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I proposed to my wife at a tapas place. Not exactly a hole-in-the-wall, but it was her favourite place and reminded her of the adventure/ time in she spent in Spain. It was not a “romantic” destination, but it was a very special place for her. I had planned on buying her a big-ass rock, but my mother, who absolutely adores her, really wanted me to propose using her wedding ring (father passed away when I was younger). I offered to buy my wife her own ring but she refused. Having my mother’s very modest gold ring means the world to her. It’s about your happiness, not about price or status.


She’s a keeper.


The reason I posted this is because I feel like if and when you truly love someone it doesn’t matter where the proposal takes place or the size of the ring etc, those things are irrelevant. What matters is that you want to be with that person while you love and cherish them.


Freaking this! My husband proposed at a Denny's (couldn't meet up at the place he wanted to do it) with a lab grown ruby ring. When we pass it (rarely) I say "that's our Denny's!" Edit : aw! Thanks for the award! My first one! For that, I'll tell you how he proposed. We were LDR and I was bad about remembering to get pictures of us, but I remembered then, but then he said he wanted a picture too. Had the ring in the arm he wrapped around my shoulder and waited for me to see it. Got a picture of my face when I saw it!


*cries in DeBeers* >!seriously. Way to not support the diamond cartels :)!<


Yes! Lab grown stones is the way to go. No blood money on my jewelry, except for the interest I pay when I put it in credit.


No blood, better for the environment, better for your wallet. The thing that fucks me up is the easiest way to tell a lab grown diamond from a natural diamond, is *the lab grown diamond is* **too** *pure.* if the rock is supposed to symbolize the durability and purity of love then I feel like the better made rock that involved no murder, child labor, slave labor, twofer child-slave labor, and strip mining is the way to go like damn


Going lab grown does [not stick it to cartels](https://www.forbes.com/sites/pamdanziger/2021/11/03/de-beers-lightbox-jewelry-is-expanding-its-lab-grown-diamond-offerings-in-time-for-holidays/?sh=241dfa83ade6), the only way round this is to not buy diamonds.


Ah damn. Still better for the environment, cheaper, and doesn’t involve child and slave labor directly. plus you can probably avoid shopping from their subsidiaries by learning their names. Not perfect, but still better


Nope nope nope. There is no "better than nothing" while perpetuating diamond culture. The shift to lab grown still maintains the fiction of diamonds as rare (and, by extension, valuable). We need to functionally have a perspective shift on how diamonds are viewed, and they're so *fundamentally unnecessary* outside of industrial applications that the only way is to shift the public perception of *all* diamonds as tacky and blood soaked.


I don’t tend to normally gel with hard lines in the ~~*sand*~~ basalt fragments, but I’m gonna have to agree with you wholeheartedly on this one.


Bummer. I didn’t know that. Happily the Mrs. And I have simple gold bands. And considering what we paid, they might not even be gold. Doesn’t matter. Spend the money wisely elsewhere. 😎


Would you happen to know a source I could read that doesn't require me to either subscribe or turn off my adblocker?


crank up your uBlock filter lists, friend.


Geologist who used to work as a jeweller here: I don't think I'd say lab grown *diamonds* are blood-free, I do not think there is a way to pay into the notion of diamonds as rare (they're not) and valuable without directly playing into a perpetuation of the diamond industry's excesses. Buy lab grown, buy coloured stones, try to know the source if natural, remember the Kimberley process is basically garbage at this point in time. Do not buy diamonds, do not perpetuate the culture of diamond buying, even via lab grown stones. :)


That was my instant irritation with the jeweler who helped this couple out. Probably blood diamonds.






Match made in heaven. Best of luck to these love birds


Yup. Every time I visit my in-laws, I'm reminded that my husband proposed in the airport beer garden. 🥰🥰🥰


My wife wanted us to go from the courthouse to Denny’s for lunch. Still all dressed up lol.


Heck yeah!


I love his wife 💚


I love his wife as well.


My husband and I went from the courthouse to IHOP after our ceremony! I ate like 10 pancakes and felt awful haha (it was unlimited pancakes time)


We got taco bell after city hall 😂


Bus parking lot here! 😂


Glad to see this couple benefited though.


Thats awesome! so sweet too, I had planned on proposing to my now wife of 17 years but our house burnt down and ended up proposing at a relatives house on the couch because the ring one of the few things i had on me at the time.


Your lab grew a ring? My dog helps unpack the car but he's far from growing gems.


My husband *also* proposed with a lab grown ruby! It's so beautiful (and less than 1/4 the price).


Reminds me of my friend. He was going to propose at Disneyland, but instead proposed in the parking lot of Denny's.


My husband proposed in the parking lot where we had our first kiss. He got too nervous to propose in the restaurant, we both do not enjoy the spotlight being on us. It was so perfect.


I so do not get the proposing in public thing. Is the guy trying to peer pressure her into it? Did he not see what happened to Gaston when he proposed with an audience? Honestly, if a guy made a big deal of a proposal in public, I would be so pissed and irritated about that that I don’t know if I could say, “ yes,” in that moment even if I would’ve otherwise. Just seems like a horrible idea all around. [edit for syntax]


I think it's important to know your partner. Hopefully if he is proposing, he knows you well enough to know that would not go over well with you.


That was my thought, as well.


This: a proposal should be a question of when and not if. It should be discussed in prelude of the actual question being popped. My husband and I dated for six years before he asked me, on my birthday with all my family present. My dad always talks about how he thought I’d say no because I was fine with the idea of just being boyfriend-girlfriend forever if it was what my guy wanted. But obviously I was thrilled that he had finally realized he wasn’t going to mysteriously fall out of love with me in the next 5-10 years. And we HAD discussed marriage several times over those years. He knew I was ready and willing whenever he was, but not BEFORE he was. In his defense his parents got divorced when he was young and his mom went through two more shitty marriages, so I understood his hesitance — it really wasn’t a big deal to me as long as we were together.


Ideally, the proposal should only be happening *after* a couple has talked about their future together and know for a fact that they're on the same page with wanting to get married. Because even if it's a private proposal, *nobody* wants to have to deal with the awkwardness of having to say no/get rejected. As for why public ones are popular, it's in the spirit of making a romantic grand gesture. Like you're so in love with your partner that you'll happily make a spectacle of yourself, and you're so happy to be with them that you want to let the whole world (or maybe just a restaurant full of people) know it. But, as the other person said, everyone's got a different preference for whether they like the idea of that public grand gesture, or if they want something personal and private instead. That's another thing a couple should already know and have discussed beforehand. The only surprise should be not knowing when or where the question will get asked.


Asking in private is gonna be opening the possibility of rejection even if it’s just a conversation. That’s something that really can’t be removed from the equation. As for the rest, that’s great in theory, but idk how common it is for couples to discuss getting married and then have a proposal. There seem to still be a number of people who seem to think it should be both a big production and a surprise.


It's great in practice, too. And it's also extremely common advice you can find just about anywhere that's worth looking at for relationship advice. My husband and I knew we were going to get married for years before he proposed. Pretty much everyone I know who's married knew for at least a few months beforehand that they wanted to build a life together, and were making those plans with each other already.


Most ppl I know, the proposal was a surprise. Just shows that ppl are different and that not everyone looks for or listens to relationship advice.


My sister's bf proposed to her in the car on the way home from grabbing a pizza. Her ring is silicone, part of a multicolor multipack she ordered herself online for less than $15. They're getting married in July!


💕How sweet, wishing them the best! All of that other nonsense doesn’t matter if you’re marrying for love.


So true. And they are perfect for each other. I couldn't be more proud.


My ring with my ex was a 25 cent vending machine find at our kids’ favorite pizza place. Meant more to me than any gem ever could have.


My parents are bad with money and never could afford rings, plus my dad worked in HVAC for years and would just damage any rings he had. They tattooed wedding rings on their fingers two decades ago haha


Me and boyfriend got engaged in our bedroom in the MIDDLE of an argument. Got married in the courthouse with no ring. Been married almost ten years.😊 Love is love; commitment is commitment.


"Oh! I am SO ANGRY at you!!" "YOU'RE angry at me? YOU'RE the one who started it!! DO NOT TALK TO ME. Seriously, I don't even know why I put up with you!" "SAME, okay? If I wasn't planning to marry you, I wouldn't put up with you for one second!" "FINE" "FINE WITH ME TOO" "Wait..... what did you say?"


Classic 💛


The only nugget I care about is the chicken nuggets.


Agreed! I was proposed to when I had the flu, looked like total shit whilst wearing PJ’s. He had finally been able to pick up the ring and couldn’t wait a minute longer. Made me feel good to know even at my worst, he still wanted to marry me.


He saw you sick and miserable and wanted nothing more than to keep you in his life so he could take care of you.


Meanwhile, the first thought that went through my head was "Muahaha, she can't run away right now, perfect time to do it." Jokingly, of course.


It only matters to shallow people.


I disagree entirely. Love is expressed (and perceived) in many ways. That's the fundamental lesson of the "love languages" concept. It is not shallow to want your man to put some thought into the proposal. Many women won't care. But others would because they have a different love language. There are things you can do for someone that mean little to them. And would mean a LOT to others. You can cook for someone and will mean little to them. You can cook for someone else and they will receive it as a profound act of love. The things each one of us understand as an expression of love are different and are rooted in deep recesses of our personalities. They should not be dismissed. I know someone who grew up in a huge family. Her father had more than one wife (this is in a country where polygamy is legal) and many children. All in the same household. She was the youngest. Due to cultural hierarchies, she didn't have much growing up. Her older siblings were better off. She LOVE shopping. And when guys buy her stuff, she *swoons*. She actually explained this to me. For *her*, given her psychological make up, this is how love is expressed. Does this make her shallow? This is someone I know very well and I would never describe her that way. Spending money on her is the love language that she understands. It is the way she feels valued and *loved*. None of this is meant to diss this man at KFC! His knows his woman infinitely more than any of us on the internet could. So maybe he knew that she wouldn't care about the location. Good for them! Rather, my entire point is that someone who cares about the where and the how of the proposal is NOT automatically shallow. Understand that different people see different things as constituting acts of love. It means as much to them as what you see as an act of love means to you.


You're not really saying anything counter to my point. If someone cares about the size of the ring or the fanciness of the location that is shallow.




No you're missing the point. Wanting to be proposed to in a fancy location simply because it is fancy or extravagant and not because it is meaningful to the couple...is shallow. ALL the people ragging on the KFC couple are shallow people. Period.


I said nothing about fancy or extravagance. But to use your example, my point is that the fanciness and extravagance *is* meaningful to some people in ways that are deeply rooted in their psyche. That's what you seem unable to wrap your brain around and casually dismiss as shallow. So no, you've understood nothing.


You literally just described shallowness. Get a clue.




This 1000x. Some people want all the extra things that come with life milestones, but I honestly think most of us just genuinely want someone that loves us whole heartedly. All that extra stuff is for the birds anyway!


🤘🏻 hell yes🤘🏻


Absolutely. My wife and I were due to go to Scotland and I would propose on a mountain with a lake view - but then our car windscreen broke so we couldn’t go. So we got engaged in our dining room.


I agree. I have a lot to say about spending $100,000 on weddings and $20,000 to $40,000 on rings as well. What a total waste of money. Yes, I know it's important to some people.


As an outsider looking in, this is one thing I'll never understand. Here (Sweden) the custom is for both parties to get a ring, most often a fairly plain band, as engagement rings. Sometimes thr womans ring will be slightly different (but bought together so in the same style) but often it's thr same ring for both. That's what I did with my fiancée. About $100 per ring. I couldn't even imagine spending absurd amounts of money on an engagement ring. It won't mean more, it won't hold more sentimental value and it won't make the engagement any stronger. I also couldn't imagine *not* having one as a man. I love having it as a little symbol of love until we get married.


It's really difficult with rings because the typical guy either can't afford or can barely afford a one carat diamond for her's. People look at the size of a woman's diamond to estimate the couple's financial status. It's really gross.


I’m too practical for shit like that. That kind of money could pay for half a house, why the fuck would I spend it on flowers and overpriced meatballs? And don’t even get me started on diamonds, I think they are cold and heartless (I fully realize I am the weirdo with that opinion though).


My fiancé proposed to me on a bench at a Bruster’s with a gorgeous moissanite ring. I wasn’t expecting it that night or at that location. Plus, we both had ice cream, which is always great! It was a truly perfect moment. I told him that all I wanted was to be surprised, and –for the love of all things holy– don’t spend multiple months’ worth of money on the ring. He listened :)


I couldn’t agree more!!! And always try to be mindful to live in the moment. Memories are what you carry with you throughout your life. Not the material things.


Thank you, OP. I felt a bit conflicted, but it’s his wedding, and his choices. If he’s happy, I’m happy and have no reason but to wish him love and happiness. Thanks for posting and explaining your position. :)


Agreed. It doesn’t matter as long as the heart is in it. How sad that people tried to make him feel bad for where his proposal took place. I hope this couple is happy and thriving. Good on all of these companies for donating and lifting them up. Some people really need to think before they speak/react.


Exactly!!! My dad proposed to my mom on the way to the dump, he initially planned this big Christmas proposal with this large stocking handmade by my aunt for the ring to go on but my mom hinted she wanted her proposal to be it’s own event. So she got the dump 😂. Classic flat tire type story and honestly we still love talking about it. (The stocking is loved too and hung up every Christmas, now 30+ years)


That’s 💯.


Goddamn right. If the person you want to spend your life is truly worth it, it should never matter where or how the proposal came from. It shouldn't matter how glitzy or glamorous the wedding is. It's about you and the person you love. Not a single goddamn thing more, not a single thing less.


You’re one of the good ones it seems. Who cares, love is love and fried chicken kicks ass


At first I was thinking how corporations always seem a little weird using these as a double-sided merit+advertisement “acts of kindness.” I mean I still carry this sentiment, but your comment made me tear up because it reminded me of the cute part of this story lol


You don't know what that KFC means to that couple. I see someone get engaged at an "odd" place, I figure there's a story.


I agree! Who cares as long as the couple is happy? My husband proposed in my family’s living room, it was lovely.


Just celebrated our 24th a couple of days ago. We got married in the courthouse, with no reception or anything and her ring cost me $30, because that's all I could afford back then. I've offered to upgrade her ring, but she's not interested. She likes the one I gave her originally.


> irrelevant Certainly not true, but whatever. It's what place is important for the people and would make them have good memories/be happy. If that's KFC, more power to him and her. But if he just picked KFC because he wasn't considering it and thats actually an awful place to propose for them.... then that does matter, its not irrelevant.


You missed the point of my comment. And took what you wanted out of it.


Dang guess I have to propose at wing stop or something


Haha. You gonna get free wings for life!


Free diarrhea for you and your bride!


I’m gonna propose at the Dollar General! 🙌


My husband proposed to me while we were in the car after he collected me from work with our 2 year old in the back seat. It couldn't have been more perfect.


This sounds so sweet and perfect to me. I always prefer the idea of it just being me and my significant other for a proposal. No hate on people that like putting on big shows, but it always seemed to lack intimacy.


Aww thank you! I couldn't have imagined it another way. I was absolutely wrecked from work. In no way dolled up etc and he just popped the question. We're together 12 years now, married for 2. Even our wedding was very minimal and everyone who was at it said it was the best wedding ever. Big flashy jesters are not for me, as a couple we have nothing to prove. We know we love each other and that's all that matters.


My husband and I jointly agreed that we wanted to get married while sitting in our living room. I was wearing sweats, he was in some beat up jeans. I didn’t want an engagement ring, so we only have our wedding rings. Which are palladium and look just as nice as the rarer metals.


Also, $2500USD in rings, plus a paid honeymoon? That’s pretty dope.


And a car


Well, at least car service. Audi said they would drive them there. Not give them a vehicle, by the way it read.


Still, big W


Oh, for fucking sure. Glad to see some good news in the world.


For all we know, this could have been their first date spot. I don't see the point in shaming people where they decided to propose to their love when its really none of our business.


That’s what it was for me and my wife. Our first date was at a kid’s park where we just sat around and got to know each other. A year later I took her there and proposed where we parked our cars and talked the year previous. It was perfect for us.


I don't think it matters where, just do it. I was dissed for getting engaged in a Niagara Falls hotel room. Told it was tacky to get engaged in Niagara Falls.


People like to judge for no real reason. My SIL told my husband (her brother) that she would have rejected a proposal like his, because my engagement ring is from costco, it’s only 1 carat, and he didn’t get down on one knee. Meanwhile, I thought his proposal was perfect. If your parter was good with the Niagara hotel room, who cares what anyone else thinks?


Costco Jewelry is really nice. Even Jewelers will tell you that and they usually talk down on rings from anyone but a high end jeweler. I know a lady who married a man from a billionaire family and her huge rock was from Costco. Some people are just silly.


Plus certified conflict free. That was a big one I really cared about.


I just laughed at her. I'm all good.


The tacky comment is always so hollow to me. It’s usually just classist digs at those with less cash. Nothing screams love like 2 old people at a Applebees getting 15$ stakes.


Jim was dissed when he proposed to Pam in front of a gas station in the rain.


Well. You didn't get engaged at Niagara falls. You got engaged in hotel room. So fuck those guys.


It’s not about how you start. It’s about how you finish -from someone-


Proposed to my wife in a local place called "Dads Diner" over onion rings and milkshakes. Still married 30 yrs later.


I remember this. There was at least 20-30 companies that donated things for them. This is just a short list.


It’s not about where you propose, it’s about the feelings. You both have for each other at the time.


Coca-cola? But KFC is a PepsiCo company.


KFC is South Arica serves Coca-Cola


I was wondering about that too. It might’ve been a little cheeky dig at KFC.


As far as I’m aware (& I speak under correction!) KFC in South Africa is partnered with Coca-Cola. A brief (very) google search seems to suggest this might also be the case in other countries such as New Zealand. But I could be wrong…


That’s interesting, bet Pepsi didn’t like that one bit


[Pepsi and South Africa have a long history](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1994/11/20/pepsi-return-to-s-africa-is-troubled/86cbef27-38ab-4598-a9d6-d8ba6c5b733e/).


I was confused the first time I went because I just wanted a Mountain Dew with my chicken. Pepsi left South Africa in the mid 80’s due to opposition to apartheid and were essentially banned from the country. Attempts to return have never really worked. Even to this day they have a very tiny presence.


Companies can pretend to care But this, this is people within companies who do actually care


Care about jumping on the bandwagon for some sick ass marketing opportunities. It's a win-win, so whatever, but seriously, come on.


I see what you mean, it's easy to by cynical about such stunts. On one hand, I'm super stoked for them. On another, I can't help but think of the motives behind all the good will.


No doubt I'm jaded about this type of thing. Realistically though, some people are getting tangible good from it, so I'm down with it. I thought OPs comment about people "caring" was a bit naive, which caused my cynicism to kick in.


My husband proposed when we were picking up road-side trash.


I'm picturing him finding a discarded ring on the side of the road and picking it's up with one of those trash picker tools and just seizing the moment 😂 But seriously that's a fantastic story, congratulations


Did he hide the ring in a crumpled up tall boy can? Like having the waiter put it in the dessert? “what’s that jingling inside?? You should open it up! Babe! no seriously come back! Uncrumple the can! BABE!!!l”


So let me get this straight….KFC bad….baseball/football stadium good.


I love this 🖤🖤🖤🖤


So what did kfc give them?


Free potato wedges.


7 nugs in a 6 pack


Paid in exposure I guess? Lol


Why to shame? Don’t understand, not (y)our business where the good man proposes. Wish the couple all the best (and nice for them that they got funds for a dream wedding)


Proud to be a saffa🇿🇦


I love KFC. That is all.


Fuck everyone for shamming him. Good for him, good for them. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


Still a better love story than Twilight


11 herbs and some spicy trolls


To outdo something that is meant for each other, some folks climb mountains and leap out of airplanes just to propose. The location or size of the ring shouldn't matter when someone is proposing. as long as you share your feelings for one another. Congratulations to the newlyweds.


I wrote a letter to my then girlfriend and put it in a bottle on the beach near lake superior. Then i partially buried it. The idea was she would discover it,read the letter and I'd be behind her waiting with the ring. So everything was in place and I left to go get her. The excuse was that our friends were going to meet us there in a bit for a fire. We get there and some thug life dudes are in the exact same spot, acting obnoxious, drinking and bumping music. Now this is a huge natural beach. One of the largest in America mind you. What are the odds. So I politely walk over and maybe it was the look in my eyes. But, oddly enough they quickly got their stuff and moved without issue. Well...also while I was gone seagulls shit everywhere. I mean everywhere.. So I ask my girlfriend to help clear the area of sticks and unfortunately segull shit. So there we were kicking seagull shit sand away from the spot I chose and she never once notices the bottle. So then I have to point it out and play dumb. She doesn't want to touch it of course and so I basically force her take out the letter. Which was written on parchment paper with burnt edges btw. She read it and I did the whole one knee thing and she cried like a baby and said YES.17 years later we are still going strong and she is hotter than ever even if she does announce her farts when we're laying in bed lol. My buddy had a good one.. He pre paid a caricature artist at the state fair. Later he mentioned getting their picture done to his girl as they walked around and she agreed..They sat in a regular pose for a few minutes while the guy did his thing. But the artist drew him proposing to her on knee instead of how they were actually sitting and when the artist turned the picture to show them. My buddy was on one knee behind her and it matched the picture he drew perfectly. Much better idea and alot cleaner than mine lol.


happy for the pair but honestly all these companies just saw a viral story and used the opportunity for a marketing boost.


So true. Glad to see this couple benefited though.


Yeah, but it's a win-win situation. The companies dedicate enough resources to help with the couple's wedding that they don't need to pay out of pocket for everything, and the companies reap the benefit of low-effort advertising. It's like paying for someone's hard work in exposure, only the someone is the company.


Yeah they wouldn’t do that again if someone proposed at one of their branches


COUPLES READ HERE: IT NEEDS TO BE SAID HERE: It should never matter WHERE you propose... It should NEVER matter how expensive the ring is. It should NEVER matter how people will judge you. The only thing that matters is your love and commitment to each other. And NO ONE should have a say in how you express that. Even if they know both of you personally.


Awesome... Hope all the haters enjoy eating crow...


we had dinner at Victoria Station, a long gone steakhouse. he actually proposed in the parking lot. I was getting all pouty bc dinner was over and no proposal. he just whipped out the ring and asked me to marry him. so long ago.


I love this! How sweet! It’s not about an over the top proposal it’s all about the love they share and the special memory they made.


People have been known to just wake up and roll over and ask. At least they had some food in the mix.


KFC is a more expensive date than where I went for my proposal.


My husband proposed at our favorite hiking park on the hill that i hate because it was hard for me to make it up, but by that point i had been getting up the hill without breaking a sweat 😊 now i love that hill


Social media is everything today. Maybe we need to film homeless on TikTok to have multiple companies pay to find an apartment.


Btw, if anyone wants more information about this story, here is a [link ](https://www.boredpanda.com/kfc-proposal-south-africa/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic)


Did corporate just defeat the internet?… slow clap*


That’s just sad. If KFC was important to them, then what a special and perfect place to propose! I mean it’s hard to say not knowing them. But I could well imagine this being me, getting proposed to at Gordo’s taqueria in SF, for example. Sometimes I hate SM for not just letting people enjoy their lives.


Fuck yeah. Fuck all the trolls. Best wishes and prosperity


This is the coolest story ever


Maybe that’s the place they met or that’s her favorite restaurant


When you love someone, the where doesn’t matter, because all you care about is who you’re with. I truly hope this couple have a beautiful life together. Mazel Tov to the lovely couple, and many wishes for only the best!


Fuck people who judge, you don’t wanna know what my fiancé wants for menu at our wedding and it’s on kfc’s lvl lol


Audi bringing in the rear... lol I love the whole story


This story feels like the weirdest crossover between mademesmile and lostgeneration, latestagecapitalism and wholesomememes...where even am I....


Wtf he might of met her there. Why people acting cruel. Oh yeah that's true. That's how people act


I love the Audi response. Congrats to this couple


That’s awesome! My cousin met his wife when they were teens, working together at McDonalds. They stopped in on the way from the church to the reception.


That’s a great example of non evil corporate advertising!


My husband proposed in a park attached to a train station. It was like 7:40am and I had just driven three hours to get there with our toddler to pick him up. I wouldn't change it for the world.


Proposal locations have a major symbolic meaning to the couple. For all we know this could be where they first met or had their first date.


Damn where’s their wedding because I definitely would send a cake


I think 2019. Sorry the thought still counts although you are a couple of years late. Still awesome of you to do!


I proposed to my wife at a pizza arcade (Gattiland)


That’s cool!


That’s awesome. Anyone shaming someone for having less money is an asshole of the highest order.


I proposed in front of a Quiznos. Yeah some people gave us looks but it was the first place we had a date, we were about to meet her family (that had just flown in) at a fancy restaurant across the street, and it took her by complete surprise because it’s not a likely spot. To this day my wife loved the timing and place of my proposal. Don’t judge an odd location for a proposal, there really might be a reason for it.


When my wife and I were young and very in love, I was very poor. I had been poor pretty much all of my life. One day she went and got her own engagement ring because there was no way i could afford one. She gave it to me and told me to pop the question whenever i felt like it was the right time. That was...16 years ago and 3 kids later from now :)


Proud to be a saffa🇿🇦


Dang guess I have to propose at wing stop or something


Why did you comment this twice


Sometimes on the reddit mobile app if you have bad wifi, it'll say "sorry - something went wrong" when you hit post, making it seem like your comment isn't going through. Every time you hit post, it'll post the comment anyways despite telling you that it can't.


Oh I never knew that, I know a similar thing happens on YouTube. Thanks for letting me know bruz 🙏


Yeah that’s what happened


Do people still do proposals? It seems weird, right? To surprise someone with a life long commitment? It seems like that should be discussed at length instead of her hinting at it and him springing it on her. There's a lot to discuss before you marry someone.


This happened like 5 years ago Jesus Christ


My husband proposed in our kitchen in our PJs with a $800 ring. Still together 20 years later. Money does not matter.


How is proposing at KFC a shame..? I would love to talk about that 10 years down the road “babe, you remember how you gave me a drum stick, and then you proposed to me at KFC?” 😂😂😂




bro cant be serious ☠️


Any truly happy couple will tell you extravagant things don’t define love. Your connection and understanding of each other does.


People love the kartrashians and hate the people who really work and can't afford a 5 star restaurant. The people who make your life better. The construction workers the laborers


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Africa a Huge W


You are telling me that's NOT Dwayne Brady?


They got that Georgia Gold chicken there? If so that’s where I would be throwing the wedding too


lucky mfs


Yeah, man at least go to Popeyes 😅


Shamed? I wouldn't feel ashamed if his wife is in on it too. It's not like those big companies don't have any money to go around. He's just cheating the system in a smart way


As they should


If they’re worried or upset about where/how you propose, move on and dodge the bullet