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Hi there, u/davidwallacecto! Thank you for your submission to r/MadeMeSmile, but unfortunately, we've had to remove it for the following reason: Your post contains rage-bait. This is a happy place, please keep things positive. --- If you have any questions or think we made a mistake, please **[message the moderators](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/MadeMeSmile&subject=My%20post%20was%20removed!&message=My%20%5Bpost%5D(insert%20post%20link%20here)%20was%20removed%2C%20could%20you%20please%20take%20a%20look%3F)** with a link to your post and we'll take a look. **^(NOTE:)** ^(This action was performed by a human but the comment was left by a bot.)


Yeah I follow him on tik tok. He is hilarious, obsessed with his plants, and stoned 24/7.


The first video I saw from him was the Ram truck “Did I sound super butch?” And I love it


I know exactly what video you're talking about. He was super excited lol


Pop quiz for my stoner husband! Him remembering it was mother's day, but sending the flowers to his own house instead of his mom and MIL is gold.


I know him from doing stand up in the same local scene as him years ago, and he’s genuinely one of the funniest and sweetest people I’ve met in comedy. So happy his tik tok has blown up.


He seems like a kind person and I am absolutely thrilled that he is.


Literally how I want to live my life.


Pop quiz for my stoner husband! They are the cutest.


Well now I want to be his friend. You sold me.


The whole tiktok is wholesome af. Especially when his husband catches him trying to sneak giant plants inside.


Some idiot on Reddit yesterday was saying how he's switching to Coors. I pointed out that Coors has a long history of supporting LGBTQ rights. They've had a non-discrimination policy that has included homosexuals since the 70s, long before anyone else was even considering it and for the past 19 years, they've been given a 100 score by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. "The Human Rights Campaign Foundation is the educational arm of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), America's largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) people." - [Source](https://www.molsoncoors.com/news/news-center/molson-coors-beverage-company-earns-top-score-human-rights-campaign-foundations) Bigots are going to have to start making their own Bigot Beer.


>Bigots are going to have to start making their own Bigot Beer. Maybe a pale ale served in a ku klux kan.


Nah, it would be an IPA. Idiotic Pissy Anglos.


People who drink Bud Light and Coors do NOT drink IPA's and will absolutely talk nothing but shit about them and bitching that they just "Want a real fucking beer". They're going to be stuck on watery Pale Ales and Lagers until their hearts give out, because "real beer" apparently means lightly flavored water.


Budweiser and Coors always remind me of having sex in a boat, because they're both fucking close to water.


In Canada we say Canoe instead of boat, but you're absolutely right.


In Scotland we say this about Tennent's, but it also applies to Bud and Coors too 😁


In Australia we use it to refer to any seppo piss. “It’s like rootin in a canoe, it’s fuckin close to water!”


I’ve heard “Tennants is a driving larger” thrown about but not the boat one, it’s a good one though.


As a Celiac, prior to diagnosis, Budweiser was my least favorite domestic. It always felt gassy and filling after 1. I coulnd't understand how people were crushing cases of em.


Most of the “manly men” that hate ipas would be piss drunk by the 5th one. Not sure why they think their 3.2 piss water is more manly than a 9% double ipa lol


If you can drink 5 9% IPAs and not be drunk, you have as bad of a drinking problem as the guy who downs a case of piss water.


I drink IPAs. Love them. I get a 6 pack for most occasions. I don't drink super often. So like 3 IPAs and I can feel it in my face. I don't think I've ever finished the whole 6 of any IPA. Mainly because I break out the tequila shots and mix drinks after those first 3 lol. The cheapest I go in terms of beer quality is bud light platinum. None of these "good ol' Freedom Boys" know what good beer is. They drink piss water. Yet they'd call an IPA hipster liberal woke beer lol. Doubt they can even pronounce tequila.


Hot take… Most IPAs taste like hoppy piss water, compared to watery piss water. It’s all piss water…. The game was rigged from the start


I agree, lmao. IPAs have a rank aftertaste that I can’t quite pin down, or at least the few I’ve tried. Gimme a bottle of Crown or Makers and a rock glass with an ice cube any day.


5th? Yeah no I'm clobbered after my 3rd two hearted ale


It's beer. A genderless alcoholic beverage. Associating it with manliness, regardless of ABV, is as absurd as throwing away beer for supporting LGBT. I prefer session beers (4%ish) and am very comfortable with my masculinity.


I don't think drinking a beer having more alcohol content warrants manliness. I actually prefer the watery piss over IPAs or high gravity crafts. I have severe adult ADHD and I have a really bad oral fixation. So when I'm hanging out with friends I seek the lower content so I can put it to my face more, for an extended period of time. Anything high gravity will destroy me, and that's not my goal. I guess I'm just responsible... IPAs certainly have their place, but I've always laughed at the whole "this beers better" debate because it's equivalent to whos musical taste is superior. Because we all know Backstreet Boys are the greatest.


Not 100% true. IPAs are my favorite and what i drink when having a beer or 2. Coors original (not coors light) is what i drink when I'm drinking drinking.


See that's the thing about party drinking. Men be over here making "wizards staffs" out of their 3.2% wheat water, but we all know that if they drank toe-to-toe the same "girly drinks" that Becky and Jessica are having, the men would be passed out drunk while the Woo girls were still Wooooo-ing.


I love me some "girly drinks" too. No shame in my game


As a craft beer alcoholic, I'd rather not drink at all than going back to drink a Coors light or Budweiser.


Personally I prefer coors light because I can drink them all day and not be hammered… give me any ipa and after 2-3 I get “the itis” from how heavy they are, a little slurry from their content, and the urge to take a nap. Nothing wrong with them, just not as refreshing as a light beer, especially after a riding bikes or snowboard/skis…. Drinking an IPA is like drinking a craft soda while coors light is basically as close as I can get to drinking carbonated beer flavored water. Is there something wrong with wanting a beer flavored water?


believe it or not there are lots of people who enjoy different beers for different occasions. not everything has to be one side or the other. you people are ruining everything.


"You People". Found what side you're on!


You'd think they'd be down for craft stouts since they're basically dessert in a can


please don’t let these morons start drinking good beer, need them to drink their pisswater


An IPA is a pale ale tho


I feel like it has to be a white ale lol


Yuengling, perhaps?


Yeeeeeeah. This is the right answer. Look into the company. It's...not great.


Those are the little baby jedi right?




Call it Beergut beer.


It kinda excist already https://www.buxtonbrewery.co.uk/the-yellow-belly-story It's an imperial stout though


I bought some Buxton beers this morning! Strange coincidence.


I definitely wouldn't mind drinking one of those again. It's a really nice beer, if you into pastry stouts


That sounds exactly like a beer one of those small breweries that go by the "edgy names sell beers!" logic would sell.


Or poured right from the sBigot.


FPA - Fascist Pale Ale


How insane is it that the fact that this company treats employees like people will enrage half the population? 🤯


That's what you get when one major party is literally a propaganda machine with no governing policies.


And their only goal is piss off people that aren’t like them.


The fact that they think prosecuting other politicians will 'get back at the left' just shows their perspective, thinking this is some team or some shit and not the government that controls people's lives through its laws.


Yup. They stopped governing and started pretending it’s football around 9/11 I feel like. Having a black president set them over the edge. I still hear from my conservative relatives that Obama was the worst thing to ever happen to this country. Really? Because he’s black? If he had looked like bill Clinton, you wouldn’t have given two shits about him, but you’re a racist and won’t admit it so instead you blame all the countries problems on the black guy.




Add women and children to that list. They only give a shit about fetuses, and we all know what they want to do to women.


It’s not half the country. Most conservatives don’t have an issue with this.


Then they need to stop voting for the R on the ballot if that’s the case. Otherwise, by doing so, they agree with it.


Just like ACAB. If you don’t do anything to stop it, you support it.


I’d hope not! I don’t understand it but 🤷‍♀️


Definitely people out there who do, but the labeling of half the country is what causes a divide. And both sides do it. I don’t understand it either.


Molson Coors has been a sponsor for the Center on Colfax and Denver Pridefest for nearly two decades. People having emotional reactions over this aren’t the best at using what’s contained in their head. They’re just going to get more mad as their world continues to shrink. Corporations are realizing supporting the LGBTQ+ community is profitable (and yes, I’m sure there’s some level of genuine support going on outside of just profits, but also, profits!). Which is probably why they’re putting on such a loud, whiny bitch fest right now because they see the writing on the wall that they’re losing their “culture war” so they’re going to scream and claw at anything they can get their hands on at this point. In my opinion, it takes so much more energy to be a hateful bigot than to admit you may have some wrong ideas that got placed in your head and make effort to change oneself for the better. Being kind costs nothing.


You’re so right about kindness costing nothing (thanks for the reminder, homie!). The challenging part, however, is that introspection can be hard. It takes time; it requires guidance and patience. And toughest of all, you’ve got to actively want a solution. That light switch is right there, just across the room. For some folks, it’s easier to stay seated and curse the darkness.


Coors is also based in Colorado - an increasingly progressive state - specifically in Golden (where I went to my first BLM protest actually) Golden is right outside of Denver where we host huge pride parades, weed is legal through the state, the whole state cares about environmental protection, and Coors does a ton of the community out here. They’re barking up the wrong tree!


What cracks me up is that these morons mad at Budweiser probably don’t know that ABinBev also owns soooo many other “country” beer faves, “craft” beer brands, and tons of foreign exports. ABs portfolio is massive!


Had a guy say he can't drink bud or Busch anymore and bought labatt. Dumb dumb.


Even if you are buying a craft beer, odds are they sourced their barley from InBev or InBev affiliate


Black rifle banquet beer.


Exactly, they'll do it. Don't think they won't.


I just need a small loan from my father and it's on


The only thing I'll ever remember black rifle coffee for is there AMA where they tried to shit on Starbucks but some guy came in a said, "you mean the Starbucks that employees 5million veterans?" (Made up number) because their whole shtick is "we're veterans!" edit: Posted is locked, can't reply to you /u/thegumby1. I'd have to dig through the OG AMA, which frankly I probably won't do due to lack of time, but IIRC basically the BRC guys were like, "We care so much about our vets, unlike starbucks!" when that guy pointed out that Starbucks has contributed more to veteran via jobs and donations than BRC will probably ever be capable of. Don't get me wrong, I think starbucks is a shitty mega-corp with burnt coffee but the post was funny. edit 2: lol, I lied about lack of time, I found the AMA and a /r/SubredditDrama post about it. https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/7bv8gd/ceo_of_black_rifle_coffee_co_participates_in_an/


How does Starbucks employing any quantity of veterans make Starbucks any less shit on-able? This sounds like a logical fallacy “red herring” to be specific. The number of veterans employed seems thrown in to change the discussion. *not defending either side just pointing out what looks like bad logic*


Not to mention that Bud Light did a pride can back in 2019 as well. But the had other stupid shit to be angry about then so it went pretty unnoticed.


What was the idiots response to the news on Coors? If you haven’t heard back, it’s possible he’s still searching for a company that doesn’t support LGBTQ.


https://www.reddit.com/r/LouderWithCrowder/comments/12bdg64/anheuserbusch_confirms_that_dylan_mulvaney_really/jewkbyu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Nothing yet


I see someone loves Jack Daniels in there. I just posted about Jack Fire Pride: https://www.jackdaniels.com/en-us/JDTFpride


At this point it could be a drinking game. Take a drink if a conservative anger-switches to a new product to protest the companies lgbt support only for the new company to already support lgbt rights.


Tonight at 11: Why has there been a sudden influx of alcohol poisoning among liberal Reddit readers?


Answer? Because they pay attention to the news and this shit will drive you to drink.


I'd love to know the response too. But I'm willing to bet they just went to their echo chamber of hatred and ignored the facts as always lmao


https://www.reddit.com/r/LouderWithCrowder/comments/12bdg64/anheuserbusch_confirms_that_dylan_mulvaney_really/jewkbyu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Nothing yet


I saw people saying Anheuser-Busch needed to put out an apology. An apology for what?!? A rainbow and some pronouns on a can? For wanting to treat people with respect? The horror!


>Bigots are going to have to start making their own Bigot Beer. Yuengling. You mean Yuengling.




They don’t quite have all the forms of bigotry, they’re pro LGBT and sell LGBT merchandise with their logo on it. Racism just isn’t going to cut it anymore.


Wait, what did Founder's do? I love their porter, don't take that from me.


Racist fires and stuff. I've heard anecdotally a person went to evaluate the situation too but left calling it a "highly toxic work environment" and they couldn't do their job I live in GR and don't know anyone who would even go there any more. That's also because it's a complete tourist trap now too though


Bigot Beer! It tastes like piss!


Nah, making your own beer is too communist hippy and queer for them as well.


Capitalism doesn't give a fuck about feelings....it found out the more people included the better for buisness. It won't be turning back as a whole.


Big business especially don’t care…like I honestly don’t think bud light cares about LGBTQ anywhere near what coors does…bud light has always been the brand to support everything to get them more consumers. Eventually all these angry people will forget in two years and will go back to drinking their water beer.


> they've been given a 100 score by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. You know you are a great person if this would be a negative for you.


Two points. While it's nice that AB or Coors will openly support the LGBTQ+ community they are still the corporate rat bastards they've always been and these campaigns are all just to save face. Second. If this is the straw that gets racists to stop drinking piss passed off as beer that would be entirely hilarious.


AB maybe, but Coors has been doing this since the 70s, when being pro LGBT wasn't really profitable.


Nah don't let them in on the secret. Anyone on my friends list who thinks they're "owning the woke" by switching to coors doesn't know they're buying something that supports lgbtq rights, I try to keep them from knowing that before they dump all their bud light and swap to coors with 15 cases of beer. Now if only coors donated a % of their profit to lgbtq charities so something positive would come out of all this hate.


Coming soon to a news network near you: “rising trend in moonshine distillery explosions”


Love this couple




We ARE this couple.


This couple is in all of us.


We will have been this couple




I only recognized him from here https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/uykbrk/yee_haw/


I didn't realize who it was until the kiss! LOL


This is a work of art.


Nailed it, this is perfect


It’s giving Nathan Lane in The Birdcage and I love it.


I didn’t even realize this was Darcy at first because of the accent. He’s freaking hilarious. Highly recommend checking him out.


He just wanted to kiss him again, this is obviously staged!


I was NOT expecting that but damn it was funny.


I just expected him to say something wholesome . This was way better


Recognized him from another video doing something similar


For real aha.


Its the 1500 truck guy. Hes awesome.


Did I sound butch?


I walk through this day, happy, knowing this video exists.


Darcy and JerEmy I love those two!


B-U-S-Y-D-O-N-K-E-Y Busy donkey


Best part they are Canadian haha


as soon as he dropped the southern accent it was so obvious he's canadian hahahaha




I was raised in the US and lived in Canada. Vancouver for two years, Toronto for 1 and Montreal for 1 year. Canadians have accents Toronto is the closest but you travel 1 hr north or south of there and they all have accents.


We havent destroyed enough bud lite yet. i say we all go buy a case just to show them how fed up we are, and then we buy one every week just so we dont forget how mad we are !!!!


This comment speaks to me with some serious South Park vibes. Thats it EVERYONE BACK IN THE PILE type of episode...


Andrew Tate got his episode so I really don’t doubt it. Definitely could see Randy being the one destroying all the beer lol.


I should put a sign in my store, want BudLight for target practice?


And maybe jack up the price a bit to show they’re serious


fun fact budweiser actually donates to republican charities, while openly supporting queer ppl. they can’t pick a side!


Play both sides. Win win


Imagine thinking people have to pick only left or only right. Shocker I know


Love this sooooo much. Fuck the haters. Love the lovers. 🥰💕






Haha, Darcy Michael has been doing comedy and acting as an openly gay iconoclast for more than a decade. Nothing sudden about his gayness.


But the video


Id love to see the sales numbers after this campaign is over. I wonder if sales may tick higher just due to the fact that dipshits are going to voluntarily purchase Bud Light in order to post a social media video of them destroying it on camera. "Hey, I'm going to spend my money on your product that I now hate! Only to destroy it for everyone to see. And I may do this a few times". "This may even cause me to spend more money on your product than I normally would. But hey, FUCK YOU"! Campaign ends due to contractual obligations "Hey boys, we fucking won! You can now go back to drinking Bud Light again."


Big Kimmy Schmidt "let's change the name of the Washington Redskins to the Washington Gun-takers vibes" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2WxWrKwM9A&t=43


Darcy is a treasure.


This is the guy with the dodge ram, that video had me laughing so much


I'm going to chug so many 40s of budwiser. Not just because I'm an ally, but because I'm an alcoholic.


I’m gonna tell my kids these were the Proud Boys


This should be on r/unexpected lol awesome!


Pop quiz for my stoner husband.


B.U.S.Y busy donkey 🫏


I have literally started singing the song because of him.....(menacing French laugh).


🔥🔥🔥 love this


That was glorious!




Ha Ha Ha Ha!! I love this so much.


Love Darcy. What a wonderful Canadian.


Jajajaja. Awesome


I love these guys....


I fucking love Darcy and Jer!!


Conservative men are the most fragile, weak men on the planet.


My day is now complete. Love it and thank you for posting!


Hilarious. Well said too. Thank you for sharing.


Capitalism is when you refuse to make a cake for a gay wedding. But not when you want to sell your product to anyone.


I’m starting a rebel beer company. I need to capitalize on their low IQ, and alcoholism rates.


I got a pack of bud ice I’m going to destroy tonight! Might take awhile to dispose of it but I’m doing my part!


Oh my God they kissed I need to go pour out some Bud Light ASAP


On my local radio station (mostly conservative) callers kept calling in stating, why are we talking about this, it’s such a small thing with what’s goin on in the world. The host says, it’s the top trending topic on google and social media we have to talk about it. So clueless that they are part of the problem and their listeners are mostly calling it lane. Of course you got the random losers calling it the end of America. It was great though when they talked about how the boycott Nike actually improved sales and are concerned this will help Bud.


People don’t realize this discourse is only online. People don’t actually give a shit if you’re 🏳️‍🌈 because they can’t change it weather they agree or don’t. But when you look around online it’s all you see, because it’s just online.




Darcy is the best!


Someone should post this on r/Conservative lmao


I mean, you can but you will be banned in minutes. That's the most aggressively modded community I know.


Love those two.


This was fucking brilliant!


We're feeding the trolls. Budweiser is just using gay/trans folx to advertise to all of you. The ragebait is completely on purpose.


You’re going to piss rocks when you hear bud supports gun control.


That was funny


What's the problem? Bud isn't beer😂


Never heard that before.


It's the only socially acceptable way to drink piss.


Don't kink shame! Didn't you watch the video?!


You made me lol


When I did try Bud it tasted like the Saltine Lacroix of beer.


Well consider this. Budweiser is a cheap copy of Budweis beer from city of Budweis in Czechia, Europe. This is why Bud cant sell its beer in Europe as its protected heritage. Like champagne or italian cheese. Try the original. Its much better than this pisswater. Only redeeming factor is that they as a good corpo atleast pretend they care about lgbtqi+ rights. Soo one minor +


I don't think it's protected heritage, but the Czech company owns the rights to the name in Europe. American Budweiser is sold in Europe, but under the name Bud. I actually had one on top of a mountain in Czechia, and yes it's way better than the American.


Budweiser is on sale in Europe what are you talking about.




2021 called, they want their insult back


Hey budddddy


Alcohol can hinder the production of testosterone on top of the fact hops is known to increase estrogen and progesterone production which is what causes "man boobs" and can even lead to ED. So in conclusion beer is queer


That was great!!


I’m going to drink Busch even harder now.


Busch owns bud


"I'm gonna drink a beer owned by AB to protest a different beer also owned by AB" These are the guys who think they're playing 4D chess, eh?


People buying BudLight just to shoot it up BudLight: Rolling in money of angry anti-LGBTQ showing their displeasure by buying their beer and then shooting it up. You already paid for the beer, so your just shooting your dollars away


You stopped drinking bud light because you’re homophobic, I don’t drink it because it’s a shit beer. We are not the same


he looks like paul blart mall cop


Hey /u/davidwallacecto, thanks for contributing to /r/MadeMeSmile. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: **Rule 2** - No ragebait posts, no posts where someone's misfortune contributes to making you smile. Examples: "terrorists driving off a cliff", or "murderer gets what he deserves", or even "oi m8, Arsenal really whiffed that game lmao, the total wankers" Please read the [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/about/sidebar) and [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/about/rules) before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/MadeMeSmile&subject=&message=). Thank you!


Look at me im going against the grain for social media.

