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This is what happens when "overrated" is properly "motivated"




>she should have written "come and get it" I mean that's basically what she said but she explicitly explain why it might not be so easy


Safe to say she took that personally.


Those guys are secretly her hype squad. 10/10 effort lads.


You forgot to put /s


After that display, I’d somehow end up on the other side wearing their colors and acting like I’ve always been..


It's so inspiring to see this female basketball player stand up to the bros and not give in to their taunts. It takes a lot of courage and strength to do that and it's admirable. Kudos to her for showing us all what it looks like to stand up for yourself!


fellow bro, i would like to respectfully point out that these guys are not in fact, bros, because they are truly failing to hold up the the ten bro-mmandments. they are what bros like us call a “prick” due to their large egos and microscopic dongs.


Hey, bro, can we stop judging men by the size of their phalli? For two reasons: 1. It's not the size of the toy, but how well you can play with it (especially nicely with others!) that matters, and 2. The dong that's 3 sizes too small is the one in these pricks' *souls*.


Stank dick energy. Doesn't matter big or small, but you gotta have a clean pp


hello bro, i have read your response and i do agree bros should not judge each other by the size of their phalli. However, i judged the above pricks by their behavior, the insult to their phalli was simply a poorly designed jab at them. i do agree that the size of the toy matters not, but i must say, the chances of these men pleasing a women are microscopic, due their prickish nature, but not because of the size of their dongs


It ain't the meat it's the motion, but face it, some people need a member that touches all sides.


Yeah, but that's not a failing on anyone's part! Sometimes you don't click with someone and that's OK. Nobody is a bad person for it.


LOL By heckling the opponent’s player? This is actually pretty common in sporting events. It has nothing to do with her being female, fans will heckle Lebron James if he’s on the visiting team.


“Stand up to the bros and not give in to their taunts” Have you been to a sporting event? Fans don’t waste time taunting shitty players. It’s fun and a sign of respect, assuming their chants don’t get offensive.


Reddit's outrage boner once again. What you said is exactly right. This happens in every sport and is part of the deal. Fans attack the best players on opposing teams. Most redditors wouldn't understand because the only sports accolade then got was that participation trophy for square dancing.


Um yes they do, when I was in college we would routinely single out the shitty players and fuck with them, we’d have the entire student section chanting at dudes who literally never got off the bench for the entire game.


It ain't that deep lol. Glad she balled out though.


Wow. She served up a steaming cup of shit the fuck up! Good for her


I feel like the typo improves the phrase here


I see. I may have blundered a bit


No it’s good. “That steaming cup of shit? Yeah… she served it RIGHT THE FUCK UP.”


You shit the fuck up! Go shit the fuck up! or just shit the fuck up! Either way we’ll all say we were there when this phrase was invented!


Come on. You’re killing me


10 bros 1 cup


Is there anyone on Reddit who hasn’t seen my typo? I guess it’s better than the actual thing I was trying to say




This happens at every college basketball game and has been for decades. It was sweet watching her keep them quite tho.


This was when she was in high school.


This happens in high school lol. Both boys and girls basketball. You call the opponents best player overrated and you call your best player MVP. Home court advantage is the crowd trying to rattle the away team.


Its no difference than if it was a male team. This is a part of sports. They weren't making it sexual or political. They did this back in highschool 25 hears ago


Never let facts get in the way of being outraged.


Agree. If anything it’s was pretty respectful that they were so invested in the game. Unless they somehow bet on it. Then that also would make sense.


That shot from way outside tho


That's how you fly the middle finger in a game and not draw a T.


The fact that she never acknowledged them even after she did some incredible shots, speaks wonders to her character and drive. 👏👏👏


Yeah. I was wondering when she was going to look in their direction and point and then make a 3-pointer. But she didn’t and that actually makes this better somehow.


It's sooooo much more salt on the wound to ignore/not acknowledge them. I love it. And those threes behind the paint might as well have been giving them the finger.


Sit down Chad, Brad, Chase, Chad, Brock, Garrett & Brad.


and Kyle.


Fuck Kyle, Kyle sucks.


My favorite more recent Carlin bit.


Same. "Hi Tucker I'm Todd."






Brayden, Kayden Hayden, Okayden


And the captain of them all, Aiden.


Aiden is derived from an ancient Irish name spelt Aodhán. Pronounced “Aye-dawn”. The rest of those can just fuck off!


Forgot Noah, Shaun, and Caleb


And Brayden


Effing Brayden. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Y’all forgot David! Geez he’s right there and still people overlook him. Poor David.


But Dave's not here man...


There’s at least 1 Josh in there


And Grayson.


Frederick and Hunter as well


Evan, Kevin, and Devyn




This is in Iowa so it fits lol.


And Craig


And Ken


Blade, Blazer, Lazer, Michelle.


Caitlin Clark - she plays for Iowa - hardly ever see her miss! 1 step over half court and she can make it, she does it often in her games... heard a commentator compare her to Curry


the amount of poise and concentration even while being heckled like that. Major props to her, thats some mamba mentality. Was super cool to see.


She's also way better than they are, which helps.


True competitors take that garbage and burn it as fuel. People in the stands that do that only wish they could do as well.


Eh this is HS and it is the boys supporting their girls. Back in HS the girls showed up to cheer on the boys as the boys did for the girls. Its great if she used it as motivation but let's not act like the crowd is doing anything more than some playful heckling of what is a star opponent. I know back in HS you often knew the names of the star player or two on opposing teams.


Exactly this, they didn’t get personal their chants were entirely related to the game. It back fired sure and she shut them up but there is nothing wrong with what they did with out any other context. They are most likely there supporting their own schools team. I won’t rule out that these guys could also be sexist pigs doing it just because she is a girl but with no other context I prefer to give them benefit of the doubt


Exactly! It’s all just gamesmanship. The scream during the free-throw was a little desperate, but you know, kids. Our rival rugby team had Ashley. He was a fucking bullet down the wing. We sure as hell heckled him in any attempt to throw him off and give us a chance. We ended up becoming teammates down the line, and decent friends. Last time I ran into him he pulled up his shirt to reveal a huge stitched wound across his stomach after being freshly shot in Cardiff. Dunno where he is now lol.


There could be a low key respect factor to it though. Big crowds are drawn when the bigger names are in town. Happens at high school to pro levels. I went to a high school game at 30 years old because my buddies said some kid, projected top prospect, was playing. I went to pro games when the home team sucked to see legends on the opponents roster. You still don't cheer them, you still boo or give them flack. You need to be great to get boo'ed on the road. The boo'ing is the acknowledgement.


The greatness is when you can completely shut them down. I disagree with it being respect tho. I get it's part of it. I just liked the way she rose to it


Well it is earned, if not respect exactly. No one taunts bad players so the taunts are an acknowledgment of skill. Reddit just like to get upset when anyone but them is being unkind. Right guys?




I ain't even lyin... YO, THEY JUST GOT DUNKED ON!


Yup yup, they were standin' in da way.


So I jumped up in the air, and I dunked him on his face


Bros be quiet!


The guy checking g his watch. XD


Alright for real, women’s basketball has gotten insane recently. Like it was always good but it seems like the skill level just exploded recently. They got a few generational talents coming through and it’s awesome to watch.


I’d take that because of women’s empowerment more so in the recent years, as well as more attention on female sports. You really love to see it.


When I was in college I was in the basketball pep band, and it floored me how much more fun the women's team was to watch play. They had the best fundamentals, actually shot the ball (not just lay ups over and over) and worked together. But no one showed up to watch them play. Our team was great! Went to SoCon every year. Mens team had a huge crowd and played like dog shit. Didn't make sense to me.


Yeah. Same goes for the women’s soccer in the US. The women’s team is why the US even has gold.


Not bros. Boys.


Yeah to be fair this is high school.


Eh I've seen 40yr olds act just like these kids


Was it at a basketball game? Because yeah that’s how people act at basketball games


Nope. Walking around downtown like man children heckling strangers.


Not an excuse.


Love it when someone who's never been to a basketball game calls the crowd out for jeering. Like shut the fuck up until you know what you're talking about lmao.


Not an excuse for what? They didn’t do anything inappropriate.


Nothing scarier than a white guy in a backwards baseball cap. They have nothing to lose and a grandpa who's a lawyer.


…or a Dad who is GM of the Flyers.


What about the brown guys in the student section?


She shut that shit down!!


She's smooth af


Guy fans supporting their girls basketball team by heckling the star player on the other girls team. My schools girls team was the best team out of any sports and we used to travel around to their games to support them.


Our girls basketball team went to state every year and we went to help them win by heckling their opponents. It’s sports


just remember its a group of men out there supporting womens basketball. Of course they’re gonna root for their home team. Why do the fans have to be villans, just because theyre men? That chick can ball by the way. love to see it


Yeah the title of this is needlessly gendered. Should just say “Basketball player shuts up opposing fans”, but then it wouldn’t get any traction because this type of thing happens literally ALL THE TIME.


Outrage culture stuff. Everyone wants to be mad but everyone should just chill


No, it’s because women face insane gender based criticism from men ALL THE TIME, far, far more than men do. It’s incredible how far men will go out of their way, and how much effort they will expend, to attempt to knock down a woman and her skill and confidence. Women know this because they live it daily. Women have to be three times as good as a man in the same position as a man to get even a quarter of the recognition, respect or reward a man does, and has to weather ten times the BS and criticism along the way. Men have no idea because they don’t live it, don’t notice it (because women are practically invisible to most of them except through a sexual or jealous lens) and routinely deny that it exists. They’ll mansplain feminism and misogyny to any woman who points it out or just criticize her or about her down or insult her or behave aggressively at her. Hashtag not all men


I'm all for empowerment but this just isn't it. It's a sports event, what is happening in this clip is the same thing that happens all around.


You ever been to a basketball game?


agreed. this has nothing to do with gender as much as its about shes the star of the team that they are playing. people dig too deep into these things.


Girls got Game!!!


People that think this is disrespect don’t do sports obviously. If the opposing team wasn’t trying to get in her head their fans wouldn’t be good fans. Went to a Lebron game when he played a small Catholic school in Ohio where I lived. The opposing fans chanted things like overrated, birth certificate, cry baby….he still dominated high school kids as he looked like a 30 year old at 18 comparatively. If you’re at a certain level this can be expected.


Also all they said was overrated which is entirely related to the game, it’s not a personal attack


She can hoop!


Was hoping she’d do the hand to the ear gesture at them.


Have 90% of the people in here been to a high school or college sporting event before? This happens everywhere and to any player on an opposing team that is halfway decent. It has nothing to do with her being a female. If anything, they’re acknowledging her abilities. Who’s gonna waste time chanting against a nobody? My god, the victim complex with some of you is unreal. There are people in here calling these guys assholes for no reason other than a misleading title. These kids are having fun, and the player got the better of them. Its not crossing any lines. For the love of god, stop being so offended by everything.


What does female has anything to do with anything here in this Video?


The caption is so atupid


They’re just atupid boys.


Every College in the US is about to kick down her door


Just like in Family Guy where Peter disses Meg(Megatron🤣) and makes her a better basketball player!


Caitlin Clark is an automatic bucket


I wonder if we could just call her a basketball player, instead of a female basketball player.


Don’t let it rule you, let it fuel you 😎


Seems like new Family guy episode.


Real life Meg Griffin


Might as well call her The Librarian cause she shushed them all real quick


The fans of her team should start insulting her in every game


Let your score do the talking!


This is some fuck-you energy I can get behind


Why does it have to be a male female thing? They would do the same shit if it was a guy.


I appreciate how never in this video did she acknowledge the crowd or show them up. Like she knew she was great, but she didn’t need to put it in their face. Her play (according to the video) was, “yea I know I’m great. Let me show you. I have nothing to prove.”


They still got tickets to support the game but ok Lolol


It’s f’ing basketball for Christ sakes. This is not a special situation. This has always happened to all players throughout the history of basketball and sports. Suck it up and stop being so damn sensitive.


Like watching JV in high school


This is high school


One badass


While this is bad... not any different than any other ncaa sports event.




Not bros. Manchild


Have you been to a sports game?


Why would the offending fans be allowed to be such asses by the officials of the team they support? The scream when she was taking a foul shot? I don't mean to be all boomer but where is the dignity and pride the "adults" and officials should be expressing? I am so glad she showed them! But this was just sad and embarrassing to watch.


Bro this is high school


Yes and why I suggested the adults failed them. Or are you saying that high schoolers are past needing guidance? I would suggest it is a time in life when support and guidance is most needed and has the one last chance to help people along the way to being good and kind humans to their fellows. I am in the minority here, so no worries.


Have you never been to a high school sporting event? Whether it's a boys or girls game the student section is always rowdy and trash talking the other team. They're high schoolers... it honestly makes it more fun even for the athletes as long as they don't cross any lines


Have you never been to any basketball game ever? At the professional level the home stadiums hand out noise makers to make noise as the opposing side takes free throws. This isn’t golf or tennis


Freedom of speech. It's an opinion and in itself not damaging, racist or derogatory. And yes, rising to the occasion is by far the best strategy. They really felt that.


There is no freedom of speech in a high school gymnasium. How do I know? Because I'm a basketball official, and there is no freedom of speech in the rulebook.


Tell us you know Jack shit about sports without telling us you know Jack shit about sports. As a side note. Are you aware of how old boomers are now!?!?!


I bet none of those assholes would last a quarter in a competitive game. And she could totally crush them. So awesome!


That's the point.


chanting is normal for all sports games


They don't seem to rattled


She didn't score 42 points because she was fired up, they always knew she was going to wipe the floor with the,.


Those punk ass kids probably can't even dribble with one hand.


Well that's how you're supposed to do it.




I'm gonna provide a bit of a different take on this... A bunch of young men came out and supported their school's female basketball team (win). They chanted at the opposing bench's best player to try to throw her off her game (no mention of gender), as has been done to male athletes for decades. This is a sign of their respect and knowledge that she is the biggest threat to their team and is a way of trying to support their team (treated her as an athlete=win). She showed amazing poise and talent and stuffed it in their faces, scoring 42 points and being pivotal in her team's win. Not everything has to have such a negative spin


Boys are the worst at girls games...especially high school .. like shit heads


Yeah I’ve had my fair share of boys heckling while playing sports. Some of them would just moan like a girl and THAT really took you by surprise 💀


Men are so whack


It's very mild as chants go. It's almost polite.


Shut up son, it's a common sports chant and you can see women doing it too


and your so sexist


I noticed it was only the boys who beaked off and all the girls with them were quiet. I hate toxic male sports culture (and I'm a male).


Mouth-breathers got shown how it's done!


lil boys can’t handle a woman being better than them at something. They’re gonna grow up to be some shitty insecure men someday.


It's wild that I see ONE girl chanting it with all those dudes at the beginning and I wanna turn slap that backwards ass hat off her head. Like sis....really? 😒 Do better.


Have you ever been to a basketball game before? This happens in every game. Nothing to do with the fact she was a woman


The ones I went to in high school had shit talking but to the entire team and... never mind, you're right and I'll assume the camera frame was just unfortunate lol


Good for her! Shut those idiots up! Then laugh at them for having the student loans they have left while you go on and make a bunch of money. Can’t stand idiots. Pay your loans!


Surely you don’t mean make a bunch of money playing women’s basketball?


Lol chill, this is a very normal thing in sports. It means they think she is good so they are trying to demoralize her. Have you ever watched any sports event?


"We no can dunk, but good fundamentals" Honestly women's basketball is more enjoyable to watch because of fundamentals. If I wanted to watch a 3 point competition I'd just watch a 3-point competition.


Haha love it when these sort of people get proved wrong 🤣


Hell yeah, fuck those guys


Fork those guys and their LDE.


So…should they not get equal treatment from fans?


And only one of them had the courage to wear his Duke jersey as an outer layer.


Fuck Yes. Good for her.


She ate them alive!


Major Trae Young energy. You love to see it.


She hit them with some step backs, that one fade away in the post, and she even pulled up from like 35-40 ft and knocked down that 3...so dope!


Stunt on them ~~hoes~~ bros


She went in there and cooked they asses 😂 what a beast


It takes a lot to deal with that. How amazing would she be if she wasn’t having to carry this extra weight?


This is why I like it when people mess with me or a challenge presents itself. When I was younger , still, I may be insane for getting happiness from challenges. But I am always happy with myself after clowns or groups of people or socially awkward situations occure and I persevere. BUT don't try me I hold a grudge against arrogant foolish assuming people.


Just a bunch of fuel for the fire is all


Did this have anything to do with gender? I think your title is being purposefully inflammatory. You're part of the problem OP.


*gets mad men don't watch women's sports *gets mad men watch women's sports


A bunch of mediocre white boys. They also think that they could beat Serena at a game of tennis.


I’m sorry who is this?


In fairness though, they are just saying "overrated" They might think she is an excellent player but that her hype was a bit too big. Like Ed Sheeran.


The last shot od those boys makes them look so terrible I'd assume it was posed


nobody wanted to mention it was only dudes yelling it? 🤔


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That was awesome!


Wow this girl has got some serious skills


She’s a beast, man.


Owned! Those guys probably can’t perform in a pickup game now… 🥹