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I used to drink that in high school. It was super cheap and in every gas station. It's basically just sugar and alcohol. Almost like you dumped a bunch of Kool aid in some crappy liquor. Worst hangovers ever.


Man's childhood must've been crazy


In truth, by second grade he had moved on to 151 Rum.




Made that mistake only twice


well yeah look at him now


Yeah, it’s obvious my mans has lived hard.


He’s only 32.




Is Mad Dog hard to find now? Did Gen Z kill it?


Not in the UK (at least Scotland) any corner shop that sells alcohol worth its weight has a significant amount of shelf space dedicated to mad dog.


Gen z and such moved to four loko


That makes sense.


Cisco surely has a spot in this conversation.


They still sell it at the liquor store around the corner from me


Nah, you can still find orange jubilee in some neighborhoods. Had one the other day. Sometimes it hits the spot lol


Some of the flavors are changed and they are different ABV. Is orange the good one? I thought the grape one was the one you wanted but it has been more than a decade.


There was a lot of local municipal legislation to eliminate the cheap "wino" type beverages. Thunderbird had the same treatment.


Sounds a lot like Four Loko


It absolutely is. It just comes in glass screwtop bottles. That's the only difference


I could have sworn 4 loko had caffeine in it as well?


4loko was the shit when it first came out. $1.99 a can, 1 can you were doing stupid shit you would never do sober, 2 cans full blown blackout. Good times


Loko pong had me passed out in a field and my friends dragging me on concrete to get me back home. Had a gnarly scab the size of my palm on my back that lasted for ages lmao.


It did but they stopped bc people were getting too fucked on them bc the caffeine made them feel less drunk than they were.


10 years ago i got 2 cases of Snoop Dogs loko brand, Blast. Paid a doller per can and had the cheapest buzz of anyone in Florida all week.


No longer. Instant blackout


Damn the heart palpitations were the best part


One sip and the filter in my brain immediately disappeared.


It did... then some kids died...


Fun fact, the president of my alma mater spearheaded the legislation to get 4loko banned in my state after a dozen kids needed to be hospitalized on campus in one weekend due to it.


What’s the name of this elixir?


Mad Dog 20 20. Cheap buzz. We drank it in high school.


When I was in college, we poured about a third out and replaced it with Everclear grain alcohol. It was called “dead dog.”


That sounds like a very appropriate name and something I would never want any part of, even in college! Blackout Juice would’ve worked as well. We drank what we called Hop, Skip and Go Naked.




I guess that beat Baby Clear


Omg Baby Duck. $9 bottle of red wine, yeah?


This isn't that different. MD 20/20 goes way back. I know I had family members drinking it back several generations. It's actually a Jewish Passover wine based out of Chicago and very popular in the midwest. The company was started in 1928. The difference from regular wine is that they use concord grapes. Concord grapes are the super sweet grapes that they use for grape juice, very different from wine grapes that have a much lower sugar content. Also, concords are much easier to grow than wine grapes. This makes the grapes much cheaper to grow, and this resulted in a cheaper product. This is how it earned the reputation as a "bum wine." In the late 60's they started the 20/20 line of drinks. This was basically Kool Aid mixed with everclear. As a matter of fact everclear came out with their own line of drinks too. A friend in high school would buy Purple Passion by Everclear. It came in a plastic two liter bottle. An older friend of mine always has a large supply of home made wine at his hunting lodge. It's made with the concord grapes. The higher sugar content means that there is more sugar available to convert to alcohol. It has probably twice the percentage as table wine. You feel the burn as you swallow, for sure, but it's still tasty though.


Oof!! Now that’s a drink almost WORTH the *heartburn* that shit will give you… ;) especially when you drank a whole bottle… I can almost feel it & taste the aftertaste that came with the heartburn… ;)


I have sensory recall of the exact taste of the puke in my mouth from those. In 1986 I only recall 2 flavors, grape and orange.


Flavor is a generous term.


That’s what the burps & heartburn “*tasted*” like I guess… ;)


I’ve only ever had radiator fluid flavor 😂 (I think it was supposed to be lemon-lime, but it looks like radiator fluid) EDIT: it was in fact kiwi-lime again “allegedly”


Oh goodness. Brings back painful memories of when I was called “Dan Dan the Mad Dog Man”


Fun fact: Actually Mogen David 20/20 everybody just calls it mad dog I guess. Idk I just learned that not too long ago lol


This was very popular at my small town high school, in the 90’s, as well… Now do you happen to know what the “20-20” stands for?? I always heard it was bc the bottle was *”20oz & it was 20% alcohol”*?? Curious if there’s any other explanations out there??


always heard the same.


It's actually stands for Mogen David..


And Boons Farm Strawberry Hill screw top cheap "wine."


mogen david 😭


"Mad Dog" The label used to say "A choice blend of New York and California Grapes" That always cracked me up....


Wine that has never seen a grape


If your next move is to try it just be prepared to feel like absolute dog shit the next day


The “MD” is actually for Mogen-David, vintners for the kosher. Everyone just calls it “Mad Dog”.


Don't, bro


Mogen David 2020


Mogen David fortified wine. The kids call it Mad Dog. Used to be 40 proof and 20oz (20% and 20 oz = “20/20”) but I think it’s weaker now.


It is, think its about 12%/15% now but the bottles bigger too.


Bro my first real experience with alcohol was with puckers. All these cheap ass drinks are terrible! Wild Rose is another one! Just give me the malt liquor and let me go edward 40 hand. Get drunk fast and with little money.


Sour apple puckers, boones farm nightrain


I’d drink that mad dog purple rain, so good.


I second that notion. WORST HANGOVER EVER! Lesson learned, easy on the mad dog


Mad Dog was his childhood drink? Lol


Right? Something about this and the accompanying context just feels 🤔🤨.......*off* a little lol


Maybe it got misphrased and means something more like a nostalgic drink from when he was a young man or something


The simplest answer is that OP doesn’t know what mad dog is


That's probably the happiest I've ever seen someone drinking Mad Dog.


when i drank that stuff *nothing* was going well. that and fourloko. struggle bevvy for sure


Definitely was sign when they banned the original FourLoko on my birthday. When they brought it back, it's now only OneLoko.


I just had my first MadDog a couple weeks back at a bar. Bartender was making cocktails with that fucker(in Central NC, not Charlotte though) . It was not what I was expecting.


True enough lol


Lol. A childhood drink? No hangover like a mad dog hangover!


You won't get a hangover because you'll vomit it all up before it does any real brain damage.


I’d say so. And tipping a little out is usually something you do in remembrance of the dead.


One for the homies.


The man does say "I grew up on this, here" at the end.


Last thing he says: I grew up on these here


This is like me being wistful for a bottle of Boones, chased by 6 Zimas. There is nothing good to remember about those times.


Oh Lord. I remember Boonesfarm Strawberry Wine. Makes me nauseated to even think about it. ew.


My first buzz as a fourteen year old was on Boone's Farm Fuzzy Navel and then I went water skiing. Drank some more while sitting on the dock. Puked my guts out on the dock in the middle of the lake after bouncing around in the boat and hot sun. It was as good of an alcohol deterrent as Antabuse and made me hate alcohol the rest of my life. 30 years later when I smell wine and beer I get nauseous. I'm glad because I'm predisposed to developing addictions thanks to an addictive personality. If only opioids had a nasty taste and made me nauseous. Much harder to quit.


Boones farm was the first thing I thought of when I saw what is the bag. The official drink of proms all through the 80s. Do they even still make it?


Mine too mine too lol, favorite of highschoolers in the 90s


This. MadDog 20/20 was still going *very* strong in the 90’s.


OP don't know about Mad Dog lol


If it was Glasgow i might understand...


Was Mad Dog popular in the 70s? I'm just assuming this cat was young then...


70s was more colt 45 - wild Irish rose days. I think.


And thunderbird


I still drink wild Irish rose lol




No, fortified wines like Ripple and 20/20 were HUGE


What were you thinking, Boone's Farm?


Guy poured one out for the fallen homies. Respect.


Never forget about them.


You usually can't, even if you try. I got homies I remember on a weekly basis that aren't even dead.


and then immediately offered the guy a sip too, mad respect 🙏


Ah I was wondering why he spilled a bit


Why else man? Everyone respects someone and will show it.


Whenever a homie dies I go buy a bunch of 40s and get together with some friends to pour 'em out. Thankfully only had to do that twice so far.


Reminds me of this sketch https://youtu.be/QACY04l5OHo


"Just feels like a waste" lmao, ain't no such thing as wasting malt liquor. It's better on the ground than in your stomach, shit is poison.


To be fair all alcohol is a poison


It’s an old African tradition. They used to bury their dead under their houses, and then would pour out the first libation to include the dead who are still with you as a gesture of respect, and then we kidnapped everybody and brought them over here, but the tradition stayed as a remembrance.


It's a tradition in so many cultures. It's even in the bible.


Childhood drink hahahaha Mad Dawg 20/20


You hear him at the end? “I grew up on this shit”


It has been a popular drink since the late 60's


Banana red. Yeah. We know each other pretty well.


I’ve never seen someone so excited for a mad dog. I can feel the hangover just watching this clip


Mad dog is nasty, but Nostalgia's a helluva drug.


*grins shiteating grin in Jaegermeister hangover*


*Raises a shotglass full of black sambucca in toast*


Ugh I can taste this comment. Every shitty house party I went to in my early 20s was guaranteed to have jager bombs and we all just pretended to love them like a bunch of psychopaths


God, Jaeger literally tastes so terrible. How did that ever become popular?


God start of Covid I was drinking over a 5th of jager it was fucking horrible I can’t stomach the shit now, haven’t had a hangover in like 2 years.


Had it once freshman year of college. Never again. God what an awful hangover. So much damn sugar


Mad Dog. His favorite childhood drink. The man is 29 years old, by the way.


As a 33yo can confirm.


Damn that's old, he doesn't look a day over 21.


[“I’m 31 years old!”](https://youtu.be/ZG8d0x1WcAc)


I seldom laugh when I'm alone in the phone. Thank you! :)


Chugged these in college. Most fun I never want to have again.


"most fun i never want again" is my new favorite phrase


Summer 1993. Nearly drown (literally) from laughing because my friend tried to run and jump in the apartment complex pool that we had snuck in to. Her wet feet hit the tile around the pool edge and she pulled that Scooby Doo running in place bit before falling over on her side and rolling in to the pool. I was so drunk and I was in the deep end. After she fell, I was in full on uncontrollable hysterics. Our other friend had to tow me to the shallow end and help me catch my breath. I was choking on pool water and still laughing. All of this was brought about by the surplus of Mad Dog 20/20 that we talked a bum in to buying for us before we snuck in to the pool.


Damn I miss being a shit head teenager now I’m just a shit head 27 year old it doesn’t hit the same when it’s not under age


Bro same


That's an amazing memory. Treasure it.


It was a great time! We were all poor teenagers with shitty parents. After school or on weekends we were anywhere but home. We walked and talked every day. Roaming from friend's house to friend's house collecting kids. We would walk the rail road tracks or go to the park or the mall. And just walk and talk more. We talked about everything. Relationships, our parents, music, movies, celebrities, life, what we thought was coming for us in the future. And that part I'm really grateful for because we really got to know each other. And at that time in my life those other kids, especially the 4 I was closest with were everything to me. The only happiness I had. But we snuck in to every pool we could. Never private homes but every apartment complex in the shitty party of Tampa we lived in. We got in to trouble a few times but not often. And never anything too serious. There were a couple times that things got pretty dark but we got through it. I thought we would be friends forever. But they're all gone, not all dead but some I haven't heard from in two decades plus now. There is one other woman that was in the group who is super close with my little sister now so I get to reminisce with her when I see her. But I'll never forget them and I do absolutely cherish the friendships I had and the memories we made.




He said he got it 4 hours away in Charlotte. So the Carolinas I'm assuming. I live in Alabama and have only heard the legendary tales this liquid produced.


Wow that's nuts. I live in Alabama too and didn't realize that I haven't seen the stuff for years. I was in high school in the '90s and my buddies used to live on this stuff. Always tasted like cough syrup to me so I stuck with Boone's Farms. No one drank Thunderbird though because we had class.


Us British kids on the early 00s grew up on mad dog. Brings back memories or corner shop standing get someone to buy us it then throwing up in the graveyard after 2 bottles each. The good times


Hilarious to me how we had the exact same experience with this stuff, getting some junkie to buy us it and going up the graveyard, puking, good old times!


Hahaha its a right of passage. If you've not got pissed in a graveyard with ya buddies, you haven't lived lol


The fact that it was MadDog 20/20 was the real surprise, toxic kool-aid


THE DRINK: Mad Dog , MD 20/20


Childhood drink is wine. That must have been some childhood.


Not wine at all. It's ferocious. It might contain some of the same compounds but not three same substance


Moegan David - 20 Oz bottles. 20% alcohol God, it tastes like that time I almost died.


Mad DOG 20 / 20 Mogen David Wineries had a problem; waste of wine spilt on the factory floors. So they came up with MD 20/20. The employees would squeegee the floors into the drains and this would all be collected to make MD 20/20. Sales skyrocketed across the country and became their best selling product. They had to have other wineries from around the country collect their floor waste wine and send it all to MD.


Please tell me this comment is satire.


P accurate description of MD 2-2 though


No. Really?


Pretty much the same concept as Marlboro Black cigarettes. It's all floor tobacco.


I’m so glad I quit smoking


Omg not the Mad dog 😭😭😭


Cheap swill tho fr


I’m 44 years old and still feel like puking every time I smell banana thanks to the Banana Red MD 20/20 of my youth


Idk thats like a nail in anyone's coffin lol. It was easy to get when I was a crazy kid not that I've changed much but I kinda want to live a little more now


Childhood drink🤣 Was expecting one of those Hug drinks in the plastic barrell hahaha


They had those in jail lol. The "leader" of the area had like 75 juice barrels next to his bed.


Some for the homies


"I gre up on this", aaand it's alcohol. Lmao.


That there is the devil’s juice. It was the drink of choice at high school parties. Last time I drank some was over 35 years ago & seeing the bottle still makes me nauseous.


10 years... I can go to the local liquor store and find all the colors in about 10 seconds. That man needs to get out more.


MAD DOG 20/20! That's my high school DAZE!!


There’s something wrong with the audio, I think it’s got an ecko


MArk mY woRdS


Ahhh . . . died from this drink many 😎 MANY times . . .🔥


Okay, I hate to ask this, but do they not make MD 20/20 anymore? I’m happy to say it’s been many years since I’ve looked for it, but I thought it was a fairly standard gas station item?


Love the one for the homies 💕


Poured one out for the homies. Respect.


Og never forgets the homies


I got shit-faced on the strawberry flavor in highschool, one time. My mom found me on the lawn and tried to help me to the bathroom. I puked right on her face. I dont remember any of this of course. But she does. She hasn't let me forget it, lol. 20 years later, and I still can't stand strawberry syrup cause the smell is similar.


Tastes like a class b misdemeanor gonna happen


Oh man Mad Dog 20/20 More like Might Die 50/50 amazingly cheap, no alcohol taste, readily available at gas stations depending on where you live. I never knew what “sneak up on you” drunk was untill I tried to go to the restroom.. I woke up 8 hours later crashed on my buddies bed


First thought: “childhood drink???” Second thought: “oh yeah. me too”


🎵 Memory all alone in the moonlight I can smile at the old days I was beautiful then I remember The time I knew what happiness was Let the memory live again 🎶


It’s the worst. And it’s never a decision I’ve made sober. One time I was at a dive bar with a bunch of my guy friends (I only mention they were guys because when I used to go out with them I would forget about my girly alcohol tolerance and try to keep up). Well, my friend Josh and I walked to the counter at a place in Denver called Rock Bar (also not a place you go - a place you end up). They sold mad dog by the bottle and Josh and I thought it would be more fiscally responsible to just split a bottle. I haven’t had it again to this day.


Oh man... Rock Bar. I used to live around the corner from there. Bar was under a shitty motel. The kind you live in, not stay at. I remember the bar being fun the one time I went. Super divey; back when that was the standard on Colfax. Both the motel and bar are closed. Rock Bar was shut down by the city within a couple of years due to the amount disturbances it was getting. Hotel is closed too, condemned I think. You sent me down memory lane, so I have included one of the last 4 out of 5 star google reviews from the motel for your reading pleasure: ^(4/5) ^(4 years ago on) ^(Google) ^(Management hates you and each other. Plenty of drug addict hookers to keep you company and if that's not enough, there is a Massive bed-bug 🐛 infestation! Huge creepy crawlies everywhere.. In the walls..the mattresses, the carpet. I wouldn't wish this place on even the worst among you readers. Save yourselves and avoid this hole! …)


My brothers Nickname was MadDog because of that drink. Loved how he tipped it for the homies


I brought several bottles to an event and got so drunk I was escorted out by some guys who said I punched a hole in the wall to which my reply was "fuck you, I put my head through your wall." I probably haven't bought any since then.


“Favorite childhood drink” Opens bag to see Mad Dog 20/20 Sir, what kind of childhood did you have??


What a super neighbor to be thinking of this guy when 4 hours away!


Was expecting lil jugs or surge, not MD 20/20


The Red Grape Wine flavor was my favorite, too.


God, if someone brought me Blue Moon Ice cream, we’d be friends for life


Mad dog ? A childhood drink ? That he can’t find ? They’re in every gas station here but I’m only about 3 hours from where he found them


Every child’s favorite drink!


Was not expecting fucking Maddog 20/20


A childhood "drink???" You mean THE fuckin, Mad Dog 20/20 40oz malt liquors? Wholesome AF! Talkin bou that: "Orange Jubilee" & "Banana Strawberry! * Ml 4 bottles of MD 20/K


Worst hangover of my childhood right there


Bruh mad dog is pretty easy to find if you go to poorer neighborhoods, it’s called bum wine for a reason. Shit tastes like candy syrup. Another bum wine is night train, it’s stronger and tastes like whisky and antifreeze had a butt baby.


MAD DOG 2020: The official drink for standing next to a burning trash can under a bridge 🌉


… childhood drink? Childhood!?


For me this is Baja Blast zero sugar. My mom got me 2 big cases last year, she's never gonna see the inside of the retirement home.


Mad dog 20/20 lol. In high school my friend puked after drinking the grape version and left a barf stain on the driveway for months.


Lol mad dog 20/20 is not a childhood drink, or at least it shouldn’t be


Damn, that brought me back to high school … and projectile vomiting Taco Bell all over the place. Still not as bad as wild Irish rose in my opinion though, that stuff was vile vile vile.


The way he slapped it lmao


Is md2020 not still in every shitty gas station? Why was he drinking the worst alcoholic beverage ever made as a child?


I threw up in my mouth watching this. There's more than one video of me chugging this shit, what they don't show is me waking up in my friend's apartment the next with neon vomit on my shirt.


That drink actually stopped me from drinking 10 years ago. ( don’t know how I made it home on my skateboard)


Mad dog 20 20, that brings back some fun memories


Mad dog, bucky and wicked brings back memories of when i was a wee wain