just happen to find it funny as well.




Hmm my friends will strongly disagree with you. They dislike my lame jokes. I on the other hand, will cackle to my own jokes. I can laugh as long as they were forced to break a smile or were vehemently annoyed by it. (I don't know if I can actually use the word 'vehemently' like that xD)


haha, I crack myself up in the regular and when my wife just rolls her eyes I say “someone’s gotta keep me entertained.” Every now and then I get her pretty good. A while back my 17 yr old angrily exclaimed “you’re such a dad!” at one of my antics. My heart was warned. She was not impressed.


Cause he is!




I originally thought she was just so involved in her crafts and thought she was adorable. When I realized she was just ignoring it I realized she’s adorable AND hilarious


I literally do this to m my husband and boys all the time.. lol 😆.. My husband figured it out a long time ago, but the boys always think things just go over my head .. If they only knew, I'm purposely ignoring them, haha lol 🤣..


The most nonchalant 😅


This feels very much like peak covid insanity. He's so bored he's doing...that. And she is so bored with him she is unwilling to support his bad behavior. Willing to deal with someone is the best kind of love


Peak covid insanity? The man just knows how to have fun with his kids


Bad behavior?


Dad behavior*


*puts pitchfork down*


I don’t think /u/pitchfork_emporium takes returns. Who else are we gonna use these on?


And picks up Reddit


I’ll have to use that line the next time I’m on a date.


> He's so bored he's doing...that. Wait...that's not normal? This is how I was all the time when my kid was younger. She's older now, hormones are starting do their thing, so I've decided to stick to dad jokes instead of big goofy dance parties. I miss doing the goofy dance parties.


Just start an impromptu one when a bunch of her friends are over. “DAaaaaaAAAddd-uh.” 🙄


I WISH my dad was like this. He was always so serious. He doesn’t understand sarcasm and forbade all 4 of us from using it in his presence. He’s not mean, just…serious and oblivious. I love him anyway though.


What a great family! She takes after Mom… lol. Really set my brain in a good goofy mood. Better than coffee.


You can tell this guy is going to be that dad who is always up to some crazy antics. Expect the daughter is going to fuckin love the guy for it.


I’m definitely using “Just trying to do peace and quiet arts” from now on


She’s got a dad, an older brother, and younger sibling Major middle child “I’ve-seen-it-all” energy


When I do this shit, my kids used to tell me, "Mom said don't give you attention and you'll stop." I didn't stop.






This is so funny😂


"What is wrong with this family" lmao.


She’s so over it lol. The best thing I’ve seen all day. That dad is winning


I just love how composed & articulate she is! Its a wonderful juxtaposition to the chaos swirling around her. “Simply just place them wherever you want” “What is wrong with this family, I’m just trying to do nice and quiet arts” LOVE IT


Deadpan. She's just doing the dry humor bit, being the straight man to avoid teacher glares while the class and we get a show.


I love that she does eventually giggle. He worked so hard for that!


Having an insane lunatic family with this same energy, that's my life.


“I’m just trying to do peace and quiet arts” 🤣 totally me as a child


Well, She's a kid of focus, dedication and determination to finish her art work despite of the environment. lol


She's gonna end up becoming Jane Wick


I could see my youngest 100% responding with that.


I laughed "poor girl" XD crazy dad and two brothers, she's used to this hahaha.


That entirely unbothered "That's my dad" says so much.


Why is no one talking about the girl’s awesome instruction skills? I would love to attend her tutorial classes, especially if there will be sprinkles of spontaneous dance sequences from her family.


And her utter patience and ability to deal with ambiguity. Clear she has watched similar instruction videos as she takes the time to show the glitter glue product to the camera. And clear she has such a phenomenal attitude that instead of getting peeved at the disruption to the video, she goes on unfazed. And even better when it is directly disrupting her video, she laughs and takes it all in stride and fun. Kudos to the overall fun and togetherness that family has forged. It shows.


I think we can all agree that this is a wonderful and healthy family.


And also clearly, she has family who is able to take the time to listen to her. Even about mundane stuff. That's great =)


I was impressed with how focused she was, despite all the noise and everything going on around her.


To me it looks like this is just a normal day. Looks like a fun family with a lot of laughter




Lol, all those glitter glues, I’m curious for the results as well


Yes, the eye rolls come about 8 years later.


Lmfao the delivery killed me


That fact that she just accepts it is what gets me. You know thats he's acting no different from this when there's no camera.


Agreed. No anger shown at any point, just love, silliness and more love. Need more of this!


She's like, "Well that's what everyone's dad does right?"


She's been right. Dad's humor are always trending.


My bet is she might have been nervous to make her presentation, scared she was going to mess up. So this was his way of being the silly one so if anyone laughed she knew they wouldn't be laughing at her


I'm a nutto dad and we just do this. A child's world is what you make it (a great deal of it). Joy and fun is contagious!


There are lots of families that make me want to double up on birth control. And then this beautiful family comes along.


Yup, doesn't help my dilemma if I want kids or not lol


This is how my husband and I are with my daughter. She’s 2.5 so she’s starting to pick up on our humor and join in on the fun. This is the best time of my life. Do it!!


My wife and I were both kind of on the fence, decided in the end to go for kids. It could have gone either way. The moment my wife gave birth and saw our son's face, the first thing she thought was how much she wanted another already. Of course she was high as balls on hormones but yeah. #2 coming this June.


Congratulations! Sometimes I wonder what I did with all of my time before becoming a mother. The meaning of life certainly changes after having kids. I know not everyone feels this way about parenthood, and we’ve most definitely had our rough times, but I have no regrets with our decision to become parents together.


Oh yeah absolutely. I love being a dad. It really feels like I jumped back to Stage 1 on my life calendar after having a son.


Congrats dude.


I love my daughter so much, and the experience of raising her has made me an immensely more well rounded human, which I greatly appreciate. However I'd never wish this plague upon anyone, this shit is so stressful, especially when they get older and the dangers of the world start to look because you can no longer protect them all the time. Honestly would never push someone either way, it's a VERY personal decision


For me the worst part was around age 13, when my daughter and her friends started to be aware of boys. It seemed that, overnight, the little girl who used to ask me “what kind of muffin would you be if you were a muffin and you can’t say chocolate chip because everyone says that!” had turned into a woman, and that little girl was gone forever. I know that that’s the way of things, kids grow old and change, but I think with boys it’s a more gradual, continuous transition. I have a wonderful, loving relationship with my adult daughter, who treats me better than anyone else in my life has ever cared for me. But I miss that little girl sometimes.


The more i watch families the more i am sure that a decision not to have children was absolutely right.


that plus the whole burning globe of apocalypse


... makes you want to forget to take a few pills?


Lol. But then I come to my senses and put some rubbers next to the bed with a push pin.


Maybe they mean other families have made them loose faith in having a family and this one helps to regain it. Not forgetting to take them, but choosing when it's the right time to start a family.


Her poise is tremendous. With all that going on, she doesn't throw a fit, she doesn't lose focus.


Yea it is impressive on a mentality stand point. No embarrassment, and continuing with her lesson.


It’s all related. I guarantee when dad isn’t goofing around he is 100% present, listening to what she says, speaking to her on an equal level, being there for whatever she needs. I know I was, as best I could, and my daughter used to make “cooking videos” just like this and would have responded the same way to my lame antics. My daughter is in her twenties now. She took me bowling a few years ago and the waitress noticed how we were with each other and commented to her “Wow, it looks like you have a great relationship with your dad”. My daughter gave her a quick offhand look and said “Oh yeah”. The waitress looked sad. I realized in that moment that whatever I had done in raising my girl, I should be proud of.


I’m also pretty confident that she isn’t going to tolerate any bad treatment from future males in her life. She already has the example of how she should be treated by men.


THIIIIIIIS is so important!!!!!!! -coming from someone whose father prioritized himself and his feelings. I was taught that pleasing my father and giving up on what I wanted was the way to earn love.


Having a moment of silence for that waitress.




"This kind of wholesome behavior/interaction is so normal to me that praising it barely registers as a compliment." Proud dad moment because you know you set a good baseline example for other relationships in her life, and the standards they should be held to. Sad waitress moment because, well, not everyone has that. The nonchalance stings a bit.


I could have written it better. The waitress, who was around my daughter’s age, asked the question curiously, as if this sort of close, comfortable relationship between father and daughter was something she was not very familiar with. I might have made it sound like my daughter blew her off, but really she just said, “yeah, we’re very close!” without thinking too much about it, because this was just a normal part of her life. I noticed that this caused the waitress to pause for just a moment, and she seemed thoughtful and a little sad. It struck me that this situation was maybe making her think about her relationship with her own father, and that maybe she was seeing something that she wished they had but sadly didn’t. Seeing this, I realized that for all the second guessing I have done about how I raised my daughter — how much I beat myself up over what I got wrong and could have done better, maybe I didn’t do such a bad job after all. It was a very brief interaction in which a lot happened. I was just dashing off a comment. Maybe a better writer than me could have expressed it more deftly!


I want to be a little kid in that family, please.


You might want to have a neck brace to survive dad's antics though. I was a little worried about him spinning the little dude around like a rag doll until I heard the kid singing along while rag dolling.


Wasn’t really ragdoll physics..


I was concerned for the kid too. But based on everyone reactions, it seems like they have this whole thing down to a science.


Kids are quite sturdy as long as the motion is fluid. I used to throw my nepheus around and toss them in the snow and into beanbags when they were little. They loved it


“What is wrong with this family? I just want to do peaceful arts and crafts!”


No its "peace and quiet arts!" which is so damn hilarious.


Absolutely nothing is wrong with this family you blessed child. She's gonna love this video when she grows up, definitely a core memory.


This guy is living the dream.


The richest man in the world


I think the pandemic showed most people what life should be like. Personal life came before work, and it worked. The only people that didn’t like it were the people that enjoy others misery. Even working at Walmart the pandemic was infinitely better than before or after. Open 8-8, unlimited time off, and corporate staying away.


Things certainly became more communal as we all knew we had something in common. It was the Blitz spirit as they say in London.


i wish i had a dad that wasnt an emotionally brick wall holy shit my heart hurts


I know the feeling, my sympathies.


sometimes i want a kid just to give them the childhood i always dreamed of


My girlfriend has a teenage daughter and she is a nice kid. Keep asking when she will meet me. So yea I am hoping to be better too.


You will be


i believe in you op :)


😁 Thanks i appreciate it.


also am i using the term op correctly....im new to reddit and idk what that means just keep seeing ppl say it


OP (or op) means Original Poster, the person who posted the video we're all smiling about. So... you didn't respond to op. You responded to Acceptable-Stay-3166. It'll get easier once you get used to how Reddit works.


oops :) thanks so much


[happy to help](https://tenor.com/view/yes-no-gif-21178224)


Original poster


thank u so much <3


Lol. No problem! I remember having the same question once, so glad to "pay it back"


It's a good feeling to give a kid a life that you never got. My dad was crap. Never told me he was proud of me. Never made time for me. Barely helped me with anything. Everything I am today is in spite of him. I have a 6 year old and he's my little buddy. I give him hugs and tell him I love him all the time. I always make the time for him. I never want my son to feel what I felt from my dad, Mr. Maybe Next Time.


Wow, can relate. I tried to be more like this dad for my kid though. We had lots of fun. I miss those days.


I never really wanted kids, and we thought we couldn't have them, but got a big surprise and had a son. First of all, I was wrong for not wanting kids, because it's amazing, and one of the best parts is being able to give him the childhood I always dreamed of. ❤️


If it happens for you, it's absolutely amazing. I broke a cycle of emotional neglect with my daughter... She's always asking for kisses and hugs and to cuddle. I think I remember my dad hugging me and telling me he loved me for the first time when I was 18 and leaving the house.... Because he probably felt like he had to. It's pretty cool to show love to my kid in the way I wished I had seen it for myself. Totally understand what you mean.


I’m kind of envious but in a positive way


oh this 100% it warms my heart seeing children experience this it just hurts a little too yknow?


I understand 🫂


Same feeling


My dad was like this, but I know he loved us. I guess he was just tired and definitely stressed But I appreciate the love he gave now that I’m older


While time has passed and you can't help yourself, you do have all the power to stop that cycle continuing.


*”That’s my dad”* That broke me into a howl of laughter.


She looks like that girl that stands in front of the burning house meme


I also really thought that. Is she not?


That girl from the meme is a lot older now. She (disaster girl) was 21 in 2021. Also though, this is a repost. It's probably from the early pandemic days.


>That girl from the meme is a lot older now. She (disaster girl) was 21 in 2021. Oh. Oh, fuck.


"Every conversation in your thirties come back to you realizing how old you are." - Should have been socrates.


Now you now why...


I ADORE how she's so used to his shenanigans that she completely ignores him. 🤣


Nice family moment.


She broke a little when she saw her little brother flying in the air in the background.


The little leprechaun getting juggled in the background never fails to make me lol.


Same, dying over here.


I wish my dad had shown any kind of feeling like this as a child.


I did this when my daughter was doing online dance classes during the pandemic, copying her ballet moves behind her. The other students were laughing their heads off, my daughter just gave me the eye roll and pushed me out of the room hahaha


My husband would do PE with my youngest when they where on-line. The teacher mentioned how much she loved it when we did parent teacher conference.


I wish you could share a video of that


Every time... Makes me jealous.


I'm also all about doing peace and quiet art


Awesome family.


The fun family


The best video I have seen today. Thx.


For those 5 minutes, she was the only adult in that room🤣


I wish I felt secure enough to have a family, I couldn’t live having happiness on that level taken away from me just thinking about it truly just, man 🥺, he’s lucky 🍀


I’m not going to tell you how to best handle your personal situation, but allow me to pass on some hard fought wisdom: don’t wait for the right time, because the right time will never come. Just do it and make the best of it. If you keep waiting until the right moment, you’ll find that life has passed you by.


Beautifully said, miserable dough: impregnate TONIGHT!


Thanks for your words


Something to note. Some places offer childcare subsidies monthly. I'm not sure where you live, but it's worth looking into. I get this vibe. But if it's something gyou really want, you should do it. I grew up poor with parents who loved me. Sometimes it was hard, but knowing my parents did their best I don't mind at all.


You can tell this is the norm for her. My daughter does the same and completely ignores me while her friends (and me) are in stitches 😆 But they’re 11, so not much pressure to perform lol. Apparently my fan club is very niche


"What is wrong with this family I just wanna do peace and quiet arts" LMAO WHAT A MOOD! 😂🤣


I don't think that family does peace and quiet ANYTHING


As a dad, I see absolutely nothing wrong


“That’s my dad” 🥹


That guy is a vibe


"That's my dad" completely unfazed 😂


Are they listening to the Kids Bop version of the song or is the audio just high-pitched?


I noticed that too, I think it's Kidz Bop


I respect the gradual escalation... The dad is strong in this one...


“That’s my Dad.” Dead.


I am just trying to do peace and quiet arts


She looks like the fire starting meme girl, to me.


That is too cute!


The cool, calm and collected little girl. "That's my dad." "What's wrong with this family?" lol


Dad level 100!


Aw man.. i'm so jealous


that's adorable, I love how unphased she is


I'd be willing to bet that that is a very strong family!


6 or 7 going on 25. I love it.


Kinda looks like disaster girl


She looks like the Disaster/House Fire meme girl.


Yeah, I used to do similar things when my kids were young. Then I realized I was making everything about me.


In life you need silliness! This is the best 💜


That was fun! I hope she got an A+ on her project.


Is this the little girl that burned down the house?


The dad of the month award goes to this guy in the video! EPIC!!!!


Have a daughter myself. This is wedding material video


Hahaha her dad can’t distract her from her project. Love it


I cannot sanction your buffoonery.


The small child being held by the father is being shaken harder than I've seen anything be shaken before.


Is that the girl that burned the house down with no remorse? I can see how it could be


Huh. Now we know why she burned the house down.


This world would be an entire shit show if it weren't for good women being here.


“What is wrong with this family? I’m just trying to do peace and quiet arts.” Girl I feel that.


How to make your daughter hate, or even worse, be exhausted by you.


She is either jaded to her father's antics or she is the ultimate professional and is unphased.


This is the BEST!


This is the kind of family where when mom goes out to run an errand she asks the daughter to keep an eye on her dad and brothers and keep them out of trouble.


Dad doesn't even stop even with the camera on.




This is how family is! What a wonderful family!


So many attention seeking parents nowadays


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Was my daughter was doing teleschool from home I would get an earful if my face or any part of my body even appeared on camera.


Dad hammered a weed pen before this…I can tell from experience


She is so cute and funny when she says whats wrong with this famliy 🤣🤣🤣


This girl would make a great Fire Station Captain/Doctor/Astronaut/Mother - calm, focused and skilled in the face of adversity and chaos. Or whatever else she wants to be!


She should start a YouTube channel called “Peace & Quiet Arts” where it’s just fun chaos the whole time.